The Furry Forums

Furry Chat => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: ShiroTenshiRyu on January 02, 2014, 03:47:31 AM

Title: Hello!
Post by: ShiroTenshiRyu on January 02, 2014, 03:47:31 AM
Well hello friends! I am so glad to have found a place as I've always been a furry. Er sorta. To rephrase I've always been a Scalie. It wasn't until recently that I wandered into the area of Furries and beyond the comfort of human/dragon hybrids. But I came looking for a place to get back into RPing which I used to do on Twitter in a very relaxed fashion but I've been craving something a bit more involved as well as a chance to develop my interaction skills between characters in an attempt to improve my writing.

My fursona is a Lynx. Lynxes have always been a favorite of mine and I feel they fit me nearly perfectly. I would also like to end up with a Scalie version of myself if and when I can find an artist to do up my character. As for my Fursona I will be getting a picture up soon. For the most part though he has natural coloring, but some teal and orange has found its way into his designs (Upside to a artist girl friend they love to draw for you. Though when they leave you in the dark what are you gonna do right haha.) His name is Helios.

Oh and if anyone's willing to help a guy (and his girl) get started RPing here on the site I'd really appreciate it since it took me quiet a while to write this. (I'm shy though this post seems to be proof of otherwise haha)
Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: Tim Siguire on January 02, 2014, 04:15:10 AM
Welcome Shiro, to the Furry Forums!
*Throws dynamite down a well*
Well Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
I wish you a peaceful and happy time here!
Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: Armalite_ on January 02, 2014, 05:50:13 AM
Welcome to the forum, there's a lot of RPing going on in the RP boards. You'll have no problem finding one you like :P if you do tho, you can always make your own for others to join
Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: ShiroTenshiRyu on January 02, 2014, 06:07:10 AM
Well thanks for the warm welcomes! Like i said earlier though I'm really just unsure how to join an RP
Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: HyenaKing on January 03, 2014, 01:01:54 AM
If it's a fun one, jsut join

If its a normal one, pm the person that started it before starting to get permission.

If It['s a serious RP, go to the OOC and check around and ASK before you join.
Title: Re: Hello!
Post by: Nikolai the Lynx on January 03, 2014, 07:16:19 PM
Welcome to the forum.

I hope you like it here.