Simple question. Who are your favorite video game characters and why? :)
Ethan Mars (Heavy Rain) - Heavy Rain is one of my favorite games, with a fantastic story. Ethan felt so real and easy to empathize that his character really stuck with me, even long after I finished the game.
Sheik (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) - Although Sheik had a somewhat minor role in the overall story, I liked the idea of Zelda transforming herself into a fighter and getting involved, rather than being a typical "damsel in distress" type. I also used Zelda/Sheik a lot in the Smash Bros. games, which made me more fond of her.
GLaDOS and Wheatley (Portal and Portal 2) - Portal is full of clever writing, and both GLaDOS and Wheatley never fail to make me laugh. They're certainly memorable.
Ezio (Assassin's Creed II/Brotherhood/etc.) - He's just so cool. XD He's fun to use in the games. I also am liking his storyline so far, though I'm still working my way through Brotherhood.
Edward Richtofen from Nazi Zombies in Call of Duty, it's fun to continually replay those levels just to hear those German innuendos and puns :P
Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia because he's for one adorable and is the BEST at dual-katana swordplay EVER, not to mention tries to stay bright in even some of the worst situations.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Despite years and years of terrible games after Sonic Adventure 2, I still enjoy playing games with him in 'em. I somehow find some joy in newer titles like Sonic Rush 1/2 and Sonic Unleashed and especially now with Sonic Generations which brings back sooooo many of the old levels in awesome quality.
Sam - From the games Sam and Max, the "brains" of the operations and always has some sort of pun or innuendo humor to say, makes me laugh everytime I replay the point-and-click games :P. I just wish there were more of them now ;A;
Laharl - Disgaea's original main character. I think the way they made the character develop while the story progressed about being more accepting of things he used to hate makes the story a lot more desirable. Supporting characters like Etna and Flonne make it even more fun to replay and the massively insane amount of levels you can upgrade your characters to in the four digit range is also pretty unique and at the same time sometimes unforgiving which makes the replay value go up!
Professor Sarah - the white chamber (Well, I don't want to spoil the ending, but she's seems like such a nice young woman until you find out that...)
Rouge the Bat - Sonic games (smexy and cunning and a bit silly at the same time, love her attitude and gem hunting)
Amy Rose - Sonic games (always funny to watch her chase Sonic, and it's been interesting watching her relationships)
Riku - Kingdom Hearts (he was my crush when I was 14)
Princess Daisy - Mario Bros. (I love how she's more of a tomboy than Peach and still kicks booty in Mario Party- when I'm playing her)
Kaori - SSX3 (Love her japansese talk and style, and general perkiness while boarding the slopes)
Cocoa Bandicoot - Crash Bandicoot (she rides a tiger, yo!)
Spyro the Dragon is Spyro the Dragon
Willow - Fallout New Vegas MOD (a much better attitude than both Cass and Veronica, though I like them too)
Caesar - Fallout New Vegas (Yeah, yeah, he's a slaver...but he does it with the funniest dialouge!)
Me in any 1st person games I play. /ego
Guybrush Threepwood - Monkey Island. Brilliant character and really addictive games
John Marsden - Red Dead Redemption
Sam - Sam and Max
Rincewind - Discworld (yes I do like a point and click) Another stupidly funny character.
Why are you in my brain? :o
I also happen to like:
John Marston( Red dead redemption)- He was such a great character with an awesome back story and personality.
The struggles he endures to get his family back made me love and respect him as a character and I felt truly heart-broken when he died at the end
I sometimes hope for a sequel to red dead redemption but it just saddens me to know That there's no hope of John being in it.
Nick (Left 4 dead)- He's so witty and funny! Definitely my favorite survivor in the franchise.
Tali' Zorah (Mass effect)- I admire the fact that she's a amazing tech expert but can also kick ass in a fight, She's also really sweet but doesn't hesitate to become assertive when someone's being a jerk, and her accent is just awesome!
Plus, she's so cute when she's nervous! I think her romance option is the best.
John Marston( Red dead redemption)- He was such a great character with an awesome back story and personality.
The struggles he endures to get his family back made me love and respect him as a character and I felt truly heart-broken when he died at the end
I sometimes hope for a sequel to red dead redemption but it just saddens me to know That there's no hope of John being in it.
I don't think there will be a sequel purely because of the date the game ended. It wouldn't be long before he was sent to Europe to fight in WW1.
By the way am I the only one who hates playing as Jack with a passion?
John Marston( Red dead redemption)- He was such a great character with an awesome back story and personality.
The struggles he endures to get his family back made me love and respect him as a character and I felt truly heart-broken when he died at the end
I sometimes hope for a sequel to red dead redemption but it just saddens me to know That there's no hope of John being in it.
I don't think there will be a sequel purely because of the date the game ended. It wouldn't be long before he was sent to Europe to fight in WW1.
By the way am I the only one who hates playing as Jack with a passion?
Most people seem to playing as Jack but I think he's alright, he'll never be as good as John though
Well... (http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/newsfeed/000/089/810/Untitled.jpg?1293224610) (CoD MW2)
Then I also like:
Morrigan Aensland (Marvel Vs. Capcom series and Darkstalkers series)
X-23 (More of a Marvel comics caracther, but appears in a few games as well)
Amaterasu (Okami, amongst others)
Ghost (CoD MW2)
I think there's more I've forgotten, but I can't think of any at this moment..
My favorite game character would have to be Saji(One Piece Grand Battle) bc i have had dreams about him XD
The Jack's (Tekken): Besides them being my best character I love how the emotional less androids gain emotions, risk their life, and die, just for a little girl.
Liliana + Zeveran + Morrigan (Dargon Age)- Besides them all being my different love partners, I loved their characters, their interactions with each other, and their own personal stories that make them who they are.
Fenris + Merrill (Dragon Age II)- These characters were always on end but they both have such a dark past and you can't help but feel bad for them and fall in love with them.
Squall (FF8)- Such a powerful person, tormented by a memory of been left behind, but with out the ability to actually remember.
Dog meat (Fallout 3)- :3
Ive had a few.
Marcus Fenix - from all the Gears games. His constant additude like hes gonna kill you use to be what I admired. Gears 3 really showed his emotions more.
GLaDOS - Portal games. Just those silly sympathetic quotes that try and make you feel worthless causing you to keep going to prove her wrong! Whats not to like?
Sonic - Its like I wish I could run like that
Tails - Just adorable
Jaden Core - from star wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy. Playing his character in that game was one of the few star wars games that actually made me feel like I got over powered
Alistair - Dragon Age Origins. Half the stuff he says I find funny. its just when he repeats it later, it gets annoying too. Also, he can be a tank in this game.
B, C Carmine - Gears 2, 3. B. Carmine for his whole rookie act. It was done really well I would say. C. Carmine simply because his one line when he gets a head shot "Oops! You lost your head!"
Dremora Lords - The Elder Scrolls series. Just amazing. Especially in Skyrim! Really well done.
The character in SR2 : Cause he gets straight to the point and did something with his hair xD
Mega Man (Mega Man series (except DOS))- He has the pew pew and all dat, he's made of pure win! and blue is my favorite color.
Roll (Mega Man Powered up and TvC)- The broom... oh lawd the broom.
Klonoa (Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil)- blue costume + ears + ring + cute = yes.
Red Savarin (Solatorobo: Red the Hunter)- he runs around in a mech that flips things over... [mission objective: flip everything!]
My Favorite game characters are
King mickey - He have awsome autfit and the video game make him look more awsome and cool ( kingdom hearts)
chip and dale - they look cute and adorable in there oufit ( kingdom hearts)
AH!! WZ why would you pick Ezio instead of Altiar!? I was so upset when I started playing with Ezio. Not nearly as awesome as Altiar XD to each his own I suppose. Anyway, my list:
- Altiar (obviously, Assassin's Creed): just so cold and calculating. My kind of style.
- Squall (FFVIII): Also rather cold. He just doesn't really care in the beginning. I love his quietness, too.
- Gaz (MW): He's just cool. And he's got an accent. What more could you want XD
- Cloud (FFVII): Totally insane until later in the game when he realizes his ACTUAL past. Plus, he only cares about his friends.
Thats all I can think of right now.
AH!! WZ why would you pick Ezio instead of Altiar!? I was so upset when I started playing with Ezio. Not nearly as awesome as Altiar XD to each his own I suppose.
Mostly because I know more about Ezio's story. :P Altair's cool too, but he doesn't have as much of a personality to me at this point.
- Squall (FFVIII): Also rather cold. He just doesn't really care in the beginning. I love his quietness, too.
He cares, he just wants to be left alone so he isn't left with any kinds of burdens.