The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Fun RP => Topic started by: Babydoll Animis on February 05, 2015, 05:00:50 AM

Title: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 05, 2015, 05:00:50 AM
In this world there are nothing but Ancient and Arcane rins, magical beasts and beings of all sorts lurk in dark corners, during the day, Angelfall is recognizedfor its beauty and domestic creatures, but at night, beasts of shadows are on the prowl. Although there is one creature of darkness that seems to take kindly to certain Dwellers of Angelfall. The creatures are known as Shadow Sprites, these sprites allow you to battle the creatures of shadow, you who have been given the duty of fighting these monsters will be gifted with control of the Sprite of your choosing. There are a total of four Sprite types
1. Obon- These Sprites have the abiliy to swarm and overwhelm Shadow monsters. Once overhelmed they consume the monster, but the monster has to be fully enveloped ith Obons
2. Nebo- These creatures crawl on all fours. They Have the power to form weapons that attach to your body such as gauntlets.
3. Deca- These Sprites have the uncanny ability to create flashes of light which most find strange due to their origins. Each flash takes a few moments to recharge, but if successfully executed causes a Shadow monster to shrink until he is flashed compltely out of existence
4. Irbin- Also known as dark flame, these wisp-like sprites are used in subtleness, the wisp along attaching themselves to Shadow monsters, gradually draining its life energy until it is weak, it then possesses said creature for about and hour, the user then can ride the creature.

Now with that said, you as a Dweller will run into many kinds of creatures in your journeys, you should be safe by dawn until dusk, Rember ruins are EVERYWHERE use the enviroment as you please. Nightfall lasts for a total of 10 hours. You can use magic, but only magic that cannot be offensive, the only spell you can use in defence is an aural shield. This shield can shatter if under enough impact. It recharges but takes about two hours if shattered. You are given a Light Knife, they are blades formed by pure sunlight, they can run out of charge, they can be used to light up dark areas but on continuous use it will run out in four hours. Then you must let it be solarly recharged during daytime.
and Character sheets

Sprite Type
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 05, 2015, 05:21:18 AM
((Cool! Fighting without fighting! Dwellers get to fight as well, or is it more Pokemon-like?))

Name: Rayleonarde

Age: 18

Species: Raccoon

Sprite type: Obon
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 05, 2015, 05:31:16 AM
((Yes of course :3  Of course it can be pokemon like if you want... hold on ill just re edit))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 05, 2015, 05:32:39 AM
((No no, I enjoy it as the Dweller and Sprite can fight. It makes more sense to me. I find pokemon's fighting thing a tad goofy.))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 05, 2015, 05:40:47 AM
     (((Once I get consistent internet access I'll join properly. In the meantime:
Name: Aaron Blade
Age: 20
Species: 9-tailed Demon Fox
Sprite type: Deca
Other: Custom Light Knife in the firm of his signature scythe, the U R Dead? Is that permissible?
Is it also possible to use multiple sprites or switch them out? Cause I'm thinking maybe Aaron could have a parasitic Irbin in him too...)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 05, 2015, 06:07:09 AM
(( it MUST be the size of an actual hunting knife... no bigger... no switching out darling... STOP TRYING TO OP YOUR CHARACTER!!! EVERYONE HAS THE SAME SURVIVAL CHANCE)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 05, 2015, 08:25:37 AM
     (((Hush, excitable fool. I'm only asking. To be honest if prefer to use my true sona in this but nah, Aaron'll do. I think I'll stick to the Deca and the light knife convo because that way I can flash the crap outta my enemies. Or I can avusemy Deca to recharge my knife? Would that even work or does it ABSOLUTELY HAVE to be sunlight? - Gir)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 05, 2015, 01:12:28 PM
((oka technically it could work, but Decas are also solar powered somewhat, i man they create their own light yea but they usually soak in a little sunlight in order to be really affective for their Dweller. If you do try it id say youd only have about 5 seconds per flash.

Post Merge: February 06, 2015, 01:42:44 AM
(Ray if youd like we can start now :3 )
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 06, 2015, 01:49:30 AM
((You lead, I follow?))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 06, 2015, 02:07:58 AM
Name: Cyril Laurelyeaux

Age: 18

Species: Eastern dragon, (no wings)

Sprite Type: Obon

Cyril lay on a pillar elevated high from the ground, he glanced to Ray and wondered from where they both came from, e hd no recollection of anything before he woke up in Angelfall.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 06, 2015, 02:09:51 AM
Ray rolled his wisp across his fingers, and smiled. "My little swarm, kept in a small package."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 06, 2015, 03:55:30 AM
Cyril looked to his Obon sittingon his chest nd pet it with a single finger, "and what about you? where did you come from?"
it gave a small soft screech and hung onto the finger that was petting it
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 06, 2015, 03:59:56 AM
     Aaron woke with a start a little way from the others and sat bolt upright. Beside him, his Deca flashed him a single quick hello.
     What was...a Deca?
     It seemed oddly familiar. Aaron splayed his hand, hoping to summon U R Dead.
     Had it been a dream? Had the spirit fire been a dream too? Aaron produced his Light Knife. It seemed to have an odd familiarity to it, much like the Deca. The names just...came to him.
     "Oohayo, Deca." Aaron said with an embarrassed smile. He turned serious and put the thing on his shoulder. Then he stood and approached the group.

     (((What time is it, how long till next day/night? What do the various pokemon I mean things look like? - Grrr~*playfully swipes a paw*)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 06, 2015, 09:19:21 AM
((i do have drawings of the sprites but it may take a bit befoe i can show you, its around near dusk, si id sa two or three hours of niceness left, btw Deca is short for Decadence, Obon is Obonatashi, Nedo is Nebocanose, and Irbine is Irbinshi))

Cyril spotted the new fur and stood looking at him cautiously.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 04:35:54 AM
Ray looked around, and smiled at the other fur on the pillar. "Hey!"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 08:37:26 AM
He looked to Ray, "u-ummmi... " he teared up and fell onto Ray teary eyed, "finally... someone..."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 03:47:59 PM
Ray blinked, and embraced Cyril, awkwardly.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 07:02:38 PM
Cyril gasped and cooted awa, "oh god im so sorry please forgive me!" he got on his hands and knees and bowed to Ray
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 07:06:40 PM
Ray knelt, and took Cyril's chin in his paw. "I'm no royal. Don't treat me this way."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 07:44:45 PM
Name: Acon

Age: 18

Species: Jackal

Spirit type: irbin
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Tim Siguire on February 08, 2015, 09:13:19 PM

Name: Don (Donny) Slater

Age: 23

Species: White Leopard

Sprite Type : Nedo
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:03:27 PM
Ray looked into Cyril's eyes. "Do you know where we are?" He held Cyril's chin, so that their eyes would meet.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:05:59 PM
Acon rolled off a tall stone fixture and landed on the ground with a thud. "Ouchies!"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:07:41 PM
Ray turned, and blinked. "Are you okay, miss?"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:08:59 PM
Acon stood and brushed herself off. "I think so." She limped up to Ray and smiled. "Hi!"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:10:50 PM
Ray, still knelt holding Cyril's cheek, returned Acon's smile. "Hello."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:13:10 PM
Acon pinched Ray's nose. "I'm Acon the Lovien."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:13:50 PM
Ray blinked. "Rayleonarde."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:16:44 PM
Acon smiled. "Rayleonarde. Leon Raynarde. Ray~Leonarde."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:18:47 PM
Ray chuckled. "Just Ray will work, miss Lovien."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:21:42 PM
Acon nodded. "So....where is we?"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:26:09 PM
Ray shrugged, and released Cyril's chin. He stood, his Obon resting on his shoulder. "I don't know. I don't think anyone does."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:28:41 PM
Acon nodded and played with the hem of her dress. "I see. Does anyone know why?"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 10:29:54 PM
Cyril blushed brightly as Ray held hiis chin then lowered his ears a bit as he pulled his paw away, "th...this place is called Angelfall... monasters roam this place... didnt The Angel tell you?" he got up and stayed close to Ray, he looked to Acon and shied away behind Ray.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:31:45 PM
Ray shook his head, and placed a paw on Cyril's shoulder. "Thank you." He patted Cyril's cheek, and then looked back at Acon.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:32:35 PM
Acon sighed and shrugged. "I still don't get it, but all in good time, right?" She chipped.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 10:34:38 PM
Cyril looked to the small Irbin hovering around Acon, "She's an Irbin Dweller... look" he whispered up at Ray
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:37:18 PM
Ray smiled. "Oh really?" He turned to Cyril. "Look at you. We're both Obon carriers."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:37:40 PM
"You're not very good at talking shit." Acon whispered loudly.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:39:51 PM
Ray chuckled, and put up his paws. "No disrespect meant, miss Lovien, I'm sure."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 10:42:13 PM
Cyril looked up to his forehead, his Obon peeking from his hair, he smiled shyly, "y-yeah!" His Obon spotted Ray's and gave a small happy purr screech, his rigid nubin of a tail vibrating sending a menal wave to any of its own kind
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:42:20 PM
Acon walked up to Ray and pressed her nose to his. "Yeah, that's what they all say. I know that game."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 10:45:18 PM
He looked to Acon and lowerd his ears, "i... i just thought you didnt know... im sorry... i wasnt talking bad i swear" he blushed a bit as Acon got too close for his comfort, without thinking he hugged Ray's arm and looked at Acon, "this isnt... this isnt a ga.e..."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:46:46 PM
Ray smiled. "I do not lie, miss Lovien. Why would we speak ill of you? We don't know you at all."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:48:36 PM
Acon rolled her eyes. "You don't have to know someone to talk shit." She smirked and licked Ray's nose. "Besides, rumors are always true anyways."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 10:52:17 PM
Ray chuckled. "I've never heard of the House Lovien."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:53:19 PM
Acon giggled. "Good neither have I!" She hugged Ray tightly. "Twinsies!"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 10:54:15 PM
Cyril frowned a bit as he saw Acon lick Ray on he snout, his Obon gave a small growl, then a bunch of Obons appeared out of nowhere and managed to push Acon onto the ground, lightly nibbling at her fur, giving it tugs here and thee, Cyril looked up at his Obon ad it looked down at him with a happy smile,
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 10:55:40 PM
Acon giggled. "Aw! So cute!" She took Cyril into tighter hug. "Can I have you?"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 11:00:07 PM
Cyril blushed brightly and hesitantly hugged her back. " sorry"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 11:01:28 PM
Acon giggled and nibbled on Cyril's ear. "You're too adorable."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 11:03:57 PM
Ray looked around the ruins. "Should we set up camp here, or is there a town near by?"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 11:04:54 PM
Acon stood, holding Cyril like a child. "Hmm... I don't know."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 11:07:42 PM
Ray sighed. "Well, you seemed to know a lot." He patted Cyril's shoulder. "So?"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 11:12:51 PM
Cyril shuddered and went wak in acon's arms,  " ears..."

He regained his enses quickly and looked to Ray, "Ask The Angel.. i only know a little bit"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 11:14:56 PM
Ray looked at his Obon, which had taken the form of a smaller version of Ray on his shoulder.  They both raised an eyebrow, and then looked back at Cyril. "How...would one go about that?"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 08, 2015, 11:23:22 PM
(hey Ray i dont mind the change you did bt please try not to modify them too much from my original plan please? :3 )

Cyril tilts his head "i.. i can do it..." He held up his paws and let his Obon jump into them, "Can i alk to Angel? Please?" the Obon nodded and  quickly dispersed into glints of shadow flying into dark crevices and corners, soon a winged fur desended from the sky and landed in front of Cyil and the others, "you called for me?" she said
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Aconitum on February 08, 2015, 11:25:58 PM
Acon watched Cyril with wide eyes. "Wow."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 08, 2015, 11:29:36 PM
((Alright. I apologize.))
Ray spoke up. "Angel. What, uh...what is our task?"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 08, 2015, 11:30:21 PM
     Aaron, who at that stage had been eyeing the group from a distance, ducked out of hiding and held an arm up. His Deca hopped along it and, at it's highest, flashed a happy greeting.
     "More denizens of the light. My name is Aaron Blade. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances...I hope."

     (((Signature: I run on a home prepaid internet connection, so my time on TFF will flow like the ocean tides: I'm always on TFF at heart, but my time online is dictated by money. Also I'm working three part time jobs in two establishments so that eats my time as well. But I love my TFF buddies and won't leave TFF for any extended time without telling anyone. Just explaining things - sorry I'm not more reliable for all those RP's I joined or made - Enigir AJ Aaron Selt Shane Noraa the Sixth)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 09, 2015, 03:22:45 AM
Angel looked down at the ithers and smiled softly, "your task... is to defend Angelfall from the Shadow, beings of horrid power... with the help o your Shadow Sprites of course"
she looked to Cyril, "mymy it seems that your Obon has taken quite the liking to you... the aility to call upon me is very advaned... now then shall i teach you the ways of your Sprites?"

Cyril looked to Aaron and perked his ears, "y-you look like... someone my friend talked very fondly of.."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 09, 2015, 03:42:06 AM
     "Friend?" Aaron asked, puzzled. His Deca mimicked him then appeared to laugh about it.

     (((Signature: I run on a home prepaid internet connection, so my time on TFF will flow like the ocean tides: I'm always on TFF at heart, but my time online is dictated by money. Also I'm working three part time jobs in two establishments so that eats my time as well. But I love my TFF buddies and won't leave TFF for any extended time without telling anyone. Just explaining things - sorry I'm not more reliable for all those RP's I joined or made - Enigir AJ Aaron Selt Shane Noraa the Sixth)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Tim Siguire on February 09, 2015, 04:06:20 AM
Don was watching from nearby.. rubbing his head. He was wearing a helmet that his Nedo turned into.
((Imma... how do Nedos work? Is it one Nedo per piece or One Nedo makes all pieces?))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 09, 2015, 04:09:53 AM
((( ish Nebo darling and usually its a single sprite that creates muliple copies of itself
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Rayleonarde on February 09, 2015, 04:25:49 AM
Ray smiled. "I don't wish to speak for the others, but I've always wondered what exactly the Obon could accomplish."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 10, 2015, 12:32:59 AM
The Angel looked to Ray, "Dear Dweller i am not at liberty to say..." then smiled apologetically

She looked to Don and beckoned him closer, "come fellow Dweller... no one here means you no harm..."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Tim Siguire on February 10, 2015, 12:55:33 AM
Son walked out from his spot cautiously and slowly. But he got closest to Angel and stood beside her. His helmet hiding his eyes but he could still see.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 10, 2015, 01:32:29 AM
     Aaron approached the Angel cautiously and his Deca seemed to quieten down, albeit without losing any enthusiasm. It trembled excitedly on Aaron's shoulder as he approached the Angel.
     "Watch out Don - no one here mean you no harm? That phrasing sounds like a threat. Aren't angels supposed to be sunny, or was that a slip up? But aren't you supposed to be 'perfect' too...?"
     What started as a plain and light comment was suddenly pregnant with Aaron's cynicism and beliefs. He waited with his usual cruel patience for an answer as his Deca gave him a curious look halfway between a quizzical stare and a glare. Aaron pointedly ignored it.

     (((Signature: I run on a home prepaid internet connection, so my time on TFF will flow like the ocean tides: I'm always on TFF at heart, but my time online is dictated by money. Also I'm working three part time jobs in two establishments so that eats my time as well. But I love my TFF buddies and won't leave TFF for any extended time without telling anyone. Just explaining things - sorry I'm not more reliable for all those RP's I joined or made - Enigir AJ Aaron Selt Shane Noraa the Sixth)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 10, 2015, 01:57:27 AM
The Angel frowned a bit, "you... do not believe i am an angel?"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 10, 2015, 02:05:55 AM
     "I woke up here ten minutes ago with nothing but a Deca and a Light Knife I am both familiar and unfamiliar with, my natural disposition, my clothes and nothing else. Belief wasn't in that list."
     Aaron thought for a moment.
     "If you can prove Angelic existence biologically then great. I wouldn't ask for a miracle though because if you ate an angel then that would be presumptuous, and if you're not then you're a fraud using some kind of magic. I only believe in the possibility that you're a threat time and these other...'dwellers'. Long story short...I don't believe you are an angel, no. No offense meant, of course."

     (((Signature: I run on a home prepaid internet connection, so my time on TFF will flow like the ocean tides: I'm always on TFF at heart, but my time online is dictated by money. Also I'm working three part time jobs in two establishments so that eats my time as well. But I love my TFF buddies and won't leave TFF for any extended time without telling anyone. Just explaining things - sorry I'm not more reliable for all those RP's I joined or made - Enigir AJ Aaron Selt Shane Noraa the Sixth)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 10, 2015, 02:09:44 AM
A blue wolf chased up and bashed Aaron in the back of the head, his Irbin close behind, "watch what you say Dweller newbie!" he said with an irritated expression, "what gives you any right to be angry?" although his femenine qualities were apparent his attitued was very confident and abbrassive, "now then Angel has asked me to lead all of you to get ready for upcoming Ightfall... which is in an hour, if you have any remaining questions please ask her or shut up and follow me"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 10, 2015, 02:18:37 AM
     "I wasn't angry until now, jerk." Aaron glared. His Deca drew his Light Knife and held it upwards in an effort to top it up with light before lightfall.
     "And we call it 'night time' you uncultured game-show addict." Aaron wasn't sure where all of these terms were coming from, neither was he fully clear in their meanings.
     "So what is this?" He asked the angel, planning on getting one back for the blow to the head later. "A death game? A new reality to live through? Some kind of hidden observation thing? A military exercise? Why am I here? Plus why can I remember nothing?"

     (((Signature: I run on a home prepaid internet connection, so my time on TFF will flow like the ocean tides: I'm always on TFF at heart, but my time online is dictated by money. Also I'm working three part time jobs in two establishments so that eats my time as well. But I love my TFF buddies and won't leave TFF for any extended time without telling anyone. Just explaining things - sorry I'm not more reliable for all those RP's I joined or made - Enigir AJ Aaron Selt Shane Noraa the Sixth)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 10, 2015, 02:48:07 AM
Nia, the blue boy wolf scowled and kicked Aaron in the shin, "seriously... calm yourself..." Angel looked to Aaron, "you remember nothing because it is not important for the time being, the correct term for your 'Night time' is Nightfall in this world. You were cosen because the Sprites saw you as a viable candidate"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 10, 2015, 02:55:18 AM
     "Great. It's a death game. Well I guess I'll settle in for now...which means marrying my place in the group! YOU calm yourself, bluey!"
     Aaron whirled around and kicked both of Nia's legs (clean off! Okay no - Gir) from under him, sending him toppling.
     "I'm sick of your attitude and Incorrectness. My mood is confused and cynical. NOT aggressive, unlike you. So hush."

     (((Signature: I run on a home prepaid internet connection, so my time on TFF will flow like the ocean tides: I'm always on TFF at heart, but my time online is dictated by money. Also I'm working three part time jobs in two establishments so that eats my time as well. But I love my TFF buddies and won't leave TFF for any extended time without telling anyone. Just explaining things - sorry I'm not more reliable for all those RP's I joined or made - Enigir AJ Aaron Selt Shane Noraa the Sixth)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 10, 2015, 02:59:19 AM
Nia landed with both paws onto the ground, doing a handstand to catch himself, he pushed oof and landed onto Aaron's shoulders, he wrapped his legs around Aaron's neck and giggled, "i dont care what it is you cant tell me what to do you fool... so get over it..."
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 10, 2015, 03:03:54 AM
     Fortunately Aaron's Deca had angled the blade away and had moved from its position on its keeper's shoulder as Nia had done what he did. The blade was nearly full anyway, and it was topped up now. The Deca sheathed the Light Knife before going up to Nia's leg and making a point of biting it as hard as possible. Aaron grabbed Nia's chest/shirt and three him forcibly off. The Deca chirruped angrily and sat on Aaron's head.
     "I decidedly do not like you." Aaron said coldly. "Do not bother me with trivial annoyances henceforth, and I shall be agreeable with you. Agreed?"

     (((Signature: I run on a home prepaid internet connection, so my time on TFF will flow like the ocean tides: I'm always on TFF at heart, but my time online is dictated by money. Also I'm working three part time jobs in two establishments so that eats my time as well. But I love my TFF buddies and won't leave TFF for any extended time without telling anyone. Just explaining things - sorry I'm not more reliable for all those RP's I joined or made - Enigir AJ Aaron Selt Shane Noraa the Sixth)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 10, 2015, 03:09:52 AM
Nia growled, "nope!" he stood and brushed himself off, "decdedly ive decided not to give a sh*t what you think... im still gonna hang around you because you seem cool... so there" he raised a rather inappropriate digit to Aaron and stuck out his tongue

Angel soon disappeared without warning
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 10, 2015, 03:18:00 AM
     Aaron sighed and stroked his Deca.
     "Now what?"

     (((Signature: I run on a home prepaid internet connection, so my time on TFF will flow like the ocean tides: I'm always on TFF at heart, but my time online is dictated by money. Also I'm working three part time jobs in two establishments so that eats my time as well. But I love my TFF buddies and won't leave TFF for any extended time without telling anyone. Just explaining things - sorry I'm not more reliable for all those RP's I joined or made - Enigir AJ Aaron Selt Shane Noraa the Sixth)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 10, 2015, 03:21:29 AM
"Number one rule, never group up, it always leads to easy pickings for the Shadows, two.. make sure to only sleep early in the morning or right before Nightfall, three is never ever explore new ares during Nightfall... it is a disaster waiting to happen"
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa on February 10, 2015, 03:36:08 AM
     "We're stuck here then?" Aaron asked cautiously.

     (((Signature: I run on a home prepaid internet connection, so my time on TFF will flow like the ocean tides: I'm always on TFF at heart, but my time online is dictated by money. Also I'm working three part time jobs in two establishments so that eats my time as well. But I love my TFF buddies and won't leave TFF for any extended time without telling anyone. Just explaining things - sorry I'm not more reliable for all those RP's I joined or made - Enigir AJ Aaron Selt Shane Noraa the Sixth)))
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Tim Siguire on February 10, 2015, 04:40:57 AM
Don kneeled in place and sat patiently and quietly.
"....."  he refused to speak to anyone at this point and whispered between him and his Nebo.
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 10, 2015, 01:25:43 PM
Nia sighed and noded raking a moment to think
Title: Re: Angelfall
Post by: Babydoll Animis on February 12, 2015, 04:37:17 PM
((okay got my hands on a camera!!!! here is what your little sprites look like!)))

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