The Furry Forums
Creative Arts and Media => TV and Video => Video and Traditional Games => Topic started by: Ravenshade on June 15, 2016, 09:35:37 PM
What games do you lot enjoy?
i like pokemon and the kingdom hearts series a lot
Atm only counter strike global offensive.
Halo - Up until reach
Undertale,Fallout, Ace combat, pretty varied in my taste
It kinda varies for me, but I've always loved The Legend of Zelda series! :)
My favorite game ever is Dark Cloud 2 for play station 2, although the legend of zelda series is my favorite series.
Hmmm I wonder what my favorite series is.... No but my favorite game is Metal Gear Solid 4 or Red Dead Redemption.
Probably The Elder scrolls or The legend of Zelda, I also enjoy playing Minecraft tho. (And I play League of Legends alot but that doesn't say that I like that game)
Terraria's always been a big one, but recently I've been really into Half-life 2 and Plague INC. Evolved
Other good game which I recommend you all play is Monster Hunter, I've been playing it for a few years now and It's slowly taking the place for my favorite game of all time. But Metal Gear Solid has to stay Number 1 because it was the first game I ever played soooooooooo
Dwarf Fortress. Nothing else even comes close.
everything borderlands! its the game to got me into gaming and i will never let it go, i even have a 3d printed claptrap on my desk from a model i made.
Oh my God how did I forget about these two??
My Favorite console game (and series) of all time was Ty The Tasmanian Tiger
and my favorite portable game was Advance Wars
Pokemon series is my main games, and also once in a while I'll play Sim City 4 and the Mario games
My favourite game for a while has been God Eater, hooked on it since the first play! Ive been so excited and cannot wait to get my paws on the 2nd one!
Best Bang for the Buck is definitely Terraria. I spent less than 5 dollars on that game many years ago, and I still go back and play it every so often.
Favorite current game is Rocket League or R6 Siege.
Favorite older game is Morrowind or Tales of Symphonia. Straight up classic.
I'm also a huge fan of Castlevania before lords of shadow. LOS isn't really even a castlevania game.
DEADBOLT is my favorite game of all time. Plenty of replayability, user created content, and plenty of difficulty to go around.
I can't even comprehend having a single favorite game, but I hold in highest regard...
Freedom Planet, Tales of Maj'Eyal, 20XX, Kirby Superstar, StarFox 64, Undertale, Soul Calibur III, Super Metroid, Fallout 3, Gotcha Force...
And I'm pretty sure I've forgotten some big ones.
i have so many favorites! but my top (not in order) legend of zelda oot, skyrim, doom, halo 2,pokemon ruby,
my favorite series is zelda! (duh!)
I personally like Nintendo games a lot. Tomodachi Life, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Nintendogs+Cats, Pokemon X, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Sims 3 Pets, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon are the ones I play on my 3DS. I also like Seduce Me: The Otome, Plague Inc: Evolved, Starbound, Terraria, and Crush Crush are good Steam games, though I haven't played on Steam in a while. I used to have a Gamecube and my fave games for that were Sonic Heroes, Bratz Forever Diamondz, Over the Hedge, and Tony Hawk Underground! There are so many games I want to get, like Alice Madness Returns, Sims 3 & 4, GTA 5, Hunie Pop, The Forest, Skyrim, and many more!!!
Nintendo franchises. I grew up with Zelda and Pokemon, but I later got into Metroid, Starfox, SSB, and Mario Sunshine and Galaxy.
Other games I play are Morrowind, Skyrim, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, Bravely Default, osu!, and Okami/Okamiden.
Current Favorites:
Tyranny (PC, Steam): This is a Baldur's Gate-esque game that has you playing as the villain rather than the hero/anti-hero, and it does the concept of being the bad guy justice.
Pokemon Sun (3DS): I'm really loving how refreshig the game is. Do wish they would give you a chance to save right before picking your starter, though I lucked out and got almost exactly what I wanted first time go (Female Timid Popplio, wanted a Modest but hey, can't win them all).
I'll kind of res this thread.
1. Morrowind with all DLC, Diablo 2 with LoD and Half-Life 1 multiplayer
2. Daggerfall. You can repeat the same quests over and over again because this game is buggy as hell, but dungeon crawling is fun
3. Men of War Assault Squad. It has a simple to use editor and there are a lot of mods for this game
4. My Summer Car. I love it
5. Darkest Dungeon
6. Cortex Command
7. Fallout NV
8. Heavily modded Skyrim. With ~200 mods installed it's hell of a fun, without them it's meh.
9. Sims 3 aka psychopath/death camp simulator. It wasn't supposed to be a death camp, but imprisoned neighbors won't eat no matter what I give to them.
I love the Earthbound/Mother series.
Outside of that I also like Final fantasy, Fire Emblem, and Smash bros.
Anything Nintendo really...
you ever played undertale? its kinda like earthbound/mother and its really geat! XD
My favorite game genre would have to be horror/survival and my favorite game in that genre is Cry Of Fear. I also like action, fighting, arcade, puzzle, and other games.
outlast, silent hill, and dead space are good horror games, if you haven't, you should try them
I just recently started playing Hearthstone but i really enjoy it
For now it's pretty much any source game or any game that can be modded :/
My all time favorite game is Xenogears. But I am also a big fan of the Mortal Kombat and Smash Bros series.
Can I say the entire Elder Scrolls series? If not, I guess Skyrim would take the cake.
Superb voice acting, amazing graphics, massive quest lines and awesome DLC.
I always loved playing as a stealthy ranger build, using archery, daggers and light armor. I would always stalk the woods, day or night, looking for game and adventure. Then retire to the local pub for fine drink and song.
Oh, I miss good medieval fantasy games.
And now to add to my list of favorite video games: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Armello.
While I have played Zelda games in the past and enjoyed them, once I completed them, I rarely ever went back to replay them. This is the first Zelda game ever that, as soon as I beat it, I started it right back up and played it again. I am currently on a third playthrough and learning more little tricks and better ways of playing. Aside from the highly annoying motion control puzzles.
And as for Armello, it's an enjoyable furry virtual board game. You can play single player or play against others in multiplayer. I've heard there are issues with the console versions, but the Steam version for the PC doesn't seem to have many issues at all. Game sessions are about an hour, so they are just the right size for play sessions.
Okey, favourite games... I guess I have 4 favourite games.
In no particular order:
1: Deadnaut (Squad-based strategy game set primarily onboard the ships of ancient, long-dead empires)
2: Fear Equation (Horror/Management game set on a train through a fog that causes deadly nightmares, as you try to reach salvation)
3: Town of Salem (Based off of the party game "Mafia", it explains itself really)
4: Zafehouse: Diaries (Strategy survival game set in a zombie-ridden town as you try to escape via helicopter or car)
Favorite game right now is between Overwatch and Dark Souls x3