In this game you grant the previous poster's wish! But with a terrible twist that ruins it. Then make your own wish for the next broken genie!
For example:
Member 1
I wish for the power of flight!
Member 2
Granted! You are now full of helium and float away.
I wish for a million dollars!
Member 3
Granted! It's waiting for you on the Moon.
I wish for... etc.
I'll go first, I wish for a huge chocolate cake!
Granted! The sun has turned into a huge chocolate cake instead.
I wish for a fully-done-and-renovated house >.>
Granted! The exquisite workmanship is to your exact designs, just 1:24 scale.
I wish for a grand piano!
Granted, but it's just the parts and you need to put it together yourself.
I wish for a key that can open anything
Granted! Any room or place you can open with that key will explode or melt away.
I want to be the best at playing any music instrument.
Your virtuosity now prevents you from listening to other flawed musicians without flinching.
I wish I was a horse whisperer.
Granted! You now also only hear humans make horse noises.
I wish to control the weather.
Granted, but you cause anomalous weather constantly everywhere you got, uncontrollably.
I wish i had talent in anything
Granted, you can now walk on your hands but no longer on your feet.
I wish I had a cat.
Granted! But your cat never "mews" it only barks x3
I wish I had better marks at school.
Granted, your school now is a landmark.
I want to be a superhero.
Granted! You look cool with your super powers but you can't ever take off your suit.
I wish I had better internet connection...
Granted, but now you need to put $0.50 in your computer every half hour if you want to keep using it.
I wish a day had 25 hours.
Granted, but you're on an entirely new planet.
Wish i had some crisps.
Granted, but someone else eats them all before you can even touch it.
I wish it was snowing here.
Granted, but it's a nuclear winter ^_^
I wish I wish I could go back to 1902
Granted, but now you have no way back.
I wish I had a Predator-class Star Destroyer!
Granted, but now you have no way back.
I wish I had a Predator-class Star Destroyer!
Wish Granted ,but it turns out to be a hologram over a older Klingon Bird-of-Prey with a malfunctioning Cloaking device.
I wish for something Good to happen.
Granted - but that good thing is followed by a disaster.
I wish I had a real, functional Lightsaber.
Granted, but you cutt your hand half-off with the cross guard. (kylo-ren saber)
I wish for my wish to not be twisted.
Granted, because there was nothing in the wish to twist. Downside is, you got nothing out of it.
I wish I could use the Force.
Granted, you can use the force for 1 second. After that you're so exhausted you can't do anything for a while.
I wish I was a rockstar.
Granted, but you make now crappy games.
I wish I could visit NYC
Granted, you will be transported to the Norway Yacht Charter. I have to say, I like your style.
I wish I liked coffee.
Wish granted, you have lost all sense of taste, so you like all food.
I wish for 20 tonnes of Nutella.
Granted, it will be dropped right on you all at once ^_^
I wish I was in Illinois
Granted (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois_(band)). Not what you wanted?
I wish for the power of flight.
Granted, it'll fall right on your head.
I wish I could drive a car.
Granted. However, you are now cursed to never own a car, or be in a situation to drive one.
I wish to own Peru.
Granted, you get Venezuela with it.
I wish this wish would be corrupted
Granted, your wish wasn't granted.
I wish I could see in the dark.
Granted, but you'll only be able to see when there is a total lack of a light source
I wish I could turn other people into animals
Granted, but, dude, you realise they'd prolly kill ya' when y'all out and about do'n ya newfound trickery?
Ye'r call!
I wish I could have a backpack with infinite space!
Deal! you're in the backpack too :D
I wish I could remove Friesland
Granted. Wait, shit, you've removed kebab.
I wish that i had scissors. 61!
You now have 61 scissors...
I wish I had the ability to summon a legion of toasters, under my command...
You'll get your toasters, but you'll never be able to eat toast.
I wish I could be the next prime minister
You'll be the next prime minister, but Good 'ol Geertje (http://static.upcoming.nl/static/images/13be735366_1392388899_Het-begon-in-2004-toen-hij-achteloos-op-een-pen-zat-te-kauwen__list-noup.jpg) will be your heartsworn nemesis!
I want to be capable of indefinite flight!
Granted, but only 3 cm above ground
I wish I could own Limburg
You now own Limburg, but you will be forever tasked with it's strategic and millitary defense, as an immortall headless horseless horseman of the defense!
I want to ignite my barbeque!
Granted, a supernova will help you ^_^
I wish I could remove randstad
Congratulations. Due to your wish, four of the most important cities of the Netherlands vanished into thin air and now we have a national crisis. Thanks a lot.
I wish pop music wasn't about romantic love this much. It's ridiculous.
Congratulations. Due to your wish, four of the most important cities of the Netherlands vanished into thin air and now we have a national crisis. Thanks a lot.
Yaay, no broken wish XP
Granted, they will only make songs about you.
I wish I could lower the sealevel by 5m
Granted. It was lowered by 5m, plus another 5m. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
I wish I was on good terms with the Yaut'ja Hunters, and therefore could use them to assassinate anyone I wanted. Clandestinely, of course.
Granted but they also kill one of your friends each time they kill your target.
I wish to fix the broken Genie.
Granted, but the thread needs to get locked for two weeks to repair a mess this big. Is that okay for you?
I wish I had a banana.
Granted, but it's potassium levels are out of the roof lol
I wish I wasn't single rip
Granted, have fun with the stalking authoritarian partner :)
I wish I had a wreck of a train so I could restore it
Granted - but it gets wrecked again the second the restoration is done.
I wish I didn't have trouble sleeping.
Granted, you now have trouble waking up...
I wish that Americans would be quicker...
Granted, the top speed of all cars located in Peru, Suriname, Mexico and Dominican Republic has been raised by 1 km/h.
I wish this wish would not be granted.
Granted... You no longer exist...
I wish I could have more lemon-juice...
Wish granted, though you may not want to open that cupboard. Or you may drown.
I wish that I was in Ancient Egypt, alive, unharmed, and slightly well-off.
Granted, but you're litterally a stone in the pyramid of geeza... (That's probebly not what it's called, is it?)
I wish american costumer service was faster...
Granted, the average speed of costumer services in Canada, Panama, Brazil and Chile went down by 1 second.
I wish I could fly.
You can fly, but you can never land.
I wish I could be warmer.
Enjoy being on fire :)
I wish I could open refrigerators from a distance
You can now open them from the distance, but you need to be at least one kilometer away for it to work!
I wish I could breath underwater!
Granted, you now have gills and can't breathe above water anymore.
I wish I was as fast as Sonic.
You can now breaht underwater :)
But not above water.
Granted, but you can never stop going fast
I wish there would be no more communism
Granted, communism is now the only economical system on the planet, thus, it no longer needs a name...
I wish I was invincible...
Granted, but everyone else is invincible-er than you are.
I wish we had a winter with snow again.
You are, but watchout for that liquid nitrogen.
^Granted, but now Friesland will constantly brag about their elfstedentocht
I wish New Zealand was real
There was nothing to grant :(
I wish I had three more wishes.
Granted, but there are no genies availlable.
I wish I Belgian would be a libertarian monarchy
Granted, but the Willempie will be Belgium's monarch!
I wish the Horten HO-229 (http://greyfalcon.us/pictures/ho229B.jpg) was a commercially available sporting aircraft...
Granted, but it costs €10.000.000,- to buy one.
I wish for unlimited internet speed.
Granted, but now they will charge unlimited costs :D
I wish the EU would be removed
Granted! Welcome to the Global Union!
I wish my headache would stop.
Granted! But guess the spinal injuries aren't great either?
I wish World War 3 wouldn't happen
Granted! All life on Earth has been eradicated due to a series of major nuclear disasters!
I wish I wasn't dead...
Granted! You now live in the hell of the wasteland that the world has become.
I wish I had a Starship.
Granted, but may I know why you wanted a 1980s band?
I wish I owned New York City
Granted, you now own new york city, but now you have to pay it's tax...
I wish I had a B-17G.
Granted, you win a miniature at a quiz.
I wish I could spit icebeams out of my mouth.
Granted, but to be able to do that you have to eat granite :)
I wish all people changed into wolves
Granted, but it's only just a dream.
I wish global warming wasn't a thing.
Granted. Then they all died a death of starvation to the sudden, and massive biological imbalance of seven-and-a-half-billion wolves, suddenly appearing all over the world...
I wish I could manipulate matter to my demand.
^Congrats Michen, Global cooling is now happing
^You can manipulate matter, but every kg of manipulated matter takes one day of your life away
I wish antifa wasn't a thing
Granted, the NAZI's now rule Europe!
I wish that the Netherlands had more forest...
Granted, but now you can't turn your barrel without hitting a tree.
I wish the bus arrived on time for a change.
Granted, the NAZI's now rule Europe!
>Implying this is bad ^_^
Bus is on time! But now a simple ticket costs €25
I wish I had my own trainline
Granted, but it only has dead ends, no stations and no trains.
I wish I owned a sword.
Granted, but its edges are dull and blunt.
I wish I had command of a fleet of Sangheili Ships so I could just glass America's enemies and be done with it.
Granted, but they're separatist-minded and will attack the central authority as soon they can.
I wish I had nothing
Granted, you don't even have yourself anymore.
I wish I had new curtains for my sleeping room.
Granted but they're white so they don't block any light.
I wish to fix the broken Genie
The Genie was never really broken. He was just a dick all along :(
I wish this thread icon was a Lamp.
Granted, your screen now produces light...
I want to be free!
Granted, You are free,
OF GRAVITY, have a nice time in space.
I wish i didn't want to post here....
Future Alex sends a Terminator back in time and it turns out it was it who posted after all.
I wish I knew all the things
Granted, but it's so much your brain explodes.
I wish I had ice cream!
I hope you enjoy the new flavour: motor oil :D
I wish I had a broken computer
(You sneaky reverse phycology fur!) Granted: You received a free top of the market computer without a battery.
I wish I was my sona!
Granted, but you lose all the memories of the life you had before becoming your sona and now live the life your sona lives.
I wish I had a pet fox.
Granted, but it is me, and I am a ninja and so you will never find me.
I want the ability to "retry" any part of my life.
Granted - but you end up creating a massive butterfly effect. Good luck with that mess.
I wish I had Boba Fett's armor.
Granted, but... but.... (I can't think of a negative)... Boba Fett is still in the armour, and your his target.
I wish I had an owner.
Granted but your owner keeps you locked in a huge cage, at least it's got room.
I wish i had a broken computer with a dead battery.
Granted, your computer's battery caught fire, destroying the computer as well. Side effect: Your housu burnt down to the ground...
I wish I didn't rust...
Granted, you can't rust if you don't exist anymore.
I wish for a new television.
Granted, but it's an old model. Very old.
I wish I had more coffee. And an M4 Tactical.
Granted, but it's an old model. Very old.
I wish I had more coffee. And an M4 Tactical.
Granted but the coffee is Stale and the m4 is in horrible condition.
I wish for a broken genie of my own.
Granted, but it was deleted because there is already one.
I wish for the next persons wish to be without consequence.
Granted, but that means my wish doesn't do anything at all.
I wish for a better cat toy.
I wish for a aperture science portal gun.
Granted but there was a mix up so you got a half life 2 gravity gun
I wish for a strawberry farm
Granted, but you still need to plant everything.
I wish for a silver bracelet.
Granted, but it's too small.
I wish I knew what to wish for.
You do already, but the Federation has got you fooled! Look deep within yourself.
I wish for more pockets
Granted, you get one more pocket. You never really specified how many :P
I wish I had my own armory, filled with my custom weapons designs, and the government didn't hassle me over it.
Granted, but trained militants plan a heist in a few hours... good luck!
I wish to be bipedal!
Granted, your forelegs are removed...
I wish that german anti-tank weaponry never existed...
It is replaced by Canadian anti-tank weaponry
I wish for a delicious cheese cake that never runs out.
Granted, but the cheesecake is literally poison.
I wish we lived closer to a forest.
Granted. But every night a ferocious wild boar attacks your house.
I wish people were on time for their appointments.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Granted, now they're early and walk away before the appointment starts because they get bored.
I wish I had a watch that always is on time.
Granted, it's set to the planet of mars...
I wish my I could meet my great grandfather, the A27 cromwell...
Granted, but he's already scrap metal.
I wish I find a diamond!
Granted. Although the diamond is not complete yet... You got a piece of coal, so you have to burry it for a couple billion years to transform into one x3
I wish songs were never getting old/boring.
Granted, I made variety never exist, so the concept of having different things seems ridiculous. This means that we are used to having the same songs, so they don't become boring.
I wish to be able to sleep!
Granted! Now you cannot wake up from your sleep!
I wish I could use my mind to lift things!
Granted. However, each time you think about ANYTHING, it will be lifted, weather it be your car keys or a celebrity.
I wish to meet a friendly alien!
Granted! You met a Dragonarian, then made the mistake of inadvertently insulting them.
I wish I had nanites in my blood that ensure I can never be fat.
Granted! Those same nanites prevent you from building up muscle as well!
I wish for infinite water!
Granted. The supply will be located in your trachea...
I wish to have my coaxials and auxilliarys replaced with polsten 20MM autocannons...
Granted, but the cannons are sealed at both sides.
I wish I could dive as deep as I wanted without problems.
Granted, we have applied the suitable breathing and pressure survivability, as well as turn you to lead to allow you to sink faster. as a result, you are now too heavy to go on planes, rollercoasters... anything not touching the ground.
I wish to go to Finland!
Granted, you're in a random cave in Finland, 100 metres underground.
I wish I was no longer afraid of anything.
Granted, now you take completely unrealistic risks that endanger you and everyone around you!
I wish to be able to turn invisible at will!
Granted - but now a shady organization is after you and wants to dissect you to try to learn how your power works.
I wish I was trained to use both Light and Dark sides of the Force!
Granted - but now a shady organization is after you and wants to dissect you to try to learn how your power works.
I wish I was trained to use both Light and Dark sides of the Force!
Granted but now a whole sith empire wants to hunt you down to learn your powers.
I wish to fix the broken genie for the next person's wish.
Granted but the genie has no idea how to speak or understand English
I wish to not be sick
Because the genie didn't understand English for this wish due to the previous corruption, nothing happened...
I wish for a mega bouncy ball!
Granted.... if I were you, I'd get rid of the chains around your feet before it crushes you.
I wish for biscuits. A lot of biscuits.
granted! only they're burned AND pillow flavored D:
I wish I was an exual fox with human traits
Granted but everyone else is a normal animal.
I wish for snow
granted but theres already pee on it
i wish for a fox as pet
Granted but the pet fox will be taller than you.
I wish i can change colors.
Granted. You can only change between red with green dots and white lines and purple with tan triangles and black brick motive.
I wanna dance like a pro.
Granted, you now want to dance like a pro even more!
I wish I had good plants for my room.
Here. *Gives you a baobab tree*
Can I get cash?
*gives some IRL*
What colour should I paint the living room in?
You can get it in any color, as long as it's black.
I want to have power.
(I gave a single Polish 10 cent coin, if anyone was wondering)
Granted, you have the power of who do. Wait, I even messed that joke up!
I wish I didn't mistake this for the wrong thread.
Granted: all threads are gone.
I wish I owned Belgium
OK! Your country has been split up between the Netherlands and France, and from today your name is officially "Belgium".
Can I be awesome?
Yes, but you'll only be awesome when no one is around to notice it.
I wish global warming would happen faster
OK! Now the earth itself will melt tomorrow.
I wanna be free from karma.
You're now free of karma.
Enjoy Murphy's Law.
I wish King Leopold II would be back alive and reign over Belgium once again for at least 20 years
OK! Though, he'll be corrupted and make everyone his slave...
I wanna be a ghost.
Sorry dude, but I can't fulfill that wish right now. According to the rulebook, page 203, I can only grant halloween wishes up to 14 days before halloween, and right now it's 15 days before halloween. If you come back and make this wish again tomorrow, I can safely grant this wish for you if you still want it by then, okay?
I wish for cheese fondue!
Granted, you're the cheese fondue.
I wish that history would now happen in reverse
*hands you a dvd with all of history, but reversed*
I wanna yaught.
granted, its right in the middel of the ocean, but its yours
i want candy
Granted, but you only get the butter scotch candy.
I wish to dye my hair
granted its purple with green polkadots an a few stripes blue
i wish to be a prince
Granted, but you have to kiss this frog which may or may not be just a regular frog, and you may or may not turn into a prince.
I wish i could fly like superman
granted, but you cant waalk or hover
i wish to be as powerfull as a god
Granted, but you now are hunted by demons.
I wish to not be sick anymore
granted but you have to go to school
i want a new video game
Granted, enjoy the Japanese version of Galactic Pinball for the Virtual Boy.
I wish for a shooting star!
granted, its comming right at you
i wish to be aducted by aliens
OK! They'll put you back as hippie, though.
Gimme fire breath.
itll burn your moth but ok
i wish you free genie
OK! I'll never listen to anyone ever again.
Gimme gold.
here it comes *squash* right on top of ya
i wish for a pool
Who said I owed you anything?
Gimme luck.
a demon who feeds on luck captured you though
give me a new phone
Granted, here you go.
Oh, and it maaaay be broken...
I wish my name turned into S. Cary for halloween.
granted, the S stands for SoNotS Cary
i wish for a pumpkin who act like a dog, like in steven universe
Go find one yourself.
Gimme something useless.
you got a smart TV from 5 years ago, if youve been following the news the apps went broken
i want a wand
I'm not your slave!
Gimme rudeness.
you already had it
i want gloves
Gimme time.
i wish for you to post less often tonight
Sorry, you can't control me.
By the way, it was YOU who wanted me to be free!
So, don't complain.
Gimme awesomeness.
granted, but your not free anymore
i wish for a coin
Gimme my freedom back.
granted for 1 sec
same wish as last time
Granted, but it's inside the wall of your sleeping room.
I want orange juice.
OK! Here! *hands juice that has been standing open for 4,5 years*
Gimme creativity.
Granted, but you can only come up with things you have come up with before!
I wish I wasn't sick from drinking the orange juice from my previous wish.
granted, but you need to drink more of it now
i want you tonight if your a girl
OK! If you weren't talking to my BROTHER...
Gimme a bedroom.
granted but im in it ;) ok sorry
i wish that never happend
OK! You've just travelled 9,001 years back in time.
Gimme reality.
including th sad parts like vegtebels what you seemed to like with your groente
i wish for dutch pancakes
Granted, but you have to travel to the US to get them.
I wish for a coconut.
OK! *Coconut falls on your head*
Gimme bragging.
grantd you got the movie coco with some nuts
i wish that the movie coco has come out already
OK! Nobody has to see it, because everyone's spoiling the whole plot!
Gimme legends.
Granted, you now got the slimy hamburger of doom.
I wish to become a house cat for halloween.
OK! But, you turn back before nightfall.
Gimme kaboominite.
Granted, it blows up in ya face! *makes a bad boom sound*
I wish for lettuce!
OK! *hands you seeds* The do-it-yourself kit!
Gimme superiority.
Granted, you rule the world and must deal with all of it’s problems!
I just wanna cupcake. :3
Granted, but it's two cupcakes instead of one.
I wish for a pizza
Nooo! Not two! >:3
Granted, *hands over a puppy named “A Pizza”*
I could use some napkins now. XP
granted but theyre already used
i wish for a time traveling machine
Granted, but the time machine is just a clock.
I wish for a croissant.
Granted, the moon is now a giant croissant
Since my napkins were dirty, I’d rather have some soap.
Granted, but it's hand sanitizer instead. And it is empty.
I wish to be in a movie.
Granted, you are an extra and only appear in one frame
Hmm... I wish to get my paws dirty!
Gets irremovable gunk under fingernails and permanent grunge lines in the paws...
I wish for friends I could trust not to use or betray me...
Granted ;) *hugs*
Well my wish didn’t work... I wish for the Genie to be fixed!
disassembles Genie, replaces failed parts, puts back together, but reverses connection someplace...
Wishes I didn't have 2 leftover parts from the Genie
granted you now have 3
i wish for ice cream
Granted, but it’s ice cream flavored
I wish I knew how to dupe the Genie. :P
granted by the genie who didnt know what dupe meant
i wish to chase a mouse >:3
Granted, *poofs you into a cat* >:3
I wish for a super soft bed!
granted, its so soft you got stuck in it
i wish for a flatscreen ultra HD 3D TV
Granted, you get a box containing all of those letters. They’re very big, and paper thin.
I wish for... some shoes!
granted, theyre very high heels like 15 CM and 5 sizes bigger then your feet
i wish for a kid
They’re perfect! Just need some bigger feet. X3
Granted, you have a goat.
I wish I were a bear!
granted your a polar bear in the woods
i wish had a prize
*puts on her shoes* Perfect :)
Granted, you get a blue ribbon for making a mouse happy. :3
Hmm... I want fish. >.<
granted, only uses is to distrect preditors from eating you
i wish there was a mouse to eat
*poofs back and is very small* Uh oh... O.O
I wish I don’t get eaten!
Granted, you're turned into a statue for a day.
I wish I had more motivation to draw.
*is a tiny mouse statue* O.o
(Granted, you now want to draw everything and anything.)
*wishes she could move*
dupes Genie, now there are 2 of them...
wishes for a chili dog, loaded, chicago style
granted its 1 CM long
i wish the mouse wasnt stone anymore so i have something to eat
Okay, now the mouse is made out of hot dogs...
Wish I had a sports car!
granted, after 1 day of driving it broke
i wish for more wishes
*is hotdogs O.o*
Granted, but now you're the Genie
I wish you had already eaten
granted ive eaten you
i wish that your alive again, so i can eat you again
*Comes back to life, but is a carrot*
*wishes to be bigger*
granted you gained 1 inch
i wish to had magic
*Granted, you had magic, but it went away*
*wishes to not be a carrot*
Granted, now you're rhubarb.
I wish you could've seen my face when I came up with that idea. X3
*Granted, your face was revealed, but I couldn't see it because rhubarb* X3
*wishes to be a fruit*
granted your a tomato, eventhough people are argueing it to be a fruit or not
i wish i knew everything
*Granted, you now know everything there is to know about mice* :3
*wishes to be an animal this time* >.<
granted your a mouse again, so i can eat you again
i wish you were easier to chase
Granted, I'm a statue again :P
I wish you didn't like mice.
granted, your a rabbit
i wish for a flying carpet
Granted, but it's a plane ticket
I wish... uh... I want to be blue! :3
granted your blue, but not as in the color but as in sad
i wish i wasnt hungry
*is sad because she knew that would happen* XP
Granted, you've just finished a lifetime supply of ice cream
I wish I was yellow!
granted, you turned into LEGO
i wish i could type without having to look at the keyboard
Granted, but you can only type at 12 WPM max.
I wish for a soft rain outside.
granted but your door is locked
i wish you post alot now so i have something to do
granted but it was a free game
i wish you had a space bar and knew about it
granted you got 99 skittles and 1 m&m
i wish you would use the spacebar
gran tedius eitin randomplac e s
iwi shw ehadab iggertel e visi on
granted, its too big to fit in your room
i wish you use the spacebar in the right place
Granted, but my posting speed goes down again.
I wish for a bigger room.
granted but your house is now one room
i wisf for you to post often and use the spacebar in the right places
Granted, but now you have to explain to my teachers why I’m failing their classes. X3
I wish it was my birthday again.
grantedbut the cake is spoiled
i wish for a wishingwell
OK! Though, I must warn you... It's broken too.
Gimme victory.
A truck pulls up outside your house and unloads your new Victory Motorcycle...you are responsible for the taxes and fees..
(Hi Mary Love, been a while!!)
I wish for a calm, uneventful weekend with good weather
granted but its followed by a busy week with alot of events, bad weather and dont forget work
i wish to wish the wish wich you wish to wish i wish, but if you wish to wish i wish the wish wich the witch wishes to wish she wished i wish to wish my wish back
Granted, you'll die by a random piano crash tomorrow and it'll make the headlines of the newspaper. Thanks a lot, btw. I appreciate it.
I wish to solve an unsolvable riddle.
granted, but i wont die cuz the witch wished it
i wish for chocolate
Granted, but you'll have to wait a week to get it.
I wish for a kitty!
Granted, you've been brought back to life.
I wish for the best job ever.
granted you work it 24/7
i wish for pepernoten
Granted. (https://cdn6.bigcommerce.com/s-hhv2ux6/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/373/1399/Da-Bomb-Ghost-Pepper-Nuts__50790.1475791053.jpg?c=2)
I wish for a non-horror movie to watch for Halloween. All hail heresy!
granted you have to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas 24/7
i wish for non-children movies to watch for Sinterklaas
24/7 Santa adult (XXX) movies for you!!!
I wish for more time off to relax and enjoy with the pack
You shall relax. For all of eternity.
Give it a few millennia
i wish for
Fourhundred thousand dollars
Granted but you live in a country with a different currency
I wish for strawberry chocolate.
Granted, the strawberries are 10 years old and it’s dark chocolate
I wish lightstone wishes something.
i wish to not wish anymore
Granted, but only as long as you don't post here.
I wish for a barbeque party.
Granted, just don't expect there to be no fires that will burn down your house...
I wish for good luck.
grqnted, but your sold to a maniac who feed on luck
i wish you a happy birthday
Granted, except it won't do anything as my birthday is seven months away.
I wish I got two thousand euros on my bank account.
Granted, the bank thought you stole it and didn’t believe you when you said “I wished for it”
Error: wish_request=0;
I wish you don't cause any more errors in my posts.
granted after one more
I wish I could appreciate simple things a bit more.
uuuhhmmmmmm.... granted, the genie had a dirty mind
i wish i didnt have a dirty mind anymore
...? *shrug* Granted, your brains are now filled with soap water.
I wish I had more time to watch anime.
granted, its 24/7 hent....... my previous wish didnt work
i wish for a difrent genie
Nope. It's still me.
I wish you fell asleep on the couch, perv.
granted it was a power nap
i wish not to be a perv anymore
Granted, a zombie is eating your brains.
I wish to become a great witch, just like Chariot! X3
welcome to little witch academia (one of my fav anime)
i wish for more fans of the netflix anime reboot of that
Granted, I'm here.
I wish I was nocturnal.
granted you cant talk to me anymore since im not awake at night
i wish i was
Granted, you are a bat
I wish my job was less boring
granted, you work for the army
i wish for a bag of marshmellows
Granted, they taste weird because it’s an weird brand.
I wish I didn’t have to go to work right now. :/
Granted, the clock went back by 5 minutes.
I wish to have my favourite movie as a DVD!
granted you dont have a DVD-player
i wish i had an OLED TV
OK! But, it's got the tendency to randomly switch off after the commercials...
Gimme a limo.
granted you need to ride it yourself
i wish to be like mario
OK! You now die after two hits!
Gimme superstar status.
granted it was only 10 sec and you didnt realize that
i wish for a toupence to buy a bag to feed the birds
OK! You won't get salary next month. Or, I want it back, pronto. You choose.
Gimme a lucky coin.
granted your little sister trew it in the wishing well to wish to wish for one cent X3
i wish to be rich
OK! your money vaporises the instant you'll be trying to spend it.
Oh, by the way, I don't have a sister, so the coin is mine.
Gimme über power.
youl always hear every thing see the sun too bright cant stop breathing fire ect.
i wish to be a prince
OK! Though, you'll be transformed into a frog.
Gimme everything I ever imagined
granted most things were not like you immagend it due to phisics
i wish that phisics didnt work for 1 day
OK! Just... Beware of the world. A world without physics is dangerous... and you are more likely to die of a meteor impact.
Gimme reality.
Removes all pre-conceived ideology and upbringing, allowing reality to meet you head on..
Wishes for a lost Fursona to be remembered
granted but he/she died
i wish he/she was alive and found
Granted, he/she is a zombie.
I wish it was raining skittles.
Rains skittles, but you are stuck outside in it with no protection... (think large, continuous hail)
Wishes I hadn't wished to remember lost fursona
Granted you killed him/her
Ish to be more funny
(actually I did... :( )
grants you 7 more tails, all different colors...
Wishes I could go to bed already
granted you just cant fall asleep
i wish i could see horror movies eventhough im too young for them
Granted, you're now 60 years older.
I wish for a new plant for my room.
Granted. It is a nuclear power plant.
I wish for someone to fix this genie!
*fixes genie*
Well, that's not going to work.
*replaces fixed genie with a new broken one*
I wish I could see the future
graned, youll only see how you die
i wish for a better genie
Granted! Now 20% more broken!
I wish I was good at maths
Granted, you're getting lessons from me. A 2-year old me.
I wish for Christmas to be here already!
granted you, and everybody else didnt have time to buy presents
i wish to be santa clause
Granted, you will be on 31 December and 1 January. That'll learn you not to mistake one celebration for the other.
I wish for hot chocolate.
Granted, but its dark chocolate.
I with to be a fly
granted youll get eaten by a frog
i wish for a kite
OK! Don't expect it to fly, though.
Gimme metal.
If it isn't enough, just wish for metal again, 'kay kiddo? Have fun, and all that.
I wish the tree in our backyard was alive!
trees already are alive
i wish you werent that dumb XP
Granted, you just took my wish differently than I hoped you would...
I wish for a silver bracelet!
Granted, but it's fake and is worthless.
I wish for my sisters to stop being annoying.
granted, shes dead
i wish for more disney
Granted, everything is now disney. Everything.
granted, shes dead
I was laughing so hard at that
Granted, you won't be able to stop laughing forever. You even continue when you're already dead.
I wish to be the best circleclicker in the world!
granted your top scores at 1 c/sec, 60 c/min, 3600/hour, 86400 c/day, you get the picture
i wish for 1 milion dollars/euros/whatever currncy they use in my country
Granted, but you are arrested for tax evasion.
I wish for a big ol' cake
granted, you sufacated in it
i wish it was "sinterklaas" already
Granted, the time has skipped, you don't remember how you got there but apparently you made some bad decisions on the way.
I wish for world peace!
Granted, everything died, so no more fighting.
I wish for unlimited, free internet.
Granted, but you can only use it on Antarctica.
I wish to get a fancy sword as decoration for my room.
granted, some day it will fall of and kill you
i wish you were alive
Granted, but only if you're going to meet me in person.
I wish my milk was warm.
granted i farted in it
i wish i knew where you live
Granted, you have now forgotten where you live
I wish for next year to be better than this year.
sorry, this was a great year compaired to last year
Granted they turned invisible
I wish I knew how to hunt better
you're now 1% better
i want to go to Hamilton
Granted, but only your lower half.
I wish I never have to postphone things.
Granted. You have a lot of stuff to do.
I wish it was christmas already
granted you didnt have the time to buy presents
i wish i could go shopping free in a game store for 30 min
Granted, the 30 minutes go in at the time I post this.
I wish I could shift physically.
Granted! You can shift into dust particle
I this I could feed all the hungry
Granted, every time you eat something everyone else gets fed instead cx
I wish I was a Chicken...
Granted, you're now also afraid of almost everything.
I wish for a banana chocolate spread sandwich.
granted and thank you, i was getting hungry
i wish i had Mario Oddesy
Granted you got Mario 64 mod
I wish I could be mini so I can eat a big strawberry
granted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb5YR6wpg7g
i wish i has some cereal
Granted, you got the base ingredients now you make your own cereal from scratch
I wish I could join a wolf pack
granted your the food :/
i wish i was an african wild dog
Granted, though the Genie had an error. Looks like you are an african wild cat
I wish I had a better sleep schedule
granted you sleep now!
i wish to have succes in my life
Granted, you win at everything.
I wish my birthday was farther away.
Granted, you'll go back in time from now on.
I wish for a rose.
Grated, you got one powdered rose
I wish I could ride of a whales back
granted, hell eat you though :/ thats a little less fun
i wish i had a pillow
Granted but it was made of brick
I wish for a box of strawberries
granted there outdated
i wish for choclates
Granted but you only got the chocolate seeds
I wish be able to learn to surf.
granted, you were able to learn but you didnt learn
Granted, you turn invisible
I wish to go to Mount Everest
granted, you froze
i wish my phone was fixed
Granted, it turned into a robot.
I wish to learn to be a good cook
granted, youve been forced into cooking for alot of people
i wish to wish the wish wich you wish to wish i wish
but if you wish to wish i wish the wish wich the witch wishes to wish i wish
i wish not to wish the wish wich you wish to wish i wish
Broke, you exploded.
I wish to visit a Savanna
ya got eaten by a lion
i wish for pizza
Granted you got the pictures.
I wish to go to a beach to play in the sand
granted there were bullies there
i wish to be a lion
Granted but only half of you changed
I wish to pet your mane since you have half a lions mane. ^_^
granteed, you got eaten by me
i wish i didt eat you
Granted, but you got three clones of me.
I wish for a box of infinite chicken so I can give it to you XP
granted, you didnt get a singel bite
i wish it was 5 december forever
Granted but everything else froze to
I wish I could float
granted, you still cant float over cliffs
i wish you free genie
Granted but it was that darn broken Genie
I wish I could get a ride from a giant bird
granted you fell
i wish my cat was on my lap
Granted but you turned into a cat suddenly
I wish to visit a temple
granted, it was the run down temple of time
i wish for 1000 bitcoins
Granted but right when you got them their value suddenly drop mysteriously
I wish to explore a swamp
granted, ya got eaten by a croc
i wish that croc didnty eat ya
Granted but it ate ya instead
I wish I could have saved you and defeat the croc
granted, but now were lost
i wish i knew the way
Granted, universe exploded as genie didn't know what to do.
I wish I was asleep
granted you had a nightmare
i wish to be a fox IRL
Granted, but a feral one.
I wish our dog turned into a cat.
Granted, they turned into a duck. oh wait that wasn’t right . . .
I wish to clone who ever reads this
double the annoyingness
i wish for a table
Granted but it was too big
I wish I was faster
ya cant stop running
i wish i was a cat
Granted but you had to spit up hairballs every five seconds
I wish I could fly on kite
granted but thew kites fall
i wish to pet you
Granted, but you grew a third arm
I wish to have a submarine
granted, though it cant go too low thanks to water pressure
i wish for food
Granted but it was rotten
I wish to be able to race a cheetah
Granted, you bet 50 dollars with a cheetah but just cause you were able to race doesn’t mean you were able to win
I wish for drinks
Graneted but the drink wasnt exactly meant to be costumed @.@
I wish to got fishing in the ocean
granted, yet since its the ocean you drowned
i wish for a cookie jar
Granted but it's on your head
I wish to go on a treasure hunt
granted, the treasure is buried in the core of the moon
i wish for snow in my region
Ranted but it will a hundred year ice age.
I wish to explore a cool cave
granted, bear attack
i wish it was christmas everyday
Granted but it got dull after the one hundred day
I wish for my very own piranha plant from super mario
granted, it ate ya (be careful what you wish for)
i wish for snow
Granted, you got hundreds of feet of it.
I wish to meet a Yoshi :)
granted, it still ate ya (Mario characters like eating ok?!)
i wish to kill mushrooms by jumping on them
Granted but it exploded.
I wish to go mechanical bull riding.
granted, ya fell of immediately
i wish to be in Disneyland
Granted but you got sent back to grand opening in 1955
I wish to make a huge pot of spaghetti
granted but you couldn't eat it all
i wish to be in Disneyland Paris
Granted but they were working.
I wish go sand skiing
granted ya fell
i wish to be a snowman like froty
Granted, you simply froze and got cover by snow @.@
I wish to get to use a hot tub ^_^
Granted, but the tub is so hot it'll burn you alive.
I wish for a pet butterfly!
Granted but it was huge!!
I wish to swap colours with a snow leopard : P
granted, every-one confused you with michen
i wish for snow
Granted but it was fake snow.
I wish to go to a waterpark
granted, you drowned
i wish you were alive again
Granted but you got a zombie.
I wish to sleep on a beach
granted, the water level rose just when you slept
i wish it didnt
Granted, all the water went away.
I wish to defeat Bowser : P
granted, i'm sorry but your princess is in another castle
i wish it was tomorrow
Granted but the genie just ended up resetting the day
I wish to make a fancy potion in a pot
granted, but first work on your grammar
i wish i could beat this boss in the legend of Zelda breath of the wild
( hey, you know what I meant, I don't correct yours that much. x3 )
Granted but you beat the game forever and it can't replay.
I wish to cook a big back of mac n cheese
granted, your back is now mac n cheese
i wish i wasn't so annoying
Granted, the world exploded.
I wish to meet a turkey
granted, but you have to go to Turkey to meet him/her
i wish i didn't make such bad pus
Granted, your mouth fell off.
I wish to play a prank on a fur
granted, ya pulled a prank on yourself ya silly vee
i wish "silly vee" was something everybody in the forums start saying when you did a silly thing
Granted, all the chats got spammed
I wish to try being a stunt eevee xP
granted, you tried, you failed, you died silly vee
i wish you weren't dead
Granted, you got a floating eevee.
I wish to fall asleep fast
*you couldnt here my wish as you were sleeping*
( should still put one for if other people show up ^_^ )
Granted, everything disappeared
I wish to be sleeping in a warm spot
granted, your in a vulcano
i wish you a merry christmas
Granted. Everyone has a merry christmas, except you.
I wish for a nintendo switch.
Granted, but it's in all of the original components, and you have to build it yourself XD
I wish to stop procrastinating.
Granted, everyone on the planet disappears except for you.
I wish there were no fireworks this New Year's Eve.
Granted. Nobody celebrates New Year's Eve anymore.
I wish for a new car.
Granted, but it was a bumper car
I wish to tame a dragon in under five minutes
first this 90 min tutorial
i wish for snow
Granted, you got a super blizzard
I wish to join a battle to learn more moves.
Granted, you joined this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGiSgPP-8mc).
I wish there was an Osu! beatmap of that...
Granted but it was really poorly made.
I wish for a bunch of fruit right now.
Granted. You are suffocated under a massive ton of fresh fruits.
I wish I didn't have to take my final exams.
Granted, but you didn't pass
I wish for try out a go-kart
Granted. You try it out, and it won't start.
I wish for some cool new clothes.
granted you got 3 caps 5 hoodies 3 baggy jeans 9 sneakers and you must wear them all the time
i wish my room was bigger
Granted, it was the side of a kitty.
I wish to enter a pokemon battle
granted, ya lost
i wish for choclate
Granted, it was all melted.
I wish to explore the jungle to see all the things to see.
ya got eaten in the jungle
i wish you weren't eaten anymore
Granted, you traded places.
I wish could nap in peace.
granted, before waking up in a war
i wish i wasn't eaten anymore
Granted, but you were living skeleton.
I wish to learn better hunting skills.
granted you are 0.001% better
i wish i had skin and mussels
Granted, but it is all on wrong.
I wish to walk a tight rope between buildings
granted ya fell
i wish my things were on the correct position
Granted but you were in wrong spot.
I wish to try being a dentist.
granted, you tried, you failed
i wish you would stop saying "i wish to try to" and start saying "i wish to be"
Granted, I said it one million times
I wish to be a bigger eevee :3
granted, you're to big now]
i wish to meet you IRL one time or another
Granted, you'll meet in heaven.
I wish for a new carpet for my room.
receives a small dog who loves car rides...
wishes for coffee and donuts
Granted, but the donuts are inside the coffee ^_^
I wish to do skiing
Granted, but you only are wearing skis under your left paws.
I wish I knew how to fix any computer in the world!
granted, you cant fit anything else in your brain
i wish i could get a hippopotamus for X-mas
Granted, but it won't be pretty.
I wish school was over
Granted, you time travel before it started
I wish to see how it feels to be a lizard
granted, but you lived as a eevee your life so it wont be easy
i wish to have a mate :'(
Granted, but they were a little mean.
I wish to go rafting.
granted, waterfall
Granted universe vanished
I wish to meet an owl
"Would you like to hear that again?" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFz14Bc3v9E)
*Accidentally presses yes*
I wish for a pen that doesn't run out of ink
Granted, it went down in the history books as the first great ink flood. o.O
I wish you had red eyes for a day. :P just so I can see how that looks
Granted, but you'll be blind for that day.
I wish I had a new hairstyle! ...Furstyle?
...You get my point.
Granted, all your fur when to your head
I wish to be a rabbit for a little bit
granted, for 1 sac, and i ate you its in my nature
i wish for more wishes
Granted, there were like one billion around you.
I wish to be a bird so I can fly above everyone.
Granted, but airplanes work like magnets for you. And huge magnets, not those kind that people usually stick on fridges.
I wish for world peace!
granted, everybody who was in war died
i wish to be an expert at karate
Granted! You know everything about the origins and history of Karate!
I wish my phone screen wasn't broken.
Granted, but your phone broke you :S
I wish I could use a sword to!
Granted! You have been granted the ability to hold a sword without dropping it!
(for all intents and purposes, you could technically use it for whatever you want really I guess.)
I wish I was smarterer
Granted, you got a white gummi.
I wish for my fursona as a stuffed animal on a 1:1 scale!
Granted, but you got turned into that stuffed animal.
I wish to cook better.
Granted, you cook 1% better now.
I wish my internet was better
granted it's 0.001% better
i wish to be some-ones pet
Granted, they were pretty mean sadly.
I wish that I could go to a castle
Granted but it's the castlevania castle.
I wish I wasn't ticklish.
Granted, you literally can not feel any sensation on your skin anymore :)
I wish to teleport
granted everything ended up on the wrong place
i wish to have cereal with mah
Granted but wasn't edible
I wish to go on a epic adventure
granted it was in a vulcano
Granted, machine broke.
I wish that I could visit a nice beach
granted it was very busy you couldn't walk
i wish to be an owner of a pet
Granted, but your they were pretty dangerous.
I wish to make a boat
granted it sank
i wish to have a mate
Wait, did you mean the British or the US kind?
I wish for a palm tree in my back yard!
Granted, but the palm tree is dead, you have a dead palm tree in your backyard.
I wish for a life supply of chocolate!
Granted, you now have a chocolate Frankenstein walking around in your house and it wants to eat you.
I wish for a new alarm clock!
Granted, was the size of house
I wish to scuba dive
Granted, but you get eaten by a giant CLAM!
I wish for the pearl of that Giant clam
Granted, but the peral was fuzzy and my fur colour
I wish to explore a big city
granted, it was new donk city (Mario Oddysey (I now have that game))
i wish i have all BotW Amiibo, i already have all odyssey amiibo
Granted, they were giant and alive.
I wish to go to a fancy dinner.
Granted, you work in a fancy restaurant.
I wish for a wish.
Granted, you used that wish for that wish.
I wish I could fly
Granted. Here's the instruction booklet for your new wings, and here's the tape to stick the pieces of paper in the shredder back together.
I wish to see in the dark!
Granted, you can't see in the light.
I wish to go desert surfing
granted it was in odyssey
i wish to be cool
Granted, you were a little too cool and froze.
I wish to go play in some sand
Granted but the sand is coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
I wish for ? To answer his long awaited ?
Granted. However, as no prior information has been provided as to what the ? was originally, the answer, to our knowledge, remains as ?
I wish it could be Christmas every day
Granted, Christmas started to get unexciting after tenth day.
I wish to go surfing
granted it waa desert surfing... in mario odyssey DEJAVU
i wish i made more creative jokes
granted, wouldn't stop saying them ever
I wish to steal back all the chicken XP
nope, my chicken
i wish you would leave my chicken alone >:(
Granted, I just waited for ya to sleep.
I wish for you to nap. :3
it's morning i cant sleep
i wish you would not eat my chicken when im in bed
Granted, I ate it so I can't eat it as already eaten.
I wish to be more sneaky
Granted, you are invisible to everyone in every way, you cannot interact with this world! (Boy that was harsh)
I wish for cake.
Granted... your face is a cake! X3 A new twist to a classic joke, what do you think?
I wish for chocolate rain!
Granted. I suggest you evacuate before the molten chocolate floods the whole town!
I wish for wings.
chicken wings!
i wish for four fours
Granted, you got big fours all around you.
I wish for cake
granted it caked cake
i wish for the game arms
i wish for the game arms
Uh, okay, granted. Now whenever you look at your arms, you'll lose the game. XD
I wish for a new graphics card.
granted it's even worse than your last one
i wish for splatoon 2
Granted! But it's really just Splatoon with 2 written in with crayon.
I wish for a new colour in the rainbow.
Granted, we put the rainbow inside the rainbow!
I wish to get to ride up high in the sky on a dragon.
granted, ya fell
i wish my cat were on my lap
Granted. He is now fused onto it.
Have fun!
I wish someone would do my homework for me
Granted, but wasn't done right
I wish to cuddle tiger's mane
Granted, but the tiger was not happy...
I wish I could use magic!
you weren't good at it and set yourself on fire
i wish i had more friends on my switch
Granted, you got more switches!
I wish to ski
granted you broke your leg
i wish to play my switch
Granted, you got such inside the switch.
I wish to give my wish away
granted you gave it to me
i wish for new joy-cons
Granted, here are tickets for the comic-con of last year. Such joy, right? :D
I wish my batteries never ran out.
granted your phone exploded
i wish for more friends in school
Granted! School is now canceled!
I wish I had more money...
Granted, was play money.
I wish to go on a sailing trip
Granted. Just in time for a hurricane, too! Extra exciting! (I hope that joke isn't too soon...)
I wish for fish.
hey that rhymes here a dead goldfish
i wish for a dish (i did it)
Granted, it was broken
I wish for a venus flytrap
I wish to add something to my fursona.
Granted! You got robot wings and huge rocket boosters XD
I wish to be a feline for a day.
Granted, you became a dog with an identity crisis for a day that lasts forevah!
I wish something exciting happened in my life.
and suddenly a war happened the leader of the war: someone who wants to kill all furries
i wish Disney made more animated movies when was the the last 3 classics 2016: Moana 2016: Zootopia 2014: Frozen too much time inbetween
Granted. Those working on the movies are forced to rush so fast that the writing and animation -- and everything in between -- are terribly poor in every movie onward.
I wish for a beverage.
one drop of tap water will do
i wish i was a cat
Granted, you are a Sphynx
I wish to go fishing
granted a shark aate you
i wish my dad wouldn't stress for 1 day!
Granted! He is stress free today but will be stressed for every other moment of his life!
I wish I could be a smol purrson ^_^
sorry couldn't here quite goos, ho pe you have fun being a smore person
i wish the wish which you wish to wish i wish but if you wish the wish which the witch wisheds you to wish you wish i wish, i wish not to
Granted, you got broken genie
I wish to go sledding
granted, ya broke your leg
i wish for a carwash
granted, but ya had to walk through it.
I wish to go on a rowboat
granted it sank
i wish i was more creative
Granted, you accidentally got a little too creative and blew up world.
I wish to tame snakes so I can have fancy guards :P
Granted, now Snake from Metal Gear Solid will follow you.
I wish to have Super Mario Obesity
Granted, you were inside the game.
I wish to get a shrink ray :3
Granted, but it only works on you.
I wish to have food to nom.
Granted, you got a poisonous mushroom.
I wish to see a shooting star.
Granted, George Lopez just shot an clay pigeon in front of you
I wish for a friend
Granted, it was a robot.
I wish to let next poster borrow my wish ^_^
granted here you have an all exclusive episode of the show friends
i wish for a new not broken genie
granted, it wasn't functional
I wish to use a giant lilypad as a boat
granted, it couldn't hold your weight
i wish to see 'Hamilton' in broadway
Granted, you got in at the end.
I wish to hang out with dragon pokemon ^_^
Granted, you were crushed by Dialga by accident since you got teleported right under it's paws as it was about to take a step.
I wish to save the world from an impending disaster!
Granted. Now they expect you to do it again. And again. And again. And again. And again...
I wish for stuff to happen!
Granted, I posted here.
I wish for an extra life.
Granted. You now own two copies of "Half-Life 2".
I wish for Valve to make Half-Life 3 already.
granted, they also made portal 3
i wish for more cereal
Granted, it was soggy
I wish to cross the ocean
Granted, you had to go under the ocean like Mario and are now completely soaked.
I wish for food
Granted, it wasn't good food.
I wish to explore a huge forest
granted, it was so big you got lost
i wish a heather would merry me. that would be beautiful
granted, they also made portal 3
I thought this genie was meant to be broken :P
Granted, it wasn't the heather you were thinking of, it was someone else.
I wish for Elemental HERO Stratos to come off the YuGiOh TCG banlist.
Granted, now the card game is rigged and your favourite decks were burnt to ashes.
I wish people made better remixes!
Granted, but there is only 1 new remix every 3 months.
I wish for pie. I don't care what sorta pie, I just wish for pie.
granted, you got all pie but it was behind a wall and I got to eat it . :)
I wish to go skydiving
Granted, but your parachute malfunctioned. If you try, you might be able to splash in the nearby body of water.
I wish I didn't have heartburn so often.
Granted. You no longer have a heart.
I want moosical talent
Granted, you now have a special talent to call a moose... by their wrong name.
I wish for flowers!
Granted, but watchout for bees.
I wish i was more open minded
Granted! But now your brain might fall out.
I wish I knew what to wish for.
Granted, every single wish got granted that could possibily be wished.
I wish for a nice meal.
granted, it was one potato chip nice
i wish for a new laptop
Granted, you got a scary robot laptop.
I wish to be taught by dragons ^_^
granted but first you need to train one
i wish to see the Heathers and Hamilton in broadway
granted, you got a bad view
I wish to go swimming around.
The whole Earth floods.
I wish for some spare cash.
Granted, though the currency you got isn't in use anymore.
I wish to meet more pokemon. ^_^
Granted but they are Luvdisc, Trubbish, Stunfisk, Binacle and Vanillite.
I wish to write a beautiful song.
Granted, but everyone else thinks otherwise
I wish I could be a master of kung fu
granted, here are some powerful foes who will reappear after you defected them 24/7
Granted! :D
I wish I had a cool leather jacket.
Granted, you became part of the tunnel snakes
I wish visit top of mountain
granted, you froze and got no oxygen
i wish my cat wasn't so annoying right now
Granted, your cat is even more annoying.
I wish there was one perfect volume for everything.
Granted! You're now deaf
I wish I could see the future
Granted, you saw the future but you never truly saw the future as it is always changing as you see it.
I wish to go on a epic adventure
Granted. Welcome to Syria
I wish to fly an F35
granted you crashed
i wish for some chicken
Granted, it was really old.
I wish to be invited to fancy dinner
Granted, you're invited to clean the toilets.
I wish I had a good job.
Granted, you had ten of them.
I wish to swim in jello
Granted, your fur is now very sticky from the jello.
I wish that I could make better food.
granted you're food is now 0,1% better
i wish i could fly
Granted. However, you cannot control where you fly to.
I wish to not be ill.
Granted. The illness will go away for 2 hours, then return 1.2 times as strong as it was before it went away for 23 hours. This'll happen 5 times in total, then the multiplyer will drop by 25%. This will remain for 5 days, then the multiplyer will go back to normal including the healing you would have gone through had this multiplyer not been set up.
I wish there's more free music I can download!
Granted but it cause someone to travel the world to chase ya for that XD
I wish to ski down a big mountain
Granted. Have fun skiing down that exploding volcano
I wish for good weather
granted it's so hot you burned
Granted, you no longer exist.
I wish to hold Excalibur!
Granted, you were put in the stone.
I wish for laser sharks XD
granted you died
i wish ? wasn't dead anymore
Granted, you created the first zombie type.
I wish for trying hand gliding
Granted, you can now glide on your hands.
I my tail wasn't so big
Granted, you've been shrunk to the size of a pea
I wish I could stop coughing
Granted, you no longer have a mouth
I for more wishes
Granted, you shall receive them in 582,904 years
I wish for a pizza
Granted, it was a stone pizza!
I wish for a big feast
Granted, I hope you enjoy eating all these eevees
I wish for a new car
Granted, oh neat a flintstones car XP
I wish I could float away from hunting predators
Granted, see you on the moon
I wish for unlimited money
Granted, but it became pretty worthless because there was too much :(
I wish to be a new type
Granted, you're now a flea
I wish to be able to shape shift at will
Granted, you shapeshift to anyone's will. Good luck if someone wants to turn you into mincemeat...
I wish I had a cool airship!
Granted, it's in orbit around Pluto
I wish for a tank
Granted, here she is.
I wish for ham.
granted, you have to kill a pig yourself but then ham!
i wish it was x-mas
Granted, Santa would like to have a word with you though.
I wish i never ran out of money
granted, all stores banned you
i wish i could remember to wish every time
granted, you couldn’t think of anything else.
I wish to go fish in a magical lake
Granted, it's a magical lava lake with magical lava fish that eat small furry creatures...slowly
I wish to be able to turn invisible
granted, your invisible for the rest of your life
i wish to be not sick
Granted, you're dead
I wish to shoot awesome guns
granted you shot yourself and died
i wish there wasn't so much death here
Granted, everyone was frozen in time
I wish for some cheesecake
Granted, it's literal cheese shaped into a cake.
I wish I had longer hair
granted, you fall over it every second
i wish to be a famous youtuber
Granted, all your get demonized.
I wish I could be with my friends more
Granted, there was lots of glue.
I wish to never require sleep
granted you still get tired though
i wish i had awards like ?
Granted, the screen got filled.
I wish to swim in pancake mix : P
granted? you got sticky
i wish i had atleast 1 award
Granted, you got the first invisible award
I wish to go down a mountain on a sled
granted you broke your bones after falling over a rock
i wish i wasn't so tired
Granted, you could never calm down
I wish to go into a magic forest to see mystical creatures
granted you got lost
i wish i had superpowers
Granted, you got the power of radiation poisoning @.@
I wish to go down a zipline
Granted, but you ain't coming back up.
I wish I was taller
granted you grew 1 mm
i wish for cereal
Granted, you get a random cereal number.
I wish a wasn't bored all the time.
Granted, you were always hyper.
I wish take a peaceful nap in the middle of forest ^_^
granted, when you woke up a bear attacked
i wish to be in the room where it happened
Granted, you were teleported into the room 1 second before a bomb went off
I wish for a phone with unlimited battery
granted it exploded
i wish my coworkers weren't so dumb (let's see if you get that refrence)
Granted, you have no coworkers so you have to do everything on your own
I wish for the Force
(it was a reference to the Nightmare Before Christmas)
granted, now you must choose Jedi or the dark side
i wish i could be the perfect daughter (that would be easier to guess the reference from)
granted, it wasn’t the most fun time for you.
I wish to explore safari
granted ya got eaten by a lion
i wish my phone worked properly
Granted, it can now repair rollercoasters without any flaws.
I wish I was younger.
Granted, you are shrunk to 1 day old and the magic that shrunk you to that age keeps you from ever getting any bigger
I wish for awesome weather
Granted, electric tornado! with fire running through out it.
I wish to go flying
Granted, here's a jetpack and no parashoot
I wish to be free
Granted. You're now Kim Jung Un's slave. He's glad you were free
I wish we would stop standing around in formation
granted we now stand in a different formation
i wish i was more clever
Granted, but it is in comparison to the ones around you. Everyone else get dumber.
Wish I had something to eat
granted, enjoying your one bread crumb?
Granted.......... nothing happened, something was supposed to happen.
I wish I was invisible
granted, you can't even see yourself
i wish i never forgot to wish
Granted, but you'll forget that you don't forget to make a wish.
I wish my neck didn't hurt.
granted now your back hurts
i wish for pringles
Granted, they were really old.
I wish to ski down a mountain
Granted, mt. Everest.
I want to be immortal
granted, as all your friends die you tried to get killed in any way possible but nothing would work
i wish that wasn't so sad
Granted, I can die naturally now.
I wish I could teleport anywhere anytime
granted, but you can't TP to the future
i wish to love like you
Granted, but are you sure you want that?
I wish I wasn't so obsessed with chocolate.
granted, now you are obsessed with marshmellows
Granted, you turned invisible.
I wish to play in the sand
Granted, you are stranded on a desert island.
I wish I was a book about adventure and romance, and I would never be discarded.
granted, but no-one read you, you were just kind of in he shelf
i wish i remembered to wish everytime
Granted, happen at the same time all the time.
I wish to pet the next person
Granted, thank you. :)
I wish to hug the person above
granted, but why not me
i wish to slap the user above me
Granted, you got hit by a tail.
I wish to explore a cave
Granted, but watch out for spiders, zombies, skeletons...
I wish for a best friend!
here I am
i wish to be a better friend for Michen
Granted, you are now him.
I wish I could have more friends
Granted! You are now drowning in friendship activities and have no time left for yourself now.
I wish for some freedom.
granted you've got no friends
i wish to be alone at home
Granted. You are now a ghost and you can see no one as well as the other way around.
I wish for some good food.
Tide Pods are now food, and you got a life long supply of it.
I wish for trains
granted, bricket? ah he died of train!
i wish to bring bricket back to life
Granted, he is a zombie though.
I wish I wasn't grounded
Your grounding has been lifted! Nuclear holocaust.
I wish I could get a decent sleep.
Granted, got hit by a frying pan :o
I wish to see the stars
granted you went a little too close to the stars, it's plasma you know
i wish that ? didn't burn
Granted, you take ?'s place.
I wish I was immortal
Granted! Trapped in a magical gem forever.
I wish I knew the cheat codes.
Granted, the fbi wants to know your location.
I wish to not be so sensitive to everything
Granted. Leprosy.
I wish I could remember everything I ever learnt.
granted your head exploded
i wish i got some candy thrown at me
Granted, look up. *ton of candy fall on you*
I wish I could have some of the candy
I got ya candy right here!
I wish I had some curry for dinner.
Granted, it was glowing curry
I wish for pool full of honey
Granted, but the honey will be forever frozen no matter what you do.
I wish Carnival ceased to exist.
(i think you mean carnaval) granted, now no free candy thrown at you (yesterday i got a starwars magazine)
i wish for michen to enjoy carnaval
Granted in 1000 years after the moment you realise I did not misspell 'carnival'.
I wish for my new character to be finished already.
granted it's u-ugly
i wish for chocolate
Granted, but you have to share.
I wish for marshmallows
2 marshmellows for you
i wish for water
Granted. You're drowning in a pool without pool edge.
I wish for a better life...
(wow... deep)
granted, your life is now 1% better
i wish to be an African wild dog
Granted, you were a plush one.
I wish to go surfing
granted, you failed
i wish to not fail
granted, you didn't fail at failing either
I wish to dig a long tunnel
You've succeeded, but now the entire tunnel is filled with radon.
I wish to fail in a terrible way!
Granted, you logged in.
I wish I was immortal
Granted, but now you are "Demontile".
I wish for horse emoticons.
Granted, here's a pen and paper, make them.
I wish to be talented
Granted, but you have no arms and legs.
I wish to be infamous!
grated, no one knows you
i wish to be a Nintendo character
grated, no one knows you
i wish to be a Nintendo character
Granted your Luigi and nobody cares about you.
I wish i could calm down from being angry easier.
Granted, go to discord.
I wish to be relaxed
Granted, you feel asleep
I wish to make wings to use
You succeed, for about 10 seconds after the jump.
I wish this statement was a lie.
Granted, no one will believe you anymore.
I wish I had cake
Granted, but it is only metaphorical.
I wish I had a shoulder lizard.
here ya go, Emtile on your shoulder
i wish to go to Amerika
I wish to visit Europe
Granted, but the year is 1939 and you're in Poland.
I wish I had ice fire.
Granted, but it's fused together so you just have water.
I wish for snowshoes.
Granted, but you can only use them in the Netherlands.
I wish for anonymous posting with captcha.
granted, he eventually found out it was you
Granted, but your empty wish still got a result..
I wish to think of a wish.
Granted! You think of wishing what to think to wish for.
I wish I was a top 10 percent topic starter.
Granted, you made topics every five minutes XP
I wish to make a tasty meal to enjoy right now ^^
granted it was small
i wish not to go to school
Granted, but now you can't go home.
I wish for a green ribbon
granted it's hidden somewhere
i wish you would find it already
Granted, I found it, but it was covered in orange fur dandruff.
I wish for a pet fox.
Granted! Unfortunately it's me >:3
I wish for a pain free back.
Granted, you lost your legs.
I wish for more pugs.
Granted, here are 1048576 pugs for you!
I wish for more milk.
Granted, but it is mostly spoiled.
I wish to sleep in the basement.
Granted, you had to dig out another one.
I wish for build my very own plane
Granted, but you spend the next 50 years putting it together.
I wish for an eevee army.
Granted, but they chased you first. sorry, should have had more pokepuffs XP
I wish to nap on a beach
Granted, but the beach is floating away from the mainland.
I wish for VRChat knowledge.
granted, ya knew everything and your brain exploded
i wish that VRchat didnt exist
Granted, but now Second Life is everywhere.
I wish for 3D modeling ability
granted your bad at it
i wish to be alive
Granted, but you are made of wood.
I wish I was invincible.
Granted, the world exploded and you floated through space
I wish to explore a temple
Granted, but you realized you were already playing Minecraft.
I wish to have all of the different eevee "eevolutions".
granted, they were all fused :o
I wish to crate a rocket to go to space
here a crate rocket, it's a liitle unstable so I don't know if it'll work
i wish to go to America
Granted, but you are trapped in Mississippi.
I wish there was a tiny version of the Netherlands.
it exists, it's called Madurodam
i wish there was a tiny America
Granted, but it blows up sooner.
I wish to be normal.
Granted. Nerd!
I wish for a boat
Granted, it spawned in the middle of desert
I wish to swim around with fish
Granted, but you're one of them.
I wish I could see all of the stars.
Granted, got a little too close @.@
I wish to teleport somewhere random
Granted, but it is the random thread.
I wish for randomness.
Granted, you got cheese.
I wish to go explore the mines for gold
You got those mines all right, you got them all, until they violently exploded >:3
I wish to be caffeinated!
Granted, they didnt sleep for two weeks
I wish to be a pizza eeveelution!
Granted...... But i'm hungry for 🍕
I wish i wasn't so weird to everyone
Granted, now everyone is weird to you.
I wish to build the ultimate slide
Granted, its the ultimate slide of death!! XD XD
I wish i had a giant pool
Granted, you added a new sea to the world map.
I wish to go through a Mario level
Granted, rainbow road.
I wish to be good at mario games
Granted, but your hands get burned everytime you shoot fireballs in game.
I wish to find Waldo.
Granted, Waldo found you first.
I wish to have a shrink ray.
Granted, but it shrinks the entire world around you instead.
I wish to have ice magic.
Granted, you summon ice sculptures of me at random places and times.
I wish for another broken genie!
Granted, but it looks like a gumball machine and it costs too much to use it.
I wish for my own theme park.
Granted, put someone forgot to finish the coasters.
I wish to go explore in rainforest
Granted, but there are hippopotamuses everywhere, making it a short (lived) adventure.
I wish for a pet alligator.
Granted. Don't get too close to its mouth..... Oh too late.
I wish my hair was longer
Wish granted...but it's so long it suffocates you to a sad,painful death
I wish for everybody (including me)'s life to be absolutely perfect
Granted.....unfortunately with nothing bad ever happening to you, the good has become commonplace and boring. You can no longer remember what fear, worry, sorrow or pain feel like. You begin to question life and existence, did you have your wish granted, or did a genie just kill you and this is what comes after?
I just wish I could be happy.
Granted, but you lose all the other emotions.
I wish for a portal into Hell.
Granted, but it's one-way!
I wish my picture was done already.
Granted, it was an invisible picture.
I wish go swimming at a beach
Granted, but you end up on Haina beach so....good luck.
I wish I had a button that could destroy the world.
Granted, but it only destroys your mind.
I wish I had a snowglobe.
(Too late XD )
Granted, but it's haunted so expect some Amityville level shenanigans.
I wish I had a BLT.
OK! I must warn you though, the lettuce is all spoiled.
Gimme lego.
Granted, it was a little too big for you.
I wish to explore the stars
Granted, you are one.
I wish for a giant muffin
Granted but I wished to use the muffin as a little house ^_^
Your lack of a wish will be granted, you become a box of empty.
I wish for a box.
OK! Here's this completely- normal- everyday- cardboard box. Or was it a super- crazy- unpredictable- trick box? I forgot.
Gimme an eternal time-transcedent dragon.
Granted, but it is so transcendent, it vanishes in less than 10 seconds.
I wish for a white lion.
OK! Here, have this totally screwed-up copy of me: Stan Aenne!
Gimme €0.001.
Granted, but it vanished right away.
I wish to go fishing on a lake
Granted; lava lake!
I wish for inspiration .
Granted, but your inspiration is dedicated to finding more inspiration.
I wish for a pizza.
OK! One mud-plastic-twigs-cans-old socks pizza, just for you!
Gimme that one thing YOU always longed for.
Granted, it was a question mark
I wish for lobster
OK! It's alive.
Gimme truth.
Granted, but the truth is very painful.
I wish for a greeting card.
Granted, you got a goodbye card after
I wish to explore the depths
Granted, but only the depths of this conversation.
I wish for 10 more eevee types to be created.
Granted but things got a bit strange after a bit, lol.
I wish to relax in hot tub
OK! This hot tub has only one setting, though: water of 100 C.
Gimme a diamond.
Granted, but the diamond is fake.
I wish for infinite marshmellows.
Granted. They pour from the sky in an endless tide. Everything and everyone you've ever known is drowned in the unstoppable wave of marshmallows. You realize too late that an infinite number of marshmallows means an INFINITE number of marshmallows. Soon you too are consumed by the marshmallow-pocalypse. The mallowsphere continues to expand, eating up planets, then stars, then galaxies. Eventually our entire universe is nothing but an expanding ball of marshmallow. Happy now?
I wish for a new computer.
Granted it was a very early computer
I wish to visit Jurassic park
Granted, but you can't leave now.
I wish I was somebody.
Granted. You turn into some random guy named Joe Schmoe who's on trial for aggravated assault. Enjoy the jailtime.
I wish I had a private jet.
Granted, but it doesn't take off.
I wish I had an army of red wolves.
Granted, but they are all still newborn pups. They're cute, but they don't make much of a fighting force.
I wish I could fly.
Granted, but now you're a wolf dragon.
I wish I had more free time.
Granted, time froze.
I wish to big loaf of bread to make into a bread house
Granted, but your bread house gets really moldy and falls apart since bread isn't a good building material and doesn't last long when exposed to the elements.
I wish for a huge cake.
Granted, it started to get eaten by others
I wish to make friends with a lion.
Granted, but the lion is passive aggressive 98% of the time.
I wish for a rainy day.
It started to storm
I wish to visit an aquarium
Granted, but now you are trapped in Monterey Bay, California.
I wish to be at a Hello Kitty store.
Granted, but mind was blown when Sanrio stated they were not actually a cat o.O
I wish to try pizza perfume, lol.
Granted, but now many rodents are trying to eat you all the time.
I wish to have a minigun.
Granted, but spell got mixed up. You got a miniature gun
I wish to ski
Granted. You ski really well, but someone takes a video of it and puts it on youtube. The video of an eevee skiing like a pro, unsurprisingly, goes viral, and you now get hounded by paparazzi everywhere.
I wish for great wisdom.
OK! Hope you have patience, 'cause A: Wikipedia did the work for me and B: going through all those pages takes a looot of time.
Gimme pain.
POOF! You are smacked by a giant pillow. CAN YOU HANDLE THE PAAAIIIIIIN?!?!
I wish for immortality.
Granted! Now you literally can't die. Ever. You have to watch everyone die before you, then live on in the emptiness.
I wish for a new parakeet
Granted. Its completely new. As in, its an egg.
I wish for some cool shoes.
OK! You are now wearing ice cubes on your feet! How cool is that? XP
Gimme two more wishes.
Granted, it used two wishes
I wish to cook some food
A firebreathing dragon appears. If you can survive, it'll definitely cook your food well!
I wish my cat could talk.
Wish granted, but the cat is very offensive!
I wish I had purpose.
Granted. Your purpose is to clean toilets.
I wish my cat was more polite.
Granted, but the cat is also randomly explosive.
I wish I had paw feets.
Granted, but now none of your shoes fit right.
I wish my cat would stop exploding.
Granted, but the cat is now job seeking.
I wish for a magic school bus.
Granted, but the only magic thing it can do is make various animal calls when the horn is honked, instead of the usual sound.
I wish my cat could find a steady job.
OK! By the way, now it wants to go out of home and live life independently.
Make sure my next wish isn't corrupted.
Granted, it stopped existing.
I wish to go explore a savanna
Granted. You are thrown into the middle of the savannah, with no guide and no supplies. Good luck, and have fun exploring!
I wish my cat would move back in.
OK! It's your everyday cat again, mind you.
*wish nonexistent due to ?*
*Error 404, wish granted not found*
I wish I was good at skateboarding.
Granted, the military is now after you for being too good
I wish to fly in on a dragon’s back B)
Granted, you get a ride on the back of a ferocious dragon. Aaaaaall the way to its den, where it eats you.
I wish I was strong enough to battle the military
Granted, became too powerful for yourself
I wish for a tasty meal ^_^
OK! If it spoils after you take a bite, don't worry. It's normal.
Gimme €1,000,000.
Granted, but it spontaneously combusts the moment I hand it over.
I wish for world peace.
OK! The war is over, but the tensions still exist.
Gimme health.
Granted, but your health bars on top of your HUD don't seem to affect you in real life.
I want unlimited cash!
Granted, there was so much that it became unless.
I wish to go sand boarding
Granted, but you end up as part of a sand castle.
I wish for a three story sand castle.
granted, sadly it collapsed after a few seconds
i wish to go on vacation
Granted, but it's to your room.
I wish to have a nice dream tonight.
Granted but when you wake up you don't remember it.
I wish I had a million dollars!
Granted, but it turns into sand upon picking it up.
I wish there were more answering machine messages!
Granted, they rose up and took over the planet
I wish to have a nice fishing trip
Granted! You have an awesome fishing trip and cats lots of fish....using your tail as bait.
I wish to get a good night's sleep.
Granted, a Knight will have a good sleep.
I wish for a ham and cheese sandwich.
Granted. A pig covered in slices of cheese with two bread slices taped to it materializes. It panics and runs off squealing into the night.
I wish I was taller.
Granted, you become twice as tall but your bone or muscle structure doesn't change, so your legs collapse on themselves
I wish for the inability to make this wish!
Granted that you wished for it, so nothing happened.
I wish for faster typing speed.
Granted, but you type so fast that your keyboard can't keep up and only types on out of 6 letters.
I wish for a puppy!
Granted, but it chews up all your furniture and takes a dump in the kitchen.
I wish my internet connection was better.
It was so fast but sooo expensive
I wish to scuba dive
Granted. It was also sooooooo expensive.
I wish to become a master musician.
Granted, you were so good that alot of the other musician tried to take you down out of jealousy XP
I wish to make some french fries right now. :)
Granted. They come out way too salty for your taste.
I wish for a magic wand.
Granted, but it's a magic cone that looks kind of like a wand, so eternally disappointing in some way.
I wish for more typing speed.
Granted. You type so fast that your fingers catch fire. Ouch!
I wish I was invincible
Granted, but you're only invincible for 1 night out of the year.
I wish I was super famous
Granted, but you're super famous in only one town in Missouri.
I wish I was a popstar.
Granted, but you are trampled by a mob of crazed fans.
I wish I had some cool boots
Granted, but those cool boots are freezing cold.
I wish I could turn back time and make every sentence a song reference.
Granted but you can only go back to last Thursday and the songs are in Swiss German.
I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her
Granted. She looks great, but has an obnoxious personality and won't stop asking you to buy her more jewelry. (Also she's a chair, darling)
I wish I had a really comfy pillow
Granted, but it's so comfy, you can't get up from it.
I wish I had a tiny text translator.
Granted, you have a tiny text translator, but the idiot who posted 2pt font went back and edited their post, so you dont actually need it anymore. (Whoops I did not realize I did that, hahaha)
I wish I wasn't so tired.
OK! You'll lose tomorrow because you'll be asleep.
Gimme a diamond.
Granted. You get a piece of wood cut into a diamond shape.
I wish for and A on my test
OK! To compensate, your next test will have an F.
Gimme a loaf.
Granted, it was molded loaf of bread
I wish to explore fallout universe
OK! You can never return.
Gimme a penny.
Granted, it was an extra large penny.
I wish to try some training for pokemon battles
Granted! A level 100 Machamp appears and cracks his knuckles. Ya ready?
I wish I was better at math.
Granted, all calculator were destroyed in the process
You wished for nothing, but you got something!
I wish for a pet eevee.
( lol, forgot )
Granted, but it was really a ditto
I wish to go down a huge slide
Granted, but it was slippery slope in more ways than one *There was a huge hole at the bottom of the slide*
I wish for laserbeam vision.
Granted, but it burned your own face
I wish to go see a dinosaur
Granted, but you only got to see one of the lame, chicken-sized ones.
I wish for gold! Lots of gold!
OK! Oh. It turned into cheddar cheese.
Gimme knowledge.
Granted, but you don't remember it for very long.
I wish I had $5.
OK! $10 has been subtracted from your bank account.
Gimme the power of stuff.
granted, got the power of an massive explosion
I wish to ski down a mountain
Ok! You end in a tree.
Gimme sci-fi in real life.
Granted, but now what was real life is "on the syfy channel".
I wish for a crate of apples.
Granted, you only got the cores
I wish to plant a piranha plant from mario
Granted! It immediately shoots a fireball at you.
I wish for a pet fox.
Granted, but the fox is illegal in your area.
I wish for more hours in the day
Granted. The earth's rotation on its axis is slowed down by several hours to allow more time in each day. Unfortunately, the inertia of the earth's atmospheric gases means that our atmosphere continues spinning at the same rate as before, resulting in extreme hurricanes and tsunamis all over the globe.
I wish I had wolf ears.
Granted, but you hear a lot more than you wanted to hear.
I wish for paw feet!
OK! You grow animal fur over your whole body and it's likely a zoo wants you on display.
Gimme a single peanut.
Granted. It's disappointing. You're not sure what you expected from a singular, unimpressive peanut.
I wish I was funnier.
Granted, could never be taken seriously ever again
I wish to have a giant pot of soup
Granted, but its too high for you to climb over the side and actually eat the soup.
I wish for invincible armor.
OK! Unfortunately for you, this also means it's super heavy and you can hardly carry it around.
Gimme a fairy tale.
Granted, but the story doesn't quite end because the reader falls asleep.
I wish for a book of puzzles.
Granted, was way too hard
I wish to play around in a pool
Granted, but the pool is actually a pool filled with plastic multi-colored spheres!
I wish for a genie!
OK! This genie's grants are even worse than mine!
Gimme some excitement.
Granted, but it only lasts 3 seconds.
I wish for some snickers candy bars.
OK... Oh. I only got you one tiny one.
Gimme a private rollercoaster.
Granted, but it's only located inside one prison.
I need a website, gimme one!
OK! It'll cost ya $100 a day.
Gimme some luck.
A four-leaf clover flies into your face.
I wish for an awesome sword.
OK! It shatters after one hit.
Gimme over 9,000.
Granted, got floating numbers around you
I wish to go to shifting sand land from mario 64
Granted, but you never get your hat back.
I wish for Mario's hat.
Granted, it was a fake though
I wish to try a mud bath
Granted. You are thrown into a pit of quicksand.
I wish I wasn't so tired.
Granted, but now you are asleep.
I wish for a delicious salad that is not poisoned or rotting.
Granted. Your salad is delicious...but it's also very fattening!
I wish I could get all my work done.
Granted, but it is Monopoly money.
I wish to travel to the past.
Granted, but it's only 5 minutes ago.
I wish I could travel to my backyard!
Granted, but you warp in a few degrees too low and your feet are stuck inside the dirt.
I wish my computer would run faster.
Granted, but it is running so fast, you can't even drive your car to catch up to it!
I wish to be a pun master.
OK! Note: you can only make bad puns. Why? All the good ones... Argon. XP
Gimme the world.
Granted, you now live on it.
I want to get over my fear of heights!
OK! Now you're afraid of being close to the ground.
Gimme a drink. No, not that kind.
Granted, here's some dirty puddle water.
I wish to become king of this land.
OK! You're now officially the king of the square inches your feet are touching at any given time.
Gimme some superpower.
Granted, you got the superpower to jump slightly higher
I wish for a relaxing evening
Granted, but it's the most boring day you've ever experienced in your entire life.
I wish for a broken wish.
Granted, you got nothing.
I wish for more income
OK! Your higher income means you can support more tax, which... let me calculate... leaves you with the same amount as before.
Gimme a stroke.
Granted! You feE AvdxjjruBVe zU shx z Js d xjzns s IN. Ebhs Jbz e dkzN z sdbr.fmgmgmgmyn
I wish you weren't stroking out.
OK! Now it's a heart attack!
Gimme candy.
Granted! You get some ABC gum. (Hee hee)
I wish for a ride on an elephant.
Sure thing you can ride a baby elephant, but the elephant mom is not happy about it, try not to get crushed
I'd like to be able to breath underwater
Granted! Your lungs are replaced with gills. I hope you're near water right now!
I wish for an awesome pair of socks.
Awesome though they are , sadly the socks are 10 sizes too big so you can not wear them.
I wish for a flying horse.
Granted! It flies away.
I wish for precious gemstones.
OK! All your bank accounts have been set to -$10,000.
Gimme a corrupted wish.
Granted, the wish didnt do anything.
I wish to swim in the closes pool
Granted! You are instantly teleported into the nearest pool, clothes and all.
I wish to be protected from all sunburn this summer.
granted, an umbrella sprouts from your head and stays permanently attached.
i wish for night vision
Granted! You see a bunch of creepy monsters under your bed at night.
I wish to go to the amusement park.
Granted, you can now check out all the haunted house and only that
I wish for magic
Granted, but it only works in Quebec.
I wish Quebec annexed Vancouver.
Granted, only Canada annexed Quebec in retaliation and is now exploiting all their resources....
(you goof)
I wish for a puppy!!
Granted. Enjoy a clifard pup and the food bill that comes with.
I wish for an army.
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Granted, they turned on you eventually x-x
I wish to have a giant pie to hide inside and eat
Granted, but the giant pie is in a giants lunch pail.
I wish for world peace
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Granted, all humans cease to exist
I wish for a private swimming pool
Granted, but it's the guy's 3 blocks over
I wish for a 200ct diamond
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There you are, one diamond shaped structure made entirely of carrots
I wish for a more interesting wish
Granted, you wish to be a robot astronaut, but that dosnt come true.
I wish for the ice cream machine to be fixed at McDonald's
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It's fixed but everything else is broken :///
I wish I was more beautiful
Done. You now have a massive unibrow that makes all the Romans go crazy.
I wish I had lunch
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granted you had it yesterday!!
I wish people liked me
Granted (me)

I wish I had a suit of armor
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Granted (me)
I wish I had a suit of armor
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(I hope that worked like it looks on my end. Just in case, I gave me a thumbs up)
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Yes but it's far too small
I wish I had a lightsaber!!
Granted, however it's made of plastic and has no batteries.
I wish I had a mate.
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OK! This Furbie seems like the perfect companion! It might be hacked, mind.
Gimme awesome things.
Granted. Here is a basic piece of stone, it is billions of years old, made of star dust birthed in a nuclear explosion, but you can't appreciate its majesty, for it is just a piece of rock....
I wish I had a broken sword.
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Granted here have a blade with no handle
I wish I had a pet pig
Granted *hands plate of bacon* his name was Chris p. Bacon.
I wish I could have a book
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Here's your dictionary !!!
Can I have some syrup for my bacon
Sure can. Here is some caught syrup
I need a silver spoon
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Granted, The spoon is so big that it could crush you
I wish for cactus juice.
Granted but you have to squeeze it yourself with no juicer.
Speaking of juice, I want a monster.
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Granted. It's a juice monster, and you get all sticky and gross when it tries to lick you.
I wish for a pet hellhound.
Granted, though it wasnt very nice to you
I wish to be able to run faster to escape any chasers
OK! Your top speed multiplied by 10,000, but your acceleration divided by that.
Gimme superior jumping skills.
Granted! You can superior jumping skills, but not superior bone density. When you try to stick the landing you realize you may need to go to the ER.
I wish for a good book.
Granted, but the cover is the only good part x.x
I wish for more clones of Hunter!
OK! There's so many they overrun and trample you.
Gimme something I don't need at all.
Granted, here's a pet dinosaur!
I wish for a high score!
OK! This score is so high, you'll have to find a way to pull it down from outer space!
Make me 108% more awesome.
Granted, simply use the command !percent in someone's Twitch chat who has that command enabled when they are live a few times!
I wish to sleep with the fishies.
Granted, but you are very much not alive.
I wish for a clone of Michen.
granted, it clone itself even more to make a army
I wish to see the stars
Here is a pair of glasses
I want the next post to be number 1000
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OK! It only counts in your imagination.
Gimme some general information.
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
I wish to know true love
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OK! Here, this Mary's "sister", True! True Love! Have fun, you two.
Gimme a box.
Granted, was a metal box
I wish for sonething exciting to happen
Suddenly, pineapples
I wish for infinite wishes!
Well... You can have infinite wishes from genie Gavin. No, I'm not telling you where he is.
I wish for a ukulele.
OK! All its strings are broken.
Gimme wood.
Gives morning wood...
Can I have a pencil sharpener that never breaks down?
OK! It won't sharpen properly.
Gimme a robot.
It was an evil robot
I wish to go to a big feast
Granted, you went there as dinner!
I wish for a new mobile phone!
OK! It's the very first mobile phone to ever be on the market.
Gimme a feather.
Granted, it was fake feather
I wish for a underwater adventure
Granted. *plops you in the ocean*
I wish to be not emo
now your a goth
i wish i was a famous youtuber
OK! It's infamy.
Gimme more lego.
Granted. A wall of duplo Legos now obstructs every exit to the room you are in.
I wish that that rooster outside would shut up.
OK! It will, for just 10 seconds.
Gimme a movie.
the Emoji Movie just for you
i wish i could draw better
OK! Your drawing is beautiful, but your handwriting turned terrible.
Gimme amazing speed skill.
you are now so fast you cant even catch up
i wish i had something to drink
OK! Here, have some mercury.
Gimme a free lottery ticket.
Granted, you can use mine, i bought it a year ago.
I wish to be blue
blue cheese
i wish to be in the unknown
OK! You're now floating... somewhere in intergalactic space.
Gimme a bright idea.
What if chocolate was made of poo
I wish for nothing but happiness
OK! You lost your life, but at least you died happy.
Gimme a run for my money.
your money is running
i wish for a cup of coffee
I would give you one if you wished for more than just happiness. XP
Make my next wish nonexistent.
i wish for more then happiness
OK! Your happiness levels returned to normal.
[wish nonexistent]
you died
i wish for captain toad treasure tracker
OK! Your 3DS is gone.
Gimme dirty laundry.
Granted! You're now irrevocably employed for life at an industrial laundry with no option to retire.
You'll get to be around more dirty laundry than you'll ever know what to do with.
I'd like some rooibos tea.
Granted the oceans turned into the tea
I wish to explore the ocean floor
OK! *Kicks you into the ocean with a brick around your neck*
Gimme a laser pointer.
Granted it was extremely powerful laser and incinerated everything around it when turned on @.@
I wish to own a piranha plant
OK! It ate you.
Gimme some bread.
Granted it was really moldy
I wish to venture through a jungle
OK! You're now... somewhere in the middle of the Amazon.
Gimme an expensive car.
Granted, it was expensive but for less desirable reasons . . .
I wish to ride on one of those Mario airships
OK! ...Hey look, Mario's blowing it out of the air!
Gimme some new clothes.
granted, you got a new cut up blanket
I wish for a cheep cheep
Gets a cheap discount
I wish for tea making facilities...
OK! You now have an overly complicated tea making machine with waaaaay too much options, buttons and switches. Now, where did I... Oh. ...Right. ...I also lost the manual.
Gimme a sword.
Granted, it kinda went through you first x_x
I wish to create a water slide
OK! It's fully DIY, and... Dang, I lost the manual again.
Gimme something awesome.
*Gives you planet Earth turning into a black hole and you get to watch from space but you don't get a spacesuit.
I wish to be .ded...
Granted, you're now a file on my computer: Brisky.ded
With what program can I even open .ded files?
I wish for new art for my laptop background!
OK! Now you got a gory and awfully realistic drawing of a decapitation as background.
Gimme something nobody would ever even consider necessary.
Granted. (http://www.isitweekendyet.com/)
I wish for an interesting comic to read!
OK! It's called "A dude killing another dude in an awesome swordfight".
Gimme something exciting.
Granted was caught in a large explosion
I wish for repulsion gel
OK! It repulses literally everything, even itself.
Gimme... Oh, I don't care.
Granted. (http://www.isitweekendyet.com/)
I wish for a refreshing drink!
OK! It froze you.
Gimme something less useless.
Granted, you got an actual working wish
I wish to sand board
OK! The board is made of sand.
*Uses the working wish*
Gimme a room in or near Wageningen.
Granted. Is one square metre enough space?
I wish I can actually see the stars at night here.
The terrain your town of residence resides on has been raised to 90 kilometers above sealevel, so you will experience no lightpollution or distortion due to the atmosphere.
I wish that I had a lettuce and berries...
OK! Here's a salad, made according to a google translated recipe.
Gimme tomorrow.
Granted the wish repeated the next day and so on
I wish to go to a carnival
OK! All the rides are insecure and generally deadly.
Gimme a stick.
Granted, it broke it half
I wish to go for a nice swim ^^
OK! There's dangerous stuff in the water.
Gimme a new laptop.
Granted, it wasn't a very good laptop
I wish for something spectacular to happen
OK! You blew up.
Gimme a good day.
Granted, you'll have a beautiful dream for an entire day... And then you'll wake up in two days having remembered nothing about the dream.
I wish the genie had a reset button!
OK! Pushing the reset button makes it disappear because it isn't original.
Gimme something fancy.
Granted got an overpriced juicer
I wish to time travel back in time to study dinosuars
OK! You got eaten by a T-Rex.
Gimme a gem.
Granted it was huge and fell on top of you
I wish for a hot tub
It's a bath tub, but it's really hot and you fell in love with it...
I wish to have a fully functional, pristine condition and structurally sound generic Northrop F5-E II light fighter aircraft, immume to any and all further supernatural influence after grantment of this wish, delivered including all the neccecary legal documentations on my name and support and maintainance equipment, to hangar 15 B on the recreational flight sector of Schiphol airport in the Netherlands, in such a way that neither the hangar nor the aircraft and it's supporting equipment are damaged in any way.
One fully functional airplane in a hangar at Schiphol that can only fly backwards, with the backwards flight not being a technical issue but someone installed it into the plane like that on purpose because they thought it'd be something else, and that all including joyriding pilot, granted somewhere next month because I have to do some paperwork first for this wish.
I just wish for some rain in the Netherlands without any flooding.
Granted but it is raining chocolate.
I wish to be famous.
Granted, you are now famous... for stealing 10 million dollars then throwing it into a volcano.
I wish for a pony riding another pony that I can ride on!
Granted but the second pony is a toy pony.
I wish for a lifetime supply of candy.
Granted, but they're all filled with cyanide.
I wish for a fursuit
OK! Sign here and I'll forward the bill of 25,000 dollars later.
Gimme madness.
Granted, you will never be happy again.
I wish I was a wizard!
OK! Your skill: Summon a single drop of water. Cooldown: 1 year.
Gimme fertility.
granted, you know have a forest in your home
I wish to ski down a mountain
OK! It ends in a cliff.
Make me swim with dolphins.
Granted, they forgot you couldn't hold your breath as long as they could @.@
I wish for a portal somewhere random
Done, but it is a 1 way portal to Pluto.
I wish that I can find true love.
Granted! ...Oh wait, were you looking for ROMANTIC love? Yeah, look, you really gotta be more specific about that next time. This isn't all that bad either, though!
I wish I no longer had to wish for anything when posting in this thread.
Granted, but only for the next nanosecond.
I wish for a pile of kyoot~kitty~kats!
Granted, they started to scratch
I wish discover an old temple and explore it
Granted. Here is a newly build temple...... Now you just gotta... Wait a few years..
I wish to be a little bit funnier
Granted, now you are found the tiniest bit more funny, but only by Hitler's ghost.
Granted, here's your black hole!
I wish I won the lottery!
OK! Let me calculate... gambling tax... income tax... terms and conditions... charity?... Sooo... your final net prize money is €10,42!
Gimme a better laptop.
Here you go, a brand-new stolen laptop! Oh, and you get trouble with the police for free.
I wish for a tosti!
OK! One raw oil tosti!
Gimme more sleep.
Granted, got permanent sleep x_x
I wish to get shrunk and jump into a cheesecake ^_^
Granted but it is poisonous.
I wish for a lifetime supply of ice cream.
Granted, you will be missed.
I wish for more forest in the Netherlands.
OK! Now the Netherlands are one giant jungle!
Gimme something annoying.
granted, every sound repeats twice
I wish for relaxing evening
Granted, but you won't be able to sleep at all the next 48 hours. Time in!
I wish these flies left me alone.
OK! Mosquitoes took their place.
Gimme something big and expensive.
Granted, you got a nuclear bomb
I wish to go river rafting
OK! You're now on the rapids of abysmal despair. Only 1 out of a 1000 groups survive!
Gimme something big, expensive and non-explosive.
Granted, here's your bridge to the south pole!
I wish for GOOD music on the radio, this stuff is all junk!
OK! The radio now repeats the words "good music" into infinity.
Gimme more lego.
Granted it wasnt true lego though
I wish to battle next poster XP
OK... GO! *Sends down a beam of total death on ?*
Gimme super glue.
Granted,you got stuck to the wall
I wish for a rematch
Granted, but Anna wins again because you're still dead.
I wish I could grant wishes like a real evil genie!
granted, but you were broken to
I wish to use a zipline
OK! The zipline snapped.
Gimme victory.
Oh noh, you just won from me with four-in-a-row whilst I was deliberately not paying attention.
I wish for fish.
Granted, it was huge and tried to bite you
I wish to run through the tall grass
Granted, the grass is now 10 metres long. Have fun!
I wish for someone to draw my ideas for me!
OK! This guy draws literally everything you think about.
Gimme something I can be jealous of.
Granted, someone stole all your dreams
I wish to scuba dive
OK! You sink like a rock.
Gimme the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the...
Granted you repeated those words forever
I wish to go on a nice scroll though the woods
OK! You got lost.
Gimme money.
Damien: Your wish is granted! 1,000,000 in Video game currency.
Katin: We wish for power!
Granted, is 7.5mA enough?
I wish for roses that never wilt.
OK! Somehow, all other plants in the house died.
Gimme a book.
Here’s the book of the damned. Congrats you started the apocolypse.
I wish for everlasting ice cream
Granted, but you can't eat it because it'll freeze everything that touches it.
I wish for something interesting to happen in our little village.
Granted, a war came to town
I wish to go to a aquarium
Say no more, You’re dropped into a shark tank during feeding time.
I wish for good health
OK! Your likelihood of getting in an accident is now ten times higher!
Gimme a pen.
Here, one wooden pen, ink not included. Watch out for splinters.
I wish for a magic carpet!
Granted it was a magic monster carpet and attacked them @.@
I for a nice place to snowboard
OK! Here are the directions to an indoor snowhall near you!
Gimme a good way to fly.
Granted, here's a self-driving plane, that self-destructs after 5 minutes of use.
I want something to ride!
Cooongratulations, here are the keys to your brand new car: a Porsche 718 Cayman! Enjoy the ride, sir!
Engine, battery, fuel tank, oil tank, gas pedal and brake system excluded. This prize cannot be returned to or traded by this genie or any other genie, as described in article 14 of the wishing contract.
I wish for a lavalamp!
Granted it set the house on fire
I wish to get a shrink ray
Granted, but instead of being a single-target weapon it works with AoE. So you have to be really careful with that thing (watch out with what else besides (part of) your target is hit)!
I wish for a time machine!
Here you go, it only goes back 5 seconds and can’t be used more than once a day.
I wish for the ultimate fishing rod.
Granted it caught you as well.
I wish to use a growth ray on next poster XP
OK! It increased my size by 0.0001%. Oh by the way, I think your growth ray broke.
Gimme an ethereal crystal.
Granted, here's a fake version of it! By the way, that'll be €1000, cash please!
I wish for an open door!
Granted it led to space
I wish for a big cake to jump inside and hide in ^_^
Here you go but it’s full of insects.
I wish it wasn’t so hot outside.
Granted, everything froze
I wish to ride across river on a crocodile's head
OK, on the one condition it can eat you afterward.
Gimme some null stones.
Granted, exploded from power
I wish to play trick on next poster ^_^
OK! It retaliated.
Gimme something I never wanted, needed or asked for.
Granted you got a ticking time bomb
I wish for challenging battle
OK! Is this level 100 suberbuffed Dialga enough?
Gimme the salt.
Granted got buried in it
I shall just challenge next poster instead XP
You challenged trainer MICHEN to battle!
Go, ?!
You defeated trainer MICHEN!
Grr, I'll get you next time...
? got $0 for winning!
I wish for an awesome new furry character!
OK! Let me introduce: An A. N. F. Character! Have fun with them!
Gimme something valuable.
Granted, you got ownership of the owe world
I wish to make a spider web swing
OK! The spider web is now stuck on your hand, leaving you to hang forever.
Gimme three wishes.
Granted, one wish was used to get them so you have two
I wish to be a cookie eeveelution XP
Granted, everything is super effective against it and has terrible stats. It's ability is that Crunch, Bite, Fang etc. moves will render it dead in one hit, so you can't even revive it in any way when that happens.
I wish for a comfortable bed, specially designed for ferals.
Granted, you couldnt get off once you get on.
I wish to make it to the boss stage ^_^
Granted but the boss is extremely OP.
I wish to be loved for who I am.
OK! You are now forever the most hideous and ugly entity on the earth.
I still have two wishes? Fine by me!
1: Gimme a potato.
2: Also, gimme another three wishes.
Granted, but you made the genie really mad
I wish to explore a savanna
OK! Find your own food and water.
Ooh, now I have three wishes to do!
1: Gimme a big diamond.
2: Gimme a better laptop.
3: Gimme three more wishes. (You could've seen that coming...)
Due to the post before, the genie is so mad that he granted the wishes, then undid all the wishes you made so far directly after that and hit you in the face with a rocket punch.
I wish for a comfortable pillow to go with my bed!
Granted it was so comfortable you couldn't get away from it
I wish to see some Half Life 2 creatures
The only ones that are real are the barnacles.
I wish for a cool new watch.
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Granted, you got a laser watch without knowing till the worst time.
I wish to enter a tournament
It's a tournament of battles to the death. You didn't make it very far because you're too friendly.
I wish for my dog to calm down.
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granted, they stole your bed
I wish for one of those turrets from Portal
OK! It shot you.
Gimme a lot.
Granted, you got a lot of toxins in body x_x
I wish to throw water ballons at next poster just to mess with XP
Granted, but I got a waterballoon trampoline protection shield that'll bounce them right back!
I wish to rule the world!
granted the world turned against them eventually @.@
I wish to test out primal ray on next poster ( what ever that does, guess will find out XD )
Granted... Wait no don't shoot me! *gets blasted and turns into a more primal version of self. Aka a normal lizard*🦎
I wish to learn the ways of the force
Granted, fell to the dark side
I wish test out rage spell on next person
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? *gives you a claw swipe to the face*
I wish to go to the moon.
granted, you got kicked right to it
I wish to challenge next poster to a battle once again
Granted but you have no weapons.
I wish I had X-ray vision
Exclusively X-ray vision
wosh for genie
All I's are replaced with O's
Wish for something good to eat
granted, you only got a crumb of that something
I wish to explore through the swamps
you run into ogre
inserts wish for great evolution
Granted, you evolved into a house a la Pokemon! And now I live in you!
I wished the next poster wished to rob a bank!
Granted, but I didn't :3
I wish for a sentient plant
Ok! Your houseplant is now constantly whining about how it can't move.
Gimme a spectacular show.
Granted, it got canceled
I wish to turn next poster into a dinosaur if they are not one already
OK! I lost my genie power.
Gimme money.
Granted it was ancient money
I wish to try to swim in Jello
Granted, you tried. And failed, by the way.
I wish for a strawberry cake!
Granted but I ate most of it first ^_^
I wish to take the rest from them >:3
Granted, but the strawberry cake got hungry and is now trying to eat YOU!
I wish for a race car!
Granted was a slow one
I wish to explore some Mario worlds
Sorry! You made me lose my genie powers.
Make university less demanding.
Granted they stopped providing anything to be done at all.
I wish to make a monster in lab
Granted, the monster was YOU!
I wish for a nice webcomic to read.
Granted but it only have two pages before ending
I wish to visit a dragon to ask to go flying
Granted, it sent you flying all right.
I wish for more awesome music!
granted, could never turn it off ever
I wish to shirk so I swim around in ice cream
You no longer have the responsibility to eat or drink, so it doesn't really help that you have the freedom to do such things.
Wish for freaky cheeks
Granted, cheeks came to life.
I wish to race a Jaguar
Go ahead. You'll have to find one yourself though.
Make me rich.
Granted ut everyone knew and people started to come after you
I wish to find Jaguar to try to bother into racing
Granted when I feel like granting it.
I wish for pet-safe chocolate!
Granted, but it literally required one to be a pet and when they are no longer it stops being safe
Now I wish to try having a pokemon battle with a non pokemon opponent
OK! You have a 100% chance of losing.
Make student life less expensive.
Granted, you receive a one-time coupon for free bananas, expiring at midnight today!
I wish to learn a Pokémon move! One that isn't Splash, please.
OK! Michen learned Harden!
Gimme a super power.
Granted, you got the power of during into a tree
I wish to scuba dive in lake
OK! Your tank exploded.
Gimme a rope.
Granted it didnt come fully assembled so you had to put it together
I wish to visit a watering hole in sub suharan africa and maybe meet a hippo or something ^_^
Granted... If there was a place called "Subhara"!
I wish I wasn't so tired today.
Granted, you feel asleep
I wish to challenge to battle now XP
Sorry, I can't grant anything in my sleep.
I wish for sweet dreams whilst I'm sleeping!
Granted, dreamed of a chocolate flood
I wish to jump into a sandbox
OK! The sandbox is filled with quicksand.
Gimme a DIY package.
Granted was a hidden DIY bomb @.@
I wish to grow a large plant
OK! It was a man-eating plant. Literally.
Gimme something perfect.
Granted it was temporary perfect before becoming just less than perfect
I wish to go slide down a long tunnel slide
Granted, but the tunnel is
I wish for a strawberry milk fountain!
Granted, the milk is spoiled and the strawberries are rotten.
I wish to be wise.
Your excessive wisdom strips the novelty from what would otherwise be fresh experiences
wish for alien lollipop
OK! Somehow, it took over the world.
Gimme a higher income.
Along with everyone else. The resulting inflation gets you back where you started.
wish for
Granted was a molotov
I wish to shrink so I can try using a bread slice as a sleeping bag
Wish granted. Good luck making do after that!
wish for slice of cheesecake
Granted, I stole it
and I wish to steal the rest :P
Granted, it was infested with a tapeworm.
I wish for unlimited cosmic power
Granted, but the instant you use it for the first time the Earth will explode from how much power you have.
I wish my favourite anthro comic updates more often.
The quality drops in favour of speed.
I wish for a vending machine that outputs items based on what I put in
Granted, it'll always give the item you put in back.
I wish for another Pokemon marathon on Twitch in the future!
OK! You'll end up in a livestream where someone farms Metapod for 5 hours on end.
Gimme more mental energy.
Granted, got a headache after a while
I wish to swim in pond
Granted. It's a pond that's been skinny-dipped in.
I wish my Wee Sing MP3s were higher quality.
granted they suddenly became a terabyte in size
I wish to meet a yoshi
Granted, now you're stuck in a Yoshi egg.
The dots look good on you, by the way.
I wish to befriend a Pokemon in real life!
Granted, befriended 100 pidgeys
I wish for last meal poster above had and to shrink down really tiny so I can jump on and enjoy a " bigger " version XP
Granted, you turned crumb-size and got eaten by our dog.
I wish people were smarter.
granted, everyone knew everything about everything and things got pretty boring
I wish I didn't get eaten by a dog, lol
OK! Now you are vacuumed!
Open a dimensional portal. I don't care to where.
Granted, lava dimension
I wish to grow a large venus flytrap for a fancy center piece
Granted, but it got so hungry it started to eat people at random.
I wish for miracle toothpaste!
Grand, it accerated growth and now they have huge teeth
I wish to swim around cheep cheeps from Mario
Granted, and your wish comes with a free giant-sized blooper that'll turn the water pitch-black.
I wish for a pet squirrel!
Granted, it brought alot of friends! About 1000 friends.
Now I wish for a chain chomp ^_^
OK! It's unchained. And hungry!
...You might want to start running.
Gimme a useless button.
Here you go. (https://www.myinstants.com/instant/that-was-easy/)
I wish for a lot of luck!
granted, the wish didn't do anything at all . . . maybe it prevented something bad from happening who knows.
I wish for a jar of honey.
OK! Here's a beehive full of honey. Extract at own risk.
Gimme lunch.
Granded you got a lunch sign
I wish to steal the user aboves lunch as they are eating >:3
Granted, you're now trying to eat the lunch sign you stole back. I hope it tastes good.
I wish for an apple cake!
Granted it was just an apple with frosting
oops, I mean I wish to steal from the user to post next instead. XP ( just realized that above would have been user I just responded to, lol XD )
Granted, you're now trying to eat MY lunch sign. What did you expect to happen?
I wish to find a four-leaved clover, just to be a show-off.
Granted it brought bad luck with it
I wish to find a giant spiderweb to try to use as a trampoline
OK! It's sticky.
And resided by an equally large spider!
Gimme all the time.
Granted, every single clock flew at them
I wish to turn the next poster into a dinosaur
Genies can't use their magic on themselves.
Gimme a needle.
Granted, it's hidden somewhere in a haystack.
I wish to become incorporeal!
OK! You died.
Gimme a piece of string.
Granted, it was too short to do anything with
I wish for a slime from slime rancher.
Granted, but it's kinda... slimy.
I wish for one more wish!
Granted you got a wish for a wish of a wish
I wish to try hunger spell on next poster to try to sell food to them xP
Granted, but it has a 50% chance of backfiring. Feeling lucky?
I wish that I could actually see all the stars in the sky.
granted ended up going blind @.@
I wish I was more lucky then, lol ^_^
Granted, but every single other person you know will have bad luck.
I wish fanfiction was actually good.
OK! Now every other type of fiction is absolute rubbish.
Gimme juice.
Gtanted it was sewer juice
I wish for the power to trasfer into a food eeveelutuon of anything food I touch ^_^
like this (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0f/91/4c/0f914c51365d09e5b4db2197ac3817a1.jpg)
Granted, but you'll also transform into an eeveelution of whatever else you touch. Watch out when touching the floor.
I wish for a trampoline!
Granted it was a minature one which broke pretty fast
I wish to turn invisible so I jump in front and steal food as people try to eat for fun without being caught >:3
Granted, but it'll be overridden once you touch something new thanks to your previous wish!
I wish for a swimming pool!
Granted, didnt include water
I wish to just be the taco form in the picture in pervious post, since power got too complicated lol
Granted, you became a taco, but with the invisibility from your previous post. And no, you can't steal food like that because tacos can't see, hear, smell or feel things. Be happy you can still walk.
I wish for a new house!
granted, you got . . . . well everything you need to maje the house just not yet assembled. Have fun!
I wish to just simply go to a dinner instead TvT
Granted, but since you're now a taco you're on the menu.
Oh don't worry about the invisibility. The first person to find you...
I wish for someone who can make this house for me without errors.
granted, they left a huge bill though right after :0
I wish to stop being invisible to try to escape the dinner with the next poster, hopefully escaping the danger . . o-o
Granted, you can now be seen. However, you're still a taco so you still can't see or hear anything yourself. And I'm not in any danger because I'm still a snow leopard.
I wish for 10000 euros to pay the bill!
Granted you paid off half the bill! Congrats now they are thretening to take half the house.
I wish I could at least hear and see to at least see what happens first along with free food while I wait
Granted, you're now normal again. But because you were the only thing that was on the menu, there's no food to steal here.
I wish the person who left me the bill gave more than one day to let me pay them off like they're supposed to!
granted, they just charged small fee each day that it isnt fully paid off
I wish for something to be on the menu for free
Granted. Little do you know, but that item is toxic
I wish Florida didnt ever get cold
Granted it got hotter and hotter each day and never stopped
I wish to challenge next poster to a battle >:3
Granted *shows up in full kit cocked and locked* Wanna surrender yet
I wish I could have access to a full armory
Granted. Access to full medieval armoury, that is.
I wish for more cool scarves!
Granted. Access to full medieval armoury, that is.
Thatd still be cool tho
Granted, your scarves are all soaked and frozen stiff
I wish to be able to sleep more
Granted, got to sleep forever
I wish to meet a dragon
There's a tree in your house now.
And in your car.
And on the roads.
And in some unfortunate people walking down the streets.
Can you make me beligerent?
OK! Your anger level rose over 9,000 and you have no sense of judgement anymore.
Gimme food.
Granted it was a small portion of bad tasting food
I wish have a pool of honey to try to swim in
Granted, but the honey will never go out of your fur and make your entire body sticky forever.
I wish my father got a wish!
OK! I'm sure to read him all the rules and regulations on wishing.
By the way, his wish will be broken by default.
Make it rain ostriches.
Granted, it's uh... a very local rain, shall we say.
I wish for 25 hours in a day!
granted, it started to get even longer as you started slowing earth down.
I wish for a huge pool
OK! It's huge, from an ant's perspective. To you, it's tiny.
Make winter less cold.
Failed to grant wish: there is no winter to apply this to.
I wish we had a winter again.
granted, it was winter forever
I wish to kind a big kitchen to mess around in
OK! It's... kind of a big kitchen. Too bad the chef hates animals.
Make me a queen.
Granted was over thrown by deadly force after a while
I wish to steal meals
Granted, here's meal for you to steal. Not sure how much bread you can make with it.
I wish my package had arrived already. Ish important.
granted, it arrive and then it left before you could get it
I with to run into the jungle and meet a random creature from it to study
Granted, it was an angry crocodile.
I wish to get my money back.
granted, you got it back at an extremely slow pace
I wish to battle it! lol
The crocodile used Crunch! Critical hit!
You got eaten...
I wish Huh came back to life.
granted but not in good shape @.@
I wish for a rematch but with help of next poster this time.
OK! To equal, the crocodile is twice as strong!
I'll, uh... give you moral support.
Make my memory better.
granted, your brain became a computer
I wish to go swimming at the aquarium
Granted! Oh, and I see the crocodile I mentioned before followed. He had the same idea. Just so you know.
Yes, it's still mad.
I wish I could hide in plain sight when it's night out. There's too much light for that now.
granted, you just turned invisible and couldn't see anymore
well I wish to have next poster try to help defend off angry crocodile again so I can enjoy swim, lol XP
OK!... Oh yeah, the double strength thingy...
Say, I've brought a spare cardboard shield. Maybe it'll help?
Gimme enhanced eyesight.
Granted! You can now see sounds, smells, tastes...
I wish for more popularity online.
Granted, always had filled inboxes and constant messages left and right
I wish to go inside of the lion king movie
OK! You were eaten by hyenas.
Gimme ALL the glory!
Granted, you took over the world to get all that glory but didnt last long.
I wish to be in zootopia instead:
OK! You're now standing in line for a Zootopian driving licence.
...I hope you have patience.
Make me a hero.
Granted, you saved the villains from the other heros and became the villain’s hero.
I wish to be able to try to take other a wolf pack or lion pride >:3 mahaha
Granted, you took someone else's wolf pack. Now the wolves are mad and want to maul you.
I wish for a campfire!
Granted got a city sized campfire!
I wish for some fog
Granted, you get a balloon with some fog inside it.
I wish I had some gingerbread cookies :)
granted but I already ate them before you got some XP
I to go to dinosaur island!
Granted, there are two you's at Dinosaur Island with no way back. You can only control one you at a time. You switch by letting the current you fall asleep. They both need food, water etc. seperately, and if one you dies the other will die in it's sleep. Got all that?
I wish to become even smarter than I just was.
Granted, you learned one new simple there you have gotten slightly smarter than before ^_^
I wish to try being a dinosaur hunter instead XD
( lol just noticed my typo )
Gran... Never mind, it's already hunting you.
I wish for a laptop with inifnite storing capacity!
OK! It's the size of the sun.
Gimme more Lego.
Granted got crushed by a huge lego house
I wish to run into a random lion so I can mess with their mane
Granted! Unfortunately, you seem to be in the coliseum.
I wish for a giant teddy bear.
Granted, it was a giant living teddy bear, they were not very nice.
well I wish for the next poster to help me in the coliseum XD
Granted! But I fell asleep during the attempt.
I wish to be out of the coliseum.
granted, you got put into space
I wish to try to ride a whale
Granted! But you have been placed inside the blowhole.
I wish for a cookie.
granted, it was about twenty year old cookie
I wish to scuba dive in the ocean
Granted! There is an anglerfish chasing you, though.
I wish for a blanket.
granted, got a piece of cloth as blanket
I wish to have something to try to battle it.
Granted! You got the ability to manipulate fire.
I wish for an ice cream.
You got it but it melted : (
I wish for a hot tub
Granted! It's in the middle of the Sahara desert.
I wish for some custard.
OK, but I took the first half.
Gimme a poem.
granted it turned into a novel length poem
I wish to visit Big Boo's Mansion
Granted, but you'll be trapped in a painting. Sounds familiar.
I wish I wasn't feeling so restless.
Granted, just feel asleep and felt sleepy for a really long time instead
I wish for a yoshi now
OK! You're an egg now.
Gimme protection.
Granted and got very minimum protection
I wish to shirk down and have a fancy gingerbread house to stay in B)
OK! It got eaten. And you almost as well.
Gimme a river.
Granted was a river of drink that was spilled all over the nice carpet
How rude D: I wish to confort and have a word with who ever ate my fancy house >:(
Granted, but you forgot you were still small. This resulted in your voice being all squeaky and the person who ate your house could not take you seriously even if they tried.
I wish for a nice pillow!
Granted it was so big and fluffy at they lost in it
I wish to have a cup on hot chocolate to use as alittle hot tub :P
OK! I'm not gonna provide you with a ladder so you'll have to see how you'll get in.
Gimme some wool.
granted, it was on the sheep still
I wish for a pool of honey instead
Ok, but don't blame me if you get stuck inside. This honey is especially sticky, you see.
Gimme a house.
Granted it was a miniature house
I wish to find a tunnel to use as a slide ^^
OK! It led to the sewers.
Gimme an overly expensive block of iron.
Granted, it landed on your head.
I wish for a challenging battle
You should know nothing good can come from this. Oh well...
*Spawns a level 999 Giratina with maximized stats*
Beware. This one has exceptional bloodlust.
Gimme 7 flowers.
Granted, they were 7 dead flowers though
I wish for an item to help me before I have to battle that. :o
OK! Take this newspaper!
Gimme a vine.
Grant, got tangle
ehhh, well I wish to start battle and see if that newspaper actually helps :|
? challenged OPGeratina to battle!
OPGeratina used Dragon Claw!
OPGeratina was too fast! ? couldn't react to anything!
? was shredded in tiny little pieces for 11402 damage! (No, that's not a random number I just made up on the spot!)
? died immediately... There was no chance at all.
I wish I had 9 lives IRL.
Granted, you don't remember your last life though when one get used up.
well I wish the next poster as in my party, hopefully you will fair better.
YOU DID W- *dies*
*comes back to life*
I wish... Well shoot, I forgot what I was gonna wish next.
granted, nothing happened but it still counted as a wish XP
I wish to just skip that boss, lol
What boss? I don't know what you're talking about...
I wish to get my ninth life back.
Granted but all the extra ones were lost
I wish to be able to try to beat the water temple
Granted, but since you appear to be a ghost, you just go through everything. Including the final boss.
I just wish to catch some fish for lunch tomorrow...
Granted, though it was fugu. Better find a chef who can prepare it right.
I wish to come back to life after skipping all the stages to the last room XP
...Oh hey, that Giratina followed you! And it's still bloodthirsty, too!
Gimme €50,-.
Granted, though it was stolen rather fast
I wish for a buff for a better chance this time!
Granted! You're now half your original size, so your opponents have a lower chance of hitting you!
I wish for a motorcycle!
Granted it was normal bike with an engine taped on
I wish to reform party and get first move
Granted, a Misdreavus with Trick Room entered your party.
Oh wait.
I wish for succes!
Granted, successfully added to party to XD lol
I wish to leap right into battle with the extra agility
OK! *cues the music*
Giratina used Draco Meteor!
Misdreavus received 9,583 damage!
Misdreavus fainted!
Michen received 8,734 damage!
Michen fainted!
The attack missed ?.
Giratina's Special Attack dropped!
Gimme some copper.
Sorry, I have other things to worry about right now. I don't know what happened just a minute ago.
I wish I didn't lose my memory all the time.
OK! You now don't have a memory in the first place.
Gimme some dirty dishes.
Granted . . . . ‘ .
I wish to stop and try to wake up Michen since they just fainted
The joke's on you, I still had the ninth life left!
Not anymore now, of course...
I wish for some milk!
Granted, it was spider's milk.
well since they are up, I wish for Michen to lead the party against Giratina this time so I don't have to. good luck. ;) XP
YOU DID W- *dies*
*Michen can't make wishes whilst he's dead*
Granted.... nothing happened yet
Darn, well I wish to take Michen place to give it one last try.
Granted, you're now dead again!
I just wish to become a poltergeist at this point.
Granted, haunted an empty ice cave. How exciting.
I wish to come back alive and just get put in super mario sunshine bonus level ^_^
OK! ...Oh, look who's back!
...What do you mean, I shouldn't have brought Giratina along?
Eh, that thing got boring anyway. *Punches the Giratina into the sun*
Instead, the level is horribly corrupted! Have fun.
Gimme a tin can.
Granted, you'll find it in some random haunted ice cave.
I wish to control ice magic!
OK! But, you can't use it without simultaneously controlling fire, which gives you... water magic.
Gimme a vacuum cleaner.
Granted, but it sucks.
I wish for a friendly spider in my house!
(Dat pun... Rlly?)
OK! It's very tiny and... eaten by a fruit fly.
Gimme a gimmick.
Granted. It can do everything, but it can't do anything.
I wish for a newspaper of next week, so I can learn the future!
OK! The paper is incorrect.
Gimme a useless gadget.
Granted, you got another copy of the gimmick you got in my previous post.
I wish for a bazooka that launches concrete donkeys!
OK! It comes without ammo.
Gimme cereals.
Granted. It came with a free cereal killer.
I wish to find treasure!
OK! It's a single worthless coin.
Gimme some links.
G (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)R (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hFevwJ4JXI)A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzXXHVhGXTQ)N (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuggc60TVzU)T (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0lYrvS8hmk)E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg9IjJSSMRQ)D (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfUtindGZrI). (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgl0qmAp_fg)
I wish for an inverted rainbow.
OK! It vanishes exactly 0.0000000001 millisecond after appearing.
Gimme an airplane.
Granted, it wasnt in the best condition given it just crash landed in front of you.
I wish for the world’s largest hot tub
OK! It's so big you can't see the edges or bottom. You'll be swimming for a while...
Gimme a moron.
Am I not good enough for you anymore? :'(
I wish for a delicious ham sandwich!
OK! The aftertaste, however...
Gimme a pot.
Granted, it was guarded by an angry leprechaun.
I wish somebody understood that reference.
OK! So lame, that pot of gold.
Gimme some flies.
Granted, got flies from outer space.
I wish to use a growth ray on the next poster
I grow weary
I wish to sneak a frickton of macaroni into universal studios
OK! It got eaten by pidgeons and seagulls.
Gimme some loose coins.
GRANTED! They grew to the size of mars and landed on you.
I wish for a life!
Granted, got some bacteria in a jar
I wish to explore an underwater cave
OK. You are now lost in the cave for all eternity
I wish for my death!
You can't possibly ruin this! XD
Granted you got your very own copy of an album by the Metal band know as Death, congratulations XP
I wish to ride on the back of an eagle
How could you. :'(
Granted the eagle falls from the sky.
I wish for nothing.
If you manage to ruin this I will throw myself off a cliff.
Granted, you wish for nothing and ended up with Nothing by Mick Inkpen
I wish for a tour of an interesting factory.
*Throws self off of cliff*
Granted you are now in a factory of death.
I wish for a broken wish.
Granted, simply got a random wish granted ^_^
I wish to dive into a nice pot of chicken noodle soup :P
Granted the soup is acid
I wish for ________
Granted, and got the white line they wished for
I wish to join a pokemon battle
granted you feint instantly
I wish for >.> <.<
you end up with 9_9
I wish a jazzy raccoon win smash turni
Granted the raccoon dies shortly afterward.
I wish for everybody to be happy!
Granted, it became law and anyone unhappy was arrested
I wish to roam the savannah
OK! Food, water and security are not included.
Gimme sunglasses.
you get them, but you can't utilize them for some reason
wish for stinkbait powder (in a container I can open easily)
Granted! You now have your stinkbait powder in a container easily opened somewhere in the world.
I wish to have some freshly-baked cheesy pizza
Granted. But adventurour, heed thyselfeth, for the tomato sauce monster hideth within...
I wish to own a lighthouse!
Granted, the light was broken though
I wish for a sandbox to relax in
Sandbox is wet
wish for oyster crackers in a mcdonald's cup
Granted the crackers are toxic.
I wish for infinite wishes.
granted, nothing happened but the genie now takes a week break after each wish
I wish to explore the shadow realm
You are permanently banished there
wish for gamesphere + many great games for it
Granted, it turned into a cube after first use
I wish swim around and do tricks with an orca
Granted, you swim with a killer beast you probably don't know how to control
I wish for a lot of TF2 hats
Granted it was all the same cheap hat over and over
Okay fine, I wish to just feed the orca fish instead
granted the orca grows until it destroys the world.
(? did you put that you wanted to explore the shadow realm because of me?)
I wish for any inanimate object I touch to become alive!
Your wish is granted. That's your twist.
Inserts wish for rotisserie chicken
Granted, it was still alive
I wish the build a spacesuit and go to space
( I suppose so )
OK! The spacesuit failed.
Gimme a school lunch.
Granted, your lunch box is filled with cereal in yoghurt.
I wish to be good at dancing.
Granted you are now a ballerina girl.
I wish to have nothing happen.
GRANTED! But time doesn't pass so you are unaware of it until it stops not happening.
I wish I had a pony.
Granted the pony eats Winged Zephyr.
*acts like nothing happened* 0:)
I wish for equality throughout everyone's lives.
everything is death 4 all
wish for big sniff
Granted, got sneezed on
I wish to have a flute to try to tame a snake with
Granted, here's the flute. And here's also the form that says I'm not responsable for any injury the use of the flute might cause. Sign on the dotted line please.
I wished I gained a little weigth. Juuust a little. A little for a snow leopard, of course.
Granted! You grow a neck goiter.
I wish I could keep track of time better
Granted, your eyes are now little clocks. Now if you want to know what time it is, you just got to look in the mirror.
I wish for mind reading abilities!
Granted! you read literally everyone’s mind, even if they are not humans
i wish i could have the power of super speed
Granted, but "too fast" is the only speed you can walk at from now on.
I wish for a banana-chocolate sandwich!
Granted! but its mutated and YOU are now the snack.
i wish i could skydive
granted you fall into a bottomless hole, you keep falling for all eternity.
I wish to switch genders for a day. (I'm male)
Granted, got stuck between both when the genie broke
I wish to go surfing
(oh god what has happened to me?)
Granted was eaten by shark.
I wish for the genie to be fixed permanently.
Granted, it was fix but the fact it was fix broke the thread as the title didn't match then the genies status which in turn cause the genie to blow a fuse and break after being fixed which all cycled forever.
I wish for a castle made up of boxes
Granted. the boxes are a centimeter tall.
i wish i had a cookie
granted, got a cookie textured A
I wish for the superpower to summon monster
granted. you summon yourself (XD its only a joke)
i wish i was orange
granted, all the limes got angry at you for that
I wish to explore the ocean in a mini submarine
Granted. but the sub exploded before you could get underwater
i wish i was popular
granted was popular but wasn't the positive kind of popular
I wish to go to Antarctica
Granted, but without a bad twist because it's you! I'll even put you in the water under the ice! Can't make it much better than that, honestly.
I wish to ride on a bull!
Granted, was being carried by the horns @.@
I wish for sand
Granted. but YOU ARE THE SAND
i wish i had an iced tea
OK! Here you go, one frozen tea.
Gimme some cutlery.
Granted! The knives chase after you trying to make a snack.
i wish i was at the beach
Granted, ran into a huge crab
I wish to summon something random
Granted, here's an osmium-192 atom. (That's a real thing, go look it up!)
I wish the genie no longer corrupted wishes like this.
granted, the genie erased you as you would no longer have to experience after that
I wish to visit a water type gym
Granted, You feint instantly.
I wish to experience love!
granted, it was the scary kind of love.
i wish to explore the mountains
granted you are now trapped in a cave system in the mountain forever.
I wish to be a little bit older.
granted turned 100
I wish to meet a dragon
Wish for ~13 lbs of meat
granted, rotten meat
I wish to travel to a fire gym
gym is on fire
wish for burger for Red
granted, blue
I wish for a fish
Here is the piranha you ordered. And uh, let me guess, your next wish is for it to let go of your tail?
I wish for cheese fondue.
Granted it is now rotting.
I wish for the world to stop spinning. @.@
Granted it suddenly stopped but the inside kept going destroying the surface
I wish to be put into an turned based adventure game
Granted, how about Fire Emblem? You know, perma-death and everything?
I wish to own a villa!
Villa is rotten
Wish for can of coca cola
Granted, it was in a pepsi can
I wish for an exciting final boss
All right. Would a blood-thirsty level 999 Geratina with maximized stats suffice?
I wish to meet an alien!
granted, but it takes you hostage
i wish to meet another friendly wolf.
Granted, It was a friendly ghost wolf
I wish for a powerful item to help
granted! you get a powerful ghost ball that helps you with nothing
i wish for a sharper axe.
Granted, the axe is now much sharper but saved as a .jpg and is covered in digital artifacts.
I wish for something.
Granted got thing 2
I wish to battle a boss who is unable to kill me
Boss is really boring
wish for bacon and eggs
granted they were green
I wish to own a volcano
people dance on it
wish for straw in restaraunt
granted the restaurant required straws to be used with everything even your food.
I wish to be put in a random video game world
Granted you are put in Oregon trail and die of dysentery.
granted, disappeared since no wish XP
I wish to be a final boss >:3
granted you are the final boss of level 1
I wish to be wise.
Granted became wise in not so useful subjects
I wish for a pie space ship
Granted, but it was in the hands of pierates!
I wish for a bodyguard!
Granted, your body guard was an ant.
I wish to be my avatar for a day!
Granted. Lemme know how it feels to be a picture of a floating head on the internet, will ya?
I wish for rainbow-coloured cotton candy!
Granted it tastes like barf.
I wish to be a clone of Michen for a day.
Granted, there was a fight over the scarf.
I wish to ride in a submarine
Granted, but you can't go down with that thing, only up.
I wish for a butterscotch-cinnamon pie!
granted was in a displayed case.
I think to be mini and have a house made of pie and was sorta like a flying saucer ship to.
Granted, while inside one of those things, you were eaten by me.
I wish not to make bad wishes.
granted, the genie exploded so no wises thus no bad wishes. : P
I wish to escape
You escape to a maze!
I wish for a new genie to be born!
granted, it was still in a lamp
I wish for a giant oreo and milk
Granted, your house is now inside the glass of milk. The oreo is on top of that glass and seals the only opening the glass has.
I wish I could make time go by slower or faster at will!
Granted but they sped up time a little too much and it effected their body before they slowed it @.@
I wish to turn the next poster into a dino if not one.
I wish for ? to evolve.
granted, I evolved into a new eeveelution that wasn't very good
I wish to duel the next poster
granted but you fall down immediately and i win ^_^
i wish i could revive dead ancestors
Granted but they are zombies
i wish for a nintendo switch (i actually wish i had one)
granted it came with only one joycon
I wish to jump on a lion's mane, probably really soft ^^
Granted, but the lion isn’t very happy
i wish everyone in the world would be happy for 10 seconds
granted, the wish canceled out any happiness after the 10 seconds
I wish to also poke that lion's nose because why not XD
granted, the lion still wasn’t happy
i wish i could get a free car (i know where this is going)
I was the very basics of a car. just the wheels, engine, etc
I also wish to " borrow " of little bit of it's mane before leaving it. I'm sure it wouldn't mind XP lol
granted, yet the lion STILL was unhappy
i wish for a vending machine full of chocolate
granted but it all melted
I wish to enter in a pokemon battle tournament
Granted, you're up against a tyranitaaaand you almost got yourself killed again, knocked out first round. You NEVER learn, do you?
I wish to meet my fursona in real life!
Granted, has a nice time at first until a bunch of scientist showed up.
I wish to train harder and have a rematch, not giving up that easily XP
Granted, but you're no longer an Eevee. You're an Espeon instead. And you're on your own against a trainer with 6 pokémon in the first round. Let me know how it went.
I wish for flowers that never wilt!
granted, it was flowey (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dbxfanon/images/8/88/Flowey.png/revision/latest?cb=20160507201630)
I wish to try a battle against a non pokemon instead.
OK! Here, fight this evil-looking robot with a chainsaw arm!
Gimme an easy time.
Granted, it was soo easy that one might say it was too easy
I wish for a chainsaw to even things out
OK! I believe this one malfunctions, though...
Gimme some cool stuff.
Granted, here's a glass of water. With ice cube!
I wish for a new scarf collection.
Granted, they were not to your liking.
I wish to shrink so I can tunnel around in a cake
Granted, but you might wanna watch out for that guy over there who is probably gonna take a bite.
I wish to be a spectrum magic user.
Granted, just randomly exploded magically
I wish to set up a tiny cake castle on the cake to defend it! >:3
Granted, it's so small that the person attacking the cake can't see it with their bare eyes. So even smaller than you are.
I wish for Excalibur!
Granted it was alive and floating, tries to cut ya
I wish for the person to notice and see.
I already noticed, goofus. I was the one who fulfilled your wish for the castle, remember?
I wish for mind control powers so I can control this crazy sword!
Granted they became sword as a result.
I wish to try to steal the sword >:3
granted, but it was the wrong sword!
i wish i knew what was going on right now
Granted they ended up knowing too much
I wish to try jousting
OK! You got skewered by your opponent.
Gimme some chinaware.
Granted got all broken.
I wish to have broken them >:3
OK! Here's the bill.
Gimme... well, whatever.
Granted, got a nothing
I wish to join a party in an rpg
Granted. You joined a party in Darkest Dungeon. Have fun.
I wish for a chocolate fountain of 10 metres high!
Granted, it starting flooding the room afrer a while
I wish to leap in and go for a swim XP
OK! The chocolate is solidifying around you, though.
Gimme cake.
Granted the cake wasn't truthful
I wish to find the world's largest clam so I can try to get the pearl
OK! Pearl not included.
Gimme a boot.
Granted got kicked.
I wish to swim down and explore an underwater temple
OK! You got locked and lost.
Gimme a bath.
Granted, a lava bath
I wish for something to break the walls to escape that temple
OK! I heard there's a rusty old pickaxe in that temple... somewhere.
Gimme shinies.
Granted, got an old shiny coin
I wish for a web hammock
Granted, but just like a spider web it's incredibly sticky.
I wish for a lake in my back yard!
Granted, but it was slowly growing eventually becoming an ocean.
I wish for a sword to cut free from hammock
Granted, but your "hammock" is now located right above a bottomless pit, so I wouldn't advise you to free yourself now.
I wish my next wish won't be corrupted!
Granted, it didnt happen thus couldnt be corrupted
I wish for the pit to have a bottom and a trampoline down there when I get free
Granted, the trampoline was a bomb.
I wish for this wish not to be corrupted!
granted, the wish became an actual trampoline ^_^ Thank you
I wish for some light so I can see.
granted but 2 seconds later, the light disappears
i wish for superpowers
OK! I'll give you the power to mind-control a single ant for maximally 5 seconds once a day.
Gimme a cake.
granted it was not truthful cake
I wish to steal the artifact
OK! Now you're being chased by the entire police force.
Gimme something boring.
Granted, got explosions
I wish to meet a giant mystical bird and give seeds to it. ^_^
It eats the seeds. And your hands.
Wish for.. cake?
Granted, it was only half real cake
I wish to go to a pokemon version of jurassic park.
OK! It's just as unsafe as any other Jurassic Park.
Gimme gimme gimme!
Granted, here's 100 ton of lit dynamite.
I wish for pizza!
Granted, it was canned pizza!
I wish to go explore one of Bowser's castles
OK! Mario got the axe right when you were crossing the bridge.
Gimme a shower.
Granted, got an ice cube shower.
I wish to shrink down so I try to ride on a bird's back ^_^
You shrink
and shrink
so small
too small
Wish for the ability to lead a normal, totally mundane life.
Granted. From now on out, you'll wake up at 7, go to your work at 7:45, start working at 9, take a lunch break at 12:30, go back home at 5PM, have dinner at 6:30, watch the news at 8, then go to bed at 11. And that every day, 7 days a week, until all the days just start blending together and you don't even know what month of the year it is anymore.
I wish for energy drink.
Granted , was slug left over from energy production
I wish to use a lab to grow giant frogs so I can try to take over the world with them >:3
Granted, but the frogs became sentient, made a coup and turned you into one of their slaves.
Wow, that got dark.
I wish for some light in that story.
Granted, a giant flashlight just got pointed on the scene
Uh oh :sweatdrop:I wish to summon the next poster to try to help me defeat and overthrow the frogs
Granted, but standing there in front of those threats gave me a panic attack and I ran away.
I wish I was on top of the world!
Granted, teleported to the top of mount Everest and couldnt breath x_x
Looks like I have to try alone :o I wish for shield to help me
Granted. Oh, by the way, it's too heavy for you to carry.
I wish my allergies disappeared...
OK! You are now terminally ill.
Gimme a bed.
Granted, was made out of rock.
I wish to explore an alien planet
Granted! You are now on a planet full of xenomorphs.
I wish to transform into an animal
Granted, you are now a photo of a german shepherd.
I wish for a bottle of mustard.
Granted got a huuge bottle of mustard that created a flood.
I wish to slide into a sandbox. XP
OK! It was quicksand.
Gimme LEGO Mindstorms EV3.
Granted, it started to take over the planet.
I wish to shrink and explore a bird nest. ^_^
OK! The bird saw you as food.
Gimme the world with everything on it.
Granted it all came together in front of them including all the toxins and radioactive materials in a small ball.
I wish to reenact the pelican scene from Nemo to get a free ride. XD
(Mine-ing intensifies XD) Granted but the pelican ends up eating you.
I wish i could cook
granted, you were able to cookie but you were never able to cook without burning the food even if it was cold food being prep XP
I wish for a cup of infinite water
Granted, but water coming out of the cup is anti-gravity as long as it's above the cup, meaning the water will flow upwards. Nothing else is affected, and the effect disappears when it's no longer above the cup. Best preserved upside-down.
I wish for a warp pipe in my room.
granted, lead to a glitched world
I wish to find a Palossand
You have lost your soul in order to find it. What a terrible fate, to turn hollow.
i wish for a genie that works
granted it worked but still wasn't working right.
I wish to meet an eagle
Did someone ask for me?
Gimme a hand.
Granted, it was master hand
I wish for a crocodile and alligator in the same place. XP
Granted, but it has two heads, a normal body, no tail, both sides bite, and it's twice as agressive. Havee fun with your new pet.
I wish for the voice in my head to be silent for a change.
Granted, the voice moved outside your head to your left
I wish to have just enough food to try to tame it ^_^
Granted, the voice to my left is now tamed. Not sure why you wished that, but all right.
I wish for a big birthday party next week!
Granted, the party was soo big you needed a plane to get from the presents to the cake. XP
I wish for the world's biggest goldfish!
Granted, it's the size of a skyscraper. Good luck feeding that fish.
I wish for a new watch.
granted, you got a person watching you all the time now. X3
Gimmie a submarine so I can find even bigger fish.
Granted, you found a whale so big it swallowed your submarine whole.
I wish for magic curtains.
Granted it started fighting the magic carpet
I wish to just find the biggest land creature instead of fish
Granted, the whale got eaten by an argentinosaurus that lost it's mind!
I wish for a fire alarm.
granted, was the quietest alarm
I wish explore a flooded submarine
Granted, it's located somewhere inside a whale inside a drowned argentinosaurus that lost it's mind.
C'mon, don't tell me you didn't see that coming.
I wish for another character idea!
granted, got the same character but with a few color and name.
I wish for an oxygen tank to swim out of the submarine so I can try getting out of it all.
Granted, but you only wished for enough air to get out of the submarine.
I wish for a philosopher's stone!
Got the plastic one
I wish to invent the shrink ray!
Granted but it's so tiny!
I wish to write the best song ever.
granted, it as soo good it started an alien invasion :o they wanted the song for their self.
I wish to meet the giant mystical frog
granted, it as soo good it started an alien invasion :o they wanted the song for their self.
I wish to meet the giant mystical frog
granted but it came with a giant swarm of blood sucking bugs... thankfully the frog eats them...
I wish for a 'foxy' lady.
Granted, you now got yourself! Oh, wait...
I wish for butterscotch pie!
granted it was throw at you instead of placed in front.
I wish to trying being a cutiefly and getting to evolve into a Ribombee :)
Granted, but after that you're going to evolve into a shellder. That'll be your final evolution.
I wish for our dog to get healthy again.
Granted but due to the ability to drain the health from every living thing within a mile radius
I wish I had a private jet
Granted. It's so private that you're not even allowed on it unless you are blindfolded.
I wish I didn't feel the need to swallow while I meditated.
granted, fully lost ability to :o
I wish challenge Kirby to a smash battle. XP
Granted, he swallowed you.
I wish to never mak speling erors.
granted, the whole language got changed to make those errors into the right way to spell it every time one is made.
I wish to visit the Metroid universe
Granted, I'd watch out for Medely though.
I wish for a bad wish.
Granted, got the greatest wish ever.
I wish to catch a large fish.
granted the fish you caught was so big it smashed the planet.
I wish for a new planet.
granted, it was much like Venus
I wish for a duel with next poster for their wish. XP
Granted, I won.
I wish for a piñata!
Granted, it wasn't filled with good stuff
I wish to hide in the piñata so I can ambush! X3
Ok! Unfortunately, they started batting it sooner than you expected.
Gimme a new phone.
Granted, got one of the first phones invented.
I wish to be in the slime rangers universe so I can hug a big slime. ^_^
Ok! It was carnivorous and ate you.
Gimme an orange.
granted, was an annoying orange
I to explore a sunken pirate ship for treasure.
Ok! The wreck is haunted and now you're locked in.
Gimme fruit.
Enjoy your fartberries
I wish for a motorcycle
granted, had no gas
I wish to go to a laser show ^^
Sure! But a storm broke all the equipment.
I wish for two wishes!
Granted, you just used the first one of the two.
I wish for a magic wand!
Granted, only cased broken spell
I wish to explore the lion king pridelands and elephant graveyard. ^_^
Strange wish... But if you want to be attacked and eaten by a bunch of hungry hyenas, be my guest. Granted.
I wish to fix the magic wand so that the spells cast aren't broken anymore.
granted, but know they are just random spells.
I wish to try to ask the lions at pride rock for protection to hopefully explore the graveyard in peace.
OK! Everyone got outnumbered and killed by hyenas.
Gimme sweet goodness.
Granted got a can labeled sweet goodness that simply had a lemon stuffed into it.
I wish to go into a haunted house Mario world for fun.
Granted, but you can't jump as high as Mario can. And ghost-types can still hurt you. And you also have the timer. Good luck.
I wish to have a ghost as a friend!
Granted, they insisted on turning you into one to.
I wish to go a Mario water world so I can try to tame a cheep cheep so I can ride around on it. ^_^
Granted, but the Cheep Cheep is a criminal and is being chased by the shark police
I wish for an endless supply of baby back ribs
granted, but each rib is frozen in ice and takes way longer than normal ribs to cook.
I wish to grow my very own golden piranha plant
OK! It ate you, since you were the most nearby snack.
Gimme a pool of acid.
Granted, but the pool was summon directly under you. :o
I wish to turn the next poster giant XP
OK! But I didn't like it, so it was for only a second.
Granted all of it fell right on them
I wish to go sand surfing
OK! You went nowhere.
Gimme a superyaught of solid lead.
Granted was placed in a lava sea though.
I wish to find and relax in a giant bird nest.
OK! It was inhabited by fittingly-sized hungry chicks.
Gimme safety.
Granted was wrapped in a mile of bubble wrap
I wish for mother bird to come to the nest to help me out with the chicks :o
Granted, she fed you to the chicks. You must've seen that coming.
I wish for a lamp.
Granted, got an extremely bright lamp . . . but also quite radioactive.
I wish to go on a nice group fishing trip ^^
Granted, but the Water is frozen over, and you don't have anything to break it with.
I wish I had more time do the things I want.
OK! Your watch is now running an hour slow. Enjoy the "extra" hour!
Gimme a donkey.
Granted, but the donkey only has backsides.
(Wow, I wonder who's gonna get THAT joke.)
I wish for an absolution!
Oh, of course.
For a mere pittance, of course. A truly trifling amount of souls..
Stuck in the middle of the desert! I wish for water.
Granted, have a 125 meter high tsunami.
I wish for for a bread sword.
Granted turned into a mold bread after a while
I wish for an arctic adventure
And you freeze solid inside of a block of ice.
I wish for a turkey sandwich, on rye bread, with lettuce, and mustard, and-AND...*points* I don't want any "zombie turkeys", I don't wanna turn into a turkey myself, and I don't want any other weird surprises, you got it!?
you eat the sanwhich and you turn into your sister.
I wish for a wish sandwich.
Very well! A sandwich made of sand and witches appears before you. The witches begin to grant wishes the same way as the genie.
I wish for a collection of genie lamps with the genies still in them.
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Wish sandwich (https://youtu.be/gSF9QT4jmsQ?t=42)
All the genies are broken and so are the lamps...
I wish I didn't have to explain that. for a ricochet biscuit.
OK! It ricochet'd away from your hands at subsonic speed.
Gimme a laser pointer.
Jk, granted, but it only points inward.
I wish for a pack of edible condensed milk flavored thongs.
Granted, was expired.
I wish for a yoshi island vacation. ^_^
OK! You are now in an egg.
Gimme a maybe.
Granted ended up with a maybe not.
I wish to explore the jungle book universe and meet the characters.
You get a copy of the jungle book movie and a couple of annoying cos-players watch it with you.
I want a big 'ole jug of sweet tea
granted, it spilled over and flooded the entire town.
then I wish to just go out in the jungle and make my own jungle book adventure XD
Granted, but all of the animals are normal. Baloo would probably eat you.
I wish for hair that can change colour at will!
Granted, it was about 3 entire strands. .
I wish to find nemo
You get teleported to a underwater graveyard.
Finding Nemo came out in 2003, the life expectancy of a Clownfish is 3-6 years.
Assuming that the movies follow real life chronology, he died 10 years ago.
I wish for an ATM (Automatic Taco Machine)!
Granted, it didn't keep the ingredients in proper storage though.
I wish to adventure through one of Bowser's castles!
OK! You slipped on a puddle and fell in lava.
Gimme a kingsize bed.
Granted was the size of a king but a very small king
I wish to shrink so I can try to across the ocean on a fancy model ship
Granted. You are now an inch shorter.
I wish for a new hat!
granted, got the new micro hat!
I wish to swim around one of those underwater mario levels
Granted. However, unlike Mario in his 2D games, you don't get the ability to breathe underwater.
I wish I was a mad scientist!
Granted, was just mad at all failed projects XP
I wish to go into Bowser's inside out story so I can try to take control of Bowser >:3
Granted, but you turned up in Bowser's Inside Story as one of the enemies and you can control Bowser by trying to stop him. (Seriously, what else were you expecting? It's Bowser, derp.)
I wish for a magic frying pan that makes sure any food I prepare with it can't get burned!
Granted the magic pan also couldnt bring food out of a raw state.
I wish to go skiiing is Mario 64’s snowman’s land ^^
You want to go to so many places you will now get teleported to a random, relatively safe location of a different video game you like than the one you're currently in. This will trigger every 15 seconds. The effect is permanent, and can't be affected by future wishes.
I wish for a remote control that can turn off all the lights in a small area tostop light pollution!
( probably will do few more in the future despite. XD)
Granted caused mass panic when that small area was just the size of city rather than the size of country.
I wish to have aquaman’s powers.
That's A LOT bigger radius than I hoped for...
And granted, but now you'll be stuck talking with a bubbly voice.
I wish for nostalgia!
granted got so much they just time traveled.
I wish to create a lava submarine
Granted, you now have a submarine made out of lava waiting for you in a pool of lava!
I wish coffee would cool down faster.
Granted, your coffee now ends up freezing whenever you move whatever your coffee is in, even if it's for a millimeter.
I wish I can always predict what's going to happen the next day.
Granted, but the more you see, the less you remember the day before.
I wish for a pile of chicken nuggets.
OK! They are frozen solid.
Gimme an ice-cecutor.
Granted, got an axed made out of ice named they.
I wish to have a diamond that continuously grows.
OK! It grew so quickly it absorbed the house in minutes.
That material has gotta come from somewhere...
Gimme some nitrogen.
Granted, here's some air. Don't breathe it in.
I wish for some luck during the next game!
Granted, got too much luck and won before it even started.
I wish to build a secret house at the bottom of the ocean
Granted, it's in the Mariana Trench. The entrance is on the first floor, just a regular door and not watertight.
I wish everyone spoke in the same language.
Granted, everyone spoke binary.
I wish for a magic stone that had medusa’s powers >:3
Granted, you got turned into stone first!
I wish for the ability to turn invisible!
OK! You can only be invisible when absolutely nothing and nobody is looking at you.
Gimme the 7.
Here you go. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magnificent_Seven)
I wish I had a ban-hammer IRL.
Granted, but the handle also banned all who touched it.
I wish for a giant soap bubble to ride into the sky in.
Granted, but the bubble pops as soon as you're 2 kilometres high.
I wish for an easy-to-upkeep tree in my backyard!
granted, got a magical tree that required very little of anything but it also attacked anything that caused it the slightest harm.
I wish to resurrect a dinosuar!
OK! It ate you and didn't look at all like you expected.
Gimme €1,000,000,000.
Granted! But its all counterfeit
Give me a self sustaining well grown garden
Granted, the garden tried to grow across the world and take over.
I wish to duel next poster on their wish so I can have an extra XP
Granted! you win and have one wish
Granted, a black hole formed.
I wish to grow a magical garden
Granted! the magic turned dark and destroyed the world
I wish for a gingerbread house
*nom nom nom* Gruhntet... *nom nom* Puht I hoff yo tun't... *nom* mont mu uuhton ot... *nom nom* Eht tuhths soh goot... *nom*
I wish for barbeque ham!
Granted! But you have to add the barbeque and you don't have any
I wish for an alternate reality
Granted, got an alternate reality in which the planet had not been created yet.
I wish to have the power to summon sea creatures to get around ocean.
Granted! you summon a shark and it eats you
I wish for a solve itself rubiks cube
Granted, but it solves itself automatically each time you turn anything. Which mean you can never mess it up in the first place.
I wish for combat armour!
Granted! but it rusts away within a day
Gratned, turned inivisble.
I wise to find rare gems in a cave
OK! The cave collapsed on top of you.
Gimme a life.
granted! but it took one of your lives
I wish I had a computer
Granted got a rowdy sentient computer
I wish to shrink down so I can try leaf surfing in a pond ^^
granted! your stuck that size and get gobbled up by a bird
granted, got null XP
I wish to create the world's biggest sand castle!
Granted! But the ocean swept it away
I wish for a time machine
Granted, was a one way time machine.
I wish to explore the tall grass
Granted! its all razor grass
I wish for a cave to live in
Granted, got lost inside as it was vast.
I wish for a larger jello bed to sleep on
granted! you got stuck in the jello and can't get out
I wish for a flashlight
Granted was so bright went blind as soon as it turned on @.@
I wish to battle a dragon to get a cave full of treasure
OK! You be careful now, this dragon is especially immortal.
Gimme a house.
Granted! careful it's haunted and needs some fixing
granted, turned invisible
I wish to find a fancy shiny pearl
(sorry I keep forgetting to ask for something XD)
Granted! it was made of plastic still shiny though
I wish for a submarine
Granted, it was a large toy submarine
I wish to explore the inside of a bee hive
Granted! you got stung by every bee
I wish for a car
OK! It's the smallest toy car on the planet.
Gimme wind.
Granted! it's poisoned
I wish for a school pass
Granted, got a pass to detention
I wish to have spell to turn enemies into frogs XP
OK! It fails 70% of the time and backfires the other 30%.
Gimme a secret.
Granted! but now you can't hear anything
I wish I could meet my fursona
Granted, but he chews up all your favorite stuff.
I wish I could play guitar.
Granted, could only play one note
I wish to create a world’s biggest pool / aquarium to swim around it.
good luck making it, also pay for the bricks, shovel, water and cleaning of the pool. "but i can sell tickets thus making that money" no. no you cant
i wish to be an adult
granted, became a 100 year old adult
I wish to find the world's biggest goldfish X3
granted, its so big it has a big gravitational pull and now you cant get away from the gold fish
i wish my 100-year-old back stopped hurting
Granted, entire back just vanished.
I wish for a chicken costume to sneak into a farm with.
Granted! but you act like a chicken as well
I wish for the ability to walk correctly
Granted, now they can never sit
I wish to visit a zoo with all the different Mario creatures
Granted! The mario creatures are hungry and you are the main course
I wish for a fishing net
Granted, it appeared tangled around them.
I wish to participate in a pokemon battle tornament
granted, eventhough you're a lvl 1 normal type going op against a lvl 99 ghost type
i wish Steven Universe didn't have to come to an end
Granted! They made one more episode wrapping up everything better
I wish for an alarm clock.
(i see this as an absolute win)
granted, it will wake you up at 2 AM with no other settings
i wish i didnt have to work
Granted! you get no pay either
I wish for the ability to write a good book
Granted but you can now only speak or write in a language noone understands.
I wish for peace on earth. (mess that one up.)
granted, everybody went to another planet, thus creating peace on EARTH :squint:
i wish i didnt fall into a thorny bush
OK! Instead, you fall on a cactus.
Gimme heat.
granted, the heat is 1 degrees celcius
I wish i never forgot to write a wish
Granted! but you forgot how to grant wishes
I wish I had a video game
I wish to be able to sleep
Granted! but only for an hour
I wish for pie
in your face
i wish i didnt have pain anymore
granted! now you have no feeling
I wish for a cure anything potion
granted, you cant open the cap
i wish to be able to ToT on November 1st
Granted! you can also ToT on the 2nd 3rd and forever
I wish I could afford a house
i wish to be playing Luigi's Mansion 3 alone in my room with no disturbance (try to break that one)
Granted! you get sucked into the game and have to 100% in order to escape
I wish for a tree
I wish for a mouse to have as pet
perfect tree
Granted! the mouse Grew to big for the house
I wish for the unbreakable wish
that was it
i wish to go to America
Granted! America wasn't all you hoped for
I wish I still had some sanity
sorry but thats an impossible wish to grant
i wish that i could grant your wish
Impossible sanity is only lost and you lost some when you made the wish
I wish everything was better in the world
granted, everything got 0.000001% better
i wish to be on my way to collage
Granted! but couldn't pay for it
I wish for more local foxes
granted, a million foxes start to swarm your house
i wish for some ice cream
Granted! you got non stop ice cream
I wish for sleep
granted,you got 1 minute
i wish for some alone time
Granted! no one ever visited you you have Infinite alone time
I wish I could breath better
did you say breath water? okay then
i wish to be a giant
Granted! blub blub you smashed an entire city in one step blub
I wish I wasn't breathing water
Granted, now youre breathing lava
i wish it was less hot here
Granted! now its freezing
I wish I didn't die to lava
Granted, died to melted cheese instead x_x
I wish jump into the world's biggest jello-o mold!
Granted! you suffocate in the mold
Granted, time froze.
I wish to grow a huge sentient garden
Darn I forgot to wish a again
Granted! the plants became smarter than the human race and took over the world
I wish I had a better memory
Granted, head grew to huge size and they could never forget anything
I wish to scuba dive and explore an ocean cave
Granted! But you run out of air fast
I wish I owned a PC
Granted, it was a replica of one of the first computer ever built.
I wish to meet Bowser
As long as the internet works
Granted! but you are Mario and he tries to stop you
I wish for decent internet
Granted, was so fast it started a fire somehow in computer XP
I wish to grow piranha plants all around my house for protection >:3
Granted! now you can't leave the house
I wish for a laser gun
Granted it just exploded when used.
I wish for a quicksand moat instead with a retractable bridge so I can cross.
Granted! the bridge broke when you tried to cross it
I wish for new boots
granted, got each boot was a different kind and size.
I wish to experince "A Bug's Life" for a day.
Granted! you were burned by one of the glass pieces
I wish I could be a character in The Goonies
Granted, was a cut character XP
I wish to go fishing for massive fish!
Really why not one-eyed willy
Granted! your pole broke
I wish I could fly
Granted, last for about five minutes but wasn't told that
I wish to go try gator wrestling XD
Granted! the gator won
I wish for freinds
Granted, ended up with too many to manage
I wish for it to rain chocolate
Granted! the chocolate had bugs in it
I wish I could organize better
you're now 0.00001% better
i wish i wasn't tired all the time
Granted! now you never need sleep
I wish for my own room
granted, its the kitchen
i wish there was some light outside
Granted! someone is outside holding a light towards your window
I wish for my own Bedroom
granted, you sleep in the kitchen
I wish i had some friends IRL
Granted! you have to many friends and fights break out between them
I wish for a boat
granted, but you don't know how to sail
i wish to be on Hermitcraft
Granted! but I don't know what it is so you are safe
I wish for a book on boats
granted, you got a catalog of boats
i wish to be immortal
Granted! but Zeus didn't approve and killed you on the spot
I wish I could fish
granted, but you realised its super boring
i wish the next person will be confused for me not wishing
Fishing is my favorite hobby
Granted! the world stopped moving
I wish for a mountain to climb
granted, but youre bad at climbing
i wished for you to check my last wish, witch you didnt grant
Granted I looked but didnt do anything XP
I wish to explore a haunted mansion
its too scary for you
i wish you didnt wish a halloween wish on dias de les muertos
Granted! ? lips were sealed shut
I wish for a random thing to appear
elephant on top of ya
i wish to save Derik
Granted! the elephant land on top of lightstone
thanks for the help
I wish to help light by banishing the elephant elsewhere
granted you banished the elephant on top of ?
i wish to save ? by making the elephant disapear
Granted! But the elephant's family is mad at Light
I wish I could build a brick wall to protect light
granted, but the elephants could attack from above
I wish for a roof for protection
Granted! but the elephants were already in the room
I wish for a platform we could stand on to save us
granted but the elephants could also stand on it
i wish for all the elephants to just disapear
granted, elephants went excient
I wish to travel into a forest where everything in it is giant.
Granted! you were accidentally crushed
I wish I could fly
granted, you dont know how to land now
OH HEX NO now I can never land
Granted! time divided by 0 and vanished
I wish I could land
Granted turned into nothing as well
I wish to land on another planet and find life
Granted! the life wasn't very welcoming
I wish Everything was normal
granted everything became weird which became the new normal.
I wish to create a perfume
OK! It smells like garlic fish which have laid out in the open for 2 weeks.
Gimme a dice.
Granted gor weighted dice
I wish to be able to switch in and out of being liquid to hide and slip through places.
Granted! it only works for 2 seconds
I wish I could be Invisible
granted, now no-one can find you and you're lonley
i wish to have a new game to play
Granted! it's an old game called Fatal Labyrinth
I wish I wasn't shy
granted, you're now too open and want to do everything
i wish to be happy
Granted, but now everyone around you is sad
I wish for faster internet
OK! Now all internet servers are moving at 200 km per hour.
Gimme a jewel.
Granted! you were arrested for stealing a jewel from a museum
I wish for better artistic skills
granted, yet no-one noticed you and you died alone only to just after your death people will see your paintings and they will sell for milions. that totaly didnt happen to other artists
i wish for a chicken sandwich
Granted, it had the smallest chicken piece was mostly bread
I wish for a honey lake
Granted! but you got sticky and couldn't wash it out
I wish I knew the answers to my weird questions
you do, but its sort of unsatisfying
i wish to be a profesional gamer
Granted! you also never leave the house and have food delivered to your door
I wish I could swim
Granted could swim for a whole five seconds
I wish for giant ridable frogs to get through swamps on.
granted, one stepped on you and you died
i wish to be an actual genie
Granted was just as broken
I wish for a garden of all Mario plants.
OK! They're all piranha plants, 75% of which can shoot fire.
granted, .
i wish i could quickly go from ounces to grams and vice versa
Granted! but you become as solid as sugar
I wish I could never get blocked again
websites on my chromebook
granted got a vpn but it stole all their data.
I wish to create a gojira from new vegas.
Granted! Las vegas no longer exists
I wish for an alarm clock that worked
granted, it wakes up the whole planet when it goes off.
I wish to meet king boo
Granted! King boo didn't like you and trapped you in a painting
I wish I had the luigi's mansion collection
Granted, got all the characters in paintings instead of a game.
I wish find an emtpy dragon lair with a bunch of free gold in it.
Granted! the gold was cursed
wish I had a nice hat
Granted, it was nice but really really heavy.
I wish to ask a giant bird for a ride. ^_^
Granted! but the bird runs into a lot of windows
I wish for a new car
graned, got a brand new car made but it was a really ancient design.
I wish to jump into a big pot of liquid chocolate :P
granted! the chocolate was scalding hot
I wish for a random book
Granted it was an empty book with blank pages.
I wish to shrink down to just live inside a cake.
Granted! someone ate the cake and you went with it
I wish for a good snack
granted, it was actaully super tasty but it was such a small amount.
I wish to time travel back in time
Granted! but you created a time travel paradox which ended the world
I wish for an apple and a spoon
Granted the apple was living and was trying to hit you with the spoon.
I wish to race a cheetah
Granted! but you lost every time and got bored
I wish for a good game to play
Granted but it was a temporary game and went away in a week.
I wish to go on an epic dangerous adventure to save a kingdom! XP
Granted! The kingdom fell before you could save it.
I wish for a boat
OK! One paper boat for you.
Gimme Mars.
Granted! the doom labs are still full of the aliens
I wish for a water bottle
Granted, here's the world's smallest water bottle. It can contain a few milliliters, don't worry.
I wish for immortality!
Granted! you die from all the power you hold
I wish for a robot
Granted, it too over the planet.
I wish to create a pudding monster XP
Granted! it wasn't like anything you expected
I wish for some glue
Gratned, it flooded in and they got stuck.
I wish to do some extreme ice fish ing
Granted! the shack fell under the ice
I wish for some food
Got spoiled fooded
I wish to dive into a big bowl of tasty cake mix ^_^
Granted! but it was just raw mix
I wish for a magic card
Granted needed mana which they didn't have.
I wish to hatch yoshis
Granted! they ate your house after they hatched
I wish for a new journal
Granted, it was a stone journal.
I wish to relax with a fluffy hibernating bear.
Granted! the bear wasn't happy with the intruder
I wish for a better electrical system
Granted as waay more effecient but at the cost of a little safety.
I wish to battle piranha plant in smash with the help a gardening tools >:3
Granted! but the garden tools are dull and useless
I wish I could actually be in any game I choose
Granted but couldn't leave after first pick
I wish to try battle them with my paws then after training to do so XP
Granted! but you had a bad teacher and lost
I wish I could stop my brother from playing the game all day
Granted, the game broke so no one can play it.
I wish for a spider web bridge to cross a canyon
Granted! you got stuck in the web and the spider found you.
I wish I could play the harmonica
Granted, couldn't play very well.
I wish to duel next poster XD
Granted! we both got exausted and passed out leaving it at a tie
I wish I could listen to music on the go
Granted had the worlds biggest but portable headphones to do so.
I wish to create gigantic evil frogs in a lab to try to take over world, muhahaha >:3 XD
Granted! they take you down first and then the world leaving only frogs to rule
I wish for a lock to fit on my door
It was a magical lock that couldn't be taken off or broken.
I wish to evolve into oreon XD
Granted! But it only lasted 30 minutes
I wish I could watch my show
Granted, was the only show they could watch now
I wish to get medical treatment from next poster XD lol
XD XD As long as you can pay I don't mind
Granted! just don't forget to pay I don't need to lose another customer
I wish I could be in three places at once
Granted just broke into three parts
I wish to get treated free! >:3 XD
granted! I think I can make an exception for a friend
I wish I could get my medical equipment
Granted, got the worst equpment ever was all rusty.
I wish to steal some goggles to keep 0:)
Granted! I've always got extras though the lens is cracked
I wish I had better equipment
Granted it was so much better but so advanced they didn't know how to use it
I wish to annoy the surgeon nonstop for fun XP
Granted! I lost 4 patients because I was distracted
I wish I could bring them back
Granted got zombies
I wish to create a robot from the tools
Granted! the robot didn't work to well and cut you a lot from all the sharp objects
I wish for a better light
Gratned was so powerful it burned stuff.
I wish to get cuts treated x-x
Granted! but the stitches needed hurt a lot
I wish for a better operating table
Granted it was expensive though.
I wish to feed a dragon so it might give me its treasure as a reward.
Granted! it had no treasure to give
I wish I could watch my movie
granted had to watch in low quality
I wish to swim around in a cup of orange juice
Granted! the orange juice was Expired
I wish I didn't have to come to school today
granted got expelled
I wish to turn a chicken giant!
Granted! it laid an egg on your house and crushed it
I wish for a new laptop
granted was a super old laptop
I wish for the giant egg to hatch
Granted! the giant baby bird hatched and destroyed the farm
I wish for a toaster
Granted, it was a secret robot built to destory you by shooting cooked bread XP
I wish to have some seeds in my paw to offer the giant baby bird to try to calm it.
Granted! the seeds were too small for the bird to eat or even see
I wish for a bottle of ketchup
Granted was a really really small bottle
I wish for the full attention of the giant baby chick so I can hold up a large bag seed for it instead
Granted! It stopped destroying the farm and came straight for you
I wish for an anvil
Granted it appeared right above them and fell on top of them.
I wish for a second bag and to wait for it to come over so it can get the seed bag I'm holding up ^_^
Granted! I ate the seeds and calmed down but angered the mother
I wish for a shield to protect me from the anvil
Granted it worked but the shield it super heavy and traps you under
I wish to hold up the second bag for the giant mother chicken
Granted! mother chicken didn't care
I wish I could free myself
Granted start the shield started to float away along with yourself but your free at least
I wish the shrink down and jump into to the seed bag to hide away from the angry mother chicken :o
Granted! now the chicken has calmed and goes for the seed bag
I wish I wasn't flying
granted, started to fall back to the ground from high up
I wish to quickly grow back to normal size
Granted! but you got stuck in the seed bag
I wish I would land safely
landed safet inside a hole that was hard to get out of
I wish for one of the chickens to get me out of the bag
Granted! they tore the bag and started chasing you
I wish for a stepstool
granted was just a hair too short.
I wish to stand ground and try to battle them off.
Granted! your defenseless
I wish for a shovel
Granted, it was a small gardening shovel.
I wish to be able to jump up high enough to reach the big chicken's head
Granted! the chicken hit you with it's head when you jumped
I wish I could dig myself out
Granted it took them about a week though.
I wish to try to hold up seeds again to offer n order to distract them
Granted! they still don't want the seed they want you
I wish I had water
Granted got a large flood
I wish to try to give up and see if they let me go. :S
Granted! they still destroy the farm but you are free
I wish for a boat
Granted had a bunch of holes in it.
I wish to teleport far away from the farm.
Granted! landed in the ocean
I wish for something to repair holes with
Got basic clear tape.
I wish go small and get flown through a swamp on a fly so I don't have to walk.
Granted! got lost in the swamp
I wish I had something better than tape
Granted, got wet concrete
I wish to find a frog to ask for directions
Granted! the frog didn't know the way
I wish I could make the boat float
Granted floated away without you.
I wish to turn into a fly so I can just fly myself around without help.
Granted! it was very painful and you couldn't fly
I wish I could find some land to get out of the flood
Granted was a really small island.
I wish the frog could hear me so I can ask it for some help.
Granted! the frog could do nothing
I wish I had some wood
Granted got rotting wood.
I to try to annoy the frog into helping me getting around by making buzzing fly sounds at it.
Granted! It annoyed the frog so he ate you to get you to hush
I wish I had a live tree
Granted it was a talking tree that could walk around.
I wish to make it rain ice cream
Granted! It wasn't very good though
I wish I could build a raft
Granted, built one but not a long lasting one.
I wish to swim around with and ride an orca
Granted! forgot your Swim suit
I wish I could make it back home
granted, house came to them
I wish to hangout with fire types
Granted! you accidentally set on fire
I wish I could relax in my bed
OK! This is the last time, though. Ever.
Gimme a cannon.
Granted! it back fires on the first shot
I wish for a compass
Granted, it was busted up and barely worked
I wish for a quicksand pit and a vine rope so I try to swing over like in movies
Granted! the vine snapped
I wish I could freely use my computer
Granted, could freely use it for 10 minutes every hour.
I wish for a stick to grab to try to pull myself out
Granted! The stick broke
I wish I had more time on the computer
Granted got a whole extra 5 minutes.
I wish for there to be a cave at the bottom so I can hopefully use it to get out.
Granted! the exit was out of reach
I wish my chromebook was unblocked
Granted it anyone could access it
I wish to be able to hold breath for a whole two hours while under there to look for way out.
Granted! you couldn't see anything while under
I wish I could go to the beach
granted, it was a pretty dirty beach though.
I wish for world's biggest yoshi
granted! nothing could feed yoshi because of his size
I wish I could swim at the beach
Granted, the water was pretty polluted and made you sick
I wish to have fruits that the yoshi would like to hold up and offer to them.
Granted! The yoshi took them but was still hungry
I wish for some medicine to cure me
Granted, it had some really annoying side effects
I wish to jump into a big bag of those fruits so I can jeep giving
Granted! You drove a jeep into the fruits ruining them all.
I wish I could nap away the side effects
Granted, slept for one year
I wish to swim to the ocean floor
Granted! got crushed from all the water pressure
I wish for a water purifier
Granted, it works on about two bottles of water
I wish to battle against bowser
Granted! Mario walks in and take both of you down.
I wish I could clean the beach.
Granted cleaned away all the sand to
I wish to grow the world’s largest venus fly trap to keep flies away
Granted! Don't ya remember last time you tried. THEY ATE YOUR HOUSE.
I wish there was still sand
Granted it was quick sand
I wish to try to go after my house to try to get it back from it!
Granted! you find it completely destroyed
I wish I could leave the beach
granted was taken into the ocean
I wish jump into a pool of treasure
Granted! the treasure was all chocolate that had melted
I wish I could find land
Granted, found the most dangerous land
I wish to find a massive ice cream cone to jump in for a fun hiding spot.
Granted! it was freezing cold
I wish I had something to defend myself with
Granted, got a foam sword to do so with.
I wish to go to the island of giant pokemon
Granted! But they're so big you wouldn't even know when you're looking at one... Don't let one step on you.
I wish for a banana milkshake.
OK! It's with a hint of glass and metal shards.
Gimme a trinket.
Granted it had dark powers that just brought bad luck.
I wish to make kirby real
granted! but its invading the native species
would love a trip to Antarctica
granted, to taken without any stuff,
I wish to find a giant bird to take feathers from.
OK! Here's one of mine. I'm a giant, you know. ...when compared to a hummingbird, that is...[/i]
Gimme illness.
granted, but it goes away in 10 seconds
I wish for fresh baked cookies
OK! They're so fresh, they're not even done yet.
Gimme asymmetry.
Granted, you've turned into a Picasso painting.
I wish I no longer had bad days.
granted! but now you have matted fur days
I wish for more snow
granted, got a couple thousand meters of snow.
I wish for a trip to Isle Delfino
Ok, but it's insanely messy and you have to clean it up first. And no, FLUDD isn't around this time.
Gimme credits.
granted, you will not get mentioned or rewarded
I wish to be able to speak Finnish fluently
Granted, took many years.
I wish to battle a Glaceon XD
granted! but you have battle 80 of them at once
I wish to bake the perfect cake
Granted but didn't get to try it, everyone else ate it.
I wish to ride around on a triceratops
Granted! but its only a plastic model with moving parts inside XP
I wish to make a paper airplane
OK! It landed in the shredder at its maiden flight.
Gimme the max.
Granted, it only 'max'es at midnight for ten minutes
I wish to visit an abandon haunted house
OK! You were never heard from again.
Gimme curiosity.
Granted! but all your pets have passed away :'( :'( :'(
- not just the kitties
I wish to make my own cheese
Granted, but it takes you 6 hours to make a small block of cheese
I wish for the ability to be 10 times stronger
Granted, but everything around you becomes 50 times stronger X3
I wish to be more physically active
granted, could never stop being active
I wish to swim around with a enormous goldfish so I can try to do tricks with it
granted! but also a hungry hammerhead shark lives in the same waters >:3
I wish for the biggest meatball sandwich ever
Granted but it went bad before you could finish
I wish to go to an underwater city and meet the fish living there
granted, but super hungry kitties also in the same city as you, fish for lunch >:3
I wish to travel to the International Space Station
Granted, but it e x p l o d e d
granted, the next opponent will be much stronger and unbeatable either
I wish to be an expert chef
OK! Now you are a world famous chef, you'll have to make 350 flawless dishes a day for the very picky elite.
Gimme my own magic.
Granted! its all black magic >:3
I wish to break a video game record
granted, it was for a new game and was quickly over taken.
I wish to shrink down and then ride and explore through the pipes. XP
Granted! was never heard from again, got lost in the maze of pipes
I wish to send all the garbage to the sun X3
OK! But first, let me classify everything as "trash"...
Gimme a quitter.
granted! every quitter quits quickly
I wish to fly like a bird
OK! You actually became a bird. A non-anthro bird.
Gimme a dwarf.
granted! will take about 100 lightyears for it to reach you
I wish to travel up a waterfall
Granted but it went right back down at the top
I wish for to create lots of fog indoors.
granted! but now its so foggy you can't see whats in front of you
careful with the hot stove
I wish to make a log cabin
OK! It went up in flames minutes after completion.
Lemme at it.
granted! but your on the bottom losing end
I wish to have nice thick bushy fur like ?'s
granted, it was blue and made swimming harder for them.
I wish for a tent with a built in stove to use
OK! The stove has a 100% chance of setting the tent on fire.
Gimme goodies.
granted! but none of it is edible or useful to you
I wish for two boxes full of cookies
Granted but they were old and went bad.
I wish to be able to try to go down a chimney like santa storys
Granted! but the bag full of presents doesn't fit, so you has to go up and down for every present
I wish to learn how to make a perfect cheesecake
granted, everyone tried to steal that knowledge to make money X3
I wish to meet a reindeer
OK, but you pay for the zoo tickets.
Lemme skydive.
granted, but accidnetally grabbed a normal backpack instead of parachute.
I wish to be shown how to hunt by lions
OK! You're the demonstration target.
Lemme dream.
granted! but its all nightmares
I wish to learn how to ride a bicycle
OK! You forgot how to walk.
Lemme dance.
Granted! you learn a dance no one gives high ratings too
I wish to visit everyone on TFF
OK! Here's the DIY kit: https://www.thefurryforum.com/forums/index.php?action=mlist (https://www.thefurryforum.com/forums/index.php?action=mlist)
Lemme have fun.
Granted, others have more fun doing activities you find boring
I wish to learn to how to be a city mayor
OK! You must now deal with the most problematic city on the planet.
Gimme dragons.
Granted, but they all flew away
I wish to be friends with Smokey the bear
granted, they kept putting out your camp fire as you were using it.
I wish to get picked in a giant pelicans beak like in nemo to try to get a free trip to a higher floor of a buiding.
Granted, you got in a pelican's beak and tried to get a free trip to a higher floor. And tried. And tried. But the pelican didn't want to have any of it and just kept standing where it was with you in it's mouth.
I siwh for a magical elevator that can take me anywhere where I want to go.
Granted, it takes you to the opposite place first
(such as if you wish the beach takes you to a skyscraper)
I wish for my own talking dummy X3
granted, it wasn't very nice.
I wish to be able to annoy that pelican so it moves me from its beak. >.>
OK! It re-moved you from its beak intead.
Gimme doughnuts.
granted, they were all raw though.
I wish to create a volcano
granted! but it mega erupted too early like Yellowstone caldera
I wish to make the perfect meatloaf :P
Granted, was too perfect to eat
I wish to go down all the chimneys in one night XP
Granted, too exhausted to go back up after the 13th thousand chimney
You gas to break out through the front door
I wish to learn how to make tastiest ice cream
Granted. You learn the deep dark secret of the most tasty ice cream ever made. An ice cream so tasty, that nobody can resist it. Unfortunately, you can't actually make it without having problems with the authorities, because some of the ingredients are illegal to buy, make, grow or sell.
I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
OK! But 2021 will be the worst year ever.
Gimme a rock.
Granted! wait for it, its falling from the sky
I wish to travel to Jupiter
Granted, too much gravity.
I wish to travel throgh a desert in which it is always raining in
Granted! but its in Antarctica... does 'rain' falls as snow, just frozen rain
I wish to be a king like Simba
OK! You're now king of your own room.
Lemme shop.
Granted! but all your favorites are out of stock
I wish to visit a farm
Granted, it's a meat farm. Do you want to be harvested next?
I wish for a pillow fight!
Granted! But the pillow cases are full of bricks. KO!
I wish for a chocolate cake.
granted it was a micro chocolate cake
I wish to create a colourful gas to use as decor
Granted! The gas was poisonous and started slowly killing you. Still was a nice decoration though.
I wish for a newer phone
Granted! But its a brand you don't like
I wish to travel by train
Granted! But it derails
I wish for $100000 dollars
Granted! its only playing monopoly dollars
I wish for dark chocolate ice cream
Granted! But its just too much chocolate
I wish I was a better artist
Granted! artist for music, not for drawing
I wish for a large bag of roasted peanuts
Granted! But they expire in one hour Eat up!
I wish for some inspiration to write my book
Got so much inspiration that they could never stop writing and had so many more books.
I wish to create a smaller godzilla in a lab
Granted! It breaks free terrorizing the town/city you live in
I wish for a chocolate ice cream with sprinkles
Granted. The ice cream is permanently frozen solid, so you can't actually eat it and licking it will cause your tongue to get stuck. The sprikles are also stuck on the frozen solid ice cream.
I wish people actually knew what they were doing.
Granted! now they are more smarter than you are
I wish to travel to the highest mountain in the world
Granted! But you ran out of food along the way
I wish for some actual time to do stuff I want to do
Granted! but the amount of work triples as well
I wish to watch a game at the stadium
Granted! You end up way in the back and right behind the biggest person there
I wish for a brand new frying pan
Granted! but a thunderstorm makes it hard to cook
roof over kitchen stove broke X3
hard to cook in the rain
I wish to... not be full so I can enjoy dessert
Granted! But you only can eat your least favorite dessert
I wish for the ability to be in two places at once
Granted, you're split in two halves across your waist. Your whole body also still functions as well as it can for being cut in two. That means your lower half can still walk, but it can only go by what the head on your upper half sees. Oh, and you'll still feel it if your lower half runs into anything. You can move your upper half with your arms, if you want.
I wish I was part of an anime!
Granted! but its an anime no one watches
I wish I had infinite amounts of water bottles
Granted! The world was flooded with plastic water bottles and no one could move
I wish I had 20$ on a debit card
Granted! your stuck in the middle of the mountain, no where to use the debit card
I wish to defeat a fox smaller than me
Granted! Congrats you beat up a little kid and angered the parents have fun in jail
I wish for internet access in order to use my card
granted, the internet stole card
I wish to create a living jello moster XP
Granted! but it ate all the sugar and gobbled up every liquid
I wish to spray water at everyone I see
Granted! You have angered the mob run!
I wish for two phones
granted! but none of the phones work, you have two fancy paper weights
I wish for the biggest muffin in the world
Granted! It was a month old and started to mold
I wish for a new movie to watch
Granted! but it wasn't a movie you liked by genre, over 4 hours long
I wish to meet a famous celebrity
Granted! They weren't very nice and what you were expecting at all
I wish I could be on two chats at once
(kind of the opposite of my wish to meet celebrity, Gordon Ramsey, only tough for the cameras, very nice person outside of the camera)
Granted!! you are silenced in one of the chats
I wish to befriend all the cats in the world
GRANTED! but they are evil an try to sacrifice you
I wish I could listen to music
OK! All your screens break so now your devices only play audio.
Lemme draw awesomely.
Granted! But you could never stop drawing
I wish for a new camera
Granted! max is only 1 mega pixel, as its an older model camera
I wish to learn the secrets of great tasting Coca-Cola X3
Granted! You are then taken to jail for possession
I wish for a better camera
Granted, it costed you millions.
I wish to nap between two giant pancakes using them as a bed and blanket XP
OK! A giant ate the pancakes with you between them.
Gimme love.
Granted! It ended up being some pretty tough love
I wish I had a new pair of headphones
Granted! but the headphone jack doesn't fit your device
I wish to learn the secret techniques for fishing
Granted! You could never fish again
I wish for sleep
that be sad.... good thing frozen fish exists in markets
Granted! its harder to wake up, so you misses everything important the next day
I wish a fancy car
Granted costed all your money
I wish to sleep on the beach sand right next to the water
Granted! but the crabs thought it was cozy place to nap too
hope you can stand those pinching claws XP
I wish for all the duct tape in the world
OK! You're now in the middle of world's largest duct tape ball.
Lemme drink.
Granted! but its all sour lemonade
I wish to live in a gingerbread house
OK! It was eaten.
Gimme free stuff.
Here you go, free air! Take as much as you want!
I wish for a magic pencil!
Granted! only the word "magical" is printed on the side
its a regular pencil, nothing special about it
I wish for a pet rock X3
Granted, it ran away
I wish to explore the inside of an hour glass
OK! You were buried in sand.
Lemme deal.
Granted deal went wrong
I wish to hibernate with a fluffy bear ^^
Granted! but they threw you outside mid winter X3
I wish to ride in a submarine
OK! You have to cling to its outside all the time.
Gimme €10,000.
Granted! but its all play money X3
I wish to attend another football match at the stadium
OK! You have to sit all the way in the back, and you enter when the match has already ended.
Gimme power.
You get a small battery.
I wish for a bowl.
That's all.
Granted! but it was made of clay, unbaked so it got destroyed when pouring water on it
I wish for a plush version of myself X3
OK! You became the plush version.
Gimme sand.
Granted! but it blew away in the wind
I wish to learn how to make perfect fried rice
OK! It comes with prograde amnesia (you can't make new memories).
Gimme rain.
One extemely local severe acid rain that follows you everywhere as long as you live, coming right up.
I wish for more chocolate for our Christmas reserves!
Granted! but it has lots of peanuts or almonds
hope your guests aren't allergic to peanuts
I wish for fluffier fur
OK! your fur bushed up so much you can barely see through it and it gets stuck on everything.
Lemme play.
but it's games you find boring
I wish to travel to Saturn
Granted, no space suit though.
I wish to create my own smoke bombs to use to hide
OK! Your experiment failed terribly and you ended up having to be entered into hospital.
Lemme travel.
Granted traveled right into a star
I wish to get put into a turn based dungeon rpg game to take on the boss. >:3
Granted, but the boss was stronger than you...........much stronger....
I wish i could stop procrastinating XD
Granted! but it was only semi-pro, not pro-crastinating
I wish to be a Discord expert
Granted, just read this. (https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Discord)
I wish for a large birthday cake. And I want it to be edible and not poisonous in any way.
Yes, but it was too large to finish in a 24 hour period.
i wish i was a gaming master!
Granted! but the games you play, there are no other challengers, so will never know how good you are
I wish to be able to walk for 10 miles without getting exhausted
Granted fells asleep after walking one feet over 10 miles.
I wish to have a literal death gaze XD
OK! It only works on your mirror image.
Lemme sit here.
Granted! but you is outside, starts hailing enjoy the storm
I wish to be a performer in a concert
Granted, but it was after show ended
I wish to make a huge robot lizard!
Granted! Flew off into another planet, you enjoy it less than an hour
I wish to visit a mansion in England
Granted! The mansion was full of thieves who decide to rob you
I wish I had the ability to focus on more than 5 things
Granted! but the ability was for thousand at once, no rest
sleep takes over fast
I wish I could eat the hottest pepper (Carolina Reaper pepper) without having stomach aches
Granted! It melts your tongue instead
I wish I could stay awake
Granted! but its eternal darkness outside, and soft music plays non stop
good luck staying up
I wish I could travel a the speed of light
Granted! You went to fast and completely disappeared never to be seen again
I wish I had a flashlight
Granted! ran out of battery when needed most
I wish I could ride on an asteroid
Granted! Hey you forgot your space suit....oh well
I wish I had a charger
Granted! but it short circuited all your devices x_x
I wish for the biggest bowl of ramen
OK! The bowl of ramen is so big, the earth floats around in it like a meatball.
Lemme start this challenge.
Granted! but your opponents are cheating, so they will always win
I wish to learn how to make video games
Granted, made pong
I wish to explore an unexplored ancient temple
Granted! but got lost in the basement
never heard from again
I wish to make a survival bunker underground
enough to survive for years (in case of nuclear strike or asteroid impact)
Granted! You forgot the door
I wish I could focus on 7 roleplays at one time
Granted!! everyone not in RPs left forever
I wish I could grow brocolli
Now there is only broccoli. Too much. Its all you have now
I wish for very many friends yes
Granted! but now you have no privacy
OK! Have this nonexistant ticket for 1 free wish!
Lemme have everything for free.
(sorry, forgot to leave a wish earlier, my mistake/apologies)
Granted! but now your home is full of stuff
like a hoarder, no space to even move
I wish to have the sharpest claws of any species
Granted but they were always out
I wish to go whale watching in the ocean
Granted. Oh, and you're sent to the middle of the ocean with no way of transport back, so I advice you to start swimming.
I wish I didn't have to worry about income anymore.
granted, lost the ability to worry all together
I wish be able to catch up to a whale to try getting a ride back on it
Granted, but it went deepest part of the ocean, back to swimming for ?
I wish to out smart a clever fox
T_T would that even work if I'm fox too? X3
OK! You now have so much intelligence it gives you a continuous headache.
Gimme a lamp.
Granted! It blinds you when it's turned on
I wish for a new job
Granted! might be good pay but its a super smelly job, no friends or family
I wish to visit Africa
Granted was put in the middle of the sahara desert
I wish to find an ancient artifact to take in a temple
Granted! artifact was haunted, spirit follows you everywhere
I wish to search for buried treasure
OK! You can search all you want, but you won't find anything.
Lemme run.
Granted! can't walk anymore
I wish for big bucket to play with
Granted, got stuck under it.
I wish to time travel to prehistoric times
OK! There's no way back. And oh yeah, healthcare and English haven't been invented yet, so good luck.
Gimme that gold.
Granted! but its a big heavy chunk of melted gold, too heavy to move anywhere
I wish to arrive in the middle of a wolf pack
Granted, the pack wasn’t friendly
I wish to find an temple with traps to go on an crazy adventure through
OK! Let's just say your adventure was cut short...
Lemme go.
Granted! Released in the middle of winter
I wish to make an igloo
OK! Better be quick, it's also 40 degrees Celsius.
Gimme a fence.
Granted! barbed wire hurt all visitors
I wish to fly an airplane
Granted! Never asked if you could fly well quick pull up or you'll crash.
I wish for free tickets to my favorite rock band concert
Granted! but you have to perform an embarrassing Disco song in front of a crowd
(reference to the movie Detroit Rock City)
I wish to own a ramen restaurant
OK! But all your dishes taste like garbage and your supplier is untrustworthy.
Lemme do my thing.
Granted! but everything you does ends too quickly, not much time to enjoy it
I wish to sleep in a fancy expensive hotel, for free if possible
granted, free wasn't possibile though got charged a lot.
I wish to create a jello o monster!
Granted! but the jell-o monster ate everyone
I wish to be a cat X3
OK! You lost your anthropogenic attributes.
Gimme a xylophone.
Granted! but it doesn't work as promised
I wish to have a big biscuit sandwich
Granted! Careful it may be poisoned *give devilish semi smile*
I wish for a 2 liter of MTN DEW
Granted! but they were empty bottles
I wish to see lightning
Granted was struck.
I wish for the snake army to take over to planet with XP
Granted! Snake king turned on you during a coup d'etat
I wish to catch a giant squid
Granted! It caught you soon after and turned you into its next meal
I wish I had a 10 foot Chromebook charger
Granted! the long cord got tangled up somewhere making you fall and destroy the chromebook
enjoy the charger without any devices
I wish for a rubber ducky X3
Granted! It was cursed and came to life better start running
I wish for a repair kit
granted but the repair itself broke
I wish to battle many low level slimes like at the start of many rpg games XP
Granted! but they cheated and turned on never die mode... good luck there, they can be battled but never defeated
I wish for a mask made out of duct tape
OK! It's stuck forever. Or face the pain...
Gimme a dodo.
Granted but it vanished after a couple of minutes
I wish to summon a cloud of colour changing gas around me for a party ^^
OK! It rains sulfuric acid.
Gimme a servant.
Granted, they rebelled and killed ya x-x
I wish to find a new species while scuba diving deep in the ocean
OK! It appeared to be MOST agressive...
Lemme daydream.
Geanted, turned into a never ending day dream
I wish to be able to get closer to be able to try to catch said creature >:3
OK! It got you first. And it does not look good.
Lemme fix that.
granted, fix was quite temporary. lasted couple of seconds
I wish to be able to communicate with the creature while in the water to try to talk way out
Granted! but your speech is garbled by water
I wish to be friends with a king cobra
granted, it bit you though as a prank.
I wish to find a dragon in a cave to battle
Granted! Dragon is tough to take down, breaths fire
I wish to learn the secret of the colonel's famous recipe for fried chicken
granted, was chased down for it
I wish to take on the tough dragon with a sword
Granted! but melted the sword with fire >:3
good luck battling now
I wish to learn how to grow avocados
Granted grew giant mutant avocados
I wish to be able to jump high to try to jump on the dragons nose after loosing sword
Granted! but bounced off the dragon and went higher to the moon
I wish to visit Big Dipper constellation
granted, was sent into space to see it with no suit
I wish to try to pull a prank on a lion by shavinig it's mane >:3
Granted! but lioness filmed you doing the deed, showed the male lion, now your targeted
I wish to find a way to travel faster than the speed of light so I can visit the North Star
Grand couldn't handle the speeds x-x
I wish to steal all the food from a bear's cave XP
Granted! all it was a few berries
I wish >:3 to find a way to >:3 defeat ? in one round :3
granted, fainted right after
I wish go swim around in a pond with large fish to play with
Granted! now the hungry bear from the earlier cave is also fishing for food
I wish to learn how to ice skate
Granted, slipped a bunch plus the ice was pretty thin @.@
I wish to hid among the large fishes while bear fishes to try to avoid
Granted! but you has to come out of hiding to breathe
hungry bear coming in fast rush
I wish to learn how to stay warm in a cold cave
Granted, flareon threw fire at ya XP
I wish to pop out in front of the hungry bear from the water, hoping might scare
Granted! worked this time, bear still trying to catch the friendly fishies
too hot, I wish how to learn how to keep the fur from burning
I wish to stand between the hungry bear and the fishes
Granted, now frozen by glaceon
Granted! bear might think your an overfluffed snack best hide
x_x I wish how to learn how to defeat both of them (Flareon & Glaceon)
granted, both taught you by defeating you first over and over XP
I wish to stand in place and yell at the bear while still blocking fish n taunts about stealing food hoping it scares them off
Granted! but now you has hungry cougar trying to catch the same fish from other side, behind you
I wish to learn how to climb mountains
to escape the two attackers
Granted, only learned to climb up
I wish to also jump in front of the cougar trying to get fish and try the same thing with yelling at it >:3
Granted! it simply paw swipes you out of the way, fish look tastier
I wish to teach a super friendly and playful fox how to be battle (looking at Leafeon)
I wish to follow the cougar around and annoy it non stop to try to keep it from fish >:3
Grant, became super strong and took down everyone XP
Granted! it took you to it's cave, hopefully you won't be the next lunch
I wish to learn how to be a ninja, like the Penguins of Madagascar
granted, they turned you into a real penguin
I wish to continue to annoy it while also eating all it's food in cave for messing with my pond >:3
Granted, the cougar started to force-feed you anything it doesn't like until you're fat enough to eat.
I wish for a bottle of non-carbonated icetea.
Granted! but it didn't tast as good as the ice tea you like
I wish to go back to being a fox and not a penguin
granted became both, half n half
I wish to build the world's biggest beaver dam
Granted! but with no trees around, makes it harder to breathe, and no way to protect from flooding
I wish to learn how to dismantle the dam and revert it back to trees
Granted, beavers gos mad
I wish to find a giant cat fish to try to catch with bare paws >:3
Granted! those Catfish are big, bigger than you, as you catch they take you down to the water
I wish to let the beavers know I'm on their side, protecting the planet and Oregon too X3
Granted, the beavers too more trees while you were explaining
I wish to have bread to offer the giant catfish while swimming
Granted! But got super soggy with the water
I wish to eat tastiest of all pastries
granted, but could never stop eating
I wish to shrink down tiny and get a tiny boat to sail on the catfish lake, to go catfish watching XP
Granted! but the tiny boat shipwrecked on a rocky island
I wish for oppsoite, a giant yacht to sail across the Pacific Ocean
granted but got lost
I wish to try to jump on one of the giant catfish in the pond
Granted! but was worst than a roller coaster, with high jumps and deep pond dives
I wish for navigation satellite on the yacht
granted, it wasn't in space to help though
I wish get off the giant catfish n hit the catfish's nose for going too fast >:3
Granted! catfish just keeps jumping up down, get ready for more water works
I wish to throw catfeesh at ?
Granted, got hit with a fin
I wish to hide inside a bowl of cereal while tiny to try to surprise someone when they come over
Granted! hey that was a surprise! trying to nom my cereal
I wish to make ? shiny coloring
silver grey
granted, paid for the paint
I wish to nap in a cake after :3
Granted! birthday-fursona came to nom cake, threw ? on top of a leaf pile
I wish to share a giant cheesecake with ?
Granted, I ate it all
I wish to become a oreo-o
Granted! but got dunked in milk
I wish for another cheesecake to share with ? and friends
Granted. One cheesecake, with actual blue cheese in it!
I wish for a snow leopard rug! (not made of actual fur, of course.)
Granted! but the fake due was toxic to health
I wish for a big fish to eat
Granted! Should have checked for an expiration date
I wish I could go into a coma for 3 weeks
Granted! woke up in worst condition than before coma
I wish for a big bottle of hot sauce
Granted! *brings a forklift with a giant bottle of hot sauce*
I wish for pizza
Granted! but didn't have toppings you liked
I wish to nap on a bed made of leaves
OK! It's full of bugs.
Gimme some dihydrogen mono-oxide.
Granted! but was toxic to health
I wish to be able to learn another language quickly
(couple hours instead of years - such as Macedonian, I can already read Cyrillic)
granted forgot their first language right away
I wish find a polar bear who is making snow cones
Granted! but its too freezing cold to enjoy the cones, so you freezes instantly
I wish to learn how to sharpen claws X3
Granted! You end up cutting yourself Everytime you scratch yourself
I wish for a better sleep schedule
Granted! It interferes with day schedule
I wish for the largest bacon cheeseburger ever created
Granted, started to go bad quickly
I wish to find a giant bird egg in a giant nest
Granted! soon it hatched, and its hungry >:3
I wish to cover ? in spaghetti sauce
granted, got covered to.
I wish to battle two glaceons at once >:3
Granted! lost quickly to ice attacks
I wish to eat cheesecake
Granted, it was super tiny.
I wish to get free honey from a beehive
Granted! bees were hiding... since the bear from earlier also came and destroyed majority of the hive, so ? couldn't get any either
I wish to visit Australia
Granted. But you end up getting bitten by a spider.
I wish to have the power to control make inanimate objects animate
Granted! all rise up against you, and take over the world
I wish to learn how to grow potatoes
granted, but you only grow potatoes out of your fingers.
I wish for a chicken sandwhich
Granted! but the chicken was flavorless and overcooked
I wish to make big sized ice cream sandwiches
Granted, started to flood as it melted.
I wish to jump into the biggest bowl of cereal
Granted! milk started to go bad after a while, making a big stinky smell
I wish to eat avocados forever
granted, got sick after a while
I wish to swim in an honey ocean
Granted! got stuck after only one stroke
I wish to be featured in a YouTube video
granted, wasn't for good reason
I wish to go deep ocean scuba diving
Granted! but a giant squid took you away
I wish to fish, don't have experience or fishing poles X3
granted, got charged lots of money for a pole n lessons
I wish to meet a whale in the ocean
Granted! but that evil giant squid is trying to ruin the conversation by attacking the whale XP
I wish to meet a poltergeist
Granted, got possessed
I wish to get picked in a bird's beak to go flying
Granted! but soon fell out from the high height
I wish to learn how to put out a grease fire
granted, learned after burning the building down
I wish to find the world's biggest snake
Granted! it wasn't friendly to begin with
I wish to brush the friendly Eevee X3
Granted, brush broke after a bit
I wish to try to catch huge fish with only paws
Granted! but once caught it tickled fast
I wish to walk alone at night X3
OK! But every time you turn your head around, you catch a glimpse of a suspicious shadow in the corner of your eye...
Lemme deal some cards.
Granted! your opponents get the better hands
I wish to sleep more than my cats
Granted, slept forever
I wish to hang out in a watering hole with some local hippos or elephants ^_^
Granted! something spooked them got trampled in stampede
I wish to visit the sun
Granted, burned up
I wish to try circus tricks with a lion
Granted! lazy lion slept on top of the ?, so you couldn't move or do tricks
I wish to paint spots like a cheetah on my fur
Granted, started to go way too fast
I wish to find a giant squid to battle XP
Granted! Squid was defeated by a whale first
I wish to fibdvtge same squid to eat
First of all it has been sooooooo long since i last posted, it's good to be back.
Granted, I didn't understand the sentence so you get question marks.
I wish nijfsdfnlkdfnmspo dskmfdmvsfs sfm[pdmf[d pd'f;s'vv.[rev
(annoying phone, at times, should say "I wish to find the same quid to eat")
Granted!! but the furs living in Oceania didn't understand you
I wish to make my own Ponzu sauce
(which is a lemon flavored soy sauce)
Granted, spilled before could be tried
I wish to find the world’s biggest bird and have seeds to hold out for it
Granted! created tornado like winds when it flew away happy
I wish for a big rack of barbecue ribs
Granted, the BBQ sauce had acid in it.
I wish to wish for a wishing wisher.
Granted! left you with only one wish
I wish for a yellow M&M's pillow plush
Granted, it fights back.
i wish to comprehend the great dao
Granted! Great Dao was too great even you couldn't handle it
(not sure what that is)
I wish for the world to be raining meatballs
Granted, but the spaghetti tornado came and destroyed your house.
i wish for something that can't get any worse than it already is.
Granted! Great Dao was too great even you couldn't handle it
(not sure what that is)
The great Dao is basically the concept of everything in the universe.
I wish for the world to be raining meatballs
Granted! until a giant black hole took it away
I wish to visit a rogue planet
OK! Watch your head or you will lose it.
Gimme a miracle cure.
Granted! didn't cure boredness
I wish for thirty pieces of fish
Granted, they were deadly piranhas.
I wish to be immune to the coronavirus!
Granted! but the common cold isn't protected, so you still gets ill
I wish to sleep next to my cats
Granted, got a bit of a scratch
I wish to into a Madagascar movie
Granted! you didn't make it to Madagascar safely,, got caught by fossas
I wish to have the same "super bark" as Bolt
Granted, it was a normal bark, all it did was scare a squirrel.
I wish I could decipher any code.
Granted! newer codes where harder to learn
I wish I knew how to fix laptops
granted, but you still don't know how to fix the refrigerator.
*forgot to leave one*
I wish to be able to read, write, speak, and type in Korean
(I speak English and Spanish, love Korean language)
Granted, you forgot how to speak, write, and read in any other language.
I wish for these words to stop moving.
Granted! but the words stopped moving since your flew sideways along with the words
I wish to be a star in a famous movie
Granted but your character is the funny Janitor that has only one speaking part.
Post Merge: March 23, 2020, 02:55:53 AM
Almost forgot.
I wish for a loaf of bread.
Granted! but it wasn't the loaf you ordered, someone mixed up the order
I wish to last longer while playing with the younger siblings
they seem to have infinite playing energy
Granted, you became the younger sibling
I wish for the power to reply to my own message
Post Merge: March 24, 2020, 01:34:09 AM
Granted, the is message though scrambled.
I wish for a mythical pet.
Granted! but the mythical became 10 times bigger than you
ruined the house furniture and the walls too
I wish for a giant banana split
Granted, but it's so giant that it crushes your house in the process
I wish that I was better at sports.
Granted! only got better since everyone else got worst
I wish to have eyesight like cats do
Granted, reacted to stuff in the same manner to
I wish to take over a hippo’s watering hole >:3
Granted! got nibbled by rival hippos from upstream
I wish to be hist of a funny comedy show
like Steve Harvey
OK! Only you find it funny and rating are near 0.
Lemme drive a highway.
Granted, drove for a few seconds then was crushed by the highways weight
I wish to discover the worlds biggest squid with a net to try to catch it!
OK! Your net tore apart because it was lowest quality possible.
Let this darn corona crisis be over.
Granted, world just exploded
I wish to scuba dive to the deepest possible depths
That'll be a one- way trip to Challenger's deep then.
Granted, bark
I wish to bring Kirby into real life to meet them
Granted! but soon disappeared so it could explore
I wish to cover the next fursona in duct tape X3
OK! It didn't stick.
Gimme a fruitcake.
Granted! but it didn't have enough sweet fruit
I wish to find a good spot to lay down and rest for a while
OK! The place was trapped with sleeping drugs and now you'll never wake up.
Gimme free college for life.
Granted! can't attend since all colleges closed
I wish for a big bottle of water
OK! (proceeds to put Joseph into a 100,000 litre water bottle)
Lemme drive.
Granted! good luck with driving a model race car
I wish to drink a bottle of hot sauce
Granted was actually cold
I wish to meet a robot
Granted! it wasn't programmed to meet anyone
I wish to see a red giant
I don't even have to do anything! At least one of the stars in the night sky should be a red giant... :P
Gimme get a 10 on my next test.
Granted! but even you got it, you still failed all the other tests
I wish to experience another earthquake
Granted, it was a super mini one, can barley feel it.
I wish to create a robotic t-rex!
Granted! but you missed a step so it has no power to move
at, so at least its a giant paperweight robot X3
I wish to make my own chocolate mint
OK! Too much mint, barely any chocolate.
Lemme part the skies.
granted, it happened with the help of a huuuge explosion
I wish to explore around a house while miniature
Granted! couldn't get onto the furniture due to size
I wish to be a cat X3
OK! You are now a LEGO cat.
Lemme dream.
Granted! dream never came true
I wish to swim in an ocean made of milk XD
OK! Except, the ocean is only half a meter deep.
Gimme a free dogwalk service.
Granted, the walk was super slow n took forever
I wish to do some crazy chemistry
OK! It ends with a bang. A very loud and large bang.
Lemme travel the world.
Granted, couldn't enter countries due to the virus. you travel from airport to airport, denied entry in every country
I wish to witness a GRB (gamma ray burst)
OK! You even got to experience it!
Gimme a cure for that stupid virus.
Granted, you only have one vaccine
Virus spreads
I wish to visit My Everest
OK! Just remember: no touchy!
Lemme build something stupid.
Granted! only stupid for you, useless for the rest
I wish to learn how to spell the word Cheezecakez!!
granted, changed the dictionary
I wish to create a creature that can go between solid n gas states!
OK! The creature dissipated in its gas form.
Gimme silver.
Granted, you got a Sharpie that is Silver in color X3
I wish to befriend a pride a lions
OK! You can't come anywhere near other wildlife anymore.
Gimme an upgrade.
Granted! you been upgraded to Windows 3.1
enjoy the lower life
I wish to learn how to make raisins
OK! You forgot your name and identity in the progress.
Gimme the throne.
Granted! Throne was made of toothpicks
I wish to visit Betelgeuse
OK! Don't forget your EVA suit... Oh wait, I have it here.
Gimme an addtional hour this day.
Granted, all we did was turn your clock back an hour, enjoy the extra hour
I wish to save the planet from an incoming CME
(coronal mass ejection / solar storm)
OK! You were killed by your own supermagnet.
Gimme pie.
Granted! its an empty pie shell you get
I wish to learn how to operate a tow truck
OK! You can never leave the truck.
Lemme be myself.
Granted! you can never visit another fursona
I wish to play on a 3DS XL
OK! It violently exploded after 30 minutes.
Gimme some motivation.
Granted! motivation wasn't a good one
I wish to be the winner in the "last poster wins" topic
Granted in, like, a century or something.
I wish for tires for my bicycle that I never need to pump up and that can't get a leak nor pop.
Granted! but soon the bicycle itself starts falling apart
hope you know how to fix them
I wish to learn how to draw better
Granted, couldnt stop drawing ever
I wish to fly to an alien planet
Granted! but the space ship took a wrong turn and ended up in Pluto
I wish to eat a giant cheese steak
Granted! Cheese flavored steak!
I wish I had money
Granted! but it was all from Monopoly game
I wish I had extra pink fur <3
Granted, could only see pink to.
I wish for my very own pet chain chomp ^^
Granted! it kept spinning and chomping
I wish for the largest meatloaf in the world