Look at the user above and you determine what other species you would change them to if you had to.
- Species must be different from what ever user is above obviously xP
- As always abide to Forum rules
- - - - - - - - - - - -
I'll give an example to start off with the blank space above . . .
^ I would swap the blank space above into a nanobe
I would change you into an adorable little otter =)
Would swap them into a majestic purple dragon ^_^
I would turn you in an adorable little cheetah ^_^
Would make you into a little Victini :3
with all the fun you have, will turn you into cyoot fennec fox
similar to this cutie:
you already share the cyoot ears
Would change you into Mew :3
*licks your nosey*
would turn you into a cute tiger cub ^_^
Would swap them into a Violet Backed Starling :P
flying would be fun
Would turn you into a giant 'cat'fish XD
*Cal has joined the game!* You would be a Great White Shark.
already an awesome tiger, how about turning you int a snow leopard
Make you into a mew!
how about turnings ya into a Meowstic
(would you like the male or female coloring?)
Will swap you into a jigglypuff XD
( up to ya XP )
would turn you into a cyoot flying Emolga, loves that cyoot laugh
Would swap you into a hummingbird!! :3
for being tew fun and tire out too quickly
will turns you into a sloth
Make you into a pikachu :3
will turn you into a giant white raptor ^_^
try turning you into a butterfly for a little bit
How about a big caterpillar? XD
Maybe swap to a Falcon
lets make the Vee same size
lets turn you into a ferret XD
You will become a pink snivy! XP
I wonder what would happen if I turned you into a Zigzagoon...
I say, a Tasmanian Devil.
I guess a lynx
lets turn you into a goblin shark :?
A fluffy purple dove
I'll turns you into one of me
a fluffy soft Espeon
Make you into a turtle
I think you'll look great as a hare. Don't ask why I think that. :)
You shall be a Lackal
Lion + Jackal XP
A dhole.
Maybe a grizzly bear :)
Obviously I would change you into a Doggo
Make you into Belgian shepherd
I like your choice.
Hmmm, besides doggo I would say... Red Panda
Thought you might ^_^
hehe, what about a Griffon Bruxellois now xP
Hmmm, a munchkin cat I would say
Swaps into a Falcon
this time you shall be a striped skunk XD
Make you into turtle
how will you like to be a flying squirrel for a while?
You can be a
turtle Growlithe. No idea why that one came to mind first, but...
You would be a kitten :D
You can be a Riolu. I can see that working out fine ;)
And lucario for you! :3
Lucario is my favourite pokemon, just saying :)
You would really be cool as a Mew.
Good to know
What about instead of Lucaio a Mega Lucario! :)
How about turning you into an Eagle?
Fly like an eagle!
Aww I was going to say that for you XD
Hmm, what about the next best thing, a Large Falcon!
A falcon? F*** that, I prefer dragons.
And you... for turning me into a mere bird, you get to be... A SQUIRREL!!! lol
squirrels are fun
hows about turning you into a fennec fox
Ya might be a Munchlax but some might say that to me to XD
or Komala for naps! ^_^
quick and fast, how about a Bunnelby for you? XD
A kangaroo mouse, I guess.
Siberian Musk Deer because why not :P
A silver fox. Not a bad animal to be.
A jumbo Komodo Dragon? maybe. . . XP
A Jumbo Komodo Dragon...
... Challenge accepted.
You become a jumbo Mongoose.
lets turn Ramulan into a strong looking Jaguar
Was that a typo, or did you call me Ramulan intentionally?
You become a rat!
X3 it was a typo XD
XP lets make you smaller and turn you into an adorable looking ocelot
Oh, so you meant to call me Romulan?
You racist *******! What's wrong with Romulans?
For your racist reference to me, you become a flea!
(Seriously, though - I take no offense to being called Romulan [I actually find it amusing in a trek way], but I prefer being called Rom. I'd ask you to call me by my dragon name, but that's even more of a hassle to type than Romulan XD )
(I meant to call you by your username - didn't know that either)
Will turn Rom into a cyoot looking sand cat
In an apology for overreacting to an honest mistake ( XD ), I turn you into a Tiger.
(From tram-driving-in-San-Francisco tiger to 95%-more-awesome tiger, "Eyy, that's pretty good!")
You are now a Zangoose. (my FAVORITE Pokémon, I only award this to very outstanding people)
(Um... were you referring to me or him when you spoke of tigers?)
You are now... a Wyvern!
(you Rom)
Now you are a leopard.
(Oh. Okay. If you refer to the avatar, the character was my idea, but the drawing was not my work. I still like it, though. Better than putting a Romulan face there. Wow, that sounded racist...)
You get to be a cheetah.
And the I promise, whoever turns me into a dragon will get to be a dragon alongside me. If they want.
Possibly a shark :P
would end up turning Vee into ! - yep Zorua
You are now a shiny dragonite :3
Turned into a Charizard.
eeepz, nuuu Vee, nu not that!!
turn Rom into a stronger and more rarely White Tiger
Mhh wonder if Jyo can be a kangaroo :P
>:3 lets turn you into a crab
D: *guards my tail* :'(
Would turn you green sloth so I can keep up XP
oh I know, to make you faster
lets turn you into a peregrine falcon
You would become a Altaria so you can be a fluffy pillow :)
would turn you into a mega-Lucario it also has fluffy fur too
Would try a wolf, don't think I've seen you as one :3
(I was Lycanroc before, it's based on a wolf - not yet an actual wolf) ^_^
Would turn you into a sphynx (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuOvHDhMJ-A) just to see how you would react
*then I would roll over laughing*
at least you would have tons of energy XD
I would turn you back into an Eevee, so then I can turn you into Jolteon. :)
Turned into a Whimsicott for the fluff X3
Turn you into a Japanese Bobtail cat
Will be harder for ya to hide cookies with a very short tail
Make you a Mereep :)
Make you a Gecko!
A bee hummingbird >:3
A roach.
Would turn you into a large dragon that has laserbeam eyes and a huge sword as a tail XD
Let the Vee become a Fennekin for a while
Jyo the lion!
Lets keep ya small
And Fennekin-like how about you becomes a cyoot fennec fox they is fun to play with
Wonder if Jyo would like being a bat
I'll give it a try, sees fun to fly
How would blVee like to be a funnel-web spider?
Would make you a hedgehog XP
Cute and small, would be fun, unless you turns me into a blue fast hedgehog
How would you enjoy beign a mole at leadt they live underground
What about a frog? XP
Since you turned me into a dragon earlier... A deal's a deal. You become a dragon with me.
You would be a great wombat
( hehe sweet )
Would make you into a polar bear, for reasons that I don't know X3
How about if we turns the fun loving, too tiring-quickly Vee into a Cheetoh (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqk_WCPSrXc) (not a cheetah)
that way you will have lots fun, too active to tire out quickly and be vewy silly
Make you into a nice corgi :3
heeyz! XP
how about a cat with thick fur, keeps ya warm in winter, and maybe let ya hide cookies in the tail tew - so for that will turns ya into a persian (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SRXidYAZuw)
(not the Pokemon that is)
Would swapped you into Arceus XD
Eeee nuu!
How would you like to be an Ocelot
A mouse! :P
Eeeepz, nuu that
How will Vee be if we turns you into a turkey
Make you into a frog XP
*grins in a meanie way*
lets turn you into a black-widow spider
Turn you into buffalo! :P [size=78%] [/size]
That be interesting
Stomp everything
Lets turn ya into a scorpion, is that better tgan the spider?
You are now a mongoose :3
I love them, rawrs, time to nomz cobras
Lets turn Vee into a Watcho.... I mean Meerkat
You shall be t-rex XD
Eeee short arms, tew meanie
Lets turn you into an adorable poodle
What about a dragonfly?
Tew snall bugs!
Would Vee like to be an iguana?
Made you a strawberry
Heehee nuu wantz to be nomz
Grrrs! Rawrz! Lets turn Vee into a Velociraptor
Lets make ya into a piggie because they are pink to :P
Heeyz *boopz ya nosey*
Lets turn ya into an owl
Turn you into a pink panther XP
I would love that, at leadt its a cyoot looking feline
Lets turn ya into... a shiny Eevee *smiles and makes cyoot eyes*
Make you into a parrot XD
Lets turn ya into a finch, small and cyootz
You would be a dove :3
Eee, nuu like much
Lets turn Vee into a rooster
Time to be hummingbird X3
too small, too quick, even fur me
how about a kangaroo?
Small horse then? :P
Eeee nuuu!
Nuu wants to be a pony
How would you like to be a grey fox
You shall be a neon green puppy
Eeee nuuu!
How would you like to be a mongoose
Make you a Cobra XP
Eeeee, mongoose nomz cobras
Well lets make Vee an Umbreon - you can be a night light
Ferret :P
Lets turn you into a badger
You should be a Riolu :)
That would be nice
Lets turn ? into !
then you will be a Zoroark
Fun, will miss having a fluffy tail
can you nu makes me evolve?
Lets turn you into a platipus
You will be a giraffe now!
How about a nice Dolphin
Man, I loooove dolphins! :*
You are a fluffy bumblebee now!
lets turn you into an adorable jaguar
Change you to some kinda of fishy :P
Not to bad kind of hard to have fun
Lets make you a crow
Make you pichu
You can be Pikachu. I can see that working fine...
Lets turn ya into an Alolan Raichu
Alolan Meowth
not to bad, it looks cyoot, make me evolve soon ^_^
Lets give lots of love and fairy moves - lets turn you into a caring Sylveon
You are a snivy now! :D
Thats good, loves it beign different
You are now a Zangoose
Maybe a ladybug, would be interesting XD
A sweet little pig. :)
Great Blue Heron? :P
lets turn you in a fast running cheetah XD
Makes ya a sloth >:3 XD
Heyz! Nu Fair!
lets turn you into a manatee X3
Change you to a sleepy kitten :3
-.- cyoot :3
lets turn you into a swordfish....
just nuu let Jyo see you XD
Make ya a sleepy mini snorlax XP
Heehee *giggles*
Lets turn you into a small pigeon
A little goldfish >:3
Not much place to swim
Turn you into a river otter
you would be a prey mantis
Eee nuu
Lets turn ya into a Manx cat
nuu tail to hide cookies
A fluffly sloth
Would be easier to keep up X3
Heyz nu fairz!
then i nuu catch upz!
Lets turn you into a fast moving hare
Turn you into a robot flareon >:3
Heehee, nuu change!
Lets turn you into an aquatic Vee, Vaporeon, now nuu worries on taking showers
Time to be magikarp :3
*nibbles Vee's tail*
How would you like to be a leopard, snoleo that is
Nuu fish nibble XP
Goomba would be interesting
fishy nibbles good, just ask Jyo, Espy, and Leafy *giggles*
Lets turn you into a swordfish
You are now a koopa
And you are an ant now. :D
You are now a Husky.
A bunny rabbit
2 days too late, Vee!
You are now a Koala.
Then you shall be a Slowbro :P
Slackoth for you!
Erza is now a duckie XP
Lets turn Vee into one of me
another Flarey
You can be a Litten.
Lets go with a mini gorilla XD
You needs to look cyooter by turning you into an actual red fox
Turns you into a red snake :P
that be fun, slither around and hide in Vee's small holes
lets turn you into a Ninetales, that way, you can hide extra cookies with 9 tails and warm up air around too
A meowth you are
You can be a mouse.
Ezra will be a cute hippo. <3
You can be a Hokkaido Wolf (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hokkaido_wolf)
Make you into Pawniard so you can help me cut my yard faster XD
Who needs my help when you are a Scyther?
Lets make you a falcon
You can be a hummingbird.
A robot puppy! :3
A robot kitty!
lets turn Ezra into a super cyoot and very active ocicat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUHo4LOPivY)! that way you will have tons of energy to keep up with Jyo and Firox XD
That would be perfect! That is literally me (if I was strong/fast)
You can be... Magikarp.
Would make a Ditto :P
Lets keep you same, turn you shiny coloring
Lets make you living sandcastle :P
You can be a Corgi. They're cute.
lets turn Ezra into an arctic wolf,
white wolves look so pretty
Make ya into a venus flyplant XD
Let's turn Vee into a small tiger, another small energetic kitty called "toyger (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGfftjzoveo)", is another house cat that looks similar to a tiger
Vee would look so adorably cyoot!
Make ya into snivy once more :3
thanks, not tew bad, let's turn you into Emolga
(for the funny Emolga vs Snivy battles)
Would have you try out Bayleef
Lets turn you into a Skitty X3 XD XD
lets see how funny you would moves
Time to be Rowlet
lets make you much faster than me, and turn you into a cyoot weasel - you gets to be a Linoone
Makes ya a larger kitten ^_^
(uhm soon, which next big kitty in July?)
Lets turn you into ! - now ya is Zorua
Makes ya into a snow tiger
That will be greatz!
Lets make you into w cyoots looking Zangoose
Time for Firox Riolu
You can be... Absol?
You can be a oshawott
Lets turn you into a poisonous cobra
You can be an Arbok.
Eee nuu, love running with paws
Lets turn you into an artic fox
You can now be... an antelope. :)
Hooves aren't paws
How about a maned wolf for you
Think, what else doesn't have paws...
You can be a MissingNo
Lets go for a firefly
Oooh... firefly...
You can be a dragonfly.
A eastern dragon
Lets turn you into hyena *giggles*
You can be an Unknown. Which letter would you be?
You shall now be a flying squirrel
Ezra, letter F would be good
Lets turn Vee into something different, how about a Solosis?
Fruit Fly :3
Funny Vee, we should turn you into a Psyduck
You are a venus fly trap >:3
We should turnz you into an alligator
and you will be crocodile
You can be... a tiger.
A millipede because that would be strange :P
Lets turn vee into a cyoot looking cheetah, you already are a 'Chatty Cheetah' ^_^
Maybe a cow, not sure why X3
let's keep you as the 'chatty cheetah' that sleeps tew much! XD
(just like Vee) X3 XD XD
Let's make you a jaguar because ya iz so quick! :P
>:3 let's turn you into me then, a sleeping jaguar on a tree
Makes ya into a stick bug >:3
eee nuuu!
lets turn you into a beetle
Sloth for ya! A resting one :3
let's turn Vee into a
sleeping puma-cub :3 tew adowable!
A resting sunflower coloured puppy
Well then I can say this is ironic. "Makes Eevee noises and hops around."
A shiny eevee! So you can get the experience X3
For some reason though I feel the urge to eat cookies and strawberries.
Maned wolf :)
A water deer :P
A snow fox. :)
Lets go with a turkey X3
Letd turn you onto something very big, a Haxorus
A simple ball of. fluff, nu one knows speices :P
You would be a great dragon pal :3
Skya fox would be interesting :3
Let's turn the always sleepy Vee into another sleeping fox
Would make you a shrew
Would make you... Weepingbell.
Make you a firefly
lets turn you into a large sized tiger
Turn into a spider tiger
Lets keep you big and strong, let's turn you next into a lion :3
Like meow and stuff.
Maybe a squirrel because why not ^_^
Oh, Jyotis is already a cat.
I thought his avatar was a dog for some reason.
An airplane. Airplane fursonas exist.
:? airplane sona? :? never heard of it X3
Stella, my feline month!
Lets turn you into an armadillo
Would make ya into a chinchilla! :3
eee X3 :3 cyootz!
Lets turn you into a river otter
Lets evolve ya to liepard :P
(until Tuesday the 16th I will)
can't waitz!
Lets turn you to Sylveon, then I can plays with the ribbons and bows
Make you into a duck! XP
eeepz nuu!
lets turn you into a crab!
Post Merge: May 01, 2017, 03:41:31 AM
eeepz nuu!
lets turn you into a crab!
A lobster you are
eee, nuu!
lets turn you into a giant squid
Make ya into a raptor
yay! at least can give you rides in long distances
lets turn you into something soft and cyoot, how would you like to be a meerkat?
Can you be t-rex? :3
nuu pwease, not enoughz fur, looks tew meanie
Lets make you a caring sand cat
Would try grasshopper for you
How about... a mouse?
Oh, a ox might be interesting
lets turn you into a fire ant D:
Make ya into a beetle
How would Vee would like to be turned into:
*heehee, giggles loud, rolling on floor*
If Im watchog then your Patrat! XP
And you're a Wyvern.
A hornet for now ^_^
>:3 heyz! XD
lets turn you into something to keep up with me, you be a Jolteon
Snolax time for ya! XP naps
For turning me into a hornet, I turn you into a flea.
Hehe, what about simply a kitten XP
You can be a Norwegian Forest Cat (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_Forest_cat)
Make you into western dragon
Lets turn you into something that likes to clean, a Minccino
Maybe you can be Mienfoo
that be cyootz!
Lets turn you into a strong fighter, how about a Mega Lucario
Make you into a berry bush!! XD
Lete turn you into a beet
Your a bumble bee now! :3
Turn you into a Fox.
And lo! You have become a cow!
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Would make ya into kitten and green one! :3
will turn you into a wolf pup
Can ya be a turkey?
Heyz! Ben Türkçe konuşamam! XD I nuu speak Turkish!
Lets turn you into an iguana
What about a chicken!? Ya loves to nom chicken XP
XD yepz, chicken tenderz :P
lets turn you into a smart and digging ferret
Make you into a Zorua! Will have fun puffy head fur
that will be cyootz, which means having fun with ! as well
lets turn you into another Zorua so there can be 3 of us
Make ya a lucario! :P
i shall make you a
litten i guess
lets turn you into a Mega Ampharos :3
A pizza kitten!!
that looks strange XD
Lets turn you into a fire fox
I shall transform you into a Lopunny.
eeepz nuuu! D:
Lets turn you into the midday Lycanroc
Let's go with an Owl this time :)
Have a water stone!
that art is adorable, how about we turns the winged wolf into an icy fairy fox and let you turn into an Alolan Ninetales
Jyo can also be a nice big hawk :3
lets turn you into something much bigger than a Vee, and lots of fluffy tails to hide boxes and boxes full of cookies
lets turn you into a Ninetales
You can be a raccoon :)
thanks yew, that will be good
Lets keep Vee larger, and turn you into the Alolan Ninetales
What about talking tree :P
You are now an adder.
You are now a hooman! :3 hah
You can be a vampire bat.
Lets make Ezra a snapping turtle
Make you be a mega charizard
X or Y?
I love Y morez
Lets make you into a red squirrel
Jyo is now a Drifloon XD
Lets turn Vee into a 3 headed flying dragon called Hydreigon
Lobster you are then
Cockroach! For no reason!
Lets make you an occicat
Let's make you a badger.
lets make you a bengal cat
Make you into a tree! X3
lets turn you into a Zangoose
What about a Shinx for that kitty? :3
I turn you into Charizard. Fly the skies with me! See the world as only a dovah can!
We shall make you a sand cat >:3. dont let Anakin find you
thanks Vee, I would love being a Shinx
(good idea for September) :3
Lets turn you into a shockingly vewy cool and flying bird, how about a Zapdos
Would then make into a Luxray :P
That will be fun
Lets turn you into a wasp
You will be butterfly
Eee nuu
meanie butterflies *giggles*
Lets turn you into a mongoose
Make ya into a chinchilla
Turn you into a Cobra.
Turn you into a actual living attack helicopter XD
You get turned into a living Jeep!
Mega venus flytrap! :P
You get turned into a Bloatfly!
Then you get to be mini deathclaw! ^_^
Lets turn Vee into a grasshopper
*rolls over laughing*
Heeey! XP Then you can be a hummungbird
I'd be flying fast
Lets turn Vee into an eagle
Rawr, Jyo the cat dragon
That be dun
Vee the howling wolf
Jyo the ant eater XD hehehe
You become an Albino Radscorpion!
Maybe you can be a Tauntaun :P
Lets turn you into a wallaby
You can be a bouncing tiger :P
let's turn the active Vee into a ring-tailed lemur, that will be fun
He! Sambatra tokoa izahay
(and may we truly be happy)
Maybe you can be a panda
eeee too big and nuu tailz
will miss it
lets turn you into an albino tiger
You will be a viper
lets turn you into a fast moving frog, Greninja
Make ya Vactini
you meanz Victiny
*sticks tongue at you*
Lets make you an arctic wolf
You can be a Shaymin ^_^
I'd turn you into a lucario for the luls
Lets turn you into an alligator
You can be a Sunflora. hehehe
You can be a Slaking.
Let's turn ya' into a frog.
Turn you into a white dragon
Lets turn you into a Munchlax of cookies
Hehee, you will be a Ditto
You can be a Ninetails.
You can become a Hondege or Doublade XD
lets turn you int an adorable little Fennec fox kit
Turn ya into a sleepy kitty :3
lets turn you into a caring tiger
Would turn ya into a Litwick XP
Lets turn you int a Caterpie XD
Make them into a owl
You will be a small mouse
You can be a tiger moth
You can be a robin. They're cool :)
What about a polar bear? :P
How will Vee enjoy beign a an actual Bee
Maybe ya can be a wasp!
Eeee nuu
Something fun pwease
Lets turn you into scorpion
Turned into a squirrel
yay, that would be fun, lets turn into something similar, that cyootz flying squirrel known as Emolga
Fur into a robot dog!
lets turn you into shiny coloring
You can try a Llama XD
Lets turn you into a Vicuña (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicu%C3%B1a)
Maybe a worm XD
Lets' turn the Vee into a Skookum Cat!
Skookum cat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKWKnXxN7NY)
<3 <3
Would turn you into a really cute dragon baby XD
Turn ya into a squid
Vee will be turned into labrador retriever
Turned into a sloth
You can be... a lemming :D
Lets turn Ezra into an ocelot
You can be a Joltik :)
Cyootz and small
Ezra can be a dolphin
Magma Slug for ya!
Silly Vee
Lets turn you into a Rockruff, playful rock doggy
You can be a igglypuff instead of jigglypuff :3
You can be a Rotom.
What about a Hoopa XD
You can be a foxie

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You can be a great snow leopard. ^_^

You're too sweet to be true ❤️
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How about a yellow canary :)
Not baaad

I wanna see you in some husky species. ❤️
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I would like to see you as an Akita dog (the most royal dog breed that i know of) :) ^_^ :3
Lets turn you into a german sheppard
Oh my goooossshhhhhhh 

I'm dying for thatt ❤️❤️❤️
I'll like to see you in some dragon thing. Or wolf 
@firox ... still i'll love to see you in a husky fursuit. I'll hug you and never let you go ❤️
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Dragons are fun was one for a while in December
Lets turn you onto a komodo dragon
Lets turn you into a dragon too, to be specific, a Dragonite XD

Looks cringy.
I'll better turn you into a pomeranian dog 

@NiZeKiHo good one 
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I'll turn you into a cute Akita puppy, so you can be even cuter than an adult Akita ^_^ :3
Would try a goat because why not XP
Would make you join the rest of us as a dragon X3
Lets turn Vee into one too, a Gogoat

You're too cute, love that one! ❤️
I'll turn you into a tiger, like Dash Tiger if you know him. Or something like Majira.

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Would turn you into any furry to make you join the forum :)
Oh, luckily you are already here, so that wont be needed ^_^
*gives you a good furry hug*
*much more hugs* *waves paw*
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Maybe a flamingo
No no no

Maybe a dragon? 
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You can be a hawk.
A zebra for ya!
A kiwi bird

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A cute baby deer
[attachment deleted by admin]
What about a dragonfly! :P
lets turn Vee into a bengal tiger
Lets turn ya into a sleepy ferret
-.- -.- -.-
lets turn you into a sleepy kitty
You can try out Magcargo :P
Try being a god (Arceus) XD
Kitti's hog nosed bat? :P
Polar fox

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Turn you into a Flareon just like Firox ^_^
Oh goooooosh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love it!

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What about a Zebra XP

The Flareon is a good one, love it. ( Also love you @Firox ❤️).
For you: Mountain Lion 
Or a cheetah 
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Thanks there @Yuriop
Lets turn you into a shiny Eevee
This is not a bad idea at all

For you will be good a panther fersona. ❤️
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I has snoleo sona
Turn ya into an grey wolf
Make you into dove!
Turn you into an electric eel
Butterfly Maybe
Turn you into owl

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You can maybe be a mouse :)
Lets turn Vee into a Zorua
Lets make you a Braixen!
That would be fun
Let's turn Vee into a strong looking Lucario
Firox evolved to Delphox
that would be fun Vee
Vee finally becomes icy foxy known as Glaceon
Would make into a ant eater XD not sure why
Eeeek nuu
Lets make you a monkey
Make ya evolve XP
Become a wolf ❤️
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How about a polar bear :P
Polar fox is better

How about a bee?
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Lets make you into one of me for a day, a weasel
You can be a nice squid >:3
I know ya nuu like showerz so lets turn ya into a water mustelid - the river otter
Foxx ❤️❤️
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A little white mouse :)
lets turn you into a black fox with yellow rings and red eyes, that's right an Umbreon
Pink panther ❤️❤️
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So adorable, love that silly cartoon
Lets turn you into Kimba, the white lion
Maybe my next fersona.❤️
That will be cute
Lets turn you into my feline sona, snoleo cub
(I'm back to one on the 1st)
Make you into a little bat
that be fun and silly
lets turn you into an aardvark
Made you into a swordfish!!!
Lets turn you into a ferret
Turn ya into a pichu
This place needs more Amaura.
*Uses woof magic to turn you into an Amaura*
Cheza gets to become a lovely parrot
Make you into a magikarp XD
I change you into a firefly!
Lets change Michen into a normal leopard
I change you into Loch Ness. Let me know how it is to live like an IRL legendary.
Eeee nuu i don't like water
Michen gets turned into an adorable red fox
All right then, I'll turn you into a sea horse instead. :P
A wood pecker because why not ^_^
A fire fox ❤️
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How about a horse :P
I evolve you into a Pikachu!
Hmm, how about an anteater? Don't forget to tell everyone what the insanely long tongue feels like! :P
Would try a dove ^_^
Hmm, how about an anteater? Don't forget to tell everyone what the insanely long tongue feels like! :P
I transform Huh into a capybara!
Bumble bee for you!
For Michen ... mountain lion will be a sweet choice 
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How you like to be a lynx
That's a really nice idea ... love those type of feline ❤️
And for ya: will be nice to be a ceetah 
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How about a stoat in winter fur?
they look beautiful Michen, wish it was for me
oh well, lets turn you into an eagle
You can be a froggy :P
How about a stoat in winter fur?
They are soo soooo cute ❤️
And for Vee ... turn you into a gold fish 
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heeey! XD You can be catfish
Lets turn you into a pigeon
A bigger white tiger :3
that be fun
Lets turn you into a bobcat XD
You will be a wolf pup :P
that be cute, after having fun with some with Naake, so adorable
Lets turn you in a giant fox with a cyoot looking cape and stick - a Delphox
Maybe a bear :P
polar bear for you
You can be a nice panda XP
How about a white tiger?
Let's turn that snoleo into a snofox (artic fox)
Hmm a rooster?! XP
I'm turning you into a peacock for that. Now show me those beautiful feathers of yours.
I don't why, but I'm thinking Pelican :P
lets turn you into an armadillo
You can be a shrew
Eeee nuuu
Lets turn you into a red squirrel
You shall be a rabbit!!
You're going to be a little butterfly!
Lets turn you into a strong and ferocious Siberian Tiger
I turn you into a slime!
I know it's not a furry, but it's just as silly.
You can also be a slime, but a Tabby Smile :3
You can be an otter ❤️
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A seal, maybe. XP
lets turn Vee into a fire ant
Let just make ya a turkey ^_^
lets turn you into a friendly flying squirrel
Make ya into a goldfish XD
I transform you into a ray!
And you shall be a seagull :P
lets turn you into one of me for a while
you will be a margay too :3
Lets make you a blackfooted cat :)
<3 so adorably cyootz <3 :3
lets make you a cute looking serval
What about a little Skitty? :3
<3 that be cyootz too! :3
let's turn you into a strange looking cat, how about the fossa cat?
What about a turkey again XD
nuu want to be nomz XD
lets make you the fun loving turtle
What a camel :3
eeee nuu funnyz
surviving in the desert will be good
Lets turn you into a komodo dragon X3 XD XD
Turn you into a spider XP
that was fun on April's fool day
surprised the others XD
let's turn you into a chiahuahua X3 XD XD
You shall be a canine, maybe a wolf :P
yay that will be fun
lets turn you into a caterpillar
You're going to be a serval. Watch out for ear nommers.
I love them
lets turn you into a jaguarundi
A little bumble bee :3
Lets turn Vee into a Caracal
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Wouldnt change you, you are already really cute as is ^_^ :3
Can be a nice Anteater :)
lets turn you into a praying mantis
Turn into a shark XD
Let's turn you into a kiwi. As in the bird, not the fruit. :)
Would make into a bright orange hamster :)
You can be a puffin. Because why not?
Let's turn you into an ocicat :3 <3
So cute!
Let's make you a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel, otherwise known as a momonga.
how would you look like an ocelot?
A porcupine, would be interesting XP
eee nuu
lets turn you into a tamandua
You shall be a groundhog
now you becomes a giant jellyfish D:
You will be a skunk XD will be funny
<3 awww cyootz :3
lets turn you into a hummingbird
What if you are a camel?
not so much cyootness
lets turn you into a Jolty, good luck hiding the cookies
Turn you into Azurill
eeeepz nuu
lets turn you into a squeaking mouse
Monkey, you shall be
you becomes a big gorilla
Would make into a bat
Thats fun
You becpmrs a mosquito
You will be a fruit fly then :3
Eeepz hey
You is a small and warm ferret
Turn into a snuggly catfish XD
eee nuuu will miss mah fur, and long tail XD
lets turn you into an octopus
A nice deer for you
How about a muscrat
Make into a Zebra
You is now a Weavile
Make ya into a Jigglypuff
lets turn you into a Scatterbug XD
Lets make you into spider :)
which one, I love many, do dislike some
lets turn you in to my least favorite arachnid
a Pholcidae or more commonly known as cellar spiders or daddy-long-legs X3 XD XD
Would turn you into lady bug
I is malez silly, a 'gentlemen bug' XD
*rolls over laughing at silly idea*
lets turn you into a mosquito
Turn you into a dragonfly
lets turn you into an even smaller flea D:
Turn you into a napping puppy
awww :3 cyoots
lets turn you into a adorable sleeping kitten
Change into anthro panda!
Change you into a vipper
Changed into a Torracat
Love itz
You can be Incineroar
Turn into a Zebra
heyz >:3
lets turn you into a strange a loris
Made you become a Espurr!
you becomes the cyoot looking Meowstic
Lets make you a horse
Let's make you a crane fly
Would you like to be a snake?
Love it
I should try being one
How would you like to be a rabbit
What about hummingbird?
Black Panther will be a nice choice.
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A nice cute Zebra
lets turn you into a seal
Maybe a mouse
you becomes a moose
Maybe a giant tiger!
Thank you
Let's make you an Alolan Persian
What about a bull?

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A polar bear :)
lets turn you into something big, what about a giraffe?
You can be a Rhino then XP
how about if I turns you into that "scawed of fishing" Espeon?
Turn into a catfish :)
Let's turn you into a whale shark
A nice big lynx
That be fun
....but will miss having a long playful tail
Let's turn you into a bobcat
Would you like to be a beetle? :3
nuuu not that, nuu tailz or paws or fur D:
lets turn you into a badger
Okay a bunny rabbit then :P
that's fun and cyoots
lets turn you into an adorable wolf pup <3
What about a Litten
love them
Lets turn you into an adorable Fennekin
Turn you into Sylveon
love it
(should turn into one this time, let Flarey for October) <3
you becomes an adorable looking Growlithe
Turns into mini sloth
Now you gets to be a protective and super fluffy Arcanine
Would turn you into a shiny eevee instead of normal
eeepz, ya did
Lets leave you into !
Zorua you becomes
Would turn you into a giraffe
lets turn you into a meerkat XD
Turn into a zebra
eee nuu
lets turn you into a llama
A little mouse
A giraffe. I hope you're not afraid of heights, lol.
A fire leopard ... cause rn you’re a snow leo :D
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As a punishment for that bad joke, I transform you into a mighty phoenix!
Let's turn you into a lynx
Firox will look dopa if he will be a fire fox :)
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or a fairy fox too
lets turn you into a grey wolf
Turn you into a grey horse
lets make you into a fire ant
You will now be a llama
Firox is a llama
Please don’t start the drama :))
Let’s turn vee into a bunny ❤️
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hehe maybe a jackal
I evolve you into a Celebi!
YES, I know Pokémon doesn't work that way, hush.
I don't know why but Deoxys X3
A ♪ pink fluffy unicorn dancing on rainbows... 🎝
Let's turn you into a black panther
You will still be Braixen :)
Now you're a mosquito!
Maybe a venus flytrap XP
Let's turn you into an adorable Umbreon, shiny ciloring
Poof! Now you're a moley!
A laser shooting feline eared t-rex!!! X3
Let's make you a binturong
I turn you into a feral sabertooth! Rawr!
Turned into a bumble bee with cat ears
Let's turn you into another rabbit with Eevee ears and Sylveon bows
I turn you into a rabbid! Daaaaah!
Turn ya into a little bear

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how about a white wolf?
Nice choise, i like that one.
Turn you into a puma 
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Pumas are so adorably cute want to be one too
Let's make a weasel
A t. rex!
Wait, that might be a bad idea...
It will be
Such tiny arms
Let's make you an adorable Margay
A nice turtle for you!
Lets turn you into a big, ferocious and lumbering grizzly bear!
Let will be a brown and blue squirrel :)
I turn you into a leeble!
Art and species are from Laura Shigihari (Melolune; Rakuen)
Turned you into a frost wyrm, because I love winter and dragons are badass!
you becomes a moose
You can be a mixture of every eeveelution ^_^ would be interesting to see.
Fun too
Let's turn you into a shiny Dragonite
How about I turn you into a shark! They're cool and badass! :P
What about a frog? X3
How about you turned into a smol birb?
I turn you into a snail, because why in the world not?
I turned you into a Corgi, because they're funny and have smol legs! :D
I'd turn the sheepy above me into a very fluffy fox
Well, I'll turn you into a feathery little sparrow! ^_^
I turn you into a grizzly bear! Because they're fluffy!
Turned you into a rabbit, because they're cute as heck! :D
Would turn into a raptor ^_^
I would turn you into a Caracal cat! Man, they look gorgeous and have fluffy ears! :D
A snow leopard. Now you look like my cousin!
lets turn you into an adorable jaguar
Turns into a mega lucario!
lets turn you into mega Salamence X3
Would make into a Marshadow
lets turn you into a Froakie
Turn you into nice purrloin
that would be cute
lets turn you into an adorable Alolan Vulpix
Would you like to be a cheetah?
would love to
lets turn you into a strong lion
Would make into a white Rhino ^_^
D: eee nuuu XD
lets turn you into a monitor lizard
What about a humming bird
Nuu pwease
How about a toucan for you
Something that is pink, fluffy and dancing on rainbows... <.<
That be nice and colorful
Let's turn you into bobcat
Turn into a silly squid
You'll be turned into a gummy bear! :P
You will be turned into a horse
Would turn into a new eeveelution :3 will be a mystery of what it is
that be fun
Lets turn you into the 10% Zygarde
Will turn you into Mewtwo XD
lets make you into that gato-creature you made an art the other day
(yep) XD (forgot it's name)
edit - ust looked it in your art thread, its gatomon XD
Would make you into a giant wolf XP
I turn you into a paramecium!
I shall turn you into a colossal magical moth!
Turn you into a bee ^.^
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Then you'll be a canary.
I'm sure you'll be fine as a lion. :)
I think it'd be awesome if you were a siberian tiger.
A furred bull :)
Lets make you a different foxy
How about a Fennekin
Let's make you a shark-cat hybrid. :P
that would be interesting and new
lets make you a river otter
I shall turn you into a Capybara! (Also know as Maximum hamster!) :P
Eeepz they look strange
How you like to be a lemur
Hmmph, how's about a coyote?
Would make ya into squid!
How about a change into a Pufferfish?
A freaking laser shark!
Lets turn you into a weasel
I turn you into a border collie!
Lets turn you into a Manx cat
Changes into a jaguar
Changed you into a mini-birb!
I turn you into a sea serpent.
Michen the super frog! :P
I shall turn you into a Seagull!
Turns into a blue fly XP
Lets make you a fast moving cheetah
Would turn into a lion
that be fun
lets turn you into the other species I is based on - a cyootz Lynx
Turn into a wolf
yay, fun time
lets turn you into an arctic fox
Turn into a fishy, so they won't be scare of them :P
You shall be turned into a fluffy velvet ant! :P
You're a gorilla!
Would make into a gorilla XD
lets turn you into a chimpanzee D: D:
Lets make ya a possum
I turn you into an Eevee!
Would also sure you into eevee but a shiny one XP
I'll turn you into a forest troll!
Would turn into a blue Minccino
will turn you into a jaguar cub
I turn you into an Oshawott!
Would make you a Litten :)
Lets make you a Fennekin
Make you into a cubchoo XD
how would you like to be AshGreninja?
could call it RashaGreninja :3 <3 <3
Would make you into sabre-toothed tiger :3
how would you like to be a long-tailed weasel?
with the winter warm coat!
Would make you goat :3
I'd turn you into a poodle! :P
I change you into a big, hairy tarantula!
You can be a hawk, Michen ^_^
You'll become a great sea serpent! :)
You can be a Frostbite Spider! Because why not!
lets turn you into a koala
Turn ya into snivy
You now gets to be a beetle
Would turn you into that Budew
Nuu pwease
Now ya is a fennel fox
Turned into a kitty but nu pokemon kitty X3
-purr purr- I'm a kitty :D
Would swap them into a duck just because it sounds fun :3
I'd swap them into a dog. :D
You would do great as an arctic wolf :3
Lets turn you into a fennel fox
You're a lombax!
Michen the puppy :)
How about a Munchlax‽
Beep beep, you're a sheep...
... I just got that song outta my head.
You can be a lynx.
I'm thinking polar bear for you ten
You can be a crow.
Leta make you a snow leopard cub
Would make you into a Alolan Raichu :P
Turn you into a bunny called Bunnelby
Would make into a cheetah ^_^
yaaay good choice
lets you into an arctic fox
Would turn you into a goat! :P
Would make a deer
Would make an adorable Flareon
Would turn into a Butterfree
Let's turn you into a swordfish!
A blue cheetah! :D
lets turn you into a rare white lion just like Kimba <3
Would change into a mini horse
lets turn you into a Pink Eevee XP
Would make you into friendly shark :P
D: eee nuuu X3
lets make you into an anteater
How about an nimbat?
A painted dog maybe? :)
Lets turn you into a red fox
Would turn into a espurr
How'd you like being the great white shark?
Let's make you an adorable ferret
Changed into ninetales :)
Would love too not this time
Change you to a Jolteon
Would make you into a tiny raptor :P
I turn you into a Shroob, because I can!
Would make into a white wolf with spots!
how you like to be a cheetah?
you be fast enough to keep up with kit or if tew sleepy quickly escape and find a cozy resting spot
Would try a goat XD
Okay, the last one was kind of mean of me, so now you'll get to be a Yoshi instead.
So happy ^_^
lets turn you into a 9 tailed snow leopard
Maybe you can be a otter :)
they are cute, how about another two tailed creature for Vee?
Lets turn you into a Floatzel
Would make into your favorite fire chicken! XD
How 'bout a Tabby Slime?
how about a pink furred jaguar for you
You are the pink panther! :P
( hope they don't turn into tarr slimes XP )
a dog-fox hybrid XP
Changes you into a Minks ^_^
fenkin, is a way cuter pokemon
Would make into a dragon
i dont like dragons so your a snake now
Would make into a kitten XD
i like kittens, good luck being a HUMAN muhahahaha >:3
Would make into a fly XP
You are now an Absol.
your a flea
You are a beetle now ^_^
Let's make you a St. Bernard
You are a super fire otter!!! >:3 XD
That's funnyz
Let's make you a poodle
An energetic rabbit!
Let's make you a mongoose
changes into a puffle XP
lets make you into a peregrine falcon
Would make into a nice falcon
You shall be a cute turtle
Would make you into a cute little mouse :3
You will be a fluffy Persian cat
Would change into a mew XP
You will be a golden retriever
Would make into a dragonfly, might be fun :3
How you like to be a wolf spider
Would make into a diglet XD
bibidi babidi boo you a chicken
one of my fav food :P
lets make you dark fox, Umbreon
Would make into a sleepy kitty
makes you in sleeping bird
Would make into a mouse to :3 XD
does berry count as a species
lets make you into a sand cat
your a balbasaur kind of person right
not much
I is foxy, kitty, canine, mustelid kind of fur
will make you into a Zangoose
no idea what that is
you like fenikin
it's a mongoose/cat mix
lets make you an adorable ferret
now your a starfy
I houndoom for ya ^_^
lets make you a cyootie Delcatty
I'll turn you into an orca for a change.
Would make into a t-rex XP
How would you like to be an Emolga
Hey... If I turn you into a Pachirisu now, you two could form an Electric-type duo!
You will be an alolan pikachu so you can join in ^_^
You will be a Manectric
would make you a snow leopard so you can help Michen with world domination XP
tiger, just for no reason
would make a turkey :3
you know i love chicken >:(
bam your a piece of bread and no biscuit/cookie >:3
would make into bunny. :3
yeah people accociate foxes with bunnies, though not my thing
you can be a jolteon, accept for sylvian the only eeveelution i know
You can be a wolf
( I have a sylveon sona ^_^ )
your now an african wild dog(look it up there so cute, I actually wanted to make a fursona with them too)
Turned into a seal ( they certainly are very cute :) )
You're turned into an ice phoenix! Now if THAT's not a magnificent creature to be...
Maybe Michen can make a cool lion ^_^
Hm... A growlithe!
A reindeer for you! :3
Let's turn you into a salmon
Turns into a kiwi
You is a mongoose
tou is an ice type pokeman
Would make into a hawk
lets make you a into a duck X3 XD XD
Make you a tiny snake :3
lets turn you into a trap-door spider
Will turn into a ant X3
How about a hedgehog?
Michen the polar bear!
Vee evolved to a Vappy
Would make into a fun falcon
I change you into bird Roc!
snow leopard
I'll change you into a purple-blue-white fox!
Oh. Perhaps I should've asked if you like my favourite colours before doing that.
i like blue (and orange) s your an mocking bird
You have became a wolf
i dislike wolves how would you like being a chespin huh
I wouldn’t mind ^_^
Would change into a nosepass XD
You becomes a leopard
Would make into badger
starmole would be perfuct for you
lets turn you into a grey-crested crane
Good luck being a flamingo
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How about a robin?
robin (hood) thats a fox
Would make into a shark XP
You becomes an iguana
changed into a komodo dragon :P
I don't know... A clown fish?
a squid who is H2O intolerant
Welp, I'm doomed now.
As a punishment, you'll become a fly!
turns in a demon but cool down the bell commands you
would make into a seagull
i ran out of OTGW refrencess to use so your an owl
and you suddenly became a mouse XD
how you like being a choclatecow
Changes into dove!
your a pigeon spraypainted white to look like a dove
Would turn into a hamster :3
You're now a Stunfisk!
Enjoy your new pancake body! :D
You can be a small kitten ^_^
*meows and chases yarn*
Let's turn you into a cheetah cub
And you're a human
dun dun dun!
You are a lobster! :P
(I ones made the human joke too
Your a crab
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Turned into eel! :o
That eel from Mario 64 XD
Thou are an spider
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Turned into a sea dragon
Just like Dorrie from mario 64 c:
Turned into Bowser
Turned into a pirhana plant XP
Let’s turn you into a bobcat
You will be snow leopard and lion hybrid
You're a Neko, Question_mark!
Your an African wild dog
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Your a fast meerkat
Changed into a musk deer :3
Let’s make you a muskrat
Would make you into a turtle
your a migestic eagel
you are a mockingbird :3
You is a hummingbird
a bumble bee so you can explore flowers X3
How about a koala
Would turn into a griffin
You will be a new unknown species of feline :P
how would you like to be a Wimpod? :3 X3
Would make you into buneary X3
cyoot, but I will need ya Everstone! pass it over!
How would you like to be Cinccino?
Would turn you to a pichu
I turn you into a pond skater!
Will turn you into sand cat
I'll turn you into a squid!
lets turn you into an arctic fox, now you can be like Vee and myself
so you would like being a tourtis
You will be a duck
you becomes the fast and energetic.... Turtle that beat the hare! X3 XD XD XD
you are a waterbear XP
eee, that is interesting
you becomes a fluffy jackrabbit XD
Turns into a mini snake :3
I'll turn you into my favourite Pokémon...
Alolan Ninetails.
You will be a duck
excually my grandpa on my moms side who died sadly kept teasing my dead saying he laughs like a duck, so now we say ducks are our family
but michen is a polar bear
You can be a grizzly then
You evolve into Sylveon!
your my cat with one eye whose name is pirate XD
Will make into a super goat :3
lets make you a fennec fox like me :3 <3
simpel fox
Will make a snapping turtle
You are a unicorn!
Maybe a Phoenix
the flying spaggetti monster
turned into a living meatball
invisible pink unicorn (it litterly exist)
Mades into a spider ^_^
Let's see... A pterodactyl seems like a good fit for you.
uhmmmm.... youll make a good..... dog?
A mini t-rex :D
harry the moth (see the video by TheOdd1sOut)
Hi, you name is Geoff and you're a glitchy silverfish. Not much else left to saaay. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNakA3i4h14)
henk the stone
You will be a pigeon :)
I'll turn you into a vampire bat.
the beast from beauty and the beast
Turn into a dingo X3
You can be a Zigzagoon :)
your an elephant
You are a espeon :3
Rocky the racing Rock
a bandicoot
would make into sloth X3
a python
maybe a robot foxxo :?
a sea witch
a sea monkey? XD
a lion cub. Hakuna Matata
Would make into a hyena
a monkey like rafiki also look at the page number XD
Changed into a silverfish because I fail to see how page 41 is interesting.
if you use the default its page 69 so your a cheeta
Changed into coral because I fail to see how page 69 is interesting.
your a sloth cuz hard to explain, basicly me and my friend at school spot the number 69 everywhere for resons o.O
You're becoming a mayfly for that.
your a bunny cuz i deserve that...
Okay then, you can be a sabertooth tiger this time.
Michen can be a armored horse :3
A pumpkin.
Maybe sine sort of pumpkin yo-kai
lets turn you into an aardvark
Turned into a butterfly
your a baseball playing vampire bat
You turned into a shiny espeon :3
I turn you into a komodo dragon!
Would make you into a musk deer
te es un poisson
(you are a fish)
turned into squid
lets turn you into a full grown Blue Whale
Turns you into a shark X3
u a dolphin
turned into sloth ^_^
A Tarantula! >:3
a living cat
would make into a tuna fish
a RL fox
A luck dragon! :P
Would make into a musk deer :3
a fenikin
A deer-wolf-dragon-skunk-snake hybrid.
Would turn into a scarf, a living one ^_^
for leopard wolf lizard
would make into a little duck :)
a zebra
would make into a robot :3
a dragon-racoon-wolf-lucario hybrid
turn into a dove
a pegeon spay-painted white to look like a dove
A pink elephant with two heads. X3 (I'm not sorry.)
a crab named sabastian telling a guy to kiss a girl
how would you like to be a gray fox?
Would make a meowth an aloan meowth
they is cyoot
will make you an Eevee X3
a silvery grey shiny Eevee that is
a hound so we can play the fox and the hound
Would make into a frog :3
An alligator
Would make into a cheetah
A bear so we can play Robin Hood
A human child so you can play Jungle Book along with Huh.
Would make into a pink panther
a bunny so we can play zootopia
Would make you into that sloth X3
loding disney movie with fox and realizing google is dumb sayin inside out has a fox
turns you into a beast
I turn you into a caterpillar.
A saber tooth tiger
Make into a duck ^_^
a goose
Would make into a griaffe
a zebra
Woulds make into an extra fluffy fured lizard :P
a hippopotimus
Your turn to be a ghost cat!
Your a fox
I turn you into a cow. Now run before someone makes bacon out of you.
mh mh... bacon is made out of pigs like you right now
Whatever, crow.
Would make Michen into a majestic white furred lion :P
says the beautifull tiger
I'll change you into a swan.
you a pigeon
Would make into an owl
your also a pegeon
you becomes an osprey
i dont even like birds good luck being a parot
(parrots look so cyoot)
How about if we turns you into a Brazilian Wandering Spider?
never mind i love birds now
good luck being a tarantula
You're a flying squirrel.
Would make into fast cheetah
and your a slow cheeta
You're a racing snail!
Would make Michen into a Horse with an empty ice cream cone on their head :3
a vmpire bat
A purple cat with fire powers.
...Why does that sound familiar?
(siriously dont know)
a fow with a bow
Would make into a spider for halloween XP
you can be the bat
Would make into muskdeer
a reindeer
A bear bunny XD mix of the two
uuhhmmmmmmmm...... cupid?
Would make them into a raichu
a blastoice
A sea slug.
Michen the alolan meowth
an vulpix
A Chandelure!
...Oh, crud.
Michen the bunny! :D
An alligator!
A sloth named dash
Would make into a goldfish ^_^
a blue hedgehog
Bison ^^
Would make a shark
Ah no! Then I would be a dangerous thing. D:
I would make you an owl instead. :)
Ah no! Then I would be a dangerous thing. D:
Not if I turn you into a whale shark ;)
Would make into Mantis :P
Ah no! Then I would be a dangerous thing. D:
Not if I turn you into a whale shark ;)
Lmao, it actually was a joke. But thanks. :)
BoT: You will be an axolotl now.
Would make into a kitty cat :3
I like making jokes too!
I turn you into a platypus.
Would just make Michen into a Lynx because that would be neat :P
It would
Make you into an Arctic Fox so we can play in the snow
Would make into a Liepard
^ would swap with an aardwolf [type of hyena]
Would make into a fruit bat :P
Would make into a Brazilian Rainbow Boa!
(Such pretty sneks)
you like snakes? how bout a python
how would you love to be a long-tailed weasel?
in it's cyoot winter coat!! so cyootiez!
you can be a hedgehog
(Yes I own a ratsnek ^_^ )
A lion!!
AHHHHHH (lion king theme intensifies)
a heyna so be prepared
(and its more like a niah then a ah)
Don't worry, you get to be a bear!
and while im looking for the bear nesesties youll be a python i can trust in
I'll transform you into the dragon that lives inside of me!
I'll let you figure out that reference.
NUUUU uuuhhmmmm your a luckey cricket? (thinking its mulan eventhough i know its not)
I'll change you into a dragonfly warrior!
stahp the refrences i dont get XP youl be a pony
Hmm... After I turn you into a blue frog-bird hybrid with lightning powers that's allergic to plum juice.
ya can be a human with spider powers
You're a cricket.
lets make you just like Bagheera, a black panther
then you can be a man cub
Turned into a firebreathing dragon
you can be a donky
Beep, beep, you're a sheep
I said beep beep you're a sheep
Would turn into a fancy raptor :P
how would you love to be an ocicat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUHo4LOPivY)?
they look so cyoot and playful!!
would make ya vewy active and playful
Would make you into a koopa :P
X3 <3
lets make you a playful and super cyoot chartruex (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X96NJoBKMgc)!!
we can have all the kitty fun all day and night!!
you can be an arican wild dog (search it yourself i dont know hoe to do those fance links)
lets make you into a playful and purrfect European Shorthair (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57AVEm83nFU), they are so adorable.
that way non-stop kitty fun
(ive acctually got 2 european short hairs, one gray/black and one orange/red)
would make a vixen eventhough your not a girl
(that is so much fun to know)
lets make you a fun and silly Turkish Van (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycrYPBkUo_s), they look so fluffy white and colored parts
omg so cute
you can be a lynx (thats a feline right?)
yep, awww, I loves having a long playful tail <3
How would you like to be my most favorite cat breed
they are playful, and fast, and so adorable, the Abyssian (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jZ9CGARwEs&t=1s)!
if youll bea bengal
Would make into a hawk ^_^
you can be a worm
Would make into a deer :)
a skunk named flower
A flower.
a rabbit named thumper
lets turn you into a ocelot!
You're so cute, I wouldn't want to switch your species!
But, you know... mice are pretty cute. :3
And you Cecilia, would make a beautiful wolf... :)
Naake the panda like be pretty cool X3
lets make you big and strong, as Shere Khan
you becomes a Siberian tiger X3
Jyotis as a hamster... one of the multi colored ones with the bad hair day fur!
Let’s keep you a wolf, arctic variety
Make you into a fancy fish
I noms fishies
Let’s make you a turtle
Would make into a cat fish XD
Ghost is kinda the opposite of normal type.
You get to be a Ghastly!
lets turn you into an albino ferret
Would make into a living snow cat XD
worst possible species swap... I make you...
oh nooes :o XD
Would make Naake into a Lion! roar! :P
*skitters around as an adorable ferret* :3
Double lion! ROAR! :P
I'd be lion if I said I enjoyed being a feline.. But felines like mice.. stalks Cecilia...
turns her to a lioness!
so many fun species, lets make you a red fox
More lion! But we need something to chase....
Jyotis is a gazelle. XP
prances around in my Fox.. tries some Fox pounces.. kind of fun!
Cecilia is now a Gnu!
Would make into a Bunny XD Naake the bunny
Vee the velosoraptor
gazelle I'd be very fast from all
lets make Naake even faster, a cheetah
I'm not a Cheater.... what? oh, the cat cheetah.. oh, runs really fast around the room!
Jyotis the 3 toed sloth!
a horse.... on a marry go around
I turn you into a mouse lemur! I swear, those are really weird. But also kinda cute when you realise how small they actually are.
Would into a gecko :P
And now you're a chameleon. You're so cool!
*skitters around as a gnu* at least I'm still a rodent, and adorable. :3
Oh what about a squirrel? :)
*is all squirlly and hyper* OwO
If I'm a squirrel, then you can be a... an Eevee! XP
but i’m already one, so would I be shiny instead? X3
Hmm maybe you, could make a nice Sylveon ^_^
O.o I'm magical!!
Now you get to be a Dragonite. Fear me! >:3
ahh! * runs aways * XD
Would make you into a flareon so you can give extra warm hugs :3
*is on fire* GAH!
Put me out! *poofs you into a Feraligatr*
But you can’t really be burned XP but okay * puts them out *
Would then make you into Dedenne. :3
A pika clone? But I'm so cute! and Magical! :D
As thanks, you get to be a Zapdos. :)
yey, now I’m a legend :P
Would make into a bat :3 they can be pretty cute
O.O Where'd my arms go? I'm a flying mouse!
You can be a snakey
Let's add to this mess. You're a eurasian eagle-owl!
Ooh, Yummy snake!
and Michen get's to be a wolf.
you can be an indian wild dog (or dhole) (some people think they look like foxes eventhough they dont, and the curious incedent of the dog in the night time lied to me)
Would make into a mighty dragon
Let’s make you as strong as a dragon and warm as a wolf, you be a Reshuram
Would make into a horsey :3
a sea horse
Would make into a arctic fox
You're a whale!
Leopard shark for you! :P
Sweet. I'm changing you into an octopus for that.
you can be a septepus (AKA hank from finding Dory)
Would make into a crab
You are now an AArdvark...
You are a polar bear :)
and your a piguin
and you Lightstone are once again a Fox..
how you like to be a margay?
they look so adorable
I wanna be that
You’re a walibi
next time you can, for now will turn you into a Caracal
those ears ^_^ i love it
you can be an indian wild dog
Perhaps you like being a Canadian Lynx as well, then?
lets make Michen bigger an stronger, but keeping white fur, how about a white tiger?
*looking for anadian lynx at google* so you know that thing at the top with sugestions for images, i just found linx kittens and Jyo now you are a linx kitten
Would make into a mix between wolf and dragon
a lizard cat
You're an otter now, because they're adorable.
i agree you like being a weasel?
Lynxes are so adorable, downside is really short tail
long ones fun to play with
How would you like to be a marten
Would make int Persian
Love them
Let’s make you cyoot and remove that Everstone
Now you is a Sylvee too
Would make into a pikachu
you can be a fennikin
lets turn you into a timber wolf
Turns you into a cheetah with lizard feet X3
Let’s turn you into a tortoise
Would make into a donkey
A pony
lets take you to Madagascar!!!
and turn you into a cyoot looking Fossa
You can be a porkypine
awww, the downside is that petting will be so difficult, even if they look cyoots
(loved them in "Over The Hedge")
how abut making you into a cute looking feline?
the sand cat
You can be an Indian wild dog
I turn you into an ice wyvern courier from DotA 2!
Man, it seems like ages ago since I got that cutie.
You can turn into a wyrm.
Doggo, you'd be a doggo
A border collie for you, my dear!
You can join Michen and be a leopard :P
Be like me, so we can has fun
You gets to be cyootiez Purrloin too
Would make into a bat
Let’s keep you part bat and dragon, you be s Noivern
Would make into a emolga
Such a sweet cyootie
You be a green snake like creature known as Snivy
Would make into beaver
your an otter
You can be owl
you can be a hawk
:D You is now a Penguin Lightstone!
You can be an arctic fox!
Have fun being an otter :D
Too cute of a wolf to want to swap, but... You are now a French poodle..
You're an eagle now bud
Maybe you could be a ninetales
I'm just going be a python and call it a day
( you swap the users above you spieces ^_^ )
I could evolve them into a Riachu
Let’s make you a serval
Would made into a iguana
Komoto Dragon!!
Wonder if you would like being a mouse :P
not with a Komoto dragon around.. -- runs and hides in the cupboard..
How do you feel about being a Kangaroo rat..?
oh that could be fun :P
What do you think of Coyote?
peeks out of cupboard "At least I went in here and not the drawer!!"
"Oh, look, a Squirrell!"
* leaps in a small hole in a tree XP *
Oh Naake, your a fire breathing dragon now. Now you can cook up meals on the go :3
lays down on back and watches smoke drifting from my nostrils...
how do you like being a Panda
Panda's are like the big brother of the Trash Panda (Raccoons)!!
But you, Lightyear, can be a Dachshund...
(did you cal me lightyear? im not from toy story XD )
you can be a............. dog?
Sorry... kind of tired and sick.. no offense intended... Lightstone, it is..
Lightstone the Chameleon
you can be like ding dong (https://www.google.nl/search?q=ding+dong+inside+out&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr4vPD47XXAhWJFuwKHaSqAAwQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=HSQV1Mgi46QidM:) from inside out
Good lord, what am I!!!
Well then, you can be Fleegle, from the Banana Splits!
you can be like sally (https://www.google.nl/search?q=the+nightmare+before+christmas+sally&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwioleTp6LXXAhWSFOwKHdXMAuEQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=uuI6i0YjvOZ7rM:) from the nightmare before christmas
Wow, your mean...
Madagascar Fruit bat (Flying Fox) for you
what do you mean mean, sally is my fav char i i were mean id turn you into someone alse of the nightmare before christmas like the melting man (https://www.google.nl/search?biw=1920&bih=949&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=a5AGWoLAOYnEkgWbo5PwAQ&q=the+nightmare+before+christmas+melting+man&oq=the+nightmare+before+christmas+melting+man&gs_l=psy-ab.3...36107.37893.0.38152.
but... oh jeez... Just call me a sleepy wolf.. .. off to bed for me!
lets turn you into a super hyperactive red squirrel
similar to Hammy
(how do you do that box thing)
let make you an elephant with tons o memory
just put 'spoiler' in brackets, / backslash at end of spoiler or won't work well - really easy
[spoiler=text you like]text or links you like[/spoiler]
for images inside the box, you need the image code inside the spoiler tag
don't forget the "backslash" / after 'img' and 'spoiler' tags
should show like this:
text or links you like
image below
if you don't add anything to "=text you like" it will show 'hidden' as default
tew short tail for me! *flicks it*
Lets make you into an Andean Mountain Cat
lets make you an indian wild dog
they are adorable, lets turn you into a Kodkod (http://www.wildcatsanctuary.org/education/species/small-cats/kodkod/)
i just realized my box didnt work
lets make you this cutey
(This time it did, you probably just made mistake on link, it happens)
Does look adorable
Let’s make you into a dove
your this thing
such a cyootie fennec, love them, one day will try being one
lets turn you similar to Michen, and be a snow leopard as well
lets make you a cute octupus thing
You're a rooster!
(Also: yay, epic prelude?)
that cat from alice in wonderland
and dont you think this is kinda like HTML coding
ya all know what he looks like
you gets to be a blue whale
you are a shark
Would make into crocodile
Would evolve into an umbreon
Let's change you into Dartrix!
anyone know dedene
Good morning... Monkey-puppy-baby!
thats creepy and its like 4 PM
you.... you.............. CRAB
scuttles over and tries to pincher your tail... Possum
Would make into a kitten :3
lets turn you into Rocket Raccoon
Would make into a silly crab
Saint Bernard, one of the drooly ones!
wolf shall become a german sheppard
gopher for you...
eeepz, wherez the long fluffy tail gone too?
lets make you into a cobra
you can be a python
Would make into ekans
would make you a fennekin
Would make into frog :P
a tanucci
lets turn you into a dark waterish frog
a Greninja
you can be a brixen (dont even know what pokemon it was again, but it is a pokemon)
Would make into a squirtle
You're a Birdo!
You can be a shyguy
I turn you into a gazelle!
Would make into dragon fly
the cyoot Vee stays as a fox, I know it likes warmth so, you gets turned into a (Kanto) Vulpix
Would make into a persian :P
will this works for you Vee:
now you becomes a normal red fox
no tthat theres anything wrong with that you meoth
Would make into Raichu
nice umbreon
would make into a nice espeon
now lets make you an adorable leopard
I turn you into a scary monster!
Would into a bat winged bat
I turn you into a nice sprite!
LOL references not many people get.
hmm, would you like to be a Tabby slime? or maybe a largo pink tabby :3
Oh hey, I recognise those from a comic I read.
How about a worm with a whole arsenal of weapons and the ability to explode grenades before the counter reaches 0?
oh a slime rancher comic? :) Looked pretty neat from what I looked up, not sure if was the same comic you were talking about. have you played slime rancher? :P
Would make you into a Kiwi XP
No, I actually saw it on GamerDragons...
And I change you into a dragon as well now.
aw so I did look at the right comic ^_^
Would make you into a parrot
And you're an angry molerat!
I wonder how Michen would do as a legged shark XD
as well as a dragon eevee
Would you like to be a reptile fox? :)
a fish eevee
A snapping turtle ^_^
a snake eevee
Would make into a space fox :D
a bear
how would you like to be an oncilla?
they look so adorable!!
Would make into the friendliest spider
That’s cute, which one would you turn me into?
You gets to be a leopard
i love felines you could be a linx
Little finch .
you can be a tiger
Human! Muahaha! >:3
oh deer help me angel Michen
would make into puffer fish XD
says the clown fish
A Bob-omb! You'll only live once, buddy...
so will the goomba
You're a Dewgong!
koopa troopa
You're an ent. Problem solved!
if im an ent (whatever that might be) your an ant
Here's an ent:
Thanks to Moonxels for making the art, and you're a hummingbird.
spearow is nice for you
You are a bison
do yuo like beimg a cow
Would make into a manatee
will keep the vee thing ... too cute to be changed ❤️
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Would make them into a fluffy snake, so you can a fluff noodle XP
awsome idea, fluffy lizard
A fluffy anubi! Huh? No, it's just something just like this (https://silverfox5213.deviantart.com/art/Anubi-638576184) (https://youtu.be/FM7MFYoylVs?t=3m14s)actually...
I think that you can be... a squirrel! :)
A fluffy anubi! Huh? No, it's just something just like this (https://silverfox5213.deviantart.com/art/Anubi-638576184)actually...
super cute
Ten can be a tiger
You can be a ox
you can be a cow
Let’s make you into a box jellyfish
do you like being a snake giving hugs?
Would make into a Angler Fish XD
just keep it away from Jyo, especially mah tailz
lets turn you into a penguin XD
Let's make you into a dolphin
lets make you a vulture XD
thats what friends are for (get it)
you can be a tiger
You can be a little pink bear
you can be a mouse
Would make into a moose
Let’s make you a friendly fast rabbit
You're a fire ant.
Wait, that was a mitsake!
Would make into a turkey XP
you becomes the smallest flea around, you can ride on any fur you likes
Would make into a nice polar bear
heeeyz, i will miss that long fluffy and silly tailz!!
will make you a cozy and warm snow leo, so you and Michen can have fun
would make you an eevee so you can play with ?
Would make into a Zorua so you can have fun to
lets turn you into a fishing cat.... oh wait...
lets make you into an ocelot
You can be a sphynx cat. Stay warm!
they look so cute and adorable, I want one
lets turn you into a Manx cat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9eKFN0I7Yw)
Aah! My tail! My long and fluffy tail! *panics*
*accidentally turns Jyo into a cat kemonomimi*
that would be my same reaction
happy feline instead, lets turn you into a bengal cat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc8yHE8d3zY)
Would make into gecko
I turn you into a three-headed firebreathing dragon!
Like anyone gets that reference.
(Hydreigon is a three headed dragon I know)
You makes a good looking cheetah
Actually I was referring to My Fairy Odd Parents...
But you make a fine Sylveon.
(wouldn’t have guessed, have not seen it)
cute, would love to be one again
Enjoy being a kodkod
would make you into a pink magical lion
get that refrence?
(not at all)
lions are fun and strong
you gets to be a river otter
its from Steven Universe and he can walk on water and creat portals and go to the moon and has a infinet univers in his mane ect.
would make you a snuggly duckling
Would you being a rooster
You are a great looking cobra
Would make them into a ekans
goffin, or what was that other pokemon of team Rocket
Would make you into a Wobbuffet
You make a cute ladybug!
Sea lion... rawr!
Would make into a Snow Leopard just like Michen :P
You is now a Clydesdale Horse!
Would make into owl
and you are a field mouse....
How would an eagle do for you?
as well a lynx for you
Eeee, will miss the long fun and silly tail, lynx look adorable
Let’s make you the arctic wolf
an urang oetan
Eee that’s worst for me
Let’s make you a strong hyena
you can be a lion
You can be rabbit mouse ^_^
Poof! You transform into an sergal!
Michen can try out being cheetah
fennikin yeah
A mantis
Would make into a nice dove ^_^
How about a piplup?
lets turn you in a fossa
Would make into a lion
that be good
lets make you a water creature
how about a Vaporeon?
pumpkin from Steeven Universe (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/steven-universe/images/4/46/Pumpkin_Dog_by_Lapis_Bob.png/revision/latest?cb=20161010175633)
looks cyoot
will make you into a caterpillar
would make into a green bird
yummyz! ready to fly at any moment
lets make you same as Naake, and turn you into a wolf
Would make you into a leopard :3
yaaay, loves leopards, can roar and have fun
lets make you a nice looking fennec fox
Would make lucario
you can be a bird
yaay, now I can have fun with Albie! <3 <3
lets you make you into a fellow kitty, how would you like to be Luxray?
lets make you the best fo ever: fennikin
I loves Fennekin
lets make you a mongoose
platypus .
they look strange, missing the long fun tail, paws, and fur I know
lets make you into a timber wolf
I turn you into a yellow Espeon! Just because I can.
How about a panther?
How about a koopa
Football fish!
Would you like to be rooster Michen? :3
What, so I can wake me up at 5 AM with my noise? Nuh-uh!
You're gonna be a sweet snow bunny.
Neat, snow I just gotta be more careful XP
You can try being a sharko
Can't breathe on laaand...
You can be a tuna sandwich. >:3
heey dont you think about it! XD
You can be a goldfish then
a yellow Espeon, well now Vee will look funny!
lets turn you into another snow creature, an Alolan Vulpix
you can be a puplip
not too bad, but not really high favorite of mine
will always miss the fun tail and long flicky ears
you gets to be a parrot
do you like being a demi god?
You have swapped to a puppy
You're a swan!
You are a Cheetah
I have an other character for that, mr. Stork.
Would then make them into a super fluffy lion
Light, whats a demigod?
you becomes a beaver
Concrete donkey!!!
eeee, too hard slam, donkeys look strange
lets turn you into an arctic dragon
Would make into a pigeon X3
They look nice
Let’s make you a badger
You're a sea turtle.
You can be orca :3
Eeepz, well at least swim longer
Let’s make you into an anteater
Will turn into a dove
awww, will land and sleep on Vee's head X3
Lets turn you into a big and fluffy Arcanine
then you can keep us all warm
you can be an american eagle
Would make into a deer
you can be a bunny
You can be catfish
hello mr miss dog
Would make into a bull : P
you can be a lion
You can be a small blue elephant with a bad memory.
What about a Pyroar
hello mr misses spynx
They look cyoot
Let’s turn you into a grizzly bear
you can be a camel
You make for a great rubber ducky. :3
Would make them into a draaggoon
I would change you into a Valtran. :P
Would make into a featherless eagle X3
you can be a (sorry if i spell it wrong) Alibrje
Guess who is a Gazelle now ^_^
sorry were at page 101 so youre a dalmation
Would simply make into a little bunny :3
hello deer
oh look a hedgehog ^_^
there is a hyenna
Beep, beep, you're a... squid.
hello mr dolphin
Hey look a turkey
Yaay it’s a cyoot looking arctic foxy
Would make into a wolfo
yaay, I can be just like Naake
lets make you into a flying squirrel
I make ye a ICEWING
looks nice, but will miss all the warm fur
lets make you into the fun red fox
Would map into a polar bear : P
Hm. Another dragon. How about a silly rainwing!?
Would into a bunny dragon hybrid :P
lets make you into an ocelot for good looking fur
Would make into a fluffy zorua
they is cyootz
will make you into a lovely looking Fennekin
Firox the alligator XP
that look strange, catching fishies will be easier
lets make you a giant panda
A sea lion would be fun.
Would make into a little duck
ya can be a fennicin
Would make into a tuna
hello there snake
looks it is a dragonfly
and here we have the chimpanzee
Would made into a owl
would made? @.@ @.@ @.@ @.@
an elephant
it's late here so I'm sleepy and you know exactly what I meant : P
Would make them into a swan
You're a bee!
You are a glowing green cat
you are a computer (that counts right)
Would make you into a camel
you can be a can of coke
Would be a Kiwi, the bird : P
do you like being an apple?
You got turned into garden snake
an anthropomorphic pickle
Would make them into a lizard : P
you can be an antro christmas tree
A really old doorknob
Would make into a charizard!
You're a cucco!
You will be a wood pecker n=
lets turn you into a binturong
i wanna be that then you can be a..... POWER PUFF GIRL FOX
another time, lets turn you into the same species as king Julian, a ring tailed lemur
king Julian:
you can be...
Would make into a charmander
Heehee cyoot
How would you like to be a silver shiny Vee?
Woosh, you get to be an ant. Insect 'sonas are exceedingly rare :O
Eee what happened to fur, and fluffy tail
Forgot: let’s make you a fossa
They're goone
But come on, anthro insects aren't that bad! look at the characters from Hollow Knight!
Then you're a dragonfly!
...That might actually be pretty cool.
you like being a mosquito
Would make into a moth
you are now a bunny
You are now a chicken :)
You're a cyborg anthro border collie. Because I can!
a golden retriever named 'peanut butter'
lets make you into an adorable looking lion
Would make into pyroar
anthropomorphic pie
lets turn you into a mosquito X3
you can be an antro gift
Would make into ice fox
evolve you into a vaporeon
Would make you into a goat
An alpaca. With over-floof. :|
Would make into a gecko : P
I've owned two. They are adorable. :o
Would make into a teacup pomeranian.
a hyena-skunk hybrid
lets make you into a timber wolf
Would make into deer
Woosh you are become dragon
Now you becomes a mongoose
Would make zangoose
they look fun and cozy fluffy
will make you into a Snivy
Would make into a snow puppy
:3 so adorable!!
will make you a bengal-cat kitten
you can be one of santas reindeer
will turn into a flying squirrel
they can't fly do glide
Would make into emolga
cyootie! love them
Let’s make you the final green snake known as Snivy
Would make into zangoose
let's make you a camel
Would make into a hawk
you can be a panther
You can be rabbit with extra long ears
Would make into koopa
A mammoth!
No particular reason...
no really there is spoilers there just remember its bowser ok?
Would make into the princess! XP
did you know Mario can wear a wedding dress in odyssey with the peach(wedding) Amiibo XD
you can be a cat
I turn you into the invisible man!
Would make you into teddy bear
you can be a pillow
You gets to be a tamandua
you like being a goomba
You're a bull!
Would make into a Zangoose
You can be a snowleo
You can be Firox.
You can be a goose. Those scare me.
Let’s make you into a dove
Would make into a lucario
(ya will soon)
will turn you into a cyoot Sylveon
would make you a bear called Kenai
Would make into a weasel
Let’s make you match and like water too
Let’s make you an otter
Would make into Buizel :P
They ok fun, can’t wait to be one
Let’s make you into a muskrat
A party animal!
...Does that count? No? A wombat it is.
Would make into a duck
lets make you bigger and faster, how about Floatzel?
you can be an otter
How about a anteater
then you'll be the ant :P
Would make into a beetle XP
you can be a rolling stone XD
Would just make them into a smaller foxxo : P
You're a snail!
A nice dancing cockatoo perhaps?
you can be a talkatoo (Super Mario Oddysey)
Hognose snake.
*scree snek so smol and adorable
you can be a kangaroo, which is a legal pet where i live
Would make into a fruit fly
Let’s make you a silly goose
A sloooth..
How about. . . A sergal!!
How about a dinosaur? Possibly a tyrannosaurus rex. X3
Let’s make you a serval
you evolved into a lucario
You can be a Komodo dragon.
Would make into lizard
you can be a fennikin
Let’s make you that cute looking arctic fox
Would make into braxien
you can be a parrot
you can be a wookie
You can be a naked mole rat eek
You're a creeper. Killing other players in-game will require your own death from now on! Muahaha!
Oh man, that's like, super-evil right there.
I could make you a human... and then you'll have to worry about stupid things like car insurance and if you took the bins out today...
Let’s make you an albino tiger
A magical bendy straw
Would make into a super ant XP
you can be a bat
Would make into a cricket
How would you like to be a bear, black bear that is
You're a sand cat!
They look beautiful
Let’s make you a white tiger
Would make into glaceon
:3 cyootz!
lets make you into !, a Zorua
did you mean zora? well you're a zora now
You're a giant living teddy bear!
...Does that count as furry?
It should
You can be a jaguar
(Not sure what a Zorua is Light, haven’t heard of it)
*zora not zorua and it's this: http://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Zora
now you're an antro sponge
(Never heard of it before, looks a bit strange for me)
You can be a snow-shoe hare
this proves you never played the legend of zelda
you can be a artic wolf
(only tried out the old SNES version for a bit, didn't get into it)
they look so cyoot, must have soft coat
you can be a lovely looking Eurasian lynx
you can be a cat
so many fun species of cats, love them all (Manx breed a bit less)
Let’s make you a Scottish Fold
You're a dung beetle.
Okay, that's a bit harsh.
Would make into a Braixen
Let’s make you a Hercules beetle
Gassp you're kinda a hyena pokemon at the moment!
Let's change you into an alolan (?) Raichu.
you can be a living snowman like i was yesterday morning
until until weekend, unless ? wants me to stay until end of month
Let’s turn light into a dragonfly
Would make into a fruit fly
you can be a weird creature no-one has a name for so the nicknamed your species ?
Let’s make you an adorable timber wolf
Would make into litten
you can be the better Pokemon fox fennikin
You can be Braixen
They are fun
You can be a cyoot Flareon
you can be a normal hyenna
Would make into lion
Let’s make you into an adorable rabbit
you can be a guinea pig
Would make into a turkey
now you're a Hamster
your are a coyote
How would you like to be like Fuzzpaws? Let’s make you a wolf
Would make you a snow leopard so you can be like Michen ^_^
cyoot, love it
lets make you like Rocket and turn you into a racoon X3
then you can be like robin hood, a fox
That will be fun
Let’s make you like King Louie and make you an orangutan
you can be like baloo a bear
That be good
You can be like Rama the wolf
you can be like kaa, a python
That be fun
Let’s make you super big and grey, like Hathi the elephant
you can be a vulture like the "what we gonna do" vultures
Funny scene
Let’s make you like Shere Khan the tiger
You're going to be a nimbat, like Fidget!
Would make into what Dust is . . . . . forgot their specie XD
lets make you into a quail
you can be like Bageerha a panther
You're a pangolin now. Have fun!
You're a penguin like Donald Duck!
...Wait a second...
Let’s make you just like Bubsy and turn you into a lynx
you can be a hedgehog like Sonic
You can be a snake. A tunnel-snake. Now you rule.
You can be Misha Collins. It's an endangered species. . .
you can be a panda
Let’s make you a Flamingo
you can be an ara
they look beautiful
you can be an osprey
you can be a kangaroo
you can be a lazy sloth -.-
would make into a beaver
yaay, just like in Oregon X3
you can be a grey fox
Would make into a blue foxxo
would look silly, but nice
lets you make you bigger, how would you like to be a Herdier?
a regular fox
You will now be the killer rabbit of Caerbannog!
Would make into a butterfly
Let’s make you an adorable ocelot
Would make into a raichu
Let’s make you into a serval
♫ Hi, your name is Geoff and you're a glitchy silverfish
♫ Not much else left to saaaay
♫ I should come and hang around with you
♫ That would really make your daaaay
That sounds nice
You can be a fugu
hi there you chicken
you are a mouse
heehee, sillyz
you can be tallest kitty ever, a Siberian Tiger
A personal favorite of mine, Manectric.
Good choice
You can be a badger
Would change into a cricket
Let’s make you a small caterpillar
You can be a Persian XP
(soons I will sillyz)
you can be a moth, pretty to look at <3
you can be a butterfly
Would make into a moth
You can be a slimy slug X3
you can be a cute snail
You can be a bird
Let’s make you a hammerhead shark, eeepz
Nuu going swimming anytime
Would make into a tiger
Let’s make you a white lion
you can be a... uhhmmm.............. Rito from the legend of zelda series (though only apearing in 2 games both Rito's looking super difrent)
(ok, never heard of it)
Let’s make you a striped hyena
you can be a lion cub
lets make you a cheetah
Would make a lion
yaay, grown up same species, having a super giant mane will be fun too
will make a red fox
Would make into a fishy : P
lets make you into a fluffy rabbit
you can be a grey/gray wolf
lets make you the biggest species on earth - blue whale
you can be a shrimp
You can be a flamingo :P
lets make you super tiny, you can be a Pygmy marmoset
I would change you into a balloon Purloin. Tee hee.
i would make you decoration for my float
lets make you into a labrador
you can be a meoth
lets make you into an adorable cougar cub
You're an octopus!
You are a sun flower
strange being a sea creature!
you can be a fast and friendly Jolteon, the yellow foxy
you can be a glideon the lizard in Mario Oddesey
sounds fun
lets make you an adorable Eevee fox so you and ? can be similar
will make you also an Eevee
cyoots they are, in March will be
you can be an adorable Vulpix
the red colored one
You're a goat!
you can be a Pegasus
lets make you an eagle
You're going to be a shark.
not bad, easier to swim now
lets make you a pangolin
*Barking noises*
You have to become a chimpanzee
they look strange for me
Let’s make you into an aardvark
you can be an anteater
Not sure how tasty ants are
Let’s make you into a vulture
you'd be interesting to see as a mouse
you can be a wolf
You have turned into a platypus.
You're a snowy owl!
What the, you're a panther!
Let’s turn you into a bengal cat
Oh no, you're a puffin.
and now you're a seal
lets make you into a shrew :3
Thats, that's a loon!
and that's a squeaky bat!
lets turn you into a fennec fox
Look at that, it's a dingo.
Hmmmm. Let's make you a Gastrosnap (closed species, looks great though)!
let's make you a panda
lets turn you into an adorable looking white lion
just like Kimba :3 <3
Well, unfortunately you appear to be a killer whale.
and you appear to be a penguin.
uh oh!
you can be a chicken my fav food alongside mice >:3
You can be an Arctic fox
Would make into a gryphon
Transformed into an eel.
Let’s make you into a Tasmanian devil
Transmorphbobulated into an otter.
oh hi mr Bever
otters are fun, aquatic mustelids!!
lets make you into a badger
You're a salmon!
You have awoken as an albino wallaby from Holland!
lets make you into a gazelle
Would make into a Delphox ^_^
lets make you into a sphinx
How about a mightyena!? We could match!
Now you're an agumon.
you're a white wolve so you can protact yourself
Swapped over to kitsune.
transformed into a mouse
Converted into a bat
Keah, already had fun as one, can't wait to be another someday
lets make you into a wallaby
Presto-changeo, I see a squirrel!
lets let you glide.... make you into a 'flying squirrel'
You're a bee!
That's awfully a busy thing to do!
You have been convinced to become a zebra.
you can be a fox protector
That be fun Light
You can be grey wolf
You're as red as they come, you are a fire ant!
Let’s make you a peacock
and you're a crab
Don’t want to be eaten
Let’s make you into a small rabbit
you can be a lady bug
what would male be called *giggles*
You can be an armadillo for a while
You can be a flamingo
Eee Flower would love it, pink bird
You can be a cyoot fennec fox
ah you can be a flower
That be fun
You can be thorn bushes for a while
And then you became a serval.
They are so adorable looking and fun too
You can be an ocelot
Would make into parrot
heyz, oh wait, they look cute, just like Dominica ^_^
can I be the sisserou parrot? <3 <3
lets make you into a condor
you can be a python
Slither on floor looking for prey
You can be an orb weaver spider
(Heehee, last years Aprils Fool Joke had fun as one)
*Makes the best webs*
Look! You're a wolf dragon :o
That be fun
Let’s make you into same species, different fur pattern, as the timber wolf
let's make you a lucario
Let's turn you into a shark fox hybrid.
had fun as one Light
Let’s make WWG into a salamander
Woah, you predicted the future. *Crawls*
You've apparently become an eastern wyvern :o
hello mr dog
it be fun! what are they again
Letsmake you into a Labrador retriever
*Barking intensifies*
What are you doing Mr. Cobra?
* fast slithers *
You can be a jaguar
"woof woof"
mreowr, cats are so cyoot and playful, which species of kitty?
Let’s make you into a red panda
"Bark bark"
Oh no, you're a skeleton!
what do red panda's say?
you can be a fox
which species for the skeletons? X3
you can be a light colored wolfy
A giraffe
Oh my goodness, I think you're a flying turtle!
Why do I feel the sudden urge to run away from the blue flying turtles?!
Would make a floating fish
Would turn into a fire ant, to breathe fire.
Would make into a sheep that has fire fur :3
lets make you the strong and cyoot looking fire kitty
(known as Torracat)
lets make you a Bandicoot and name you Crash and you're going to the Switch for some weird reason but I'm still flipping out because of it NVM Detective Pickachu exists
You are going to turn into a dragon!
Silly! should be fun
Let’s make the wolf into a nice big cat, a cougar
I'm thinking you look an awful lot like a sabretooth tiger!
Would make into an iguana
Big cats are fun
Let’s make ? more realistic and turn you into an adorable fennec fox
Would make into meowth
that looks fun, dance and dance all time
Let’s make you as small as a flea
I would make you into a Balloon Eevee.
Would turn into a fluffy cat!
lets get you to be a jaguar!
Now you're a porygon D:
You can be a charizard
Yaay, let’s make you an iguana
You've turned into a leafeon o.o
(its what I’ll likely be last few days of March)
You can be a kitten of the Abyssinian species
You can be a crucian carp!
Your a squeaky Balloon Wolgon!
Your an adorable red pup!
You're a robot wolf!
you gets to be an adorable kodkod!!
Woah, that is cyute :o
You also get to be a kodkod, but with dragon wings!
You'd be a hognose snek. With a top hat.
*Hognoses elegantly*
You can be a cottonmouth snake!
lets make you a binturong
You're a pacific chupare!
Would make into white lion
Let’s make you a silver grey fox
Now you're turned into a slyveon. Woah! :3
(I will, just not anytime soon, until October that is if all us around - April trying out a mustelid and meerkat)
you get to be a warthog
A jackal!! Pretty neato
they look nice
lets make you into an aardvark
You'd be a cute ferret..
It looks like you're going to have to become a bat!
Let’s make you into a giant anaconda
(Ferrets are cute, I lived with two before)
What a coincidence, you've turned into a ferret. :P
ferrets are so cute
(my favorite mustelid isn't ferret, but the weasel, from April 2nd to almost May, going with my favorite mustelid Pokemon, Mienfoo and Mienshao, maybe last week or so will be a non-Pokemon mustelid)
Lets make you into an aquatic mustelid, an otter
Would make into a pikachu
eep, cute, and heyz!!
lets make you a civet
they look cute
How about a sugar glider
bengal tiger
You can be a Manx cat
Let's turn you into a kadabra!
A kukaburra.
I am 74% sure I messed that up, it should be a chub birb
lets make you into an awesome osprey
you will become a roadrunner now.
That looks nice, you can be a kangaroo
Would make a duck
Let’s make you a pigeon
*Flaps wings*
You are now a Fearow.
*doing same, bigger than many, free rides*
You are now an adorable badger
*Waddles around*
You are now a winged dog.
You shall be a Charizard
Now you have to be a giant eevee.
Winged dogs look strange
Let’s make you a Komodo dragon
*Slithers around on feets*
You are a ghost dog now!
and you are a snake
lets make you into a black mamba!
poisonous snake ever
You're a were-ladybug! #MostUselessSuperpowerEver
And now you're a carnivorous tree!
lets make you into tasmanian devil X3
Would make into cheetah
Yaay, Thanks you
Let’s make you into Michen’s species, a snoleo
Snoleos everywhere!
You've turned into a border collie!
that be fun
time to chase balls, chase tails, stick face out the window X3 XD XD
lets make you into squirrel
*Climbs upon every tree possible*
I think you're a kitsune!
(Kitsune! Happy others know of them.)
Would turn into a kelpie
Would turn into a robin
Let’s turn you into cobra
You are starting to look like gryphon!
Time to fly around
You can be an angler fish
Would make into deer
eeep, run with others, hide from preds XD
lets make you into a jaguar
*Rawrs at the sky*
Looks like you're a parakeet!
A mix of a hot dog dog and oriental dragon. Derp dragon. :)
Oh no, now I'm always tubular!
You're now a king snake, now you have to king me!
Would make into a shark cat
Parakeets tew cute!
A bit of flying at times
Fox will become a ferret
You will turn into a sea urchin!
A little spiky!
yep... eee but tasty too D:
you gets to be similar to me, lets make you a badger
*Badgers people repeatedly*
I guess this means you're a grey wyvern.
*take all on flights* :3 "enjoy the views"
you gets to be just like Maurice (http://madagascar.wikia.com/wiki/Maurice), an aye-aye
This makes me feel like I need to shrug all the time.
You get to be a zebra.
(pretty much what it does, dislike for Julien, still seems to serve him)
Eeep. A zebra, time to run fast
You will be cheetah
I am very committed!
Suddenly you realize you are a bullfrog!
would be fun trying to be one, just need a super long tongue to use as a scarf
you can be a dark colored fox
Yip! *Swishes tail around*
Well, you're a squirrel now!
Red squirrel? love to be one!
How would you like to be similar as me, let’s make you a least weasel
Now I can skitter around looking for berries to eat.
You are now a shedinja!
Fly around scaring all, makes me feel bad
You can be a dolphin
Now I can make dolphin noises and be an obscure Sega Genesis reference.
You get to be a polar bear.
yaay, an arctic bear, time to keep other freezing furs who come visit extra warm
hopefully not to mean, lets make you into a blue whale
I'm blue and everywhere!
NOW, you get to be a shark!
Swimming fast and far
Which sub species?
You gets to be a centipede
I think you should be a Chromodorididae because they're yellow and spikey!!
Here's a link to the wiki cuz its kinda obscure Chromodorididae https://g.co/kgs/5QuMxH
Sent from my LG-H636 using Tapatalk
They look interesting
Would love to try beign one
Let’s make you a white dove
That's a lot of flying around!
Now you're turned into an eastern sergal!
I think you should be a blue footed boobie
They look interesting, never been a sergal
You can be a serval
OOOOOOooooo so pretty!!!
a grey fox :) I think is nice
Oooo, foxes are cool.
Now you're a crocodile dingo hybrid.
pretty sure youre a white tailed dear with butterfly wings
love that foxy coloring!
keep all fluffy happy
lets make you into German Shepperd
I think you'd make an excellent rusty spotted cat
They are adorable looking, love them
You can be an aardvark
Would make into a charizard
a deerling i think
Now you're a salmon!
You're a goat!
*time to fly around and give rides to everyone that can't fly!*
lets make you into a white tiger
I think you're going to them as a snow leopard!
I’m so adorable, fluffy warm, fluffy long tail to play with, miss being one
You be turned into a crow
*Caww caww*
Looks like you get to be a tarantula!
big fun looking scary arachnid!
will be hard making friends this way
you gets to be turned into a Sydney Funnel Web spider
Hey I'm alive! But you're not.
You are now a zombie-fur
which species though, too many
you becomes a timber wolf next
Hmmm. You can be one of those circular snowy rabbits I see, then. XP
awww, adorable looking
lets make you into that grey with dark fur species called
Yess my alpha sapphire partner.
Hm. Let's make you into another pokemon...
that looks adorable, love that art
you can be a fast moving weasel
You're a pony! Brohoof!
Oh wait, I don't have hoofs.
Aww, I can give rides to all
You can be a normal leopard
I don't know what the color of my fur is... i am... **shakes scarred**
:? you forgot to leave one :?
lets make you a giant tortoise
you can be an vapereon
they are fun, Fennec Fox/Catfish mix
lets make you a fast moving cheetah
you can be a bulldog
Let’s make you a cute ferret
how about a red panda
They are so adorable, love them
Lets make you a civet
mmm... lets think.... how about a zebra
Eep, then I’ll get hunted by you
Lets make you a Sydney Funnel Web spider
I thought species swap was swapping with the previous poster :3 did something change along the line?
(Been that day since day one - what would you turn the above into)
Let’s make you into a peregrine falcon
you can be a mouse
white looking mice look so nice and cute
lets turn you into a super giant lizard, the komodo dragon
lets make you an antelope
Aaa! Where the paws go?!!
You can be a cute toyger kitten
How about a sand cat/clouded leopard hybrid?
That will look so beautiful, two cute species mixed together!
You can becomes an ocelot
Oh my. This is near dead.
You become a glorious jackolope.
(Yep, not many want to visit or play with me)
Awww, adorable
Let’s make you into an aardvark
Can't think of any notable Arthur quotes. x_x
At any rate, have some grilled ants.
Let's see what you look like in Daffodil form.
I’m sure will look funny
How would you like to be a jaguar
do you wanna be a tiger like me
I would love to be a strong tiger
how would you look like an Abyssinian?
(breed of domestic cat)
You will be a... WENDIGO! I guess.
Would change into a zebra
Sooo... How about you becoming a manta ray? I'm pretty sure you'd like that.
Will make into a flying turtle
You will look lovely as a jack rabbit
Would make into an owl
Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!
You can be a sneaky wolverine
Would make into a zeraora
That would be cute
You can be a snow shoe hare
Would make into a dolphin
Let’s make you a killer whale
Would make into a sheep
:3 X3
you becomes the great white tiger
Would make into a dragonfly
You get to be Sylvester next
the black and white patches kitty with big red nose from "The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries"
Would make into an cheetah
yaay, super fast Jyo! that be fun
you can be a grey fox
Would make into frog ^^
Now you has to be a lizard
You're a B, c.
second letter, can’t I be thirteen?
You can be a Jaguar next
Would make into an umbreon
Eee... cute!!
Let’s make you fluffy warm, into bigger Vee known as Flarein
You're a firefly.
You can be a dragonfly
You can be a cute... black widow spider
You can try being a leopard
That is fun!!
You becomes a fennec fox
Would make into a puffin
What happened to the ringz!!!
You can be a red fox kit
You can be a Dalmatian
we just need 100 more to make - 101 Dalmatians!
<3 XD XD
you can be a cute looking grey fox
Would make into badger
Rawr badger will get you!
You can be a cute ferret
Will make into a sylveon
thanks, might be Sherrie the last month of foxy time (June)
Lets make you into a Zorua
Would make a bat
I think you need to be a... um... errr... Ah!! I know!! A cute little Stufful!!
You can be a Bewear then XP
OK You can be an Electrike!
How about a polar bear? ^_^
OK your a grizzly bear. >:3
You will now be a Mareep :)
I'm going to make you the weakest Yu-gi-oh monster ever!
well Jigglypuff for you :3
ohohohoh >:3 now your the weakest pokemon ever! a magikarp is what you are!
hey would you mind if you check out fun-rp for a new thread that I created?
oh yea, sure. will check it out ^_^
hmm, how about a meowth?
oh that's low an all time low. >:(
your a flea.
what about a Snivy?
T_T well that is better but I'm still not over what you did
you are now a squirrel
You can the be a flying squirrel. yey upgrade!
You can be an electric flying squirrel
Emolga - double upgrade
;) You can be an Emolga that has the infinity gauntlet in it's possession and also knows how to snap.
Triple upgrade.
You're an Emolga holding the infinity gauntlet, that is able to learn all Pokémon moves ever and can shape-shift into a human with no limit.
Quadruple upgrade.
You're an Emolga holding the infinity gauntlet, that is able to learn all Pokemon moves ever, that can shape-shift into a human with no limit and that has an army of 10 million Mountain Chickens.
Quintuple upgrade.
You're an Emolga holding the infinity gauntlet, that is able to learn all Pokemon moves ever, that can shape-shift into a human with no limit and that has an army of 10 million robot Mountain Chickens with the power of mind control.
Sextuple upgrade.
Your an Emolga that has the power to have all powers at once with an army of 300000000000000 robot mountain chicken sentinels that can command shaggy to do anything it wants.
Ultimate upgrade!
Would make into a pigeon
Would make into Pidgey
Lets make you into a robin
would make into mystery egg (no one knows what type of egg it is so it can hatches into different creatures at random).
That be fun
You can be an ice dragon
I would turn you into a pikachuuuuu X3
how about same species as ?
I wanna turn you into a lycanroc now. :)
You're a bat!
You can be a leopard, the African species this time
you can be a dustmite. XD
You shall be a Tardigrade
you are now an elephant
You got turned into a fancy spider
your are an evee of the opposite gender.
You are now a dragonite
X3 hows about we turn you into a wobbegong!!
good luck swimming around
@.@ XD XD
You are now a Sylveon of the opposite gender
I already did that one, didn't I?
How about a butterfly?
Would make into grumpy cat!
that be fun, and cute too
how about we turn you into a red fox kit <3
*will never let ya go far* ^_^
I would change you into a pickachu!
So adorable!!
Lets you become a polar bear
Yech, too much cuteness in one place.
You're a vulture now.
UGH!! Too much ugliness in one place. You are now an adorable kitten!
(vultures are cute for me)
You can be kangaroo
What’s fun about this is I have a kangaroo fursona. Yay!! I love Roos!!
Mmm. I think you should try out an aardvark.
They are fun
You can become a Sydney Funnel Web spider
Your a goat *nearby goat screams* XD
*stamps around and frowns* :pout:
I think you should be a grolar Bear.
polar bear you mean, they are adorable
being a goat is weird, where did the paws go?
you can be an arctic fox
((A grolar Bear is a hybrid between a grizzly bear and polar bear. I did mean grolar Bear. They are an absolute unit))
I am partial to hooves, half of my sonas are hooved XD
Being a fox wouldn’t be tooooooo bad.
I believe that you should try out a koi fish.
MONKEY! (Your a monkey now lol XD)
well you can now be my species! Congratulations! (Been wanting to do that for a while!)
can I be one as well?
then lets make you a fennec fox
sure thing! you are now my species! Congrats!
it’s been fun
aaaaaaaaaaand you are now my species muahahaha >:3
that looks fun, will have a fun time for sure
you can be a snoleo!
(snow leopard)
*looks at self*
You can be a parasite yet to be named.
Will turn into a charmander
You're a goldfish, Harry.
Your an adorable parakeet
your a panda :3
You're a pink elephant.
your a panther
you are now a gecko
pandas are so adorable, great choice
you can be an awesome looking ocelot
why am i not in minecraft?
you’re a salmon
You're an inkling!
you’re a cagon
Would make into a purple tiger
you are now a pig.
Would make a turtle
you are now kermit de frog
You can be just a kitten ^^
you are a pig
you can be a snow leopard
ooh yay i look like michen now!
you are now an umbreon!
hmm, how about a blue squirrel
You're a jewel beetle!
You can be a sponge ^_^
You're a Bedford's flatworm. Have fun with that.
your a fagon (my species)
would love trying to be a fagon once, must be fun
you can be one of my favorite felines
you are now a Fagon, your welcome.
Congrats, you are a lobster
But I like red lobster. :'( :pout:
you are now a beautiful butterfly.
What about a humming bird?
cool I like hummingbirds
you are now an evee ten times the size of a normal one.
you can be a pikachu
you are now an evee ten times the size of the last one.
you are now an animatronic fox. like me ^_^
Greek Sphynx.
You're welcome.
Can I be one too Michen!!
You can be an Abyssinian cat
you are now a vaporeon, by the way I think that should be your next eeveelution you use for an avatar!
(it will later on)
You can be a Persian...
this one:
Cats 101: Persian (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWTGNRk9Xm4)
wow nice!
You can be a rainbow eevee! It is a mix of all eeveelutions in one being!
try being a Havana Brown (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llsMcXGyaf8)
cool you are now a Peterbald.
that looks so adorable, love it
you be adorable as a Turkish Van (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycrYPBkUo_s)
then you be able to speak and meow in Turkish too - türkçe konuşabiliyorsun
your now a border collie (SOO CUUUTE XP)
(they sure are)
how about you becomes Sylvester
(from the Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries)
hmmm....not sure what i am but ok XD
you are now a bunny
(had Sylvester in the spoiler - its black cat with white marks)
so adorable, they are funny
you can become an osprey
*i believe i can flyyyyyyyyy-hits tree OOOOOOOOOOFFFF
you are a chicken
You are turkey
silly chicken time!! XD
you can be fennec fox
Would make into a gecko
would make a moth.
eeep, how can I climb upside down
lets make you an adorable Norwegian Forest cat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvT8qy9DvaU)
now you can meow, purr, and play in Norwegian
mugg, spinn og lek på norsk
good luck staying cool in the summer with the thick fur coat
UGH so hot!
You can be an Egyptian Mau.
Would make into a sobble
that kitty is so adorable
You can be an ocelot
Can I be one too Michen!!
What, a Greek Sphinx?
Uuhnnaaah, I think the Egyptian sphinx suits you much better~
You can be a Black Panther! Congratulations!
You are a turkey
how would the Eevee look like if I turns you into a genet?
cyoot <3
You're a quokka!
Would make a chinchilla
? magically becomes a tamandua
you are now a Minnow.
Would make into a parrot
Lets make you a meerkat!!
just like Timon, no worries at all
“You’re a beautiful butterfly” -quote from some movie...i guess...
Would make into a moth
your a baby llama
you are the furriest furry ever
You're an alpaca!
Would make them a oddly colored zebra
you are an octopus
Hello there, diglett!
Will make a snivy
Lets make you big
Lets make you green
Lets make you a fox
You is a Leafeon now
You're an earworm.
You’re my most favorite pokemon of all time, a Lucario
Heeey, two fursonas to mess around with! Christmas came early!
That'd make Doti a reindeer and Alass a penguin!
Doti makes michen an adorable pug puppy but Alass makes michen a bat.
Would make into grasshopper!
I dub thee greater lophorina!
I will make you into an even better bird-
The satin bowerbird!
awww, those birdies look cute
lets make you an osprey
You're a campo flicker!
Would make into a non striped zebra
?, lets keep you the same as Michen... just half its size... so
we will make you a snow leopard cub
Would make into a flying fish
Flying fish flying slap ?
Now a hunter, you is a brown bear
Would make into a fruit bat
Become.. a human
You can be an albino ferret
Now you're a sylveon!
You can be an arctic fox
Ah yeah.
Well, it looks like you're a penguin.
Would make into a polar bear
Skidadle Skidoodle
You are now a tabby cat!
Would make into crane and flamingo