Gears Of War Ultimate Edition - infinity/10
It's Gears! Extra content originally cut, graphics update, enhanced audio, and a game that's been badass as its been a part of my life. The original came out when I was about 9 or 10, and me and my father would play it for hours. Every difficulty, COG tag, and headshot, all were spent getting closer with my dad. I skipped school when Gears 2 came out and had the epic edition preordered. 9 years later, it was remastered. Here I am, playing the remastered version 9 years later with my dad. I'm 18 now, and my god the feels. Gears is one of the few games I have an emotional connection to, and to have a beautiful remastered version playing it with my dad, it's awesome.
Multiplayer is good too!