The Furry Forums
Furry Chat => General => Topic started by: 0nefang on November 09, 2015, 04:13:56 PM
Like tell me And teach me :'(
Teach you what?
To be able to call yourself a true furry like what do you have to do
You don't have to do anything, furry is a mindset
O ok so what is your fursona
You don't have to do anything to be a furry. There are things you can do to express being a furry like drawing furries or attending meets and cons.
Don't stress yourself, just be you and that's already enough :P
What is your fursona
I'm guessing you're using a phone and cant see that stuff? :P
I'm a falcon which I guess isn't even technically a furry...
Either way, I've only ever been to one meet and don't know any local furs.
I do art every now and then though so that's about it. I also don't wear anything that would possibly label me as a furry like collars or jewellery or tails.
Each to their own
I were a tail i need some ears
i draw this is my first furry how do I upload my pics
you can do it in your forum profile settings from a browser, but otherwise I use to upload and use the link it provides for web layouts. that's just me though :P