The Furry Forums
Furry Chat => General => Topic started by: ¿ Jesse Pawman ? on December 10, 2007, 04:48:44 PM
On Dec. 12, 2006, FF was created. Share your favorite memories here.
My fav. memory is when you couldn't post without having to read through seven pages of stuff.
Then it's not quite the anniversary yet, since it's the 10th. :P
Happy anniversary anyway. *waves to the computer screen*
My favourite memory? I dunno. Getting feedback on my products I guess.
My favorite memory would have to be when I logged on and out of the blue I noticed I was a moderator.
*pokes Eph* Ah, memories... so many of them ^^
I guess a more prominent one was meeting all of the 'unique' furs we have here :P
*prepares a massive group hug*
*joins the group hug* this might actually turn into an RP.
congrats on 1 year guys :P
heh...i remember when this used to have the "catsinclothing" url instead of "furry-forums"
but yea meeting the furs on here and have even befriended with a few of them :3
~joins in the group hug~
heh...out of the blue... reminds me of a Blue Light commercial o.o it's a brand of beer :P "My light is blue" was their slogan XD Canadian television...
My favourite memory... em...
When i first joined I guess, ^_^V
heh...i remember when this used to have the "catsinclothing" url instead of "furry-forums"
I remember having to change the bookmarks I had for the forum a few times because of that. :P
Woo! :D
Yay FF and all its awesomeness! x3
My favorite memory is all the memories of the amazing people I've met through the forums and how they've changed my lives. ^^
We love you Maxis! xD