Terminator Salvation: 8/10
Sherlock Holmes: 9/10
Terminator Salvation: 8/10
Are you serious?
Yes, I am...
Indie Sex: Censored: 8.5/10
Rambo (New one) : 8/10
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School!
Avatar.... 5/10
twilight 8/10
Casino Royale - 3/10
Law-Abiding Citizen: 10/10.
It screams epic.
steamboy 9/10
Flash Gordon 10/10
Göta kanal 3
Zombieland: 8/10.
Pitch Black - 6/10
Big Fan: 7.5/10
some weird thriller with some chick that could see some psyco guy in her dreams and the other way around....was on tv, cant remember the name >.<... - 6.5/10 cause it MADE NO SENSE
AdULTHOOD - 10/10
Now that's a movie
Noel Clark is a dan
I miss my old proper ghetto accent, back when I didn't say dude
Avatar - 9/10
This movie is so awesome! I have seen it a total of 15 times. I only wanted to see it one time but I went with almost all my friends in seperate groups. I am now sick of that movie.
Shutter Island: 10/10.
Its amazing, I recommend you watch it.
Total mind rape.
avatar - 0.0000000001/10 just shiny, had to watch it with stupid sister >.>
in theaters last movie i saw was, Sherlock Holmes 10/10 I LOVED THAT MOVIE.... saw it 2ice
Robinson Crusoe, 10/10
I absolutely loved this movie. It's definately on my top ten list.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - 10/10
brilliant film/play/play in a play in a play in a film. The verbal acrobatics match the physical acrobatics of the best of Jackie Chan. A slew of humour rolled out in less than half a minute. I'm sure I missed many on the way, though some I didnt miss the first time I saw it, which was when I missed some I didnt miss now. If only I could be that clever.
An example of the wordplay:
Rosencrantz: Is that southerly?
Guildenstern: We came from roughly south.
Rosencrantz: Which way is that?
Guildenstern: In the morning, the sun would be easterly. I think we can assume that.
Rosencrantz: That it's morning?
Guildenstern: If it is, and the sun is over there for instance, that would be northerly. On the other hand, if it's not morning and the sun is over there, that would still be northerly. To put it another way, if we came from down there, and it's morning, the sun would be up there, but if it's actually over there and it's still morning, we must have come from back there, and if that's southerly, and the sun is really over there, then it's the afternoon. However, if none of these are the case...
Rosencrantz: Why don't you go and have a look?
Guildenstern: Pragmatism. Is that all you have to offer?
Rosencrantz: I merely suggest that the position of the sun, if it is out, would give you a rough idea of the time. Alternatively, a clock, if it is going, would give you a rough idea of the position of the sun. I forget which you are trying to establish.
Guildenstern: I'm trying to establish the direction of the wind.
Rosencrantz: There isn't any wind.
[the shutters blow open and a paper windmill which Rosenkrantz is holding starts spinning]
Rosencrantz: Draughts, yes!
Kung fu panda last night. 10/10
its a guy thing - 8/10
Son of the mask
Took me a while to see it but I finally did and it was awesome.
the first tomb raider (cant remember what it was called >.<) - 8.5/10
the first tomb raider (cant remember what it was called >.<) - 8.5/10
It was called Lara Croft: Tomb Raider :P
yeah didnt know for sure cause i know the second one has a weird title or something, with the weird goo stuff
but today i saw (for the 4th time cause hes amazing) Ross Noble; Fizzy logic (canberra performance) - 9.5/10
Josie and the pussycats: 8.5/10.. hilarious, nothing what you'd expect
The Invention of Lying - 6/10
Avatar- 4/10
Graphics were nice, but thats it.
james bond 007: Thunderball - 8/10
Gamer: 8.6/10.
It was pretty good but its too similar in plot to this other movie I've seen so its not that original.
Up 8/10
I thought it was gonna be the worst movie ever but I saw it today and I wish I saw it in theaters now. It is actually awesome.
Sweeny Todd 8/10
The lion king - 10/10
When I do babysitting services, those type of movies are watched. Also, I have always loved that movie.
Final Fantasy (not advent children >.>) - 9/10
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 7/10
epic, but gave me a serious headache. it felt like i was doing the same drugs Johnny Depp was doing while watching, cool movie
the trailer for star wars the old republic 9/10
((Not really a movie but it was the last thing I watched and I don't watch much))
OOH! watching laputa right now....again
10/10 cause its one of my favourite movies :3
Saw Avatar in 3D.
I actually enjoyed it despite always being the person to despise movies with lots of CGI.
Howl's moving castle - 10/10
alice in wonderland - 10/10
crank - 7/10
crank high voltage - 1/10 (horrid)
the knowing 5/10
seven pounds.......19/10 O_O.....i have no further words for this movie.....O_O
Zombieland 7/10
It was really funny but predictable.
i watched seven pounds again O_O.....and then again O_o still more then the highest rating i can give it, dont know of any other movie that moves me like that emotianally O_O.... so >10/10 still (thats a greater then sign not a typo X3)
Love Happens - 6/10
We are the Strange - 8/10 (style over substance)
Been on a bit of a 3D streak...
Alice in Wonderland finally...I like Johnny Depp but he reminds me of a 90s Jim Carey a bit. Once hes known a certain personality on screen (in Depp's case, Captain Sparrow from Pirates ala Carey's Ace Ventura) he sticks to that "act" through quite a few movies afteward. I'll admit Carey's habit of this is worse than Depp's but I couldn't help think that Hatter throughout the movie was just a dumbed down Jack Sparrow with orange hair.
Overall I'd say 6.9/10 ok but I wouldn't watch it again.
loose change - 15/10
its nice knowing the truth.
Fantastic Mr. Fox 10/10
Brilliant film love it
Ash and Kristofferson Rocks
Ross Noble Fizzy logic in canberra - 10/10
he REALLY is better then connoly in my opinion >.<
The fox and the hound
Even better than i remember it, though even if its a kids movie, some may think its just *abit* to childish at some scenes, and in the ending, there was kinda in the middle of teh epicness and then teh epicness just suddenly disapears and everything ends happily XD
<Posted with Vince's permission>
How to Train Your Dragon - 9/10
Clash of the Titans--7/10
Clash of the Titans 7/10 they completely screwed up Greek mythology
How to Train Your Dragon 9/10 best animated movie I have seen this year
Bounty Hunter 8/10 funny but not that funny.
The Warlords
Andy Lau and Jet Li. They always impress. plus it is SO Total War
Watership Down - 2/10
I still plan to read the book because I assume it's better, but the movie was lousy.
Watership Down - 2/10
I still plan to read the book because I assume it's better, but the movie was lousy.
That was one of the formative movies of my childhood and i still see it as an utterly brilliant film. I watched it recently and i still find it fantastic.... but that's just me, i can see why others might not like it.
Watership Down - 2/10
I still plan to read the book because I assume it's better, but the movie was lousy.
That was one of the formative movies of my childhood and i still see it as an utterly brilliant film. I watched it recently and i still find it fantastic.... but that's just me, i can see why others might not like it.
It just didn't make me care for the characters at all. But to each his own.
Igor - 5/10
Disturbia - 7/10
Surrogates - 7/10
Robin Hood (the newest one) 9/10
Toy Story 3 10/10
It still lived up to its expectations
(Stallone is)Cobra 7(and3/4s)/10
Above expectations Action Flick,picked it up at BigLots for 3 bucks (Stallone's one of my favorite actors)
How to train your dragon - 9/10
My Name Is Khan - 8/10
A bollywood film aimed at an english speaking audience. It was a great film but has that indian habit of making things a bit overdramatic when it doesn't need to be. Also, a bit too cheesy heartwarming, which is again, a rather indian trait.
Despicable Me 3D - 13/10
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Top that off with the 3D, it was the most enjoyable movie I've seen in quite a while.
Probably going to go see Vampires Suck next.
Despicable Me (8/10) - Very cliche, but done with excellent style.
Inception (9/10) - Excellent movie, but not perfect.
Dinner for Shmucks, 10/10, I laughed almost the whole time, and I loved the idiots played by Steve and Zach.
Inception 9/10
One of the best, most tightly crafted scripts I've ever seen. Brilliant ideas, brilliant depth, brilliant directing. To only way to point out faults is for me to start nitpicking.
Inception, I don't know how he does it but every single moment i was like WOW, 10/10. Did you know inception is number 3 in the best 50 movies of all time awards
Twilight Saga- eclipse 5/10 meh...
The Last Airbender
I didn't like how it's so underrated. I hesitated on watching the movie because of the bad reviews, but i watched it last night in 3-D and i actually thought it was good. :) Kudos, could've stuck to the original story and casted asian characters instead of caucasians and indians. STICK TO THE STORY STUPID SHYMALAN.
(Saw this movie today) The A Team, pure action and just the best till the very end
The A team was the BOMB :3
Dinner for Shmucks - 8.5/10
Expendables 9/10
Mind-stabbingly awesome
Watchin The Book Of Eli right now, good so far.
That movie was just epic.
Open Season 2
It was mind numbingly boring, but then again it was really really late at night so I don't know.
I watched bits of The Departed, and from what I saw, I definitely prefer the original, Infernal Affairs. Better acting, a better script, and a much better ending. But then I only watched parts. My family told me to change channels because they got annoyed at how it wasn't as good.
It's probably a great film to people who haven't seen Infernal Affairs... but I have seen it. It's my second favourite film of all time, next to Infernal Affairs 3
The Changeling
(Based On A True Story) - 10/10
for a two and a half hour movie and the fact i was able to sit through it without destroying my TV.....thats just a miracle O_o
MST3K Future War 10/10
Arashi no yuri ni 9/10
Such a sweet story. Loved it. Just watched the whole thing on youtube just then.
Vampires Suck - 7/10
Pretty funny, but not one of the funniest movies I've seen.
Vampires Suck - 7/10
Pretty funny, but not one of the funniest movies I've seen.
agreed Zyph... Too much like the actual "twilight" movies...
The Echelon Conspiracy - 7/10.
It was good, but it didn't completely absorb me, like Crazy Eights did.
Crazy Eights was part of the 'After Dark Horrorfest', but for a low-budget movie, it was fairly decent and kept me interested compared to a high-budget movie like 'echelon'. That was dissapointing, personally.
The Last Exorcism.
-1,000 / 10
the A team
delta farce
The anchorman
Very funny but not much of a plot line
Revolutionary Girl Utena The Move
It totally was NOT as good as the series. It was really really lacking, and that dissapointed me.
plus miki TOTALLY shouldn't have had that redesign. it felt like watching a new series all together.
Cop Out
I saw the Appleseed movie, for those who don't know it's an old manga from the 80s and was the first manga created by the guy who wrote Ghost in the Shell
I give it an 8/10
Some parts were unnecessary, like the explanation of the flying car. Also some characters felt like they were thrown in for no reason, they really had no purpose till the end of the movie, which is a shame, because they try and get the spotlight in an emotional scene. However the animation was gorgeous, from the downtrodden ruined city with it's burnt out structures and mysterious hunters, to the Not so Utopian Megacity which was just beautiful. The Action was really really good too, from the person on person to the Mecha battles, (which they refer to as Landmates and the premise behind them are equally awesome)
The plot actually suprised me a bit, i was not expecting some things which i will not spoil for those who haven't seen it.
You might want to label your Inception review for spoilers. >.>
The Lovely Bones - 9/10
The murderer guys death was WAY weird.
Okay maybe that's not a spoiler. Uhm. Yeah.
It was good though.
for those who don't know it's about a girl who gets killed, then, as a ghost, tries to help her family cope. It's touching, really.
Diary of A Wimpy Kid- 6/10
Hardly any of the book series was shown in the movie...
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
10/10 One of the most original movies I've seen.
same as ^^
Watership Down
10/10 Gosh, it was dam great!
Showed my family, Kick-Ass. I'd already seen it, but hell that's a 10/10
Date Night
10/10. It was pretty funny, AND JB SMOOVE,
for those of you who don't know, JB Smoove is an epic comedian.
and Olivia Munn is a girl on attack of the show, i think.
Resident Evil: Extinction 8/10
Pretty dam epic :3
Con Air- 10/10
Pure action awesomeness
Survival of the Dead 8/10
It angered me when the supposed 'Different Endings' aren't actually different >.<
Step-Up 3D: 9/10
How to train your dragon (again)
Still a 10/10
How to train your dragon (again)
Still a 10/10
I wanna see that.
Scott Pilgrim V. The World
Bone- 10/10 Pure action awesomeness
Taken- 9/10 It was another awesome action but not much with the plot, Girl got taken he saves her
Arashi No Yoru Ni
Like 10th time i see it, and i always find it to be sucha beautiful movie 10/10
Kick ***
Harry Potter: Deadly Hollows pt 1
It was awesome but there was some parts I didn't like and the did some good justice to Dobby in the end.
New Harry Potter...
Pretty good, followed the book very well (I've read all of em xP)
Kinda annoying that they split it into 2 parts instead of making one 4-5hr long movie... tho I can understand why they did...
But in overall, I liked it, it was well made, just like the previous movies in the series.. 8/10
Was okay, but nothing really special.
school of rock 1000000000/10
that film introduced me to rock and i havnt looked back since
The movie Jack***
Pretty funny but its kinda crude, 6/10
Saw 3D (but I saw the 2D version which was oddly still called Saw 3D...)
10/10, probably one of my favorites from the series. The ending made me kinda like "nuu!" but i'm got gonna give out any details for those of you who haven't seen it.
One Hour Photo - 4/10.
I dont know it just wasn't as good as I Hoped it would be.
Funny as hell but i found the plot hard to understand
It was a pretty epic movie. <3
Moonwalker (Yes, as in the Michael Jackson Movie)
It's just magical. I mean, it's cheesy, it's silly, and Michael is pretty much Jesus, but the pure idea that you can just have movie and music magic without restrictions or reason is just wonderful. It's like literally anything is possible, because it's not real. It's imagination. It's creativity unleashed, and there really isn't enough of that around.
The curious case of Benjamin Button
It was average i guess, not really for me
Toy Story 3 - 10/10
I know I'm late to the party but there were complications everywhere, and to be honest, I'm glad of the way things ended up, because I got to watch it with my family. That's how we watched the last two movies and it's only right to do the same for this one. Toy story has always been special... at least to me it has. I remember watching the first one and thinking "I wish my toys did that." I was only about 6 or 7 at the time. But then I thought that well, as long as I believe it's true, then it is. And I think that stayed with me... that idea. It's part of the reason why I'm a writer, a furry, whatever. If I believe my imagination to be true, then it might as well be. It made the world a lot more engaging.
Tron: Legacy - 7/10
Entertaining, and I enjoyed it, but I felt the story to be a bit complicated, at least in its explanation. Could have been better.
Whip it - 8/10
Kind predictable, but I enjoyed it and don't have any major problems with it.
About a Boy - 8/10
Probably the best Hugh Grant movie I've seen.
True Grit - 8/10 *2010 version*
Its not John Wayne in this remake that's for sure, but Rooster Cogburn was played well and putting perspective through the 14 year old protagonist made it interesting, I'd watch it again.
The Simpsons movie 5/10
Meh, it was ok but after 20 years I expected something a bit better.
it wasn't big on story but the action was a lot of fun :3
Little Fockers
It was pretty funny but Meet the Fockers was better
How to Train Your Dragon - 9/10
Brilliantly written and directed and all that visual stuff, and considering the people involved (Chris Sanders, Dean DeBlois, Roger Deakins) That's kinda to be expected. It did seem a bit formulaic, but that's nothing major to hurt this film for. I enjoyed it.
For the true classics you have to go back in time
Citizen Kane: 11/10
also, this movie is so bad its good
Plan 9 from Outer Space: 1/10...10/10
The begining was a bit sad and I almost wanted to stop watching there but it was all explained later in the movie. Now who cant like all the action decorated with neon lights and scientific virtual reality physics? Dunt answer tht :P
The begining was a bit sad and I almost wanted to stop watching there but it was all explained later in the movie. Now who cant like all the action decorated with neon lights and scientific virtual reality physics? Dunt answer tht :P
the inclusion of Daft Punk was my favorite!
Inception 10/10 especially after I watched the second time lol
Black Swan 10/10 really screwed up movie, but very artful and really deep
Due date 7/10 good mind fart movie. def not suitable for children lol
That new romantic with Owen Wilson. totally for got the name of it: 6/10 kinda boring. but entertaining enough
300 My sister finnaly convinced me to watch it
It was pretty epic but kind of cheesy. :P
Suprisingly short too.
Tron Legacy
The Life and Times of Drake the Fox
damn..this movie is terrible
an awesome Korean horror film
It was lakcing in plot, bbecause it seemed as if it was frabricated by 10 year olds doing crack cocaine. it made NO SENSE.
that's what i said about the original tron X3
Date Night
Black Swan
Green Hornet
Good movies! :3
The original Tron
but it made NO SENSE
The Green Hornet
it was so awesome! I went in, not expecting much but it was seriously good! It was funny, lots of action... all around great movie.
Tokyo Gore Police
Not bad at all, but still weird.. very weird.. Think of real-life-japanese-anime weird..
T'was kinda a genre of it's own, but I'd recommend it for something very weird
Alpha and Omega
I love the cuteness and that of the movie, but it has it's flaws..
Not necessarly bad, but.... It was weird
The Butterfly Effect
Second time I see it.. but it's jus damned awesome, I'd easly recommend it for those interested in the paranormal stuff
The green hornet
it was just awful...just awful
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly... One of the greatest movies of all time...
Charlie St. Cloud - 6.5/10
Was okay. Pretty much what I expected, nothing more, nothing less.
Kick-Ass - 9/10
Loved that movie. My only major problem with it is the one suit that looks like a Batman rip-off bothers me. :P
Devil, it was good
Date night, great movie.
Steve Carrel and Tina Fey did great together, they remained funny the whole film without upstaging the other.
Dawn of the dead (Remake)- 6/10 Its an ok movie,no where near as good as the original, the intro is amazing though.
The Other Guys
7/10 It's funny at parts but it was sort of a let down.
Minority Report - 4/10
Was kind of just a weird and uninteresting movie overall.
Imagine That - 5/10
Wasn't terrible, but if you haven't seen it, you haven't missed anything.
I happened to love the minority report but each to his own :/
True Grit
I <3 jeff bridges so much
The Machine Girl
6/10.. It was exceptionally good!...... -Silly movie quote is silly-
Saw (The first one, not the seventh one)
totally the best horror/suspense i've seen in a long time. I mean the end really shocked me cause....well, if you havent seen it im not telling! But yeah it kept me guessing. so I was extremely content for like a week. Cause, like, I watch so many horror movies and they're becoming let downs as time goes on. I mean the Roomate is just a re-make of Single White Female. (Which had a sequel, basically the same plot). so yeah. Saw shook up my horror movie line-up :D
The Social Network - 7.5/10
Was a nicely made movie, I just didn't think it was as great as I've heard everyone saying it was.
Just Go With It
Funny, cute, a bit predictable.
One of those movies you don't HAVE to see.
True Grit
done well but seriously I can't understand Jeff bridges half the time he's talking
Australia - ?/10
I got about 30 minutes into it, then had to turn it off because I had no idea what was going on and didn't care to find out. I very rarely stop watching movies partway through, but I couldn't force myself to keep watching.
12 Monkeys - 8/10
Interesting movie, good acting. Feel like I'd need to watch it more than once to fully understand it.
Exam - 8/10
Was an entertaining psychological thriller. Surprisingly good for a movie that entirely takes place in one small room.
Australia - ?/10
I got about 30 minutes into it, then had to turn it off because I had no idea what was going on and didn't care to find out. I very rarely stop watching movies partway through, but I couldn't force myself to keep watching.
Good decision, that was one of the worst movies I ever saw
Across the Universe
this movie was a lot of fun
Definitly a movie one should go see.
Its cute, funny, and a bit surprising.
Definitly a movie one should go see.
Its cute, funny, and a bit surprising.
yeah but the theaters i have to clean for that movie are FILTHY
Snactum 7/10
It was okay, the characters seemed a little underdeveloped and staring at what appeared to be the exact same rock formation for over and hour and a half was a bit boring but overall there was some really tense moments and it had a really good ending.
Red riding hood
Nice movie, but it annoyed me when everyone started laughing in the theater at "what big eyes you have, grandmother!"
the animals were teh cuteness :3
It was okay, there was some parts that made me laugh a bit, but overall the plot became a little predictable towards the end.
3/10 for the actual movie, 9/10 for ho hilariously stupid it was...
Frozen was when they got trapped on the ski lift with the wolves, right???. Yeaaah so much for doing for ski lifts what jaws did fcor beaches. Speaking of jaws.
It was very entertaining!
The Adjustment Bureau - 9.5/10
Really enjoyed it. :)
THAT is going to keep me up at night.
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark: 100/10
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: 100/10
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: 100/10
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: -13/10
The Girl Who Played with Fire: 10/10
Along with the prequel to that, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. 10/10 also x3
Edit: I just got back from seeing '127 Hours' and it was pretty dissapointing, yet still it was okay. 6/10
dead hands or something like that
Plot was awesome and it scared me but I hated the whole intro even though it was needed.
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark: 100/10
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: 100/10
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: 100/10
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: -13/10
No love for the Crystal Skull :(
Hall Pass
this movie was sooo funny :D
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark: 100/10
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: 100/10
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: 100/10
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: -13/10
No love for the Crystal Skull :(
Aliens don't belong in an Indiana Jones movie!
@cyril : quarentine is a hollywood-ized remake of a spanish film named (red light)rec.
Lady in the water.
I am number four
Not too bad, but far from the best I've seen.
Sucker Punch
AWESOME movie, had some slight flaws, but it was seriously damned awesome!
The Other Guys
I really enjoyed this movie, the humor was a little wierd but still funny
And I like how Will Ferrell actually plays a different character from every single other movie he's been in.
The Shining
this movie used to scare me a lot as a kid, but now I realize that most of the actors just plain can't act and the actress playing Wendy is just hilarious X3 I still think it's artfully done and I just love Jack Nicholson
The Human Centipede
Source Code: 9/10. A truly original and surprisingly uplifting film that stands as an island in an ocean of remakes, sequels, and adaptations. :)
The Shining
this movie used to scare me a lot as a kid, but now I realize that most of the actors just plain can't act and the actress playing Wendy is just hilarious X3 I still think it's artfully done and I just love Jack Nicholson
If you want to see a version of The Shining that's actually faithful to Stephen King's novel, check out the TV mini series that Stephen King himself produced. It's a much more engaging tale. :)
i shall see if it's on netflix white tiger :3
Awesome. If you can stand a heavy dose of nerd rage, I posted a rant on the Rants and Advice board explaining my feelings towards the 1980 film. :P
The Fourth Kind
Still love that movie.
Dinner for schmucks
Steve Carell continues to amaze me.
Sucker Punch
i never have my Awesome face on for more 1 hour , but with that movie i couldn't even swallow the popcorn that was sitting in my mouth for 2 hours . :o
Source Code - 8.5/10
Really enjoyed it. :)
One of the funniest movies that I've seen in a while, but some of the humor was a bit immature...
Hobo With a Shotgun 10/10
The Ending was Crazy and the whole movie had no plot. but it was still good, and some parts were funny to watch
parts of Rio :3
the animation was cute and I liked the voice acting :D
apleseed 2004
i like anime :)
it has good moments
Remember the Titans, 9/10: A true story sports movie with an uplifting message about racism and fantastic cast.
Source Code
Good but confusing :P
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (7.5/10)
Lightness on character development never really explores the deepest possibilities of the character's back stories. Seems like there's a fair bit that happened between Pirates 3 and Pirates 4, and it's never explored in any great depth. Feels a bit like there should've been a Pirates 3.5*. Blackbeard is disappointingly underused as a villain. The final battle at the Fountain of Youth is slightly anti-climactic.
Johnny Depp is fantastic as ever as Jack Sparrow. Hector Barbossa has the most interesting sub plot in the film. There is also a very sweet romance subplot between a missionary and a mermaid. Despite the somewhat anti-climactic final battle, the ending itself is marvelously strong and sets the stage for a potentially glorious Pirates 5, which seems to be the whole point of this film.
I must say, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End was a MASSIVE disappointment for me. I've held lukewarm feelings for the future of the franchise ever since. That said, even with the small problems I have with On Stranger Tides, I was cheering in my seat for a Pirates 5 at the end. So long as the upward trend continues, the Pirates franchise is far from dead. :)
Be sure to stay after the credits. ;)
(I know what happens after the credits because of my job XD)
2001: A Space Odyssey (9/10)
this movie was SOOOO weird but the music and visuals were AWESOME! They were definitely shooting for a non-dialogue visual film and they succeeded. Hal was my favorite character!
Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
11/10 :D
British comedy at its best! Plus you get terrible bits of animation and quirky Middle Ages fun. French accents to be expected.
Super 8: 10/10 much more then expected, and the best way I could describe it is a modern E.T.
Super 8 - 8.5/10
Was a good movie. Quite enjoyable.
X-Men First Class - 8.5/10
Also a good movie, and quite enjoyable. Made me wish I knew a bit more about X-Men history though.
saw 7 4/10 they all went down hill after 2
I liked it, it was pretty funny! a bit depressing at some parts though >.>
The Green Lantern
Pure Epicness.
Mr. Popper's Penguins - 7/10
Was cute and funny. Nothing amazing and some of the humor was more for younger kids, but it made me laugh and was a sweet film overall.
Mr. Popper's Penguins - 7/10
Was cute and funny. Nothing amazing and some of the humor was more for younger kids, but it made me laugh and was a sweet film overall.
eh, I really didn't like it, Jim Carrey is really starting to annoy me
Meh... I'm kind of a fan of penguins, so I might be biased. :P
everyone loves penguins!
Doctor who MOVIE.
3/10 Sorry to say, but it was a travesty..
The Adjustment Bureau
As a romantic thriller, the film struggles at times trying to find the right balance between the two genres. Nevertheless, the director of the film manages to craft an intense and compelling story of a man determined to challenge the powers that be and re-write his destiny. Grafted into a modern setting, this film gets into some unexpectedly fantastical territory that doesn't quite fit within the confines of a modern-day New York City. However, there is a wealth of acting talent within the movie and the actors sell their material exceedingly well and help some of the more out there concepts go down much smoother. :)
Despite a few small shortcomings found in the details, The Adjustment Bureau is a truly great film that gets by on the power of its concept and the talent of it's actors. An absolute must-see.
8.5/10 :)
The Matrix Revolutions
Yeah, its an old movie, but its 2 AM and I'm bored.
I mean, really, he can see when he is blind? And somehow, he makes things EXPLODE by STARING AT THEM?! In the matrix itself, I could let it slide. But in the real world? THE EFF? And the should at least try to think of a better explanation than "The one has powers outside of the matrix."
The original was great, but this?
The Other Guys - 6.75
I really liked it (don't see to many buddy-cop films these days) Marky Mark and Ferrel played well of each other, but i couldn't help but feel sometimes that will ferrel was just recycling is ranting and nonsense from his other movies ie "Step Brothers"
Captain America: The First Avenger.
While it is one of Marvel's better movies, Captain America suffers from the usual origin story pitfall of spending so much time on the creation of the legend that the final climax is left underdeveloped. Hugo Weaving's performance as Red Skull is also held back by an incredibly forced German accent. I would have found him much more intimidating had Weaving just used his normal voice. And even though it's explained in the movie, there is just something incredibly jarring about seeing Nazi soldiers wielding directed energy weapons. It makes the movie feel more modern than perhaps it should.
That said, the acting in general is amazing. Chris Evans should effectively silence his detractors as he gives an incredible performance as Steve Rodgers/Captain America. In fact, he does so well that I felt like I was watching a completely different actor than the one who played Johnny Storm in the Fantastic 4 films. Tommy Lee Jones is also a true scene-stealer. It's also amusing to watch a young Howard Stark display similar behaviors to his famous son.
The film also delivers one of the better quality 3D showings. It gets a little gimmicky with Cap's shield throwing, but it doesn't get too in your face since it's part of the character's fighting style. And apart from some lazy green screen work during the climax, the effects are very well done.
Be sure to stay after the credits for a brief teaser trailer for The Avengers. Yes, with actual footage from the film. We haven't seen the last of Loki.
Made of Honor
Yes, I watched a movie with Patrick Dempsey...and I liked it >.<
I also watched a movie with Patrick Dempsey and liked it. You know what the movie was?
Transformers: Dark of the Moon. :P
Movie: Princess Mononoke
Rating: 9.5/10
Comments: Epicness~! probably one of my favorite movies of all time. ^^
Black Swan - 8.5/10
Very, very dark, but a beautiful movie.
Cars 2... rating, 5 out 6 stars.. and PIxar rules!!!
Not to crazy about Pixar's stuff anymore...
Movie: Spirited Away
Rating: 8.5/10
Comments: One of my first movies I ever watched by Hayao Miyazaki I love his movies >.<
x-men first class 9/10
very good , it explains a lot.
Skyline 2/6
bad plot for the main characters.. good plot for aliens. love the graphic designs, need more stuff. and the storyline would have been alot better if it focused on military and people both, or if they wernt in one spot the whole movie.
I like the ending when I see what they do to the humans,, (evil look saying I should try that) but only that about the ending.
When I first saw the trailer I thought it was ganna be a great movie, but that was disapointing.. and i only like it cus the aliens actually win for the first movie, and all the alien stuff..
The Town
Good Plot, Great Cast. But....it was hard to get into. But when the first bank robbery scene came up, I was hooked. I'm saying this movie is rent worthy or if you have HBO on Demand like me, definitely get it on there.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Still a fan of those movies.
Dodgeball: 8.5/10
Trick r' Treat. 8/10
Just frightning, I haven't been that scared of a movie for a while, I'm afraid to go to sleep right now :o it did have flaws, which mostly came in the form of plots I disliked, but as a whole it works together nicely. Don't watch alone!
Bad Teacher: 8.5/10
I thought it was good. I heard some bad opinions but in all I enjoyed the ton of witty humour in it. The storyline was also kinda interesting.
"Salt" was the last movie that I saw. I give it a 10/10.
This movie is AWESOME. Holy heck, the whole time, my eyes were glued to the TV. My bestie (who watched it with me) asked me if I was okay XD. The action just kept me hooked, but it does take a little concentration on the plotline. Overall, I give this movie this rating because it was just plain bad-arse. I can't really describe how epic it is.
OH! I almost forgot; During the opening in North Korea (woOT!), I was pretty much doing the troll face the whole time. My parents and brother were like: ._. , and my friend was like: lolwhutAlicawhatsyourproblem. But yeah, it was really cool to have mentions of my homeland and dreamland (Russia) in one. :D
Totally recommend this flick. Hands down.
"Rise of the planet of the apes"
I thought this was great! I'd say a 9/10
The CGI could look a tad bit better, and it could be longer.
Smiley Face
while the film deals with forum inappropriate material (which I shall not name) I found it to be extremely hilarious and I can't remember laughing so hard at a movie in years ^_^
Repo Men - 9.5/10
Love the movie. *-*
Forrest Gump- 11/10
My all time favorite, I can never watch it without crying.
It's such a beautiful movie. :)
Forrest Gump- 11/10
My all time favorite, I can never watch it without crying.
It's such a beautiful movie. :)
my favorite movie ever ^_^
The Fist of Fury: The Return of Chen Zhen
9/10. Another beautiful Donnie Yen film, but lacked a bit in audio, and a depressing sight that he had used stunt wires so much this time. He used none in Ip Man, and only used it once in Ip Man 2. Once or twice in a movie is nice, but if you can do without and show some true skill in the movie, then it's just godlike. But I do love his new sequel to our beloved Bruce Lee's movie.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 7.5/10
Wasn't entirely relevant to my interests, but I could appreciate that it was well-made and enjoyable.
Fright Night - 8/10
Much more relevant to my interests, and was just some good silly vampire fun. Don't expect too much out of it going in.
Fright Night - 8/10
Much more relevant to my interests, and was just some good silly vampire fun. Don't expect too much out of it going in.
and it stars David Tennant! *fanboy squeal*
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
very well done film, with a dynamite performance by Johnny Depp :3
Final destination 5: the final gestation
6/10 ..... it wasn't that good, and some of the death seen where funny, ( it was imposable for that to happen ) like when the girl who gets lazier eye sugarier hits the window, it breaks and she falls out, after the lazier bruins her face and eye.
Conan the barbarian
loved it but didn't like the 3D
In Bruges - 8.5/10
One of the best dark comedies I've seen in a while.
Preist- 9/10
Shallow Hal
Great message, loved it, a bit too 'shallow' though, pardon the pun.
30 min or less
it was funny but could of been funner
a bit of a letdown :/
Groundhog Day
Funny and charming, a bit dry though....
kinda slow...fascinating concept non the less...
The Green Hornet
I liked the action, but I felt that the stylized bits were not used as much as they could have. The use of highlighting certain weapons to show the character's process of registration was creative, but I felt it bogged down some action scenes. I also found he humor to be somewhat funny, but it didn't always work. The characterization though was very good and it was interesting to see how the characters developed on screen.
Overall I would have to give the movie a 7/10 because it was entertaining, but I never felt very engrossed by it.
How To Train Your Dragon
I cried with happiness, it was like, amazing. @_@
Troll 2.
Only sheer, morbid curiosity kept me from turning this movie off. There are no words to describe how badly it's made. This is by far the worst film I've ever seen, and hopefully ever will see.
Troll 2.
Only sheer, morbid curiosity kept me from turning this movie off. There are no words to describe how badly it's made. This is by far the worst film I've ever seen, and hopefully ever will see.
they're eating her! and then they're gonna eat me!!! OH MY GOOOODDDDD *camera zooms in*
Priest - 5/10
It was watchable, but nothing special. Could have been done better.
plant of the apes ( the first 5 made in the 60's)
8/10 yeah there still good even now.
I think I last saw Alien 3. I give it a thumbs down.
10/10 only to have seen Tyler Lautner shirtless :D
Nah Just kidding XD ... Although He's a cuty o.o
I give this movir a 9/10... Lots of action, humor was good but it missed something... I don't know what it can be but overall, it's a movie to go see ^-^
HappyThankYouMorePlease - 9/10
Was a surprisingly good movie. I enjoyed it.
Saw VI (6) 5/10
while its fun to watch the games and traps, the other parts are boring and I get lost very easily. 6 movies in and its all been the same time period pretty much with flashbacks everywhere. @_@
Saw VI (6) 5/10
while its fun to watch the games and traps, the other parts are boring and I get lost very easily. 6 movies in and its all been the same time period pretty much with flashbacks everywhere. @_@
7 to be precise X3 ... And honestly, This movie serie is a masterpiece to me... Beyond the traps, there's a story... A story where you I learn a new detail I didn't see last time I watched it. When you're a pshychology movie maniac like me, you just know this movie is a masterpeice ^-^ ... Just to see Jigsaw's ingeniosity to make all the traps and his evolution beyond the murders, I just love it :3
As for me, I saw 2012... And I rate it 5.5/10... Lots of action, pretty well made... Except that I saw every computerized scenes and to be honest, I hated that... With that, I felt like the movie went towards a total flop. I just saw every fakeness of computerized parts and it killed the realistic of the movie <.<
Lion King IN 3D!!!
Yes! I've finally seen it! Such an amazing movie that I have to say was made even more amazing by the theater quality sound, screen size, and of course 3D! I have to say, I thought the 3D was great for this movie and everything just came to life on screen! It was awesome! Then there were the songs! I was so close to singing along with the movie XD Overall the movie was a brilliant blast of nostalgia and movie-going bliss! Definitely worth seeing!
Just, wow.
I was expecting just a violent gore movie, but wow. That was intense.
Never saw that ending coming, hey I would have gone crazy too, that was just too much.
Great movie. Would highly suggest it if you like thrillers and don't mind violence.
Good stuff.
The Mask
still my favorite movie of all time!
I had an urge to watch it again because I saw a thread about it on /co/. The thing about this movie is that I've seen it like, 3 times, and I always forget who's the killer in the end and why he was killing cats, so it's like I'm watching it all over again. Good movie, if you like crime noir and cats, I'd suggest it. But just because it's an animated movie doesn't mean it's a kids movie, lots of adult themes, cussing, cat relations, ect.
Yeah, nice, kinda scary, 8/10.
Fight Club - 10/10
I wish I hadn't waited so long to see this movie.
Fight Club - 10/10
I wish I hadn't waited so long to see this movie.
some DVD editions of fight club have a joke easter egg where instead of Fight Club it shows the title screen to a chick flick for a few seconds before turning into the real one XD
CSA (Confederate States of America)-9/10
alternate history mockumentary, very awesome :3
I recently saw the Three Musketteers in 3D and seriously, I give it a 10/10! This movie is just plain awesome, the 3D is just enough and the humour was quite good too :3 . Lots of action, I loved the storyline and it's a movie to see ^-^
Fight Club - 10/10
I wish I hadn't waited so long to see this movie.
Have you read the book? It's quite good. Chuck Palahnuik has a way of writing so that things are detailed, but move fast and don't get boring.
Fight Club - 10/10
I wish I hadn't waited so long to see this movie.
Have you read the book? It's quite good. Chuck Palahnuik has a way of writing so that things are detailed, but move fast and don't get boring.
Nope, I haven't but I'll keep that in mind.
I wanted to see this earlier
My only problem was that Morgan Freeman died. He is one of my favorite actors.
Please use spoilers if talking about the plot of a movie.
The Thing (2011)
I loved it. It was clearly made with a lot of love and respect for John Carpenter's film. As a prequel, it functioned amazingly. It only contradicted the first in one scene, and I actually like the contradiction more than the explanation offered in the original. Besides that, it has so many nods and references to the original that I don't really care about one contradiction. I didn't even realize how many there were until I went back and watched the original again!
Unfortunately, my having seen the original spoiled any and all tension and scares in the prequel. Naturally, this is because I already knew how the creature behaved and functioned, so it entirely lacked the ability to scare or surprise me. Which is really the only bad thing I have to say about this film.
The Thing (2011) is, by all means, the perfect prequel. 8/10.
For someone who hasn't seen the original, and therefore would experience the tension and scares, I would give the film a 9/10.
Oh yeah, I just saw The Thing recently too. :P
I thought it was okay. I hadn't seen the original.
I liked it at first, but I thought they were going to have more of a plot about trying to figure out which of the people they could trust. That lasted all of about ten minutes though, and once the monster stopped hiding in general and I figured out pretty quickly that it was just going to kill everyone, and by then it was just kinda like.. meh. Watching it eat people for an hour wasn't that intriguing. They were obviously going to die, so there wasn't that much tension to be had.
fantastic mr fox 10/10
east is east 8/10
doom the movie 2/10 ( the games are far better)
The last movie I saw was Paranormal Activity 3 last Saturday with my step-brother, step-sister and her boyfriend.
The last movie I saw was Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring because I bought it and re watched it since I've not seen it in so long...
I give it a 9/10 ^^
Paranormal Activity 3. 7/10.
Not as interesting as the first two if you've seen the first two, and the ending blows a MASSIVE plot hole in the canon of the series.
But the scares are still interesting and effective, and it's nice to finally have a male lead that isn't, and doesn't become, a complete jerk. The guy in the first Paranormal Activity was such a prick! >.<
Bad Teacher - 2/10
While not terribly made, the entire plot just made me angry. I couldn't stand the story or the characters.
This airheaded, superficial woman ruins everyone else's lives, and still gets what she wants in the end. She's a terrible person, but the movie acts like I should be happy when she finds her place in life without any kind of apology or compensation for all of the horrible things she did.
No thank you. :/
"Enemy at the Gates" - 9.5/10
My friend is a HUGE fan of Vasily Zaytsev, and she forced me to watch this with her (she asked me so many times that I just said, "Sure. If you REALLY want me to"). Turns out, I finished watching it with a huge smile on my face. I am a huge fan of WW2 history, and seeing a war movie I've never seen before warms my heart. ^_^
Funny thing was, my friend was getting really annoyed by the make-out scenes. xD
Puss in Boots
It was cute. But honestly, just wasn't as good as I thought it would be.
However, I did love the scenes with all the cats :p
Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back 8/10
I am a big fan of the Clerks universe and I'm in love with J&SB. So when I saw this film a couple years back, I was laughing so hard. It is reminiscent of the Clerks film, but it had too many sex jokes for my taste. Though all in all, I was happy with it.
Inception 8.5/10
Oh my god :o I FINALLY had the chance to see it with my friend and I have to say that it's an extreamly good movie. I got mixed up quite easily since there was like 3 dimensions of a dream and stuff but I mannaged to unmix all of that and you know, that top really bothers me cause I'm still stuck to the question: Will it fall or not? O.o But overall, excellent story, good character play and pretty good movie ^-^
Captain America: The First Avenger.
10/10 Awesome movie with awesome effects. Go Cap!
^Just saw that too XD
I didn't manage to see all of it, but what I did see was pretty good
The Expendables
Another movie I've finally had the chance to see and I was surprise to see all those action movie stars together. It really brought another aspect of the action movies and it brought some awesomness into the awesome. I give a 9/10 for this movie ^-^
And honestly, I didn't think for one second that Arnold was the bad guy in that movie :o
Red Dawn... 4/10 It wasn't that good ... actually it kinda sucked its now been demoted to a 3/10 >.>
Johnny English Reborn: 10/10. Could this be the funniest movie on Earth? XD
The Pink Panther (The first one that was made like 20 years ago) 7/10 It was corny and horrible but it was horribly wonderful XDDD
To Live
A Chinese foreign film (ironically banned in China) that follows the story of a man and his family during the rise of Communism in China from the 40s to the 60s. This was an excellent movie and it's scope was impressive! I honestly love how it follows the life of this family as they struggle and find joy, you feel so connected to them. I really recommend it to anyone really, but be ready to read plenty of subtitles and devote a nice chunk of time to it.
The Wave
quite possibly one of the worse movies I've ever seen even if the message is good. the acting is terrible and campy and the camerawork is pitiful.
Breaking Dawn. 8/10. This was the first Twilight movie I've ever seen!
In Time - 7/10
It was entertaining and exciting in most parts, however the storyline seemed generally... irrelevant? I didn't see much of a purpose behind half the things that happened in the movie. However maybe that's just me.
From oldest to most recent (x/10):
Moon (9)
Avatar (7)
Singham (7)
The Mummy Returns
I LOVE The Mummy movies!!
The Adventures of Tintin - 7/10.
I saw two movies last weekend and I liked both to be honest ^-^
First one is Fantastic Mr.Fox. First of all, I was very curious about people talking about this movie and I didn't regret it to watch it. It was very funny and I think it's the first movie I ever watch that is a frame by frame movie. Lots of humor and action and the fact that it seems accelerated seems to make it even more funny and with even more storyline! I give it a 10/10 :)
Second movie I watched was limitless. I was also dying to watch this movie and to be honest, I liked it a lot too. Great storyline but very focus on intelligence. I just didn't like the fact it incorporated finances and stuff like that but otherwise, it was a great movie. Therefore, I give a 9/10 ^-^
Just watched Up.
I loved it, 10/10
made me feel every emotion I think I possibly could. Tear wrenching yet heartwarming.
Immortals: 7/10
The film is a visual treat, with impressive style and a few very nicely staged fight sequences. However, the story is only adequate and completely screws with the actual Greek Mythology.
Machinegun Girl 5/10 only because it was so stupid that it was hilarious, I love the Japanese because if they can't make a good movie, they'll make a hilarious but terrible movie >.<
Cowboy V.S Aliens : 7.5/10
Great action but the storyline was boring... Daniel Craig is made for James Bond but he did play well with Harisson Ford. Incradeble action and I loved how hollywood put the perspective of sci-fi and far west together. Other than that, I didn't notice any plot ><
Insidious - 7/10
Almost pulled an "It" with their main monster, but the rest of it was well-done. Genuinely a little spooky and definitely startling.
Howl's Moving Castle 9/10
Inception 6/10 way to predictable.
On an unrelated note Have you ever noticed that at the end of Titanic Leonardo DiCaprio sinks into the ocean, then at the start of Inception he wakes up on a beach? Maybe he didn't die in Titanic, maybe it was just a dream... or a movie inside of another movie!
Fantastic Mr. Fox - 7/10.
Mr. Popper's Penguins - 6/10 (7/10?)
Jim Carrey still makes me laugh (and penguins are adorable), but it was a little lackluster overall.
On an unrelated note Have you ever noticed that at the end of Titanic Leonardo DiCaprio sinks into the ocean, then at the start of Inception he wakes up on a beach? Maybe he didn't die in Titanic, maybe it was just a dream... or a movie inside of another movie!
Jingle All the Way - 10/10
A great comedic Christmas movie. I loved it and always have loved it whenever I watched it.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - 10/10. With this being the 1998 version of that movie, it's the best interpretation of that character ever (or at least, that's my opinion).
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
10/10 Unbelievable acting and story
i am number four, the story itself was cool but at times it eather moved to fast or left out details that could be important
Convoy 7/10
A film thats so daft its good. Even though one of the best scenes has been edited out in recent years.
I also found out the other day that the scene where Black Widow rolls her truck was actually an accident they decided to keep in.
Puss in Boots (in 3d) 8/10, So cute! Just wanted to grab puss and cuddle him! XP
Alpha & Omega - 9/10. It was...BRILLIANT!
The Darkest Hour - 8/10
I went to see this with my friend two days ago, and I really liked it. The plot was good, was kind of hard to feel for the characters in the beginning until halfway in. Though I laughed when they finally showed the monsters, which looked like Pokemon.
But all in all, I loved the flick though it was weak in the character department.
The Muppets - 9/10
Some of the jokes were a little too cheesy, but it was a really cute and funny movie. :)
Dog Soldiers - 8/10
A proper werewolf film, with plenty gore and humour thrown in for good measure.
'Aliens' - 11/10
Out of the four original movies and countless reinterpretations (AvP series, video games, dolls, ect), 'Aliens' is by far the most spectacular Xenomorph-centered story to have ever been developed. The acting is spot-on, the settings are phenomenal, the special effects are awe-inspiring, and the Xenomorph creature itself was finally transformed into the iconic otherworldly terror (soon to be rivaled by 'Predator'). Not to mention that 'Aliens' was the first time we ever got a look at the Alien Queen in all her glory, who was definitely deserving of the respect befitting any monarch.
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol 8/10
An otherwise great film is held back by a criminally underdeveloped villain and somewhat cliche threat.
Still, the good guy characters are all well developed, and the movie is ultimately the most intense out of the entire Mission Impossible series. I certainly recommend it to all spy/action movie fans. :)
Oh wow, I'm going to be posting on this thread a lot, I see a movie every other week.
The last movie I saw was "The Decendants" in which I give a 7.1 for,
It had a very good storyline, realistic acting, amazing cinematography and quite a lot of hilarious moments
However, the movie had an unfortunate choice in soundtrack and was also quite a slow movie. Overall: Pretty great, but I wouldn't see it again :P
Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy. 4/10
Honestly, I don't understand how this movie got such high reviews, the storyline is so hard to follow, they throw out names and references at you that I guess you're meant to understand. Obviously I didn't =/
The Italian Job (1969)
A funny movie and brilliant soundtrack. Obviously though the main part of the film is the car chase which was filled with good stunts.
One of my favourite movies.
Fight Club : 10/10
This movie... Is simply a MASTERPEICE! :o I loved it from the begining to the end! It was breathtaking and absolutely a brilliant movie. Now that movie is the type of movies I like :D
Wild Target: 8/10
Wild Target is a nice little english humor movie which I loved. Would have loved to see it in English as I knew it would have been funnier but in overall, it'sa great little comedy X3 If you love british homor, you'll love this movie ^-^
Pokémon Movie 14 - Victini and the black hero Zekrom (Japanese DVD)
Well.. it was.. There were better Movies. I understood nothing. OK, I don't understand japanese at all, but mostly I understand the story from that what happens.
But this time, it was different. I didn't knew why they do what they do.
I will wait until both Movies has been subbed by my favorite sub group and watch the Reshiram part then. (For those who don't know: 2 Movies, 2 different main pokémon, same story)
Victini was annoying after some time. And Reshiram and Zekrom were just there, but nothing big special was with them. It was like: "Oh, look, legendaries.." -.-
Let's say 6/10
But Reshiram is so damn cute and the scene where Zekrom rescues Reshiram (hero zekrom part) is so cute and it has something very noble :3
Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail...... 11/10 :D I never get tired of that movie
The Woman in Black
Pretty scary
Chronicle 7/10
It was fun and awesome, but could of used some improvement. :P
The Woman in Black. 7/10 standard rating, but for a horror film, I'd give it an 8/10. I enjoyed that it didn't rely solely on jump-at-you scares, although they were there. There were actually spine-tingling moments and it actually frightened me a good it.
I'm going to see Chronicle tomorrow. Hoping that it wont disappoint.
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance 6.5/10
Despite some fundamental problems with story and pacing in the first half that keep Spirit of Vengeance from rising to the same level as Thor or Iron Man, make no mistake, THIS is the version of Ghost Rider we deserved the first time around. :)
The Dark Crystal: 8/10. Who needs CGI to make a good film?
The Greys 6/10 more of a horror then a survival. Not as good as the way back XD
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
im not as obliged to rate it out of 10, but it does justice to the book :P
Last movie I saw was yesterday... I saw Hitman and to be honest, I was pretty impressed about the movie :o I knew the games were good though I never played them but I never thought the movie would be that awesome... So in my opinion, I would give it a 9/10... Not perfection but almost :P
Oh, Mr. Porter!: 9/10. Very funny and generally speaking, a sheer delight from start to finish. I was watching that film a few days ago when I had laryngitis (laughter is the best medicine, isn't it?). Give it a go!: Oh, Mr. Porter!: Will Hay, Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt (1937 Movie) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvvESEVKcHA#)
Ahh Edwolf how that makes me happy :3 I like old movies :3
Song of the South - 8/10. This is the first time I've seen the whole film instead of just bits of it and the film itself is brilliant yet ahead of its time (far, far ahead of its time!).
puss in boots :P 6/10
Ra-One 7/10
HeadHunters 8/10
despite it not being in English and having a slow start, it eventually propelled into a really captivating story :P
The Lorax
It was pretty good but the commercials mislead me a bit. Cute movie for the kids.
Chronicle 10/10! AWESOME MOVIE! XD
Finally got to watch A Monster in Paris! I'm glad that I read spoilers long ago so I knew what to expect and I can't help but thing my head canon is better, but still a really cute movie. It could have done with being about 30min longer because there was just a lot of development lacking and it felt rushed. Movie wise, I would give it a 6.5/10, but I like it on a 9/10 level, if that makes sense.
Also, I think it's confirmed that I adore anthro insects. This flea has my heart.
The Lorax - 6.8/10
Cute, but I was hoping for better, I guess.
John Carter: 8.5/10
A fantastic story with amazing presentation, but many of the seemingly important plot points are glossed over and/or poorly explained. "The 9th Ray"? Still don't understand what that was really about.
John Carter 7.5
Better than I thought coming into a disney movie. the plot was a bit rushed but the story in a whole was tied together very nicely and stayed relatively true to the book :P
It's not the last one, but kind of relevant.
Princess of Mars (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1531911/) (by Asylum studios... yes, the awful ones). 4/10
Amazingly it's not as bad as one would expect from Asylum. I was overjoyed when I saw that real studio makes a movie (John Carter) based on the same book.
21 Jump street 8/10
Really, really funny, I must say this movie was actually quite great. Though, it did have some predictable moments.
Hunger Games 7/10
This movie I started in thinking it was going to be like twilight. 1.5 hours in I realized I was totally wrong and this movie was awesome, 2.2 hours in, the movie was dragging on and on.
My point is, great movie, just a bit long.
Iron Giant, 10/10
I believe I may have cried, however...
i remember being scared of that movie...
young Frankenstein 9/10
The last movie I saw was Ocean's Eleven. I give it a 10/10 just because it's one awesome movie where everything is revealed at the end, just like in the branch of lucky Number Slevin, Snatch, Fight Club and other movies like that. This movie is like one of the best movie ever =3
Avatar 9/10
i've just watched two movies
Drive 8/10
The Other Guys 4/10
Hunger Games 8/10
Rockula 6/10
Hunger Games 5/10
hunger games 8/10
The Legend of 1900 8/10
It is as good as imagined it would be :3
all three lotr's 9/10 :)
American Pie The Reunion 7/10
Pretty good but not brilliant
Avengers: 99 [removed] out of freaking 100 freaking awesome movie , whoever sees this go see it no matter what :0
I gotta agree with Deadraconis. It was AMAZING!!!!
The new Pirates of the Caribbean Movie, 8/10
^ I need to get around to watching that
the last movie i saw was on bluray and it was the lion king i give it a 10/10 coz it is still my most fave movie of all time and i still has the VHS for to :D
Hostel 3
What a horrible movie ._. I'm not even sure if I can rate it <.< But yeah... I'd give it a 3/10
i have finnished house of flying dagers i have to say that it is one of the most butifull chinese films i have ever it has so amny twits, the story is well writen and the romance between 1 woman and 2 men fighting for here love is the best. i give it a 10/10. i know its a bit mature but here is a link for it
House of Flying Daggers 1hr 48min English Subtitles (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr_oVivXxWg#noexternalembed-ws)
One of my favourite films loads of funny moments, fights some great writing 8/10
i dont think i have ever heard of this movie but i will find it out :)
hope you dont mind strong lanuage then XD
lol i watch all types of movie and if i can sit throught the thing of the human centerpide i think i could handel this :P
Rewatched Fight Club lately :* A pure MASTERPEICE <3 10/10
As for snatch, I always wanted to watch this movie... Can'T wait to see this movie as one of my friends told me that it was in the twisted movie braanch like Fight Club and Lucky Number Slevin.
The Dictator 9/10. freaking hilarious I loved it!
The Dictator 8/10
Very, very funny!
Made by the creators or Borat and Bruno so don't expect anything PG haha!
There were some parts that were a bit "meh" but most of it was class A material!
The Dictator 8/10
Very, very funny!
Made by the creators or Borat and Bruno so don't expect anything PG haha!
There were some parts that were a bit "meh" but most of it was class A material!
then i shall be happy then XD
Thor 7/10
I'm very behind aren't I :P
WKUK: Civil war on drugs 6/10
Very, very good for a simple youtube video XD
but it was a bit boring at times :P
Captain America 7.5/10
Roll on Avengers :P
John Carter : 7/10
Meh... Not the best movie ever (it's a Walt Disney movie, so it was predictible) but still a good movie :P
Hunger games 8/10
The Princess and the Frog, 8/10.
Valuable life lessons.
The Avengers (in 3D): 10/10
I honestly didn't have any problems with it. Took a while to get to some funny parts, but the beginning was still great and I know the movie isn't supposed to be completely a comedy.
The Avengers (3D) 15/10
I friggin loved it. and i can't wait for the 2nd movie when they will encounter Thanos.
Appleseed 9.8/10
Amazing anime, just can't get enough of it it's totally cool :D
haven't watched it in ages though
Kung-Pow 9.5/10
It is one of my fave paradoy movies
Kung Pow - Enter the fist is awesome XD
Pulp Fiction: 10/10
I literally haven't seen a movie that good in... years...
Everyone kept telling me "see it, see it, it's the perfect movie for you, you'll totally love it!"
And I was like "ahh, it doesn't look that good, maybe I'll watch it one day"
such a good movie
ahh, wow I feel so full of energy XD
Kung Pow - Enter the fist is awesome XD
Pulp Fiction: 10/10
I literally haven't seen a movie that good in... years...
Everyone kept telling me "see it, see it, it's the perfect movie for you, you'll totally love it!"
And I was like "ahh, it doesn't look that good, maybe I'll watch it one day"
such a good movie
ahh, wow I feel so full of energy XD
i love kung - pow and i will cheack out this move :)
I watched John Carter. Mostly because I've seen Princess of Mars (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1531911/) by Asylum studios (the ones that make movies with similar titles and themes as the famous ones, like Alien vs. Hunter or Universal Soldiers or The Da Vinci Treasure). PoM was bad, but it exceeded my expectations greatly. Then John Carter was bad and even though I didn't think much of it (IMDB score is not so high), it failed to amuse me :P I think my rating of John Carter could be highly influenced by this quality/expectations factor, but... it seems worse than PoM.
Worse than the rip-off.
And it wasn't even closer to the story, both movies were just as accurate, picking some parts of the book and discarding others, however it was PoM which seemed more internally consistent.
One of my favourite scenes from Kung pow XD
Alot of Nuts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amg8v5QoXqk#)
One of my favourite scenes from Kung pow XD
Alot of Nuts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amg8v5QoXqk#)
XD mine is the fight with the cow XD
just finnished kung fu panda and i give it 10/10 coz i love the movie so mutch and there are some parts that stilll make me teary but it still loveable XD
The Avengers
Thin plot, but some good characterisation and action scenes. Great sense of humour and character interactions. 8/10
Alpha and Omega...3/10 Dat animation, non-subtle sexual humour, cliche plot line..only a three because I liked the howling.
Ghost Rider 2 6/10
Meh... Could have seen better... Action was good but the storyline was so abvious <.<
What To Expect When You're Expecting - 8 or 9/10.
It was funny and I cried a few times. Could have been funnier though.
Men In Black 3: 7/10
it was good, not amazing, but good :P
Donnie Darko 9/10
to this day this still goes over my head and i love it :)
Battleship 6/10
Meh-ish movie.
Accepted 8/11 :P
'Blood The last vampire'
Not mine thing But I've won at school with the Gore Challenge.
The voice are terrbile, it's half english and half japans.
The animation was good, beter then the most anime's but yeah... this is a movie.
Lets say a 6/10.
just finnished underworld awakerning and i give it a 9.5/10
if it wasent the 3d port to normal dvd i would of given it a 10/10
i love it so mutch and i hope there is another one coz it cant end the way it ended
Post Merge: June 05, 2012, 12:06:38 AM
just finnised watching balto and i give it 10/10
it is one of my most fave movies all time even though i havent watched it in soo long i still get emotional attached to balto and all of the sick children. i was trying not to cry during the sad and the happy parts and the end almost made me ball out in to tears of joy and i am still strugerling to hold to gether now as i right this :P but i love you balto and i wiss you the very best : 3 *huggles*
a great action movie, very little character development, tons upon tons of plot holes :P
but, other than that, pretty good movie, because of all the awesome characters packed into one showing xD
I thought the avengers was good in terms of plot holes.
There were a few things like how Thor managed to get back to earth and how the hulk could suddenly not rage at everything in the last scene.
But in terms of super big blockbuster movies, I think it was pretty good in terms of plot holes XD
I thought the avengers was good in terms of plot holes.
There were a few things like how Thor managed to get back to earth and how the hulk could suddenly not rage at everything in the last scene.
But in terms of super big blockbuster movies, I think it was pretty good in terms of plot holes XD
pretty big plothole :P
considering the entire cliffhanger like ending of Thor was sort based around said plothole xD
but yeah, I can't argue it was a bad movie, but I can certainly argue it was only good because it had tons of money and names behind it. Which it did :P it wasn't special in any other way than the characters xD
Eh, I think that a movie with those characters can still be terrible :P
Either way, I do think those characters were very important in the movies success, but the script was also hilarious xD
it did indeed have some funny points
Thor 9/10
good movie, very entertaining, very cool story line, unique and awesome characters xP
had a very weak and cliched romance xD
Hulk wasn't raging at the end because he has learned to control himself for the most part, hence the ending of The Incredible Hulk. Just sayin'.
Hulk wasn't raging at the end because he has learned to control himself for the most part, hence the ending of The Incredible Hulk. Just sayin'.
hm, I havent seen the movie in quite some time, so I cant say, but it makes sense :P
but, to counter that, why the heck did he go rage-happy on the super unrealistic air-ship? xP
Well, it has been four years since it came out. :P
That's probably because most people have their moments where they can't control their anger. I'm sure he's definitely no different. lol. But that's just a guess/opinion.
I've watched two out of the three mini-series Hatfields & McCoys movies. I'll rate them together after I've watched the third.
just finished Balto: Wolf Quest and i give it a 10/10 coz i love Balto :)
Post Merge: June 06, 2012, 10:33:54 AM
TOTORO = 10/10 just coz its TOTORO : D
Balto is a GREAT movie. ^^
The Dictator
I shall give it a 8/10 it's not as good as Borat/Bruno...aaand if you do not appreciate any offensive humour don't watch it of course.
Prometheus 8/10
Was really good I thought XD
Prometheus 8/10
Was really good I thought XD
Lucky, my parents won't let me see it, even with my older brother :/
Hatfields and McCoys (three movie mini-series on History channel): 10/10
I didn't like things that happened in it, but you can't change history or the people in it. The movies were very well done and interesting to watch.
Men In Black 3 : 9/10
I was really impressed ^-^ Good jokes, good philosophical thoughts and great storyline overall :3
Kung Fu Panda 2: 9.8/10
XD No matter how many time I watch it the rating won't change
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist 10/10
Haven't seen this movie in ages, ahh it's so funny
You'll never make it! Never make it, never... ever make it, never make it, can't you see you can't make it!?
*Shouting on the screen, but in a calm voice* I implore you to reconsider
hmm... Ok
Happy Feet 2
Just so fraggin' adorable. "We can't swim..we're too fluffy!"
Castle in the Sky : 7.5/10
Okay but not my favorite Miyazaki Move
Over The Hedge : 10/10
Just because XP
This movie is so funny and watching it again made me laugh so hard xD
It must be the german blood in me but i rate all my movies so low lol XDDD
Girl with the dragon tattoo. Good movie, just waaaay to dang long. I really like the characters. 7/10
Gotta love Swedish literature huh? Makes me proud to be Scandinavian. But long? It's.. 150 minutes, that's only 2 hours and then some. The Avengers was equally long.
Chronicle is good. Some weird acting but creative
Chronicle is good. Some weird acting but creative
What is you're rate?
I give it a 9/10
Balto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3333333333333333333333333333333333333 100,000/10 X333333
Death Note - 10,000,000/10
One of the best protagonist/antagonist set-ups and face-offs ever.
Death Note - 10,000,000/10
One of the best protagonist/antagonist set-ups and face-offs ever.
I really need to see that...
Gotta love Swedish literature huh? Makes me proud to be Scandinavian. But long? It's.. 150 minutes, that's only 2 hours and then some. The Avengers was equally long.
I think Dingo meant it was so slow-paced it dragged on.
I think the movie did justice to the book.
Sure it drags on, but that's kind of the point so you can take all the info.
You don't need explosions every 5 minutes for a good movie :P
Watched two movies :P
Ghost in a Shell: 8/10 it's a very good anime, poses some interesting questions. When I first watched it I was a bit immature to really appreciate the dialogue and context, but knowing about it now has given me some insight!
Brave: 7/10 It's a funny movie, it could be funnier and was a bit hectic at times but it does bring back a nice good feeling, kind of brings back how animations used to be. I generally thought it was really good!
Snatch: 10/10
This movie is the types of movies I like... Really in the style of Fight Club, Lucky Number Slevin, Ocean's 11 and many more... Really unexpected ending, funny as hell and with famous actors like Jason Stantham, Vinnie Jones and Brad Pitt! It's really worth the watch :D
^Great avatar, man.
Okay, now for my rating.
Rock of Ages:
"Sahara" 8.8/10
It is funny XD
Me, Myself, Irene
Pretty good, but I think my friend over-hyped it a bit :P
The cow scene is hilarious though XD
Indiegame The movie.
It's more like a documentary.
It is going about a fex indie games and how the creators suffer so much. One of them had even lost all his Friends.
premetheus 7.5/10
i like it and it can become quite intense, but it just seems as though it wanted to be too gory and not so much story.
i think i would have liked it more if i hadn't known it was a prequel to Alien and looked at every encounter and thought "that's an alien?"
and "how does an alien come from that?"
though it is revealed in the end :P
i also want to criticize one point in the movie but it's a spoiler sooo
[size=78%] how the hell did the captain find out it was a military instalation? he just walks in and is like "it's a military base" and im like "okay but how the hell'd you work that out?[/size]
Sucker Punch : 7.5/10
Not the best movie ever but still a great movie. Kind of a mix between a bit of The Matrix, Tomb Raider and Inception to be honest. A movie worth to watch on a Saturday night for fun =3
Ice Age 4: 7/10
I mean, for the fourth movie of the series, it was actually pretty good xD
Brave - 6/10
Rather disappointed. :/
The Brave One - 8.5/10
The movie was really interesting, and it delved into the mind of near psychosis due to paranoia after a violent loss. The plot was straightforward, with the occasional twist in it. Minor aesthetic gripes, but overall a great film.
Ice Age 4 7/10 (was surprisingly good for the 4th movie in the series (especially because the rest were rubbish))
Snow White and the Hunter 7/10 (i like how it played on the story but added many "twists" still no emotion from Kristen Stewart though)
Quigley Down Under 9.5/10
Lot's of funny parts XD
snow white and the hunstman:
It was very well done, the special effects were nice, the characters were amazing, EXCEPT FOR OF COURSE KIRSTEN STEWART
I will never EVER understand how people think she can act
She just stood there the entire time with her friggin mouth on the ground! no emotion AT ALL. it was RIDICULOUS.
all of the other actors were *awesome*
walking into a forest, supposedly amazing and gorgeous, of the fairies, where everything comes alive when she walks in
she does nothing, but, walk from tree to tree with her mouth open, a *hint* of a smile, staring at the friggin sky.
I mean seriously, is she mentally deficient? Is that why everyone was trying to save her?
or maybe, she was just so bad that I thought all the actors were awesome.
The story was overplayed and I kept getting a "lord of rings" feel from the whole thing. It really wasn't all that unique.
It was well done, but, it could have been better. If, the story had remained the same, and the actor for snow white improved, I'd probably have given it a 7.5/10. I honestly liked it, because I felt the characters were good, except for snow white.
the story wasn't too creative either
Ted: 6/10
You know, honestly, wasn't very funny. It had it's moments but, wasn't very funny.
This movie had a visually appealing aesthetic and two great leads: Nathan Lane (voice of Timon from Lion King) and Lee Evans (the deceptive pizza guy from Something About Mary), but it still fell flat for me. The humor was there, but it just didn't feel snappy enough to elicit a more positive response. The slapstick was somewhat entertaining to see, but in the end it seems to be used to distract the audience from the fact that the story is somewhat bland. I wanted to like this movie, but as the movie drudged on I also wanted to sleep through part of it as well.
The Amazing Spiderman - 8/10
Very good movie, I liked the different take on it, I liked Andrew Garfield as Parker. It just felt like some part of the emotional connection was missing. I'm not sure what the problem was.
Blade Runner: 87.3/100
Good movie, but hard to follow.
The Dark Knight Rises 10/10
Lives up to the hype! :D
Don't believe me?
"When Gotham is in ashes; then you have my permission to die" ~Bane
The Amazing Spider-Man
Really good, much better than the previous ones. It has emotion, good pacing and I cannot wait for the next movie!
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
100/10 :]
Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back:
Classic movie, love Kevin Smith. Not as good as Mallrats though! :D
You love my father and my brother? Oh no, wait, that's the famous Kevin Smith. lol. :P
Watching Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and the moment.
So far, it's a 10/10. Plus I love that Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye in The Avengers) is in it.
Tears In The Sun
*no comment* ...
Batman: The Dark Knight Rises : 8/10
Now, I'm REALLY not a fan of superheroes and stuff but I've always thought that DC comics made better superheroes than Marvel. But anyways, this Batman movie was a first for me in the batman series of movie and to my opinion, I was quite impressed! The storyline was good (some parts were long but I think it all fited no matter what), The action was intense, the moral was a good one though I think this movie misses a lot of Batman characters like Pinguin, Mr.Freeze or whatever... But yeah, overall, I know the batman with the Joker is probably the best one of Christopher Bale but for a first Batman movie that I watched, I was really impressed :3
Batman: The Dark knight Rises
It was a great end to a great trilogy. I loved Batman Begins and this reminded me of that movie, especially with some character involvement, no spoilers for you! I felt that the last 20 minutes or so where the best and it ended in a way that left the audience hanging/wanting for more. It's unfortunate that this is the last Nolan Batman movie but I am VERY happy that he is producing The Man Of Steel.
Ghost In A Shell 2: Innocence
You know, it was pretty good! The animation was great and the story line was sophisticated but IMO it wasn't as good as the first movie :P
Dark Knight Rises...10/10. loved everything about it. there were a lot of zingers though XD got a little corny....but oh well it was badass.
The Campaign
Very funny.
Highly Recommend it for anyone who is a fan of Will Ferrel :P
The Sapphires
Very light hearted and a fun movie to watch if your feeling for a pic me up, but the lack of real consequences to negative events retracted from the films experience.
The Dark Knight Rises
Warning: *may* contain what are considered to be spoilers for some.
I thought the movie was very good, but, it wasn't a 9. It had *too* many plot twists, and, was somewhat confusing at the end. Just too much going on overall, and I feel they could have done a better job. That said, it was very good and I recommend it. I also loved the villain Bane, but, did not like the consequential twist involving him, they could have done without it-he was an awesome villain. The movie was dramatic, and, I liked the introduction of the new character :P
I felt all the character fit their roles well, but, wasn't pleased with some of their scripts.
Act Of Valor 7.5/10
Act of Valor, I've seen that :P
The Bourne Legacy: 5/10
Probably got such a bad rank because I haven't seen the other films and I was confused T_T
Lord of The Rings
I just saw Fantastic Mr. Fox. It was amazing! 10/10 Every furry should watch it.
Cool Runnings!
Possibly the best movie ever!
Hotel Transylvania
It was a good and fun movie! Had me laughing at some points and was really interesting!
It does a bit of a cliche love-story plot but with an original setting!
It can also be extremely fast paced and really "full on" in terms of actions, which is a good and a bad thing.
The best part probably is the animation, the exaggerated facial expressions, complicated scenes and many "actors" makes the animation both suiting, good and hilarious. Although textures could use some work!
the expendibles 2
meh it was funny at points but it was just boring violance
Mr Nobody
Just the kind of movie i love :D
It was ok, it's a German WW2 movie, it's a survival story and quite bleak and follows a nazi family trying to escape from the allies as Germany falls apart. It's interesting, but I've seen better movies with a similar storyline. It's also confusing at times.
Had a good tale, nice old western set pieces, good action sequences and a wide variety of unique and colourful characters.
Gets a bit of marks down because they made a badass character into a bit of a wimp.
10/10 Brilliant! ^_^
Sinister. 7/10 Really loved how disturbing, creepy and dark it was. But there were some cliches here and there that kind of turned me off. Still, it was good. Would recommend it if you like super creepydark stuff.
SINISTER Trailer (2012) [HD] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGjQ7Pwz0dw#ws)
With Your Friends (Long Drive) by Skrillex
8/10 It was a LOT better than I expected. :)
With Your Friends (Long Drive) by Skrillex
Wait... *facepaws*.
Woooow just wooooow! How did I confuse this thread with... *sigh*
What i ment to post was "Ice Age 2 The Meltdown"
If you've seen it but it was a longtime ago I'll advise you to see it again ;)
My rating is 8.9/10 cause it has a lot of funny parts xD
I was about to call you out on that :3
Requiem for a dream 9/10
Honestly, one of the most disturbing, chilling and captivating movies I've ever seen. Trust me if you want to get off drugs for life, watch this movie.
10,000 B.C 5.8/10
It's good... but not so good. It's bad... but not so bad. :/
Argo 7.9/10
Was actually quite a good movie, gave interesting insight into the revolution of Iran in the 1960's, got some - points for fake looking moustaches and a bit of a, I guess, not very "happening" story-line.
Cloud Atlas
It wasn't a horrible movie, but all the switching around gets a bit annoying and it took a while to get at least a bit interesting. The ends of each storyline are the most interesting parts (though I thought the Asian future storyline was interesting most of the time and the 105 years after the Fall one too, the others took a while).
Rahxephon - 8/10 : Old but original and pretty good :3
End of Watch: 8.5/10
Really good police movie, very dramatic and quite gruesome at times, this movie turns a shootout into something that's actually frightening! Not like an action scene or anything!
Heat: 7.3/10
I watched this because a friend has been telling me to watch it for the last 3 months and finally got around to it. It was definitely not a bad movie! But, it was a bit hard to follow and was a bit slow at the beginning I thought, I mean after the first action scene anyway. The characters were pretty interesting though, they had a lot of depth.
Full Metal Jacket 8.8/10
I dunno what I liked about this movie more, the weird humor, the insight into dehumanization, the action scenes or the Drill Sarge. Probably the last one. This movie was really enjoyable I really have to admit, it had a very interesting way of telling a story, there wasn't really a main protagonist at the start, each character is interesting and it just seems to have this quirky style about it.
I just re-watched the first transformers movie.
8/10 Its still really well done, and I love the part when they call the pentagon and the operators acting like ... well a operator (annoying monotoned and frustrating) XDD
Wreck it Ralph 10/10
I was so impressed by this movies. Cute :D and funny. Creative.
21 Jump street
Had its funny and hilarious moments, X3 i enjoyed it.
Re-watched Harry Potter The Order of the Phoenix give it a 7.5/10 Not the best but not bad, I've not read the books tho so I'm just talking from a movie standpoint
Heat: 7.3/10
I watched this because a friend has been telling me to watch it for the last 3 months and finally got around to it. It was definitely not a bad movie! But, it was a bit hard to follow and was a bit slow at the beginning I thought, I mean after the first action scene anyway. The characters were pretty interesting though, they had a lot of depth.
lies! damn lies!
watched Cloud Atlas recently. Id give it an 8/10 overall rating, and a 9/10 relative rating.
I liked the characters, they were well done, not extremely deep or anything, because there just wasn't enough time for them to be extremely deep, but, they were well done, making up for it :3
The entire plot is focused around the lives of several people, living in the same timeline, but during different ages, and it tells all of their stories. They are all connected in small ways-which was cool-but also what I found most frustrating TBH. The "connections" were very subtle sometimes, or, nonexistent physically, but only spiritually (so to speak). Thus, I found myself wondering how one story would reflect or build on another. But, they were all really well done stories, thought out, dramatic, interesting, genuine.
I like using the word "genuine" to describe the movie. Because everything about it felt genuine-real. It brought some tears to my eyes, it just did what it wanted to do well. While, I wish they had tied the different stories together better-that was not at all the objective, and I realize that now. The objective was to compare them, to show different emotions, outcomes, or that's what I took away from it.
In all, there were 6 separate stories, and, I liked all but one of them (and only because I didn't really see where it fit in, but, I think I can *sort* of understand now).
It was good, I liked it, I would see it again, it's nice to see a movie like that in this day and age. I know it's based off a book, but, it's very original, which is rather special in a movie :P
Rewatched The Sky Crawlers 8.5/10 Its awesome and I still love it :3
Seven Psychopaths: 8.9 / 10
Really, really terrific movie, I might see it again, it was very hilarious and I definitely recommend it.
Appleseed 9.0 / 10
I dun care what other people say I reckon this movie is amazing
^ APPLESEED IS AWESOME ... just wanted to say that...
5.5/10 The Seeker... it kinda sucked ...
Skyfall = 10/10
I saw nothing wrong with this movie and I absolutely loved it.
Marley & Me 9.0/10
:') It's a great movie. It would've received a 10 if Marley hadn't passed away...
Corps Bride ... was better when I was a kid but I still respect clay animation 7.5/10
Wreck it ralph 7/10
for a movie I was dragged to against my will by my brothers g.f .....it wasnt tht bad I kinda liked it. Had some clever humer tht I enjoyed and was adorable so yea if anyone feels like seeing I recomend it
The perks of being a wallflower 7.9/10
It's a chick flick at heart, but it dives more than that, rather than just a simple romance story it dives into the stories of a troubled teenager, who has a troubled past, who seeks guidance by seniors of his high school. To be honest, I recommend it, I am sure some people on this forum will be able to relate to these stories.
Fight Club 9.2/10
First time I've seen it and I can see why it was so popular. It is a very strange movie, but it is awesome.
Wreck it ralph 7/10
for a movie I was dragged to against my will by my brothers g.f .....it wasnt tht bad I kinda liked it. Had some clever humer tht I enjoyed and was adorable so yea if anyone feels like seeing I recomend it
Can I just use yours and moderate it a little ...
Wreck it ralph 7/10
for a movie I was dragged to against my will by my brothers .....it wasn't that bad I kinda liked it. Had some clever humor that I enjoyed. I've definitely seen better movies tho..
Life of Pi 9.8/10
I don't know what to say about that movie... It's just... wow.
that movie is actually good?
It looked like it was going to be overhyped to me xD
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist 8.3/10
Just because it is so darn funny. They literally took old japanese movies and dubbed it (intentionally poorly) and digitally animated some stuff to make it hilarious.
Cloud Atlas 8.95/10
I've never read the book, but the movie was pretty freaking awesome.
Humboldt County: 7/10
Scary Movie 1 9.2/10
Nothing beats a scary movie. Such as when a person being chased by a murderer who sees a gun, two knives and a taser, but instead grabs a banana to defend herself. Good lines such as Q: "What would your last words to the victim be?"; A: "RUN BITCH! RUN". Ah my gosh, seeing this movie was terrific, going to see the other 3 soon with a few friends (watched 1 with lyle). Also, according to IMDB Scary movie 5 is coming out in 2013 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0795461/).
Armageddon: 4.5/10
I actually watched this in my astronomy class, as we are learning about the physics of orbits and gravitation at the moment and the teacher thought it would be fun. It was, but only because of being in class. It's horribly predictable, the scriptwriting as at some times so cringeworthy it makes you laugh, and despite some big name actors no one really stood out as too impressive. Still, great effects for the time and there are a couple of genuinely funny lines. Would never choose to watch it on my own time though.
The Angel's Share 8/10
Very funny, with typical Scottish humour/banter, some of it scarily close to the truth. Not for the easily offended as there is a LOT of swearing in it
Skyfall: about 8.5/10
It's Bond, so there's explosions, guns, the rest of the usual Bond stuff.
The action sequences were good and the plot was pretty good in my opinion.
I really enjoyed it.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower---9.5/10
This movie is beautiful, and coming from someone who read the book, its pretty fair to the novel as he wrote the screenplay for it as well. It even pulled you in farther than the book in some pieces. I understand it could be a bit difficult to follow should you not have the book to fall back on, and yes there were scenes missing, but considering it was a limited release---it was worth every penny. Highly recommended.
The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey---9.5/10.0
I'm not even gonna go here. It was beautiful. The end. Go watch it, and have wizard and dwarf feels.
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind---8.5/10.0
Even though I was pushed into watching this one, I really did enjoy it. It kind of crossed the spectrum: had some humorous parts, some seriousness, and enough feel for the characters to make you pull for them. But its still no Perks of Being a Wallflower.
56 wather PPK's out of 57
All i can say is: it was okey. 4/10
The Hobbit: 7.5/10
It was ok, I didn't find it a super amazing movie, I found it a bit odd that people couldn't kill 4 orks but could kill over 9000 goblins, so it was ok.
Being a true fanboy of James Bond... This one is possibly the best James Bond movie that Daniel Craig did! I was amazed at how the actio, the script and the movie itself just returned to the sources of the James Bond movies with Roger Moore/Sean Connery.
Overall... 10/10 :'D
OMG! I had a fanboy moment when htey showed up the '60 Austin Martin from goldfinger!!!!!
Django unchained
relative rating: 9/10 (relative to other movies)
actual rating: 8.3/10 (what Id like to see)
I was, very very pleasantly surprised XD
It was awesome!
story was really interesting! had a very well done plot, action, romance, motivation, it was just really well balanced! wrapped up in a dramatic story with really good characters. I particularly liked Christopher Waltz's character, and his acting, I felt it was superb, and like a sir~. But! so was pretty much ALL the acting.
Very good movie, I'd see it again.
A goofy movie!
An old favorite, that i had to rewatch...
Makes you feel warm inside ^_^
The boy who cried werewolf
A ridiculous nickeloden movie that was badly done with the most cheseey lines but I couldn't stop watching it.
Blood Simple
8/10, one of the Coen Brother's best, in my opinion
Drive :/
Les Miserables: 9/10
The storyline was very emotional and played out well. The actors/actresses did very well with their singing (Russell Crowe might have been a little questionable with his singing, but not horrible in the least).
I've never seen the Broadway show so I can't compare it to that, but as a movie by itself, I think it was very well done.
Skyfall 10/10 :D
Isle of the Dead 6/10
Supernatural Activity 9/10
Pretty friggin funny, but had some stupid moments that were a complete miss.
Scary Movie 3: 7.7/10
The movie is hilarious, but it's stupid humor, you're a fan of stupid humor watch this. TRUST me XD
Team America: World Police: 7.4/10
Pretty much the same as the above statement, AMURICA
Hobbit: Unexpected Journey 8/10
Gangster Squad 9/10
Awesone movie. Knew it was going to be excellent after the first 5 min.
Other People's Lives 9/10, a near perfect movie.
Skyfall 007 9.8/10
Great movie :D. WARNING: Don't watch it if you have a over-protective mother T_T
Flight 5.8/10
... The beginning was :o and the end was great. But, don't watch it...
Life of Pi 8.9/10
Eeehhh... This is a good movie to watch ^_^
Life of Pi 8.6/10
I like this movie, it has a lot of textual depth in it. It has a heavy motive of religion, but saying neither "one religion was good or religion in general was bad", it has a concept on animals, motives on the goodbyes and finally lots of talk about story telling itself. The entire movie takes you on a really telling and interesting story about an Indian man and a tiger stranded out on sea, it's full of adventure and drama and even has a much darker telling to it at the end. Without spoiling anything, the movie is good and will make you leave the theater deep in thought, which is always a good sign for a movie. Also, the fact I can't tell whether the animals were CGI or not, is good, if they weren't CGI then they made the animals do remarkable things, if they were, then that's some insanely detailed CGI.
Lincoln 10/10
-Awesome movie that should be seen by everyone!
Skyfall 8/10
-Great movie. Really loved how references to older Bond movies was made.
Les Miserables 8/10
-Well done! Musicals are really not my thing though.
Crossroads ... 8/10 pretty good for a documentary but it's not really the excitement of my life XDDD
Kill Bill vol 1: 9/10
Totally awesome, fight, killing, girl, yellow, Tarantino, nuff said
Kill Bill Vol 2: 9.1/10
I gave it an extra +0.1 because of that buried alive scene, that was pretty dramatic! Not many movies can make you feel so immeresed.
Jesus Henry Christ 8/10
Brilliant Indie Comedy. I recommend it to anyone.
In which other movie can you find a 10 year old being expelled from a catholic school for heresy?
Fantastic Mr. Fox 10/10 best film ever
Brother bear!
God, i cant believe i dint like it when i was younger XD
7/10 I like it
Django Unchained: 9.3/10
I love Tarintino movies, but I honestly thought this one was one of his best ones. I dunno why, I just like the whole idea of the pastern times and a slave getting revenge on his masters. The storyline was admittedly a bit messy, but it generally came in with a solid ending and tied most aspects together. I definitely recommend and seriously think it deserves Best Picture and this years Academy Awards.
Zero Dark Thirty: 7.6/10
Yeah it was pretty good, not as good as hurt locker in my opinion, but definitely good. It showed some interesting insight into Osama Bin Ladens capture and the style the director does it is very interesting and unique. It also shows a very ballsy woman which is a nice touch! It's generally funny, dramatic, tense and even horrifying at times (especially during the interrogation scenes), so generally it captured the audience really well. The only reason I give it a fairly low rank mainly is because it was long, drawling and eventually I got bored with a lack of interesting content.
Beautiful Creatures
This movie was great. It's been a while since I read the book, but I'm pretty sure they got all the important things in there. There was one thing that they didn't really include (or at least didn't explain it in any way) from the book that would have been very simple to put in there (wouldn't have made the movie more than maybe a minute or so longer), so that's a negative, but not a big thing. The visual effects were amazing as well.
Now I need to make sure I read the other two books before those movies come out, since I hadn't gotten around to it yet.
Parents made me watch Tropic Thunder with them
S'alright, seen it already, rating on the thought of it and how passive it is.
Brother bear!
God, i cant believe i dint like it when i was younger XD
7/10 I like it
How could you dislike Brother Bear? :u
My sister made me watch it once on DVD I think it's because the "brother" bit in the title lol, I'd say 7/10, too.
The Expendables 3/10
Lets just say from the first 10 minutes of watching it, I could do better special effects then the people that made it, so much of it was obviously green screened, and just horrible ...
"Mama" 6.5/10
It was not all that bad even the beginning was creepy as hell, and sorry to say this if you never watched it yet... "The ending sucked... but was actually unique? Being perfect for a SyFy channel movie." but I found it not that scary cause of playing Dead Space 3 recently before watching... so it mostly reminded me of that a lot too. The music kinda killed it for me in being the most scariest parts of the movie... still I found my self embarrassed about a door slamming in the movie. lol!
^_^ Overall, it's good for a quick scare and interesting story as far as most now a days, still can't beat a Mr. Creepypasta story though.... Now that would be some interesting movies!!
I rewatched Castle in the Sky, 7.5 not my favorite Miyazaki movie but still good :3
Cloud Atlas: 7.5/10
It raised interesting philosophical ideals and was definitely fun to watch, but loses some points for being all over the place and some people being hard to understand.
Argo- 8/10
Definitely a good film all the way around. Several terrific performances, great editing and sound assets, and for the most part a good script. I can see why it won best picture, although it didn't just outright wow me for some reason. The real case had a happy ending, so I'm glad that the movie did too, but it sure took its sweet time dragging the mushiness out in my opinion. Also I think they say the "you can Argo f*** yourself" joke more than any other thing in the film, so that got rather tiring. Still, the suspense that some of the scenes create is some of the best I've ever experienced, you literally are on the edge of your seat in a couple places. I definitely recommend seeing it if you haven't already.
Jack the Giant Slayer 7.5/10
Brilliant comedy and is great to see and hear many familiar British actors.
I also say it's a comedy because I really laughed through the whole movie as the humour was really my kind of thing.
I also had to laugh when Ewan McGregor said "I have a bad feeling about this." and I was pleased to hear 1 other person in the cinema releasing a giggle.
It only gets a 7.5 though because it was really typical and doesn't really bring anything amazing other than the humour. Also the movie ends twice... don't ask me how, watch and see for yourself.
It is a pretty good movie :)
A Good Day To Die Hard 4/10
Way too many shootouts for my liking, and that comprised about 70% of the movie. The other 30% was ho-hum dialouge.
Zack The Giant Slayer 6.1/10
It's a fine-ish movie although some parts made me cringe a little.
The Host - 7.5/10
I had read and enjoyed the book a few years ago. I quite liked the movie, but it's certainly not something everyone would enjoy. The movie is slower than it probably should be and without much action or heavy drama to hold a lot of people's interest. I thought it stuck pretty close to the book though, I like the story concept and characters, and I wasn't bored at all despite the slow pace.
People who haven't read the book should still be able to enjoy the movie by itself.
There Will Be Blood - 9/10
One of the best character study films I have seen. Not the most exciting movie, but it isn't supposed to be. The character development of Daniel Plainview is fantastic and Daniel Day Lewis does an amazing job. Go watch it. Now.
Balto - 8/10
Great film, wish films today where like these classics :/
Django Unchained: 9.5/10
I've already rated this, but after the third time in cinema it still hasn't depreciated!
Iron Man 3
That's right, I was at the premiere.
(No spoilers, you're safe.)
Post-credits scene? Mind blown. Could not have asked Shane Black (who made it) for a better ending. If I could have chosen the end myself, it could not have been better than this one... but certainly something in that direction.
Holy crap.
Plot was very clever, not see through like 90% of the films I see are (and I guess plots extremely easily), not too sappy, the action was great and powerful without being over the top or too long, the comedy was EXCELLENT, the character development was great... whole thing was perfect. And I had extremely low expectations. The trailers are terrible and say NOTHING about the movie at all.
Minor spoiler unrelated to the plot:
You get to see Tony Stark jamming to jazzy, funky Christmas music; hips rolling, eyes closed and with a tight devilish grin. Oh yeah.
Rating? Why, Tony is a rock star after all so a 11 out of 10.
Bagi, the Monster of Mighty Nature 7.5/10
Twas'a great animated movie of the 80s by Osamu Tezuka, and also could be considered a very furry movie as well. It was pretty good though it did have some archetypical characters and a plot, that, while not very predictable, is still rather typical for a movie nowadays. Still, in the 80s it may have had some new ideas. I don't know how new the idea that science trying to change and create new life may cause problems is, but that's what this movie was trying to push. Still a good movie though.
I seen Iron Man 3 and it was pretty good though I've only seen The Avengers from the Marvel series so anything that was referenced not from The Avengers went over my head. I quite enjoyed the plot but the obligatory "The hero is apparently dead and somehow isn't" plot device is cliché but I did enjoy the use of Liverpool v Everton football/soccer match in the background (behind a Liverpool fan myself) <3
Last movie I saw as The Lorax on Netflix. Now, my thoughts on it...
The original Lorax (I'm speaking not just of the book, but the short animation that was based on it in the 70's) with its faceless character, simpler story, and message... was kind of scarier and resonated more to me in communicating its message. (Even if it bashed you with it over the head with an anvil) In effectiveness of communicating its message, I would say this is what I prefer.
HOWEVER! The new Lorax definitely has its own merits and stands on its own. Its storytelling is superior, as it has more time to give a story than to preach to you. I found the motivation of Ted Wiggins to be amusing, his motivation in learning how to get the trees back in Thneedville. All that just to get a girl to like him? It was silly and didn't make a lot of sense, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. A nice little modern addition. The Once-ler's character was also expanded upon and made far more interesting and entertaining, as well as more ambiguous. I loved him. Not for his pretty boy looks, but for his personality. He was so flamboyant, such a good boy at first... driven to darkness. This sort of gray in the story is a welcome addition. He wasn't just a random greedy business douchewaffle, but a guy who gets caught up in it all.
Oh and Ted's grandma is also awesome. I love her. :3
We get awesome performances out of the cast as well. I'll have to tip my hat to Danny DeVito as the Lorax. What a great choice! The voice fit him so well, and made this little guy's message seem more powerful. And Ed Helms of Office fame comes to show us his singing chops. He plays not only a flamboyant character who comes to life, but also makes his villain song, How Bad Can Be, sound glorious with his skills. (Even better is Biggering, which is a song that was sadly cut out of the film)
Some of the new concepts presented as well fascinate me. Like Thneedville's need for artificial air, and just its entire existence in general. A perfect plastic world? It's kind of creepy. I like though how it's not a COMPLETE utopia. People still act mostly normal.
With all these benefits though, there are a few things that make it not so perfect. The villain is as one-dimensional and uninteresting as cardboard. I understand that O'Hare was added to likely give the story more tension, but he fails poorly. (Though I admit, I do like how he rose to power from an off-hand comment about selling air and used to work as a guy who cleaned up all the crap left over from Once-ler's factory) Also, Once-ler pretty much steals the entire show from Ted, who is kind of an uninteresting generic character. (As is the girl of his dreams, Audrey, being your stereotypical hippie artist) And it makes use of a lot of cliches in general. To be expected from a children's movie, but still.
I also found it kind of weird that Once-ler befriends the Lorax, to be honest. It's not a concept I could get into myself, being so used to the old story, I must admit.
Overall, I'd say that The Lorax is a good movie, but definitely not great. I don't see it as anything special that stands out, but I would watch it again if I were bored.
I quite enjoyed the plot but the obligatory "The hero is apparently dead and somehow isn't" plot device is cliché
You mean that everyone in the film itself thinks he his while it's made extremely clear for the viewer that he isn't and how he survived?
Life of Pi:
I'd give it a 7.5 outta 10.
It stuck pretty close to the book, the special effects were pretty damn good, I don't think they could have chosen better actors for their parts.
I'd watch it again with a friend.
well, I watched two movies on the same night, so I've gotta rate them both.
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - 8.75/10
I'm a Halo fan, I play all the games, but I read the books mostly. This movie really stuck hard to me. While most people think it's all about the shooting and blowing up stuff, I think the characters are seriously underrated by most people. I had a real connection to the protagonist (Lasky) in how he doesn't understand orders and has a tough time following them. The props were done exceptionally well and the action was alright.
The Dark Knight Rises - 9/10
The best Batman movie ever. Finally a movie that balances out the power between super and non-super heroes. A realistic Bane, a plot twist in every chapter, the reality of being Batman for so long and how it can affect Bruce Wayne physically and mentally. Best of all, the cops were finally able to accomplish something for the first time in the history of any superhero movie. If you haven't seen this, watch it.
Fast 6
It was a good movie, lots of humor in it. It kept true to the feel of the fast and furious series. Original characters and new bad guys. I highly recommend it. Not the best out of them all but its still great.
Alvin and the Chipmunks 1/2/3, great films ^_^
I have been thinking of making a Squirrel/Chipmunk fursona for quite some time now, and i think ill do it :3
Star Trek: Into Darkness
I thought it was really good, especially if you know a thing or two about the original movies xD
Warm Bodies: 8.5/10
A+ for Humor!
Fast & Furious 6: 9.5/10
My gosh... It's been a while that I've enjoyed a movie. If you want at movie that has action, but at the same time makes you laugh... This is for you.
Star Trek Into Darkness
This movie was completely awesome. Effects, plot, and everything was great. And you can definitely appreciate it even more if you have seen the original movies.
Star Trek Into Darkness
This movie was completely awesome. Effects, plot, and everything was great. And you can definitely appreciate it even more if you have seen the original movies.
I especially loved the guy who played Kahn's performance. That was fantastic, especially that little sneer he does when he does something evil.
John Dies at the End
I've been excited about seeing this movie since I first heard it was getting made; I loved the book it's based on, and the director (Don Coscarelli, the director of Phantasm and Bubba Ho-Tep) seemed to be a perfect fit for the material. The book is this really weird and kinda awesome mashup of dark comedy & psychological horror; it's fascinating in how it manages to be both hilarious and genuinely scary, sometimes at the same time. The movie leans more toward the comedy aspect, but there's still horror elements in there.
Speaking purely as a fan of the book here, the movie was pretty good; even though about half of the book was removed for the movie to keep it within a decent runtime (unfortunately, removing some of my favourite parts in the process), I get why they did that, and what's there is faithfully done. Maybe a bit too faithfully, in fact - the movie gets the fascinatingly bizarre tone of the book down, but I'm not sure if it would make much sense to people who aren't fans of the book. Also, some of the special effects are pretty weak. Still, I would recommend this, for the same reason I would recommend the book; even if you wind up not liking it, there's nothing else out there quite like it.
Oops, forgot to actually rate it; on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give it, probably, a 7 (although, again, this is coming from a fan of the book; I might be a bit biased).
Mama : 7/10
Good thriller with a fantastic story. The breaking of stereotypes is also quite refreshing. The plot was a little thin, but it was still a very enjoyable film.... If you like S**ting your undies O.O
Now You See Me 9.9/10
This is a movie for a person who loves doing illusions. Not only that, but the shocker that it gives at somewhat the at the ending of the movie will catch you completly off-guard.
Saw 2 movies today:
Tokyo Godfathers
A heartfelt and affecting comedy/drama, with great animation. 8/10
This is the End
Not all the jokes work, but there's some laughs in there, as long as you have a particularly immature sense of humour (and I do :D ). 6/10
The movie built up its suspense nicely to the point where I wanted to stop watching because nothing bad was happening. The actual scary parts are perfect and for a horror movie its pretty good even without many scare scenes. The movies suspense eventually leads up to where you start scaring yourself more than the movie. Great movie and good story to it.
The Call - 6/10
Built up suspense nicely and had a decent plot, but strange character motivations and a poor third act kept it from being anything special.
The Last Exorcism 2- 2/10
The movie was awful. It had no suspense or actual scary things in it just a lot of talking about the demon but nothing happens until the last 20 minutes. The last 20 minutes isn't even scary, all it shows is the character looking at herself. The death scenes are never shown and everything seemed on a low budget. The movie never made me scared or jump, just left me bored.
Man of Steel 6/10
For a super man movie, this movie is superb and probably one of the best super man movies to date! Unfortunately, most super man movies aren't that good. The movie was ok, it had some very nice fight scenes and a good compelling story, but it had some issues. The biggest issue was the pacing and how the movie was filmed, it was very odd, we had many, many random screen cuts, jumps from flashback to present and jumps from one location to the next without any explanation of how anyone actually got there. Another problem was the camera work, which was far too shaky for my liking, considering zack snyder made non-shaky fight scenes like the ones in 300 and Watchmen, I am disappoint. The last problem was the soundtrack, yes it was hans zimmer and yes the song alone is good and powerful, but the problem is they used this powerful soundtrack in the most inappropriate of places. An ominous scene comes on, POWERFUL SOUNDTRACK, a love scene? POWERFUL SOUNDTRACK, etc. It just seemed like the soundtrack didn't quite fit in with some aspects of the movie.
(unknown) 7/10
I Don't know the name of it, but Bruce Willis is in it and he plays as Arthur.
Arthur is trying to protect Simon, a 9 nine year old autistic boy who can (quickly & easily) visually decode encrypted puzzles.
These puzzles are put into the 'geek' section of a magazine.
Simon finds out what the puzzle says & contacts the 'puzzle people', unfortunately that puzzle was an operation or unbreakable code the government made to protect 100 or so Government Special People.
Government finds out and sends the agents, one agent kills Simon's parents but was unable to find Simon.
I found this movie good and suspenseful. Almost freaky scary waiting for the next event or decision.
Although the movie was 6 - 11 years old it was very interesting to watch.
One part that always got me was how many singular Government agents were sent to kill the little boy.
One after another kept hunting them.
DISCLAIMER: I Didn't See The Ending of The Movie!
(unknown) 7/10
The movie you're describing is called Mercury Rising, in case you were wondering.
The Purge 7/10
The movie is a good slasher movie but that's about it. It doesn't really stand out from anything else, the whole concept of the purge is wasted since it is all focused in one house and only involves murder. The movie is a great lasher but nothing out of the ordinary. Some would call it bad since the expectations for it were high.
^ Same rating I had for the movie.
Mosnters University, 8/10.
This Is The End 7/10
If you're an 18 year old male like me, you'll probably find this move pretty damn hilarious. Other people might just find the humor rather off-putting though. I thought that overall it did a good job of mixing genuine cleverness with easy-to-write potty and sex humor, and the utterly preposterous premise helps it out as well although sometimes it gets a bit too ridiculous. I may have missed out on some of the jokes because there were several that seemed to be aimed at the fact that the actors play themselves in the movie, so if you're the type of person (not like me) who knows a lot about individual actors you might get more comedic value from it. Definitely worth a watch if you just want some silly entertainment.
Half Baked
Honestly I thought I would really hate this movie because it just looked low budget and slapped together but I was wrong. Dave Chapelle is actually really hilarious, and all the jokes seemed to hit spot on. I loved every character except for one character WHO SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED BECAUSE HE IS SO ANNOYING.
Django 9/10
The D is silent XD This movie was simply awesome, all the characters played a fantastic role and you can't help but love the German bounty hunter. The movie has so many great scenes its just to hard to count them all. When you think its the end of the movie it isn't over and it goes on for another 20 minutes but its a good 20 minutes. The movie is a must see for any fan of western movies.
Django 9/10
The D is silent XD This movie was simply awesome, all the characters played a fantastic role and you can't help but love the German bounty hunter. The movie has so many great scenes its just to hard to count them all. When you think its the end of the movie it isn't over and it goes on for another 20 minutes but its a good 20 minutes. The movie is a must see for any fan of western movies.
that movie was AWEEEESOME
Eureka Seven: Pocketful of Rainbows/Good Night Sleep Tight, Young Lovers [8/10]
Undoubtedly the worst film I have ever seen or that Man has ever conceived. You may think that you've seen bad movies, hell, you might even be a bad movie hobbyist (like myself). You may think you're up to the Nukie challenge, and to you I say, YOU ARE NOT. There is NOTHING on this earth that could ever prepare you for this film. I quote an IMDB review: "Wrought with so many plot holes I felt like my teeth were being jarred from their sockets just from the righteous fury, I felt the minutes this movie was bleeding from my life dripping out of my soul. I feel that if I look down I will see the tattered remains of the person I was before I saw this movie floating in a pool of my lost humanity."
This is the end
It was funny, very crude and very silly. To sum up the movie in a whole, "It was a Seth Rogen flick", if you don't like Seth Rogen and his antics in movies, then probably steering clear of this movie wouldn't be a bad idea. However, if you're looking for some silly fun with friends, then this movie might be one to pick.
Pacific Rim
Nothing much to say about, just that it's quite a good movie to watch (:
Pacific Rim
Nothing much to say about, just that it's quite a good movie to watch (:
lol me and my friends only referred to that as "Please Don't Suck: The Movie" for four months X3
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Honestly, I thought I wouldn't like this movie. The art style kinda put me off at first but then I started to really enjoy it. Also George Clooney kept reminding me of his role in Oceans 11. There was lots of clever dialogue and jokes, and one of my favorite parts is how they only say "cuss" when they want to say a swear word XD
Matrix 8.4/10
Good story, good introduction, good lots of things. I really liked it
Matrix: Reloaded. 8.5/10
Lots of action and lots of awesome fighting, I liked this one more because it had some very signficant revelations!
Matrix: Revolutions. 8.2/10
Also had lots of violence and such, the smith vs neo scene at the end was a blast!
Matrix 8.4/10
Good story, good introduction, good lots of things. I really liked it
Matrix: Reloaded. 8.5/10
Lots of action and lots of awesome fighting, I liked this one more because it had some very signficant revelations!
Matrix: Revolutions. 8.2/10
Also had lots of violence and such, the smith vs neo scene at the end was a blast!
try as I might, I couldn't bring myself to like the Matrix sequels.
The Invisible (6.5/10)
Nice characters, very innovative typing, but somewhat conflicted and often awfully cliche. Still good though ^_^
the new Wolverine movie... 7/10
Needed more mutants.
Star Trek: Darkness Rising
I give it 9 Khaaaaaaaaans out of 10
Having watched the original Star Trek 2: The wrath of Khan, I have to say that this movie was incredibly awesome in how they brought together the two Star Trek universes,keeping them different, but making everyone very happy :)
A Clockwork Orange: 8.9/10
A really, really, really interesting movie. I mean, I've never quite seen a movie like this one, it's full of rape, violence, control and depression but it does it all in an almost comical way. I dunno, the movie is just, odd, but good!
2001: A Space Odyssey: 6.7/10
Look, the movie is good, it is probably the most scientifically accurate movie (although there are definitely some inaccuracies) and it has HAL and Dave and all that is awesome. The problem is it feels like 50% or more of the movie is... nothing, like literally nothing, just filler and atmospheric shots. The parts of the movie where something happened was awesome but they seemed quite rare.
Taxi Driver: 8.3/10
This movie was really good. Was a tad boring and strange at times, but captured the mood of a psychotic really, really well. I'd recommend this movie for anyone who is willing to watch a psychotic drama.
The Best Offer: 7.2/10
This movie was good and interesting, it had interesting characters with some unexpected twists and turns. My main problem with it was very slow pacing and "odd" pacing, in the sense that it always felt like you were in a sort of "tranced" mood.
Knowing (2009)
Pretty good movie, I'd give it a 7/10.
Although our Lord and Savior, Nicolas Cage is in this movie, it was far from great. The story itself doesn't make any sense, and the ending is just abrupt and in my opinion, silly.
However, the special effects were really good and they really gave this movie a kind of "creepy" atmosphere, which was very fitting with all the disasters.
Acting was alright, except for the fact that Nicolas Cage only has one facial expression, but I can forgive him for that.
Gravity: 9/10
Surprisingly excellent, staying true to reality and scientific accuracy while still creating a tense and thrilling space adventure :D.
Gravity 5/10
Southland Tales 8.5/10
The Mist 9/10
Rush: 7.6
Rush is a good movie, about fast cars and strong rivalries. It had some interesting narrative developments and gets points for being an entirely true story. It was an ok movie, I liked it.
American History X: 8.9/10
This is a different story, I really liked this movie. It's extremely violent and has got some controversial themes (the protagonist is a neo-nazi) but it tells a really good moral, very well, with an unexpected ending and a strong emphasis on symbolism.
American History X: 8.9/10
This is a different story, I really liked this movie. It's extremely violent and has got some controversial themes (the protagonist is a neo-nazi) but it tells a really good moral, very well, with an unexpected ending and a strong emphasis on symbolism.
What a coincidence that I just put up that movie in my "movies-to-watch-list" because it seemed pretty interesting. Could you tell me a bit more about what you mean by "good moral"? Maybe you can just PM me instead of replying to me in this thread.
Sorry, no review here. x)
Inception, at least 7.5/10.
No country for Old Men: 8.3/10
Was very good, had a lot of nice action and good violence but had a very anti-climatic ending.
1h 40mins and $5.50 that I'll never get back.
Remakes tend to be terrible
No country for Old Men: 8.3/10
Was very good, had a lot of nice action and good violence but had a very anti-climatic ending.
That ending is very controversial. Some think it is too dull, and others believe it is a much more true or realistic ending,
Alice In Wonderland 8.5/10
I'm just a big Cheshire Cat fan. :)
As an artistic piece, it is 10/10.
As an actual movie, I'd rate it about 7/10.
Really beautiful movie and excellent stylistic choices. Captures the essence of space so well and makes you feel like you are there. I would advise seeing it on as big of a screen as possible and in 3D if you can. It is a movie that you want to feel surrounded by. It feels very real and stuck with me for a couple days after viewing it.
That being said, the plot left something to be desired. Some parts I think kind of dragged, and there wasn't a very good flow to the suspense throughout the movie. It's emotional, definitely, but it is pretty straightforward and wasn't anything spectacular. I was expecting a little more from it based on the stellar reviews I've heard about the movie, at least.
It's still a neat experience watching it though. Was worth the watch.
The 5th Element, 8/10
C'mon, do I have to spell it out? Just a classic!
Children of Men: 7.8
This movie was good! It had good action sequences, very good social commentary as well as themes. It was very dark and dreary but seemed overall realistic and nice. I guess the main problem I had with the film is it didn't really engage me as much as I would of thought, mainly the characters seemed relatively bland, their personalities weren't very present and so it's hard to feel attached to any character. Despite that, I still loved the movie heaps!
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Although it is a bit of a slow movie,it is easily the most memorable of the three Spaghetti Westerns, that uses great acting and almost perfect music to match any mood, and on top of that it concludes the trilogy very nicely.
I would have to say that one of the best elements to the movie would be as it goes on you learn more about the three main characters and you get to chose your favorite.
overall as one of the most iconic western movie I will give it an 8.5 out of 10.
19 / 20
SFM's are pretty nice to watch, although very short in duration they feel worth watching.
The Departed: 8.1
It was actually a really thrilling and interesting action movie full of unexpected twists, thrilling but realistic action sequences and great character development. Despite that it loses a few points for some darn right confusing editing, this is because the story follows two characters and a lot of scenes happen "at the same time" where it'll cut from one character to the next mid scene continually even when they're doing completely different things.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: 7.5
Solid story telling and acting, it was a good movie and was definitely thrilling, had me in some scenes on the edge of my seat. However, it suffers from the whole "THESE GUYS ARE EVIL and THESE GUYS ARE GOOD" problem, doesn't really provoke much thought and although the journey was interesting and unexpected, the end result is very predictable. So it's a good thrilling ride, but not much else.
The Blues Brothers: I don't know
because I've tried to watch this movie THREE TIMES
and I ALWAYS fall asleep halfway through
Dredd: 9.5/10
I never saw the Judge Dredd movie with Stallone, but I don't think it'd be able to hold a candle to Karl Urban's Dredd. Easily the most graphic and visually stunning film I've seen in a long time, and a perfect compliment to the character himself. I'd totally recommend that anyone who loves ultra-violence, Karl Urban, post-apocalyptic settings or comic books to check it out. c:
Warning: This movie is super gory.
The Hunger Games:7.8
Well,i read the series, and the things i really did not like was, it distorted the focus, cut out main events, and changed characters almost completely. This was did just make people have suspense, but instead of sticking to the original story, like the first movie, they eventually drifted more and more away from the book. This movie was supposed to prepare for the finale, and give even more suspense. This was targeted to people who have not read the book and do not know what is going to happen. it got 7.8 points because everything was done well, except for what i mentioned earlier. I would watch pay-per-view at home if you had read the books. if you have not, it is great, because they implemented alot of suspense. also, the beginning, it was quite funny, then it all of a sudden it went deep serious. this movie is Meh if you read the series, and not if you have not.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: 7.5
Solid story telling and acting, it was a good movie and was definitely thrilling, had me in some scenes on the edge of my seat. However, it suffers from the whole "THESE GUYS ARE EVIL and THESE GUYS ARE GOOD" problem, doesn't really provoke much thought and although the journey was interesting and unexpected, the end result is very predictable. So it's a good thrilling ride, but not much else.
If you haven't read the books, you'll find a very unpredictable part near the end of Mockingjay. I read the books and I didn't even see it coming.
I'll probably see that movie on Wednesday when Shinzuu and I go on our anniversary date, so I'll see what I think of it.
Red 2 - 9/10
Love the movie and the plot. Plus, it still had the funny stuff in it too. And I love Marvin as I did in the first one. And of course, I still love Victoria and Ivan; she's a badass and he's funny.
Red 2: 10/10
Love Bruce Willis' role in it all and love how the characters developed from the first movie. As Vee said, Marvin is THE funniest character ever, and I love him! Victoria's a badass, but I love how the Sarah character develops. The humor is great, but I have to say that my favorite additions to the movie is Byung-hun Lee's role as Han Cho Bai and Anthony Hopkins' role as Doctor Bailey.
For those of you who don't know, Lee is best known for his roles in "The Good, The Bad and The Weird" and in the two G.I. Joes movies as Snake Shadow. His action scenes and side humor makes his character one of the best.
Anthony Hopkins' character, Dr. Bailey, is seriously the best character in the whole movie, in my opinion. His part is poetic and deliciously sadistic. I LOVE all of his scenes and it's just epic.
Red 2: 10/10
Seemed like a terrible movie from the trailers, but now you've got me interested :O
*swings yoyo in front of Anoni's eyes, speaking in a creepy voice* You will watch it and love it~
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 10/10
This is the best movie I have ever seen ... Jennifer Lawrence is perfect ... Everything is perfect ... There are some thing missing that have happened in the book like: Katniss goes to woods and finds 2 women dressed in peace keepers uniform and finds out that they have escaped from another district and were headed to 13 ... And I think that Sam Claflin isn't good for Finnick Odair ... Finnick was supposed to be like this perfect looking man, like a sex bomb ... But besides that It's PERFECT :D
Two movies from me today. A double feature!
Hunger Games: Catching Fire- 6/10
I'm sorry, I went into this movie with too high of hopes perhaps, but after watching it through entirely, I felt confused, dismayed, and honestly underwhelmed from the first movie. I have *not* read the books, and this movie seems to really make it out like unless you have, there will be a lot that you're missing out. From subtle hints to just flat out side plots. If this isn't true, then this movie should be a 5/10 simply because it can make you feel that way.
The build up to the games felt a lot more rushed than the first film. And a lot fo the events you just felt were rehashed and forced. And once the games actually start, the part that most people were excited for, turned out to feel like it ended before it started, and you don't even understand what happened. The action, when there is some, is great. The dialogue, when you aren't trying to guess what was happening, is great. The actors do great, regardless of these faults. Will I buy the movie when it is released on DVD or whatever? No. Redbox worthy, at most. At the least, your monthly Netflix cost, if it ever came out for that.
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug- 9/10 if you don't have novel expectations
This is something that I've read the book for. Many times. I know all the whether-to's and by-for's. The Hobbit movies, however, I will honestly say *should not be made out like it has to be exactly like the books.* Everyone and everywhere says the movie is horrible for including the new Elf Character, or that some scenes are too rushed, or some take too long. this 9/10 is strictly coming from a "The book doesn't matter" stand point. If you can go into the movie with this mindset, you will enjoy it.
However, the biggest problem with this movie is, in fact, the one part that was completely added in by the director. The love-triangle between Legolas, Tauriel and Kili. Why? Because it feels forced, and un-needed. Fun fact, it wasn't going to exist. In fact, the actor for Tauriel was *promised* that there wouldn't be a love triangle. This was in fact undone, because of multiple re-shoots that were done. It was a last minute thing, and the love triangle suffers from this. You don't find it believable, you don't even know why it's there.
And the other big problem; The title is a lie. As taken from Google, desolation means "a state complete emptiness or destruction." This does not happen in this movie. At no point is Smaug destroyed, or even empty. The movie ends with him about to fly off and wreck Lake Town. Don't go into this expecting to see some epic dragon slaying. That'll be in the next movie.
The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug- 8.5/10 if you go in with novel expectations
Ok. Take the points I already mentioned about the love triangle, then add in the fact that it was never in existence. Also add in the fact that a lot of important scenes, albeit ones that are most memorable, are either rushed or entirely left out. This is especially apparent in the inclusion of the Skin Changer. He is rushed, not properly introduced, and only is really interacted with in one scene. Also a big let down is Bilbo's interaction with Smaug. In the book, Bilbo remains always hidden from Smaug at the beginning, which both angers and intrigues Smaug. You have to understand, he's been in the mountain for a very long time, so this new "foe" actually gives him something to think about. Instead, Bilbo shows himself in the first minute of Smaug being awake. This is supplemented by the very well written dialogue between the two, however.
Now, Legolas. A lot of people have groaned that he has no right to be in the movie. But the thing is, they take actual Tolkien lore and *make* it work. You go "Oh, wow, this makes sense!" And he is truly a bad-ass. A good third of the movie is just Legolas Porn, in the sense of how excited watching him behead orcs constantly you get.
What is also an amazing inclusion is the actual tale of the Necromancer. It's only barely touched in The Hobbit book, but it's something that many die-hard fans will come to enjoy. It is truly epic, especially how it will lead into the Lord of the Rings.
This may have one point lower than if you don't expect it to be like the novel, but don't let that one point fool you. It is still a *good* movie by most standards. Watch it, really do. If you can see it in 3D I also recommend that. It adds an amazing depth to it, and doesn't feel too gimmicky at all.
Despicable Me 2: 9/10
Very nice, funny and interesting. Lacks a little luster in the storyline as a whole, but overall nice.
Hunger Games: Catching Fire : 8/10
Movie definitely needed more substance despite the fact that it's still a 2 1/2 hour movie. The ending's definitely a bit anti-climactic, and kinda seemed a bit lazy in the acting. It wasn't as emotionally projecting as the first one. Great graphics and action, though.
Tremors 7.6/10
What more can I say? A hilarious, action, horror, drama. It's a good movie for a nice laugh, don't expect a serious movie with a blockbuster budger, but it's nice and entertaining for the time!
Origin: Spirits of the Past ... 7.5/10 some parts of it were a little tacky but still very well animated and a good movie.
The Hobbit 2
One Flew over the Cuckoo's nest...
Donnie Darko: 9/10
Benny and Joon: 9/10
Capital films. Will edit this later.
Donnie Darko ... 3/10
Castle in the Sky 8/10
Frozen - 10/10
Not your typical Disney princess movie and I just loved it.
The Family 8/10
Another hilarious action comedy from Robert De Niro. Great story, and wonderful writing. However, it gets only 8 points of 10 because of 2 things:
1) The mafia/gangster thing with De Niro is just overdone at this point.
2) The movie was far too short as the movie seemed to have been rushed.
Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
Best movie i ever watched, i gave a standing ovation along with many others.
Such a good story, appeals to everyone, and has a good message.
Donnie Darko (Directors Cut): 9.2/10
I'll admit, I came into this movie with high expectations, and they were met! Donnie Darko gives you an incredible journey that's confusing in a way, but was still followable (I only watched the DR, apparently the original is much more confusing, dunno if that's a bad thing though). The story gives you a strange teen who is obviously suffering some sort of psychological issue and it gives you an experience where you'll find yourself asking a lot of questions throughout the film, how will everything fit together. Luckily in the DR, things DO fit together quite nicely (I heard in the original they don't, but some people preferred that) so what you're left with is an interesting film, full of some epic sequences, mind bending truths and a plot-line that is odd, strange and borderline insane. The true star of the show though, I believe, is the script.
I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
Exit Through The Gift Shop: 7.9/10
So this is the second time I watched this movie and I have to say, after further analysis it wasn't really as good as I imagined it to be. Exit Through The Gift Shop is a smart, funny, documentary about a strange french man who video tapes everything, meets street artists and eventually builds his way to the top of the ladder in street artist fame. The story is more complicated than that obviously, but I won't go into it too much. I guess the problem is, it's funny and interesting for a documentary, but it's still a documentary. It's interesting and awesome because of the street art, but once you get around that it's relatively simple and, tbh, can get a bit less interesting at times. The movie is definitely worth a watch though, especially if you're passionate about street art!
The Book Theif: 8.3/10
Most certainly did the book justice. In fact, the two are a tragic but fantastic duo.
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest: 7.8/10
Whether it be that I wasn't in the right mood for it, or I was just too used to mindbending movies, this movie had me slightly disappointed from its very generous 8.8 on IMDB. Not to say the movie was bad, the movie was terrific, it was funny, tragic, sad, interesting and compelling, but at the same time it was very chaotic and in a sense had me cringing as all this commotion was going on. The movie was interesting but I didn't really enjoy it, the storyline didn't seem to really conclude or progress, it was "I'm gonna escape" and it doesn't really change from that for the entire movie. The movie was definitely worth a watch, but it doesn't get its high praise from me.
Memento: 8.1
Now here's an interesting movie, a movie played in reverse chronological order and done in a way that is very well. Basically, the guy has short term memory loss, so the director thought that if he made the viewer watch a scene and not actually know what happened before the scene he was watching, the viewer would be just as confused as the character. This is done very well and leads to some very interesting and complex and conclusions, I could imagine watching it forwards would kill pretty much the entire mystery of the movie. The movie is good, but at the same time not very confusing. There is an obvious pattern to the scene progression and really doesn't spur much thought after the movie is done, not like Donnie Darko anyway.
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest: 7.8/10
Whether it be that I wasn't in the right mood for it, or I was just too used to mindbending movies, this movie had me slightly disappointed from its very generous 8.8 on IMDB. Not to say the movie was bad, the movie was terrific, it was funny, tragic, sad, interesting and compelling, but at the same time it was very chaotic and in a sense had me cringing as all this commotion was going on. The movie was interesting but I didn't really enjoy it, the storyline didn't seem to really conclude or progress, it was "I'm gonna escape" and it doesn't really change from that for the entire movie. The movie was definitely worth a watch, but it doesn't get its high praise from me.
I loved that movie. Jsut did.
Quite funny
There Will Be Blood: 8.5/10
I know I've been ranking all my movies relatively high but that's because they ARE extremely good. I've been sifting through all of the great movies that I've been meaning to watch and this movie truly lived up to expectations. For those of you who don't recognize the movie by name, here's a reminder: "I.... drink.... your.... MILKSHAKE!". The movie is extremely well written with very strong acting, the storyline jumps around a bit but it needs to in order to cover such a large basis. The movie gives you a false sense of security and delves you into a seemingly light-hearted story about business triumph, and then it literally carves those hopes out of you through the corruption, greed and amorality that is required to do these tasks. It is truly a horrific movie to watch, but a very well played one, very good and extremely tantalizing. I would definitely recommend.
Frozen: 7.7
On the other side of the scale is a nice fun disney adventure. This movie was very funny and had very nice characters that the audience can warm up to easily. For a disney film it's relatively dark with some sub-themes and context, but that just adds to the experience. The film itself is quite good, the singing is good, the music is good but one of the best parts of the film is the message it gives. Disney adapts to cultural viewpoints and going from there old "Be a princess" viewpoint that were in all the other disney films, this takes it in a new and great direction. The jokes in the movie are very funny, with the raindeer and the snowman being the star of the show, it truly is a fun experience and definitely something I'd recommend for a light hearted movie!
The Wolf of Wallstreet: 8.2
I was lucky enough to get free tickets to the premier screening of this movie at my local cinema! So the movie starts out at a hilarious, pumping, chaotic adrenaline rush and doesn't stop throughout the three hours of movie, and it doesn't get tiring either! There's enough witty dialogue, whacky situations, twists, turns and brilliant acting to keep you entertained amidst the drugs, sex, money and crime. A side note is the editing can be a bit strange at times, although later I read this was on purpose it can be a bit off-putting at times. The movies plot also doesn't really have a linear path, for a majority of the movie it's just people [doing things] that have no real significance to the overall plot, but are just there to get a good laugh. The movie, however, is definitely worth a watch for someone interested in a bombastic black comedy that is both crazy, intelligent and breaks all laws of film making. The movie is independent so get ready to see lots of nudity, LOTS of drugs and just a whole bunch of crazy shenanigans.
The Godfather: 8.2
The Godfather is one of the most critically acclaimed movies of all time and so I was very willing to see what all the fuss was about. The movie was good, it was incredible in terms of acting, had a very solid story, had a believable environment, lots of characters, realistic portrayal of events and really does make organized crime look cool. The movie is good, it's slow at times and for some reasons there's entire lengths of scenes, some over ten minutes long, that are in Italian without subtitles. I mean, I understand the want to be authentic, but if the audience can't understand what's going on in a scene I feel that retracts from the experience rather than adds to it, subtitles would of been nice in my opinion. The movie is good though! The violent scenes are very suspenseful, the dialogue scenes are very engaging, the filler scenes are... well they can be slightly boring tbh, but they do add to the atmosphere of the movie. Generally good, don't think it's the best movie I've ever seen, but it's good.
Monsters University - 10/10.
Really good story and gives you the reasons for different things you saw in Monsters Inc.
Grown Ups 2 - 10/10.
Freakin' hilarious! It wasn't exactly what I was expecting from the ads I had seen for it, but it was awesome just the same. There was rarely a moment where I wasn't laughing when I was watching it.
Clerks 8.6/10
This is a black and white, low budget movie that has 95% of the movie taking place in a convenience store, and yet it's a comedic masterpiece. For some reason, I really love, REALLY LOVE, movies like this. In this movie, there isn't a central plotline, there isn't some climatic event that occurs, it's just about some guys who work at a convenience store talking, that's all they do, they talk about weird subjects, are rude to customers and get into crazy shenanigans. Through in some of the most hilarious and awesome characters I've ever seen, put a dash of divine philosophy in there and boom, you've got a movie that almost makes you want to work in a convenience store, just so you can do crazy stuff with your friends. I loved this movie.
Man of Steel 8.5/10
YAY another Superman Reboot!
This one jumping straight to the second movie and changing a few things (or is it?) but all the same I was not surprised to see Christopher Nolan had a say in this.
Clerks 2: 7.9/10
A nice sequel to the first clerks, it doesn't have quite the exact charm as Clerks, but still had a lot of jokes and crazy situation. Very funny, retaining the philosophy and having a nice cameo by the folks from "My name is Earl" this movie is truly crazy and you have no idea where it's gonna go! Still retaining the entire original cast (except for the female characters) with a welcomed introduction to a new member of the crew, we get some extremely well thought out antics between the characters and truly ist was a fun movie. It lacks the same charm as the original, so it looses a lot of points for it, but it's still a good watch!
Dogma: 7.6/10
This too was an interesting movie and is related to both Clerks and Clerks 2, being set in the same universe, involving some of the same characters and being directed by the same person. Most of the actors were top notch and interesting, the religious commentary was fantastic, with philosophical words for and against religion hidden in a sea of absolute hilarity. This movie was a bit silly at times though, it had some strange sound cut-offs during fight scenes and worst of all the acting of the female protagonist was terrible, at least I believed so (she was monotonic the entire movie). All in all a good watch, not as good as clerks or clerks 2 though.
12 years a slave: 7.6/10
This movie is sad and very emotional but that in a way retracts from it's experience. It's nothing BUT sad, in order for a movie to be properly emotional you need to have a bit of juxtoposition! You can't just have sad, sad and more sad, you need to have a bit of happy, maybe a small friendship, hope or a bit of laughter, to make the sadness even more powerful. Toy Story 3 was a happy go-lucky movie and yet it's sad scenes were CONSIDERABLY more emotional than the scenes in 12 years a slave, and the reason for that is the juxtoposition. It was a good movie, but I feel it was too one-track minded and went too long to give too obvious of a point.
^Anoni, you should watch this one http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0261392/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0261392/)
Mark Hamill co-stars.
Last movie I saw was:
I Love You Too: 7/10
Australian romantic comedy. I like all the characters, a nice take on the genre. Great cast including Peter Dinklage.
I really connected with the girl of the main romance which often I don't.
I'm used to see the other cast in straight comedy and I think they did good work.
Good choice for a date night! :D
I'm going to xD But first mallrats!
The Lego Movie: 2.5/5
Robocop (2014): 3/5
Decent flick, but I thought the original was better.
Goodfellas & Casino: 8.5
These movies are absolutely TERRIFIC gangster movies, I thought even better than Godfather. They had crime, betrayal, tense scenes, intense romances and the like, it was thrilling, captivating and made you want to be a gangster! SO why did I put two movies in the same review? Pretty much because they're essentially the same. There may be a few differences, you have a casino instead of a drug selling business and a few more subtle differences (I can't say without spoiling) but the premise of the story is the exact same. Joe Pesci is in both movies and he pretty much plays the exact same character twice, which is fine, because that character is AWESOME. (They're 2 different characters in the lore, but their personalities are the same). So all in all good, very good, even if they were extremely similar that didn't matter, because the content was so good, quite frankly it's awesome that it got duplicated.
For those who want to know exactly what I mean by "they are the same", I put it in the spoilers, this will contain spoilers though.
They both contain a good natured, smart and loyal person in the family. (Henry in goodfellas, Sammy in Casino)
They both contain a rather off-the-nut, violent side character (Tommy in goodfellas, Nikkie in Casino)
They both contain a romance that seems terrific at first, but becomes a serious problem later in the movies.
They both have a massive problem with the feds due to an extremely silly circumstance. (Guy getting whacked turned out to be undercover cops relative (goodfellas), the police wire tapped an argument between a guy who wasn't very related to the story, and his mother)
They both have the good natured, smart and loyal person begin to not be so good natured, smart and loyal
They both have a sudden and unexpected raid by the police after tailing the protagonist for a month
They both have the families (above the ranks of the protagonist) captured and arrested.
They both have Joe Pesci's character "made" because he is Italian.
They both have Joe Peci's character unexpectedly whacked.
They both have the protagonist attempted to be whacked, but are ultimately unsuccessful.
They both have the protagonist getting off scotfree but doing something worse than they previously had doing.
The list goes on, but that's all I can think of right now.
Dallas Buyers Club: 7.7
It was pretty good, interesting movie, quite captivating. Nothing really bad to say about it, that being said, it didn't "wow" me either. Nothing bad, but nothing amazing either.
^I love your reviews Anoni! :D
Star Trek (to the Future) IV: The Voyage Home: The Comedy - 5/10
Because straight after killing Kahn and saving Spock, there's nothing better to wind down to saving Earth by travelling back in time to save the whales. Yes... to save the whales in a Star Trek take on a Rom-Com Si-Fi Action Time-Travel Adventure!
Spock now rejoined with his soul (movie 3) afer having died (movie 2), Kirk and the gang are heading back home to hopefully let things calm down a bit. Suddenly though, a giant space cylinder is destroying earth with a bizarre transmission, and with Kirk's super brains: he figures out the strange transmission is whale song of the humpback whale which went extinct almost 3 centuries ago! The only logical path? to go back in time and bring them BACK TO THE FUTURE!!!
By catapulting themselves around the Sun, they achieve to travel back in time to San Francisco in the late 20th Century, though problems have arisen (ohhh)... Has Kirk fallen in love again? Will Spock ever understand the Humans again? Can Scott fix the Dilithium Crystals and will Chekhov ever get over being Russian? Find out in this thrilling adventure!
It was Ok
^What about the scene with Scotty two finger typing? I bit like someone's avi...
I just watched Thelma and Louise again. 7/10
I love this movie. Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey Keitel, Brad Pitt (I forgot he looked like that once *bites lip*)
This film shows what happens when you don't have a plan:
Shooting people, robbing stores and driving really fast
to your death off a cliff
was never so funny, sweet, inspiring and tragic.
Rastafarian scene, priceless B)
I loved the bit with Scotty's typing. I can relate to that in more ways than just my avi XD (you'll never guess my real name)
Mad Max 7/10
1-20 mins Bad-ass Max
20-30 mins Confused Max
30-50 mins Family Max
50-60 mins Hiding Max
60-65 mins Worried Max
65-75 mins Vengeance Max
76-77 mins Stuck behind a truck Max
77-80 mins Can't Stand Max
80-90 mins Passive Aggressive Max
Quite enjoyed this movie... hate action/thriller movies where the main character has a baby child
I liked that summation of the movie!
Thor: The Dark World - 8.5/10
Wow. I honestly expected this movie to be worse than the first one, but I was seriously impressed. The action was great, witty dialogue, funny dialogue at that, and it wasn't too washed out by shirtless Thor loving. In all honesty some people would try to say it's worse, that the plot is more simplified and all that, but really I feel like this plot is more true to what Thor should be about.
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance - 2/10
This is the prime example of the opposite situation from above. Take a movie that was already pretty bad to being with, and make it terribad. While at the same time, making it so that the plot of the first one and all the actions taken in it are kaput! The only thing that made this movie better was that there are more instances of the actual Ghost Rider in it, and when he's on screen it's a giggle fest of death and destruction. Other than that it's a plot filled wit holes, no likable characters, essentially the first movie but with even less.
Mad Max: Road Warrior - 9/10
My god that movie...
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome - 2/10
My god that movie...
Last Vegas 7/10
Very Funny movie ... But I've expected a bit more
Frozen 10/10
This movie made me cry, made me laugh, made me feel everything in 1h 30mins ... Truly a work of art ^_^
Her: 8/10
Her is a movie about a guy who falls in love with an operating system. As someone who could probably fall in love with his own computer, I thought this movie was quite good. It gave a very interesting (and perhaps accurate) portrayal of the near future, where almost everything is computerized (yet not in a distopic way), the internet and video games have devolved quite significantly due to the internet generation and the use of the word "**censor**" is pretty much normal in any game/internet, as it is today. Add that with interactive pornographic sites and so forth, and you could definitely see how this could actually be a realistic future for the internet. Society has become so computerized that the writing of books and handwritten letters is officially no longer the norm, computers become so easy to use you can just say "Read my emails" and boom, it happens. Oh also, there's a guy who falls in love with his operating system.
I'm sorry, but I was so fascinated by the setting of the film and the attention to detail about how things progressed in a believable way, that I stopped really caring too much about the actual story that was taking place. The story is a story about love, experimentation and so forth, but if you took out the fact that the love interest was an artificial intelligence, you'd just have a classic RomCom. Not that there's anything wrong with that, the standard chick-flick storyline is one that works, I enjoy the occasional romantic comedy and i believe a lot of people do. The emphasis of the movie on the setting and the actual idea of "what is life, consciousness and thought?" give a nice nerdy twist to this romantic comedy that I truly appreciated. So yeah, I think all-in-all it's a brilliant movie, the nerdy go in for the technoporn and the not-so-nerdy go in for the love story. It works.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure/Bogus Journey 7.2/10
These movies are funny, if you enjoy the stupid kind of funny. They're silly, they're ridiculous and they're classic. It's actually quite interesting how the movie made me laugh quite a bit, even though the jokes were extremely stupid, I do like a stupid comedy now-and-again and I think everyone should watch these at some point. Just don't take the movie seriously, historical accuracy is not their strong suit xD
Her (thanx for reminding me anoni)
I'm scared to give a perfect rating on anything, but 10.
I can't actually think of anything wrong with the movie, and anoni pretty much covers all the points I would've fumbled to attempt at making, so review over?
The thing that scares me is how much I can relate to Samantha. D:
I Frankenstein 7/10
The movie reminded me a lot of Constantine, and I love that movie. I only wish that acting was a bit better and that they made the movie a bit more realistic ... But It is a pretty interesting movie all the way ... Action all the time and you are never bored ^_^
Star Trek V - 7/10
Oblivion - 9/10
The Artist - 9/10
Robocop (Reboot): 7.5/10
I'm gonna say this now, and I'm only gonna say it once; This score is based on *not* treating this movie like a "remake" like most people are. If you plan on watching this movie with the intention of assuming it'll be a mega accurate portrayal of the original, then don't. Because you're already going in with a mentality that will probably force you to hate it and say bad things about it afterward.
Having said that, this movie as a stand-alone flick is pretty good. The action is good, the effects look good, over all it isn't a bad movie at all. Some of the dialogue can fall a bit flat and feel forced, and I will admit that the story is still like many before it, but it is still an interesting enough story to keep you in. And the aspect of the "illusion of control" is really relevant, and really makes you think and wonder how far humans will go once we get so advanced in technology that man and machine can become one, as well as what major corporations could be capable of when given such power.
Now, for those who still wanna know how it pairs up against the original; it doesn't. The original will have that cheesy comedy mixed with gorey action that you love. But this one gives several nods to the original, as well as maintains the same overall theme. If you're a die-hard, nostalgia-blind Robocop fan, then at least wait for this to go Redbox or Netflix and give it a shot. I'd still buy it for a dollar.
Fight Club: 9.3/10
The second time I've seen this movie. It might be the oddest, strangest and greatest movie I've ever seen. A movie chock full of philosophy, breaking the 4th wall and crazy antiques, it screams to the inner stupid male to go out, go guru and just mess everything up. The movies storyline is intensely interesting mainly because of how non-standard it is, it can be a bit unsettling at times how things flow, because they flow in seemingly random directions with new, unique elements popping up seemingly randomly. The viewer, like the protagonist, is simply seeing all these events transpire and is lost but utterly entertained. The funny thing is this movie (a consumer product) hates consumerism to a significant degree, I always saw the irony in fight club. It's humor is like that though, it's ironic, it's got such a great meta-humor onto itself that it's just overall fun to watch and analyze. It's truly a gem of movies that will satisfy those people who like the movies that make you think but are also a blast to stay in the ride.
The Human Centipede: 3.9/10
I went into this movie not expecting much, but curiosity got the better of me. Everyone said it was gross and disgusting, and that peaked my interest. I wanted to see a disgusting, gross movie, sometimes you're in the mood for a bit of gorey stuff. So, went through the movie and 50 minutes in all we've seen is bad acting and terrible chase sequences, so over 50% of the movie nothing really happens. You get two girls who are terrible actors talking about how they want to get to a party, then a guy who can be summed up as "a plank of wood" being the antagonist, so you really don't get much. Finally, after the first 50 minutes they begin operating on the people, the scene lasts about 3 minutes and then you have the human centipede. And during the entirety of the human centipede there was only really 1 scene that would be cringe worthy. So altogether, not gross, not gory, not thaaaaat disgusting, and very, very boring.
Mulan : 8.5 / 10
I was house sitting the other week and their set top box is broken, so I couldn't watch Tv, so I was left with a DVD player, Sherlock, Castle seasons 1 and 2, and large selection of Disney films. (That were obviously intended for their grandkids, but shhhhh. >w> )
It was a movie that I really enjoyed as a kid, and it's still just brilliant! So I sat up and had a mini marathon until midnight watching Mulan and the sequel, which doesn't get a mention because it just isn't as good. xD
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: 8.9/10
I absolutely love this movie. I can't say this movie is better than the first one, because I loved the World War II era, but I can't say it's any worse because the movie is just that good. Probably what's greatest about this movie is that you essentially get four Marvel heroes in one sitting; Captain America, Black Widow, Falcon and Nick Fury. Nick Fury is actually fairly badass in this, even if he spends a good majority of the movie gone.
What's also great about the movie is all of the conspiracy. I'm glad that they keep it apparent that Cap doesn't like how the world has evolved, in terms of people having to sacrifice freedoms for securities. It really makes me think that if they wanted, they could make a Civil War movie series if they wanted to, but now I'm just trailing off.
I had already predicted who the main villain would be, aside from the obvious Winter Soldier, but it ended up being slightly different and on a much larger scale than I imagined. Essentially all of Hydra had infiltrated SHIELD with the intent of ruling over the world with Next-Gen Helicarriers, but are obviously stopped last second by the heroes of the movie.
I'm excited for what this sets up, though at the same time I really have no clue how this is going to evolve, as they can take multiple routes branching off of this. It is definitely a good movie and a must see if you're into the Marvel Video Universe.
American Hustle 8/10
The Lego Movie 7.8/10
This was truly a funny, awesome, witty, cool advertisement for Lego. Although the movie clearly WAS advertising, it was still a hoot to watch with some very funny and interesting jokes, catchy music numbers and insane action scenes. Not only is the movie funny but a lot of the movie parallels actual level building, like players of the lego- city following instructions and "master builders" being creative, the problems people have with building too many things on one model and so forth. One of my favourite aspects of the movie was the made-to-look-like stop motion animation. The movie was digital, but a lot of the movie is crafted to look like stop motion, usually to quite comedic effects in the animation style itself. The biggest problem with the movie was the FULL ON action scenes that had millions of things going on at once with no focus, it was very easy for a viewer to get lost in most of the action scenes. Other then that, a solid movie.
Amazing Spiderman 2 - 4 out of 5
Better than the first one IMO!
Pretty stoked about The Sinister Six and Venom/Carnage getting their own movies as well!
I'm gonna give Amazing Spiderman 2 an 8 out of 10.
I liked this one a lot, more so than the first one, but I wish they wouldn't have tried so hard to fit as much as they did into a two hour time slot. I get that they wanna set up for their spinoffs, but it totally wrecked the pacing of this movie e.e
Amazing Spiderman 2: 5/10
I didn't actually like Amazing Spiderman 2, although the action was good and the character of "Electro" was excellent, Harry, Peter, Gwen and especially Peter's Aunt are extremely annoying and IMO, poorly acted. I just feel their acting is extremely 1 dimensional and shallow and any problems that occur near the start seem pointless near the end and some things that could be considered morally grey, are seen as "good" because spiderman did it. The character of Rhino only showed up for a few scenes (though I loved the exaggerated Russian Accent) and the Green Goblin is built up so much only to show up for literally one scene (though I think he'll come back in the third movie). All in all, it had good action and some good music (albeit it all being dubstep, still worked with the style of the movie) and a surprising ending, but it's unlikeable and poorly acted characters ruined it for me.
The Grand Budapest Hotel: 7.8/10
This was an interesting movie, this screams "The Coen Brothers" without actually being done by the Coen Brothers. It's an enchanting movie with a very interesting storyline and relatively odd pacing, where events seem to continually roll forward and it seems somehow not rushed and natural. It's a comedy, but more of a black comedy than anything else. The visual style of the movie is fantastic, with saturated colours, brilliant cinematography, a rather oddly shot ski sled scene and just plane vibrantness (not a word but ah well). Generally it's a good story, but the pacing has everything roll forward that it can be somewhat hard to get invested in the ACTUAL story or the characters, because you don't have time to reflect! That coupled with a very anti-climatic and rushed ending drop this down to below an 8, still a good movie though, worth a watch!
Pan's Labyrinth: 9.3 / 10
Well the last movie I gave a 9.3 too was fight club, a movie I truly enjoyed, and this movie really caught me off guard. When I got it I realized it was in Spanish and I, not being a fan of subtitled movies, almost stopped watching. But alas, I kept going and it was probably one of the best decisions of the night. This movie is extremely captivating with tragedy, mystery and fantasy all linked into a package where reality and fairy tale break apart at the seams. A world of a gritty World War 2 story juxtaposed with a lovely, yet unnerving, fantasy fable, leads to an experience that hasn't quite been captured by any other movie. There are only a few movies that leave me absolutely speechless and this one is one of them. The Spanish actually gives the movie more character than less, the visuals are remarkable (with very little CGI!) and the ending is breath taking. Truly an unbelievable film that I'd recommend!
Amazing Spiderman 2: 5/10
I didn't actually like Amazing Spiderman 2, although the action was good and the character of "Electro" was excellent, Harry, Peter, Gwen and especially Peter's Aunt are extremely annoying and IMO, poorly acted.
Oh wow, really? So you think Tobey Mcguire played a better Spidey than Andrew Garfield? I think Garfield blows Mcguire out of the water with his acting and portrayal of Parker/Spidey. I also think Gwen was played well by Emma Stone. I have to agree with you about the actress who plays Aunt May though. She's not terrible IMO, but not as good as actresses who played her in the past.
The actor who played Harry I thought did ok. Not near as good as James Franco from the other Spidey flicks, but I loved him in the movie Chronicle.
National Lampoons: TV The Movie - 3/5
Featuring Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Wee Man, and Preston Lacey (He wrote it) from Jackass as well as other actors including Lee Majors. I thought it was pretty damn hilarious, and I recommend it to anyone who likes stupid ass silly comedy like that of Jackass, and who has Netflix. I especially loved the stuff with Steve-O because he's just the biggest goof ever. One TV show spoof they did was called "Miami Mice" where Wee Man and that lil person actor from Bad Santa and other movies played midget cops, and a chase between Wee Man and Steve-O on a skate board went down. Steve-O ollied and fell off his board then Wee Man shot him and Steve-O just yelled out "You shot me, you dick!".... Yeah, mindless, retarded comedy like that makes me lulz. Jay from Jay and Silent Bob plays a roll in one of the spoofs as well, and all kinds of other actors.
Knockout - 2.5/5
Stone Cold Steve Austin plays an ex boxer now high school janitor who teaches a bullied kid how to box so he can stand up for himself as well as join the schools boxing team. That's pretty much the gist of it. Not a bad movie, not a superb movie. Middle of the road, like most of Stone Cold's movies... Which is a shame because I think Steve Austin is a decent actor, while type-casted to play the same character over and over more or less, he never achieved the Hollywood status Duwayne Johnson has gotten. I mean The Rock is a good actor as well, but with the right roles and opportunities, I think Steve Austin could be close to, if not on par with The Rock in Hollywood.
Godzilla: King of Monsters - 8/10
I'd love to give such a classic and well respected cinematic treasure a higher rating, but the alteration between the Japanese and American films (namely the slow and tedious explaining of every plot point to us "stupid" Americans) can be really distracting. Don't take this a deterrent - go see this film if you can, it's a moving and well-acted piece with a sense od tragedy, pacing that occasionally drags but impressive effects for the time and a foreboding moral on humanity's conduction of nuclear testing played in front of a score as ominous as the monster itself. If you want all the drama without Mr. Martin explaining it play-by-play, watch the original Japanese release - doing a bit of reading never hurt, just like with the fantasy film Pan's Labyrinth or the WWII comedy-drama Life is Beautiful.
X-men: Days of Future Past
Its a great movie! I enjoyed it. '
the mechanics of time travel are also great.
Godzilla - 3 out of 5
- Good cast, good balance of cgi, decent story, biggest criticism is that Godzilla didn't get enough screen time compared to human screen time/drama considering he is the title character of the film.
Neighbors - 3 out of 5
- Pretty hilarious, good chemistry between the actors, good writing, a little watered down in some scenes.
X-Men: Days of Future Past - 3 out of 5
- Great action, great effects, good story despite not explaining how Xavier came back after being destroyed by the Phoenix in the third film, and messing with other continuity factors from both the recent past movies, and comics.
A Million Ways to Die in the West - 2.5 out of 5
- It was decent enough and had it's great comedic writing, however not as funny as I expected a Seth Macfarlane movie to be. Ted was much funnier, as is Family Guy/American Dad. Macfarlane's live action acting isn't as strong as his voice actor work, and Liam Neeson felt like he was going through the motions rather than having fun with it.
X-Men: Days of Future Past - 3 out of 5
- Great action, great effects, good story despite not explaining how Xavier came back after being destroyed by the Phoenix in the third film, and messing with other continuity factors from both the recent past movies, and comics.
Actually, that continuity is explained in "The Wolverine" (the Xmen movie that takes place before Future Past and after the 3rd film). At the end of the third film it is shown (in an end credit scene) that Xavier transmitted his consciousness into another persons body just before he died. This is confirmed in The Wolverine where Xavier directly tells Wolverine that he managed to do this. Because the person he transmitted his consciousness in, apparently, looks the same as Xavier, it is thought to be (perhaps) his brother, or that he actually changed the appearance himself (though this is never explained). Believe it or not the movie actually "wraps up" a lot of continuities that already existed within the movies (though of course, the movies are just adaptions of the comics so aren't the same). For example, in "Xmen Origins: Wolverine" Xavier is standing up walking around, while in "Xmen: First Class" Xavier got shot in the back and couldn't walk. How Xavier managed to start walking again is explained in "Future Past" with that serum Beast designed. So it actually gets rid of more continuities than it creates.
Amazing Spiderman 2: 5/10
I didn't actually like Amazing Spiderman 2, although the action was good and the character of "Electro" was excellent, Harry, Peter, Gwen and especially Peter's Aunt are extremely annoying and IMO, poorly acted.
Oh wow, really? So you think Tobey Mcguire played a better Spidey than Andrew Garfield? I think Garfield blows Mcguire out of the water with his acting and portrayal of Parker/Spidey. I also think Gwen was played well by Emma Stone. I have to agree with you about the actress who plays Aunt May though. She's not terrible IMO, but not as good as actresses who played her in the past.
The actor who played Harry I thought did ok. Not near as good as James Franco from the other Spidey flicks, but I loved him in the movie Chronicle.
Yep, I do think Tobey did a better job. He might of slumped a bit during the third film but for the first two films I thought he was excellent.
Xmen: Days of Future Past: 7.8/10
This was a good movie! Clearly made by the same people who made First Class which was also a good movie. It seemed Xmen went through a giant slump since Xmen 3: The Last Stand. I mean with Xmen Origins and Xmen Wolverines being absolutely terrible (IMO) it was nice to see a good new Xmen movie of Xmen First Class. Future Past further expands on that good movie vibe by giving a movie with excellent action, hilarious sequences (quick silver may be one of the funniest xmen so far) and good drama. Also a surprising ending.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) 8.2/10
This was a very captivating and interesting film. It follows an investigator finding out how a certain person was murdered as he gets help from a troubled and disturbed young computer hacker. The film is a bit confusing at first, especially because it seemed the dialogue was far too soft compared to the background music, it was difficult to hear what some people were saying in several sections of the film, sometimes to the point where I was forced to put subtitles on. The film starts off slow, but progresses into a very dark turn with one of the most confronting scenes I've seen in a movie. However, it quickly moves to a more exilirating and badass pace and doesn't stop from there on. The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo is a mature action adventure that is both realistic, captivating and, in some ways, disturbing. A great film
That explains that then. I haven't seen The Wolverine yet.
Seven Samurai (1954) - 9/10
Pretty damn good movie and well worth the watch
Magnificent Seven (1960) - 8.5/10
Also a pretty damn good movie, but for a 2 hour movie, some points seem a bit rushed.
You may or may not know that Magnificent Seven was based off of Seven Samurai, but with Cowboys and Mexicans instead of Samurai and Farmers.
Both are in essence the same movie, however the original was 3 hours as opposed to 2. I felt this rushed things a bit in Magnificent and they left out much of the character development for the Farmers and left out a good bit of the comedy that was also in Samurai.
One thing I really liked about Magnificent though was the final battle which went completely different and really made the fight that bit more epic.
You may also know that the Seven Samurai movie was adapted into the anime Samurai Seven (woah name change of note)
The Anime took a lot more liberties and actually continued along with the story, but was just as good as these two movies before it.
If you're looking for something good to watch, check these guys out.
City of God: 8.0 / 10
This is a very interesting story about a kid named Rocket and his life in a slums of Rio, Brazil, commonly known in the movie as "Cidade de Dues" or translated to English "City of God". This movie is quite amazing, it moves through many characters lives as they grow from kids to adults and emphasis the battle between hoods (Hoodlums, who are essentially adolesents who steal, kill and sell drugs) and cops (who are more often than not corrupt). It paints a realistic portrayal of life in the slums, though at the start it seems to have little direction and introduces a whole lot of story-in-storiness. However, when a key character named "Lil' Dice" becomes notorious drug lord "Lil' Z" the movie becomes a lot more focused.
The movie raises a lot of issues with corruption, motivation, morality and so forth. For example, Lil' Z is a psycho, literally killing anyone and everyone he comes in contact with without remorse. Yet in doing so, he controls the entire slums and actually has made the City of God a safer place as no one is willing to commit crime lest they face the wrath of Lil Z'. The movie is quite simply fantastic as a crime drama and it's even more so when you find out it's actually based off of a true story. The biggest downside with this movie that I had was the subtitles. It's not in English and there's a lot of talking and it's very quick, so the subtitles flash across the screen too quickly to be able to read in some cases. Despite this, the movie plays out well and I'd recommend to anyone who can handle subtitles.
Wolf Creek 2: 7.5/10
Good fun! Not quite the tension of the first film, but since that doesn't have any evidence Mick Taylor's nasty side until halfway through and the sequel can't play that same trick, that's understandable. Instead there are a few false leads for who will be the 'survivor character' whom we follow which keeps the audience guessing. Some amusing lines which I think are in keeping with the dark tone without turning it camp.
A little more focus on splatter which was dropped from the first film as it was thought to reduce the build up. Some great moments of Australiana, which sounds odd but for any Aussies who find Waltzing Matilda more an anthem than Advance Australia Fair, this one's for you :D
Cements Mick Taylor as an iconic screen villain and Australian archetype on par with Mick Dundee.
Only let down for me was the ending which I thought was a little tacked on rather than being the culmination of the story arc.
22 Jump Street -10/10
Loved it! Funnier than the first, and I like the way they show their "support" on same sex marriage in a subliminal way, or at least not as noticeable. I guess a bad movie can have a good subliminal message, right? X3
The Outlaw Josey Wales
All Time: 6-10
Western: 8-10
Clint Eastwood Movies: 10-10
I think this is one of Clint's best movies ever. Clint himself even said so.
Wow.... This lil thread of mine has gotten pretty popular!l
World War Z - 4/5
Better and more well thought out than most other zombie movies. Fresh take on the genre.
Star Trek: Into Darkness - 3.5/5
Love the new flicks, and of course who doesn't love some Khan action? Can't wait for the third one.
Guardians of the Galaxy: 4.5/5
Awesome movie!!! Loved it. I semi-reviewed it here (http://www.thefurryforum.com/forums/index.php?topic=25284.msg1194335#msg1194335).
(Welp, gotta write this a second time because the page went back on my by accident and I lost all the progress >.> So Just gonna paraphrase it.)
TMNT; 8.9/10
Great humor, great turtles, probably the best rendition of the turtles we've seen in a decade. Only complaints are that Shredder has gone all Iron-Man, and that the Foot use guns.
Into the Storm; 1/10
Snoozefest. Take Twister, and add multiple fleshed out, uninteresting stories that have almost nothing to do with the actual main plot. And rednecks.
It doesn't help that no one actually really dies minus a few people. Even the dumb rednecks survive, and they get *sucked up into the tornado and tossed around.*
Puss in Boots: 3.5/5
Never really liked the Shrek movies much, but I loved this spin-off.
Guardians of the Galaxy 9.5 / 10
I loved it! It had a great sense of direction, good character developement, and a pleasing relationship between the characters and the story. IMHO, I got confused yet angered at the fact that the beginning didn't seem to add up.
I couldn't find the conection between when he was a kid and when he was an adult. That scene when he was a kid kinda bothered me. Anyways, the relationship between the characters is pretty well done, I mean Drax and Gamora NEVER really get along, and Star Lord and Gamora don't have a real close relationship. Everyone in the movie is strictly friends and I really like that about the movie. But my favorite character of all is why I rated the movie so well. Rocket "Raccoon". A halfling from another planet, but in the movie he has a completely different backstory which angered me a bit, but the movie's backstory and Marvel vs Capcom's backstory could all be part of Rocket raccoon. What also bothered me was how the Nova force was in the movie but Captain Nova apparently didn't exist.
Unless he has a seperat comic or storyline, I hink he should've been in the movie. Another setback was Thanos, he had absolutlely no purpose. (IMO) I honestly wanted to hate the movie after the Romance scene, but it was funny how it ended and I felt better about this movie. All in all, I loved every bit of it! One more thing.. Groot is Vin Diesel! :D
Giver 10/10 my favorite movie in 2014
TMNT 7/10 because April doesn't have red hair or a yellow jumpsuit in this movie. Also a severe lack of the 80s nascent. Also no world destructive floppy disks or mutant shredder sidekicks.
Guardians of the Galaxy 8/10 I was expecting something more and the somewhat extreme changes to Groot's appearance from the comic books.
Malificent 7/10 Good movie, but not great. What the hell happened to your infamy Disney? Kingdom Hearts 3 will never come now.
Tammy 1/10 Terrible in every which way of the imagination, I didn't go to see it by choice either.
Guardians of the Galaxy: 9/10
- Way better than I thought it would be. I have no complaints, only giggles -
Lucy: 6/10
- Way worse than I thought it would be. I was very disappointed. -
Edge of Tomorrow: 4/10
- The storyline, the special effects, it was all mediocre. -
Transformers (newest one): 8/10
- I had no idea I would like this as much as I did and almost didn't go -
Post Merge: August 20, 2014, 01:56:50 AM
IMHO, I got confused yet angered at the fact that the beginning didn't seem to add up.
I couldn't find the conection between when he was a kid and when he was an adult. That scene when he was a kid kinda bothered me.
The connection comes at the very end. I have no idea what any of their names were and didn't read any of the comics, so hate me all you want but I'll try and call it as I saw it. Bear with me.
The lead of the scavengers said to Star-Lord in the very end (when he was leaving with the empty orb) that he was glad he didn't return Star-Lord to his father like he was supposed to. This goes along with some other hints that came a bit earlier including that fact that Star-Lord was actually the child of two different races, his father being one of an ancient race - the reason he was able to hold the stone for so long without being killed. So to conclude - when he was abducted, he was supposed to be brought to his father, but they kept him to use him.
Guardians of the Galaxy 9.5 / 10
I loved it! It had a great sense of direction, good character developement, and a pleasing relationship between the characters and the story. IMHO, I got confused yet angered at the fact that the beginning didn't seem to add up.
I couldn't find the conection between when he was a kid and when he was an adult. That scene when he was a kid kinda bothered me. Anyways, the relationship between the characters is pretty well done, I mean Drax and Gamora NEVER really get along, and Star Lord and Gamora don't have a real close relationship. Everyone in the movie is strictly friends and I really like that about the movie. But my favorite character of all is why I rated the movie so well. Rocket "Raccoon". A halfling from another planet, but in the movie he has a completely different backstory which angered me a bit, but the movie's backstory and Marvel vs Capcom's backstory could all be part of Rocket raccoon. What also bothered me was how the Nova force was in the movie but Captain Nova apparently didn't exist.
Unless he has a seperat comic or storyline, I hink he should've been in the movie. Another setback was Thanos, he had absolutlely no purpose. (IMO) I honestly wanted to hate the movie after the Romance scene, but it was funny how it ended and I felt better about this movie. All in all, I loved every bit of it! One more thing.. Groot is Vin Diesel! :D
What's there not to get about the beginning? The movie is pretty clear about showing the connection with the music mix tapes his mom made for him that he carried with him and listened to his whole life. They also showed how his mom more or less dubbed him with the name Star Lord with her speech to him, calling him her little star lord. Kona covered the rest in the post above. It was more or less to establish an emotional connection between the audience and Star Lords personality and such. Seems pretty clear what the connection was. Not sure how that escaped you.
As far as Thanos, I believe they are setting him up to have a bigger role in the sequel which is already confirmed. I think the reason they teased his appearance in this movie is because he was originally set to be the main villain in The Avengers 2 until they changed it, as one of the extra scenes at the end of the credits of The Avengers showed Thanos briefly turn his head and scoff. They wanted to give the fans a small taste of the mighty Thanos before he enters a major villainous role. His brief connection to Ronin afforded that nicely.
Vin Diesel as Groot is underwhelming at best considering he only said one sentence over and over really. I am not sure if he did all the movements in the film as Groot and they layered him with Groot's CGI, but either way, and IMO, Bradley Cooper out shined Vin with his performance as Rocket. Of course I am a bit biased as I think Diesel is a horrible actor. Me and Daniel Tosh agree on ol' Vin!
What was wrong with the romance scene? I never understand why so many people hate romance scenes to showcase emotion and connection. It's not like they spent half the movie being kissy kissy, now THAT would be annoying.
Dolphin Tale - 4.5/5
Love this movie. Winter is adorable. Can't wait for the second one to come out next month.
Guardians of the Galaxy 10/10
Transformers 2/10
Dolphin Tale - 10/10
Awesome story and I love animals, so yeah.
Dragon Ball Z Battle of the Gods 8.5 / 10
I saw both english & japanese versions, both are funny.
Mishimi, I was being a bit vague so I wouldn't ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet..
but anyways, I understood the beginning after he read the note. It's the abduction I didn't understand, maybe because I didn't read the comic.
The Romance thing was fine honestly, I just feel it ruins the mood of the movie, especially a high action butt kicking group of people.
I almost laughed / felt relieved when she almost killed him for trying. The beginning was the saddest part for me. Why Star Lord, Why? :'(
Thanks Kona!
Guardians of the Galaxy: 8/10
It's a good movie, full of interesting characters and is an unexpected twist of the Marvel universe. It's not just Avengers in space and is generally more funny than the average other marvel movies. At the end of the day I could it see it as good, it wasn't quite a movie that blew me away with it's amazingness, but it definitely entertained without any second of boredom, something I've come to expect from Marvel movies. Though, I dunno, there seems to be a formula that still is moving around with Marvel films, to me Guardians was "just another marvel film", which is an amazing experience, but not quite one to stand out in some way. I suppose it's just "awesome" and "funny", it's entertaining but won't leave you thinking or anything, it's just a fun ride, but a very, very good ride at that.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: 8.1/10
I actually liked this movie slightly more than the Guardians movie, I suppose perhaps I came in with lesser expectations and so was more surprised. This movie garners a very interesting plot, it still shadows the feel of racial minorities in the world and gives quite a cool sub-text for the genre. What I REALLY liked about this particular movie is that the moral side of "apes vs humans" are blurred. Like there are good humans who want peace and bad humans who want war, at the same time there are good apes who want peace and bad apes who want war, no side is inherently good and none is inherently bad, which was refreshing to see as most movies (including the aforementioned Guardians) will have an "evil" side that's just evil (Yes some of the good guys were a bit blurred in the movie, but I think in general most were good, they were anti-heroes but still heroes). All the characters motivations for what they did seem good and believable, the animation is superb and the whole story is basically building up for this big final confrontation, which doesn't disappoint in it's epicness. Some say the apes look too human, but I feel that's forgivable considering we're supposed to sympathize with both the humans and the apes. It was a great movie over all.
I just feel it ruins the mood of the movie
Yeah, half a minute of a romantic scene really ruins the mood of the whole other 90+ minutes of the film. lol
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For: 4/5
Better than the first one IMO.
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For: 4/5
Better than the first one IMO.
The reviews seem to be so odd. Everyone says it's good, yet it's not rated very high either
Guardians of the Galaxy: 8.5/10
Well, I waited just about all summer to finally get to see it, so here it is.
I really liked this movie, a lot. For all the people who said it would be a "fail because they're so unknown and it's their first movie," you can suck it. In terms of setting up characters for future reference, this was a great way to do it.
Even though they have only around two hours to introduce five main characters, you never feel like they're rushed into your face or forced upon you. (Learn from this, Spider-Man. Learn.)
Everyone goes crazy over Groot and Rocket, but my personal favorite would have to be Drax. He probably had the most quotable lines, especially since nothing can go over his head :D
The action is great, especially once you get all of the Guardians on screen, you can see each of their different ways of fighting mingle with eachother.
As for the main villain, Ronan the Accuser, as much of a good job they did with him, I wish he would've been a bit more.... Silent but deadly. It's apparent when he fights that he's a hulking fellow, who doesn't need to do much to send you hurtling across a room, but he shouldn't have to do it with so much taunting.
I also have to admit that while I love htis soundtrack, it does feel out of place sometimes, like someone went into Movie Maker and just added in their favorite songs. I like to think that's what they were going for, but who knows.
And I swear, if we get a Howard the Duck movie before we see Black Panther, I'll go insane >:C
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For: 4/5
Better than the first one IMO.
The reviews seem to be so odd. Everyone says it's good, yet it's not rated very high either
That's because reviews are, for the most part, pointless and irrelevant as anything other than the reviewers own personal opinion that doesn't speak for every one else. Sites like Rotten Tomatoes and such are useless as many movies they have with low scores I really enjoy and vice versa. Too many people put too much stock and value on reviews. I never bothered buying into the whole "let others opinions become my opinion without experiencing it for myself" like a robot. Not saying you do that, just speaking generally. That's like someone never eating a hamburger because someone wrote an article about how gross they think hamburgers are. lol
I used to write in depth movie reviews, and reviews on products and services as well, but not because I expected anyone to take what I say as absolute truth or to influence them to think how I do, but I did it for fun, to share my opinions and see how they contrasted with others.
Nic - I don't think we will see another Howard the Duck movie... The original was one of the worst movies ever made, and I doubt they are in a hurry to reboot it all these many years later. I think it was just a comedic throwback to one of the most obscure and irrelevant Marvel characters to ever exist... lol. It was a funny scene though, I don't think anyone was expecting that.
You know, Rocket had his own comic series for a while with other animals like him in it. Maybe Howard is one of them? lol
Tombstone: 4.5/5
One of my most favorite westerns ever, and one of Val Kilmer's final good roles in Hollywood of the 90's. and I really don't dig westerns much at all. Actually, Tombstone and The Quick and the Dead are probably my only two liked westerns.
This movie hits you. And it hits you hard. Repeatedly. Honestly, the story flows well enough that giving away one detail might end in ruining the film for some. Just know that it is brutal and powerful in its theming, and it will absolutely engross you in the characters.The combat scenes are satisfying, the visuals are phenomenal and the historical details are damn near spot on.
I ding it on something I cannot disclose, however. But if you pay attention, you'll likely spot it later in the film.
How to Train Your Dragon 2
Ah mah gahd.
Literally the second half of the movie I was going from ;w; to :'D to ;w; to :'D and it was so feely and probably a great sequel to the first one. It still kept the amaze of the first movie while the second one was still refreshing and made you get really into it. I dig. 10/10 fo sho in my books.
Transformers 4
I'm SO angry that I didn't get to see Galvatron aka Megatron fight Prime again. I swear I was waitinf for that fight ever since the movie told me Galvatron was Megatron with a new name but NOOO. They have a lame fight with Lockdown vs Prime and whoever else. I'm so disappointed. Now I have to wait until Transformers 5!! YUP, ANOTHER ONE! :(
I'm right behind you, working out the size of your dogtag to put it in a frame.
The Pyramid 8/10
Pretty much another found-footage hybrid movie, but I liked that it was a change of scenery for once. I really get tired of seeing the same "le psych ward abandoned hospital" story or "le zombies in condemned area" movies. It was entertaining enough for me.
Don't read this last message unless you love spoilers!
<3 Anubis
Finding Nemo 7.8/10
Too much water.
*Reference reference REFERENCE!*
Actually serious:
Collateral 8.5/10
Wow. The symbolism in this movie is beautiful. I am probably a little biased because we studied this movie in my english class.
9/10 Terminator: Genisys (Trailer, for now)
Im a big fan of Arnold and I really like Terminator Series. Except for the TV Show... wasn't too fond of it.
The Trailer looked really good and they CGI'd Young Arnold so im even more excited for that.
It stays at Lv.9 until I see the movie. OH MY GOD I CANT WAIT!!!
Nightcrawler 7.7/10
I liked this movie, its about a creepy guy who desperately seeks a job, he somehow finds himself in the gritty and borderline psychopathic world of media journalism in which he discovers he thrives. The character is really interesting, he is creepy to no end and it becomes very clear that he is basically a psychopath, not in the sense that "I'm so evil" but in the more realistic sense of "Logic beats ethics". He will do anything he can to get a good news story and in his unethical pursuit for perfection at all costs, he finds himself a perfect fit for those who work in media. It's a story that critics the media, it critics the job market and critics humans as a whole, that the people who are evil will become successful. My biggest qualm with the movie is the ending which I was not expecting, the movie to me is leading up to a big climatic finish, which never actually occurs, the movie ends abrubtly in a scene that I wouldn't of expected it too. But this is a small complaint in an otherwise fantastic movie.
The wolf of Wallstreet. 9.5/10
The hobbit battle of five armies
It was good but i was i little disappointed at the battle scenes it didnt have the epic feel the series has come to be known for
guardians of the galaxy 10/10
Alien 8/10
Pretty good, great concept. A propper space tradgedy and oh my god that cat had my stomach in knots.
Aliens 9/10
Marines are badass and high five for alien queen using elevator. A true sequel by bringing more to the table and some real suspense moments.
Alien 3 7/10
Going back to roots, not as much of a thrill. It was still pretty badass though despite seemingly dragging on for ever.
Alien: Resurrection 6/10
Good movie, constant action, but didn't bring anything new. I wonder if it's what inspire Joss Wheadon's Firefly.
Felt sorry for that nightmare inducing Alien.
Hobbit: Battle of 5 Armies 7/10
Epic battle, that's about it. Top marks for CGI and Billy Conolly, but loses a few points for really failing the bring that suspension of disbelief with some silly physics. Also how the final outcome of that last fight could totally have been avoided. Also half the movie was pretty much "where's the archenstone?"
maze runner
den out a den!
The Purge. 1/5. The idea was amazing. The plot was STUPID. "Hey lets stab this homless dude like 5 times the decide to NOT turn him in to the crazys raiding my house. Even though he just pistol whipped my daughter and caused the death of her boyfriend. "
Spoiler to ending.
The endimg was the WORST. The neighbors walk in and kill all the people who want the homeless guy dead. But they show up too late and the dad dies, then theyre like ''YOURE OURS. WERE GONNA CLEANSE OUR SOULS ON YOU'' Then the homless guy kills one and saves the day.
The Imitation Game 8.5/10
Very good movie! It's about Alan Turing, the founder of computing, as he designs the very first computer for the military to decipher the "unbreakable" German enigma machine. It's a very interesting experience, full of struggles and hardships, then achievement and success. However, Alan Turing is another tale of genius man, who did so much for society, getting the short end of the stick.
Definitely recommend.
Maze Runner 9/10
Action, suspense, mystery, etc
Very very good
Catching Fire 7.5/10
Love the movies and hate the books. The movie could be so much more if the plot didn't have to be focused on the love interests of Katnis.
Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) 9.0/10
It isn't often that I leave a theater feeling "Wow", in fact I haven't done that in probably more than a year, yet this film managed to get that response from me. So before I start, I must say this is an arts film, it's an arty film but it's a fantastic film none-the-less, it is in watchmojo's words "The Art film artists response to the super hero movie craze". So the movie is strange in a lot of ways, like it can be a bit off-putting at first because it's strange, for example the entire film is made to appear it as all one long scene. Like, normally in a movie you'll have cuts, you might go from one camera angle to the next to the next, well in this film you look through one camera and don't stop looking through that camera until the end of the film (but the camera of course moves around). Now you might go "Well I guess that means the film takes place in real time", but you'd be wrong! It wasn't ACTUALLY taken in one shot, it is just made to appear that way and even going through this one-shot-like method you still have clever transitions from day to night, from past to future and so forth. The camera work is excellent because of this, it's very unique though, because you're not getting a cut you feel like you ALWAYS have to be paying attention and can be a bit stunting at first.
This film also has relatively unexplained surreal moments where things that aren't physically possible occur, but it's done in a way that's interesting. The film has a lot of DEPTH to it, it's a critic on the movie industry as a whole, it attacks actors, directors, producers, critics, the audience and everyone. It's a movie that you can't just watch the surface, it has so much deep stuff to it it's really clever and really well done. I definitely recommend this terrific movie.
I really want to see this film and the more I here the more I want to, but I am curious if you think it is a "Big Screen Movie" Anoni?
What do you mean by "Big Screen Movie"? Like a movie you'd watch in the big screen as oppose to like a TV or something?
Yeah, I'd so say, I mean I watched it in theaters and the experience was very good.
Yeah, I so rarely get to the cinema, I've become too fussy...
Saint Young Men: The Movie 10/10
A Japanese Animated feature-length comedy where Jesus and Buddha take a year long holiday in Japan.
I loved the humour in this film: from Buddha being tight-fisted with his cash and the revelation that Jesus has no idea how to swim.
All in all, it was lighthearted and was a pleasure on the eyes. I even found myself laughing profusely more than once.
Well worth a watch!
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
The third and final installment of the Hobbit trilogy, this movie was damn amazing. The filmmakers took the last five to six chapters of J.R.R. Tolkien's acclaimed book and managed to create a visual and emotional masterpiece which can bring tears to the eyes as much as it brings a feeling of excitement, even for those who have read the book and know how it's going to end. I actually watched The Desolation of Smaug right before going to see the new film and it was an amazing experience all in all. However, I am very glad that I did not go to see Desolation in theaters, because, being arachnophobic, I screamed when the spiders came on the scene of my mother's portable DVD player (Our normal DVD player is broken). All three movies are exceptional, and are worthy of the name "The Hobbit" despite some slight changes to the plot to include some hidden LOTR lore and a new story which runs through the second and third movies. Anyway, check the whole Hobbit/LOTR series out, if you're into the medieval fantasy. You won't be sorry.
In contrast to Cifero's review, I had a very different opinion (but as someone who hasn't read the books).
The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies 6.4/10
To sum this movie up, it is a two hour conclusion, that is the last part of the movie, the end, well this one goes for two hours. The movie has the great style, acting and general fantasy setting as you probably were hoping for a lord of the rings movie, but there are problems in it. The first problem is (and perhaps I'd put this in spoiler warnings, but it happens so early on in the movie, that there's barely any need), Smaug dies at the very beginning of the movie. That's right, two movies of epic introduction, he's finally going to **censor** some shit up and you're getting ready for this giant action scene and BOOM, he dies, almost immediately, I was very surprised. The rest of the 2 hour movie details the aftermath of all that's happened, which can basically be summed up as a fight scene. I mean, the movie has a straight 45 minute block of fighting, like NOTHING but fighting and war, no real dialogue or exposition, it's all just swords, arrows, fire and what-not, it's basically chaos. The movie is like a firework show, it may seem amazing while you there, but when you leave you leave with nothing really to think about, you leave unsatisfied. And when the fireworks keep going even after 45 minutes, you get bored of them and they become stale. Same scenario with this movie I thought. The Hobbit was originally meant to be only 2 movies and I can see why, the first two movies were fantastic, but this movie let them down by just being a movie that is almost entirely filler. That's my opinion.
American Sniper: 5.7/10
War movies can do one of two things, they can either be awesome action romps with drama and dramatic scenes or they can be powerful political messages about the impact of war, American Sniper attempts to do both and spectacularly fails on both fronts. So lets do the rest of the review portraying each side of a war movie and describing how American sniper does such a poor job in conveying it.
1. The Action side of war:
American Snipers action was, quite frankly, boring. There was one scene, near the beginning of a movie, where the protagonist sniper (who is based on a real person) has to decide whether to shoot a kid or not, that was very dramatic and quite powerful. After that scene you see basically an hour of the sniper shooting people, no significant gore or impact, no good or realistic sound effects, not even really good camera work, it's just one guy shooting and another guy falling down, for the rest of the movie. Action either needs to be ridiculously over the top with gore and explosions and chaos (like Rambo) or tense, dramatic and scary (like Hurtlocker) and American sniper does neither. The movie just becomes a ridiculous shooting gallery with almost no impact of the bullets or anything, I found myself almost falling asleep through some of the action scenes because they just felt that generic. I didn't feel excited about explosions, nor did I feel tense and on the edge of my seat, its action was just boring.
2. The Horror side of war:
American sniper is not like Generation kill, Full metal Jacket or Apocalypse now, it is not about the horrors of war. The movie is summed up with one line near the beginning, "There are sheeps, who are naive and vulnerable, there are wolves who attack the sheep and there are sheep dogs who protect the sheep from the wolves". Well in this movie, EVERY iraqi is a wolf, they are all TERRORISTS and they all SHOULD BE STOPPED. So in comes our sheep dog, the American sniper, to stop all the evil muslims from destroying our sheep, but who are the sheep? The sheep is us, the people who question the war, even if they're soldiers fighting in the war, if you're unsure whether violence is the answer, WELL it looks like your a vulnerable, naive sheep and need to be protected by the sheep-dog from all the terrorists. That's the message this movie is trying to convey, it's a terrible message that basically believes in a black and white world where "IRAQIS ARE EVIL AND AMERICANS ARE GOOD, AND IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US YOU'RE A NAIVE SHEEP WHO NEEDS PROTECTING". Seriously, if you're wondering whether this movie will have any sort of moral ambiguity in it, it doesn't, even that one scene where the kid is killed, it is showed explicitly and very matter-of-factly that if the kid wasn't killed than he would of killed all the marines, it would of been better if he had to struggle with that decision. What's even more insulting is how they MAKE UP STUFF about the Iraq war to make it more sympathetic to the American side, like that 9/11 was the reason the Iraq war was initiated, NOT threats of WMDs.
I really didn't like the movie, it was boring and way too "MURRICA" for me.
Imitation Game - 8.5
Great movie that frames the stresses of a genius and the pressure of war.
Loses points for funny English Accents and despite the awe the movie puts you in, it's fairly predictable until it takes an unpredictable turn in the narrative and becomes predictable again.
American Sniper - 7.5
Also great movie. I don't get the same message from it as Anoni.
At first he joined to be a true patriot, but war changed him and he saw how terrible war was and how it changed everyone.
Loses points for not really bringing anything too new to the table.
Kill the Messenger - 6
Watch if you want to be a journalist, otherwise don't be a journalist.
I am the law.
Great action movie that has everything you could ever need. I love how much of a bad ass Dredd is.
Loses points for being a potential generic action movie.
The Odd Life of Timothy Green. - 1
A childless couple wish for a child and get a ten year old with magical leaves on his ankles that fall off every time he does a special thing for people. Eventually all his leaves are gone and he returns to wherever he came from.
I was always gonna be a sentimental film and require a suspension of disbelief.
That's fine, so was Dumbo.
But this was the lamest crap I have ever seen, it was so badly executed, failing to hit the emotional notes required and with such a pedestrian script I would expect better from the dullest child.
I felt sorry for the actors who probably thought the premise was a fresh one. Which it is.
So awful, I would rather watch infomercial repeats than see this film again.
Jupiter ascending
It has a whole lot of furry in it even the hero is a furry and there is one point that had a mobile gundam feel to it. The details of the plot line are a little hard to follow at times and im not really sure what channing tatum's characters back story is but i've figured out he's some kinda space werewolf. The visual effects however were awsome and the scale of the worlds and enviroments was epic. All in all the movie sin count can be offset abit by the fact channing runs around for a good twenty minutes without his shirt on bring this movie in at a
C.R.A.Z.Y: 8 / 10
Very interesting film! I literally just finished it a half hour ago. It's a slice of life comedy / drama about the second youngest out of five brothers and his relationship with himself and his family. Subtle symbolism, realistic characters, and quite a bit of irony. Main complaint is that
the main character doesn't officially end up with anyone romantically at the end after he spends most of the movie trying to cope with the fact that he's gay, but it makes sense I suppose since it's about him finding himself, not someone else, but it would have been nice to see him get together with someone, partially because I just like romance.
But, as I said, I can see why that happened so it doesn't dampen my enoyment of the movie much. Definitely a film for more mature audiences; quite a bit of sex and drugs. Also, it's Canadian, and if you don't speak French you'll probably want subtitles.
Mcfarland USA 8/10
A movie based on the true story of jim white, he was a rather in demand highschool football coach until an incident results in a players injury after, that he is fired and forced to take a job in McFarland CA where he starts a cross country team with seven mexican teens that come from picker families. The movie tends to get slow from time to time but does a really good job of showing the struggles of the families and the role the teens play in the families well trying to balance work with there personal and school activity
ATM, 9/10
was actually a good horror movie..
Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shambala. 6/10
I was very upset with this movie. It wasn't bad, but the ending and the lack of telling a few others story's kind of annoyed me. Like, what happened to the crew at eastern command center? What have they been up to. I just wish they told some more and that the ending didn't mAke me wanna scream.
Really liked it. Always thought Sleeping Beauty was one of the better "old" Disney movies and this is a great retelling of that tale.
Angelina Jolie was perfect as the eponymous character and whether that's because she can act or she's just cold and distant I don't know but great casting one way or another.
I would score it higher but it's not world changing cinema, it just does what it sets out to do very well.
Home: 6/10
Not a bad movie, definitely has it's expected funny moments thanks to Jim Parsons as the Oov "O". However, it wasn't quite as good as I had expected and felt like it was lacking in certain areas of the story.
Furious 7, pretty top-tier movie. Would watch again 10/10.
Avengers 2: Age of Ultron: 8.2/10
A marvel movie is a marvel movie is a marvel movie. Avengers 2 is basically exactly what you'd expect of it to be, it's an amazing movie but at the same time still follows the style of every other marvel movie. The dialogue and humor of the movie has yet again improved, the action sequences are awesome (especially a certain scene containing the Hulk and Iron Mans Hulk-buster suit) and the amount of cast in it is astounding. It's weird, normally too many characters can spoil a movie but each character in the marvel world seems to be uniquely interesting, so despite there being like 20 characters, with this movie introducing like 6 more characters, you still kind of know who everyone is. Ultron is particularly good in this movie, acting as a creepy, yet hilarious character that just sort of steals every scene he is in, really terrific. His motives are a little bit confusing though, like it seems like Marvel basically wanted to try and have his motives to be something we could possibly agree with, but at the same time keep him as this super evil robot. The end result is this guy with a very muddled motive who goes from "I want to save the people" to "ALL ORGANICS MUST DIE" in a flip of a coin. I also felt the unveiling of a new character near the end of the film would be something incredibly important, but the movie sort of just brushes it off in the end, having him only have a few minutes of screen time. The amount of characters and story arcs in the movie is probably to blame.
So in the end, it's basically the same as every other marvel movie, which always is "bigger" and more fantastic than the last. I feel like one day we'll get tired of the classic formula, but for now I suppose you can say "why fix something that isn't broken"
Nah it came out earlier in Australia :D
Just like the moon-landing footage >:3
*brings in some Aussie ice FOR THAT BURN!*
OT: I finally saw Rise of the Guardians. Thought I'd hate it really liked it, even though interrupted a lot. Want to watch it again properly now. The Aussie rabbit was a little annoying... I'm all for a national caricature and enjoy a Strayn one as much as the next bonza sheila, but it seemed made by someone who's never even seen a real Aussie let alone gets humour in the national character. Still... Jack's secret origin story really worked for me.
Y tu mamá también 7/10
Halo 4 forward onto dawn
I never got much into the games so incant speak much for how they followed the storyline but the movie itself was alright. They get going a little slow but once the action starts it ends up being a good movie
I just finished watching it and i'm still a little emotionally compromised. At the end of the movie, i literally sat in the dark staring at the screen through the entire credits, and then for 10 more minutes, just thinking. I was completely unprepared for how intense and deep this movie was going to be. It was a complete curvball. As a physics nerd it totally rubbed me the right way. I won't say much more about it because that would spoil it. But it took everything about astronomy and theoretical physics that i've always had a passion for, things that we can't observe or explain atm, and painted a picture that made me feel like i was discovering it myself for the first time, and it seemed so real. It was a complete mind-trip. The acting was amazing. Everybody was great. The plot was great. Very emotional. I've never cried so much for any other movie. I cried about 5x harder than i did for Titanic XD
I was expecting greatness from Nolan, but this FAR exceeded my expectations. My new favorite movie period. I just want MORE.
My only complaint is that now i don't think i will ever be impressed with any other movie.
Age of Ultron: 6/10
Its a good movie, but it does not compare to Avengers assembled, and it suffers from the issue that it only has two speeds, too fast, and completely stopped. When I stop and think, I have no idea who half the new characters even ARE. hell, half the new characters are never even named, (Most notably Quick silver, and Scarlet witch) If I did not know some of them from elsewhere, I would have been totally lost.
The action is good though, and ultimately this is a well executed action movie, if you liked avengers, you will like the sequel.
Avengers 2
I'll give it a 7 out of 10
I think it was better than the first one because you already know the main characters so it doesn't need the long build up anymore.
It literally goes straight into the action and I really liked that the movie wasn't really holding anything back in regards to that.
Anger is completely right though about the new characters...
I had no idea that the two new guys were quicksilver and scarlet witch and I had to look up the Vision's name to know what to refer to him as because I don't think it was mentioned once.
Also quicksilver and scarlet witch's character development felt really forced and in the end I didn't really feel anything for them.
I also find it unbelievable how only 6-7 guys can hold up against armies like that. Especially in the first movie.
I did really like though how they were all starting to break up as a team and how it's going to be quite the build up for Civil War.
My favourite part was when they were in Africa and large portion was filmed in Johannesburg.
Good movie and I would recommend it to anyone who's been following the marvel movies or someone looking to enjoy a thrilling action.
If you're into arthouse and hate superhero movies, then avoid.
:o o.O Anoni.....Are you a reviewer? It hasn't came out yet here.... :'(
He should be one though! XD
Fifty Shades of Grey 5/10
I haven't read the book so can't speak to faithfulness but for all the hype and haters it was OK. A bit lacking in chemistry but it's hard to tell with all that brooding and repressed emotion. I guess I expected more S&M stuff but that's more into the second book apparently. For a film of a book which started as a Twilight fanfic I guess this is a masterpiece. IF you watched it without preconception I think it would just leave you with a lot of questions but not much enthusiasm to find out the answers.
San Andreas 10/10
Mad Max: Fury Road - 8.3/10
I live, I die, I live again, arriving at the gates of Valhalla shiny and chrome! Yes, Mad Max Fury Road is a strange movie, it's full of strange characters, strange progression and strange niches that I would consider ballsy in the movie business. Mad Max does a few things that I haven't seen in movies for a very long time and I feel, for example 80% of the special effects are practical, and not computer generated, which was a mind blowing fact considering that amount of stunts they do in that movie. Mad Max is a movie about ACTION, the movie starts off with Mad Max, doing an internal monologue, and then suddenly EXPLOSION, CHAOS, GUNFIRE and the pace just sort of continues that way throughout the entire movie. Now, we've seen this sort of action before, Transformers for example, seems to be just explosions and chaos and what-not, so who cares? What makes this action different from the crappy action of Transformers?
1. Plot Exposition: In transformers there is a plot, the plot is LITERALLY told to you by the characters, they just go up to the screen and say "So currently X is happening and then Y will happen". In Mad Max, there IS no plot exposition, you sort of verify the plot from yourself through snide remarks of characters or simply the aesthetics of the background. A plot exists, and it's actually quite a sophisticated plot as well, but the plot is in the details, it's something you have to look for. For those wanting a cool story, they get their cool story, for those wanting mindless action, they get their mindless action.
2. Aesthetics: Mad Max is all about style, whether it's people driving in a sandy desert in the middle of a tornado inside a sandstorm, with lighting flickering about everywhere. Or they're fighting in a misty swamp with crows flying around and lights flashing all about. Mad Max is there to impress aesthetically, explosions don't impress, art does.
3. It's aware of itself: Mad Max is Mad. Literally, the whole film is over-the-top insane, and it's very aware it is insane. The characters are ridiculous, like a blind character who stands ontop of a truck that has 40 ft high speakers so people can hear the character play an electric guitar that shoots fire. The stunts are ridiculous, the story is ridiculous, the local is ridiculous, it's all just amazing.
4. Consequences: In mad max, consequences happen. While all this insane stuff is going on, if someone gets shot, THEY'RE DEAD, that's it. It's not like some fast and furious stuff where people have plot armour as thick as the wall of china. Mad Max Characters are mortal, and most of these insane stunts kill characters, and it's quite awesome to see that happen
So altogether, mad max is incredible, it's truly an awesome movie. It hides an intellectual story of a post-apocalyptic setting behind non-stop, never boring, chaotic madness. Mad Max may only speak 6 or 7 words in the entire movie, but the movie still comes off as great. What a beautiful day.
Also a local sydney fur I know actually did some of the visual effects for it, he's in the credits!
Twenty8k: 7/10
It's a alright movie, but some things should be changed a bit.
π - 8.5/10
N-no, really. That's the name of the movie. π. With the symbol.
It is actually a truly chilling movie, and one of the most unique movies I've ever seen in a long time.
Directed by Darren Aronofsky, the director of later movies being Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain, Black Swan, etc., shot in gritty 16mm grayscale, and with a spectacular score composed of electronic music by various artists (three being the only original songs composed for the film by Clint Mansell included in the official soundtrack release), this film is about a very private man, alone in his triple-locked apartment with his supercomputer. This man is Max Cohen, played by Sean Gullete. He is an expert mathematician and number theorist, who believes that everything in nature can be understood through numbers. However, he also suffers from cluster headaches, hallucinations, social anxiety, and severe paranoia.
It's all about a race for the answer to a 216-digit number that he comes across, with which he is obsessed about, convinced that it holds the key to the universe, that it will let Max predict all of the patterns in a world of chaos and disorder. But it will turn out to be a descent to madness.
I very much recommend the movie to anyone who's interested in psychological thrillers. And maybe someone who knows numbers very well, so they can point out the inaccuracies that it may have relating to mathematics and numbers. I don't know any of them though.
I've been meaning to watch that, looks like a good psychological thing!
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.
Production standards were good but SO generic as to be a humourless parody for me. Jeff Bridges (who I think is OK) didn't have the gravitas for the mentor/wiseman role in this hero's journey. Romantic subplot felt forced and an unveiled contrivance to generate the hero's internal conflict.
22 jump street 9/10
It's a great comedy and I enjoy the actors in it
I, Robot 10 out of 10
Pacific Rim - 9/10 waiting for sequel
Sicario: 7.5/10
Sicario was a good movie, if you like movies similar to zero dark thirty and hurt locker you should see this. The movie is about an agent in the FBI as she goes on a special mission to hunt down one of the leaders of a large Mexican drug cartel. The movie is full of subtle twists and turns and the ending is satisfying and shocking. The plot can be a bit hard to follow at times, and it follows the standard "agency drama" shtick that things like law and order do. It does execute what it tries to achieve well though, and it gives backstories to very minor characters so every death you see in the movie seems quite significant.
Overall good movie, not the best movie I've ever seen, but good!
Looper, 8/10
Brilliant film, although requires a certain amount of concentration (though not as much as a lot of time travel based films)
Last Movie I saw in theaters: Inside Out 10/10! I will defiantly be buying this one on DVD when it's available
Last Movie i watched on DVD: Pink Panther (With Steve Martin) 7.5/10 Pretty funny :) Probably the only mystery type movie I'll ever watch. (well that & the sequel)
The last movie I saw was Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens.
Without spoiling anything (or trying not to), it's on par with A New Hope, and has many of the same elements. It is a return to its true self with practical effects and only maybe two instances of CGI, and brief ones at that. It doesn't rely on nostalgia, but sprinkles it in here and there. The humor is subtle though certainly present and adds to the scenes rather than distracting from them. If you liked A New Hope, you will love The Force Awakens. It is not without its flaws as they weren't able to really squeeze in what may have happened within that 30 year gap between episode 6 and episode 7, so there are certainly a lot of questions right out of the gate. The CGI scenes, while short, do feel a bit out of place. There are some deus ex machina moments, but they are not too bad. You will have a case of the feels by the time it's over and even through the film.
I give it 4 lightsabers out of 5 deathstars.
vhs viral 8[size=0px]/10[/size]
super 8 8[/size][size=0px]/10[/size]
rec 9[/size][size=0px]/10[/size]
The Martian
Deadpool. @_@ <3 I'd give it a 10/10, it was a blast getting to watch it.
Fury and Chappie
Both 9/10
Deadpool. @_@ <3 I'd give it a 10/10, it was a blast getting to watch it.
I gotta agree with this one. It was the last movie I watched as well, and it was so hilarious. The acting was great! The humor was fantastic, and Ryan Reynolds definitely nailed the role of Deadpool ^_^
The Revenant 10/10
Deadpool 8/10
Kill Bill Vol. 2 10/10
Machete Kills 7/10
I have to do last three.
The Revenant 1/10. Not a typo. That movie was awful, and I want the two hours of my life back. Leo didn't even ACT. He grunted, winced, and slept. Sometimes all three. But that's about it. I left the theater because two hours in I felt like the plot hadn't advanced and I would be stuck there in misery for another two and a half hours.
Deadpool 9/10 You just think the studio could have afforded more X-Men. Ryan Reynolds making fun of himself was just fantastic. "You think Ryan Reynolds got to where he is because of his superiors acting talent?" Kept true to the character. Loved it.
Zootopia 10/10 Loved it, and not just for the furry aspect. I'm a huge Disney fan, so I'm probably a little biased, but I felt like it had just the right amount of story twists and turns. Not too many, but not too few to make it boring and straightforward. The relationship development was top notch - it didn't feel like that Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy nonsense. Smooth transition from unwilling partner to partners that need each other. Bunnies ARE emotional. :3
If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend doing so. ^^
The Revenent 7.6/10: The revenent doesn't offer much in terms of story, drama, twists or turns, but does offer itself in visuals and aesthetics. I didn't really think the Revenent was an amazing movie, but it wasn't a bad movie. It just didn't really give much, it was a classic revenge story and it ended predictably. It was graphic, hard to watch at some moments, which is good in a movie, but altogether it just didn't leave you thinking. Did Leo deserve the Oscar? Yes, but not because he was great, just because he was the best of a bad bunch, this years movie season just wasn't very good in my opinion, there weren't any super captivating actor performances. So if you want to lay back, watch some beautiful scenery and some graphic gore, then this movie is just for you!
Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force awakens 8.1/10: I am not much of a star wars fan, I like the movies but I'm not obsessed with them, I was born in the time of the prequels, so as a kid that's what I watched and thus I do enjoy the prequels. I enjoy the sequels too of course, but I didn't grow up with them, either way with the prequels being your primary introduction to star wars it's safe to say that I am not entirely the biggest fan. But star wars VII awakened in me a new hope, it was actually a great movie. The movie did do a lot (possibly too much) of fan service, but the parts that weren't were still very interesting. One thing I loved about the movie is that Kylo ren truly seemed powerful, I don't think a movie has really demonstrated the power of a jedi among non-jedis like this movie has. Anytime Kylo Ren steps onto the scene, it's like anytime someone tries to fight him, it's pointless, he's just too powerful that no matter what you did, you'd lose. But of course...
He does go down pretty easily near the end
Not only did star wars feature the fan service, and the power of the force, but one of the most welcomed additions to the movie for me was the humor. It was a really funny movie, there were a lot of incredible and awesome jokes, the storm troopers were funnier than ever, it was just a general great movie. Again it wasn't the best movie but it was good.
Deadpool 8.5/10: Huh.
A super hero movie made by fox that was actually amazing? I didn't think it possible. Granted I did like their original spider man series, deadpool was sort of on a whole new level. Now, they had an R-rating, sure so I was expecting some sort of violence, maybe a bit of gore added and stuff, but I wasn't quite expecting as much swearing, violence, sex and drugs. It didn't feel like a super hero movie, it just didn't fit, it felt more like a ridiculously high budget stoner comedy. And you know it was good! It wasn't what I was expecting, and I left happy. The jokes got a bit old near the end, but overall the movie really was good. And that torture scene was pretty harsh and creative.
Hail, Ceasar! 7.4/10: A classic Coen Brothers film through and through, no question, literally this coen brothers film was the most coen brothersy film of all coen brothers film. And that's not necessarily a good thing, the Coen brothers are sort of... hit and miss. This film was good, it was funny it had some good stories and some good parts but at the end of it you are just sort of left wondering... why? Like coen brothers films never seem to really have a point and sometimes that's good, like in A serious man the seemingly lack of meaning can cause some great philosophical discussion, but this film just doesn't really allow that. It just sort of is a nice camera tour around the cinema business in the golden age of cinema and that's sort of about it. It had some weird and wacky situations (eg: The main actor being kidnapped by communists) but overall it just sort of left you wondering... what the whole point was.
Deadpool 8/10 I liked this movie and had been anticipating it for a while. My big regret is watching the trailers because too many good bits where in it. Despite the violence and swearing and adult humour, oh and a pretty tasteful sex scene, I watched this with my 12 yo kids. They absolutely loved it. I know for many kids that age it would be inappropriate, but I've brought them up on clever adult humour and so I thought them ready for it. In fact I kinda think it was aimed more at their level, what i think of as "adult juvenile humour" like Family Guy or Team America. I think that's like the stoner vibe Anoni mentions. Kinda nice that the gutter humour didn't resort to racism, sexism or homophobia! Yay ^_^
The Road to El Dorado 6.5/10 I'd never seen this flick and I really liked it. I feel bad for it that it isn't one of the "classics", I don't know if maybe it just wasn't that good or because it was Dreamworks instead of Disney... anyway Elton John music, Hans Zimmer OST, cool lead characters (voiced by Kevin Kline and Kenneth Brannagh!) a slightly three dimensional female character Chel is more interesting than most Disney Princesses IMHO. And I'm a fan of voice actors so Jim Cummings and Frank Welker are like having old friends for dinner.
Astro Boy 2009 8[size=0px]/10[/size]
AI Artificial Intelligence 10[/size][size=0px]/10[/size]
Hotel Transylvania 2. 6/10.
I really liked the first movie because it was able to reach the medium of kid friendly but still appealing to older people. But the second one was very very kid oriented, which I understand. It's a kid movie, not a teen movie. But my rating stands for teens, but for someone younger its a fantastic movie.
Zootopia 9/10
Yobi The Nine Tailed Fox 10/10 ;-; so freakin good last time i seen it
Earth to Echo 10/10
The Big Lebowski 8.2/10
Deadpool 7.8/10
Midnight Cowboy 6.9/10
Full Metal Jacket 8.8/10
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
9/10 very elaborate visual techniques which hold up pretty well and don't look nearly as forced as they would with modern technology, and it's got an interesting story as well. B) Despite it's silly cartoony world, it makes you take it seriously. I only come across gems like this every year or two...I have no idea why this movei had been missing from my life all that time. Also... WHY IS THERE NO SEQUEL? :'(
my cinemaphotography and screen writing teachers movie (not sure if there is a english version) the phinixes (ציפורי החול).
its a buitful movie full of reffernces and good actors, the story is filled with mistery. if you can find a version with english subtitles i really reccomand watching it.
Birdman 4/10 I love movies (obscure ones like the signal are fantastic) but birdman, it quite not spoke to me. Camera work was insane but it just could not keep me entertained :|
Pi: 7.5/10
Pi is a movie about an extremely intelligent, though paranoid and possibly schizophrenic, mathematician who believes he has discovered a pattern to the universe and must face the consequences for discovering such pattern. The film was made in 1998 but the production makes it appear as if it was a film made in the 60's, but I believe that aesthetic is intentional and adds to the films surrealist nature. The film isn't an easy watch, a combination of disturbing imagery as well as a disturbing but excellent soundtrack make for a film that could be considered as much a psychological horror than a film about mathematics. Big plus for the fact that the soundtrack was done by my favourite composer Clint Mansells.
This doesn't get very high on the list however for a few reasons, one of the primary ones is that the film doesn't leave a very lasting feeling at the end of the film. I wasn't very captivated by the film, even though it had my full attention, it just didn't grab me in the way that I wanted it too. One of the reasons for that probably is some strange inconsistencies within the mathematics itself in the film, in general a film about mathematics should make some form of logical sense. There were some cool parts, but in general the film relied too much on non-mathematically minded people watching it, to the point that they could say something that was pseudo-profound but actually made no sense.
An example of this is that when the mathematician runs his "Euclid" program to predict the stock market, the program crashes but before it does prints a 200 or so digit number. Turns out that number is the key for unlocking the mysterious of the universe, but the explanation as to why the computer printed that number is just ridiculous. Basically, according to the senior mathematician in the film, when running the program the program became self-aware, discovered the meaning of the universe and then printed the meaning to communicate the message to the mathematician. But such a claim is just silly and doesn't correlate with the entire direction that the film was moving towards. It is obvious that they wanted to try to make the existence of the number profound, but I found that explanation extremely lacking. It would of been better if they left it a mystery for the viewer to decide where the number comes from.
I love the fact another person saw PI.
Doctor Strange: 8.5/10
Another great Marvel Film. It was refreshing and different, even though the first halfish definitely felt like your average Marvel Film/Iron Man 1 rehash.
Doctor strange, 9/10
Best possible actor for strange.
Really, really nice shift from everything else marvel has been doing. I've never really been exposed to strange but I enjoyed this movie immensely.
Few not picks and tidbits but... I enjoyed this more then I've enjoyed any marvel movie for a while
Interstellar. I give it a watch this/10.
Engaging story about actual scientific theories. Deep enough to keep the smarties invested and cool space stuff for those with the attention span of a toaster.
Fantastic beasts and where to find them.I really like it, it is pretty well written and made, special effects are stunning, Actors are pretty on point with the acting and gives the vibe of the era pretty well but:
1. there are some cliché's that are just boring and expected
2. plot holes, they exist and aren't pretty,they aren't massive but they are dotted all around the place.
3. continuity errors, everything I said about the plot holes also apply here except most are from lazy VFX artists who didn't care about the back ground
4. and finally the dreaded enemy deus ex machinas, I counted 2, and there might be more. thy are light and used from exposition which is very common but they are there none the less.
I would give it a 8 out of 10.
I saw Aladdin for the first time.
It is not bad. But it is not that good neither.
The + :
- The genie is really fun
- No stupid and annoying sidekick
- The characters are quite appealing overall
- That rug is really cute
The - :
- The way they introduce Aladdin as the oh so adorable, oh so gentle, oh so generous sweety who gives his food to the pooor children and save them for the meaan prince's horse and aaw. Totally not overdone.
- The animation sometimes is...really badly done. Mostly the first song. Who was bad too.
- The usual "I just met you but you're definitely the love of my life, let's marry two days after we first met"
So, overall, I'd say it is a quite good cartoon for kids. I'd give it a...14/20 ?
I really like it, it is pretty well written and made, special effects are stunning, Actors are pretty on point with the acting and gives the vibe of the era pretty well but:
1. there are some cliché's that are just boring and expected
2. plot holes, they exist and aren't pretty,they aren't massive but they are dotted all around the place.
3. continuity errors, everything I said about the plot holes also apply here except most are from lazy VFX artists who didn't care about the back ground
4. and finally the dreaded enemy deus ex machinas, I counted 2, and there might be more. thy are light and used from exposition which is very common but they are there none the less.
I would give it a 8 out of 10.
Uhh, what movie?
The Arrival: 9/10
Sci fi and linguistics, two of my favorite things, and both were done really well!
Leaving Las Vegas (1995) 9.2/10 ***SPOILERS***
Ben Sanderson (Nicholas Cage) is an alcoholic. After loosing both his wife his kid and his job, he decides to go on a bender to Las Vegas to "drink himself to death". While there he meets Sera (Elizabeth Shue), a hooker who he pays to go to his apartment. Not for sex but for someone to talk to. And with the remaining few days of Bens life they fall in love with each other.
This film is one of my favorites as it blends brutal realism with dark dark comedy. While I recommend this film to any buff or just casual film lover, I do not recommend it to the faint of heart. The whole premise can be interpreted as quite disturbing and some are downright sad I.E a scene that has Shue's character getting raped by three college boys (one being disabled). Not only is this after she leaves Ben for a period, and the driver of a taxi mocks her for "not covering her ass". But it shows her sitting in a shower (with blood running down the drain from her vagina) with flashbacks to the rape in question. Directly after this scene she finds Ben in a hotel room, twitching and jerking uncontrollably. The finally have sex and later whilst Sera is sleeping Ben finally dies.
Even though I've spoiled the whole film I still recommend it highly
A Cat in paris
[size=78%]A Monster in Paris[/size]
The Lego Batman Movie cx
8 outta 10
Or maybe 9
Me and my friend were hovering around the town near us and we were like, hey, lets go to the cinema or somethin
And she was like
Lets watch lego batman
And i was like
Plz nu
But we did
I approve of the BatmanxJoker ship
Its beautiful
The film was actually pretty funny, not gonna lie
I wasn't expecting much but hey, I was pleasantly suprised
The Ledgend of Tarzan. 6/10. Not as bad as the reviews made it out to be. Worth a watch, but probably only one.
John Wick Chapter 2
Go because it's John Wick
Stay because it's John Wick
Watch in aw because it's John Wick
Cringe because it's John Wick
Cheer because it's John Wick
Love because it's John Wick
Watch it because it's John Wick
And John Wick is **censor** amazing
Logan. 8/10.
This is as human a superhero (or a superhero-themed) movie can get. Throw away all the logic you've learned from the other Marvel movies you've watched, because this particular one's definitely going to tug at your emotions, and it'll be difficult to look at the X-Men film series the same way again. This is an adult-oriented, gore-filled, unrelenting film, where the only thing the protagonists want is to survive.
For the love of god, don't go into this movie bringing any youngins or with the expectation that its plot and events are going to turn out fine and dandy.
Been watching a lot of movies lately.
Logan: 9/10
One of the best X-Men movies.
Ghost in the Shell: 8/10
Amazing visuals, good story, but not as interesting as the anime. (TBH, I've never seen the anime all the way through, but I know enough about it to know what some of the changes they made are)
Patriot's Day: 7/10
More interesting and engaging than I thought it would be.
Magnificent Seven: 7.5/10
Good, but I liked the original better. No, not that one, the original original. The one with swords.
Passengers: 7/10
Pretty good, but Jennifer Lawrence's character's sudden flip-flop near the end didn't work for me.
War Dogs: TBD, still watching. Good so far.
Kubo and the Two Strings
I just watched this today and it was absolutely stunning. I felt a lot of emotions throughout. I usually am not someone to rant on a movie, but this was a complete work of art that was a privilege to watch.
I have seen 3 movies in the past week here are their reviews
Kong skull island 6.5/10 needs more story, it fell short of plot
Moana,8.9 good story lots of adventure,long story short your in for a ride if you havent seen it
A dogs purpose,the story exceeded all expectations,emotionaly superior to other dramas
Please note im a proud dog owner of 3 so their is some bias here
I plan on watching fate of the furious when it comes out april 14th 2017
The movies I have watched recently were Moana and Coraline.
Moana was amazing! for me, it would be a 9/10. It was such a nice movie and the songs were so amazing! The only reason it's not 10/10 is because of the chicken animal sidekick and the coconut guys. both of those things were just very random and to me, annoying. the Kakamora seemed to come out of nowhere and then as soon as the showed up were gone again- they just didn't really seem to serve any real purpose. heihei was simply annoying- I like when Disney makes the animal sidekicks amusing and somewhat helpful not just random for random sake.
Coraline was a 6/10. I loved the style and basic story of Coraline but towards the end things seem to just devolve into a strange video game like a fetch quest. basically, I just didn't like the way the movie went about resolving its conflict- but the concept and the art was quite cool.
Logan: 7.9/10
Definitely one of the better Xmen movies, going with the newfound (and in my personal opinion, welcomed) trend to make R rated flicks, Logan becomes a lot more of an emotional tale with more grit and darker themes like suicide, mental illness and loss. While the movie is great, I couldn't stop seeing parallels to The Road and the Last of Us, I suppose the genre is of post-apocalyptic travel from one end to the other is a relatively new genre that's taken theaters but quite quickly its becoming cliche. Both the Road, Last of Us and Logan follow very similar plot points, a grown man travelling with a child learning harsh lessons on the way, heading to some place that may or may not be real, getting into morally grey situations where one has to do something unethical to survive, and so forth. The main difference between these movies is the setting, with Logan occurring in an "xmen" apocalypse but the other humans seem all fine, Last of us occurs in a classic zombie apocalypse and The road intentionally doesn't specify what apocalypse it's in. Altogether the movie is great, one of the finest xmen movie, but in a way it boils down to basically the last of us or the road, which is fine, cause they're both good.
Ghost in the Shell 7.3/10
Anime movies are historically terrible, like the Drangonball live action movie or attack on titan one, these will never really live up to expectations, yet somehow GITS manages to just get in there with actually a pretty decent portrayal of the anime universe. All the changes made in the movie from the anime seem understandable given the change of medium, and yes the movies themes were dumbed down a bit, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, I know I was initially turned off gits because I didn't understand the sophisticated and intricate philosophy (I was 13 though). The movie is good, the characters are interesting, the visuals are phenomenal and the shot-by-shot anime-to-movie scenes are a thrill for those who have watched the anime. The movie also takes elements from the other adaptions of GITS, like Stand Alone Complex and 2nd gig, which is a welcome addition! Despite all these positives, it still falls into the same sorta problems that any hollywood anime adaption is going to run into. It's dumbed down, more emotional, and more standard. So while most of the stuff I've been saying are quite positive, it's more that "compared to other anime adaptions, this one is really good!", but that's not quite a high bar to set.
Robocop 2.
A movie that could have been the perfect sequel to a great satire of modern society (yes, movies from the 1980s are still relevant... if it is a positive thing or not is up to you to decide). The movie opened with what I call a great "commercial", the satire was already there yet it became clear that after 5 minutes of satire there wasn't something right.
This feeling was confirmed after watching for 30 minutes: formulas from the 1st movie were copied, but it wasn't a good one. It began to feel that the director hated this sequel, he wanted to make it good so he wouldn't get fired but also absolutely hated it.
The satire was overkill, the characters felt annoying, the "corporations are evil" message was overused and is pushed down the throat of the viewer. No greyzones, it's all black and white: the character is either good or isn't.
The mayor, oh such an annoying character. Secretly I was hoping for a carbomb so I would stop seeing this character.
What could have been such a great sequel became a bigger wreck than the boeing 747 crashes in Tenerife.
Guardians of the galaxy vol.2
Good story,intresting plot,intense humor,70's to 80's soundtrack 9.8/10
Hanna: 10/10
This surrealist film was lit <33 I love surrealism and action, so the two combined was probably the best thing I've seen all year. The actors were amazing and made the film somewhat believable to an extent. The soundtrack by The Chemical Brothers also made the film just that little bit better too- it fired the theme so well and ahh :'')
Finished watching some B-movies after work, might as well half-ass review them.
Starship Troopers: 7/10
So, would you like to know more? This is seriously one of my favorite science fiction series ever. My favorite parts are the brief news reports, really giving you the feel of this Terran Federation. The effects, apart from the bugs at the time, are terrible and the acting seems forced but that's what's so great about it. It's not attempting to be anything more than a cheesy, over-the-top scifi military movie and for that I'll rate it 7 out of 10.
Come on, Rico, how many times do we have answer that question?
Six String Samurai: 10/10
Do you like fifties' rock and roll? Do you like post-apocalyptic b-films with sword wielding, guitar playing wanderers? Do you like Buddy Holly? If you answered yes to any of those, then this film's for you! A total cult classic, SSS is an amazing post-apocalyptic comedy/action. With an amazing soundtrack, crazy characters and a small cameo from Dirty Harry, this movie is just too good not to be rated 10 out of 10. Now run along kid, before the spinach monster gets you.
Cause when you're dressed like Buddy, you gotta have the moves.
Get Out
...this was a big surprise. Really, really good horror-comedy (that's what they say, but I'm feeling ehh about the comedy) that does what it sets out. Every little detail ties up by the end, and it's going to kind of **censor** with you, but I won't say how.
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
I've heard it described as a two hour long trailer and it definitely feels that way with the pacing and editing and while I wouldn't want every film I see to be like it, it was a novelty more than an irritant for me. Not too serious, unusual style and great visuals. It certainly isn't shy to just make up a bunch of stuff. I really liked it but not for everyone.
Blade -- 8/10.
I loved this movie. I bought it a while back because it was cheap and finally sat down to watch it. It was a good movie, but I thought that the fact that bitten vampires now have a cure and that Blade's mom had to die was pretty crappy. Also, who knew vampires could be so racist to one another?
Mimic (1997): 7-ish / 10
The concept of the movie is rather interesting (a tad bit of brilliant I would even say).
How the movie has been overall worked out, also pretty good. It has a good build-up and isn't showing the... "bad guy" early on. There is a little bit of a 'spoiler' as to who/what the bad guy actually is early-ish on, which is kind of a shame, but since the premise of the movie is based on a scientific-base (mutation, evolution), it wouldn't be too hard to figure it out and it kind of already pre-explains what is going to most likely happen.
Still, rather interesting and having a(n) (brief) insight on various main characters is also pretty good, and the relationship towards one another.
The CGI, however, has not aged well at all. Then again, if you keep in mind when it was made and how far (or should I say "not far") CGI was at the time, still pretty ok to watch. They make use of props as well, so not everything that's "foreign" is CGI-based. It's kind of a little bit similar to Stephen Spielberg's tactic: Close-up shots are with props, far-away(-ish) shots are done with CGI models and such.
The rewatch value isn't that high, and that's also what I based my rating on.
In the end, things tie up. A bit in a cheesy-way.
Storywise, character-wise, 'scientifically'-wise.
And like I said, the concept of this movie-story is rather interesting. Definitely worth a watch.
There are 'sequels', a Mimic 2 and a Mimic 3 as far as I'm aware of. I recall seeing those, but it just goes from bad to worse. Stick to this first movie. It has a closed-ending, it's good as it is by itself.
Oldboy (2003) 9/10
Oldboy is a very interesting film, made by south-korean director/screenwriter/producer Chan-wook Park the movie is about a man who is captured and kept in isolation for 15 years, his only human interaction being television and the silent workers who feed him and keep his room in order. Oh Dae-su is released and must find out why he was imprisoned and get revenge on who did it, as well as find out why this happened to him.
It touches on what it means to be human, life, and how some truths are best never uncovered. The acting is utterly fantastic from everyone involved and the action is pure bliss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrqdbBZqT7U (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrqdbBZqT7U)
Oh Dae-su isn't really a hero, I did root for him mostly throughout the film but he does more than a couple awful things to reach his goal of revenge. To be honest it would be best to describe Dae-su as at best an anti-hero and at worst an anti-villain, he becomes a monster.
"Even though I am no better than a beast, don't I have a right to live?"
VHS: Viral
Uh, thinking about it I cant recall much. I cannot recall a single clip from it except the last (?) one, and that's because it just didnt feel right. There were a couple of skater dude-bros who, apparently, didnt care at all about people getting killed. The most they said upon the death of two of their companions was "do you feel as I do about gas money kid and the camera guy?" They also spent a decent amount of time just killing dudes with their skateboards. Like, they had an entire cult attacking them with blades and they were able to fend them off with skateboards. Just wasn't good.
Of course, the VHS movies never were anything special but this one was just bad. There was nothing redeeming to it and the plot- Which does exists in these- Seemed to be largely confused.
I wouldn't recommend it.
Shaun of the Dead ~ 9/10
Holy hell, this was a good film.
Me and my friend watched it at midnight, after she told me it was the film that has scared her out of zombie movies since she was 9. I can kinda see why, but it was great nevertheless.
The acting, for one, was on pointe. And it was all very well played out. However, it was incredibly relatable, which was kinda sad. In the relatable to how British people would act during a zombie apocalypse kinda way.
I would give it a 10, but there was once scene where a character got eaten graphically, and I am still haunted 2 days on.
I wonder who it was
Might as well...
"Shawshank redemption" 9/10
Darn movie was awesome.
Take the hours of terminally depressing life in Shawshank prison, and then let it contrast against possibly one of the most moving and relieving prison escapes ever...
The levels of ΔF are unbelievable...
9/10. The [CONTENT REMOVED] documentary on Netflix.
It was very interesting. The whole topic (I guess) has a book on it as well. I got the book and I look forward to reading it.
Star wars: The Last Jedi
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm... hmm. They tried something different, and in some places that was the right direction and in others it was confusing. Full review in spoilers and will contain major spoilers for star wars episode 8
So one of the things that I thought was particularly strange about the movie is how almost ALL the bad things were the fault of the heroes, and basically the movie can be summarized as a series of screw ups by the rebel alliance. Let us go forth with all the problems.
Poe: Poe (the rebel pilot) is, in actuality, the villain of this movie in a way because, when you think about it, he causes more deaths then any other character within the entire star wars movie. It was Poe's idea, despite being ordered not to, to destroy the star destroyer, which he did at great cost to the entire bombing fleet, let us assess the losses from this battle:
- The first order loses one of there, at least 5, destroyers.
- The rebel fleet lose most of their ships and their entire bomber fleet.
Doesn't really seem like a tactical mood eh? Poe also caused the deaths of most of the rebel transport ships flying to the planet, because it was his idea that he supported to get Finn and the Rose to the Snoke's ship, which turned out to be entirely unnecessarily, and it was Finn's capture that caused them to detect the rebel transport ships and shoot them down. The only good thing Poe did was to find an escape route once they were on the planet, but overall the rebel alliance would be much better off without Poe.
Finn: Finn didn't do cause lives to be lost, but he did contribute nothing to the rebel alliance throughout the movie. In fact, the entire Finn storyline is him failing to do anything, he fails to get the code cracker off the casino planet, he fails to sneak onto snoke's ship and he fails to destroy the battering ram cannon, altogether finn was just an utter failure who couldn't do anything right.
Rose: Roses salvation of Finn was entirely unnecessary, and if she died would be even more unnecessary. She risked her own life, and the lives of ALL the other rebels, just to save Finn's life. I know it's meant to be poetic but it's a really stupid move. Especially when you consider Finns past failures.
The captain: The acting captain of the Rebel ship failed to tell Poe of her plan for no reason, which helped influence Poe **censor** up totally. Also, she sacrificed two ships of people for a plan that ultimately ended up mostly failing, so great job, you're the true hero.
There are so many other cases where the characters **censor** up, snoke being unable to detect kylo moving his lightsaber, rey getting tricked by snoke and kylo, kylo failing as always to stop the under armed and undermanned rebel alliance, the movie was just people messing up, that's how it was summarized.
But I like how the movie was unexpected, snoke dying was interesting and rey's parents being no one interesting was also a nice touch. So yeah, just a bit of a weird film
starwars: the last Jedi 10/10 no really I liked the black screen and the guy who kept saying: "the projectors are broken" im really mad
Home Alone ~ 3/10
I'm sorry, but--
I've seen it way too many times to enjoy it
The kid can't act to save his life
Not like I can do better or anything
starwars XIII: The Last Jedi (for real this time) 7/10 SPOILER FREE: so a lot of people are getting upset right now but i really didn't like the 3-story-line action as it was hard to follow and remember that StarWars is a kids movie, the comedic parts were coming too fast after each other its like action followed by comedy followed by 1 min action before another comedic part, which is not spaced out well. next im getting into spoilers so if you dont mind spoilers or already seen it just press the spoilers box
okay lets all first say, yes i know the actor of princess Leia sadly died, but because of this fact i thought Leia would die as well, but she didn't she was just unconscious for a few parts of the movie and awoken again, which just confused me as she awoke way too fast it was like: "we still have the content of the last part of the movie with her in it lets use it in memory of Carrie Fisher" which i understand but still it has to make sense which it doesn't. also the casino scene had absolutely nothing to do with the plot and if it didn't happen the movie would've been the same. now for some positive things: I liked the relation between Finn and Rose, they're so cute together, Rey and Kylo fall into this cuteness as well. the lessons Luke taught Rey were also really good, and the changes Luke needed to go through with burning the Jedi relics and then Joda was one of the best comedic parts and i loved Joda in this movie
Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
One of Mel Gibson his finer works.
It's easy for moviemakers to skip the story and immediatly go over to the action on the battlefield with tons of explosions and gunshots, eliminating all potential for a story solely for the purpose of making a quick buck and somekind of trophy if you make some political sentiments after the movie.
But that's not this movie, it is absolutely not.
There is depth in this movie, there is an actual story and it's not a cheesy one.
The character development is on point and even late in the movie you still learn more about the maincharacter and you start to understand his motive why he refuses to carry a gun in WW2.
How about the supporting cast? Vince Vaughn knows how to do his role and you're starting to forgive him for appearing in awful Hollywood cash grabbing comedies and you in fact see the full potential of Vince, somehting I was deeply surprised by and now I have respect for him.
I'm on purpose not telling alot about the story because in my opinion you have to experience and discover it, the trailer itself is also on point.
You can see the trailer and movie being done in the same style and both keep their honour.
A 9/10, for a well-done based on real-life movie, a movie I must say: for the love of God, watch this one!
Zootopia. 10/10.
ferdinand 7/10 especially the later half when they realized "wait it's a cartoon" and started to use cartoon physics, although there are areas where you think i need to cry i just didn't and im sensitive for crying over a movie believe it or not. one major plus point it gets is the humor the jokes didn't feel forced at all (like in SWXIIITLJ it felt forced) and actually sometimes where in the story like the introduction with una dos and qoutro its a joke all in but in the end it had effect on the story also there are these 3 German horses providing the best line in the movie "Was is das moo" which is German for ""what is that moo" are clearly there just for humor but they also were an obstacle in the story later on and im just gonna say it John Cena shouldn't become a voice actor i think he did poorly if im gonna be honest
The Last Jedi 8/10
The Last Jedi is a film with more than a couple issues, I could spend hours harking on the republic and how its demise made no sense (That is more of a force awakens thing tho) But overall I greatly enjoyed the film.
One thing I had a problem with (my nerd is gonna show here) is when Rey is first being trained by Luke, she meditates and for the first time begins truly feeling the force flow through her. Afterwards she mentions that she couldn't sense Luke because he had cut himself off from the force.
The issue here is the force is in everyone, no matter if you are sensitive to it or not. It is fully possible within the lore for a force sensitive person to have their powers cut off, the Jedi exile in Knights of the old Republic 2 lost his and or her connection (least partially) after the battle of Malachor. More famously, Ulic Qel-Droma was stripped of his connection when Nomi Sunrider used the Sever Force technique on him as punishment for his part in the great hyperspace war.
Carrie Fisher was at her best in this film, everyone was at their best. It offered great character development for everyone, Finn seemingly getting the most/best IMO.
I would have preferred the film to touch on darker edges as Star Wars has proven it can do the dark really, really well (Darth Bane book trilogy, The New Jedi Order series, the Kotor games) even the previous films had darker elements. I'm not saying that the movie had to have a more serious tone, I would have preferred it but that's just me.
Edit: I think Snoke could have been a lot more than he was, won't spoil anything but I will say he is no Palpatine
Call me by your name: 7.8/10
Call me by your name is a queer romance involving a 17 year old boy and a 24 year old man. What makes this movie interesting is it transcends that of sexuality, age and so forth, the themes are primarily about romance, loss and coming-of-age with sexuality. It has some relatively... odd scenes to say the least, but all are grounded within the philosophical context of the film. The movie is both happy, cute, saucy and sad, it can take on a lot of emotions and does a really good job of capturing certain emotions that I'm sure a lot of you (especially those in Long distance relationships) have felt before. The ending and soundtrack in particularly are beautifully somber, making this movie definitely a more "artsy" but indeed worth while film.
Snowtown 7.0/10
Despite giving this movie a rating of 7/10 I don't think I could in the right mind recommend it to anyone. Snowtown is perhaps the most disturbing film I have ever seen, despite seeing movies such as Cannibal holocaust and A serbian film. Snowtown is a movie about the Snowtown murders that occurred in Australia, there is not much about the nature of this movie that I can discuss without it going over PG-13. The movie itself, mind you, doesn't actually show that much gore or graphic violence (there are a few scenes of extreme violence throughout) but it is the nature of humanity, the gritty realism of the movie and the believability of it, and the fact that it actually DID happen, that make the movie so disturbing. With movies like cannibal holocaust the violence seems somewhat unrealistic, but here in snowtown we're shown the worst parts of humanity, and not in a way that vilifies them, in a way that makes you realize people, anyone, could be capable of this, I guess it's just frightening in that way. I don't think I'll watch it again, but it was an overall good movie, with a great soundtrack.
The Vault 7/10
Started out slow but ended well. A good old-fashioned ghost story.
Yoga Hosers ?/10
I'm not sure how to feel about this one. It was a train wreck, but I don't know how much of its train-wreckiness was intentional. And I'm not sure who it was made for (beside the two stars). It's about two Canadian millenials, but the most prominent cameo is one only 20-40 year olds from the LA area are likely to recognize.
The shape of water: 7.7/10
The shape of water was a solid film, no question about it, and maybe it DID deserve 13 oscar nominations, the story is interesting, the characters unique and so forth. But, I dunno, perhaps its because I was expecting the next pans labyrinth that I was a little disappointed. Mind you, it had many of the elements of pans labyrinth, the fantasy cross with a real and gritty scenario, but something was missing, the movie didn't feel as deep and felt more like, poetic. And there's nothing wrong with poetic, but pans labyrinth gave something frightening, yet intriguing and sophisticated, while the shape of water gets the intriguing part right but not much else. It's not a bad film, I will recommend this film because it is a great film, I guess I just went into it with too high expectations.
All the money in the world: 6.8
I'm really disappointed that Kevin Smith turned out to be a sexual predator, because he might of saved this movie. Sure, there was nothing really wrong Christopher Plummer's performance but I guess, his performance was "as expected", an old grouchy billionaire who is constantly there to make a buck, I kinda feel Kevin would have given more life to the character, but perhaps that's just speculation. The movie itself has an interesting premise, it has an interesting enough story but it was really emotionally investing, to me it just kinda felt, average. And that's why it just gets an average review.
Transformers: The Last Knight 9/10
I mean, it’s everything I want in a transformer movie but, my question, What happened to Galvatron? He isn’t in it at all? Like, unlike the others that follow each other pretty well, there was a complete skip on him (I hope Bay is actually gonna continue the series so I can know) but that aside, the movie was actually pretty good. Hit me right in the feels, I mean, any scene with bee just melts me immediately but. This. Movie. Broke me. (I’m not good at reviewing movies or rating but here’s my hot take on how the 5th movie turned out
Three billboards outside Ebbing Missouri: 8.4/10
Definitely my top move of 2017, I was pleasantly surprised by this masterpiece. Coming from the same director of In Bruges, which is a great film, but that film lacked a sort of emotional connection that three billboards gives. It's funny, sad, frightening, exciting and all sorts all wrapped in one. What I really appreciated is that the story isn't based on a real one, though you definitely expect it to be, how does someone take the concept of three billboards and just make it so darn interesting and complicated. The actress is also amazing, the line where she says "Robby!", well those who've seen the movie probably know what I'm talking about, chilling.
Phantom Thread: 7.1/10
Phantom Thread is a very poetic film for the snobby film critics, it feels a bit like Oscar bet that is entirely hanging on Daniel's performance. The story itself is somewhat interesting and unusual but it's really nothing that special, the movie is just kinda "eh". And while Daniel Day Lewis is fantastic in it, as he always is, its not enough to make the movie interesting. Just wasn't my movie.
Ready Player One: 7.4/10
Ready player one is a fun romp with loads of video game references, breathtaking action sequences and a really interesting setting. The plot and characters aren't top notch, it's really movie directed for young teenagers and old kids, don't expect too much from it but if you're willing to enjoy it for what it is, you'll have a blast!
John Wick vol. 1
I liked the action and the ways of killing are original but I do have to admit that it felt like it dragged on it parts.
I don't remember the last movie I saw literally, but the last movie I saw in theaters was Rouge One. I'd give it a 3/10 because while it had some interesting character moments, I was bored and uninterested throughout the most part.
Just... Wow...
It's unbelievable that they could pull a movie off with so much humor and absurd moment, despite still getting such serious and moving scenes. The movie really felt like a life's story. But not in a boring fashion. No, it was funny, horrifying, full of relief, happiness.
Just... You get the point, it's a good movie.
Only crit I've got was that the ending wasn't really that good, imo. It was a very satisfying ending, but it was just really unexpected and kinda felt out of pace. But that's all...
Oh, and it has Ewan Mcgregor in it so it's really cool....
Monkey Shines (1988)
This movie was better than any right it had to be, but surprisingly, the acting was pretty good from most parties, especially the main character Allan. The movie is about a man (Allan) who becomes paralyzed after being hit by a car. A friend of his who is a scientist working on an experiment meant to give monkey's human-level intelligence. The scientist has the monkey trained by a woman who specializes in training monkey's to be used as assistants for the disabled. The monkey who is given to Allan slowly turns evil due to the experiments sill committed upon her by the scientist, even though she is caring for Allan. Allan forms a physic connection to the monkey, and the monkey fosters Allan's hate, turning him into a different person, a person that only thinks of revenge.
Overall, 7/10
Sorry to Bother You
This was waaaaaay weirder than the previews made it look, in a great way. If you like strange, subversive movies with lots of off-beat humor, I highly recommend it, especially since there's elements that might be of particular interest to members of this forum. I can't say any more without getting spoilery.
Content warning for sex and explicit nudity though. Viewer discretion is advised.
The Last Unicorn: 10/10
I never thought I'd have a high opinion of a Rankin/Bass movie until I saw "The Flight of Dragons" two years ago. The Last Unicorn follows... well, a female Unicorn as she discovers the fate of her own kind. Along the way, she meets Schmedric the wannabe magcian, Molly Grue, the fiance of a discount Robin Hood, and Prince Lir, adopted heir to a collapsed throne run by the hedonistic King Haggard.
(Spoilers Ahead)
The theme of this story is a deconstruction to the modern day special snowflake syndrome. Nobody who's come into the "token" category is finding any fulfillment. The Unicorn turns into a human, to escape from a giant bull, and takes the name "Lady Amalthea." Immediately, Prince Lir tries to win her over, and fails to impress her with his impressive resume of deeds and conquests. Molly Grue (if I understood her backstory correctly; I only really watch movies while doing something else) took on a bargain bin Robin Hood, and missed out on life's real wonders, supposedly represented in this universe by Unicorn encounters. Schmedric got roped into cohosting a fraudulant zoo by an old witch. Molly Grue and Schmedric, by the way, are among the rare few who can see the Unicorn's horn. It is invisible to most men, causing them to think that she is nothing more than a mare. She learns this during a nasty encounter with a greedy farmer.
The theme song, sung by America, is among the most heartbreaking things I've ever heard. The whole film is available on YouTube. I'd consider getting it on DVD.
Was Sorry to Bother You that good? Gonna have to watch it then. Still suprised Riley directed a film
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs - 7/10 ish
Some parts of it kinda lacked, but it was a western. Even if it was more focused on comedy, it was a western. Not enough of those..
Pet Sematary (2019)
It was okay. I haven't read the book not the first movie so I have no idea how this holds up compared to both of those. It was definitely thrilling and the cinematography was pretty good too - I really liked the makeup on the characters but I'll admit that some of the special effects looked really cheap while others looked absolutely grand. Also, the cat was cute (even as a zombie/weird demon thingy)!
Overall, 7/10 dead cats.
Detective Pikachu: 8/10
Visuals: Gorgeous
Story: Typical Hollywood fare. A bit meh at the start, but gets much better as it goes.
Music: Gorgeous
Ultimately, this is the new bar of quality that all gaming movies need to be held to. While the story could have been done better, it is leagues better than any game movie that has been made so far. On a side note, Mewtwo is absolutely gorgeous!
Detective Pikachu: 8/10
Visuals: Gorgeous
Story: Typical Hollywood fare. A bit meh at the start, but gets much better as it goes.
Music: Gorgeous
Ultimately, this is the new bar of quality that all gaming movies need to be held to. While the story could have been done better, it is leagues better than any game movie that has been made so far. On a side note, Mewtwo is absolutely gorgeous!
I agree with this. It felt like a desert that was just topping, delicious but without any real substance. It was more forgettable than it should have been IMO.
Movie - Monster House.
Visuals - -6/10. The characters are so jittery, oh my gosh.
Story - Darker than expected, but still fun to go through.
Music - Eh.
I loved this movie as a child, but as a young adult, I can't get the same feeling of dread and suspense from it. Still, maybe the rose-tinted glasses are affecting me too heavily or I just have a soft-spot for children's movies, I loved (still do) this movie. It's wonderfully okay, but means a lot.
Mr. Stink
Some Hugh Bonneville movie my sister and I chanced upon. It's about this former now-homeless MP played by Bonneville who merits the pity of a teenage girl. She invites the man to take up living in her parents shack while her mother struggles to climb up politically and her henpecked father tries to regain his lost glory as a guitarist (his wife made him quit because it wasn't a posh enough occupation). She also has this younger sister that mom pushes to be an overachiever.
9/10. It had some gross stuff. I'm not a fan of gross stuff, and it's particularly strange coming out of England, but it was a rare gem to me, a guy who's not really all that into movies. I highly recommend it if you can find it.
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Good story. Good characters. Visual masterpiece. My only complaint is that the slapstick and the action were a little too frenetic for my taste, which made it hard to follow.
Klaus: 10/10. Very cute and beautifully animated.
I thought it was a great movie but its definitely a drastic change from the other two movies. 6/10
Mean Girls (2024)
4/10 …why did they make it a musical?? it wasn’t the worst movie ,,I just really don’t get why it was made :squint:
Edge of The Axe
I found it a bit uninteresting at first but once you really start questioning who the slasher is the movie starts picking up. Personally I think it had a surprisingly shocking plot twist as well. (8/10)
Knives Out
10/10 :D one of those movies where it gets better each time you watch, so many little details everywhere and amazing acting ^_^
Coraline; re-mastered
10/10, what else could I say! We took a trip down to the big city on train for my birthday to stay overnight, and decided to catch a movie on the day we arrived, as we had time to kill - I'd wanted to see the re-mastered Coraline in the cinema. It's just such a phenominal film, isn't it? I absolutely adore stop-motion (well, there's a lot of it where I grew up! I was close to Aardman's headquarters, after all) -- and I'd fell in love with the movie many moons ago, when somebody on my KND FanForum had convinced me to watch it! Funnily enough, it was them who let me know that the re-master was in the cinemas, oooh... Only about 11 years later.
Absolutely phenominal film, that. It realy captures the feeling of being a child in a world that is so confusing and big; and how everything slowly unfolds - I could rave up and down about underlying themes, narrative cues, MISE EN SCENE! -- But I've spoken long enough; WOW, was I ever chuffed to see it on the big screen! It's been touched up a litte, but otherwise, left as it was.