Take a good look at that user above and decide were you think they should be banished to. ^_^
" I banish thee to a blank void! "
Abide by the Forum rules (https://www.thefurryforum.com/forums/index.php?page=rules).
Desire thee has't excit'ment with this thread, joyous banishing!
I banish thee to the dark void
I banish thee to a 404 error page
I banish thee to BOX 1 in Someone's PC :D
I banish thee to space XP
I banish you to the land of Vegetables
nuu cookies there XD
(tail cookies will be replaced by broccoli)
nuuu! XD
For now I shall banish ye to land of sleep. you can make dreams there :3
that will be worst place
Banish you the land of nuu-tickling XD
Banish to ye land of aqua green
Eeepz, anything but there
Banished to the land of water
Banished to leafy's grass whistle academy X3
Banished to the land of silver grey fur
Banished to pokeball! XP
Teehee, i has my luxury ball!
Banish to the land of carrots
Banished to rock land, nu softness X3
Banish to cookie island
Banished to Mozart's den >:3 XD
Eeepz, nu there
Banushed to Dinosaur Island
Banish to land of heavy metal :3
That be good
Banished to the land of shiny Vees, you becomes one tew
Banished to everstone eevee town, you will be only evolved one
Banished to the Digimon dimension
Banish ye to space!
Banish to JyoLand
*rolls over laughing*
Banish to mini land
Banished to ice cream land, and half the fur shaved >:3
Banished back to their box :3
Banish to the corner of a room
Banished to vappy time out :3
Eee nuu wants shower
Banished to cookie land once more
Banish to Bowser's Castle
Banish to the land of yarn
Banished to taco city!
that be a good place
banished to Vappy's side D:
banished to bed! :3
Banished to the comfy couch
Banished to the box factory
Banished to the bakery
Banished to ocean world X3
Banished to the land of No-Sleeping-Allowed >:3
Banish to slow motion lands! XP
Banished to the land of hugs :3
Banished to little big island! :P
Banished to the land of soft blankets
Banished to sleepy land XP
Banished to tickle land, invite me there pwease
Banished to cake land
Banish to cheese land
Banished to tiny worl :3
Ya is banished to the desert
Banished to the north pole! :P
Eeee tew cold
Banished to the sun
banish to jails for sending meh to sun XD
XD at least it's warm in the sun :o nuu wants to go there
Banished to the middle of a lake
Banished to my mane fur :3
that's a good idea
Banished to the land of dreams
Banished to a painting studio :)
Eeee! tew fast
Banished to dizzy land
Banished to pink world
Banished with me to shiny world
Banished to bouncing planet
Banished to under the couch
Banished into a cookie jar
Banished to a creepy haunted house
Banished to clock town
>:3 banished to Vappy's 'time outz' corner X3
banished there to :3
hey what I do to go there?
Banished to Flarey's warm fur
banished to ballpit !
Banished to Vappy's side
Banished to a dye factory
Banish you to fast land
nu sure
Banished to the legendary den
Banished to Fairy land
Banished to battle world
Banished to Nomz Land
Banished to your local WalMart
Banished to a airship to space
banished to a soft pillow on the couch
banished to a dream
banished to silver grey land
banished to bath world X3
Not to bath
Takes you with me to bath land
Banishes ya to grassy field
Banished you to a small island
Banished you to a space station
I banish thee to the dark void.
I banish ye to the magikarp pit
banished to cozy fur land
banished to bouncy house world
Banished to barbecue land :P
nuu forgets to take me there pwease!
banished to cozy bed land XP
Banished to Cauliflour den
(cookies turn to couliflour as well)
Banished to stop motion world!
Banished with me to strawberry island
Banished to dream world
Banished to barbecue land
Banished to a huge bowl of fluff!
Banished to a park
Banished to waterpark
Which ride first?
Banished to a haunted theme park ride
Banished to sofa land
Nuu rides there
Banished to a nearby fireplace
banished to pasta town
that be good thanks
Bannished to dessert land
Banish to old fashion world, nu electrical devices XP
Banished to Jyo's fur this night
Banished to volcano land, would be like a waterpark for yew
Come join me *grinz*
Banished to sweet land
Banished to a actual waterpark
Eee nuu
Banished to the dessert
Banished to poke jail XP
Banished to the land of rough brushes
Banished to clouds
Banished to your favorite type of cheese
Banished to nap world
Banished to your underground hole
Banished to a volocano so ya can has a swim X3
Banished to under my bed. There is a lot of under my bed. Have fun!
Banished to space
Banished to room 101. No idea who would even want to put you there though.
Banished to a empty void hehe
Banished to Night Vale (http://nightvale.wikia.com/wiki/Night_Vale)
Banished to cat city
Banished to Final Destination.
Banished to lecture room, have fun :3
Banished to the seat next to me in the lecture room. So you can enjoy the lecture with me :D
Banished to the ice box! >:3 . . . . to reach those berries on the top shelf for me :3
Banished to the top shelf. Don't fall!
Banished to trophy pile for helping :D though dont take too many, you'll lower the value by taking too many X3
Banished to a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream...
*1000 "in a dream"s later*
... in a dream, in a dream.
Banished over there, * points * nice and simple c:
Banished to...
*Points in the middle of the night sky*
Whichever planet I'm pointing at. I think that may be Kzijavii.
Banish into a phone, easier to take place
Banished to The Cloud.
Banished to a Snorlax resting ground
Banished to my Recycle Bin (on laptop, not a real recycle bin). You'll get out when I recycle.
*Do you want to delete these 31415926535897932366 items?*
Banished to empty factory
Banish to full factory.
Banished to restaurant, bring me something back they nu let me in X3
Banished to restaurant kitchen. Help yourself :)
Banished to same place so you can hide me, they keep kicking meh out
Banished to the best hiding place: in the fridge.
Banish you to a desert, in a oasis
Banish you to a dessert, in an oasis.
Banished into a dimension where small things are big, and bigger things are small :P
Banished to mah mane fur
Banished to sylveon's house with all other vees
that be good
You shall be banished alongside with me, since you will be resting in mah mane fur
Banished to the flareon's house :3
Thats good tew
welcome to mah home
Banished to the kitchen
Banished to a bath because vappy is waiting >:3
Eeee nuuu
*hides in a blanket*
Banished to nuu cookie land
Banished tew icy planet >:3
Eee nuu
Soon would be water
Banish you to a flower den
Banished to a waiting room XD
Banished to Italy. Have fun!
Banished to the DPRK
Banished to Vault 111. Ever played Fallout?
Banished to Vault 108
Gary? Gary!! Gaarry? XD
Banished to Vault 101.
Banish to Poseidon energy
Banished to Nuka World.
Banished to the master's factory ( forgot the name )
Banished to Helgen. As you've played Fallout, I'm assuming that you've also played Elder Scrolls.
Banished to ice cream world
Banished to ice cream world as well. Would be worse for you.
Not for me, ice cream would
(nuu water world)
Banished to the middle of a corn field
Banished to firefigter convention
Banished to Pinkan Island
Banished to mario world
Banished to Rainbow Road. For 999 laps.
Banished to another castle
Banished to Route 4 to pway with other Vees
Banished to power plant to help Jolty
Banished to Slowpoke Well
Baished outside for an hour by vappy :3 time out
*i iz banished*
Banished to Vappy's side
Banished in tree house
Banished to Team Rocket hideoutz
Banished to the Kerbal Space Centre. Have fun!
Never heard of it
Banished to tickle den
Banished to a fire type gym >:3
(Main location in this game (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerbal_Space_Program), Firox)
Banish you to Dartmoor, a lovely place in Devon, England, very refreshing to go to, it's brilliant.
(will see when i gets home)
Banished to Lego Land
Banished to universal
That be fun
Banished to Hershey theme park
Banished to a noodle shop :P
Thanks yew
Banished to Tokyo
Banished in tunnel XP
Banished to tge top of a mountain
Banished under garden XP
Banished to Game Freak's Headquarters in Tokyo. Would love to see the looks on their faces.
Banished to overwatch universe
Banished to... *picks piece of paper out of hat*... Reykjavik.
Banished to a world where voice is subject to auto correct :P
Banished to... *throws pin on map*... Ascension Island.
Banished into the ink of a old book somewhere in greenland under a desk within a hut built near Dettifloss
Banished to *Picks up random book*... *Flicks through book for location* Le Louvre.
Banished to universe where it is always high noon
Banished to my den
Banished to my cookie jar, will nom all the cookies first
heyz, then what is there to do?
banished to a bowl of oatmeal XD
banished to a empty kitchen XP
banished to a flower garden
Banished to nap :3
Banished to the land of Hallows!
Banished into Dark Souls universe XP
Banished to a pillow-less world X3
Banished tew cold planet island
eee nuu, I nu good against cold
Banish you to a volcano island
Banished to a cave, nu plants for you
awww :'( why not?
Banished to plant land
Banished to a flower pot factory
Banished to Vappy's side XD
(it's time for the Vee's weekly warm shower)
Banished to a bed
Banished you back to Vappy's side, nuu escaping! >:3
Banished to buy a new pot for breaking that one! :3
Banished underground, just dig your way up
Banished to vappy because ya broke something :P
thanks yew, water is good for me, at least as grass type
nuu Glacey!
Banished away from Flarey's warm fur XD
Banished with meh
Surez, lets get banished next to Vappy's warm showers XP X3
Banished to chalk zone ^_^
Banished to Sweet Land
Banished to Azkaban.
Banished to a photoshopped picture
Banished to inside a water bottle.
Banished to faucet world
Banished to tge middle of a metal concert
Banish to a soundless room :P
Meanie place! Nuu likez!
Banished to the middle of a busy highway
Banished to Jolteon's house
Tew shocking *giggles*
Banished to top of !'s apple tree
Banished to ice cream factory
Banished to a warm. Lake
Banished to home
Banished to a bank vault.
Banished outside in the snow, dont worry hat will keep you warm
Banished to Hoenn
Banished to grassy field
banished to under my warm blankey :3
banished on the pillow
Banished to Route 9 in Kalos
Banished to garden
Banished to awaken lands
Banished to nap city
heehee, I'd be the only one awake there X3
banished to the ocean, harder to sleep when you needs to stay above water
Banished to bakers den
Banished to cat land
Banished to sleeping den
Banished to Flarey's tailz fur
Banished to pillow factory
Banished to a biscuit tin.
Banished to forest of dancing trees
Banished to a dark cave
Banished to a bright room
Banished next to me
Banished into floating cloud
Banished to mah lunch bowl
Now nuu nom it all
Banished out of bowl so I can eat
Banished into cereal box.
Banished to mars
Banished to a cinema
Banished to place
Banished to sugar hill
Banished to cozy den
Banished to a not so cozy cold den
Banished to fox world, ya only kitty!
eeee, so many cyoot foxies to play with
:3 :3 X3 X3 X3
Banished to soft pillow land
Banished to a resting time
Banished to juice carton
Banished to burger pit
Banished to a warm picnic
Banished to ice cream gathering
*grins* banish to a lake
banished to pond! :3
Thee shall be banished to the anti-furry side of 4chan
Banished to the stranger area of youtube X3
Banished to a fancy restaurant :3
Banished to cozy bed
Banished to Europe
(how about Sofia in Bulgaria)
Banished to mars
Lets banisg you next to HE somewhere in Poland
Would banish with us :3
Thanks yew
lets banish you next to Skya in Denmark
(don't know which city they live in)
Banished to japan
That be fun
Banish you next door, in Korea Republic
Banished to a Colorado mountain
so good views
Lets banish you to Victoria Falls, tallest warerfalls in the world, its between Zambia and Zimbabwe in Africa
Banished to a pool party
lets banish you to a random hut in the middle of the Swaziland savannas X3
Banished to a comfy bed
Banished to same bed with me
Banished to fun dream
Banish you to Helsinki in Finland
Banished to Florida
Banished to Chicago
Banished to the U.K
Banished to the UK as well :)
Lets banish you to Wales
Hmm.... banish you to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. It's a village in Wales.
That place with longest name, i heard of it, would live togo there
Banish you to Machu Pichu in Peru
Oooh that's cool. Banish you to Paris.
That be a fun place
Let's banish to my closest big city - Portland, Oregon
That sounds nice.
Let's banish you to Kirkwall, capital of Orkney!
sounds fun
Banish you across the lake from where I live, to another city called Bellevue
Sounds like there will be some beautiful views there :)
Banish you to... Lake Victoria.
that will be fun, good views
Lets banish you to Mt. St. Helens
Banish you to Mt Kilimanjaro.
Tanzania is always high in my travelling places, that mountain is high on my list of places to visit
Let's banish you the same place I banished Vee earlier too
Victoria Falls
highest waterfalls in the world, between Zambia and Zimbabwe
D: I'm scared of falling! Not of heights, just falling from them! (Don't put me actually in the waterfall, just near it, thanks)
Banish you to Pittsburgh.
Banished to the moon!
Banished to Mars!
Banished to a undiscovered place
Banished to a rediscovered place.
Banished to Central American jungle
Banished to the big city
Banished to inside of you.
Banished to the sky zone
Banished to the banished zone.
Banished to the Mojave desert
*Puts on Pip-Boy* Is it that year yet?
Banished to the Sahara Dessert.
I nuu likes heat
Banished to flower garden
Banished to that same flower garden so we can has fun together :)
That will be fun
Banished to Vee's side
Banished to Vee's other side, so we can all has fun together. :D
Banished to a fun field for extra fun
Banish to mah fur
Banish to lake
heyz! nuu fairz!
Banished to Ice Cream land
Banished to a fun park ^_^
Banish to central park
Banish to a party
Banished to Saturn's rings
Banished to cheesecake factory
Sounds yummy place
Banished to Five Guys
Banished tew fire house
Good choice tew
Banished to ice cream shop
Banished to bakery!
Banish to a friendly den
Banished to an unfriendly lucario den !
banished to the VOID
That would be nightmares for me Lumix, just woke from one.
Banished to green park
Banished to a art gallery!
Banished to a stadium
Banished to town
Banished to no-fur dye land
Banished to aqua green world :3
banished to the 'no sleeping allowed' den X3
Banished to a pillow room
Banish to a cozy toom
Banished to nom town
Banish to cat landz
Ya be only foxy there
Banished to rainbow land
Banished to Tomorrowland :3
Banished to a napping tent
Banished to the warm mane fur :3
Banished to the bakery
Banished to the kitchen
Banished to volcano for bath
that's good place
Banish you to sauna for your own bath
Banished to the worlds longest bridge
Japan would be fun
Banished for some unknown reason to Korea DPR
Banished to a factory that fills water bottles
that be terrifying
banished to the back of the bus
Banished to go kart track
Banished to a flower garden
Banished to a green house
Banished to your wirk
Banished to tree
Banished to a farm
Banished to nom world
that's a good place, ready to go anytime
Banished to drawing world
Banished to bouncy castle XP
Banished to bouncy ball land
Banished to evolved pokemon club X3
you should go with me Vee
Banished to potato land XD
Banished to a nap world
Banished to distraction world
Banished to flight school
Banished to distortion world
Banished to bouncy world
Banished to Yarn City XD
Banished to pizza slide
Banished to St. Louis Arch :3
how's the viewz! X3
Banished to space needle XP
Banished you to the Statue of Liberty XD
Banished to long tail party
that be fun, can I take you with me?
Banished to bushy mane convention
Banished to a dance party XP
Banished to Mars XP
Banished to space station
Banished to Siberian winter D:
Banished to hot summers
Banished to the middle of a Pokemon battle
*good luck* :3
Banished to a pillow factory
Banished to the top of the White House flag pole
Banished to the yard ^_^
Banished to a dug hole
Banished to a beach ball in the middle of the pool
Banished to a bacon factory
Banished to Chuck E. Cheese's.
Banished to the pokemon bank XP
Banished to very top of the Sears Tower
in Chicago
Banished outside to a water park
Banished outside of a cookie factory
Banished into a fluffy bed
Banished to under the fluffy bed XD
Banished to a tower :P
Banished to Wonder Trade.
I wouldn't do that to cute Vee
Banished to a flour garden
Banished to a really tall kitty tree :3
eeee too high for me
D: :'( :'(
*turns to lick and nibble the itch on hind left paw, moves on to the the right paw - once satisfied, moves onto nibbling and licking the tail itch*
^_^ :P :P
*uses teeth, tongue, and fangs to scratch and closing eyes too. I haven't noticed that I'm slowly moving to the edge of the cattree - then it happens*
:? :? :?
*very loud crash behind the cattree is heard, I'm sure the other furs will come to investigate*
:o :o
x_x *Jyo lays on the floor, eyes closed* x_x
*a few moments later, opens eyes slowly*
*Jyo yelps for a while, getting teary eyed too - the two bottom fangs have pierced the bottom skin of the fluffy tail, making it hurt (with some blood very visible in the grey fur)*
:( :'( :'(
banished to Jyo's cozy fur instead
Banished to bouncy house
Banishes to some place different... banished to the middle of Phoenix Islands in Kiribati XD
Banished to cruise ship
lets banish you to Socotra Island
Banished to the worlds biggest cheese block
that be good
Banished you the biggest cookie in the world
Banished to a mouse den
great den D: (hide the mice) <3
Banished to a wolf den
Banished to the ice cream factory :P
lets banish you somewhere fun
how about... banished to the bakery
Banished to the slide :)
Banished to the Fortune Cookie jar :P :P
Espy should take Vee there in the snack den
Banished to a snow boarding hill, don't crash XP
banished to the Central American rainforest
nuu get nibbled by jaguars or ocelots or even myself margays
I've always wanted me a pet XD
Banished to my home XD
Yay! I now haz a pet XD
Banished to a pokecenter X3
Banished to a waterfall
Banished to a dance party
for some unknown reason banished to Managua in Nicaragua o.O
Banished under a loaf of bread
Banished to a Lunchables factory :P
Banished under a fluffy paw
<3 is it Vee's?
banished under cozy blanket
Banished to a floating fur
Banished to my dream -.-
Banished to a bouncy den
*burries yur muzzle in my fur*
Banished to my cozy fur XD ^_^
Banished to a ocean of ice cream
Banished to the ice cream ocean with me XD
Banished to a time machine
Banished next to me
Banished to a cozy bed
Banished to the kitchen
Banished to comfy bed
Banished to Vappy's bed X3
Banished to the corner XP
I nuu wantz time outz
Banish to middle of a daycare
Banished to a bed store
Banished to the middle if an Amtrak train
Bound for Portland OR
Would banish to a nice mountain to see the view
Thanks ya
Banished to Suicune's lair
Banished to a airship
Banished to Umbre's paw
Banished to ice cave
Banished to napping fur
Banished into ds
Banished to Flarey's tail fur
Banished to my fur
good spot
Banished to the other side of the world where it's night and dark
Banished to strawberry farm
thanks yew
Banished to an orange tree
Banished to my resting spot to stay warm
Banish you with me
Banished to bouncy castle
Banished to a new world
Banished to tail contest
Would I win or loose?
I know Vee wins if you enters
Banished to dessert contest
Banished to a castle
Banish to a fortress
Banished to tail world
Would love it there
Banished you with me
Banished to a dark type party
Banished to fighting type conference
Banished to cook out
that be good
Banished to a 'no tail-pulling' land >:3 XD
Banished to glue world
take Flarey to that same other world too XD
Banished to an Italian restaurant
Banished to the world's biggest taco
rawrz bannished to a no "Rawr"ing world XD
Banished inside of a cheese wheel
banished with me to Flarey's mane fur XD
Banished to a water slide that goes for a long time
That be fun
Banished to a zoo
Banished to aquarium
Oh wait they can't do anything to me
Banished to Canafa
Banished to Giovanni's office for try outs XP
Banished to outter space
Banished to underwater base
banished to the optometrist!
Banished to dentist
Banished to tail repair shop XD
ya mean the vet?
Banished to a surgery room
(What's ya in there for)
Banished to pokemon gym
Banished to the top of the Stratosphere Tower D:
Banished to a grill out
thats fun
Banished to an ocean liner
Banished to feline world
I'll take you with me, you turn into one too
Banish to the berry patch
Banished to slow motion planet XP
Banished to paw-licking world >:3
Banished to tail tickle land!
D: eeeee Nuuu!! not that world!
Banished to strawberry land with me
Banished to a giant peach tree
Banished to the Peach State
(Georgia) XD
Banished to a phone booth
Banished to Mt. Shasta
Banished to cheese factory
Banished to bakery
Banished outside a nice den
awww <3 <3
Banished next to me, with a sandwich :3
Banished to a fun room
Banished to international date line
Banished to jewelry store
What to do there silly
Banished to comedy club
Banished to canvas
Banished to the museum
Banished to a cozy tree
Banished to the "Cheesecake Factory"
Banished to the hot tub
Banished to an ice shower
Banished to sleeping den
in a submarine, banished to the bottom of the Mariana Trench >:3
Banished to deep space >:3 XP
Banished to the top of Mt. Fuji XD
Banished to a rave
for some reason, banished to London X3
Banished to a giant bed on the water ^_^
that be fun
Banished to the top of Nob Hill in San Francisco
Banished into a sleeping bag
well, ok I'll nap with you
Banished to Arches National Park in Utah
Banished to town
Banished to under the blanket
Banished to dreams
Banished to day dream
Banished to the fairy type den
yay Sylvee
Banish you with me
Banished into short tail area
Eeee nuuu
Will miss it
Banished to North Atlantic ocean
Banished to a field
Banished to a plate full of tacos
Banished inside a taco XP
banished to no-tomato land
banished to all tomato flavor world
D: nuu pwease!
Banished to a happy land
Banished to a play ground
Banished to ghost town
Banished to slow motion battle
Banished to Ice Caves
Banished to fun machine
Banished to the top of a mountain
Banished to a dream
Banished to cozy pillow in warm den
Banished to robotic fur dyer
banished to beet juice land XD
Banished to shiny island
Banished to early morning sunrise
Banished to sunset
Banished to cute place
Banished to the shiny den
come with me again
Banished to sleepy den
Banished to dizzy land
Banished to fairy land
Banished to a park
banished to an ice theme park
Banished to a flareon's home
That be fun
Banished to Sylvee's bows
Banished to fairy hangout den
Banished to Poison Lake
Banished to sleep
Banished to ribbon lands
Banished to dragon lair
Easily take over
Banished to fighting dojo
Banished to china
What to do there?
Banished to Poland
Banished to cat world
That be fun
Will take you with me
Banished to Disneyland
Banish to sea world :P
Fun place
Banished to a petting zoo
Banished up in a tree XD
Banished to Seoul, Korea Republic
Banished to canada
Banished to Guyana
*giggles* try to find Mew
Banished to mewtwo presents :P
Banished to Pinkan Island
Banished to a pizza house
Banish to Distortion world
Banished to the mattress store
Banished to donut shop
Banished to ice box
Banished to fighting dojo
Banished to little hot tub
Banished to the Bakery
Banished to a fun mirror house
Banished to chocolate syrup factory
Banished to a pokepuff storage room :P
Banished to Springfield
nuu messing with the Simpson's
Banished to Alola :P
Banished to Barcelona
say hai to all for me
Banished to electric plant
Banished to bakery :P :P
Banished to park
Banished to middle of lake
Banished to a warn den
Banished to cheese den
Banished to my pizza party, thank you for coming :3
Banished to ice cream party
Banished to a drawing XP
>:3 heyz XD
banished to a rock band
Banished to tiny party :3
I wouldn't fit inside
Banished to cat party
Banished to mini mane :3
banished to a restaurant
Banished to a sky zone
Banished to the bottom of the ocean, in a submarine
Banished into a bed ^_^
Banished to bakery, along with Leafy
banished to cat castle
yaay, come with me Vee
Banished to the foxy world
banished to a mini world! X3
eee, too tiny! XD
banished to somewhere in central Montana
Banished to a farm XD tried to get the chickens! XD
*giggles* tew funny
Banished to ice cream shop
Banished to a tail groomer to help with all those tail :3
thans yew, that be fun, should take you with me
Banished to a cozy blanket
Banished to a fire type spa XD
Banished to a cheeseburger land :P
Banished to a pika brother adventure XD
I banish you to bad EEVEE pun land
Banished to a chicken farm XP
first: yum
second: bannish to the berry farm
banished to a random boat with a fishing pole
bannished in the middel of the ocean without suplies
banished to 'Point Nemo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_of_inaccessibility#Oceanic_pole_of_inaccessibility)' the most isolated place on earth
its in the lower part of the Pacific Ocean, far far away from any other land on earth
Banned to a dance club for flying pokemon
banished to the top of mt Everest
good luck surviving D:
banished to a salon
Banished to Alola
Banished to a mattress store
banish inside a pokeball
Banished to a space station
banish to space outside the station
banished to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in a diving submarine
bannish inside of a pineappel under the sea
banished to a cereal bowl
aets cereal and bannish to the insides of a chicken
banished to a dragon lair
bannish inside spiderweb
banished to a buffet
yum yum only i ate everything
bannish to puberty
banished to the Phoenix Islands
(republic of Kiribati)
(usually at +14 - while nearby Hawaii Islands are at -12)
baish to the netherlands, where i live
Banished to Finland for no particular reason.
banish to america Trump is president there
would love to visit Netherlands
Banished to Vancouver BC in Canada
banish to a place with no furrie, know ya know how i feel
I'm similar situation, I don't know any furries nearby
doesn't prevent me from being one
Banished to my bedroom
Banished to flareon fur
Such cozy spot
Banished to middle of a store
bnashied to a watermelon fort
bamished in a hairsaloon
Banished to a dinner party. :) Will share cookies with you.
bamish to candy mountain, with charlie
banished to a light house
*turns of light*
banished to a boat
*finds out boats have crashed in harbor[size=78%]*[/size]
Banished onto a train going in a loop
so infinity train?
banished to the middle of a markt during sales
banished to fox world XP
i dont want to be reminded of my past :'(
bannished to most dangerous world imaginable (see if you get this refrence)
( not sure )
Banished to a roller coaster
(refrence was from a short lived cartoon named Penn Zero Parttime Hero on disney XD)
banish on top of a fairist wheel
( hehe oh, will have to check that out later )
Banished to Maunsell forts
banish to new jersey
Banished to middle of a lake
Banished to aquarium
banish to huated house
Banished to scary cave
Banished to a cozy future bed X3 :3 it provides snacks to XD
Banish to pet city where everyone pets you
banished to a dance party
Banished to ice cream town
Banished to a citrus fruit farm
I don't like dance parties
How you like the world of digimon
Banished to Twilight zone
Banished to Twin Lakes
Banished to restaurant to help cook
banish to house have new owners
Banished to a spa for foxes
i hate spas acctualy :$
banished to graveyard
banished to a beach
more like it
bannished to a middle of a star fight doing a barrel roll
Banished to a steak house with a free pass inside
banished to an all you can eat berries haha just raspberries
(you know i dont like steak and love chickens/mice)
Banished to flight school XP
bannished to swim school
banished to a driving school X3
Banished to chicken wing home
Banished to fire type camp XD
Banished to flower garden
Ohhh, can I go tew?
Banished to racing track
Banished to final destination
banished to a giant cheesecake
bannished in enomuos blueberrypei
Banished to a bakery
bannished to butcher
Banished to freezer
Banished to tail groomer
Will bring you with me
Banished to same groomer
Banished to a burger shop
bannished to upiset side of globe from firox
banished to sweeeden
(ill just get a train to home)
bannished to england
Banished to the moon with a space suit :P
one small step for mankind a huge step as you got banished to pluto
Banished to a badger's home. How did it go?
as well as you at the dungbeatels
banished to a office building for no reason
bannished to highschool
banished to a fancy plane
banniched to a flat land AKA the netherlands, wich fun fat is acctualy more then 50% under water level
banished to glass room XP
bannished to acient egypt
Banished to a shop
uu nuu
bannished to the unknown
banished to a park
bannished to a sacred place
banished to hot tub
banished to denmark
banished to factory to make circles XP
bannished to mud
banished to swamp
bannished to belgium
banished to a sky surfing area
bannished to a car
Banished to Sahara desert
Banished to a big pancake
(what kind dutch are more flat)
bannished to candy mountain, cuz we need to go to candy mountai charlie
( dont know, I wast there XP )
banished to a light schw
bannished to japan, while deathnote (the anime, not the movie) was taken place
banished to a temple
banished to the tempel of doom
banished to light show with fun glasses
(i hate lights if its to bright and music if its to loud)
bannished to the forbidden forest of "enchantment"
banished to a teleport machine
bannished to an other demension
banished to kitchen
Banished to my barbecue chicken nom :P
Banished to hug camp :3
Banished to Eevee land XD
takes me with you, even if I isn't a Vee
banished to fox world XP all foxes can go
Banished to email XD
banished to fanciest pokemon XP
Banished to the backyard XD
banished to the front XP
banished to the front OF A CONCERT
banished on board a AT-AT
Banished to ice cream shop
Banished to eeveelution school X3
banished to area 51
Banished to a mystery mountain
bannish to a world where everyone seems to hate furries
Banished to a food truck
banished to (a good) aterlife
banished to planet fox
banished to pizza planet
Banished to a meat tree
banished to route 66
banished to a glider
banished to a jungle
banished to skyworld
banished to an amusement park where everyone turned into donkeys
banished to a skin park
banned to themepark "Slagharen"
Banished to a flying pirate ship
banidhed inside the diningroom of beauty and the beast
bainshed to a speed train
banished in front of that train
banished to ghost train this time
a dragonsliar
Banished to flight school
to a place with tons of predetors who love to eat eevees
Banished to a place with only cheese XP
banished to a pokemon tournement on the highest level
banished to a starting pokecenter
banished to a world where pokemon doesnt exist
banished to a slippery slide
banished to a crime scene
Banished to snow fort
banished to a new house
Banished to foxxo Dentist XP
banished to a vet
Banished to a really fancy restaurant
banished to the haunted house
banish to snow wonder land
Banish you with me along with the warm blankets
bannished to antartica
banished to a forest
Banished to wine farm
Banished into a copy of Mario Odyssey
Banished to a copy of kirby
Banished to a slide into a box of french fries
banished inside a french fries
Ordered to a big city
Banished to a dark basement D:
Banished to super bright room
Banished next to Umbree!
now share all the yummy spring rolls with me! 0:)
banished inside of that fire place instead of next to it :o
Banished to a ice box @.@
Banished to empty box
Banished to a bouncy house
So fun
Banished to cookie jar
Banished to a big cat tree
banned to a forest with no berries
banished to a race track
banished inside the raceing car of Max Verstappen
Banished into airplane
banished inside of boat
Banished into a dragon's lair
banished inside of that dragon
Banished to a boat on a lake of tar
Banished somewhere nice, large park with lots of ice cream carts
Banished to cozy bed store XP
Banish with me, cozy bed store
Banished to a silly dream
Banished to warm fur
Banished to a hot tub
that be good
Banished to a sauna
Banished to the water slide
Banished to a fun house
Banished to a roller coaster
banished to the rail of that coaster
Banished to a aquarium
banished inside a fancy restaurant
Banished to a killer whale show ^_^
banished to jurasic park
banished to a cozy underground den ^_^
banished to the castle of the beast
Banished to an underground bunker
Banished to a cruise
banished to wonderland
banished to a Dinsey movie in theater
banished to the new pokemon movie in theater
Banished to visit a magical lion
Banished to a Chinese restaurant
Banished to a turtle's back
banished to my house
Banished to river rafting
banished to comiccon
banished to a snowy forest
banished to a mountain summet
Banished to magic mountain
Banished to the top of Mt St. Helens D:
Banished to pikes peak, at least there is store and food up there and tram to go down ^_^
sounds fun
Banished to the middle of Central Park X3
Banished to visit a roller coaster
banished to a warm shower >:3
banished to pizza buffet
that be good
Banished to same table, same noms, at same pizza buffett
banished to a huge bowl of spinach
banished to the exact oppiset.... aka mcdonalds
Banished to the Pacific Ocean, that’s the exact opposite end of where you lives
(opposite side of most Europe is the Pacific Ocean, Southern Hemisphere)
(youre right)
banished to the indian ocean
XD yep
banished to the observatory deck of the Space Needle :3
banished to the van Gogh museum
that be fun, love galleries, only been to one
Banished to the middle of the Maracana Stadium
in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
banished to GAIA ZOO (won multipel prizes of best zoo) the netherlands,kerkrade
that would be fun
Banished to Snoqualmie Falls :3
(I been there many times)
i never been to a waterfall
banned to the continium (sience museum) kerkrade,netherland,europe,world,solar system,milkyway
Banished to a looping river
banished to the rooftops of londen
Banished to pride rock
banished to wonderland
Banished to visit a magic whale
banished inside that whale
Banished into hyena lands
banishd to elephant graveyard
banished to giant chair land .
Banished to a cat tree
banished to tall grass
banished to Hoenn regio
banished to pixel land
banned to The Great Lands Called Internet
banished to english class, your gonna need it
Banned to a mario level
banished to candy mountain
Would be banished to Stormalong Harbor
banished to Hogward's
HA wrong spelling >:3 banished to more english lessons
banished to a very tall tree house
banished to a big hill
Banished to secret base
banished to neverland
banished to everland
banished to netherland
(allredy there)
banished to france
banished to spain
banished to Canada
bannished to your neigbors house
banished to italy
banished to rusia
Too bad none of us will be in Russia
Likely, banished to Qatar
banished to estland (dont know english name)
(Netherlands and USA didn’t make it to Russia 2018)
Banished to Luxembourg
(they certainly messed that one up)
banished to norway
banished to BeNeLux
Banished to the top of Big Ben in London
banished to SIENCE
banished to space station
banished to mars
banished to snickers XD
banishe to milkyway
banished to twix
banished to lion
banished to bounty
Banished to Egyptian Pyramid
banished to toblerone
banished to kit kat
banished to milka
Banished to kitsune shima in Japan
(Fox island)
banished to oreo
banished to tony chocolony
banished to chocolate factory
banished to milka
Banished to the mooon
banished to antartica
banished to a giant mall
pls dont too noicy
banished to my house on my lap
banished to the coziest pillow fort
Banished to Five Guys
Banished to a waffle house
Should take you with me
Banished to ice cream shop
Banished to a warm room
banished to the cozy blanket
Banished to a pizza party
takes you with me
Banished to a bacon factory :P
Banished to kitty tree world ^_^
Banished to cozy den
Banished to a dance party X3
banished to the Coliseum in Rome
Banished to a silly play house
Yaaay so much fun
Banished to Flarey’s warm fur
banished to cat tree to do climbing training
Banished to cutsy land
that be fun
Banished to forest to practice the fox pounce on moving rabbits XD
Banished to box
bannished to school
Banished to dream
baninshed to johto regio
Banished to baseball game
banished to the national museum of art
banished to virtual zoo X3
bannished to my backyard
Banished to a Seattle Center
Banished to space needle X3
banished to a cookie store
(Haven’t been there in about 2 years)
Banished to a fabric store, lots of yarn
Banished to poke gym
banished to the poke league
Eeepz nuuu!
Banished to an apple orchard
banished to cabbage patch
banished to the monster world under my bed :P
Banished to a beet plants
Banished to a dragon lair to say hi :3
Banished to tomato plant farm
nuu going with ya in that trip, sowwy
Banished to biggest spinach leaf
Thanks ya
Banished to same leaf so we can noms it
Banished to chocolate plane
banished to strawberry battle field (https://www.google.nl/search?q=strawberry+battlefield&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjx2-2Mm7PXAhWmDsAKHZtGApoQ_AUICigB&biw=1904&bih=930#imgrc=87AtzUPWK1q38M:)
looks nice ^_^
Banished to visit a lion's home.
banished to the temple of the crystal gems (https://www.google.nl/search?q=steven+universe+temple&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjg_YjDn7PXAhXMzaQKHbFMCwkQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=wv4wAmNBUF_A4M:)
Banished to New Donk city (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/mario/images/7/72/New_Donk_City.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170116204155)
banished to andy's room (https://www.google.nl/search?q=andys+room&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit_ZLooLPXAhWSCewKHamZAHcQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=CT3TTGFzomQYZM:)
bansihed to the big castle at the begining of Disney movies
banished to a bunker
banished to a giant cookie
Banished to mars
banished to pluto
Banished to an asteroid that is near pluto
Banished to left about 10 feet from their current location , hope nothing bad happens as a result XP
Banished to left about 10 feet from their current location , hope nothing bad happens as a result XP
I'm in my bathroom D:
Banished about 20 cm above their current position
Banished to a chalk board with a large problem to solve ^_^
Banished to Europe!
Oh G, thanks G
Banished to the worst place in the world: New Zealand
Banished on top of a dragon
Banished to the world of gumdrops and rainbows
Banished to Melbourne
Banished to the nearest snowy area
banished to a realy big closeth
banished to go train with a cheetah
banished to another timeline
Banisged to a strange pink and green whale :o
banished inside the whale
They got banished to see a council of big cats to join them
banished to the poke league
Banished to a dragon’s treasure stash
banished to a unicorn rainbow clowd
Banished to the Nth dimension!
Banished to an apple tree
banished to a sunny beach
Relaxing on beach, playing on the sand, watching others in the water, making sure crabs don’t get near mah tail
Banished to a greenhouse
banished to a red house
Banished to dog house
Banished to an onion ring house
banished to chocolate pot place and got to dip in lots of foods
Banished to Hot Pot restaurant
banished to dominos pizza
Banished to visit a shark tank
banished to the humanoid zoo
Banished to Alcatraz island
Banished to biggest slide
Banished to Naake's fur
Banished to a pillow fort
banished inside a pillow
banished under a blanket
banished to my lap so i can pet you
Banished to really really really really soft chair :)
banished to berry all you can eat buffet
Banished to a hippo's back to ride down a circle river
hihi page number 69
banished to your parents room
we are still 597 pages behind my lucky number
Banished to Hershey, Pennsylvania
banished to the midle of a snowfight
Banished to Chicago X3
banished to a movie scene in holywood
Been to Hollywood many times, its OK nothing special for me, never to a movie there
Banished to the middle of a cornfield somewhere in Nebraska X3 XD XD
banished to the woods of chernobyl (dont stay ther to long ;) )
Banished to a remote area in Siberia, Russia
banished outside of this world
Banished to the Phoenix Islands
banished back into this world
banished to a minecraft world
banished to terraria
banished to G-mod
banished to portal
banished to gta
Banished to Nauru
banished outside games
banished to an inside joke
banished inside joke
Banish to alligator river
banished inside aligotor
Banished to a machine that makes furs into dinosaurs
banished to a place i dont know
banished to an airship
Banished to an active topic
(tew slowz right now)
banished to this area
( this topic is pretty active :3 just not all day )
(its why I saidz "right now")
Rawrz, banned banished to a school on learning how to "Rawr" XD XD
banished to lion pride to learn from them
banished to cozy Liepz fur
banished to a fur spa :P
awww adorables
banished to pizza place
banished to fur sauna
banished to the fancy water park
banished to berry farm
banished to visit the wolf lair
banished to the jungle of jumanji
banished to a swiming pool
Banished to a giant jello blob
banished to the deep sea
banished to a river to go boating
banished to a lake to go fishing
banished to mega bouncy house
banished to my lap so i can pet you
banished to the observation deck of the Willis Tower in Chicago
banished to oogie's liar (http://the-nightmare-before-christmas.wikia.com/wiki/Oogie%27s_Lair)
that be fun, I shouldn't have any trouble at all
good thing I'm very strong against ghosts!
Banished to a warm shower
nuuu, i like cold showers
banished to halloween town
banished to a comfy bed
Banished to Liepard's fur as cozy blanket
and Liep's tail as a cozy pillow
banished to some random island with luke skywalker on it
company will be fun, someone to play with
Banished to Tokyo Tower
banished to the statue of liberty
never been there, that would be fun
Banished to Arches National Park
banished to a cheese pool
Banished to Taco restaurant
banished to resting quarters
Banished to some random small town in central Arkansas XD
Banished to chocolate swimming pool
Banished to Cuzco in Peru
banished to a silly dream
Banished to Baskin Robbins
banished to ice skate ring
Banished to Central American rainforest
banished to bed store
banished to IKEA
banished to opposite world XP now ya is smaller, hehe
banished to the shadow realm
banished to a time machine
banished to 1 sec in the future
Banished to Rome, Italy
(wonders how it is over there) D:
(they will miss out on world cup as well)
banished to a place no-one knows
Banished to a den with no rocking chairs X3
banished to a float sofa
banished to a puzzle room
Banished to spar with a bigger fox for fun
banished to a spa with smaller fox
Banished to a dineyland ride
banished to jail
Banished to dinosaur islannd
banished to mushroom kingdom
Banished to a reptile petting zoo :P
banished to the inside of my head
banished to a tree
Banished to the wise owl
banished to chrisopher robbinsons
banished to a place where there's lots of people
NOPE, ive got autism
banished to america
banished to buffet forest
banished to the netherlands
banished to Conch Republic XD
banished to poland
Banished to a train station
banished to the past
Banished to hangout with a raptor
Banished you to Mt. Rainier, so I can see a Vee running around it from mah home's window
on clear days I can see Mt. Rainier
Banished to a river for some rafting ^_^
eee nuuu! tew wet, and what if there are fishys there!!
Banished you to mah cozy bed, and will stick all the Vee plushies around
Banished to bakery
banished to meat store
banished to a farm
Banished to an Iowa farm
Banished to a dance floor
banished to wonderland
banished to a hyena's territory
banished to elephant graveyard
Banished to a Hawaii volcano
banished to pride rock
banished to everything the light touches
Banished under the sea
banished to neverland
banished to winter town
banished to halloween town
banished to moon base
Banished to Azalea Town
banished to clock tower town
Eeeepz, nuu go
Banished outside of Lavender town
banished to a poker table
banished to a cat club
banished to christmas town
banished to sky zone
Banished to the bakery
banished tp the pub
Panished to a submarine
banished to a earoplane
banished to fish market
banished to garbage bin
banished into a lion’s mane
like this?
banished to trousers
Banished to Bubbie’s mouth from flapjack XP
banished to flavour
banished to cheetah arena
banished to candy floss
banished to buffalo herd
Banished to a caramel sauce bottle for your ice cream
now nuu throwing it on me
banished to shrink world XD
Banished to the middle of the Golden Gate bridge X3
banished to English Channel
eeeEEEE nuuu! it's water, nuu fun with water
at least your in a safe iconic bridge
Banished to Disneyland in California XD
Banished to a slow world
Banished to Crater Lake in Oregon
Banished to petting zoo
banished to [insert british word]
banished inside a race car
Banished to cat city
That’s where I should go
Banished to Fox Island
Banished to Delfino Plaza
That be fun
Banished to Umbree”s fur
banished to hyrule
Banished to the great tree
Banished to warm fur
banished to a dance club
Banished to a field of gold
Banished to remedial class
Banished next to Cooper
(Fox and the Hound)
Banished to a water park
Thanks yew
Banished to pastries
Banished to a fancy restaurant
Banished to FireHouse Subs
Banished to a super large bouncy castle
Banish you with me
banished to a warn bed
Banished to water bed
banished to a giant cheese wheel
Banished to a thorn bush D: maybe not, banished to cozy pillow instead
banished togetter with ?
Banish you with is
banished to intertoys
Banished to a metal concert X3
baanished to a country concert
Banished to bear dem
Banished to bagpipe orchestra
Banished to a plane to go around world
Banish you with me
Banished to a purrloin party
Banished to a Vee party
banished to giant slide
Banished to cereal bowl
Banished to fur cut store X3
banished to above a small lake, so when you arrives, falls into it >:3
banished to a fish petting zoo
Banished to tickling den
Banished to a tail armour shop
Banished to Greek restaurant
Banished to a potato farm
Banned to Glacey's den X3
Banished to the banning thread XD
Banished to the top of !'s apple tree
Banished to a kitty salon XP
Free fur cut
Banished to warm fur
Banished to hard cheese board
Banished to less distracting tail wag den X3
banished to a friend pit XP
All busy right now
Banished to fun den
Banned to a cheese burger shop :P yummy
It will be good
Banished to milkshake store
Banished to a cookie stand
banished to store front
banished to a forest in the fall
looks so nice
banished to sumer school
Banished to a bakery
banished to my house so we can play switch
banished inside a Mario odyssey world to explore
Banished to battle den so you can rest cozy
still dont have odyssey
baanished to.... wait i gotto shower bye bye
banished to a hot tub
banished to mario kart world
banished to an inverted pyramid in the cold desert
banished to space
banished to a snake farm
Banished to Vappy’s back while swimming across lake
Banished to a dance floor
Banished to cruise ship buffet
Banished to ride a speed boat
Banished to another speed boat
We can has a race now
Banished to a jet ski will probably be hard to use XP
yep, but looks fun
Banished to Cony Island X3
Banished the super fancy hotel
maybe a good massage there will be nice, or a warm sauna
Banish you to same hotel as me
baniushed to worst hotel ever, doesnt even have a swimming pool
banished to your favorite video game
banished to a fishing lake
Banish you next to me, fishy pure in front paws
Banished to visit a floating fishing pond
Banished to my back fur
Banished to fish all the fish :P
Where is the lure and fishing pools?
Let’s use ya paws?
Banished to a fun beach
Banished to a basket to sit in XP
awww, cyoot
Banished to be the basket holder
Banished to a floating chair X3
Banished to a small yacht on middle of lake
Banished to cake boat
banished you with me
it's cake, so yummy noms
Banished to a tea factory
Banished to London for English tea XD
Banished to a grill to make your own tasty fishy meals :P
that works out
banished to Glasgow, Scotland for some reason
Banished to a place of cheese XD
Banished to a cruise ship buffet, lots of noms
Banished to a cheese dip pot
banished to a cyoot view at night for good night rest
Banished to a huge tree house
banished to underground lair
banished to the teenage mutant ninja turtles
Banished to Marvel land
banished to DDC comics
Banished to Ontario
Never Light, hates dc comics
Banished to Nunavut
Banished to a bus ride
Banished to water park
Banished to a dance party
Banished to a big g pumpkin
banished to a cheese house
banished to ham
Banished to coincidence land :o because I just had you order ham in order thread XD
banished to illumanti
Banished to horse stable
banished to animal crossing
Banished to a pizza party
banished to my lap
Banished to a cozy bed while I’m on lap
banished to an other part of my lap so i can pet you
Banished to Liechtenstein
Banished to a music studio
Banished to Liechtenstein
banished to school, they awnser you questions there
Banished to Bavaria
thats a beer brand, im too young for beer
banished to the beasts castle
banished to a cobra shrine
Bavaria is a region in Germany as well
Banished to full stadium
banished to cristmas town
Banished to Leavenworth
it was only funny with liechtenstien as its almost lightstone so......
banished to humourland
Yep similar
Banished across the street
banished to the stores at bblack friday
Banished to a better place, a better time.
banished away from the camara
Banished to flight school
bannished to unlimited pumpkin pie
Banished to apple pie
banished to the past
Banished to the moon
banished to the sun :o
banished inside an eel tank
banished to shark tank
banished to visit the whale tank
banished to the aqaurium
Banished to a secret lair
banished to the basement
banished to roof
Banished to the corner >:3
banished to curly fry maker
looks like you want curly fries
banished to onion ring batter XD
bannished to breakfast land
Banished to dinner world
banished to your bed
banished to a dream cloud
banished to my lap so i can pet you
banished to a place where any thing they want appears for being so nice. ^_^
like roses room?
banished to hyrule
banished to the great tree
now im gonna geek out, hes called the DEKU TREE
banished to zoras domain
Banished to dire dire docks
( yea, I know that xP but I wasn't even referring to them )
banished to a land where pizza grows on trees
Banished to yoshi island
Banished to a coral reef
banished to a pizza shop
banished to Umbreon's back fur
banished to Sylveon den
thank you, cozy night
banished next to !'s bed
banished to my lap so i can pet you
banished to a game show
thanks Light, great place
Banished to lemonade stand <3
banished to giant taco ^_^
Banished in front of Jyo's grooming tongue
>:3 >:3 X3 XD
Banished to Vappy's bath
banished to my den
banished to a hay bale
banished to the rooftops of london
banished to a hawks nest
banished to a place
Banished to a dream world
Banished to the Day Care Center X3 XD XD
Banished to a tail groomer
that be fun
Banished to Game Stop
Banished to a mushroom forest
Banished to Sylvee's ribbons
Banished to a cake house
Banished to a bouncy house XD
banished to a moon zone
Banished to Icy Rock with nuu blanket
Banished to a dance room
banished to kokoriko village
banished to a cheetah territory
banished to hyrule castle
Banished to Outset Island
banished to kokiri forest
banished to see Shere Khan
banished to balloo
banished to a boat on a lake
banished to a tower
Banished to explore a cave system
bannished to a cottage that belongs to dwarves
Banished to a city under the sea
banished to a chinees fight camp
Banished to a chicken pen
Banished North
Banished to East
Yaay, never been on Rast Coast
Banished to Mohave desert
Banished to a balloon world
banished to school
banished to pool
Banished to the backyard
banished to front yard
banished to spooky basement D:
Banished to sky
eee nuuu
banished to a warm fur
Banished to glaceon den :3
banished to swamp
banished to pine tree forest
banished to my lap so i can pet you
Banished to a sauna so you can be cozy
i dont like saunas
banished to candy mountain
Banished to bumper car arena
Glacey fun
Banished to sand castle
banished to snow fort, dont melt it :P
You know it
Banished to water park
Banished to a volcano, that's kinda like your water park X3
banished to an earthquake
Banished to a pirate ship
banished to the moon
banished to Venus
banished to Mars
wait if i banish you to Mars and i'm a guy, and you banish me to Venus does that mean you're a girl
banished to Andromeda : P
banished to jail
Banished to the Asteroid belt
banished to swimming pool
banished to the bakery
banished to Helsinki
banished to me in the shower
not at all, Banished to Brussels, Belgium insted
banished to Kiev (now you need to guess the country)
( Kiev is in the Ukraine : P use to look into the 2014 revolution there as it was rather interesting to research )
Banished to a mountain to go skiing
banished to Herzogenrath (see if you know this)
Baanished to some other place in Germany
banished to school
banished to camp
banished to school camp
banished to hunter school
Banished to that one place in that one country
Banished to a flea-free country X3 XD XD
Banished to bird territory
Banished to the moon
Banished to space station
Banished you next to me in the same space ship
Banished to spa for fire types
banished to hot tub <3
banished to water
Good swim for me then
Banished to sky resorting
banished to a vulcano
Banished to a museum
banished to the louvre, did you know that under the age of 18 you can enter the Louvre, arc de trioph and more for FREE
Banished to a video game
Banished to cupcake
banished to cup, not the cake
banished to a factory
banished to fact, no ory
banished to deep sea submarine
banished to marine
Banished to riding a shark
Banished to abandoned MMOs
Banished into a random mobile game, just gotta watch this ad to find ya
banished to candy crush
Banished to the middle of Nowhere
banished to oasis
Banished next to Courage, the cowardly dog X3
banished to dog island
Banished to the North Pole.... actually! as far as Alaska
(its near Anchorage, AK)
Banished to a flying boat
banished to a submarine underwater
banished to a plane
banished to seat next to mine, window seat too
banished to the emoji movie
banished to snow land
banished to africa
Banished to a fort
Banished to school on sunday
banished to a floating tree house
Banished to somewhere in Yukon in Canada X3
Banished to [Information available to authorized personnel only.]
Banished to North Dakota for fun
banished to the northpole
banished to a boat at sea
banished to my den
banished to a buffet
bannished to a shelter
Banished to the lab
banished to my lap so i can pet you
Banished to cozy chair
Banished to top of Eiffel Tower
Banished to airport
will soon (McCarran International Airport, in Vegas)
Banished to the California wildfires
banished to hotel
Banished to central Arkansas for no reason XD
Banished under a Christmas tree
that be fun
banished to mah Christmas present
banished to a feast
Banished you next to me
same feast
Banished to fire type club
Banished to Eeveelution party
banished under tree
oh Firox is a present now
banished to my house so we can play odyssey
banished inside the game to explore the worlds
banished to my favorite odyssey world
it's mushroom kingdom because it's based on super mario 64 , here you can buy a SM64 outfit and go to the old SM64 garden with an exect replica even the sing saying L is real 2401 is a power moon, and power moons are replaced by super stars and if you get one it's the sound of getting a power moon in SM64
Banished to the middle of Poland
banished to tower
Banished to a farm in Ohio
Banished inside an Ikea :P
banished to Stapels
banished to the lion's den
banished to birds nest
banished to a water slide
banished to my lap
banished to a fancy ice cream shop
banished to storybroke
banished to a floating pirate ship
banished to rainbow road
banished to peaches castle
banished to tik tok clock
Banished to bridge
banished to bo-omb battlefield
banished to dance party
banished to dire dire docks
Banished to cool cool mountain
(aw i wanted to use that next :( )
banished to whops fortress
Banished to some where fun never ends
Banished to Albie's home
it would love it
Banished to fancy mansion :3
Banished to water type gym
Banished to a fancy restaurant
banished to tiny huge island
banished under the map
banished to jolly roger bay
banished to the eel
banished to sheveria
banished to yoshi island
Banished to a farm somewhere in central Nebraska
Banished to den
Banished to Liberty Island
On the Statue’s torch
banished to lake
Banished to a fast moving roller coaster
Banished to tea cups
banished to scariest ride of all D:
banished to a troller coaster
banished to garden
banished inside
banished to robot factory
banished to new donk city
banished to space
Banished to a sauna
banished to a skiing hill
Banished to the black licorice woods.
yummy black licorice ill join ya
banished to my house
Banished to a super fancy den
banished to jolly roger bay
Banished to forbidden zone
banished to dire dire docks
banished to rainbow ride
banished to tick tock clock
Banished to lethal lava land
Banished to Paradise, Nevada
Banished to lucario land
banished to sand kingdom
banished to cloud kingdom
banished to cascade kingdom
Banished to Hard Rock Hotel
Banished to dance city
Banished to shark reef at Mandalay Bay
Banished to a kitty forest
banished to dreamland
banished to cook out
Banished to tickling den
banished to cook out
banished to deja vu
banished to sky world
Banished to Mt Rushmore
banished to mushroom kingdom
Banished to FireHouse Subs, take me there too :P
banished to mt. volbono
Banished to a windmill
Banished to a cheese factory
banished to the Netherlands, where you can find windmills and cheese factories plenty
Banished to virtual world
Banished out of video games, banished to Hershey, PA
Banished to a river ride
banished to school
Banished to a summer camp
Banished to a card shop
Banished to a ice cream bowl
XD you needs a giant bowl for that
Banished to my back fur
banished inside my pokeball, cool i caught a Janis
if it was that easy, can't catch one that belongs to others
--I has a Luxury ball--
Banished to the top of the Stratosphere!!
banished to the top of the empire state building
would love to see it one day, I live opposite coast from NYC
Banished to somewhere in the middle of Poland
banished to Simpelveld
that be fun
banished to my grandma's hometown, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico
banished to marneé-la-vale
that would be fun
Banished to Laughlin, Nevada
(thats where I'm going to visit in my vacation)
banished te Erperheide
Banished to cheese factory
Banished to "The Big Shot" ride at the top of Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas
(middle photo)
Banished to a flying city
Banished to "The Big Shot" ride at the top of Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas
(middle photo)
i want in
? is banished to the Efteling
Banished to middle of the Indian Ocean XD
banished to the bottem of the sea
banished to Damascus
hope you will be alright there
Banished to giant clock
Banished to Vietnam, remember to bring me back a souvenir X3
Banished to Ireland
Banished to fluffy bed
Banished to a floating island
Banished to Crater Lake in Oregon
banished to a salt pool
banished to magic forest
Banished somewhere fun
banished to a bouncy castle
Banished you next to me
Banished to a floating fun town
Banish to a water theme park
Banished to a kitchen for food :)
Banished to the bathtub, warm water for you
Banished to a dancing city
Banished to your video games, I'll waits in Flarey's warm fu
banished to a spa to clean up fur ^_^
thanks you, her name is Flower
Banished to kitchen so you get refreshments
banished to lemonade stand
Yaay, how many for ?
Banished to a farm
banished to route 601
That will be fun
Where does it go?
Banished to Nunavut in Canada
idk isn't that a route in pokémon?
banished to Kentucky
Will have to double check, can’t remember
Banished to London Eye
banished to texas
Which part? I never been there
Banished to chemistry class
banished to a beach to play in sand
That be fun
Banished to a stadium
banished to cozy grass
Banished to scariest haunted house
banished to kitty city
hope it will be fun
banished to a "El Pollo Loco" restaurant
(it means "The Crazy Chicken" I haven't been to one since leaving California in 1996 there are none in Washington, Oregon, or Idaho, there are lots in Vegas so in my vacation will definitely have to go on my vacation)
banished to fun park
Banished to the Heart Attack Grill (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw2eAf8EnlQ) X3
banished to a petting zoo
banished to a orchard
Banished to ultra space
Banished to pokemon center
Banished to Berry Field
Banished to a grooming brush
that be good
Banished to do the grooming <3 XD
banished to puppy bed
<3 thanks, so warm <3
Banished to Flower's warm fur
banished to cozy bed
we will
banished next to me
banished to fun mirror house
banished to roller coaster
banished to water slide
Banished to a greenhouse
Banished to visit random city
banished to Normandie at D-Day
that be fun ?
can't wait!
Banished to a Kansas farm
banished to old macdonalds farm
Banished to Wendy’s
banished to an other popular kids song
Banished to Laos
Banished to mushroom kingdom
banished to metro kingdom
Banished to Netherlands
banished to an airship
Banished to a nightmar.... nevermind...
Banished to land of happy ice cream
banished to dance floor
Banished to Netherlands
can you banish me to a place im not already and follow the rules
banished to the united states
banished to the United Kingdom
Light can be banished to a part of Netherlands you don’t live in, silly
? banished to a farm in Wales
Banished to huge blanket
Banished to a warm basket
Banished to a muffin box
Thanks you
Banished to FireHouse Subs, take me there too
banished to bed
*jumps in bed covers*
Banished to a fancy restaurant
banished to snack land
banished to a sky fort
Banished to a hotel room
Banished to rowboat
banished to a cruise ship
banished to fun island
yaay, fun is fun
Banished to small town somewhere in Ohio
(ohio makes me think of the heathers (musical and movie))
banished to yarn land
I would never leave!
Banished to Oahu in Hawaii
Banished to a big slide
Banished to near a cactus tree
banished to a ice ring
banished to Muscat in Oman
Banished to Wintersville Ohio so we can be friends XD
banished to domics youtube channel
That be fun Dominic
Banished to base of MtEverest
Banished to the highest mountain in the Netherlands... oh wait
Banished to airport
Banished to a cruise ship
banished to mushroom kingdom
banished to a boat
Love nomming mushrooms
Banished to seafood all you can eat buffet
Banished to cat tree
Come with me
Banished to hammock
banished to race track
banished to a different type of race track, rainbowroad SNES edition (AKA worst edition)
Banished to the meat aisle of the store
Banished to dance floor
banished to the home you'll live in after 30 days
Banished to a fancy park
“will do the kitty cat dance” *giggles*
Banished to Karaoke
banished to comic con
banished to a restaurant in Belgium
banished to a spinning ride
Banished to merry-go-round
banished to the tornado in 6 flags
Banished to arch
Banished to the "Valley of Fire (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsJzJG9eRTo)" XD
banished to ice cream factory
takes you with me
Banished to beautiful Shoshone Falls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCC9pg_A2vM) in Idaho
banished to het vossepark (https://cdn.binqmedia.nl/Streetview/hulpdiensten/2013/6/22/379723.jpg)
Banished to the stars
banished to the moon
banished to the vet >:3
banished to the PC
Banished to dance city
Banished to an Eevee song
Banished to relax with Delphox
thanks you, that will be such cozy fur
Banished to an Eevee basket
banished to school >:3
Banished to flying island
banished to an underwater city
banished to submarine
Banished outdoors
banished to a kids room
banished to ski hill
Banished to the time out corner
*giggles with a short grin*
Banished to a leafy bush
Banished to ice cream shop
banished to peong chang (did I spell that correctly?)
the city where the winter olympics are held in Korea Republic? - close spelling, its Pyeongchang
would love to go there one day
Banished to Tarawa :3
don't forget to send me a postcard!!
(capital of Kiribati)
i missed just one letter D:
banished to sochi
Banished to Beijing
good luck with all the smog there
banished to London (just naming cities were the games were/are)
that would be a fun city to visit, never been there
Banished to Seattle, then Jyo can show you all around <3
banished to Rio
banished to Pride Rock, somewhere in Africa X3
banished to my homecity
that be fun, then the fox can show me all around
Banished to Detroit
banished to the woods
Banished to Grand Canyon
banished to down town
Banished to petting zoo <3
banished to an actual zoo
banished to coffee house
banished next to my cat
banished to a spaceship
banished to Elon Musks car
Banished to the future
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Banished next to my own iPhone
Banished to pokeworld
Banished to space
Banished to Star Wars world XD
banished to hyrule
Banished to Taco Bell
banished to subway
Banished to a Greek restaurant
banished to Chinese restaurant
I prefer Szechuan or Cantonese instead of the Chinese-style
Banished to a movie theatre to watch "Black Panther"
banished to my uncle who works for nintendo XD
that sounds fun
Banished to Walmart
banished to school
haven't been to one since graduating in 2004
Banished to the other side of the world
for you be the lower Pacific Ocean
banished to Austria
Banished to Victoria Falls
Banished into the 5th dimension
Banished to New Hampshire
banished to my castle
Banished across the street
banished into pillow fort
banished to the rainbow road
Banished to most funnest place
banished to a warm shower
Banished you to a lake
Banished to Seattle
Yaay, I’m already home
(I lives in the city)
Banished to Boston
*Suffers to no end in that godforsaken place*
Banished to SPOKANE.
Haven’t been there yet
Banished to Montpelier
I still haven't been there, want to go badly. Burlington has more action though.
Banned to Sugarloaf Resort.
Sounds fun, haven’t been there
Banished to Shoshone Falls in Idaho
Banned to Cheyenne, Wyoming.
That looks fun
Banished to Arches National Park, in Utah
Utah, well, at least it's not Nevada lol.
Banished to Bozeman, Montana.
banished to Hawaii
*Burns to death*
Banished to New Jersey.
banished to time zone
Banished to the international date line
Banished to the Mason Dixon Line
Banished to the Valley of Fire in Nevada
Banished to the trainman's lobby in the 2nd Matrix movie.
(had to look it up, never seen it before)
Banished to Tokyo Tower
Banished to the underground tunnels in Bangor, Maine.
banished to 'het rijksmuseum'
sounds interesting Kevin, would love to check it out one day
Banish Lightstone to the nearest windmill in Netherlands
Banished to the cut content of the golf course in Sun and Moon.
banished to a ice cave
Banished to an ant farm.
Banished to Hollywood
banished to sky fortress
Banished alongside ! to an apple orchard
I'm guessing that ! would never want to leav
banished to the empire state building
Banished to the Faroe Islands
Banished to a giant slide
*Slides down*
Banished to the Banish the user above thread.
Banished to the top of the Gateway Arch
Banished to the Golden Gate Bridge.
that be fun, only seen by air
Banished to the first Starbucks
(its located next to Pike Place Market in Seattle)
banished to cat house
I’ll take you with me
Banished to Fox Island
I've been to the original Starbucks in Seattle because my sister lives in Fife :P
Banished to (one of the several) Dunkin Donuts in Boston.
banished to the only dunkin donuts in the netherlands
Banished to Holland... in OHIO!
Banished to Vancouver BC in Canada
banned to elons ship
Banished to cat island in Japan
Banished to the island of meowth.
banished to Harlem in the NETHERLANDS
Banished to Mexico, Maine.
banished to Hyrule
Banished to Foxtopia.
Banished to the top of the Eiffel Tower...
the one in Vegas not Paris XP
Banished to Derry, Maine.
sounds fun
Banished to Crater Lake in Oregon
Banished to Cherry Lake, California.
Banished to a simulation
Banished to the S.S. Anne, after it takes off from port.
Banished to the moon and beyond
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
banished to a huge boat
Banished to the bottom of the Mariana Trench D:
Banished to the dimension where multi-dimensional pokemon can only survive.
Banished to the Underwater Waterfalls in Mauritius
Banished to the top of Mt. Moon.
Banished to Richat Structure, also called the "Eye of Sahara" in Mauritania
Banished to the ice puzzle in the Ice Caves where Articuno sleeps. A true hell, where only the most patient can survive.
yep, I know that part
Banished to Hollywood Hills
Banished to that part between the car seats, where you just can't reach that last quarter you need.
Banished to an art studio
Banished to the inside of the of a PS4 controller.
banished to antartica
Banished to a bus
Banished to a magic school bus.
Banished to a tree
Banished to a berry bush.
Banished to a farm somewhere in central Wyoming
Banished to a waffle house
Banished to the top of a fancy cheesecake
Banished to underneath the cabinet, where the forgotten mouse toylies.
Off to vermont you go
Banished to Brussels.
Good, I'm glad.
How about a single trip to the hood of detroit?
Banished to a Dutch windmill
banished to canadian waterfall
That would be fun
Banished to to a lake
Banished to a poke center
Banished to an airplane, where’s ya headed?
Banished to helicopter
Let’s fly over Mt Vee
Banished to Mt. Vee
Banished to Half Moon Bay
Banished to Other Half Moon Bay
Banished to a green lake
Banished to Mewtwo's garden.
Banished to YouTube
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Banished to Dailymotion.
Banished to coffee shop
To Tacoma you go
(was there last week)
Banished to Luxembourg
Gross Luxembourg?
Fek ja
Off to Vancouver
(Vancouver is good, city before entering Portland, good looking too)
Banished to Stonehenge in England
Banned to Lier, Belgium
Banished to Boeing's headquarters.
Enjoy VDL Roeselare
*Invests externally*
You get a free one way ticket to Heaven.
Banished to a floating island
Banished to the bakery
lots of treats for you
banished to work
(15 hrs early for me)
Banished to your favorite desk for video gaming
(I’ll nap in lap)
Banished to
X = [random]
Y = [random]
Z = [random]
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Banished to yarn aisle of Walmart
banished to the cheese section
you will struggle to get me out of the blue cheese section
best do all your shopping first
Banished to the video game section
Banished to the beginning of a sentence.
Banished to the end of the line
Benished to Tron's world.
never heard of it
Banished to the San Andreas fault
banished to fishing pond
Banished to New Madrid fault line
Banished to a big bed
Banished to the warm couch
banished to my lap
Banished to Sealand.
Banished to Sphinx in Egypt
Banished to the top of a floating tail
(as long as its not too far off the ground, I'm fine, scared of high heights) :(
Banished to a taco stand
(So am I)
Banished to a pizza universe.
(I would never lead it)
Banished to the top of the CN Tower in Toronto
Banished to the inside of an undiscovered cave.
time to explore, I'll just bring Firox so it can light the cave
banished to Snqualmie Falls
Banished to the realm of endless petting
no more exercise, for ever
Banished to dessert bakery
Banished to an ice cream factory.
banished to choclate factory
Aniseed to a vegetable garden
Banished to a particularly peaceful patch of Flora.
Banished to a virtual world
Banished to real world
banished to the bread realm
bread is tasty
Banished to Hershey theme park inHershey, Pennsylvania
Banished to Heresy in a concentrated form!
Banished to Portland X3
banished to scotland
that would be fun, never been close
Banished to New Orleans, LA
Banished to the back of the cupboard where there are cups with dust on them. The horror.
it is, the abandon poor cup, will keep it company so it's not lonely anymore
Banished to Barbados
take me with you
*Takes with*
Banished to the swimming pool at the Barbados hotel.
Banished to elevator o.O
Banished to the refrigerator :o
Banished to the couch in the hotel lobby XD
banished to worlds coziest spot
Banished to the backseat of the station wagon XD
Banished to first class seating in an airplane
banished to school
Banished to the last cell in the hidden dungeon.
Banished to bouncy castle
Banished to a tasty cake
Banished to a unexplored part of the universe
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Banished to the planet made of yarn <3
Banished to a floating car XP
banished to fire stone land XD
*now time to chase and try to borrow the everstone*
Banished to the mystery dungeon.
banished to candyland
Banished to river boat
Banished to a Finnish sauna
Banished to a swedish dinner.
Banished to a space adventure
Banished to the show "Adventure Time" :)
never had a good Finnish meal!!
banished to the top of a ferris wheel
Banished to trampoline
Yaay *bounces*
Banished to a rabbit’s fur
Banished to the inside of a barn.
Banished to never ending lemonade
Banished to the bottom of a glass of orange juice.
Banished to the giant lime
Banished to giant peach
Banished to giant toad
Banished to Disneyland
Banished to the Seventh Circle of Heck
Banished to Knotscary Farm.
Banished to Hershey Theme Park
Banished to the top of the tartar sauce container.
Just need the crab cakes or onion rings
Banished to Guadalajara
tasty food there
Tasty food shall be mine!
Banished to the corner of a couch cushion, hiding amongst the loose change.
banished to a swimming pool
Banished to a beach in the Caribbean
Banished to the top of a tail.
That’s fu , who’s tail is it?
Banished to my comfy blanket
banished to cheese world
Banished to a non-busy world where fun never ends <3
(wish that place existed)
Me too
Banished to the tiniest island in the Caribbean!
Banished to a virtual world
WWG that would be fun, nice relaxing vacation spot, wonder where it is, probably Terre-de-Haut (part of the French territory of Guadeloupe)
Banished to petting zoo
banished to moss rock
Banished to a German castle
Banished to the top of Mount Everest! (With a sufficient supply of oxygen and a cozy cottage)
that be fun, top of the world!!
banished to the bottom of the Mariana Trench
in a good submersible and plenty of food
Banished to a party van, with 10 eevees and every game ever made.
Banished to be sent away to the planet Pangea (Nothing survives there, toxic atmosphere, volcanic activity and all that. Might as well be Venus).
Yeah, it's cruel. But look at it from the bright side: you won't ever catch a cold there!
Banished to a coca-cola factory!
Banished to backseat of a fancy limo
Banished to the top of a ski resort with a lovely parka and snow booties.
:3 sounds nice
Banished to Kiritimati Island in Kiribati
tat way you is farther ahead than all members on TFF
(+14 time zone - similar longtitude to Hawaii, but a whole calendar day ahead, Hawaii is at -11)
Kiritimati is pronounced "kirismas" - 'ti' in Gilbertese makes an "s" sound in their language
You are banished to the best dream you ever had!
Banished to warm bed
banished to... Oh, who cares. Any deserted island will do.
Banished to a snowy land
Banished to creative studio
That’s fu , who’s tail is it?
Banished to my comfy blanket
I banish ye to the botanical garden.
that be fun
Banished to an apple orchard
I banish ye to the eternal pit of plastic balls.
Banished to to behind deli counter, nothing in the way of taking food, other than an employee if they see you
You're banished to the ghost race track, where you have to race your own shadow for all eternity.
Banished onto a giant kite
banished to the dimension of infinite science.
Banished to tiny island, where ? Is the tallest fur
Banished to tiny island, where ? Is the tallest fur
I banish ye to the training Dojo.
banished to the Matrix.
Banished to Tomorrowland
Banished to Never Never Land.
Banished to the asteroid belt, in a space ship that is
Banished to cake mountain
Banished to Glacey’s side
(help protect from Firox)
Banished to a cave littered with rare candies.
Banished to a floating city
Banished to a world in which everything is pink.
That be fun, take me there too
Banished to albino land
*Blinks* all of these animals have fur like mine!
Banished to the German folklore story "Faust".
(haven't heard of it but must be fun)
Banished to Neko-jinja (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tashirojima#Cat_shrine), Japan's Cat Island
*Plays with the cats*
Banished to the land of unlimited dogs.
Banished to dessert island
Very delicious.
Banned to a silent watch tower, to look over the land.
Banished to dinosaur island
Banished to the depths of an atom, to look for alien planets.
Banished on top of a giant waterslide
Banished to the surface of a tar pit :o
Banished to a chicken coop
Banished to the sewer beneath Bangor, Maine!
Banished to USA/Canada border
Banished to the exoplanet J473X-C.
Banished next to Kimba
Banished to a parallel universe where everything is the same except plants don't exist.
Banished to a petting zoo
Banished to Fox Village (https://www.boredpanda.com/zao-fox-village-japan/) in Japan
Banished to the land of deer gods.
banished to your local supermarket
Banished to the trunk of a sedan.
banished to equestria
Banished to the Sun.
Banished to moon
Banished to ultra space
Banished to absolute nothingness.
Banished to golden yellow fur dye factory
Banished to the realm of Psychic-types.
Banished to ice sculpture world
Banished to kitten bed
Banished to dance club
Banished to fruit aisle of grocery store
Banished to a rabbit tunnel
banished to a inconceivable location.
banished to a butcher shop
all meat to eat
Banished to this (https://www.thefurryforum.com/forums/index.php?topic=39030.msg2188919#msg2188919) topic
Banished to central park
Banished to the beginning of a Michael Bay trailer!
Banished to the Frozen Empire.
Hope you like the cold, 'cause the temperature isn't coming above zero all year.
I like being as cold as physically possible lol.
Banished to the inside of an emu egg.
That be fun
Banished to Liberty Island
Banished into a singularity.
Oh nooooooo
Banished into a poorly financed horror movie.
I would watch it
Banished to the middle of the forest
Oh man, I'm in Maine again!
Banished to Bar Harbor, Maine!
Banished to the top of a tree
Banished to a cattree
Banished to the very first banishment of this thread!
Banished to trampoline
Banished to a big park
Banished to a big park
banished to the plain of no-names!
Banished to the land of alternate talking applications!
Banished to the top of Mt. Rainier X3
then on clear days I can see you from my front porch
Banished to the beginning of your last banishment, now you can be stuck with "Banished"!
Banished underground XD
Banished to the underground area BELOW the underground area! NOW WHAT
Banished next to me
Banished into a prison cell swarming with mosquitoes.
Banished to the savannas of Africa
Banished to the highest floor of the Empire State Building.
Banished onto a helicopter
Banished on the Dawn Treader
Banished to space station
Banished to a vacation home on a space station!
Banished to dance club
Banished to the backseat of a minivan, the THIRD ROW.
banished to a mini cooper XD
Banished into a world where everything is made of Lego.
Banished to the bargin bin of a Megablocks sale.
Banished to the beginning of the universe.
You'll be sooo disappointed to see it was creation all along...
You've been banished to the opposite end of Earth!
Banished to live on an ark with 6 other Wolgons, also, 7 tapeworms, Head-lice, siberian tigers, asian tigers, Bengal tigers, honey bees, bumble bees, African bees, Giraffes, Trap-door spiders, carpenter ants, Island foxes, Dawin's foxes, bullet ants, pharaoh ants, army ants, yellow crazy ants, black crazy ants, blue whales (wait, do we even need to keep these aboard the Ark?), Grey wolves, Wait, did we forget the White Rhino's... damn, I think we are out of room, could we throw out the unicorns to fit in the dinosaur species? nobody will miss those. Anyone seen the Black slug specim~ oh my god YOU STEPPED ON IT! Now we need to take a trip back home to get the spares. Where are the bacteria samples? remember, only 2 or 7 of each one! Aardvarks, Addax, Adelie Penguin, Ground Beetle, African Elephant, African Forest Elephant, (Don't forget to add the waste disposal system, the amount of dung produced will be enough to kill drown an elephant!), African Penguin, African Spurred Tortoise, African Wild Dog, Allen’s Swamp Monkeys, Alligator, Hobo Spider, Alpine Ibex, American Oystercatcher Bird, Anaconda Snake, Arctic Wolf, Australian Pelican (nesting locations only, they can live in the sky for all I care), Badger, Black House Spider, wolverine (not the X-man), Black Widow Spider(Careful with these ones), Brandling Worms, Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster(SOOOO CUTE!), Capybaras (bring extra, we can eat them on sundays!), Chinchillas, Galapagos Land Iguanas, Gemsboks, Wildebeests, Stoats, Red Pandas, Hippopotamuses, . Why are you reading this, its too small? you really are determined if your reading this deeply... Oh god, why is all the other text so big ; _ ; ,.,.,.,.,... .,., .,.,... .,.,.,. ...,.,,. .,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,... .,., .,.,... .,.,.,. ...,.,,. .,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,... .,., .,.,... .,.,.,. ...,.,,. .,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,... .,., .,.,... .,.,.,. ...,.,,. .,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,... .,., .,.,... .,.,.,. ...,.,,. .,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,... .,., .,.,... .,.,.,. ...,.,,. .,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,... .,., .,.,... .,.,.,. ...,.,,. .,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,... .,., .,.,... .,.,.,. ...,.,,. .,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,... .,., .,.,... .,.,.,. ...,.,,. .,,.,.,
Banished to the inside of a car door.
Banished to the inside of a beeping computer.
Banished to the inside of a electron.
Banished to the top of an isotope.
Banished to the antarctic.
banished to giant ant farm
Banished to a random YouTube video.
Banished to an embedded youtube video, the one with the glitched html.
Banished to a fun drawing
Banished to a fun tunnel system for you
Banished to a funnel cake at a carnival
Banished to Akzhaban to spend your days with Sirius Black!
hopefully fun, I haven't heard of it before
Banished back to the mid 80's
Now I can play all kinds of amazing must during the time it was popular.
Banished to a pool table.
that be fun, hope the opponents are fun
banished to a barbecue cook out
Now I can have lots of hamburgers!
Banished to a guacamole party, with chips and salsa.
Banished to wing tunnel
Wind tunnel seems fun, can I go too?
Banished to the international space station
I've always wanted to go there!
Banished to the mushroom kingdom
I would never leave
Mushrooms for eating!
Pizza every day!
Banished to a pizzeria
Now I can eat a lot more fattening things.
Banished to Monday.
Banished to Thursday mornings at nine am.
That should show you!
Banished to a warm shower
Banished into the arms of the most ugly but friendly women you've ever seen. Remember, beauty is all on the inside.
that be nice, as long as they are friendly and provide food and petz I'm good with them
Banished to Russia! >:3
So... cold...
Banished to the most unscientifical space battle in pop culture.
Banished to lethal lethal lava land
Banished to the Nevada dessert XD
Banished to the world of Bionicle.
Banished to the forgotten world of... *dramatic music* POGS.
Banished to a cruise ship
Okay, this will be fun *Cruises*
Banished to the 32nd page of a Game Informer magazine.
Banished to the exact location you were at exactly five minutes ago.
Oh no, now I'm in my 2nd class all over again x.x
Banished to Neverending Story 2.
Banished to the opposite side of the world.
Banished to the opposite of that dark world in Link to the Past on SNES.
Banished to the mirror universe, where everyone is evil and has a beard!
Oh nooo, now I am lacking a beard in a strange world x.x
Banished to a world where everything is pink.
Banished to Moab in Utah
Banished to inside their computer system.
Not much to do there
Banished to the Masai-Mara in Kenya
Banished to Yellowstone National Park.
that be fun, I never been there
banished to a windmill :3
Banished to the middle of the Pacific.
too big, there is nothing around for miles
even the space station will be closer than any other island
X3 not long ago was watching a video on the most remote places on earth
banished to Kiritimati island
its pronounced "Kirismas" island
(as they are on +14 hours)
Banished to the act of BANISHED!
Banished to a stage in front of a highly annoyed audience.
Banished to Point Nemo
Good luck for 16 day’s of boating before reaching any island
Banished to Finding Nemo 2, the movie that only a few people saw!
Banished in front of me, time to make the fur stick up with static electricity X3 XD XD
*Aaaaghhhhh* I already have static issues in real life!
Banished to the world of GROUND TYPE pokemon.
help, can't do much there
banished to the right side of your favorite cake
Banished to world -1.
Banished to a flying city that is inside a huge water sphere
Banished to coastal Kalos
Now play nice in the beach
Now I get to fish in exactly the same spot for all eternity...
Banished to the land of corsolas!
as Firox would be fun
(Jyo will be terrified)
Banished to Moss Rock
Banished to the expanse that is space.
Banished to ocean
Banished to the fifth dimension where everything is cloned exactly three times.
Banished to the reality that was, is not, and will be.
Banished next to an albino tiger
Banished to a realm in which time doesn't exist but this colossal transcendent dragon does.
Banished to the sixth dinension
Banished because it's the right thing to do.
banished to the back of a flying dragon
Banished onto a driving train.
Banished into a taxi
Banished to Grendel’s pawz
Banished to their head
:3 <3
Stay with Grendel, banished nuu where else this turn
Banished to where ? has been banished!
It banished me there earlier
Banished to a hot dog stand
Tasty hot dogs!
Banished to an ancient Arby's
I miss that place
Banished to a bakery
Oh boy, tiramisu!
The previous user is now banished to a Starbucks
Banished on top of a not-so-magic magic carpet.
Banished to a mountain summit
Banished to the land of eternal nitpicking.
Banished to a side of nachos
Banished to Newgrounds!
Banished to the USA Canada border
Banished to lighthouse
Banished into the Submachine world.
Banished to Tokyo
Banished to an arcade somewhere in Tokyo, specifically next to a Sega game of some origin.
Banished to Busan
Banished into the bog of eternal stench.
That will smell bad!
After s while will get used to it
Banished to flower garden
Ooh, me likey!
Banished to a random mountaintop.
Banished to the kingdom of cats.
can I go there too?
I love kitties
(June going with my feline sona)
1-11 - Purrloin | 12 - 21 - Liepard | 22 - 30 - Espeon
Banished to Portland
the one in Maine
Banshed to PC Box number 4!
Banished somewhere fun
Banished to anywhere in the universe except where you came from.
yaay, no more California, send me to Nevada instead
Banished to somewhere in central Belgium
Banished to outside the observable universe.
Banished to Oklahoma
careful with the tornadoes
Banished to the comfy chair.
so cozy! Love it
Banished next to me
Banished to a torture room.
Banished to shadow zone
Banished toan alternate reality where everything is made of steel.
Banished to a walk in freezer
Stood in the line of fire at a shooting range.
Banished to an archery course
Banned to the top of your house.
banished to virtual world
Banished to any random location in the observable universe.
that be fun, send me to Netherlands next
Banished to southern Italy
Banished to Germany
close enough
Banished to a large red barn
Banished to the top of the Alps
Banished to a Greenlandian leopord-sheering farm (they need the fluff there).
Banished to a birdcage, because if I'm a leopard, you're a bird.
I though you was a white lion
Banished to a steak house
Banished to the Realm Of Not Reading Previous Posts Correctly.
Banished to one of Jupiter’s moons
Banished to a realm in which only dragons matter.
Banished to an ice cream shop
Banished to the edge of a city park.
Thanks you, time to start exercising
Banished to Faraway Island
Banished to neverland.
Banished to a flying base
Banished to the edge of the world.
Banished to the center
Banished to the not-so-real-reality.
Banished to Area 51
Banished to the mines of Steal Elfish.
D: too dark and spooky!! X3
Banished to Vatican City
Banished to the inside of the Sun.
Banished to the international space center
Banished to the where he is right now
Banished to a giant cube
Banished South of the Equator
Banished to the Frozen Empire.
Banished to an island
Banished to an oubliëtte.
Banished to a cruise ship
Banished to Hawaii.
That be fun
Banished to a concert
Banished to an anechoic chamber.
Fun! What will I find
Banished to a pyramid
(Hint: silence.)
Banished to...
oh, wherever.
(silence good if napping)
Banished to a world with no rocking chairs
Banished to the dimension to begin all dimensions.
Banished to Luxembourg
Banished to the edge of the universe.
It never ends, I’ll be far away
Banished to the bottom of a well
Banished to a parallel universe where everything is the same, except computers can't be invented.
That be tough life
Banished to a universe where you is command
I wonder if I can handle such power...
Banished to the inside of your imagination.
That be fun
Banished to Poland
Banished to the inside of my imagination.
what can I find there?
Banished next to a tff mod
Well, it varies. Now, mostly Bionicle gen 1 stuff.
Banished to the island of Mata Nui.
Banished to a huge vault
Banished to the well of eternal falling!
Banished to never ending stairs
Banished to airport
Yaay let’s fly someplace!
Banished to the rain forest
Banished to the middle of the Atlantic.
Lots of fish
Banished to Point Nemo
Banished to Pearl Harbour.
That be fun to check out
Banished to Europa Moon in a lioness space suit
Banished to Okoto.
That will be fun
Banished to Pluto
Banished to the middle of the Amazon jungle.
Banished into a random cup
Amazon forest be good place to visit, no lioness there, but can find jaguars
Banished to the nearest bakery
Banished to the trash bin of their computer.
banished to Central Park in New York City
Banished to a field full of hungry alligators.
Banished to a place where your not alone
banished to dance floor
Banished to top of the Stratosphere D:
Banned to the land of the banned. Rather on-the-nose, though...
that too
banished to the top of a windmill
banished to Dreamland.
Banished to Tomorrowland
Banished to tomorrow.
Banished to Christmas Island
Banished into a pit.
Banished to a snow planet
Banished to a boat in the middle of the Indian Ocean
Banished to a dance room
Banished to middle of the Serengeti
Banished to France.
Banished to hyperspace
Banished to the top of Mt Everest
Banished to the abyss.
Banished to castle tower
Banished to Highland
Banished to the The.
Yes, that's right. To "The".
Banished to the moon
Banished to the Great Barrier Reef
Banished to Somewhere
(some office building in France)
Banished to a farm somewhere in Kansas
Banished to not here.
Banished “over there”
Banished up into tree
Banished under the same tree
Easy pounce down to catch
Banished to the second moon Earth doesn't have.
Banished to a primitive tropical island where all the native animals think she's the ghost of a predator, thereby not knowing weather to be afraid of her because of her species or because of her supernatural prowess.
Banished a secret underground castle
Banished to a place where you don't forget to visit anyone
Banished to a pizzeria
Banished somewhere where you has fun
(I get to stay behind)
Banished to a parallel universe where everything is literally the same.
Banished to a cardboard world
Banished to the cute barn
Banished to the ultimate holiday spot.
Banished to Pluto
Banished to a random space rock
Banished to an undersea village
Banished to a white beach.
Banished to the shadow realm
Banished to the middle of the rain forest
Banished to a dance room
Banished to top of a statue
Banished to the land of typo"s.
(Yes that typo was intentiomal.)
Banished to where auto correct doesn’t exist
Banished to the alternate alternate reality, which happens to be ours.
Banish to a snow temple
Banished to Point Nemo
nuuu, I will miss ya if you does
Banished to space station amusement park
Banished to Waffle House
Banished to the grocery store.
thanks, I was just there
(working that is)
Banished to school X3
...but nothing happened.
(on campus as I write this, lol)
Banished on a banana of 10 miles long.
ohhhh! so big, better eat it before it goes bad
Banished to a Gingerbread house
Banished to the top of a street light.
too high, I'm afraid of heights, how do I get down!!
Banished to the side of a random barn
Banished to the roof of their own house.
no thanks, I’m afraid of heights
Banished to an underground city
Banished to floating city
Banished to Mohave desert
Banished to a snowpile.
Brrrzzz too cold!!
Banished to a sauna
Banished to a leaf pile
Banished to the top of the tallest cheesecake ever made
Banished under a chcoclate cake
Banished to a lemonade stand
Banished to isle 7 of your local Walmart (or whatever grocery store happens to be nearby)
I love it
Aisle 7 on one side is all the pet food and supplies...
so Cat Food and Cat toys!!
on the other side are frozen entrees
Banished to the same aisle with me, you will love it
Banished to the tall grass area
Banished to an icy rink
Banished to a prison cell.
Banished to an underwater house
Banished to a world in which everything is magenta.
Banished into a flight simulator
Banished to someplace fun
Banished to Kepler 13238-c.
Banished to a chicken coop
Banish to a fox den
Banished to Phobos.
Banished to a fox den
Banished to a dance den
Banished to a high mountain
Banished to a chicken coop
Banished to a fast moving motorcycle
better hold on as tight as possible
Banished to a random lake.
Banished to your nest <3
Banished to the empty void, where you will slowly move through space, causing you to have complete despair and lose all joy. You will contemplate your life decisions that brought you to this point. Floating through space so large, it will be thousands of years before you reach another life giving star. At which point it will be an empty suit, with not even dust in it.
Banished to a universe filled with nothing but hot sauce.
Banished to Pluto
Banished to Tabby's Star. A Alien megastructure.
sounds fun
Banished to the top of Mt. Everest
Ive always wanted to go there
Banishses you to a time zone where you can witness the inevitable heat death of the universe while your last thoaught turns to that really embaresing thing you did as a child as the univese decays into nothingness
(made no sense)
Banished to the bottom of the Mariana Trench
It wasnt supposed to, you shouldnt think about it lol :p
Banished you to a wekkend retreet with you parents
hope it’s fun
Banished to a cozy blanket
Now i feel bad if i do an iritating one 😂😂
Banashed to bed
Banished to the ever orbiting space station. Alone. Watching the Earth pass by, unreachable until you deorbit, hundreds of years later. At which point you will be dust.
Banished to Central America
Sent from my LG-M210 using Tapatalk
Dam, that was a heavy one. But i have always wanted to go to space so its not all that bad
Banished you to they upside down from stranger things
(I can make anything heavy)
Banished to a supership, capaple of traveling hundreds of thousands of light years without refueling, however, you have woken from cyrosleep, alone, thousands of light years from your destination. Slowly, your sanity begins to crumble. To pass the time, you start pushing buttons, you hit one labelled CYRO, and you hear a hissing. That hissing was the sound of millions of cyro pods being ejected into space. You will never reach your destination. And now the rest of the human race won't either. You commited genocide on a planetary scale.
Banished to Point Nemo XD
Nova, i like the film passenger too hehe
banished to a timeline where the only thing that exists are angry germans yelling at you for doing something but you dont know what it was you did.
Film? I just make up stories.
fair enough, just reminded me of that film lol
banishes you to a life of disappointing your parents
#mylife D=
Welcome to The Edge. A city teetering on the edge of space. Halfway out of the universe, halfway in. It is the bridge between our uuniverse, and the multiverse. But. Due to us finding the edge of the universe, it is no longer expanding. Only time will tell when The Edge no longer exists, killing billions of humans. But, no one will die. But you.
cool, sounds like a fun time
banishes you to a 2 dimensional world, where you are too complicated to interact with the inhabitants, but they are too simple to entertain you, and you live out etternity daing nothing
Banished to the middle of Tibet
Banished to Proxima centauri b.
Banished into a sand castle
Banished to a submarine
what you discovered?
Banished into vase
Banished to the asteroid belt
Banished to a universe of endless sadness.
Won't last long
Will Cher up others
Banished to a water world
Banished to the inside of the outside of the inside of a cube.
What does that mean? I have no idea.
Banished to top of a Dutch windmill
Banished to detention.
Banished to a nest
Banished to Jolty's fur
Banished to the dragon world
They spit fire on u :D
can I invite my fairy friend
Banished to opposite world
Banished to yoghurt country.
thanks ya!! come with me
banished to Nauru :3
Banished to a world that changes you from a Umbreon to a Sylveon of the opposite gender.
Ok that might have been a bit much.
Banished onto to a wooden spaceship
Banished to the middle of endless nowhere
(that be fun... actually planned on doing that middle part of the year or Firox)
Banished to somewhere in the Central African Republic
Banished to the shadow realm, my domain! >:3
Banished to a realm of light
OH NOES!!!!! x_x x_x x_x x_x x_x
Banished to the world of no evees!
Banished to a food cart in Beijing, China PR
Banished to a world of unending glitter.
that be good
Banished to the Netherlands XD
banished to the inside of my computer screen.
I'm there already!!
Banished to opposite world
Banished to the MysticFireWorld. (My hone) >:3
Would love to explore it
Banished to the Costa Rica rain forest
banished to a blank dead world where time has stopped.
can I help bring back to life
Banished somewhere on a tall rock
Banished to an airplane to Beijing.
banished to the world of mutations, you will infinitely mutate, growing extra body parts and changing gender and species. Your welcome
China PR seems like fun place to visit
Good lick Shadow, let’s banish you to Pyongyang in Korea DPR
First I don't know where that is and second you can join Aerial >:3
(in easier terms for others North Korea)
Ill try aerial too
Banished to restroom somewhere in Eastern Russia
banished to the end of the world (cafe and gift shop) *XD SPONGEBOB REFRENCE*
banished to world of mutations (look at my post 4 posts earlier for reference) with Aerial and Arval.
Banished to dance floor
Banished to a video game convention
i hereby banish you to the closest walmart on black friday
at least I have the black part covered XD
so dangerous
banished to a Ramen restaurant
yay noodles :3
banished to youtuber land
videos day and night
Banished to Hershey, Pennsylvania
:? i actually dont know what that place is...
banished to donutland
(Hershey is a small town in Pennsylvania, where the Hershey chocolate company is, even has an amusement park)
Creme filled do its my favorite!!!
Banish next to me
(oh. sounds like fun)
Awwww <3
Banished to six flags
Banished to an Ikea
banished to a small town in the middle of nowhere
Banished to chalk zone
banished to evee-land
Banished to the world of light.
Banished to a dragon lair
that actually wouldn’t be that bad considering i’m actually part dragon.
banished to pokemon world (i’m running out of original ideas)
Banished into own mind in search of more idea XP
Banished to my strawberry milkshake XD
Banished onto a giant cookie
banished to my milk jug
Banished to the stomach of a big hungry dragon.
Banished to the Hydra’s lair
Banished to a flower garden
banished to eht sdrawkcab mlaer.
banished to a random lake
banished to the bottom of the ocean.
banished into a giant light bulb
Banished to the bakery
banished to the... the... the... JOHN CENA!!!!
who is that? :?
banished next to Mike Judge
Banished to flating island
I is a bird too!!
Banished to the ice cream shop in the same floating city
Banished to a yellow house
banished to a "yellow submarine"
Banishe onto a large bagel
Banished to a large pizza
Banished to a place far far away!
Banished into a random book
banished to the world of annoyment. (don't know how to spell that word.)
banished to a snow planet
Banished to a tiny world
? be the largest thing in that universe
Banished to Ba sing se
that be fun
Banished somewhere near My Fuji
Banished to Mt. Fuji.
Banished to the land of lands.
Banished to the battle of the bands
Banished to the world of no electricity.
Banished to the land with no gravity @.@
Hopefully I can swim in air to other places.
Banished to the great, mythological Mount Olympus.
That be fun
Banished to Ancient Greece
For a second i misread that as “ancient cheese” What a big slip up that would’ve been
banished to the giant world, (joseph the tiniest thing in that world)
Banished to a ocean temple
0.0 is it full of guardians? (minecraft refrence)
banished to the land of dragons
banished to a nether fortress XP
*fights off skeletons and other nether monsters with sword*
banished to the end (DUN DUN DUUNNNN)
what a place!! all So big!!
Banished to the Gobi dessert
Banished onto a roller coaster
*time to scream like a young kit in the loops*
banished to a water slide
Banished to a planet consisting for 100% out of ice cream.
Banished to a pie
yaay, ice cream, Banish you next to me in the same planet made of ice cream XD
Banished to a planet made for 100% out of sugar.
ehhh... doesn't seem to exciting
i prefer protein meats, thats what I'll miss
banished to a world where only food is bird seeds
Banished to Anywhere.
Banished to the nether
Banished to nowhere. they were just banished from their current location.
Banished to the Alps
Banished to a power plant
Banished to Sylvee and !'s den
make them happy <3
Banished to a dance party
Banished to the underwhere.
Banished to air temple
Banished to a living chess match.
Banished to a floating thunder cloud
Banished to an old laptop
Banished to infinity
Banished to a giant bird cage
banished to the enderdragon’s realm
ohhh, fun, can I be a dragon too? X3
banished to Tokyo
Banished to a void of pure science.
Banished next to a nuclear reactor
banished to a world full of geography nerds X3
Banished to the ISS
that be fun!!! outta space!!
banished to center of the earth
banished to the surface of Alpha Centauri.
Banished to flight school
Banished to a rock concert
Banished to the Reneissance.
Banished to a wind turbine
Banished to the Sistar System.
banished to Five Guys
Banished to a fire sea.
Banished to space lift
Banished to the underground railroad
Banished to a prison cell.
Banished to bird cage
Banished to a university class XP
Banished to cheesecake factory
Banished to the land of ice cream. (Hey, They never said the place had to be bad ;) )
Banished to the land of eternal overanalysis.
Banished to a place outside of school
(...but nothing happened.)
Banished to a deep, dark, obsolete corner of the internet.
(Time to brighten the dark side with pink fairies)
Banished to Podgorica in Montenegro
send me a postcard!!
Banished to sand castle
Banished to St Louis, now send me a postcard of the Gateway Arch
Banished to the gates of Helm's Deep.
Banished to a flying boat
Banished to the moon
Banished to Mars
Banished to the ice cream freezer for free ice cream
That's good
Banished to a seafood market
banished to a dark room.
Banished to the null plane.
Banished to the windy city
Banished to where he is right now.
banished to the stars
Banished to Jake's comet
Banisched to a parallel universe that smells like dragon "discharge".
banished to a YouTube video
Banished to garden
Banished to the other side of the nearest wall.
Banished to the other side of the world.... so for you
its the Pacific Ocean XD
Banished to a house with unruly children who want to run their fingers throught that foofty tail of yours.
that be fun, children can be fun
Banished to a home where everyone is sleepy
Banished to the music video for What does the fox say
X3 *funny video, seen it many times* (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxZSjmiayjc) XD
Banished to a cozy den near the mountains
Banished to a world full of evil wizards.
banished to the top of a soup pot
Banished to Lilliput.
Banished to a pizzeria
Banished to the country of Landland.
Lapland seems fun, northern Finland
Banished to a school for raptors
(y u no read properly?)
Banished to a 10-dimensional plane of existence.
(I read it right, I thought you misspelled region name)
Banish to Geography class
Banished to inside his pokéball
Banished to a stadium
Banished to the couch for four days
Banished to flying air ship
Banished to a runaway train.
Banished to nothing
Banished to that annoying place, where someone is scraping claws on a blackboard X3
no earmuffs anywhere XD
Banished to the very same place. I.. I cant think of anything to outdo that
eepz @.@ @.@ not there...
banished to place where ice cream doesn't melt or end
Banished to world's tallest cat tree
Banished to a taco restaurant
Banished to fishing boat
hehee, freeze da lake
Banished to a skating rink
Banished to a hot tub with two suspicious sumos.
Banished to prehistory when dinosaurs ran around.
Banish to a future world where most known species extinct, different species evolved
Banished to a future where everything has evolved out of existence
Banished to the International Space Station
Banished to Hawaii.
banished to the top of Mt. Rainier
Banished to Alpha Centauri.
I Darn(banish) thee to heck!
Banished to the middle of the street
Banished exactly pi meters to the left.
*pounce on pie* XP
Banished to the middle of the universe
Banished to To.
No, that wasn't a mistake.
Banished to the phone company
Banished to a moon base
Banished to middle of the forest
Banished to a parallel universe where chocolate doesn't exist.
thats terrible!! I love chocolate... as long there is steak I'm good too
Banished to history class
Banished to a trampoline planet
yaay, fun jumps all around
Banished to a planet made of cozy warm pillows -.-
Banished to a random point in spacetime.
Banished to tv static world
Banished to North Pole
Banished to the south pole
Banished to the moon
Banished to Mars :3
banished to the time realm
Banished to Kiritimati Island... now you can officially say "first" on everything
(island is on +14 time zone, they always see the next day first - 'ti' in Gilbertese makes an 's' sound - pronounced "Kirismas')
banished to the 7th dimension
(thats pretty cool)
Banished to the Mariana Trench in a submersible
(lowest point on the planet, not including the core, even deeper than Everest)
D: dang that's far down I banish you to a old creepy mansion
(yep, you can say about me 'geography nerd')
Banished to Machu Pichu :3
Banished to Hawaii Just because
Banished to a virtual world
Banished to the world of Dark Souls.
Banished to narnia
Banished to a dark firest
Banished to a deep well lit cave
Banished to lake beach
Banished to mexico
Where my family from
Banished to Space Needle
(our over expensive landmark here in Seattle)
banished to columbus ks or what I like to call the meth den lol
Never been there
Banished to Fremont Street Experience, in Las Vegas
banished to los santos GTA
Banished to Zzyzx
(its a real place in the California desert, between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, Nevada)
banished to an old mine
Banished to a warm beach
banished to antarctica
(that be fun, take me to Ross Island)
Banished to your favorite ice cream shop
Don't have a favorite but Ice cream!!!!
Banished to the local candy shop
so many choices!!!
Banished to Central Park
Nice and peaceful
Banished to an old river
awesome, looks peaceful
Banished to Yellowstone National Park
never been would love to go
banished to river country
an old abandoned amusement park
seems fun, to bad can't ride anything
banished to the a cozy sofa
Banished to a spaghetti planet
banned to the Cheesecake Factory
banished to argentina
Banished to a random moon
Banished to a shower
banished to a hot tub
too hot, could be relaxing
banished to the vet >:3
oh no Now I have to go to a pound or something for biting the vet
banished to walmart and can never leave
Banished to dragon's cave
banished to a yellow submarine
banished to neverland
that sounds fun
Banished to Springfield
between the Simpson's and the Flanders
sounds alright
banished to camp crystal lake on the 13th
lucky number and lucky lake, maybe I'll get to meet Jason's mother
Banished to Omaha, NE
Banished to gravity falls
:? never heard of it, seems fun
Banished to Victoria Falls!!
the highest waterfalls in the planet!!
between Zambia and Zimbabwe
banished to niagra falls
been wanting to go there for years
Banished to a concert
but what concert
banished to las vegas
(can be any concert you like, just in the middle of one)
haven't been to Vegas since 2002, can't wait to explore around
Banished to Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota
Never been sounds like a great adventure
Banished to high school
Havemt been to one since 2004
Banished to their favorite restaurant
banished to a blimp
Were we going?
Banished to a space craft
banished to the usg ishimura
good luck
(looks nice, using google image search)
Banished to the top of a temple somewhere in Myanmar
(Looks interesting and the USG Ishimura is a ship from the dead space franchise "Movie,Game, etc.." its actually pretty terrifying)
Banished to New Hampshire
(interesting, never heard of it)
never been to NH, seems fun
Banished to St. Peters Basilica, in Vatican City
(I am running out of places to ban you XD)
Banished to Shawshank prison
(Any place can be fun)
Never seen it
Banished to 3-mile island
(Shawshank is a prison from the movie The Shawshank Redemption it an older movie but still pretty good)
Never been sounds interesting
Banished to Mars
(haven't seen the movie - 3 mile island supposed to be a small island where the nuclear power plant hada partial meltdown 1979)
Banished to Boring Oregon...
its a small town which I been to couple times, will say it isn't boring for me, especially with my love of exploring and geography
Just an out of place name I guess
Banished to Tulsa, Oklahoma
(here is an idea - unusual place names (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Unusual_place_names))
never been to OK, must be fun
banished to Future city X3
Banished to the dead sea
(I heard of it, seems like a great place to visit)
Banished to Arches National Park... just careful with the rattlesnakes
Banished to the Atlantic ocean
Banished to the Heart Attack Grill in downtown Las Vegas, NV
Good golly I would end up having a heart attack XD
Banished to golden corral in joplin
(what I heard, you get a 'spanking' if you don't finish the food)
never been to Joplin
Banished to the top of a flagpole X3
(well I don't know about that but the food is good)
Banished to north korea
(would be fun to visit Korea DPR, hopefully not caught)
Banished to the dome of the rock in Al-Quds
(never heard of the dome)
Banished to south korea
Banished to wherever he is not.
Banished to the skittles factory
Banished to The Sphinx in Egypt
Banished to the pyramid of giza
Banished to the dance floor
banished to walmart near closing time
Banished to a sandy island
Banished next to an erupting volcano
banished to Rhode island
_yay, Quahog RI, now I can meet Stewie and Brian)
Banished to an abindone mine
banished to a water park
Banished to an old motel
(lots of rides)
banished to a yacht in the middle of the Caribbean Sea
Party at my yacht anyone joining ^_^
Banished to the Same yacht
let the party continue
sadly, banished to a deserted island
AWWW Man oh well
Banished to the desert
so hot, so thirsty, so thirsty
banished to a warm shower X3
This is nice especially after that island
Banished to the local water fountain
Banished in a superposition spanning the entire US.
banished to an erupting volcano
looks so nice, fountains are awesome fro a picnic
Banished to a local farmer's market
Yes so many foods to try
Banished to a nearby lake
hope its peaceful
Banished to a vending machine restaurant (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWiZ-EIP3tM) in Japan
Banished to a ski lodge
Banished to the nearest windowsill.
banished to Kansas
Banished to Iowa X3
banished to your previous fursonas
I have 8 - Firox and Jyo where my two previous... Vay will be next in mid November
Banished to a chocolate factory
just checkimg if its not willy wonka's or i could die
next person will be banished to hollywood
Banished to the north pole
Alaska seems like a nice place to visit, thats where the North Pole is
a small community north west of Anchorage AK
banished to Walvis Bay
Never been
Banished to a ghost town
ohhh, wow, good to see the past
Banished to Skeleton Coast
(its name given to an area in northern Namibia where the ocean meets the Namib Desert - gets the name from lots of rusting boats that have shipwrecked, washed up on the shores)
Interesting I will have to look into that
Banished to the internet
Banished into a book
Yes everything is so cool just as I imagined
Banished to new zealand
summertime B)
banished within a 10 miles radius of me
Banished within a 5 mile radius of me
banished within a 3 miles radius of me
Banished to germany
banished to the Netherlands
Banished to the Tower Bridge
Banished to the leaning tower of pisa
banished to the straight tower of pizza
Banished to the breadful tower
banished to the Mushroom Kingdom
Banished to the candy kingdom
banished to the eye of the Sahara in Mauritania
(winds of the dessert made it look like an eye)
Banished to Saturn
banished to a haunted house even though its the first of november now
Banished to mexico
OoOoO I LOVE Mexican culture especially dias de les muertos
banished to Luigi's Mansion
yay I can save mario and hang out with Egad
banished to the 3rd dimension
don't we already live in 3 dimensions?
banished inside your favourite movie
Banished to your favorite resturant
ill get one of everything
banished to the world of Mad Max
ummm wish I played it more help
Banished to the USG ISHUMARA
Banished to a giant rubber boat
can I be on one as well ?
Banished inside of a giant beanie
Banished to a flying city
Banished to the emerald city
Banished to a mars cave
Banished to a dark room
Banished to the brightest room ever
Banished to Fablehaven
Banished inside a broken television just static
Banished to a broken elevator
Banished to infinite stairs
Banished to the infinite halls
banished to the infinite room
banished to the void
banished to the end
Banished to the nether
banished to the twighlight forest
Banished to the Twilight Zone
Banished to the Hollywood tower hotel
Banished to your own house
banished to my house
banished to a boat in the middle of the pond
banished to a choclate house
What chocolate house *Burp*
Banished to a giant peach
now, where's James
banished to dexter's lab
place seems fun
Banished to the asteroid belt
Don't smash into us
banished to cliché land
What is there? seems fun
Banished to a thorny bush forest
nope, please don't, too soon
banished to the sarah desert
Here's some anti thorn bush spray to help
Banished deeper into the thorny bush forest
no pls, i still feel it and can't move my back
banished to hell
Hell aint a bad place, hell is from here to eternity!!
love Iron Maiden, seems like a place I'd go to
Banished to Cuba
is that in a shape of a cube
banished to India
Banished to Walmart after midnight
fun fact: ive never been to any wall mart
banished to carrefour
huh that's unusual
Banished to Korea
im dutch no wallmarts here
banished to belgium
bainshed to a space station orbiting a star
Banished to fur shaving planet
Makes more sense
OH GAWD not my fur
banished to the cheese planet
banished to turkey as in the animal not the country
I don't know how I got here
Banished to california
Banished to primary school
Banished to a tree house
Banished to a sawmill.
Banished to Vegas
banished to sweet home alabama
banished to my hometown Detroit
banished to south africa
Banished to north america
banished to east asia
banished to texas
banished to nashville
banished to tulsa OK
nanished to Utrecht
banished to austria
banished to the magical land of omegle
uhh no thanks
banished to the oven
banished to the magical land of kik
banished to discord
discord already taking all away
Banished to Bellevue WA
(where I will be working next day)
oh Interesting
Banished to Fatal Labyrinth
eep :sweatdrop:
banished to a giant cupcake
Banished to the unknowable.
Banished to funland arcade
banished to the dentists office
Banished to the doctors office
(I just blew my mind my sona is a doctor and because we are anthro animals would that make my sona a vet or would I still be considered as a doctor)
(both are good for me)
Banished to Aurora, Illinois
banished to a local garden
banished to a time rift
Banished to a haunted forest
banished to queen venassa's manor
Banished to Quelaag's lair.
gardens so nice
Banished to a Greenhouse
bunch of food
banished to my work (a supermarket)
wow, I feel like I'm back at my own work, Light, this was supposed to be vacation time for me (I work in a grocery store as well)
Banished to the food court of a mall
banished to a magical castle
banished to witch mountain
Banished to a cheesecake planet
banished to the chocolate forest
banished to vanilla caves
Banished to potato chip mountain
Banished to a lab
Just where I belong
Banished to a metal concert
Banished to a rocking chair planet
Hmmm joke only works on cat sonas
What joke I was banishing to an actual metal band concert with actual singers
Banished to a garage
Rocking chairs and cats
Banished to Police Academy
OH sorry never heard it
Banished to the batcave
high nice - nice and dark inside
Banished to history class
Banished to geography class
Love it
If only existed when I was in school
Banished to culinary class
I'll do some cooking
Banished to Biology class
Time to learn
Banished to P.E.
ughh I don't like Exercise
Banished to MATH CLASS
Banished to a dance floor
I'm bad at numbers, I know basics
Banished to a cozy warm bed
Banished to a frat party
just don't get to wild
Banished to Tokyo
Oooh interesting
banished to the maw
Which maw!!
If ? still reading banished to siding at PvP
Banished to Neko Shima
That's Japan's Cat Island
The Maw is the place your in in the game little nightmares really it's a big old island with a submarine underneath and it's full of giants
banished to Rapture (Bioshock)
(alright, never played either of two games)
Banished to a farm
(I've only played bioshock the other one I just watched people play)
Banished to Tamriel (Elder scrolls online)
(never played it either)
Banished to Chocolate Island
(super Mario world)
(I play a lot of games)
Banished to wellington
Remember to take your Joy!
(thats good for you, I play few games)
banished to Dinosaur Land
Banished to Monsters Inc.
seems fun
Banished to Nome, AK
Banished to the roof.
Banished to the basement
What there to do in roof?
Banished to freezer at a grocery store
It's Freezing Help
Banished to egypt
(that's me, working frozen foods)
Egypt seems nice, get to see Sphinx
Banished to Costa Rican rainforest
ooh interesting
banished to an undiscovered war location
that place looks bad, hope it can improve
Banished next to ? X3
Hey ? what's up
Banished to the local pizzaria
should have banished everyone next to me
pizzeria sounds nice
banished to a safari cart in the middle of Africa
gawd it hot
Banished to a woodshop
eeps, best be careful
banished to cozy pet bed
-.- -.-
Banished to the gas station
what should I get?
looks to peaceful to be banished away, banished to the same pet bedding, with added extra pillow
Aww gawd it's so comfortable -.- -.-
Banished to your own bedroom
banished to a sky town
Banished to the old west
Banished to the new north
Banished to kansas
Banished to Taronto
banished to amarillo
banished to a planet made of cloth
so soft
Banished to a planet of beds
banished to a large wooden tower
Keep Firox away
Banished to a fluffy cloud
banished to a friends house
Banished to a cave made of chocolate
Banished to blues clues
banished to an apple orchard
Banished to a random dark room full of boxes
That be fun, in Derik's house or den
Banished to Ross Island in Antarctica
Banished to new Jersey
might be fun, never been there
Banished to Paris
Banished to Bikini bottom (Spongebob)
banished into a bird's nest
Banished to the caribbean
interesting place
Banished to Maine
Banished to Baltimore
banished into a chicken coop
It's cramped
Banished to the woods at midnight
Banished to a moon mansion
Banished to books a million
banished to a cloud
Banished to an empty box
Banished into a yarn box
Banished to a yarn store
Banished to a flying couch in the sky
Banished to a bed
Banished into a tv screen
Banished to a theater
banished to an air field
Banished to a pie eating contest
Banished to a pile of dirt.
Yay dirt
Banished to a pile of sand
thanks ?, at the moment as Grace, I'm not a cat, Jyo will love it
Banished to a big box full of fox plushies
Yay hello my foxy friends
Banished to the beach
so much to see and do, lay by the ocean side when it gets too hot
Banished to a food truck
So many options for food
Banished to sonic
I heard of them, none where I live
Banished to Five Guys
Banished to walgreens
Banished to parking lot
*looking around the store*
Banished to a pet store
Aww no foxes here moving on
Banished to the white house
Banished to a wooden tree house
fancy home, who lives here?
needs to be painted red fox colored
Banished to a fancy tree house
Banished to the internet
where shall we go? - maybe to Derik's TFF Profile
banished to the front seat of the ECTO 1
Banished to the U.S.
Banished to the U.K
already living in US, maybe banished to place I haven't gone to
(such as the middle of the USA)
Banished to the driver seat of the ECTO 1
wherez we going ?
Banished to kansas
I'll go there, never been anywhere close, Nevada is too far
"Derik, I have a feeling where not in Kansas anymore" (wizard of oz)
Banished to the Oregon Coast
XD nice twist on that Grace.
Banished to rhode island
(love that movie)
R.I., isn't that where Quahog is? I can go visit Stewie and Briant, and the rest (Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Quagmire, Joe)
Banished to South Park
(there is a neighborhood in south Seattle called South Park)
(I believe so have fun with that group)
Banished to kansas city
isn't that the city that is located in two states? would love to visit!
at least won't need a passport, easier than being in that place in Vermont near the Canadian border
Banished to an Amtrak train
Ooh never been on a train before
Banished to white water theme park
(I taken them many times, between Seattle and Portland)
ohh, so much fun, can I try out the various rides
Banished to a random wikipedia article
I don't trust it
Banished to new orleans
ohhh, time for crawfish and voodoo
Banished to the roof of the tallest building where you live
Why am I on top of the Apple market (Happens to be the tallest and it isn't even that tall of a building)
banished to Discord
hai there, is Derik anywhere nearby, I see many others...
(was just leaving messages for friends on Discord - I have discord as well FiroxFox#0363)
Banished to Machu Pichu in Peru
(Yep don't see ya post often but I do see the name in the forums discord I am DerikFray(The one and only)#4950)
sounds nice
Banished to the loony tunes
(I don't post often in discords)
so much fun, I can see the entire furry cast!!
Banished to the Lord of the Rings universe
Uhhh.. what do I do now
(I know the movie but I never watched them)
Banished to Davy Jones' crew
(Got it sent on Discord).
time to learn something new
Banished to Omaha in Nebraska
OOO history me like wonder what I can find
Banished to corto maltese
Banished to a space port
Banished to candyland
Banished to a ski lodge
Malta looks fun
Banished DMZ
Korean De Militirize Zone
Banished to a nature reserve.
fun home, now all can see me
Banished to a bird sanctuary
Banished to a green house
*sniffs* smells so good, so many spices and veggies
Banished next to me in the green house
Banished to the depths of despair.
not much to do there
Banished to a happy place
Banished to a snow temple
Tasty, den
Banished to a warm pet bed next to a fire place
Banished to the Roman empire.
that be fun...
banished to a farm range
Banished to floating cruise ship
so much to see and do
Banished to the spa in the same cruise ship
Banished to Far Far Away.
how far shall it go
Banished to the basement under my home
Banished to alwaysland.
what is here
Banished to Amsterdam
banished to a fluffy bed
Night nighty cozy
N.a. wished to same bed
Banished to Derpistan.
never heard of it
Banished to an uninhabited island
Banished to a city in a giant bubble
banished to the top of Niagara Falls
Banished to -5.405561 N; -92.444152 E
far but fun
Banished to an ice cream shop
Banished to a superposition ...somewhere around Earth.
that be fun, thanks...
banished to the most haunted hotel in Europe
Banished inside computer screen
heey, I'm already your wallpaper XD
Banished to a rock on the middle of the lake
Banished to the top of a big and isolated mountain.
thanks, lovely views
banished to the middle of a thorn bush
Banished to a lazy river
Banished to super fast aggressive rapids
be there to safe you
Banished to dream land
Thanks ya
Banished same dream land as me
Banished to a sign in the middle of nowhere saying "If you are here, then you are lost".
X3 that will make for a funny photo
Banished to the middle of the hospital
Banished to Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.
Banished to a pillar somewhere in central Greece
Banished to a fireplace.
so warm, and cozy, thanks you
Banished to a cozy bed
Banished to I-dunno-land.
Banished to Salem
Banished to the middle of the Sahel.
That be fun
Banished to a beaver dam
banished to a snowy hill
Banished to a game show
Banished onto a giant sea turtle
Banished onto a farm so you have the feeling that you are back in Kansas, don't forget your puppy Toto
(Wizard of oz reference) *giggles*
Banished to bed for nap
Banished to a water bed
Banished to dream land
Banished to Dinosaur Island
Banished to the land of angry women with frying pans.
those 'drying pans' are great for the rain too, not just cooking
Banished to KFC
Banished into a chicken coop
mmmm!! chicken wings!! X3
Banished to a dairy farm
Banished to a galaxy far, far, VERY far away.
Yay now I can be a Jedi
Banished to an underground cave with only one exit, straight up.
Fayam can just fly out
I can't
Banished to a noodle cart
Banished to Ireland
that be fun, never been to Ireland, hear its a great place
learning Irish is so hard
Quite a few languages are pretty hard
So am I banished to the void or something XD
Banished to new Zealand
Banished into virtual reality
Banished to the middle of the Sahara desert
Banished to the amino app
never been there
Banished to San Francisco XP
Banished to the rocky mountain
Banished to parallel universe 5,857.93.
Banished to africa
I want to go there Derik, to Africa that is
Banished to the Vancouver Island in Canada
Sounds quite interesting
Banished to Ellis island New York
Banished to the inside of a maze.
Banished to the mines
Banished to yesterday.
Banished into next week
Banished into the Twinkies company
Yay twinkies
Banished to the toy company
lots of toys to pick from and play with
banished to a store that sells propane and propane accessories
Banished to the Overthere.
Banished onto a steam boat
Banished to a fruit tree.
Banished to a veggie garden
Banished to https://www.thefurryforum.com/
I am here thanks
Banished to a lake
Banished to Lollipop Square.
all will be gone with time
Banished to Rocking Share store
Banished to a mathematically impossible universe.
thats confusing place
Banished to the top of an active volcano
Banished to the front door.
Banished to the back stock room
Banished to the Matrix.
Banished to an underwater lab
Banished to another nation.
Which one you ask?
Imagi-nation! XD
Banished to a city on the moon
Banished to Mercury
that be fun, no friends around to have fun with
Banished to Hawaii
Banished to a giant floating couch
Banished to The Land Of A Lot Of Emptiness.
thanks Jyo!! X3
Banished to a deserted island
Banished to pillow plant
-.- -.- -.- see next time
Banished to the Dinosaur Island
banished to Easter island
lots of history with statues, lovely place
Banished to a potato farm in Idaho
Ah ha the Irish in my feels joy I'll never go hungry
Banished to an old warehouse
Banished to a flying house
Not sure what to do in the warehouse
Banished to a mansion in the middle of a field
Cool imma look for secret rooms
Banished to the city pool after hours
all for myself, no one to bother while staying on the side of the pool
I can't swim X3
Banished to a cafe
Banished to their neighbour's house.
Banished into a canvas
not sure if the neighbor's will be happy
Banished to an apple orchard
Banished to a water melon patch
lots of melons to eat
Banished to a fireworks show
Ooh I wonder if they have the artillery shells those are the best
Banished to a game store
Banished to a space ship factory
I hope they have GTA 4 for laptop
Banished to a green house
Banished to a helicopter.
never been on one this will be fun, take me for a flight around the San Juan islands pass the Olympic mountains and the Cascades before returning to Seattle
Banished to the Goodyear Blimp
Banished to wave pool
time for a good swim
(Arval can swim, Firox can't)
Banished to a skating rink
Banished to a huge barren field.
Banished to the bermuda triangle
Not much to see, am I in a dessert or savannah?
Banished to a lake
Banished to the world of song.
to a metal concert non stop that be awesome
banished to a sandwich shop
Banished to an opera house.
Sydney will be fun place to visit, can't wait
Banished to Nelson's Column in London
Banished to the grass museum.
lots of nature and places to check out, love it
Banished to a tank full of Gatorade
Banished to a library.
Ooh so many stories to read and explore this is my heaven!
Banished to the movie theater
Banished to Montenegro.
never been to Crna Gora before, do hear that Podgorica is such a lovely place, I would love it
banished to a stone pillar
Banished to a tower cell.
Banished to ireland
take to me to Ireland too, pretty please
Banished to an apple orchard
Ha ha so many apples to carve *grabs metal spoon* JACKO APPLES!
Banished to your own bed
thanks, time for a very good nap,
10hrs of work is exhausting
Banished to a warm shower
After the stress filled week I've had so far this shower is pretty nice gives me time to relax and think to myself
Banished to the local library
well at least its cozy, haven't been to a library in years
Banished to the center of their city or town
There's nothing here just trees and a bunch of run down shacks
Banished to Russia
ohhhh, biggest country in size in the world, where will you send me, hopefully Moscow and not Siberia
Banished to Kamchatka, Russia >:3
Banished to the 7.
Banished into a calculator
Banished to the Grid.
whats at number 7?
Banished to a world with a never ending eclipse
Banished to a mirror planet
so confusing @.@ @.@ so many mirrors, where am I going @.@
are the mirrors friendly or haunted D: D:
Banished to a friendly planet full of pillows
Banished to a bright moon
much better than evil mirrors X3
Banished to a space shuttle
Banished to an ice breaker
Banished to THE hospital
an ice breaker be fun... lets go to Antarctica!!
Banished to a taco restaurant
Banished to a blimp.
never been on one, it will be a fun experience
banished to a capsule hotel in Tokyo
Ooh new experience yay!
Banished to a cemetery at night
I been to two one in Seattle and one when I lived in Mexico, mid 1992
fun, not much to do
Banished to a potato farm somewhere in Idaho
Banished to a random moon
yaaay, I can see the rings of Saturn :3
Banished to the moon opposite of where I am
Banished to an undiscovered outer planet
that be fun, I'll get to be famous and name it
Banished in a space ship near Saturn's rings
Banished to Io
ohhhh, so lovely
Banished on a space ship near two exploding stars
be careful not to get zapped by the gamma ray bursts!
Banished to the land of sunshine and rainbows
hope its pink sun too, would love it
Banished to a Vending Machine restaurant (with endless Yen) somewhere in Tokyo
Banished to the prosecutor's office.
fancy place, not really much to do
Banished to your favorite movie
Banished to a breakfast planet
thanks, I'll never leave...
Banished to cheesecake planet
Banished to a starship
time to travel at the speed of light
Banished to a YouTube video
Banished to SCP 3008, otherwise known as the infinite IKEA
that sounds fun, maybe I can spot sun from far away
Banished to LegoLand USA
Banished to the BIG FAT LEGO
also The infinite IKEA is INSIDE, you can't see the sun.
hopefully I won't break it
Banished to a Prehistoric Museum
Banished to the day the dinosaurs died x_x
Months and years probably
Not all died same day
Banished to a virus free country
Banished to Jupiter.
that would be awesome, too bad no place to land
banished to Point Nemo
Banished to the hive mind!
ohhh,, honey everywhere!! tasty, hopefully bees won't sting
Banished to Easter Island
Banished to a 2-D world!
Have fun being flat!
that will be strange world
Banished to central Europe
i always wanted to go there
banished to a hollywood set.
expensive set, ohh, I see my favorite actor
Banished to a medieval carnival set
I hate carnivals. Shivers
Banished to the inside of my stomach.
not sure if I can even fist inside, I can lay on the outside fur, its cozy and warm
Banished to a ping-pong tournament
Just stands there while getting battered with ping-pong balls this is fine.
Banished to a place far... far... away.
that be fun, as long as I gets internet signal so I can be with all
Banished to berry farm
not sure if I can even fist inside, I can lay on the outside fur, its cozy and warm
Banished to a ping-pong tournament
Did you mean my fur?
I am allergic to Raspberries. x_x
Banished to a place where there is nothing but cozy fur, and the fog there puts everyone to sleep, but it also gives the person inside the dream the most pleasurable dream ever, but the cozy fur in that place will start to curl around the person until it becomes their new body then they wake up in a new body!
sounds like a fun place, can't wait to get there
Banished to the Great Blue Hole in Belize
Banished to the nest of a giant bird.
Banished to the middle of a salt lake
Banished to a museum dedicated solely to emptiness.
Banished inside of a giant speaker
Banished to a potato farm, somewhere in Idaho
Banished to the Museum Museum. How meta.
Banished into a never ending slide
museum be fun
Banished to a river
Banished to Neptune.
ohhh, lovely shade of blue
Banished to a satellite
Banished to the stomach of a 100-foot long catfish.
eating from the inside, something new
Banished to a farm somewhere in central China PR
Banished to cardboard castle
that be fun, but it fell down
Banished to a seashell
Banished to a Pokémon hospital
Banished to the Undar-the-Dryar system.
hospital be nice, good place to relax
Banished to the Mojave Desert
Banished to the jungle
such a lovely place
Banished with me to a flower garden
Banished to a flower pot.
that is nice, small and cozy, now I can pretend to be a cat
Banished to the middle of a lake
Banished to a chicken on a raft.
meal and a ride, I'll take it
Banished to a the middle of a research lab
Banished to a random exoplanet.
that be fun, new place to colorinze with flowers
Banished to a place full of moss
Banished to the bottom of the well.
that be nice, its calm and quiet too
Banished to a noisy concert
Banished next to a starting plane.
tew loud!!
Banished to a random rock on Saturn's ring
Banished to winter wonderland.
brrrr, too cold
Banished to a greenhouse
You think winter wonderland is cold?
It's got nothing on...
Banished to a pool of liquid helium
won't make it half a second
banished to a sauna somewhere in Finland
Banished to the Mojave desert.
been there twice, not much to do for normal furs, for me full of exciting places, thanks to my love of Geography and Geology
Banished to the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy
Banished to before the universe existed.
that be fun, will only exist for half a second with no oxygen
Banished to the North Star
Banished to Papua New Guniea.
Banished to a lego castle
Port Moresby will be fun place to visit
Banished to a moss covered rock, I'll take the Everstone from you too
Banished to a floating garden
that be fun
Banished to a haunted house ride in an amusement park
Banished to eeveelution tree house
that be fun, let's go
Banished next to me
Banished to the real world ^
too much viruses and heat - safer in this world
Banished to a reptile friendly climate
Yay my family!
Banished to the Pokemon world
that be nice
Banished to the side of a lake
Fish! 🐟
Banished to Mars
awww, going to miss everyone, especially tasty fresh food
Banished to the top of a ferris wheel
Banished to a petting zoo
I banish thee to the cheese realm!
Banished to a land with no oceans or lakes to swim in..
Banish to dessert island
not deserted island, but an island full of sweets and treats.
Banished to the mariana trench!
Let's banish you to the African Savannas
I banish thee to the dank underside of a log!
uhm too cold, and wet, and too many bugs. Heehee.
Banished to somewhere hot, how about Skeleton Cove. Where the Namib Desert meets the Atlantic Ocean, and has many decaying hulls of shipwrecked vessels.
Oo lovely, now perhaps somewhere more suited for fluffy coats;
I banish thee to the peak of the alps!
Hopefully near St. Martins, one of my sonas is from there, its a tiny village up high in the Alps, south east Switzerland, they could show me around. Thanks
Banished to a tropical place, with lots of warm sandy beaches, that is to Charlotte Amilie, in the US Virgin Islands.
Hmm,, I banish thee to the inside of a coconut!
Heehee, fresh water all the time, but will need my own oxygen supply.
Let's banish you somewhere hot, like the middle of the sand dunes in the Jebba Desert, in central Tunisia.
hmm how about somewhere hotter -
I banish thee to the volcano-y depths of Mount Vesuvius! >:3
for a fire fox, that be an ideal good home.
Let's banish you somewhere far, to Mars!
you will need to learn a new language to speak with the Martians, Ack! ack Ack ack ack ack Ack!"- and make sure to keep that annoying song "Indian Love Song"! by Slim Witman awayIts a reference to the comedy movie "Mars Attacks!"
Hmm, perhaps somewhere a little closer to home
I banish thee to the moon!
That be amazing, would love to experience the Moon too.
Let's banish you somewhere even closer, to the back of the shoulders of a sleeping cheetah in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.
How precarious,
I banish thee to the top of the nose of the same sleeping cheetah
would love that. They are so cute and beautiful looking.
Banished you to my bed, where my two cats are sleeping.
I'm banning you for having a name that's just Fox with two extra letters!
Banished to a local university, you got topics mixed up.
Cecilia, who I haven't seen in so long, gave me the nickname, its a combination of 'fire' and 'fox', decided to keep the funny nickname, but the foxy's name is Aaron. (at least in my sonas)
Banished for being an internet browser
Banished to the next sweet dream, they are made of you, who am I to disagree, traveling the world and the seven seas
Banished then unbanished then banished again repeatedly, then banished for being in a loop.
Banished to Galagar Steak House, at New York New York Hotel, in Las Vegas
make sure you have plenty of money in your wallet before getting banished, it's expensive.
I banish thee to a bowl of cookie dough!
dream come true for sure.
Banished to your own room
Banished to Florida Man's lair!
Never been to Florida, would be amazing to experience.
Banished to your nearest Vet's office
I banish thee to the cone of shame!
Hopefully Ratt isn't there, "Shame, shame, shame, you should've known better"
Banished to the middle of a concert.
A little too loud for me x_x
I banish thee to a library ^_^!
too quiet for my likes.
Banished to an arcade back in 1988
I banish thee to a cinema!
hopefully a Marvel movie
Banished to the front steps of St. Peter's Basilica in the smallest country in the world, yep, Vatican City
Oo visiting the next door neighbour, Italy, would be interesting
Hmm now I banish thee to the largest country: Russia! Best wrap up warm hehe
Russia must be interesting, cold wouldn't be the only issue, Vladimir Putin likely won't let me get near, much less President BIden and the current banned on getting to Russia from the USA.
Banished to a famous landmark, yep The Matterhorn near Zermont, Switzerland. Have fun skiing.
oof true >.> Skiing would be fun though - never done it myself!
I banish thee to a shopping centre(/shopping mall) ice rink!
Believe it or not, I'd actually be bored there, I'm not the kind of 'foxy' that loves shopping, so I'll only go to a store I like such as 'Spencer's or 'Hot Topic' and then leave. Well, if 'hungwyz' I might stop at the food court.
Banished to your closest McDonald's.
I'd prefer BurgerKing :(
I banish thee to Beijing Airport
aww, wouldn't enjoy it much, not a fan of 'communism' to be honest, can't you send me to someplace fun like Taiwan. *giggles*
Banished to the micronation of Liechtenstein. Say 'hello' to Vaduz castle for me.
XD and I'm a bit sick and tired of being in nations that place so much value on money, still, I've heard a beer from Lichtenstein was voted as the "best beer of switzerland" (which is telling of the beer's quality here).
I banish thee to the brooklyn bridge!
I feel ya with the money thing, Wuff.hae how everything is based off prices and costs T_T
Speaking of bridges: I banish thee to the golden gate bridge! (a name i've never really understood, i mean it's red right?)
Oh I think I found something Gold! .... oh no thats just a collectors coin someone lost :sweatdrop:
I banish you to the congo river!
That would be amazing, which one though? the one in New York City or the smaller model in Las Vegas. I been to the one in Vegas before.
banished to a random location in Delaware.
in that Wayne's World accent "Hi, I'm in Delaware."
Oh! :D I've never been here, but the names of the cities here are really cool. I think I'll go to Smyrna.
I banish you to Nebraska!
Good thing I love corns, and pick up trucks. *giggles*
Banished to a really cool looking place in the world, it's called Arches National Park, in Utah.
Try not to tip over balancing rock *laughing*
I banish thee to a corn field!
Well, corn for breakfast, corn for lunch, corn for dinner, and even corn for dessert too.
Banished to the Rhine river
I banish thee to River Tyne!
'Oh, so lovely looking, hopefully it's safe to drink from."
Banished to a random street in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Oh they have great modified E-Guitars there :D known as Phim Lom. They have a scalloped fingerboard in order to bend the strings bends.
I banish you to Kidwelly Castle!
I Love visiting castles, historical castles, castles in ruins, and even 'White Castle' that Harold and Kumar like going to. So I know I'll enjoy my visit.
Take care and be safe as I banish you to the Dead Sea in southern Israel.
Banished to the Sahara Desert!
Can I bring lots of water with me? I know I'll get thirsty.
Banished to the top of the highest mountain on our planet, yep, Kilauea in Hawaii.
Mt. Everest might be the tallest mountain from sea level, but Kilauea is double it's height from the bottom of the ocean to the very top.
Oo didn’t know that
I banish thee to a potted plant!
Thanks you love it I will never want to leave.
Banished to a taqueria in Mexico City.
:D Mariachi and good Food! I think I'll stay a bit!
I banish you to the North Pole!
I banish thee to the South Pole ^_^!
Alaska must look so nice, North Pole is a suburb of Anchorage.
How about I banish both to the most Northern City in the continent of Americas.
Yep, Resolute, in Nunavut, Canada.
I banish thee to one of the most northern cities (or I guess towns) - Ny-Ålesund in Norway!
That would be interesting to experience.
Banished to the Florida everglades, watch out for the alligators
I banish thee to a Scottish pete bog ! ^_^
That be interesting to witness, only seen them in documentaries.
Banished to a pet bed next to a sleeping kitten.
Ahh if only ^_^ my kitties are the sleeping their own bed type.
I banish thee to a dog park!
My current avatar sona would love it, and make the puppy dog eyes to never leave.
Banished to your favorite Fan Fiction.
Oo that would be fun
I banish thee to the set of your favourite movie!
"Wow, were looking down at Wayne's basement, but that's not Wayne's basement, isn't that weird?" Wayne's World! Party on everyone.!
Banished to the front seat row of your favorite concert.
wow that is loud!!
I banish thee to a giant box of faux fur!
If its soft and fluffy... well, good luck getting me out of there without a struggle.
Banished to Candy Shop.
Oh gosh! I was hoping to reduce sugary goods!
I banish you to a doggy hotel!
Thanks you, I'll never want to leave either.
Banished to Stonehenge in Scotland.
I banish thee to Stonehenge in south England XP
That is Spinal Tap, right? I'll go with the majesty of rock.
Banished to the most loneliest place in the entire planet.
Yep, Point Nemo.
Its in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, where the nearest land is more than 2,000 miles from the nearest inhabitant. If your lucky, the International Space Station austronauts will be closer at 1,500 miles above you, even if they can't help out much.
Guess I'll have to meditate then, or hope for a signal *giggles*
I banish you to a recording studio!
A recording studio! My drumming skills at work.
Banished to the Groomers.
Oh dear not there! My dog’s legs would be glued to the ground and soon as we’re close XD
I banish thee to a candle shop ^_^
Fun, hopefully I can find a candle in the shape of a skull. Long time ago I found one for Halloween decoration.
How about something worst then... Banished to the Vet.
Oh my, these people are really kind to me! I've hardly had such a kind we- outch! hey why did they stick a needle in me :(
I banish you to the dentist!
I banish thee to a giant hamster ball!
Yay, this rocks!
I banish THEE to a giant hamster WHEEL!
WoaHHH wOAhhh!!
I banish thee to a rollercoaster with a HUGE drop!! ^_^
I do say friends, it took me ages to get out of that hamster ba~ aaaaaaaaaaaah! :o
o.O I... I baniiiish.... youuuu~ tohohooooo~ a Go-Kart Race track X3
WHEE! I love go-karting! I love to-- -BUMP- ... WHO PUT ALL OF THOSE TIRES THERE?! :o o.O
@.@ @.@ @.@
>.> ........ <.< ..........
I banish you to the merry-go-round!
@.@ I don't remember it being so fast when I was a kid :'( get me off of this thing!
.... No don't start it up again D:
:pout: nnhh... ehm.. I banish you~ hmm~ to Vegas Baby ;)
I banish thee to New Vegas hehe ^_^
:D yay, radiation poisoning!
I banish thee to a super strict art school!
Yipee :D!!
Aah the burnout noooo!!!
I banish thee to the inside of an egg!
Ah how strange~ don't we all long to be back into the safety of not being born quite yet~? The first trauma; being born~
Ehm I mean "Quack" ^_^
I banish you to the tree tops!
I banish thee to a field of chickens!
>.> anyone who has played the Legend of Zelda knows not to mess with these ladies. I come in peace!
I banish thee to a pond of ducks!
I banish thee to a pond of geese >:3
:o oh god! Time to bring out my Aves calming skills again~ good birdies... nice birdies... :sweatdrop:
I banish thee to a pen full of overly playful Boxer puppies! >:3
Too cute ^_^ ^_^
I banish thee to a Ferris wheel!
^_^ oh this is calming yet oddly terrifying
I banish thee to a furry convention!
Ahh I’ve been longing to go to one of those ^_^ , something to look forward to when I’m older
I banish thee to a sci-fi convention!
Gha! I'm unprepared :o I haven't watched all 900 episodes of Star Trek yet!
I banish you to the Enterprise!
There’s how many?! :o
I banish thee to the uh holodeck! (I think that’s right)
Oh Beam me up Ves :D
I banish you to the captains cockpit chair :) episode 901! TFF in Space!
My goodness!
I banish thee to Jupiter!!
:o *dies*
I banish thee to Mars!
I banish thee to earth! XP
XD haah air! Thank you Ves! :D
I banish you to an Airfield
I banish thee to a train yard!!
Wow its very quiet here!
I banish you to a sensory deprivation tank!
Ahh lovely and calm ^_^
I banish thee to an arcade !
Too much light, TOO MUCH WHITE
You have been banned to a white room that a bit bright...
I really don't know what I am doing...
Time for sunglasses :squint:
I banish thee to a giant library!
I hate books...
you were forced into the end from Minecraft with a nether portal and the ender dragon is fighting the mobs coming from the portal.
ahh o.O!
I banish thee to the sims 3!
[some random sim language speaking]
You have been banned to the home screen of the original Xbox
I banish thee to the xbox 360!
*Sadness of losing my 360 intensifies*
I banish you to the Xbox One
I banish thee to the forbidden ., Xbox 2!!! >:3 >:3
I banish you to the commodore 64!
Time to play some "Impossible Mission" ;)
Text adventure time :D
I banish thee to the world of Banjo-Kazooie 1!
XD Oh that's actually really cool! I've always wanted to hear that odd way they talk IRL
I banish you to Super Monkey Ball! Watch out for slopes!
wOah I don’t have good balance @.@!
I banish thee to Crash Bandicoot!
And I can't stop running! Aaah! :o no, please, I can't react that fa-
I banish thee to a hospital.
Oh hey Ves :D nice of you to come by and visit me in the hospital, a place I currently reside after I falling into a pit because I couldn't stop running for some reason.
Oh dear how’d you end up like that! How about,,
I banish thee to a time machine!
Ves! It's me from the future :o no matter what you do; don't banish me to a time machine! I get super careless and everything goes bad!
Ooh too late :3 oh well, then I will banish you to a land before our time!
Woah the animals were huge back then :o
I banish thee to the presence of a Megalodon!
I banish thee to a... hospital!
Please help stitch my arm back on Ves :'( that Megalodon was Mega-Hungry!
I banish yon Wuff-Wuff to the operating room!
Because you're going to need it, by the looks of things :o
I banish three to a watery grave!
twas a hungry megaladon 0:)
I banish thee to Davy Jone's Locker!
REVEEEENGE! >:3 >:3 >:3 >:3
I banish thee to a fish sleepover!!
I banish THEE to the bottom of the lake!
I'm a robot now, so I can survive just fine under here!
I banish thee to the bottom of the OCEAN!
time to visit my cousin the giant sea isopod ^_^
Aiiee - it's dark down here!
i banish the to the SUN!!
mm i do love a good bit of cheese :P
I banish THEE to the antarctic!
I'm MEEELLTTIIIInnnggGGggggggGgggg--
I'm super fluffy! So I should be alright :3
... Gosh~ they lied a bout the oats in Oats land :( there's none here!
I banish youuuuuuhuhuhu to a presentation on oats farming :3 We have to fix this false advertising!
Egads -- this really is an oat-ful crisis!
I banish yon to the breakout room of the oat presentation! .. I wanted two sandwiches at this presentation, could you hand me yours? :P