The Furry Forums
Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Fun RP => Topic started by: nixon/monto on January 16, 2015, 11:43:47 PM
(do not jump into this roleplay please refer back to the endless space sign up. unless you put a sign up thing here. if our story has gone far do not bump in. unless authorized by me. and have fun!)
"living on my way ward soooon! give me peace when you are done!" (Nix sings on his captains chair on his ship (see attachment.) the song can be heard through the whole place as his ship quietly and calmly floats through empty space. nix sits with a glass of...something he doesn't know. And is looking out of the windshield at an anomaly far enough away as to not be harmful to his ship.) "the beauty of space!" ^sir I recommend we scan the area for signs of life or possible threats.^ (says his onboard A.I. system.) "yeah go a head tim." (after a few seconds.) ^sir I have found a life form.^ (nix then exclaims.) "well...where is it?"
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^i am not sure where it is sir. The anamoly is radiating energy and it seem to be messing with my calculations.^ (nix knew he had to get the ship away from the radiating energy.) "pull the ship away by 100 kilometers and look for that life form." ^yes sir^
Not too far away from the captain, a mere four hundred thousand miles ( practically a stones throw in galactic terms) a single capsule drifted alone in the endless night of space. It was too small to be anything other than a small shuttle or escape pod, something which its solitary occupant found most displeasing.
The sphyrical room was clearly made for functionality over pleasentries. It was made to seat as many people and as much equipment into the tiniest space. And the designers never once considered that a species with more than two backs and four limbs would inhabbit the vessel.
So Drakki floated in the center, resting his upper paws behind his head as one would before laying down on a hammic. His feet were stretched out and crossed before him, his middle paws were resting on his lower abdomin.
He was canid in appearence, realitivly speaking. Light brown fur and a yellow underbelly with a mixture of hyena like spots running down the entent of his pelt. His tail floated freely in zero gravity, a long cat like appendage with a tuft of fur at the end.
Drakki floated freely in the void, staring at the sole computer system in the pod and checking again to see if the distress signal was still working. According to the computer it was. But the alien had yet to be rescued.
He sighed and shrugged. He looked around the sea of floating wrappers and empty food containers for a snack to eat. Unfortunetly the chances of finding an un eaten ration was about as high as-
Drakki twitched an ear, "Bleep?" That was a new sound. A few seconds passed before another Bleep appeared.
BLEEP. ^ship detected.^ the computer chimed. ^emit distress call y/n?^
It came from the proximity monitor. Drakki's long ears shot strait up. Its a ship! "I'm saved! I'm saved!" He spun in zero gravity and dashed towards the console. Or at least tried to. Due to zero gravity he just rotated in mid air and sent himself spiralling out of controll. "Oh come on!" He pawed at the computer screen missing it by milimeeters.
^Emit distress call y/n?^
"YES! Yes for all that is holy! Emit the bleeding distrsss call!"
^Im sorry. I did not understand your answer. Did you ask for tai food resturants?^
"What? No! Emit the distress call!" Drakki desperately reached for the controls each time he rotated by, once with each hand and even his feet.
^There are zero thai food resturaunts in your area. Because you are hurtling, alone through space, and will die of lack of air. Did you want to search for thai food resturaunts again?^
Drakki ran his paws across his eyes and whined.
^sir it is a ship...and by the scans it is an escape shuttle.^ "escape shuttle? What is doing in this part of space?" (Nix asked very confused.) ^not sure but the life support systems are failing slowly sir.^ "Alright then...make contact with the ship." (Nix demanded.) ^aye sir. Hailing it can now speak sir.^ (said Tim.) "escape shuttle this is t-9 "the voyager." We have picked up your distress call and are slowly making our way to you. Your life support systems are running low and we have supplies. Please prepare for pick up. Alright tim open the cargo doors." (Nix commanded.) ^of course sir.^
An electronic voice replied through to the message, thanking them for their patronage and asking if they knew of any good thai resturants in the solar system. Meanwhile Drakki made a great sigh of relief as the message was relayed to him.
"Did you hear that computer? I'm saved! I'm rescued!" The hyena / cat / ...canid thing shouted for joy. "If i could reach you computer I would kiss ya!"
^That would violate your warrentee.^ the lesser AI chimed happily as the pod rocked slightly due to the pod being picked up by the ships tractor beam...or hangor bay...or a mecanical claw. Drakki had no way of knowing and neither did he care. It could have been a harppoon gun powered by hamsters for all he cared. He was saved!
The gravity returned and Drak plopped down onto the floor. He landed on all six paws. Standing up on four he used his remaining paws to adjust his clothing. A simple yellow vest over his shoulders and a belt across his chest which attached to another at his upper waist line, all of which was fitting rather snuggly after a few weeks of feasting upon emergancy rations.
^Thabk you for choosing to be rescued by a McGuffin Incorperated escape pod.^ the pod AI chimed, "Please take this moment to fill out a quick questionair to rate your experience. Question one of twenty five. On a scale of one to ten, one being excellent and ten being 'for the love of all that is holy let us please crash into a star to end the suffering' how was your general experience-"
Drakki whined again...
(Nix made his way to the cargo bay which didn't take much time at all.) "what the heck? That is an escape pod?" (Nix said entering through a door on a landing above the cargo bay floor. The landing he was on was a large elevator. Nix activated it and it lowered at a walking pace.) ^yes sir it is. I can not find that kind of ships in my archive.^ "so it is alien?" ^only to the knoledge of my archives, the inscription on the side of the pod is familiar but it is warn and unidentifiable.^ (looking over the edge nix greets the man.) "a vast yee scalawag! LOL I'm just pulling your chain. Hey there."
The pod sitting in the cargo bay was by definition large, about the size of a large mini van and cylinder in shape with light blue metal. A McGuffin Industries brand logo was painted over the side, right under a yellow painted logo of a shipping company depicting some kind of flying squid over a star...or possibly a planet. It was hard to tell with these aliens sometimes.
Once drakki finished with his 25 question quiz the door to the pod finally opened. It was a slow process, surely for the sake of drama. There was a hiss of air as the atmosphere equalized and then the hatch opened wide revealing a fog like substance eminating from the escape pod.
In reality it was just fog, the bi product of coming from a very humid atmosphere. For a long moment nothing happened, mostly due to Drakki trying to figure out how to squeeze his sevel foot long, bulky body through a hatch designed for four foot tall aliens.
First came the three clawed hands that gripped the sides of the pod in a vice like grip. Followed by a primordial series of barking noises and animalistic grunts as Drakki pulled his body through. He wasn't a fat creature, certainly out of shape but not quite what his species would call fat. Trying to shove two spines through the narrow opening while wrestingly with six limbs was quit the effort though.
When he succeeded the alien gave a great big stretched with all four limbs and a howl as he popped his back from the effort.
"Oh man! You can not believe how relieve I am to be rescued! I thought I was a gonner!" Drakki said pleasently. With out a translator however this came out as a long series of growls and yipes, through a jaw filled with inch long fangs...
Seeing the paws reach out nix was instantly surprised and thought perhaps it was more then one person so he stood there while his machines in the cargo bay were ready to move the shuttle in a more out of the way place. When the head of drakki popped out nix was again a bit surprised but still calm. He has seen worse. When the "creature" made his way out nix didn't quite understand what he was saying.) "uuuh...tim could you help me here?" ^sorry sir but it seems I can't identify his language.^ "could you identify most of his words?" (Asked nix.) ^i will try sir...he says he is great ful that you found him.^ "It was no big deal. Can you ask him were is he from?" ^ I will try.^ (tim says some things in drakkis language or at least what sounds like his language.)
*After a few seconds of waiting inside the utility closet Tairiku finally believed the coast was clean. Slowly he pried the door open, stretched,(from the many hours crunched up, and began to sneak his way through the ship, dipping behind cover at almost every sound. He was attired with cargo pants, military boots, and a black T-shirt.*
"There's gotta be............."
*He pauses as the area he was looking for catches his eye. He licks his lips as a slight grumble forces itself from his stomach*
"Oh yeah come to papa!"
*He slowly pokes his head in the doorway and scans the mess hall for anything, or anyone, before making a full sprint to the food storage. Slamming it open with anticipation and hunger. Mouth watering from the thoughts in his head of what awaits him.*
The tall alien jumps at first when he is spoken too from an unexpected source. Paw calming his beating heart Drakki seems to relax.
This however does not last too long. As the machine continues on the hyena like grin begins to fade and his fur begins to stand up with possible fright. Eyes bulging with fear the wolfish centarian creature lets out a terrified yell and dashes off down the nearest open corridor, scurring across the floor with all haste on all six limbs.
Obviously something was lost in translation...
"Captain we have found another escape pod."
"Blow it up then." As soon as the command was given, the sound of plasma cannons roared to life and fired on the defensless escape pod which was torn apart in seconds. The captain made another scratch on the arm of his chair, which had many scratches in it. The name of this Captain, was Dread Pirate John Ceptem or "Throat Biter" as his men liked to call him. He is a fox with snow white fur and piercing yellow eyes. He wore a black leather jacket with the sleeves cut off and and blue denem jeans. He lost both his arms in a fight with the old captain and had them replaced with new bionic arms. He was fairly young for a pirate captain as he was still in his early twenties, but no one dared question his skill or his cruelty.
The only crew member that didn't fear him was his first mate, Marrel Varisia, his true and possibly only friend on this vessel. She was a Quilton, which is race known for their psionics. She appears as most of the females of her race do, having soft black skin, four red eyes, no obvious mouth, a head of long tentacles that act as hair, jacked legs and a long tail (basically legs like sort of like raptors). Most of the crew avoided her as she was the strangest member of the crew, but John didn't care. Ever since they meet they have been unseperatable, even now they enjoy watching the destruction of the life pods.
"So my captain, is that the last of that petty ships crew? I'm getting rather bored hunting down a few stragglers." John heard Marrel speak into his mind. While hard at first, he had eventually gotten used to her telepathy and was even able to think back his responce.
"According to the computer there were 10 pods that had been launched and we've only found 9. You know we don't leave any survivors of any crew when we go looting." John thought back.
"Fine...but make it quick, i want to get back to the shipping docks before they run out of drinks."
"Alright my dear, i will make this as quick as i can." John stopped thinking to Marrel and started giving commands outloud.
"Alright men i want that last pod found. Anyone who's found anything speak up now."
"Captain! I found it! If we keep heading our course we'll be right on top of it." The navigator said from his station.
"Good then keep on..."
"One more thing Captain, the life pod seems to be inside another ship."
"Then we must make haste. Ready the plasma cannons, i want both the ship and the life pod destroyed quickly. Me and my first mate want to have drinks soon." John looked up at Marrel and took her hand in his. Her face turned a little grey which is her species equivalent to blushing. The crew was used to this behavior.
"Aye aye Captain!" The main deck crew said in unison as they prepared for a possible ship battle.
"What? Tim what did you say?" ^ I tried to say we are friends.^ "I don't think it came off like that. I have an idea. Block off the corridors and rooms so it leads him to the cafeteria. He might be hungry, if I can get him in there hopefully he won't tear my place up." ^ oh and sir there is a...^ (tim stopped when nix interrupted him.) "no time tim block off those corridors!" ^...right away sir.^ (a machanical bleep is heard showing that tim is off doing those tasks through the ships systems. A series of loud pounds are heard through the space vessel.) ^ it is done sir.^ (During this whole conversation nix was running behind drakki but not close, he was just far enough to see him turn every corner.) "this guy is fast. *pant* "
*Tairiku was still stuffing his mouth full of food, or at least what he though was food, until a loud thumping sound was heard behind him. As he snapped his head back the only thing he could see was a ginormous shadow towering above him. He stood there flabbergasted. Mouth open with what appeared to be a sausage link hanging from the side of it, and a small arm-full of rations piled in his arms.*
*Quickly he snapped his entire body away and began to run away from it only to smack face first into the door, sending the pile of food to fly through the air and towards the giant beast. Tairiku laid on the floor dazed.*
Drakki by then was already well and truely paniced.
It didnt help when he found the doors closing in around him and forced into the mess hall. Normally Drak would have no problem with being locked in a room filled with food, and normally Drakki doesn't meet robots wanting to make him into stir fry!
He catches sight of the wolf like creature and his heart skips a beat. They had successfully hearded Drakki to the kitchen! He yelps as the wolf lunches at him in attack! Seasoning him with various meats and ration packs before dahsing...head long into a door.
Drak cringes when he sees the wolf sprawled out o the floor. Maybe...maybe this wasnt the chef here to slaughter the alien and cook him for supper. Maybe it wasn't even sentient but some kind of space rat.
It was wearing clothing though so there was a fair chance it was a person...despite its resemblence to creatures Drakki's species regularly hunted for sport. The fur coloring was off and the tail was much more poofy.
Drakki sat on his haunches, tapping a claw to the his cheek while he pondered what to do with this tiny wolf...thing. He could dispatch him. Strike them first before they had a chance to catch him!
The alien thought about this for a long moment then shook his head. Cautiously he trotted over on two legs. Drakki used his other hands to pick up a wrapped hoggie sandwhich and use it defensivly as one would a club.
"Who are you! W-what do you want to do with me? Where are we?" he said to the prone creature, unable to keep a nervous whine out of his voice.
Little did he know true danger was on its way...
"Target is within sight captain."
"Excelent, take out whatever guns they have. I don't want any resistance."
The ships main guns fired upon Nix's ship blowing off its only guns.
"Captain, our scanners show this shipis a science vessel. There could be some valuables on that shio that could be worth while."
John pondered for a moment, considering the possibalty of loot. "Very well, get the ship in close and prepare to board."
"Aye Aye Captain."
John's ship started it's approach and the name of the ship became clear to see, "The Black Diamond"
"What the hell were you thinking? You just pressed random buttons!? Where the hell are we?" Captain James Sutherland pressed a paw to his black furred, canine face, shaking his head
"Damage report." The captain sighed
"Thrusters four and five are operating at half capacity. MAC cannons one through six are out of ammunition, shields at five percent." His Human ensign said
"Christ..." The captain muttered under his breath "I want those cannons reloaded, and this shields recharged as much as possible. We don't know if this territory is allied or not..."
The 'United Republic of Allied Planets' , which his ship, The URAP Belfast served under, was at war with the 'New Soviet People's Republic' (Respublika novykh sovetskikh lyudey, or RNSL). So far, the war had been a long, bloody slog, with massive casualties on both sides, for territory that was gained back the next day, sometimes within the hour.
His ship had fled due to a massive soviet counterattack, that left almost everyone but his ship, and one escape pod that they had recovered,nothing but floating chunks of metal and flesh.
The captain was shaken out of his little thought train by one of his ensigns shouting "Contact! Bearing 250 by 75! Signature appears to be registered to a pirate ship!"
A devilish grin spread across his face. He needed to kill something. To see another ship, an enemy ship, Burn. Watch as its oxygen burned up in a massive flash. Maybe it would make him feel better for his sister ships, the Essex and Soho.
"Charge cannons seven and eight! Divert all non necessary power to shields! Prep marines for insertion!"
With his calm shouts, The bridge erupted into a flurry of organized chaos, ensigns all shouting things in various different languages, all of which were picked up by his universal translator, and translated into his native tongue, English.
His plan was to cripple their shields, send in his marines, round up any supplies he could get, free any prisoners he could, jettison all of the escape pods, and have the ship burn, with it's crew on it.
*As he began to recover from the recent wound to his head, Tairiku started opening his eyes slowly only to see the giant shadow towering above him. He jumped a little after it made a sudden movement to pick something up. He sat there thinking to himself.*
'This is it. To be killed for stealing a giant alien's food. To think, I will die this way, after everything my species has been through the past recent years.'
*He looked down at his feet only to catch a glimpse of a small golden necklace with a gold stake as the main piece, hidden underneath his shirt. He Slowly looked back to the monster wondering why it hadn't moved yet. It then yelled something that Tairiku couldn't understand. Another language maybe?*
*He said with a questioning look, waiting for the monster to react. As his eyes began to get accustomed to the darkness of the monster's shadow, he notice canine-like features and wondered if the monster really was an enemy. He began to then slowly stand up keeping his eyes on the dark face in front of him and a hand on the counter near him, ready to react at any given moment.*
It was then that the enemies weapons connected with their own ship. Being energy weapons there was no actual physical force being atributed to the ship, as one sees in science fiction where the ship would rock back and forth sending things into disarray.
No that happened when things on the ship EXPLODED.
The room violently lurched as gravity was momentarily changed (due to aforementioned explodyness) Anything not locked to the floor, chairs, desk clutter...people... were tossed about like rag dolls as tbe ship under them was divereted from its course while traveling between a forth and half the speed of light.
If they were not thanking their maker then the passengers could at the very least thank the person who designed the inertial dampeners for preventing them from becoming literal smears across the nearest wall...
Drakki, proving himself prone to panicing in situations in which one should not panic, paniced as he was thrown forward, twoards the thiefy wolf where he immidietly tried to wrap his arms around him and sink his claws into his hide as part of a complex fear enduced reaction to save himself from hurtling at the far wall.
The inertial dampaners just prevented the crew from going splat. Didnt mean it wouldnt still hurt...
"Their weapons systems has been destroyed." One the crew said monitering the scanner
"Excelent prepare to board!" John commanded about to get out of his seat. He never misses a good boarding.
"Captain their is another ship on approach. It it appears to be one of the earthen military."
"What?! What are the military from earth doing all the way out here?" John yelled as he began to reconsidered his first order.
"What should we do my captain?" Marrel asked through telepathy in a very calming tone. John relaxed to the sound of her voice in his head and thought for a moment.
"Prepare the main guns in the direction of the military ship. I want all crew members in battle positions. Lets see how this military ship fairs against the might of the Black Diamonds and its crew."
"Aye aye Captain!" The crew said in unison.
The captain let a devilish grin spread across his face as he said
"Hail them."
his Comns officer, a Fennec fox, nodded, and sent a hail their way.
while waiting for the link to be established, he adjusted his beret, and fiddled with his unifiform.
It was a fancy thing, The standard grey of URAP officers from earth. It had his ribbons on his right breast(of which there were plenty, he was no underachiever), an eagle with a terrestrial planet in it's talons, with "URP" Emblazoned across the bottom. There was also Golden colored buttons trailing down his chest, and epaulets with several golden stripes denoting his rank of Captain. He opted to wear a beret over the standard issue cap simply because he thought it looked more commanding. Not that he needed it. This man practically exuded confidence, something about him just begging you to follow his orders.
(When drakki reached the cafeteria the doors closed behind him.) "tim bring up the video feed from the cafeteria and display on this monitor." (Nix said pointing at a monitor on the far wall of the hallway.) ^yes sir.^ (nix stood there and watched the interaction between drakki and the wolf person. Nix had no time to worry about the wolf so he tried to device a plan of approach. One that hopefully drakki would not freak out with. But his thinking was interrupted when his ship was shot.) "the duce was that tim!?!" ^sorry sir but it seems pirates have found us and shot out our guns.^ (tim said in reply.) "who is it?" ^it is the black diamond sir.^ (tim said calmly as he always talks.) "bring up the cockpit view on this monitor. I need to see what is going on." (The view from the cockpit showed up and nix saw The black diamond approaching. He also saw another ship that looked much more militarized and well made but it was farther off. He saw the pirate ship slowly turning to the other ship. Nix knew if he started to run they would fire at him, so he desided something...very risky.) "tim...enable the ability and make way to that ship." (Tim then said.) ^sir I would advice you to not do that. The power on this ship is fluxuating and I don't know if I could hold it for long.^ "Then you better make it quick." (Nix replied. With that "the voyager" started heading off and disappeared both visually and on radar or scanners. Though once he was out of the invisibility he knew he would be vulnerable to any attack.) "great God I hope this works." (Nix thought to himself.) "all I have to do is place my self behind the farther ship and I should be ok from attacks."
*After staring into the beast's eyes for sometime, Tairiku heard something unusual. The sound of something quick moving toward the ship. As it finally hit the beast in front of him seemed to move faster than light as it wrapped its arms around Tairiku, digging its claws into his back, underneath his shoulder blades. Tairiku winced in pain as he and the monster was thrown about from the impact and blood seeped from his wounds. After everything was over he was underneath the monster. The feeling of his ribcage collapsing sent terror through his mind, and he began to shove upward in an attempt to move it. However it was all for nothing, and he passed out from pain and the reduced oxygen cycling through his body.*
"Captain we're are being hailed!" One of the crew members stated.
"Bring it up on the monitor." John growled as Marrel rested her head on his shoulders.
"This is captain Sutherland, of the URP Belfast." The black shepherd said simply, his arms folded behind his back "You are engaging is what is apparently pirate acrivity. And your ship is registered to a wanted criminal. Under section 33-5 of the Naismith treaty, we may open fire on you, with our 26 700MM railguns, if you do not immediately submit for boarding."
"I don't think our ship can handle attack like that, John." Marrel thougt to John alone.
"Let me think...without you reading in." John thought back and tried to come up with a plan.
"Ok Sutherland...i will let you bourd me. In fact i will greet you there myself." John said with a smile.
"Should i tell the Magmarians they will need to ready their guns?" Marrel spoke in Johns head.
"I though i told not to read my mind." John thought back.
(Just so you guys know, when Marrel and John talk to each other no one else can hear, because it's telepathy. So Nai you didn't hear the part about the magmarian's.)
"Understood, thank you for your patience." the captain said with a sardonic smile, cutting off the transmission.
"Hammond!" he shouted into his vidcomn "get your men ready! prepare for a fight! they're pirates, they will resist."
Hammond, a blue armored human, nodded. yelling various commands at various other blue armored species. He pulled a rifle from the rack of hundreds, cutting off the transmission.
((rifle and armor btw ( ( ))
after a few minutes, a small, dropship, barely visible against the vastness of space, rocketed forward, towards the pirate ship, holding a compliment of 30 men.
(( (
"Tim do we have enough energy to hail the Belfast?" ^ enough energy for a small message.^ (tim replied.) "hail them." (Nixon said sternly.) ^ai sir^ (tim sent message and waited for a reply. For those few seconds all nixon heard was the creeking of his ship and the thoughts running through his head. If we run out of energy the cafeteria door will raise or Be stuck. And then cloaking would wear off to were he would be drifting in space.) "I hope they answer my hail." Nixon thought to him self on the most worried manner.)
"Aye..." Captain Sutherland said "hail and well met, etcetera etcetera. I assume you're the science ship that engaged cloaking systems? Whatever they were, they were good. My ensigns had a hard time keeping track of you." He sighed "if you want to board, which is why I'm guessing you hailed me in the first place..." He turned to an ensign and spoke to him a moment "head to docking bay 27C." He left the line on, in case Nixon had any additional words
Drakki dared to open one eye. He seemed to still be alive. His upper shoulder hurt slightly and his paw was rather sore, no doubt broken and shattered into a million peices! Thought the alien. Oh woe is he! To have been so horribly crippled so young!
Reguardless of whether he really was crippled...or even injured for that matter...being tossed into the wall really did hurt! The alien was currently currled tightly into a ball next to the wall, and his claws seemed to be digging into something small, soft and furry.
"Oh...shazbot." thought Drakki as he realized what he had done. He had murdered the wolf! The alien quickly released his grip to be in a position to panic better. His upper paws pulled at his ears and his middle paws rubbed at his muzzle.
They toss murderers into prison...right? Drakki couldn't go to space prison!
As the alien paniced he noticed the wolf was still alive.
Blast! Now he had WITNESSESS. Now he had to hide the evidence, dispose of the body and establish an alibi. It wasnt drakki, it was the one armed professor plum in the kitchen with the space spatchula! Yeah, that might just work!
Drakki turned again towards the wolf, broken, injured, and in need of help. He peered long and hard at him. Could he really dispose of such a creature?
With a sigh Drakko decided to call for help and get his unintentional victim aid. It was the right thing to do and besides...Drakki was on a diet.
When Drakki's shrill howls and screeching noises went un answered at first the alien cursed. "What is with this place? Why wont they answer? Its not like I'm not wearing a TRANSLATOR!"
The alien paused. A rather embarrased look crossed his face. Reaching into his pocket he produced a small silver device. Clipping it around the base of his ear he shouted, this time in a more civilized voice while pounding on the locked door, "Hello! Is anyone there! We need help!"
((Im gonna wait til my post... but I need notifications from this. And I want to discover Drakkie.))