Hello, I'm brand new to this site. Although I'm not new to RP because I play games like D&D with my friends I am new to text base role play.
IRL I am a gay, white, English, furry, 14 year old boy who has not come out as gay to anyone I know. I am really new to being furry and only really started about a weak ago but I love it and will always be furry
. I am also a PC gamer and spend all my free time on my computer
I'm really looking forward to RPing with you guyz and am about to try and enter my first RP! (I have read all the posts in the help/getting started section)
I'm not sure if this is a thing but in RP as a nick name I want to be called Phuph (short for philosophunculist (1. A person who pretends to know more about something than he actually knows as a way of impressing or manipulating others. 2. Someone who claims to be a philosopher, but who actually has only superficial knowledge of the subject.))
This was by how you became a furry post: "It all happened so fast that it's hard to tell, I was just overwhelmed by the cuteness of fur suits (which I discovered through YouTube vids) and cons and the amazing community. I discovered the amazing art (clean and dirty (quite a bit of yiff)) and felt a great emotional attachment to this world that I wanted to be a part of so much! "
I have attached an image of me IRL below (it is sideways, click it once to see in upright)
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