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Furry Chat => General => Forum Games => Topic started by: ? on December 27, 2021, 11:24:24 AM
So the way this little game works is someone says 1 word then the next follows up by naming any sort of media that the word makes them think of. Could be movie, games, tv show, etc!. then you pass a single word for the next person.
Have fun!
Will start with the first word.
Mr. Potato Head from the Toy Story franchise.
Word: Railway
Blowing up the K5 Railgun (I think that's what it was called) in one of the expansions of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Not sure which one.
Honestly, I have no idea.
Vent... Made me think of the way that Shin Godzilla's gills flay out; a truly bizarre sight. Ooh, I do find that one quite scary! :o
Watership down!
Dance Dance Revolution - a game my little brother used to play.
In Case of Emergency, Release Raptor (
The video game Raft!
Word: Candle
Little Inferno (
hmm Navi from The legend of Zelda: ocerina of time!
Word: ghost
Danny Phantom! Yo, Danny Fenton, he was just thirteen, when his parents built a very strange machine...
Oddie from Moshi Monsters ^_^ (woof that just gave me some nostalgia)
Word: Pizza
Pizza Tower (
The legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask!
Word: evil
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine!
Word: squirrel!
Sally Acorn! from the sonic comics I think?
Word: block
Numberjacks! ... I thought of building blocks, I don't know XD
(Teehee, yes! Sally's in Archie, but she originates from the Saturday Morning Cartoon! :3)
Word: Pumpernickel!
The game I Am Bread !
Word: Plank
(also mm, i ate a sandwich with pumpernickel today , and hey didn’t know that about Sally :o)
Raccoon Adventure! It's a game where you play as a raccoon.. There is a lot of frustrating platforming with planks :squint:
(Delicious! I was in a voice call and I asked one of my friends for a word - they're a chef! X3)
Word: Park!
Untitled Goode Game! A game where you play as a goose and terrorise people - sometimes in parks :P
Word: keep
Stronghold (
One of the first games I ever played as a child. An all-time classic.
Word: Nostalgia
Quiet Riot
brings me nostalgia moments as it was the first band I ever listened to.
word - Rain
Risk of Rain 2 (
One of my favorite games of all time.
Word: Shattered
Reminds me of both the movie "San Andreas" and the video game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"
word - Bird
The game A Short Hike ^_^
Word: School
"School's out for summer! school's out for season! schools been blown to pieces!"
Yes, the very first thing is that popular Alice cooper song when school finally ended after graduating.
word - mouse
A classic, Tom and Jerry ^_^
Word: fluffy
I know it doesn't count as media but mention plush toys since some can be very fluffy.
To stay on track, the main thing is the movie "Over The Hedge" since RJ the raccoon looked so fluffy in the movie, and also "Guardians of the Galaxy" since Rocket also looked so fluffy.
word - Caterpillar
Alice in Wonderland! (Pretty sure there’s a caterpillar in that)
Word: sofa
Sandwich and a fix deleted scene from the movie Re-animator 1985 (not really related to a sofa but it was my first thought so :? I guess he does sit on one in the beginning or smth)
Word: Mask
One of my favorite comedy movies with Jim Carrey, is "The Mask"
I laugh so hard when I see that movie, well uhm, hear it now.
word - Spoon
The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon by Richard Gale (my cousin showed me this when I was like 7 and Its never left my mind)
Word: Vampire
One of my favorite songs comes to mind.
"Bloodletting (The Vampire Song)" by Concrete Blondes. "
"Oh, you were a vampire and, baby, I'm a walking dead
word - Fox
The movie Fantastic Mister Fox ^_^
Word: satellite
An episode of the Simpsons, forgot the episode name, where Bart is given a medicine to make him behave in class, near the end of the episode shoots down a satellite claiming that the MLB is spying on them.
word - Sun
First thing that came to my mind was Sun Wukong from Journey to the West (more honestly it was the animated Lego adaptation, Monkie Kid, that I thought of) ^_^
Word: cube
The movie Cube (1997)
word: lamp
Hmm Five Nights at Freddy’s 4 (there’s a lamp in the room I think? Idk first thing I thought of)
Word: Test
First thing that comes to mind is an episode of Beavis and Butthead called 'School Test"
where the two boys have to pass the school yearly test, and their principal, McVicker, trying to cheat.
word - Tool
Minecraft! Quite a few tools in there I think
Word: bridge
the entire first half hour or so of the movie "Final Destination 5"
During the bridge collapse scene, and the graphic scenes on them.
word - cheese
The game Skyrim - think I saw someone make a mod where ncps just constantly generated cheese or something
Word: silly ^_^
"The Foxbusters"
it was a British cartoon that made me laugh so hard, it was so silly as well. First thing that came to mind.
Especially with Tod and Jeffries. Tod was a clever yet super silly red fox, while Jeffries was an overweight chicken.
word - Snow
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Stop hyping up Christmas before Halloween >: (
Word: Tempest
Tempest Shadow from the My Little Pony Movie
Word: Recluse
Hopefully counts, as its the only thing that comes to mind.
Various documentaries on either the Health Channel, Discovery Channel, or even Animal Planet about the dangerous Brown Recluse Spiders. Another media if it counts is 'online' reading some sites about so called tissue damage caused by the brown recluse spider, hard to tell if they where real or faked.
word - Family
Side tangent because brown recluse spiders were brought up. I wouldn't call them dangerous, as like the vast majority of spiders, they won't bite unless you corner them or otherwise provoke them. That said, their venom is medically significant and can cause tissue damage, but you won't die unless you're really young or really old. In short, bites are rare and extremely unlikely to kill you.
Side tangent over. The piece of media I'm thinking of is the Simpsons
Word: Banana
(good to know, we don't have brown recluse in the Pacific Northwest)
TV Show called "The Banana Splits" comes to mind
four people in costumes was all, used to watch it as a little kid late night on Cartoon Network before it got removed.
word - Salad
Stardew Valley! A farming game where you can make salad
Word: Spooky
"Treehouse of Horror" is the very first thing that comes to mind.
Every single season of the Simpsons has their own spooky Halloween Treehouse of Horror episode. When I could see, I would love watching them. Now I can mainly just hear them, and my brain fills in the rest.
I do miss watching them, but so much fun.
word - Hammer
Harley Quinn! In the beginning of the show she uses a hammer as her weapon I’m pretty sure
Word: Vent
Hopefully counts, as its the only thing that I can think of.
From a comedy show called "World's Dumbest" when they where making fun of a criminal for trying to break into a restaurant from the store's Ventilation unit, and got stuck.
word - World
World of Goo (
Bin Weevils!
Word: Can
the closest thing I can think of is the video game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"
where you can go into various stores and homes, shoot lots of cans and similar decorations, they go flying off shelves and counters. Some in funny ways.
word - Crab
The game Subnautica which is about exploring the ocean ^_^
word: claw
The title of the very first game I played on the SNES.
It's called "Bubsy: In Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind"
about a bobcat named Bubsy, some of the titles have claws on them.
word - Beak
The character Beakly (not sure how to spell it) from the game Deltarune ^_^
Word: comedy
Could cheat by just saying my favorite genre of movies, Comedy. Which is true for media.
Will instead say my other favorite media which makes me laugh a lot, I'm sure not many will get the comedy part of it, possibly since I grew up with it, and was part of my generation.
That is the TV show "Beavis and Butthead" on MTV.
word - Fang
First Kill, a trashy vampire show ^_^
Word: snake
Easily, the main character from the original "Metal Gear Solid" game.
Their name was Solid Snake
Also the board game CHutes Snakes and Ladders.
word - Fur
The game Stray, where you play as a little cat
Word: thread
Took me a while of thinking, but the closest thing that comes to mind are spiders, not just counting those Animal Planet documentaries, or in our Pokemon world the main three Ariados, Galvantula, and Araquani all three can use a move where they shoot spider threads at their opponent.
Likely the other closest to me is an album name called "One Step Ahead of the Spider" from the band MC 900ft Jesus.
Might not be too creative but do hope they fit in with media.
word: Purr .
Neko Atsume! A little cat collector game ^_^
Word: narrator
Easy for me, the screen reader that comes with Windows, that reads everything on the screen, or supposed to, depending on how its set up or modified in the settings.
word - Belly
Cooking Mama - the series of games where you cook different meals!
Word: hairstyle
Sigh! the embarrassing time in Metal music.
"Hair Metal' or as Dee Snider of Twisted Sister mocked them as 'Happy Metal'
media with music, tv as in music videos and MTV interviews.
When all the bands in that genre late 80's put on lots of make up and had their hair growing extra big and puffy, lots of hair spray and jells.
Such as Bon Jovi, Dokken, Warrant, Cinderella, Poison, Vinnie Vincent Invasion, Ratt, Britny Fox, Vixen, and so many more.
So glad that grunge made them disappear.
word - tail
Tall Tales, I dunno if that's actually a media, it's more an expression, but kinda reminds me of it a little bit!
word - Orange
the King of the Hill episode "orange You Sad I Didn't Say Banana"
I know no actual oranges, that was the closest I could think of. Episode where Khan trying to impress the Wasanassons by trying to turn his life into old fashion Laotian.
Yep, no actual oranges in the episode that I can recollect. ? hopefully counts
word - Grooming
This may get me in trouble but I'm gonna say the netflix movie Cuties.
To be clear, I don't actually think it had anything to do with child grooming, I haven't seen the movie but from what I've heard it's actually a really good film, but the big controversy on it was people thought it was grooming and sexualizing children. That was kinda the start of the unfortunate "Groomer" word that people are throwing around especially against trans people. It's unfortunate that this moral panic started, and I think the moral panic really started with this particular Netflix movie.
Word - Earthquake
(wow, didn't know that, learned something new)
Easily, the movie "San Andreas"
I know it was way too over dramatic, and not realistic, but it was entertaining when I watched it along ago.
I know the real fault will be deadly but not the way it was portrayed in the movie.
word - Ghost
Ghostbusters! If you want something specific, I've been playing Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed ( quite a lot lately. Against bots though.
Word - Werewolf
The game Town of Salem! I think one of the roles is werewolf, haven’t played it myself though
Word: CD
I can cheat and just say from media easily the 'CD's themselves where earlier games where printed, especially PS1, and also music CD's.No fun on that, too easy answer.
Will say the video game "Metal Gear Solid" when nearing the end of the game, three CD's where required to open the final door leading t to the main boss and their powerful weapon.
word - Robot
The game Rhythm Heaven! A couple of mini games are about robots: one where you screw on their heads, and another where you fill them with fuel - all to the beat of the music ^_^
Word: bus
In the video game series Vigilante 8, one of the playable characters, forgot their name, drives a bus.
In the first game, Vigilante 8, he drives a school bus
in the second game, Vigilante 8: Second Offense, he drives a Police bus
word - Flower
Killers of the Flower Moon, the movie is OK, it's a real life story about a horrible thing that happened in early American history but it plays more like a documentary than an actual movie, it's like Martin's previous work with the Irishman.
Sometimes a bit of drama is good, otherwise I'd just watch a documentary.
Word - Vampire
First off an alternative rock song I'm really loving from the band Concrete Blonde.
The name of the song is "Bloodletting (The Vampire Song)"
Also an episode of The Simpsons, one of the Treehouse of Horror Series.
word - Flying
Flying High, the name for Airplane! in Australia, one of the funniest spoof movies I've ever seen, very good movie to see. I've always wondered why movies have different names in different countries.
Word - Eclipse
An album I like, from the black metal band Emperor.
the name of the album is "In The Nightside Eclipse"
hope that counts, and by the way, I still have the tshirt, too bad I can't see it anymore.
word - Giggle -
Giggle from happy tree friends
word: chaos
For me, easy one, its what my most favorite band sings about, at least in their 90's and 2000's albums.
My favorite band is Slayer.
word - Nostalgia
The silly club-penguin rip-off mmo, Bin Weevils. rember having such a good time with it when I was younger ^_^
Word: bug
i remember the SNES game "The Lion King" it had a mini game called 'Bug Catching' where you move Pumbaa on the ground and tried to get him to eat as many bugs as possible.
it was fun for me, since at the time I first played it I was only 8 or so years old.
word - Sword
Pokemon: Sword and Shield. I've never actually played the game.
Word - Ethereal
Pretty much all games in the Pokemon franchise, as one of the medical items available is called Ether.
word - Bite
An animated short i adore - Kitbull!
Word: Ladder
First thing that came to mind wouldn't count since it's not technically media, its a board game called 'Snakes and Ladders'
If I where to pick something closer to media, then it would be a game called 'Conker's Bad Fur Day', as in one of the chapters in the game, we have to climb a very tall ladder.
word - garlic
Nosferatu - 1922
word - Fuzzy
The movie '101 Dalmations' when Cruella wants to make a Dalmation fur coat, I know they be soft and fuzzy if she ever had succeeded
word - vampire
The Vampire Diaries!
Not sure if it counts, closest thing I can think of is the movie and video game series of Resident Evil'
when I had good vision, was a big fan of them too, watched the movies in the cinema, an played the games a lot
word - propane
I Expect You to Die - a spy be game where you can be a bit of a pyromaniac
Word: glove
A few episodes of the children's scary series called 'Goosebumps' and also had books written, although I liked the tv series more.
A few episodes do involve gloves. Hope that counts.
word - Balloon
The movie Up! never actually watched the whole thing but I do know there are balloons
Word: bag
Now this one took me a while of thinking.
likely the closest thing I could think of are various scenes in the movie series 'Police Academy' and 'Revenge of the Nerds'
word - Chips (well in America) or Crisps (in Europe)
A Quiet Place (or possibly a silent place.. don’t remember ) I know there was scene with a lot of crisp bags that were left completely untouched in a raided shop- the noise would be too dangerous
Word: Crackers
a few episodes of one of my favorite shows called 'Regular Show'
can't remember the episode names i know I had seen various crackers, at least in the background images
word - trouble
a childhood cartoon/comic Dennis the Menace!
Word: flower
first thing of course is my own fan fiction as character is named Flower, and my other main sona is French name for flower... I know that doesn't count so instead will mention.
a few Disney movies where characters give flowers to others as sign of falling in love.
word - trumpet
The Cuphead Show - I’m the intro one of the characters plays a trumpet (i think,, I’m not great at identifying instruments heh)
Word: hoodie
Hoodie from Marble Hornets, my creepypasta phase is showing lol (hi i haven't been active in awhile :3)
word: Ink
the closest thing I can think of was a cartoon I used to watch a long time ago called something to 'sagwa" about Siamese cats that wrote on papers by dipping the tip of their tails in ink. At times do miss that cartoon.
word - squirrel
The kids animated movie the Nut Job!
Word: Stone
The movie "Sword In The Stone" comes to mind.
word - Beach
Hmmh~ Churchil's "We shall fight on the Beaches" comes to mind, not sure if that counts as media though
Oherwise the last unicorn comes to mind where a wave of unicorns come from the ocean and collapses Haggards castle into the sea. The scene seems to be heavily inspired by Walter Crane's 1910 painting "Neptune's Horses".
Word: Bell
The cartoon Hilda! Bells are used to scare off the trolls (who turn out to not be such bad guys heh)
show’s based of scadinavian mythology which is very interesting
word: bowl
For me, easily the two songs with bells on them.
"Hell's Bell" by AC/DC and "For Whom The Bell's Toll" by Metallica.
Also bells can be heard in the song "Black Sabbath" by the band of the same name as the song.
word - Sandal
The movie Jaws! It’s set at a beach so there’s bound to have been people wearing sandles
Word: floorboard
Woah, floorboards. I had to rumage around my memory for that one, interesting choice! :D
I'd have to say the silent film "Nosferatu" (1922) where the vampire is walking around the house, going up stairs and just genuinely being a creep. No sound in that movie, but I can still hear the creaks and cracks from the old floorboard in every step he takes.
Word: unconcious
(that was a good one, great movie, I can imagine the same)
The movie "Liar Liar" I believe it was the right one, where Jim Carrey's character adopts a child, and part of the movie, one of the friends gets unconscious
word - Pink
First thought- the cartoon Pink Panther!
Been so long since I’ve seen the show I don’t remember what’s it about - only its main character heh
Word: blue
Oh has to be Blue's Clues XD I always watched it when I had a "sick day" off at school B)
Word: clock
the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared web series ^_^ one of the characters is a clock!
word: tree
For me the scary Halloween series in The Simpsons known as "Treehouse of Horror"
the early series took place n their tree house. i love those scary series.
word - Groomng
The Lion King :) where Simba's Mum grooms him
Word: piano
The fiction podcast Malevolent, the main character plays the piano to calm himself down ^_^
Word: guitar
Same series, two different media. From the author R.L. Stine.
The Book and TV Series of Goosebums, there is one called "Piano Lessons Can Be Murder"
As a child is trying to figure out who is playing a piano when no one there, and finds out it's ghostly hands playing it.
I did enjoyed it but it wasn't one of the scariest.
word - Paint
The game Passpartout, where you have to make drawings to move up in the art world!
Word: Scribble
If I'm not mistaken, an episode of South Park, can't remember what it's called. Lots of scribbling on there, but the funny jokes is what I remember the most.
word - dog
Homeward Bound (and Old Yeller, though I must admit I never saw the whole film) comes to mind. I actually got the book and in there the animals don't talk, but I could imagine that would be difficult to portray in a film >.>
Word: carpet
I know, kind of cheating in a way, but from the video game "The Sims" where you can make your own home includes many different kinds of carpets to pick from.
It was a really fun game for short times.
word - poster
The Pick of Destiny, where Dio sings to Jack Black from a poster!
Word: Monkey
The kids show, Curious George
Word pom-pom
An episode of King of the Hill, forgot it's name, where Bobby, Joseph, and a few other students dress up as girls to cheer on the female football team. During the cheers they wear some.
word - golf
Battlefield Bad Company: in one mission you can drive a golf cart
Word: football (american)
An episode of King of the Hill, when a former player of the Dallas Cowboys moves in next door to Hank Hill.
Forgot the name of the episode.
word - country
The animaniacs! They have that one song about the countries!
Word: Orb
I've never seen the film, but the "Rosebud" scene from Citizen Kane, where he let's one of those snow globes fall came to mind (does that count as an orb? >.>)
Word: tea
The fiction podcast The Strange Case of Starship Iris - one of the characters has a little green house where they grow plants for tea ^_^
Word: Wool
Oooh has to be Amanda the Adventurer with her friend Wooly. What a great horror game X3
Word: idea
Aah I’ve seen play through of that game ^_^ Seems to be updated every play through I watch!
The game Gartic Phone comes to mind - where you have to come up with idea for sentences that the other players draw!
Word: slinky
One of the characters from Toy Story comes to mind.
word - chandelier
One of the Hitman games - you can drop a chandelier on one of your targets!
Word: bus
The main one that comes to mind is the various games in the 'Grand Theft Auto' series, every time your character gets arrested, it says 'Busted'
word - Staircase
Jacobs Ladder (the film, not the plant, though theyre really pretty) not to spoil anything, but at the end he goes up a pair of staircases and is reunited with his child.
Word: Toaster
The game I Am Bread - a silly game where you, as a piece of bread, have to find your way to a toaster
Word: shout
Hopefully it counts, the video game series called "Guitar Hero' where you use a button controller that looks like a guitar and play rock songs.
Shout since many times while playing can't resist and actually sing out loud the song lyrics.
Many times a family member had to come and tell me to quiet down.
word - Mirror
Oh! Shrek, where the Mirror introduces the single princesses XD
Word: Bird
Instantly the first thing that comes to mind is that song from the 60s, called "Surfing Bird" by the Trashmen.
You know "Bird, bird, bird, bird is the word, don't you know about the word? everybody knows that the bird is the word."
word - Nachos
Looney Tunes cartoons! I think nachos show up a few times ^_^
Word: sewer
The episode called "Beaverly Buttbillies" from my favorite cartoon, 'Beavis and Butthead', after the two stupid boys break their sewer pipe, two professionals have to go and repair the pipes by going into the sewer to see where the damage is at.
word - Newspaper
Tom and Jerry - I’m sure there’s a scene of Tom leaking his eyes out of 2 holes cut into a newspaper hehe
Word: cube
The movie "Pixels' where the enemy aliens are made of many cubes.
word - Light
Hmmh most likely Dark Souls, where in some cases you walk and fight through long stretches of darkness, making the moment you see light again much more potent and hopeful.
Word: sleep
First thing that comes to mind is the Horror series of Nightmare On Elm Street where if you fall asleep, Freddy Kruger will take your live away.
will have to say some scenes are scary.
word - Dolls
Following the horror theme: that one horror movie Annabelle!
Word: porridge (/oatmeal)
First thing is the children's story of 'Goldilocks and the Three bears'
If I remember, some versions do change it, but in some versions they are eating porridge.
word - Reaper
The history show Horrible Histories! One of the segments a reaper reviews historical people’s deaths.
Word: cupboard
The movie "Indian in the Cupboard"
a movie where a younger kid named Omry gets a magical cupboard that makes his plastic toys come to life.
word - Blood
Oh man! Theres so many that could be named here. Bloodborne, Dracula, Jaws, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (never played it but damn I love the subtitle)
I think I'll go with Hitchcocks Psycho, where a stabbing in a bath is wtinessed and blood runs down the sink.
Word: Demon
The game Hades! Don’t know much about it - I think it’s a rogue like?
Word: wizard
The first thing that comes to mind are the Salem Witch Trials, but that' is a historical event not media.
Likely the next thing is one of my favorite bands that sings in Spanish, called Rata Blanca, it's Power Metal so wizards, magic, candles, and fairies is what they mainly sing about.
I also heard something called Harry Potter might also do something with wizards. Never seen them.
word - harmonica
Once Upon a Time in the West :) in German it's called "Play for me the Song of Death" because one guy gets killed with a harmonica in his mouth.
Word: undead
Pretty much any Zombie movie fits in, or any dracula or vampire movie also fits in.
Will mention the video game "Conker's Bad Fur Day" as in part of the game there are lots of undead creatures running around and you have to avoid them eating you.
word - Star
Oh god I loved that game! XD I should play it again.
Star, hmm~ since were talking about games it'll have to be Kirby! Air Ride was a blast to play.
Word - Sigil
A cartoon I just finished rewatching: Avatar the Last Airbender ^_^
Word: Shocking
Hmmh~ I recall an enemy type in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, a Zombie that was electrified and could shoot sparks. Man, I loved that game :D
Word: Alchemy
The anime Full Metal Alchemist! Never really watched it myself but I know alchemy is involved XP
Word: jump
Don't know if music counts, but I can't help but think of "Jump Around" from House of Pain :D
Word: grief
The game Out of Hands - only the demos out so far but it’s a cool horror card game about someone coping with the loss of their crush
Word: wild
Wild Wild West with Will Smith ^_^ can't remember much of the film but the soundtrack was great!
Word: Tree
Happy Tree Friends... :S Golly, that show was messed -up-
Word: Beanbag
Hmm The Sims 3 ^_^ - one of the chairs you can buy is a beanbag (or maybe it’s in the sims 4…)
Word: Wobbly
Wobbledogs! Ah, but I've never played that one - I've seen others play it, though! I'd love to give it a go, animal breeding simulators are intriguing to me; I happen to play a good few. I actually have a qualification in Animal genetics & breeding - so drawing up punnet squares is a lot of fun for me :nerd:
Word: Frame
Omg I love wobbledogs! ^_^ played some of it myself - it’s so silly
hmm the game The Pedestrian - not quite frames but still made me think of it - youre one of those little stick people doing platforming through like traffic signs ^_^
Word: squiggly
I feel like a poser for not have played it but: Snake Pass (not the hill pass in Derbyshire) You have to wiggle and squiggle around like a snake to reach the goal :) it looks like fun
Word: microscopic
Easy! The game spore! ^_^
Word: ivy
^_^ Isabella "Ivy" Valentine from Soulcalibur >.> a Lady who has a rather liberating choice of clothing (more power to her!)
Hmmh~ word: Isopod ^_^
This was a though one - Animal Crossing: New Horizons! One of the bugs you can catch is a roly-poly (aka isopod ^_^)
just reminded me I haven’t checked up on my new leaf save in a year or so >.>
Word: socks
XD oh no Ves! Theyve probably staged a revolution by now.
Hmmh~ Socks~ Socks the Cat Rocks the Hill, a game about Bill Clintons Cat XD
Word: Spaghetti
Isbelle is not going to be happy about the amount of weeds around the town >.>
One of my favourite platformers Pizza Tower! Mainly about pizza but spaghetti definitely shows up at points,,
Word: spoon
Has to be the tripy kids show: button moon with mr and mrs spoon ^_^
Word: Flowerpower
Plants Vs Zombies 2! You can use a plant food on a sunflower so it generates loadds of sun ^_^
Word: curse
In The Legend of Zelda, how Demise cursed himself to be reincarnated as Ganondorf.
Word: Texture
Hm minecraft - cuz there’s lots of texture packs
Word: daisy
MarioKart: Doulbe Dash XD when switching to Daisy as the item manager she always says "Hi I'm Daisy!"
Word: Tulip
Hm Spider-Man: Far From Home ^_^ There’s one scene where leavening an aeroplane, Peter finds himself in a tulip field!
Word: Rug
The episode of gravity falls with the rug that swaps Dipper and Mable's bodies
Word: Spark
A fantasy web comic called Sparks ^_^
Word: thermal
Oh, Neon Genesis Evangelion :D where Asuka has to dive into Lava (or I guess it would be magma since it's not errupted) with a therman suit :)
Word: Telephone
Oo Mean Girls! with the classic scene of all the landlines (?)
Word: fox
Oh man, the fox has inspired people for centuries~ Zootopia's Nick Wilde comes to mind and Disney's Robin Hood too, but those are too easy! So I'm going to say Finnegan Fox from the Youtube Channel SaveAFox :D which blew up during the pandemic because a lot were depressed and hearing a fox go "ehehehe" just made the day better.
Word: Angels
Ohhh those videos are so cute!! :D
Hmm the podcast Welcome to Nightvale - angles are kind of recurring characters
Word: denim
Hmmh~ I'm reading up on how music can manipulate us for a project I'm working on and in the chapter on advertisement and music they state that a jeans advert from 1985 was one of the pioneers of more "artistic" ads (I hate putting art and advertising in the same category <.<) it was for Levi's 501 jeans and got many companies trying to replicate its success (apparently most ads were mostly "informational" up to that point).
Word: Shadow
The way companies use music in ads is evil imo x_x (I’m being dramatic but,, not entirely)
Hmm I could say The Hedgehog but I think that’s too obvious- the game Schim (I don’t think it’s actually released yet) where you’re a little sprit type creature that travels by hopping through shadows! ^_^
Word: rain
>.> yeah, but luckily it seems that the viewers opinions and views do play a big role in how effective the use of music is in ads ^_^ its fascinating though how much they try to tickle our emotions and values; is apple selling electronical devices or something that enables one to express themselves? Is Nike selling shoes or something that will enable one to achieve incredible physical feats?
Ehm anyhow~ Rain & Sunshine by the Zambian Band "Crossbones" ^_^ you really hear the joy of rain finally blessing the land and making it fertile.
Word: May
Ah no one knows the brain as well as advertisers do
..hmm Star Wars! ‘May the force be with you’ and all that (I’ve never actually watched any of the movies truth be told >.>)
Word: Rice
>.> They do. Next I'll read up on is Edward Bernays. Know thyne Enemy XP
Oh :) if you don't mind them being a bit more "old schooley", the first three they made were quite good.
Dragon Ball :D Goku would always eat rice like a madman!
Word: Pasta
Hmm Detroit: Become Human - there’s that one scene of Kara giving Alice and her dad spaghetti!
Word: clay
Hmmmh Klay World, a way too brutal claymation series on youtube I remember obsessing over as a kid XD yay violence!
Word: desert
Fallout New Vegas! :D
Hmmhmm~ :squint: oil .... probably call of duty, one map was at an oil rig
Word: wood louse!
The comic Snapdragon! I don’t think woodlice actually show up in it, but lots of it takes place in the woods!
Word: dog!
My dog Annie
Word: Bunny
The character Miffy!
Word: wolf
My fursona Liam
Word: Shrine
I thought of this while on the toilet and on my pip boy app
"Botherhood" of steel
Hmm the band Brotherhood of Man!
Word: flutter
Fluttershy from MLP!!! (shes my favorite character <3)
Word: Nova
Not sure why but the web show Murder Drones comes to mind ^_^
Word: space
Startrek! Which reminds me, I need to continue watching that lol
Word: Midnight
Gremlins! And that weird rule about not feeding them past midnight XD
Word: rat
Professor Ratigan from the Great Mouse Detective : P my favorite Disney movie < 3
word: banana
Hmm the game series Monkey Ball!
Word: garden
Over the GARDEN wall :P
Word: Bird
Angry Birds ^_^!
Word: bear
Yellowstone, I watched a documentary abt Yellowstone once and it had these 2 bears in it.
Word: Agent
Mm the podcast Mission Rejected, about spies
Word: fight
Fight club. Idk anything abt it but fight club.
Word: Window
Oh I've never seen it, but I always think of that one Hitchcock film "Rear Window" (probably because it was referenced in the Simpsons once, I believe)
Word: Hamster ^_^
Hamtaro! :3 Oh, I used to love Hamtaro, when I was little. I had a McDonalds cuddly toy of the little feller.
Word: Peekaboo!
Five Nights at Candy's, a fnaf fangame, came to mind! i think one of the games in the series had a peekaboo type section, or maybe just jumpscares came to mind :p
Word: interwebs
FurryMUCK... As in, the roleplaying MU* ^_^
Word: Hero!
Batman! He is my fav superhero <33
Word: Creative
hmmm ms paint!
word: scrunchie
I think of Silly Bandz... They were a little late for us, so they didn't fit on our wrists, but we liked them anyways :)
Word: Heart
The movie My Bloody Valentine! There are hearts all over, i love the theming in that movie, the town is even named Valentine Bluffs lol!
Word: Pin
Sewing, which makes me think of that Raggedy Ann cartoon! To which, I'm supposed to be fixing up a pair of courderoy trousers my partner managed to rip down the seams of <.< ..... >.> ........ And yes, I cackled and rolled on the floor to see that giant rip! XD XD XD
Suppose that's why I'm the one repairing them?
So, following on, my word is....
FNAF 1. I had to look up the definition, but as soon as I found out what it meant, It reminded me of Foxy's curtains :)
Word: Variation
Variations on a Theme, Joseph Haydn -- It's a performance piece, though I know it as the orchestral version ^_^ (And here I thought 'courderoy was a straight-shot for Courderoy Bear!'
Word: Flight!
the game a short hike! about a crow well hiking and i think theres flying involved?
word: bath
Where's My Water? -- No, I'm not asking you a question - that's the name of the waterpipes game with the alligator, to fill his bath up! XD
Word: Radio
I used to play Where's My Water when I was younger! :o
Anyhow, the first thought that came to mind was the video game Do You Copy? It's a pretty spooky horror game...
Word: Swagger
Music is media <w< right? The album Swagger from Floggin Molly :3 I do quite enjoy that one.
Word: Rat
The Great Mouse Detective! Or, Rattigan himself... What a movie, am I right, furs?
Word: Lava!
A Minecraft lava bucket.
I may or may not still have nightmares about that one time I dug straight down...
word: photovoltaic
Wall-E! They used PV's in Wall-E, right..? Maybe? I don't actually remember >.>
Word: Robot :P
Also Wall-E! (
Probably because you just mentioned him) But I thought of GLaDOS second.
Word: word
Parappa the Rapper -- word, spoken word, poetry, into rap! What a good series of game that is.
Word: Light
Dr. Light from Mega Man! Been playing it a bit thanks to you. XD
Word: Sleep
Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland! It's a 1989 movie that my partner had shown me one night, which was great to watch!
(Really, that's funny :P I was trying to bait you into saying that one with 'Robot', so I could say something like, 'I have taught you well, young padawan!' but then I went 'oh. Hmm. Alright, I'm out of words.' -- Forgot about doing that, and glanced around the room for the first thing I saw. Which was my lights. I'm laughing so hard right now!)
Word: Metal :3
Little Nemo definitely looks like it has that nostalgic animation style, I Might consider watching it when I have some spare time. :)
Anyway, my first thought was the rock band KISS. I don't listen to their music much, but that one concert of theirs that my dad took me to was pretty awesome!
Word: World
... You have to forgive me, my first thought was Hetalia :facepaw: I was a weeb in 2011, it's in my mind for good!
Word tax; Pink!
Pinkie Pie from MLP ofc !!!
Word: Bologna
I think of a bizarre episode of Codename: Kids Next Door - it must have been Gramma Stuffums invoking the name of Bologna in that episode?! XD XD
Word tax; Treehouse ;)
A Canadian kids TV channel called Treehouse. I used to watch shows like the Backyardigans on there when I like 5. :)
Word: leaf
Spottedleaf from warrior cats!! She used to be one of my favorite characters when I was like 11 lol! (Canadian kids shows are built different and I absolutely love them!)
Word: Crutch
Immediately, I thought of Helen from Sonic X, so, Sonic X is my answer; she's in a wheelchair instead of crutches, but I use both so I always found her so fun of a character :3 Getting to go on such exciting travels, I found it annoying a lot as a kid how most characters like that would be on the sidelines, but in the future (present...?), Helen is one of the most integral characters, and she even has a hotrod that she mischeviously speeds around XD XD XD
Word: DJ!
serial experiments lain! a few scenes take place in some club that has music and that i think , probably a dj there
word: werewolf
The werewolf enemy from the video game Terraria. The more I think about it though, the more I realize that I don't really know of any werewolfs in anything other than the folklore we were told as kids. :o
Word: Supernova
Champagne Supernova, by Oasis! Actually, funny thing; we had known about the Oasis reunion tour well before it was announced officially - as they'd stuck stickers all throughout Manchester giving a heads' up. I thought it was funny - stickers are usually for small artists trying to get enough streams to make bank - so we joked about "little-known band Oasis, who must be just starting out" :P :P
Word tax; Sailor!
This guy from Spongebob: (see attachment below).
Word: Tim
... Burton's Edward Scissorhands! I liked that movie. I was surprised to find out it was released in 1990, because it had felt quite '2008' when I watched it.. Well.. In 2008!
Word Tax: Headphones!
Skrillex being a DJ, probably from a documentary or something. It took me a few seconds to think of anything lol.
Word: Tax
You've got to have.. Money...... Spyro the Dragon! More specifically, Moneybags from Spyro the Dragon... "A small fee..." Absolute daylight robbery, that bear does!
Word tax; Rainbow!
This thing. It's basically the sole reason why I'm happy that FNAF World got removed from Steam.
Word: electromagnetic
I thought of Megaman 7, because one of the Robot Masters in that one, Junk Man, uses his electromagnetic ability to attract scrap metal to chuck at you! Here's a tip - he's weak to Cloud Man's Thunder Bolt attack, for this reason.... XP
Word tax; Rice!
One of the probably 20 scenes of Goku scarfing down rice (or any other food really) in the Dragon Ball Super anime. XD
Word: chocolate
The spongebob chocolate guy lmao
word: Tile
I thought of The Sims, and placing flooring tiles on a new build XD
Word Tax; Envelope!
The video game Paper's Please. I don't actually remember seeing an envelope in it, but it has papers in it so that's probably close enough, right? XD
Word: shift
VVVVVV, a puzzle platformer which you 'shift' gravity in order to fall up or down the map!
Word tax; Flash!
The Flash! Though, I don't really know anything about him in all honesty. :|
Word: celebrate!
Rio 2! They sing that one song, 'Let's Celebrate'... Funny story about that movie - my partner kept telling me that they were going to book out a film from the library that would be 'high art' - I love art films! So I'm very excited. They keep telling me, 'it's an art film! One of the best!' and I'm getting excited, right? Well, I accompany them to the library, and wait outside - waiting, waiting.. Partner comes back out - 'I got the art film!' -- hands me a copy of.. Rio 2! I'm rolling on the floor laughing, they're howling with laughter, they admit that this whole running gag was because they'd seen Rio 2 on the cart going back on the shelves a few weeks back... What a riot!
Word Tax; Bumblebee!
The song Bumblebees are Out by Jack Stauber, Omg I love Jack Stauber !!
Word: Pool
The Poolrooms variation of the Backrooms. Spooky stuff! :o
Word: Halloween
The Halloween movies lol, Ive only watched the first three so I need to get on with watching them lol.
word: Wolf
Minecraft dog. They're technically wolfs I think anyway, so close enough. :3
Word: spider
Undertale, that one Spider character from Undertale!
Word tax; Horse
My Little pony ofc lol!
word: Cat
Binka the cat! Which I now have stuck in my head.. Bwaa-da-da-da-daddla-daah-HEY, BIIINKA!
A Cbeebies show from 2001!
Word tax; Dog!
Sharky the sharkdog from Eek the Cat, I dont know if i ever actually watched the show but i have vague memories of Sharky from when i was little.
Word: Blanket
Peanuts! Specifically, Linus from Peanuts; with his blanket ^_^ I always wished I was as close to my blanket as Linus, but it only came down from the boiler cupboard when we were sick.
Word Tax; Beagle!
I miss read the word as "bagel" and thought of an old song from a YTP that was just the word "bagel" repeated over and over again. My brain goofy. :P
Word: Floccinaucinihilipilification! :nerd:
Funnily enough, I do actually know a comic of that name XD
Word tax; Hyperbole!
I once again miss read the word, this time as "hyperbolic" (which is close enough definition wise anyway) and thought of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from the anime Dragon Ball Z.
With how often I miss read stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if I had dyslexia or something similar alongside my ADHD. Apparently it's not uncommon. :o
Word: Sleepy
Sleepy Hollow! Specifically, BBC ran an adaption in 2013, which I had found quite good. I think they bought the rights to air it from Fox? Yeah, I think it was an American show. I had enjoyed it when it was on air!
Word tax; Spooky!
The song "This Is Halloween" from the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas", one of my favorite Halloween/Christmas songs/movies! Fitting given the current month! XD
Word: Creepy!
Growing up Creepie! Which was a 2006 children's cartoon about a girl named Creepie, who was raised by anthro insects. It was a bit of a strange one; I was a little unsure of it, because it had looked odd. But I'd say I enjoyed it!
Word tax; Scary!
"How to make Five Nights at Freddy's not Scary" by someone on YouTube. I ironically enough never really found FNAF that scary, even back when I first watched that video. o.O
Word: Ironic
Augh - it was a short story written by a friend of mine way back when I was still in school, called "I Ronny" - about a man named Ronny, to which ironic things happened to him. It was so good, and so funny! I ought to chase him down, and get him to publish it officially - I'm still thinking about it well over a decade later XP
Word tax; Serious!
The red Angry Bird. He just gives off that kind of vibe I guess. o.O
Word: Animal!
Animal Farm! Or, the animated version.. Fascinating, and really solidified my country's reputation of having serious animated cartoons .. XD
Word tax; Victory!
The victory screen and mini-song that plays when you win a battle in Clash of Clans! XD
Word: pig!
Animal Farm again... Humm, I guess I'm thinking more about that than I realised :?
Word tax; dinosaur!
The T-Rex from the Toy Story Franchise! :D He's funny. :)
Word: velociraptor!
The movie adaptation of Jurrassic Park! The bit at the start, where he taunts the kid by holding the claw in a killing motion... Eek!
Word tax; Triceratops!
A Triceratops figurine that I used to have as a kid. Don't think that counts as media, but there's probably video or images of it someone on the web. :P
Word: evasion
Breath of the Wild . . . Because I just watched the partner backflip away from an enemy in the game, real-time as I looked up and tried to think of what to say XD
Word tax; Grey!
The... background of posts on this site. Guess my brain noticed that they're grey and thought: "well, might as well think about this lol". X3
Word: color!
The background of the site, also.. Because I have my site theme set to RAINBERZ! ! ! Ah, so rainbowy! So iridescent!
Word Tax; CHEESE!
(How do I set it to that!? How do I set it to that!? How do I set it to that!?... I must know... :|)
Ratatouille. I haven't seen it, but it probably has cheese I guess. :P
Word: squeak!
(If you hover over 'Profile' and go to 'Look & Layout', it's in there :P under 'WildPaw Rainbow' - you can also change your graemlinz to other species... Mine are little Cagons!)
Transformice! Oh, but I was never very good at Transformice :sweatdrop:
Word Tax; Shaman!
(Thank you! I really like how it looks. ^_^)
The Avatar from, well, Avatar! Even though I haven't seen much of the show lol. X3
Word: Earth
Tales from EarthSea... The 2006 Ghibli film adaptation!
Word tax; Sesame!
I'm honestly curious what Elmo is canonically. I like to think he's a demon personally. :P
Word: devil
He's not a devil, but I thought about Tom from Star VS the Forces of Evil XD Oh, poor old Tom.
Word tax; ears!
The big, fluffy ears on your profile picture! I like ears. ^_^
Word: cube
(Aww, yay! XD Thankoo~)
(See, I do a learn! I know what a Portal is now! :D)
Word: Kitty!
You played Portal, yay! Hope you're enjoying it. Just remember though, the cake is a lie. ^_^
The Kitty Cat Dance! :)
Word: Atlas!
The character from Astro Boy; named, well, you guessed it.. Atlas!
Word tax; Tea!
The profile picture of the youtuber "The Spiffing Brit". I thought of you second though ^_^
Word: Unbalanced
ok, a bit odd but my first thought was third episode of the second season of Hannibal, where, as vaguely as I can put it, a judge is murdered and posed like the Scales Of Justice.
Word: Enlighten
Some science video I was watching for school from around the 90s/2000s or so. The music has a very ethereal feel, and I guess my brain accociated that with enlightenment (I mean, I guess I am being enlightened on the functions/roles of the heart) ^_^
Word: capillary
The movie Osmosis Jones!
word: chemistry
The TV show Breaking Bad lol ^_^
word: wormhole
(Probably said this one before) the movie interstellar :D!
Word: christmas
The movie "Christmas Vacation", one of my all time favorite classic holiday movies! ^_^
Word: tree
the nightmare before christmas! (watched the movie for the first time this weekend - thought of the christmas tree vision scene)
word: bauble
The soundtrack of the character Jevil from Deltarune. I didn't know what "bauble" meant, so I searched it up and one of the definitions mentioned the word "jester" :3
word: clown
hm the show The Good Place! and the many many clown paintings..
word: fire
The anime Blue Lock. The characters often have fire in their eyes (not literally of course, it's a sports anime :P)
word: shape
Shape of Water... Which I happened to watch in Amsterdam, when we were on an educational visit to experience film & media in the Netherlands ^_^
Word tax; fan