The Furry Forums
Creative Arts and Media => Artistic Stuff => Artwork => Topic started by: Ves on June 25, 2023, 06:21:08 PM
a collection of little doodles ^_^
(Some of these have been uploaded to my tumblr before)
[ID: A series of drawings. The first is a polite teal cat in a yellow jumper and pink skirt.
The second is some sketches of an anthro cat, dog and angry bird.
The third is a headshot of a concerned teal cat shrugging.
The forth is a drawing of a mischevious blue and yellow anthro fennec fox. [/end ID]
Hmm not bad, better than I can do, (my drawing skills are newbie level)
Hmm not bad, better than I can do, (my drawing skills are newbie level)
hehe to be honest I’m a newbie myself, this stuff is some of the first furry art I’ve done, n it’s only from February
These are gorgeous. I love the use of colour, and the way that you shape them. FTW for no use of anti-aliasing XD it is something that I love to see in artwork. Nice crispy lines. I wonder if I make any sense... :nerd: I love it!
These are gorgeous. I love the use of colour, and the way that you shape them. FTW for no use of anti-aliasing XD it is something that I love to see in artwork. Nice crispy lines. I wonder if I make any sense... :nerd: I love it!
hehe thank you! ^_^
I love making set colour palettes and just colouring all my drawings with them so none of my characters really have set colours :P and yes low px drawings ftw!
new fursona - meet Lumi! ^_^
she’s a nervous little blue cat who loves art n hates loud noises :3
[ID: A drawing of a teal anthro cat standing nerviously with a slightly concerned face.
She has yellow eyes, whiskers and inner ears; white socks; a pink nose and paws and pink stripes.
Written is her name "Lumi" and zir pronouns: "ze/zir", "bee/bees" and "she/her" [/end ID]
Oooh! I love zir. Such a lovely blue fur~ I really like how you detail the fur; I feel as if I could reach out and touch zir. The way the fur is detailed makes me think of when sunlight shines on guard hairs ^_^
I just love how you color!! Great work
some little doodles
[ID: A series of sketches featuring paws and headshots of: an alligator ,a silly dog, a cockitiel, a cat, a tiger, and finially a full body of an antho cat. Each one has pink blush. /end ID]
tried some more classic pixel art (aka s m a l l)
but of course could not resist adding some little effects
[ID: A pixel art drawing of a chill, orange dog wearning a blue hoodie and purple jogging bottoms, they have one paw in the hoodie pocket.
The backgroung is green with yellow patterns in the first image, and is flat green in the second /end ID]
2 doodles of my fursonas, Iso and Beewee respectively!
Been considering switching Iso (the bug in my pfp)'s colour palette from blue to green :3 I feel like it’d fit xir better, but then again blue is the classic fursona colour >.>
(I have also learned to scale up my tiny drawings, yippee!)
don’t think I’ve posted Beewee (Beepy? can’t decide which is a better name) here yet :0
[ID: The first image is a pixel art drawing of a green anthro isopod smiling sticking their tongue out with xir hands on xir face and waving xir other arms. Xe is surrounted by pink stars and hearts.
The second image is of an anthro black cat looking shocked. She has 3 exclaimatoin marks next to her. [/end ID]
Post Merge: October 07, 2023, 06:09:47 PM
Beewee (beepy? man I really can’t decide) drawing based off this animation! ( ^_^
It’s a little ooc for her to be so cool B) but everyone can be hip from time to time.
Beewee's a little confused and a little out of it all the time, but I feel like she just goes with the flow despite not knowing ..exactly what that flow is.
So of course I had to include a little drawing of her being utterly confused :P
(Aha I have figured out hyperlinks!)
[ID: The fist image is of a pixel art drawing of an anthro black cat sitting squashed in a square above a music player bar.
She is wearing a blue hoodie and pink shorts. She has one paw in her pocket and her tail flows outside the square.
The second image is a smaller drawing of the same cat standing shocked. Her arms are skrunched up and her tail is sticking up. Beads of sweat come off her head. [/end ID]
Fantastic stuff! :D Such beautiful colours, such wonderful shapes! Always a joy to see your thread updated :* :* :*
Aw thank you ^_^ ^_^!! Your compliments always mean a lot to me!
(Drew this a few days ago but I’ve been a little caught up with school)
I have finally done the mandatory ADHD “combining the fandoms I’m deeply obsessed with” thing :D
Combining portal and furry through Beepy as Chell :3
It was a little difficult to get the white-and-blue portal gun to be visible against the white-and-blue shirt but I think I managed alright >.>
[ID: pixel art of an anthro black cat holding a futuristic white portal gun.
She has vacent yellow eyes, no visable mouth and is wearing a rolled-up orange boiler suit; with the top half wrapped around her waist, and 2 vests: blue and white. Plastic springs are attached to her knees.
The second image is the same as the first, with more shadows and a blue glow coming from the portal gun /end ID]
I'm really loving the wide eyed cats lol! so cute. absolutely wonderful color usage
Aa thank you ^_^! Always loved that trope of silly little wide eyed black cats
duck doodle :3 duck right up in your grill
[ID: a doodle of an anthro duck with its bill stuck right into the camera.
They have one wing on their hip, and the other is pointing /end ID]
Aha, absolutely wonderful! I love birds of all kinds. XD
Aa same ^_^ love all birds - pigeons and jackdaws are my favourite though (that’s where my username comes from hehe). I’ve been meaning to make a bird fursona but can’t quite figure out the proportions of how to do it TwT
And to celebrate becoming an Avid Aardvark - I have drawn a doodle of a happy little green aardvark B)
Been having some pretty bad art block x_x tried just getting a few doodles down to get some creativity out :)
[ID: a collection of doodles of different coloured headshots of various animals, each with coloured markings.
the background has paw prints /end ID]
Such wonderful colours! My favourite thing to do with art block, is to doodle on some printer paper with a ball-point pen.. If that doesn't work, I go for a long walk, and wait until the inspiration strikes me XD
I adore that aardvark. So sweet!
Aww Ves! Sorry for asking for your deviant art link on another page XD it's all here after all! Such lovely art ^_^ after seeing your pixel art I do wonder: did you ever make art for a game?
I do hope you break through the block. I myself am in one musically speaking :sweatdrop: I feel like I put myself under too much external pressure and lost touch of my intrinsic motivations. Maybe some soul searching could help you too :)
Thank you for the kind words! ^_^ Would really like to make a game someday -coding though, as much as I love it, is not my strong suit >.>
And I feel ya on the art/music block - so hard not to expect your pieces to be as good as some of your best if you get what I mean. Just been doing some small loose fandom doodles to try get through it heh. Probably has something to do with ADHD - I get random day-long creative bursts then months of nothing @.@
Uff, yeah >.> coding would be hard for me too. How did you get into pixel art btw? Actually art in general :) ?
I personally was never diagnosed with it, but I know a few people with ADHD and ADD. Incredibly active people who I admire a lot for it ^_^ it must be tough with so many things these days trying to grab our attention :sweatdrop: for me personally, the inability to day dream often causes a huge artistic block.
I like your solution though Ves, by doodling you're still honing your art skills. Here's hoping one of those doodles ends up being your next master piece ^_^
I’ve honestly been drawing as long as I can remember - mainly designing sweet shops and drawing little scenes with lots of little people doing random things (I should really try find some of my drawing from 10 year old me). As for pixel art - a year or two ago I think I saw some really cool art on an art discord server, and made some stuff on ms paint. Sadly lost a lot of those drawings :( but I still remember a lot of them. Funnily enough I kept doing pixel art on my tablet as it has very little storage (the original reason pixel art was enough made) and well haven’t felt any reason to move on from it ^_^
Hehe Hoping one of my doodles turns into a bigger artwork ^_^
For now: here’s a drawing I did for someone a ,,fair while ago >.>
[image ID: a pixelated drawing of an anthro red panda posing with peace signs. She has a purple bob, a blue necklace, white crop top and jeans shorts. She is winking and sticking her tongue out, and has a bushy tail.
Character by: p0tat0_69 /end ID]
Aww that sounds adoreable :D and also really impressive for 10 years old. Scenes express so much without words ^_^
I really adore your pixel art style :D I'm glad you didn't abandon it. Do you use a stylus?
The red panda is soooooooo good! :* I can't put my finger on it (well besudes the fact that you're just a great artist of course) somehow the lack of detail a pixel brings with itself, mixed with the detail you give your art awakens something. The mind seems to smoothen out the pixels. :D
Thank you ^_^ ^_^ and Yeah I use a stylus! The weird “work around” I have to use on my drawing program to draw pixel art means when I use my fingers the opacity is really low >.> I do love using a stylus though cuz the greater control, and it does feel a little like drawing on paper.
Really been on a drawing kick these past couple days :D Here's a kinda punk otter hehe
Kinda based off ipsome people I know, but also piercings are just pretty cool - wayyy to nervous to ever actually get any myself; I don’t even have my ears pierced =W=
[image ID: A pixelated drawing of a purple anthro otter, sneering, sticking their tounge out posing with peace signs. They have lots of piercings and jewellery /end ID]
^_^ have you ever thought of combining your current art style with your oldet one (scenes)? It's a totally different style, but one of my favourite artists, Louis Wain, used to draw cats in all kind of "human" scenes, likebat school or performing a little cat concert outdoors. He did end up "losing his mind" (people are guessing schizophrenia) and then changed his art style completley. Just thinking out loud (or thinking out silently written?) here. :D it's so cool to be on a forum with such talented people and see the progression made.
Awww she's so cool! The colour fits her as well :D hmmh~ perhaps talking about it with those people you know who have them could help alleviate your nervousness :) I'm no good for that XD I'm just as nervous
Oo that’d be a cool idea - I’d need to learn backgrounds though XD
been watching some close up footage of isopods (like the vid on my profile hehe) and realised I haven’t been drawing them very anatomically correct - turns out their antenna are actually below their eyes and near their mouth!
So I’ve been experimenting drawing Iso with more isopod-like proportions, looks a little space alien though @.@
[image ID: a sketch of an anthropomorphic isopod, with paws standing on cat-like hind legs /end ID]
Post Merge: December 25, 2023, 01:40:43 PM
Weevil fursona :D :D
[image ID: a series of sketches of a front, back, a winking and a shocked headshot of an anthropomorphic weevil bug, with a long curly nose and paws. /end ID]
Aww the isopod is sooo cute :D man, making insects and other arthropods look cute in a more "human" way must be tough. I mean, I love the little cuties, even spiders make me go "oh gosh darling! Aren't you gorgeous :* "
But close close up they all look so alien! Good job at making the isopod looking so sweet ^_^
I find bugs and stuff so cute but eough up close they are little beasties @.@ it’s tough trying to make an animal built to be horizontal stand on two legs hehe
Draw some headshots I might make into little stickers or patches or something + bonus woodlouse attempt :D
[image ID 4 heads shots:
1. An opossum sitting it’s tongue out
2. A fluffy photogen doing an XD face
3. A cat stitching its tongue out doing L's with its paws
4. An anthro Isopodbcat hybrid
/end ID]
Yeah XD they're like alien monsters from another world! Oddly enough, the more goosebumps I get from them, the more I love them ^_^ There's this one called house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) which is just legs, gives me the creeps every time I see one, but once that feeling is overcome I get so excited and happy to see them!
:D Aww that's brilliant! I especially like the cheeky cat! You mean like RL-Stickers and Patches? That'd be so cool! Do share if you end up making them!
Awesome as ever, Vez! ^_^
Thank you Zara :D!!
Realising I reallly need to work on proportions @.@ was originally meant to be a cat head but it looked off,, so now it’s a dragon type thing instead ^_^! (probably should have fixed that left eye as well but ehhh,, nothing wrong with a lazy eye hehe)
[image ID: a sketched headshot of a salivating cat/dragon hybrid. It has swirling horns and lots of fluff, and it holds its paws close to its face. /end ID]
:D oh I like the lazy eye tbh, it gives the character a lot of... well character ^_^
Also find it fascinating how the mind seems to fill in the gaps you left so seamlessly (like the body).
Right? Sometimes I worry about how to line a section of drawing, but sometimes your brain fills it in well enough ^_^
This is one of my magnum opises (however you spell that) of unusual fursona species XP The idea popped into my head and now 30 minutes later we’ve here :D also wow jellyfish autonomy is weird (guess that’s what happens when you have like no organs)
[Image ID: A blocky drawing of an anthro jellyfish with large shiny cartoon eyes looking to the side, waving.
She has a multicoloured but mainly yellow head; the middle pink fluffy oral arms form 2 digigrade legs; 4 yellow, wiggly ,thicker tentacles have paws at the ends and wispier yellow tentacles surround her. The background is solid blue with many colourful bubbles. /end ID]
Damn Ves :* that one's so trippy! Did you use any specific species as inspiration (like the Mauve Stinger, Pelagia noctiluca ) ? The body did confuse me at first XP but then I realised "wait, some do have that!"
Love the idea and the way you portraited it Ves :D the many thin arms give me tingly feelings
Thank you ^_^! I kinda had species like the Pacific sea nettle (Chrysaora fuscescens) in mind while drawing, but ooo the Mauve Stinger looks so much like her :o!
Here's one of the most persona-fursonas I’ve drawn - Juniper ^_^! Xe got that autism stare for good luck hehe
[image ID: a plus-size, blonde, anthro cat with a neutral expression looking to the side.
Xe has long darker blonde hair, white handpaws, a bushy tail and tufts of hair on xir chest and stomach. /end ID]
Omg xe look so cool !! Your art is so stylized it looks like every line has emotion :o :o
Totally :D they seem to pop out of the drawing! And the backgrounds add this expressive yet psychedelic layer.
quite different from the other stuff I put here but I’ve been doing some hand-sewing recently and thought I’d show off the little guy I made!
I’m not tooo sure what the fabric is but in one direction the thread is white, and in the other is green so it almost has a shiny quality :D (tho the compression on the pics makes the colours look really weird lol)
Made the pattern myself and woof is patterning rounded shapes rough, did the whole plastic wrap tape thing and then iterated a million times. x_x
the seams next to the middle one are darts, and everything was done with a straight stitch with a blanket stitch to finish the seams! (not sure if that is a good stitch for seams but this fabric frays so much, and there was no way I was doing a zigzag stitch by hand T_T (+blanket stitch is my favourite!)
the ladder stitch I used to finally close it up (on the side I didn’t take a picture of) ended up a little atrocious hehe but for my first time I’m pretty pleased !
(It was originally meant to be a gift for a friend but it became a comfort item to me within like a day >.> <.<, kinda wish I put like a beanbag or something in it)
[image ID: various angles of a round-bean like plushie made out of green canvas fabric. It has 2 large black beady safety eyes and no other features /end ID]
:D awww I can understand why you opted on keeping the little fellow! XD Came out great! Were you thinking snake, frog or was there no clear species in mind? ^_^
And tell me about it! Sewing is haaaard. Im impressed you hand sew it :D that takes skill and patience
Doing art fight for the first time this year so I’ve finally been motivated to make Iso a proper reference and fullbody design :D woodlice r so cool. Kinda with I was better at giving ocs patterns lol, all mine are like 2 colour max.
[Image ID: A reference image with 2 fullbody drawings; the front and back of an anthropomorphic green woodlouse, with a yellow front.
Doodles of woodlice and stars surround her, and text bullet points read:
~Based of common rough/common shiny woodlouse
~Friend shaped
~Some cat features
~Paws on first couple arms and on legs
~7 sets of limbs (doesn’t super matter)
~Can't conglobulate :(
/end ID]
Ahhh!! That's so cool and the ref sheet is so good !!
aaa thank you L1am! :D
:D once again fantastic Ves! Now the fan art can finally commence! ^_^
The design is so unique! I love how you gave the little isopods so much cute character; they really are adorable! :3
Thank you wuff :D!
And I’ve just realised (as of yesterday) it’s official a year since I joined TFF! ^_^
A little doodle to celebrate :3
[Image ID: A doodle of Beewee, an anthro cat, and Iso, an anthro isopod, smiling holding a cake with a “1” candle on top, colourful confetti surrounds them. /end ID]
Jee :D I love how Iso is more of the friendly smiley sort and Beewee seems to constantly stare into the void. It's super likable.
Good on you Ves!
I adore the little effects you put on pictures! Really always great to see your art, Ves X3
aww thank you ^_^ !!
not been making much art recently (my poor ipad's storage finally gave up and the thing gets stuck in boot loop :( )
been learning to use krita and a graphics tablet and ive been making loads of little web graphics :D!
(praying the hotlinks work lol)
That's unfortunate *hugs*
I really like the pixel banner art tho! It has a unique character that you don't really see nowadays. ^_^
Oh, lovely :D I still dabble in buttons & banners from time to time, it's been really fun to see the revival in that sort of thing; it had a sort of come-around with DeviantArt stamps in 2012, then disappeared again, so it's really good to see it come back around with more people using sites like Neocities, the Geocities clone.
Maybe you'd find interesting my glitter tutorial? ( :? I'm thinking of making one for putting a nice 'gleam' animation on web buttons, too - but it's hard to find people who are still interested in making blinkies, banners, glitters, and buttons XD
Yours I must say again, are fantastic~ I really do love them!
Krita is my favorite drawing software! I hope you've been liking it :33 ALSO the graphics look so cool!! I especially love the Sam & Max one ^_^
you're just such a great artist Ves ;w; I'm glad you're finding ways to keep being creative despite the limitations you're facing! Those Banners are so crazy neat :D the sort of banners you'd see back in the day and know "oooh crap, this user's the real deal!"