Okay, there seems to be a bit of confusion over the alignments in the shoutbox. Here's my viewing on it (and yes, I've done my research many a time to ensure I'm playing a character properly)
The three ethics are Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic
Lawful is exactly how it sounds. Laws, order, rule, duty, honor. A samurai is lawful, he is bound by his code to obey his lord. A knight is lawful for the same reason. A paladin is lawful because he upholds not just a moral code but the code of his god.
Neutral leans neither towards chaos or order. The druid is neutral like the forest she loves; they do not seek to make rules or have absolute freedom, they are more concerned with being.
Chaotic is freedom. The right to choose one's own path without restriction. The pirate is chaotic because he has no code of conduct, he steals what he can and does with it what he wants. The wandering bard is chaotic because he values his mobility and freedom over all else.
Now for the three morals.
Good believes in helping others and putting them before oneself. Placing value in the rights of all people. The good character would put his own last coin in a beggars cup.
Neutral is much the same as the ethical neutral; leaning to neither side. A neutral person doesn't much care for the well-being of others but isn't selfish about it. Much how when you visit a new town/state/country, you are neutral because you don't know anyone, but you're not about to stab them in the face.
Evil is placing oneself before all others. Concerned with only your well being and getting enjoyment out of the suffering of others. The evil character would take every last coin out of the beggars cup and laugh while walking away.
So now we combine these ethics and morals to get a characters alignment.
Lawful Good - you believe in helping others and upholding the law of the land
Lawful Neutral - law above all else, you neither help nor hinder anyone
Lawful Evil - though you enjoy making others suffer, you do not do it willy-nilly, there is a time and a place for it
Neutral Good - you aren't bound by law, but you don't go disobeying it either. you may have to break a few rules to ensure all come out on top
Neutral - life is a delicate balance and you do not want to disturb that balance
Neutral Evil - you have no desire to follow the rules but no desire to break them either; whatever it takes, you'll get your way
Chaotic Good - You believe in freedom, not your own but for all. A life without rule, the rolling plains or the open seas shared by all.
Chaotic Neutral - It's all about you; you care not for the worries of others just your own freedom and you follow only your own goals
Chaotic Evil - Pretty much the worst kind of person. You break order because you don't care for it, you value your own freedom and tramp on others. You enjoy making people suffer.
Because I didn't feel like making a huge discussion in the shoutbox, we now have this

Here's a better summary of why my ninja is Chaotic Evil:
First of all, ninja have no masters. Much like a ronin, but ninja have not been disgraced blah blah blah. Ninja have to obey no law, they use deceit, trickery, subterfuge, stealth, guile, and assassination. That rules out Lawful and makes him Chaotic (could also be Neutral, but he was played Chaotic). Now for the evil. For the sake of keeping it PG-13, here's the friendly version of how he was. He loved torture and often did things to his victim before he killed them just for his own enjoyment, not to interrogate or anything. He would ask if a shopkeeper had a certain thing in stock, then assassinate him and take it. The party (most of us were evil btw) saved a village that was on the brink of death then enslaved them. Thanatos (my ninja) forced some of the villagers to worship him as a god, as his whole being was obsessed with not just becoming a god, but killing off all of the other gods and enslaving humanity to do his bidding.
So yes, my psychotic sick and twisted ninja was in fact chaotic evil.
That aside, let us discuss the alignments, perhaps a better classification of them, even characters you've had that were of particular alignment.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_%28Dungeons_%26_Dragons%29 used as reference. It cites the PHB, so feel free to look in there also.