The Furry Forums

Furry Chat => General => Forum Games => Topic started by: anoni on November 02, 2023, 10:14:25 AM

Title: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: anoni on November 02, 2023, 10:14:25 AM
Ask and Answer is dead, LONG LIVE ASK AND ANSWER!

We may get threads unlocked but for now, we can always just revive them manually. The concept of this game is simple, you answer the question from the post above you, and ask a question to the poster below you.


"P1: "What's your favourite colour"

P2: "Red, What's your favourite number?"

P1: "252, what's your fondest memory?"


So first question:

What's your favourite Forum Game?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on November 02, 2023, 07:13:50 PM
My favourite active forum game, must be 'the last poster wins!' But I've been meaning to revive one of those Versus games, where each person adds or removes from the count depending on which team they support, and it's first to 50. What's your favourite of breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on November 03, 2023, 02:44:05 AM
Breakfast for me is simple, just a warm toasted jalapeno cheese bagel with some sour cream  and avocado slices.
Lunch can be any quick sandwich, with extra blue cheese dressing and bacon.
Dinner, meatloaf my top favorite, since I'm a carnivore.

Do you like Cheesecake?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: anoni on November 03, 2023, 02:28:39 PM
Ehhhhh, cheesecake is kinda meh for me. I like cake, and I like cheese, but when you add them together it's just an unusual taste.

There is a button that gives you $100,000 every time you press it, but once person randomly dies (it could be anyone you know, including you, but very much more likely to be someone you'll never meet). How many times do you press the button?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on November 03, 2023, 02:51:02 PM
That's a tough one for sure, as much as I want to say thousands of times, I'm  very pacifist,  and caring... so the answer, truthfully maybe 3 or so times a year.

If you could suddenly be transported to any planet, which one would you choose to visit?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on November 03, 2023, 06:20:06 PM
I think Jupiter  ^_^, went to some stem school thing and there were a few astronomists there who were studying and talking about Jupiter. I don’t remember much of what they said but it seems so interesting and we know so much yet so little about it. And it has so many moons! (This is of course ignoring how terribly deadly that planet is)

What’s your favourite hot drink?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on November 03, 2023, 06:39:58 PM
For me, its the Japanese imported 'Green Tea', it comes in powdered form, and mixes with hot water, perfect for any occasion.

If you could travel anywhere outside your own country, where would you visit?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: FishyWillBite on November 11, 2023, 02:26:29 AM
Africa! What's 56 times 7 divided by 4 to the sixth power plus -20?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: anoni on November 15, 2023, 10:03:08 AM
Not easily done in my head but I'm gonna try (no calculator!)

56 * 7 = 7*6 + 50*7 = 42 + 350 = 392
392 / 4 = (400/4) - (8/4) = 98

Now the hard part, 98^6.

98 * 98 = 8 * 8 + 2*90*8 + 90 * 90 = 64 + 1440 + 8100 = 9604
9604 * 9604 (98^4) = (9000 + 600 + 4) * (9000 + 600 + 4) = 9000*9000 + 9000*600 + 9000*4 + 600*9000 + 600*600 + 600*4 + 4*9000 + 4*600 + 4*4 = 9000*9000 + 600*600 + 4*4 + 2*(9000*4 + 600*9000 + 600*4)
= 81,000,000 + 360,000 + 16 + 2*(36,000 + 5,400,000 + 2,400) = 81,360,016 + 10,876,800 = 92,236,816

Last one

92,236,816 * 9604 = 6*9,604 + 10*9,604 + 100*8*9604 + 1,000*6*9,604 + 10,000*3*9,604 + 100,000*2*9,604 + 1,000,000*2*9,604 + 10,000,000*9*9604
= 57,624 + 96,040 + 7,683,200 + 57,624,000 + 288,120,000 + 1,920,800,000 + 19,208,000,000 + 864,360,000,000
= 153,664 + 65,307,200 + 2,208,920,000 + 883,568,000,000
= 65,460,864 + 885,776,920,000
= 885,842,380,864

Finally we have

885,842,380,864 - 20 = 885,842,380,844

Thus the answer is 885,842,380,844

Checked on Google and this is correct, phew, so many numbers, so much double checking.

Do you like math?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on November 15, 2023, 04:15:35 PM
No, I failed math, well just barely passed with the lowest possible grade. I was never interested in math (I'm way more into astronomy, geology, and especially Geography)

Do you like the cold weather?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on November 17, 2023, 06:34:26 PM
Depends on how I’m feeling that day, sometimes all I want to do be properly feel all the cold in my body, and wear only a shirt and shorts when it’s like 0°C (32°F)
But when I’m having a bad day all I want to be completely bundled up  ^_^

If you could be transported to any media’s universe (movies games etc) , what would it be?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on November 18, 2023, 01:24:18 AM
To Arlen, Texas, a made up town where the fictional propane salesmen lives, and would be funny  to hear him rant about everything.

If you could meet a celebrity, who would it be?
doesn't count if you met one, then pick another.
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on December 17, 2023, 07:45:20 PM
Oo thats a tough one, i dont know many celebraties. If they still count, i'd want to meet some of the big fursuit creators and ask them a million questions on how they do things!

When did you get into furry and how? 
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on December 17, 2023, 09:11:27 PM
I've been orbiting around it for quite some time  :) I think pokemon must've been one of the earliest that introduced me to an art-centric fandom. Not sure if Sonic counts, but that too was a big part of my early years. When exactly is hard for me to say, but joining these forums was one of the bigger recent steps I've taken in embracing my love for the fandom, despite it's sometimes less favourable reputation online.

Where you ever mocked for being into furry stuff?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on December 17, 2023, 11:02:22 PM
Hmm I’m not “out” to a lot of people about being into furry stuff - the worst I get from thw few friends I have told is just silly banter and teasing  ^_^ Though they’re all queer so they’re pretty chill with most stuff. :)

Sadly though, being a secondary school student I do overhear some pretty nasty stuff when people talk about furries- and people using it as like a base insult - hopefully those people do grow up  >.>

Question: If you could learn any instrument, no matter the cost or difficulty, what would it be?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on December 18, 2023, 01:13:13 AM
Even if it's not a typical 'metal instrument', would say a trumpet.  It looks fun after all, and seems to be the easiest to play national anthems compared to most instruments.
My other choice would be the full set of drums, since I have gotten experience with them.
My third would be a torupill, which is an Estonian bagpipe like instrument

if you could own an exotic wild animal as a living companion or 'pet' which would you choose?
obviously domesticated animals and livestock don't  count.
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on December 18, 2023, 05:07:31 PM
Uff that's a good one. I think I'd go with a Shoebill. I still vividly remember my first encounter at a Zoo with one and was fascinated by it's oddity and grace. Such a beautiful creature.

Are you a morning shower person or an evening shower person?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on December 18, 2023, 06:53:22 PM
Late, late evening shower-er (sometimes so late it ends up being morning hehe  XD )  Partly executive dysfunction, partly because it’s nice being able to just go to sleep and wake up feeling clean

What is your favourite breed of dog and why?  ^_^
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on December 18, 2023, 09:07:13 PM
Dobermann  :D I grew up with two of them and my family later had one more.

What snacks do you prefer, salty or sweet?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on December 19, 2023, 02:02:55 AM
I know I shouldn't admit it while saying to all that I have diabetes, but Sweet for me, it's how I got it in the first place.
I never liked too much salt.

Have you ever fallen asleep while being on hold on the telephone?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on December 19, 2023, 11:05:10 PM
Hmm don’t think so - haven’t had many times when I was on a call with a hold.

What is or favourite (or just a one you really like) music album and why?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on December 20, 2023, 12:24:43 AM
My favorite album is "Seasons in the Abyss" by the thrash metal band Slayer, it's been my favorite since I was 15 years old, and to this day I love every single song, it's hard to pick one to start with, and impossible to skip any song, so I just keep it on random and repeat.
It's the fast, raw, aggressive nature of the album, the fast solos, that wake me up in an instant, and get me to doing things. "Seasons in the Abyss" even if its the name of the album, it's also  the name of the last song, really love how the lyrics and the music goes together, and such an awesome chorus to start the day with.
"Skeletons of Society", "Dead Skin Mask", and "War Ensemble" are some of the fast and aggressive songs to get the day started, or any of those 'boring slow days' just go away instantly.

related to music, is there a cover song you love more than the original song?
and of course only counts if you listened to both the original and cover.  If you haven't, then listen to the original before posting your answer.
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on December 22, 2023, 05:36:34 PM
Hmmh this one's a hard one for me. I was thinking of Nirvana's cover of the Vaseline's "Son of a Gun", but the original chorus is sooooo good!  :*

I'd probably have to go with "Love Buzz" originally by Shocking Blue. The vocalist has such a great voice but the Nirvana version has such a raw and chaotic punch to it that I can't deny loving it more.

Q: do you prefer colder or warmer climate/weather?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on December 23, 2023, 12:30:22 AM
Hm I think colder - hot weather can be really overwhelming and overstimulatimg, and it’s a lot easier to bundle up than try stay cool  ^_^

Question: If you went on any, did you enjoy going on school trips at school?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on December 23, 2023, 12:42:43 AM
I prefer the colder weather to be honest.
If it gets too cold, I can wrap up myself in jackets and pants, or in bed bundle up with extra blankets to retain body heat, and at least to me my two  cats help three keep me warm, and with my own body heat I help to keep them warm too.
What I don't like about the heat is that when it's too hot, its hard to relax, or cool down  and the cats don't want to be next to me.

Had you ever had a bad experience at a restaurant?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on December 23, 2023, 10:03:41 AM
@Ves: I'm tying to think if there were any school trips I liked. There were highs and lows, often felt a bit forced though... ah! Does staying for a week in Montpelier, France to learn French with the class count  ^_^ ? That one has treasured memories.

@Firox: oh countless, especially when I was young I disliked the long sitting around and talking the grown ups would partake, forcing me to be still and quiet for such a long time.
Later I guess a bad experience was in a French restaurant. I didnt understand the menu, but the word "Escargot" sounded familiar, so I ordered that. The sauce was great but I constantly had to think of all the Snails I "befriended" and saved from being stomped by placing them in the foliage away from the walk way.....

Q: Where did you experience your favourite holiday trip?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Firox on December 23, 2023, 10:50:23 AM
The most memorable one for me was in 1990 when my grandma and I lived in Mexico.
Of course back then I was too young, and played a lot,  so that meant extra presents and candies.  Holiday is taken very seriously in Mexico.
Got presents on my birthday, got presents on Christmas, and even got presents on January 5th on Children's day, or in Spanish called 'Dia de los Santos reyes' which translates to 'Day of the Saint Kings'  where in culture you put a shoe in the window, along with a small note  on what presents you likes, and if you where nice all year, the present would come true. Or so the legend goes.
I learned it was just our parents  replacing the note with the wanted gifts or money.  *giggles*

Have you ever stopped eating or drinking something you loved?
kind of related to it when learning that it was unhealthy for your body.
(if curious, for me it was regular Coca-Cola soda once I learned how much sugar it had, and main reason I got sick with Diabetes, especially when i drank about an entire 12 pack a day. Yes, it's true.)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on December 26, 2023, 11:15:54 PM
Yeah I too stopped drinking regular coke as well - though for me I saw those videos of people boiling it down into black syrup and I realised I should probably stop. Now I just drink Diet Coke which probably isn’t too much better but oh well :P

Question: what would your dream fursuit be like?  ^_^ (and if you wouldn’t ever want one, then just what’s a fursuit you think would be cool?)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: anoni on January 11, 2024, 11:18:45 AM
My dream fursuit is the one I have! It looks really good, everytime I wear it people compliment me :3

If you're not in uni/college, what major would you want to study? If you are studying or have graduated, what's a different major you'd want to study?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on January 11, 2024, 01:59:09 PM
Hmmh~ I'd probably fancy either music or philosophy. At the moment leaning more towards philosophy.  ^_^

Q: When do you normally go to bed and normally get up?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: anoni on January 14, 2024, 03:01:49 PM
On a workday I go to bed at 11-1 and wake up at 8-10 depending on what meetings I have on that day.

On a weekend I got to bed at 4am, and wake up at 12, I'm a bit of a nightowl.

What's something good that's happened to you today?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on January 14, 2024, 08:25:58 PM
Hmmh~ a lot of needed sleep and chance to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion  :) nothing too eventful.

Q: What kind of social interactions do you prefer most (e.g. going out to a bar, team sports, group projects like a band, etc)?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on January 15, 2024, 03:09:52 AM
I’d say little spontaneous going into towns with a friend or two after school or something are the best  ^_^ Doesn’t have the pressure of large groups and doesn’t have the pressure that you’re going to do anything big

question: what is your favourite holiday and why?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on January 17, 2024, 05:03:35 PM
I think it must be easter  ^_^ you can be outside a lot more than in Christmas. Though I do like the coziness of Christmas.

Q: if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you like to be?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on January 17, 2024, 11:15:55 PM
It’s freezing right now in England, and I can’t decide if I’d rather be somewhere nice and warm, or just dive right right into somewhere with hugeeee layers of snow  ^_^

Question: if you had to have an uncommon superpower (no flying, invisibility etc) what would it be?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: anoni on January 18, 2024, 10:46:43 AM
An uncommon superpower ay, I wonder what classifies as uncommon...

The ability to create save points, I think that's uncommon and would be such a useful superpower, you don't know whether something would be good, just make a save point and reload if things go wrong.

You can go back in time and be born again with all your current knowledge and memories, but you will die at the age of 45, do you accept this deal?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on January 18, 2024, 01:39:10 PM
Naaaah! I'm only 25 - my life's only just starting! Plus, i'm in a really good spot right now  :3 see, if I were older, I'd probably say yes... But, seeing as most of my friends in their late 30's and 40's tell me that life doesn't begin until I hit my 30's ... Ahaha, I think I'll keep at it.

What was the best day you've ever had?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on February 08, 2024, 07:21:14 PM
I've honestly been pondering this one for ages  :squint: hoping someone else would answer it  XD like "c'mon Ves, do us a solid one will ya". It's a tough one because there are so many fantastic days ( :D thanks for making me think about them), but alas, today my friends... today I saw the Knuckles show trailer bevor ZaraRa did! Quite frankly my friends I felt blessed. Like Gabriel himself came down from heaven and sang the Evangelium to me  <3 oh and the trailer itself was pretty good as well, not too shabby.


What was the most liberating moment of your life?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on February 08, 2024, 07:29:05 PM
ehe gotta say I was waiting too- it’s a toughie  :P also THERES GONNA BE A KNUCKLES SERIES??

Anyway anyway I’ve gotta say getting a binder  ^_^! Liberating being able to express my body and also I just like wearing it, kinda like a compression blanket but a vest :D I’ve got a nice coral colour one

Question: do have any type of collection (rocks, figures, etc)?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on February 08, 2024, 09:13:27 PM
Oh  :D do they also help with keeping posture Ves?

I have quite a few hats  :) and quite a few instruments (mostly string instruments) but sadly lack the space for expanding them further. Music stores are currently prohibited for me because I get weak easily    XD

Q: what was your first console game (if any)?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on February 10, 2024, 02:32:21 PM
It probably makes my posture worse cuz they quite uncomfortable just by the nature of them but oh well :p

Hmm I didn’t grow up in a console household really hehe, so expect for the mii creator on the wii, I’ve got to say my first time properly playing a console game was Cuphead on the Xbox One  ^_^! (Still the only game on that machine,, except forms horizon which came free with it)

If you could have any exotic animal as a pet, what would it be and why? (ignoring laws and all that
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on March 04, 2024, 09:34:29 AM
I'm on the fence on this one  X3 perhaps a Fox, Dingo or a Red Panda  ^_^ I guess I'm a bit boring  XD

Q: What is one of your proudest moments (in regards to yourself) that you can think of, off the top of your head?  ^_^
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on March 23, 2024, 07:10:24 PM
Hm first thing I thought of was in year 9, me finally getting the hangman game I made in python to finally work  ^_^

Question: what’s one hobby you’ve wanted to get into but haven’t ? (cuz money, time whatever)   
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on March 24, 2024, 11:58:22 AM
Hmmh probably visual art, maybe with a hint of story telling (like manga, heck, animation would be cool too!) But I havent made the time for it and feel a bit overwhelmed. Especially since I have music too!

Q: What would be your "dream job"  :) ?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Lucas Mutter on April 19, 2024, 06:34:09 PM
The military combat medic. Let the enemy hunt me down while I help those hurt.

My Question: You got a job at DiScOrD because your friend got you that job. But you're a mod... what is to be left of your friend? (btw, pay is about 20 USD an hour)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: L1am on April 22, 2024, 03:48:29 PM
I get myself a discord kitten  >:3  /j

Q: What is your favorite texture?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Lucas Mutter on April 23, 2024, 05:54:44 PM

My Question: What do you consider "just", "fair", and "not-just"
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on September 16, 2024, 06:06:45 PM
On a wider concept? Something that is just, it's clinical and moral-based (to which; who decides what is moral?) - it's a discussion of ethics that is then imparted, well, justly. Something that is fair, it is to the books; it tries to seperate itself from bias. Something that is unjust, is the opposite of just.
What is something that is Just, Fair, and Not-Just, to me?! Well... Just is where I get two cookies, because I've earned two, and I can choose to share one. Fair is when I get two and I am asked to share one. Unjust is when they give me no cookies  D: (I would have shared!)

Question tax;
What is your favourite kind of gathering? (I.E coffee shop with a friend, house party, BBQ)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Wuff-Wuff on September 23, 2024, 01:33:59 PM
Hmmmhhmmh I do miss going to cons, but I think a good house party :3 as long as it's not at my house xD (I do help cleaning up, I swear! It's somehow different when helping others than having to do it for myself!)

Question: What's your favourite thing to ask about at gatherings? Hobbies, feelings, politics?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on September 23, 2024, 07:16:08 PM
I love the good ole catch-up; "How have you been? What have you been up to? NO, REALLY TELL ME" -- the highs, the lows, and then how that b'starding work has been treating ya! Having a bit of a moan, then waxing lyrical about what we've all accomplished  XP

Question tax;
What was your favourite toy when you were a kid?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: Ves on September 26, 2024, 10:11:11 PM
hmmm this is a though one - got to say the big stuffed animial hedgehog I had! Think i called her Fudge or Toffee or something all my brown toys had the same few names =w= would take her everywhere especially when travelling, made for a very good pillow and for very good hugs  :3!

question: whats a hobby you've wanted to get into but for whatever reason haven't?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on September 27, 2024, 12:37:56 AM
Drawing. I used to doodle stuff all the time when I was a kid, but I was never really interested enough (or "skilled" enough according to me at the time) to try doing it in my spare time. I've always wanted to though, just not enough to take it seriously I guess. Maybe I'll try it when I have a large chunk of time to spare (like winter or summer break), and maybe I'll finally learn how to draw 3d shapes and faces!  ^_^

Question: What's your least favorite thing that you do and can stop, but just don't for whatever reason?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on September 27, 2024, 07:55:58 AM
Humm... That's a toughie! I've got a pretty good handle on the things that I do - if I don't like it, I'll do it because I have to - and if I don't have to - I'll cut it out pretty quickly! I don't even bite my nails, or suck my thumb anymore. I have problems sleeping at night on my own (partner is visiting family for a while, so I'm on my own) -- but I would stop that, if I could  XD
So... Maybe I'd have to say listening to my music too loud! I currently have it blaring in my ears at quite a volume... But it's such bangers! I'm listening to 'Kilroy Was Here' by Styx . . . Domo arigatto, Mr. Robotto! What a fun concept album it is.

Question tax; What is something that you do that makes you happy, that you ought to do more? (Maybe right after replying to this? Especially if it is something like having a fancy cup of tea, or cooking a delicious meal.)

Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on September 27, 2024, 11:17:06 PM
Playing beta versions of Minecraft. I don't take much time to truly relax anymore, and they're so nostalgic and relaxing, it's a perfect way to wind down after a long day...  ^_^

Question: What piece(s) of media have you seen/experienced that are so bad, that they're actually good (or at the very least enjoyably funny)?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on September 29, 2024, 07:40:57 PM
Ooh! I used to enjoy watching a lot of low-budget movies, just to point and laugh. But I found a lot of them are quite earnest.. I'm bad at this one! I have a very high tolerance for cheese and low-budgets, being raised on 90's cartoons and comics  >.> XD
Oh, but I do always love watching MST3K -- whatever those boys are heckling, it's always a riot! That is -- MST3K is gold, and the movies they pick apart are so bad they're good - or, half of the time, they're just straight-up horrible movies, and it's the commentary that makes it  XD

Question tax; Have you ever been to see an orchestra?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on September 29, 2024, 08:48:36 PM
The orchestra class (or whatever it was called) would sometimes play stuff at school assemblies. Does that count? :)

Question: What's the most annoying song that has ever been stuck in your head?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on September 29, 2024, 09:16:48 PM
... Damn your eyes... OH MY WORD THIS SONG IS ANNOYING, YES I KNOW IT'S REALLY ANNOYING, I CAN'T GET THIS SONG OUT OF MY HE-EAD! -- And now it's stuck in my head!

Ugh.. I remember when that came out...  :facepaw: But I love it so much!

Question tax; What is your favourite strip comic? I.E Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, Garfield

Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on September 29, 2024, 09:47:02 PM
I'm so sorry I got that song stuck in your head again, but it's definitely got personality.

Anyway, I don't read much strip comics, but I've always found Garfield funny.  ^_^

Question: What's your favorite horror game?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on September 29, 2024, 10:07:42 PM
Humm, I don't play a lot of horror! I liked Oxenfree - it was inspired by Twin Peaks, which I had really enjoyed watching. I suppose that's not really horror, is it?  :? mystery-horror-drama, Wikipedia suggests. I ought to play more horror games!

Question tax; what's your favourite platformer game? 2D or 3D  :3
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on September 29, 2024, 10:21:22 PM
I'm really enjoying Mega Man 2 in all honesty! ^_^ Though, I also really like Geometry Dash (as annoying as it can be).

Question: What's your least favorite word?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on September 30, 2024, 11:58:14 AM
I really... REALLY... Don't like the word 'turd'. Whenever my American friends say it, I just can't  9_9 I mean - it's a nasty thing - but it's a nasty word for a nasty thing!

(Also yay! Mega Man 2 is great, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Ha - I used to like Geometry Dash)

Question Tax; What's your favourite kind of tea? If you don't drink tea - what's your favourite hot drink otherwise?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on September 30, 2024, 08:06:01 PM
I only drink tea when I'm sick, so I don't remember the name of it, but I think it's a (rose?) flavor that I really like. Otherwise, my favorite hot drink is definitely hot chocolate. ^_^

Question: What's your 2nd favorite type of drink?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 01, 2024, 02:24:52 PM
Second favourite, huh? Ooh, let me think.. Probably a lemonade! That is, sort of like the kind like 'Sprite', but without the lime - I LOVE R. Whites lemonade! But it's not my AAAABSOLUTE favourite.
(Tea with rose is delicious! I need to track some down, now that I have access to a nice indie tea blend place)

Question tax; what's your favourite kind of cake?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 02, 2024, 12:31:22 AM
Ice cream cake, more specifically Dairy Queen cake. I know that their cakes don't legally classify as ice cream, but I refuse to call them "ice milk" cakes. T_T

Question: What is your favorite space object/phenomenon?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 02, 2024, 01:34:18 AM
What a good question! Right now, I'm a huge fan of JUICE (ESA's Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer) - which has a painting of Sonic the Hedgehog on the side of it! Talk about Juice & Jam Time... (

Question tax; What's your favourite thing in the Ocean?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: L1am on October 02, 2024, 01:41:39 AM
I like so much stuff in the ocean buuut I think I might have to say the Pelican Eel. It just looks so silly, I love them!

Question: Whats your favorite carbonated beverage?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 02, 2024, 01:58:22 AM
It's gotta be that R. Whites I just talked about! That, or, I absolutely -adore- apple Tango. It's fantastic! Perhaps ginger beer? Lots of good fizzies! I quite enjoy Tizzer, and Dr. Pepper...  <3

Question Tax; Do you actually use a computer mouse in your day-to-day life?  :? It's something interesting that had come up in a discussion elsewhere.. Do you? I do!
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: L1am on October 02, 2024, 02:01:47 AM
Yeah, I use my gaming pc practically everyday(not for gaming XP )Outside of using my computer though, no.

Question: What is the WORST movie you've ever watched?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 02, 2024, 02:17:17 AM
Oh my god... I was just talking about it - the 2004 version of "5 Children & It" -- HATE! HATRED! NO!!! HAVE MERCY ON ME!!!  D: D: D: I HATE 5 CHILDREN & IT! I hate 'it'!!! I haven't seen it in years - I did not like it one bit!

Question Tax; what's the BEST movie you've watched?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: L1am on October 02, 2024, 02:33:30 AM
OH now this is a difficult question! I know my favorite movie but what is the BEST movie?
After consulting my ratings list on IMDB the one that has the highest rating(in general) is The Dark Knight. (I definitely know the worst movie Ive ever watched though lol)

Question: Have you ever been to any countries aside from your own?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 02, 2024, 01:19:11 PM
Let's see.. I've been to a few, by now! I've been to...
France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Wales, and Scotland . . . If we count Wales and Scotland, that is! And soon, I'll be going to Spain, and perhaps even the United States... And we're thinking of planning a trip to Berlin  <3
By far, the Netherlands was my favourite.

Question Tax; what's the longest you've been on one vehicle?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: L1am on October 02, 2024, 03:00:18 PM
I'm not too sure tbh, I don't really know the longest one off drive I've been on but the longest road trip I've been on has been going from Minnesota, to the Redwood State Park in California, up to Seattle and back. Google maps says the whole route is like 72 hours but I'm sure that's without stopping, it took us about 1 1/2 weeks of mostly driving lol. We barely stopped anywhere at all in Washington.

Question: What's the best food you've ever eaten?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 02, 2024, 06:29:19 PM
It was a store-bought pea & ham soup I had eaten one night when I was rather drunk, and playing Octo Expansion for the first time . . . I chase the high of that pea & ham soup every day. It was the perfect temperature, saltiness, heat - the ham was plentiful, and in these large cubes, and it was just DELICIOUS! I've been scared to eat it ever since; though I had some a year prior right outside of the Rjiks Museum in Amsterdam... I think I just really like pea & ham soup (though the alcohol helped, I'm sure)  :3

Question Tax; what is your favourite pastry?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: L1am on October 02, 2024, 09:30:18 PM
If pies are considered a pastry then pies, specifically Pumpkin pies. Though I do like all sorts of pies, Pumpkin just hits different. Last year I had a birthday pie instead of a cake(i did have a cake for those who wanted one) it was banger !
If pies aren't considered a pastry theeen... hmmm... im really not sure? I'm not too passionate about any pastries then ig.

Question: What was your favorite high school subject?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 02, 2024, 10:33:40 PM
Humm, I suppose I'll answer secondary-school, which was age 11-15 for me, because otherwise it'd be college, and that was a bunch of Animal Management subjects -laugh-
Let me think back... Wind the clock back a good decade  @.@ I used to adore ICT! That's Information and Communications Technology, in case it's not a global acronym - just learning how to use a computer and phones and the likes, for a whole hour  :3 I liked having my own homepage the most. I still keep up a homepage based on it. I also really loved learning how to work spreadsheets! I adore spreadsheets. I'm actually distraught, because I had a mug that said 'I (heart) spreadsheets' - but it had started leaking tea recently out of the side  :'( so no more funny and appropriate mug.

Question tax; What is your favourite hobby?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 02, 2024, 11:58:55 PM
That's a difficult question to answer. I'm extremely interested in reading academic stuff (political theory, science books, etc) but struggle with actually doing it since I don't enjoy the process of reading (ADHD brain I think). That being said, I really enjoy playing video games but don't usually feel very good after playing them since I feel like I've wasted time (especially when I'm procrastinating). It's difficult for me to pick either reading or video games as such.  :S

Question: Favorite piece of computer software?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 03, 2024, 04:38:14 PM
STIKZAP!! I feel like it comes at a surprise to nobody that one of my favourite things is to mess with my robots. Well, this one is computer software that muddles with your CLIÉ (handheld PDA) to let you access hidden files on your AiBO (Artificial intelligent bot/also means 'friend'  <3 ) models ERS-110, ERS-210, ERS-31x, or ERS-7 -- I have an ERS-210 and an ERS-311 model myself. Using this, you can back-up and otherwise upload software you have the license for to Memory Sticks for use in your AiBO robot - there have been some fun community-made software, as well  ^_^

Question Tax; What is your favourite robot? Fictional or IRL
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 04, 2024, 01:41:29 AM
GLaDoS from the video game series Portal. She's so quirky and brutally honest lol. Some of her insults are pretty funny too!  ^_^

Question: How do you feel about people being sarcastic towards you?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 04, 2024, 11:54:10 AM
I'm British - it's practically all we do!  XD I was going to try to distinguish between 'joking' and 'mean-spirited', but I think sarcasm is just how we communicate. Isn't that nice?   :P Somebody had tried to sarcastically and dryly insult me yesterday, but honestly, it was so on the nose that I just burst out laughing. Damn!! They got me good! ["Wow, a Tezuka fan nicknamed Puppy, how original."] - You know how it is - There's a damn lot of furries who latched onto Tezuka's works, and a lot of us especially in 2015 started taking those cutesy nicknames like 'Puppy' or 'Pupz' or 'Puppi' - To which, a lot of my friends call me Puppy (rhymes with my partner's name!) - I couldn't even be mad, that's pretty funny  XD like, DAMN!!! You got me! AND you were sarcastic about it! A* delivery.

Question tax; What is your favourite snack from the supermarket?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 08, 2024, 12:20:08 AM
hhmmm... I guess if you count noodles in a coup as a snack. ^_^ I'm a big fan of Tonkotsu Ramen in particular.  :)

Question: What's your least favorite food?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 08, 2024, 01:06:25 PM
Least favourite.. Hooo! That's easy - I have a war on konjac -- If you could even call it 'food'! It's mostly indigestible - no better than eating plastic. 0 fat, almost 0 calories - because there's nothing in it for ruddy human consumption! Okay, okay so it does have a few calories... But I hate it! For a while, I ate konjac noodles, because they were quick to prepare - sure, it was a 'weight loss' food, but I thought it would at least have some grit to it, but no! Because there's no nutritional value in the bloody stuff! I found myself getting dizzy come the late afternoon - because what I thought was a nutritious and hearty lunch, was basically like eating thick air! OOH, I HATE KONJAC!
Well... I suppose it's alright for sweeties and as thickeners - but I am so OVER this nothing-fodder being marketed as a 'healthy' alternative.. YEAH, AN ALTERNATIVE TO EATING ACTUAL FOOD! No better than having people take laxatives for their 'diet'. I think it's shocking what they'll sell, it's downright predatory. 'Weight loss' indeed.  :squint: I haaaate konjac.

Question tax; What's a one-sided low-stakes war you've waged on something?  :P
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 08, 2024, 11:45:21 PM
My war against most types of fruit. I'm not allergic or anything, I just REALLY don't like them. Just smelling them makes me feel like I'm about to vomit for some reason!  :| I have made my family put fruits in separate parts of the fridge, not let them leave any out, and more all because "bad smeeeelll, ew!".  >:(

Question: What's your favorite genre(s) of media?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 09, 2024, 10:32:19 AM
Media as a whole? Ooh! I'd have to say that I really enjoy Sci-Fi; specifically leaning towards robots. If you couldn't tell with all of the... Archie Sonic, Astro Boy, Mega Man, Casshern (one of these things is not like the other onesss) ... That sort of thing, I find it captures my attention  :) Anything robots, mecha, but especially I've found myself interested in the adult animation angle lately. I'm also a hu-u-uge fan of Majoshojou - which I feel like might be out-of-the-blue with my other pick - but I can't help it! I had finally watched Cardcaptor Sakura with my partner this year, and I can't believe I was missing out. L.O.L - that and I've been watching re-re-re-runs of Red Dwarf lately!  XD

Question tax; What genres of media do you not like?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 09, 2024, 11:39:53 PM
I don't dislike any genres per say, but I'm not super into crime stuff personally :/ (with some exceptions, like Scooby-Doo).

Question: What's the worst book(s) you've ever read?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 13, 2024, 07:21:47 PM
Cor... I've got one on the go about theory on future and current relations with Robots, and I must say - it is bloody AWFUL! The author is completely barking up the wrong tree - and worse than that, I can trace all of their arguments back to popular Social Media posts.. I swear.. How many times she mentions various teachers of robotics at Manchester University - but only their Youtube Videos, not -- You know --- CALLING THEM UP AND TALKING TO THEM?! It's the worst researched thing I have ever seen in my LIFE! And to think, I was looking forwards to hearing a thoroughly researched and thought-out argument against AGI (something that we will never have in our lifetime - or probably EVER -- Which Author didn't seem to quite grasp... No, the author didn't know any of the words for anything they were talking about.. It was so disappointing. They did little to no research on the opposing arguments -- In fact, I reckon they mightn't have even done enough research to know that there WAS an opposing side!) -- It's just silliness all around. It's just awful, under-researched, biased slop that appears to be an extrapolation of a twitter argument. I can't for the life of me work out how this got published as an actual paperback book that I was able to pick up at Blackwell's; I don't think the author is versed at all in the real-world applications of the things they were discussing. Urgh -- it was bloody awful!

Question tax; What's the best book(s) you've ever read?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 13, 2024, 10:44:34 PM
I admittingly haven't finished that many books due to how long I take to read (ADHD I'm guessing), but I'm really enjoying Lord of the Rings so far. It takes time to read it and I may struggle with understanding the way it's written, sure, but it's both entertaining and is filled with lots of lore to speculate about. Plus, it's probably helping quite a bit with my reading comprehension skills since it takes me a fair bit of effort to read and understand.  ^_^

Question: What's something that you struggle with but still enjoy and want to do more of?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 14, 2024, 01:30:21 PM
Reading... For the same reasons  :P
I have such a hard time sitting down - I'm the kind of ADHD who needs everything to be constant - which ends up being that I'm always juggling 5 things at once - then I have very little time to sit down and read when my brain isn't going "GO! GO! GO!" -- though I've finally started reading to wind down in the evenings.. Though that's a problem sometimes, when the book is so good - sometimes, I suddenly realise it's daylight!  XD

Question Tax; What's a skill you're learning outside of standard education? (I.E sports, foreign languages, or even something like biking or woodwork)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 14, 2024, 09:41:24 PM
Music production! ^_^ I love listening to a variety of music genres, and practicing digitally means I don't have to spend any additional money on it, so there's not really any barriers to me learning it. As for why I'm not learning anything about it in school, I guess I just prefer the freedom to just mess around in a DAW as oppose to having to learn how to play specific, already existing songs on the trombone or learn how to read sheet music.

Question: Have you ever played a musical instrument before? Why or why not?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 15, 2024, 12:38:00 PM
Oh lawd... Many! Guitar, Ukulele, drums, violin.. The ones I'm good at, though, are the keyboard, & the ocarina (yes, I'm one of those nerds  XD I've got a proper ceramic one.. It's a 12-hole C ocarina; but I'm looking into getting a different model, the 12-hole has the weakest sound) - I took lessons in learning how to play acoustic guitar, but my partner is much better than I am  XD oh, but we're looking into buying a nice electric guitar - my bear's into math rock and the stuff (I lean more nerd rock) and the music shop near us has got an electric guitar that supposedly is 'iconic' for math rock - so we're thinking about getting one like it  0:) then we'll see how well I am at playing guitar.. I'd like to get back into it!

(Ooh, music production! I'm trying to learn that sort of thing... Well, mostly remixing VGM. I'm not .. VERY good at it - but I'm having fun, and that's what counts!)

Question tax; What's your favourite time of the day ?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 16, 2024, 12:15:52 AM
Hmm... Maybe 5:15PM or so? After all, that's when I'm able to log onto this forum and talk to everyone on here!  ^_^ Also because that's when I eat a very late lunch...

Question: What's your favorite animal that isn't your pet?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 16, 2024, 04:48:18 PM
Favourite..? That's so difficult to choose! There used to be a lovely cat called Alfie who belonged to a friend who lived three houses down the road - he was the cuddliest most affectionate cat I'd ever known. Sometimes, if I saw him outside, I'd just go out and spend time with him  <3
Unfortunately, he got sick some 15 years ago - rest in peace, sweet Alfie. Most affectionate kitty-cat in the whole wide world.

Question tax; What's your favourite music/song/album that sounds 'bad' to everybody else/most people? XD
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 17, 2024, 01:14:51 AM
Dubstep and Brostep! I think that most people are off put by the intensity (or lack there of) of sounds or lack of consistency of patterns in the music, but not me! I'm not sure what it is, but I REALLY like some of the sounds those genres incorporate, and my ADHD brain probably loves how erratic they are.  ^_^

Some of my favorite Dubstep songs include Summer Dreams and Midnight Request Line by Skream! I also really like Burial's album "Untrue". Unfortunatly, there aren't really any artists that make original (some people call it "true") Dubstep anymore, mainly because of the rise of a sub-genre called Brostep (think Skrillex), so I'm usually left searching for OG Dubstep songs without much success...  :pout:

Speaking of which, some of my favorite Brostep songs include Virtual Riot's mashup titled "Idols", "Rock 'n' Roll (Will Take You to the Mountain)" by Skrillex and his remix of "What Is Light? Where Is Laughter?" by Twin Atlantic. Actually, most of the Brostep I listen to is by Skrillex pre-2012 (although I do listen to newer Brostep as well). It's probably because a lot of the sounds he used in those early songs are now lost to time (no one has figured out how to accurately recreate them yet, to my knowledge, including Skrillex himself), so it makes those tracks sound even more special and unique to my ears!  :D

Question: What's your favorite thing to ramble about?  :sweatdrop: ;)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 27, 2024, 05:25:06 PM
(Tee-hee! I loved hearing that ramble.. You should pop some songs in the various song and music threads - I'd love to hear more.)
I could ramble about a lot of things... Actually, I once rambled on-and-on-and-on about the Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comic Echidnas for eight hours - oh, there's SO much to get into! Somebody kicked me off the other day again on them, and I just kept finding new things to start up on. "Magical fire ants -- Wait, I can explain that. So, there's this guy called Edmund... OH, DIMITRI! So there's this guy who is .. Sort of posessed by... Er... Hang on, I can explain Enerjak. So twelve chaos emeralds -- hang on, I can explain why there's twelve chaos emeralds. So the ancient ones-- Hang on, I can explai---' and then you keep coming into roadbumps, like the time Tails (yes, that two-tailed fox!) was in a, sort of, magically induced coma - and his clone was the one going to school (...) and we forget about this plotline for a-a-a-ges -- REAL-TIME? Months and months. And we find out he's not real because Knuckles is-- You know what?! I REALLY shouldn't start explaining Green Knuckles right now.. Issue 100... What a hell of a kicker. And that's only ONE thing!
There we go, I rambled about how I'm NOT going to ramble! Because there is so, so, so much to ramble about... Oh mah gawd...
I'm also really good at rambling about computing, music, VGM, ... Recently I've taken up rambling about MegaMan again :P (there's so much goodness to ramble about!)

Question Tax; What CAN'T you ramble about, that people ask you about far too often?! (I.E people always ask me to talk at length about learning Japanese.. I don't know, it's scary!)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 27, 2024, 10:47:47 PM
Anything about books I'm reading. I take a lot of time reading them and even more time to understand them (because of my short attention span and excessive craving for instant-gratification), so I rarely have a complete or even coherent picture of the contents of any books I've read. Never the less, most people in my family know that I read stuff, so they always ask about what I'm reading. That's fine and all, but the thing is, just because I've been reading Lord of the Rings for the past month does not mean that I'm any better at remembering the character names or the places they've been too then I was when you asked me 2 days ago (I've only read like 5 additional pages max since then...).  9_9

Wait... did I just ramble about how I can't ramble about something?!  :o

Question: What's your favorite thing that you don't really understand (like, at all), but still enjoy anyway?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 29, 2024, 12:00:12 AM
Just about any TTRPG . . . I have no idea what is going on, I've read the rulebooks thrice  :? :) but I get invited back! Everybody is nice to me about not quite 'getting' it - I don't know, maybe my head is full of cotton wool  XD I get so confused and mixed around! I'm not trying! Oh, but I have fun.

Question Tax; what is something that you don't think you're very good at, but other people think you are?  :?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 29, 2024, 03:43:06 AM
Math. People seem to have a habit of thinking that just because I'm in a high-ish level math course (not AP just to be clear) that it somehow means that I can do math quickly. I cannot, especially without a calculator.  T_T

Question: What's something that you NEED to take your time to do, regardless of how good you are at it?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on October 30, 2024, 08:31:56 PM
Knitting... I love knitting, and I can make such fantastic pieces! I just can't do it very fast - everybody who knits around me can go at a rate of knots! ... I fear I can only go at a rate of knotting my yarn up.  XD

Question Tax; What's a hobby you like to share with other people more than you like to do it on your own? (I.E knitting club, movie watching club)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on October 31, 2024, 04:06:00 AM
Playing arcade games. I don't exactly have anyone outside of my family who I can play with, but I've always found that it's way more fun whenever I play with someone than to play against bots in games like Street Fighter (I know they're bots and all, and that it's an arcade game, but there is no way they aren't hacking with how badly they destroy me lol).  0:)

Question: What's a hobby that people around you enjoy, but that you don't really like?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on November 02, 2024, 04:15:42 AM
Golfing.. I just can't get into it  9_9 I can think of nothing less enjoyable than standing around in a mown grass field and knocking little golfballs around. We had a golf course attatched to the Animal college I went to, and so I played a little - I just couldn't get into it - I felt like either I was insane for not enjoying it, or all of my mates were insane -for- enjoying it  XD

Question Tax; What's something you'd like to learn, but you're not sure how to get into it/where to start?  :?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on November 02, 2024, 07:23:37 PM
Art, of any kind. I stopped practicing when I was in like grade 4, so my art skills are (and this not an exaggeration) worse than a elementary school kid (if you couldn't already tell based on my profile picture). It also doesn't help that I have diagnosed Dysgraphia, which severely impacts my ability to draw anything that is symmetrical (even if I'm tracing over something).  T_T

As such, I have no idea where to start. It feels like it would take way to much of a time commitment to be even remotely realistic, especially given my current skill level.. :/

Question: How did you learn to do something that seemed impossible to do before?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on November 06, 2024, 06:50:34 PM
Mine was also art...  XD So, well, it's a little different - I've been drawing for as long as I can remember.. But long story short, when I was young, I contracted Swine Flu, and I've been dealing with complications from that forever more  :? well - circa 2022, I've got these awful problems in my hands/wrists/arms that make it an absolute pain to draw - they're checking me out for arthritis, but it's likely some form of ulnar palsy they also reckon - basically, hands don't work, hands work for short bursts. I use dictation to type a lot of the time  :? so I was thinking - how am I ever going to draw again?! It felt hopeless for a long time, but I found that I couldn't just put Art down forever, because it made me too happy  ^_^
Well, I really like drawing.. Even though it now looked awful - seriously, I spent a few months drawing this absolutely child-like scrawls.. But I found out that I didn't care if it looks 'good', so long as I get to have fun and express myself  ^_^ and through just re-learning how to draw with my condition, I've actually gotten quite good at it again.. Perhaps better than I was before? It took me a lot (A LOT) of awful art - and I often still will just draw something honestly cruddy-looking that pre-2022, I would have scoffed at and scrapped - because I like the thought of getting my ideas out - if people can tell what I've drawn, then it looking good is secondary  :3
Well - my avatar is my own art currently! So I'd say I've come back around.

This is one which I posted recently  :? which isn't bad at all - I actually really like it! But I used to be able to put out these beautiful rendered pieces in the same time that it took me to draw this one out - which used to annoy me, but now I just see the merit in this - I was able to make a few people happy with it, and I made myself happy  0:)
So I'd actually like to give you advice on that... Does it make you happy to draw?  :? Does it seem fun? Getting 'good' at art is something which happens on accident..You have to learn how to have fun with it, first! It's like playing a game - I like to think of it as playing a game, at least. It makes me not care about the output so much - and then I get better just by virtue of doing it a whole lot!  :) You'll draw something, and you'll go, 'I wonder how to draw eyes?' and you'll look up an eye tutorial - and you'll get good at art. It's like that the whole way down, and then, one day, you'll realise somehow - you've done good! So really, the trick is just beginning, and learning to love what you draw - the rest will come naturally.  ^_^

Question Tax; What's your favourite comfort meal? I just had some beautiful eggs benedict  0:)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on November 07, 2024, 05:38:02 AM
Thank you for the advice. I'll have to find time to actually draw some stuff (regardless of quality) to see if I enjoy doing it. ^_^

My favorite comfort meal? Probably a bowl of spicy noodles with a Coca-Cola Slurpee. Extremely unhealthy? Yes. Weird combination? Yes. Extremely tasty and comforting after not eating anything for the last 10 hours because of school? Yes. :| It's been at least a few months though since I last had it, as I've been eating healthier stuff instead! Although I would hardly consider that stuff comfort food tbh. :/

Question: What kind(s) of food do you eat the most?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on November 08, 2024, 01:15:51 AM
Maybe it's rice  :? if I'm honest, as I get older, I don't tend to have a lot of foods that I repeat! I do like to have a good corned beef & picallili sandwich  ^_^ but I haven't had that in a while, as I've found some pork liver paté that is delicious! Even my breakfasts, I don't have the same thing!

So maybe it's rice dishes! Sticky rice, basmati, I find that rice is a common staple of my meals  ^_^
I have some weird dietary requirements, so it's whatever I can find gluten and milk free, usually  XD

Question Tax: What is your favourite kind of food to have on holiday?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on November 08, 2024, 02:15:53 AM
Hmm... cookies! :*

Well, that or the stuffing we always have at thanksgiving. Both are my favorites tbh. ^_^

Question: What's your LEAST favorite food to have at holiday gatherings (but will probably eat anyway because you would feel bad otherwise lol)?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on November 08, 2024, 10:35:21 AM
I get to luck out by having weird dietary requirements  XP I usually have a specially cooked meal  >:3
Though that also means that it's kind of my least favourite food, because I hate to make a fuss - I'm having Christmas Dinner with my partner's family for the first time ever (we've been together 8 years) - and I feel so bad for adding on a whole new dish to what is already an extensive toil  9_9

Question Tax; What's the best animal you've seen at the zoo?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on November 09, 2024, 06:09:34 PM
Either da fluffy penguins or pandas!  ^_^

Probably pandas though since they're not usually at the zoo. :3 I live in Alberta, which has a much colder and dryer climate than what the pandas need, so it costs a lot of money to maintain their artificial climate. Plus there's also the costs from transporting them from China to here safely, and because there's a limited number of pandas, we usually only get them temporarily.  :/

Question: What's your favorite section of the zoo?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on December 02, 2024, 05:43:50 PM
I really like overhead bridges - one zoo I used to go to a lot had this set of bridges over the cheetah exhibit. Another had them over the tigers  <3 as a photographer of wildlife, it's so exciting to get to do the same in the zoo - to get a clear shot of the animal without messing with glass or wires. It really makes all of the difference~
My country doesn't even have pandas anymore! I was lucky to get to see the last ones in the U.K in Edinburgh, when we met up with a friend - they've moved on to another zoo by now!

Question tax: Is there a photograph you feel really proud to have taken? (the framing, lighting, etc)
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on December 04, 2024, 04:46:57 AM
No, I don't do anything photography related. That being said, I do take selfies every night with the hope that I can put them all together one day to see how I've physically changed over the years, which I think will be really cool to see!  ^_^

Question: What's something that you think will be really cool once you do/see it in the future?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on January 04, 2025, 02:11:54 PM
 Mostly, I'm living in the moment -thinking-  :? I'd like to go to Japan some day sooner rather than later; I'd like to see my learning of the language come into fruition, I suppose  ^_^
(That's a really smart idea  :) )

Question Tax; What's a reeeaaaally obscure fictional character you like, who you think nobody else really thinks about?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: L1am on January 16, 2025, 04:29:06 PM
Gerald Martin from Edge of the Axe, The movie is fairly obscure from what I know and most people who have seen the movie probably don't think of Gerald they think of Lillian. I think what happened to him is pretty tragic, especially since he was the only one that knew the truth.
Despite the movie being 37 years old I don't really want to spoil it so I wont say more lol

Question: Whats a show or movie you watched as a child that no-one else seems to remember or talk about?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: PotatoFur on January 17, 2025, 03:15:47 AM
"Escape From Planet Earth". It's about an alien going to rescue another alien after he gets captured by the government and gets captured himself. XD

I loved it, but a lot of people seem to disagree with me if you look at the reviews :P

Question: What's something you like that most people don't?
Title: Re: Ask and Answer v2
Post by: MegaMutt on January 28, 2025, 08:44:57 PM
A lot of things, it would seem.. If I had a penny for how many times I'd loved a game, movie, TV show, comic, and then gone online to see that it is universally despised.. Well! I would be a very well-off man. Somehow, eventually, the masses swing back to agree with me, in the end - Sonic 06, Licourice (the food), so on... Oh my god, the Shadow the Hedgehog game, people HATED that for years! I used to have to start to talk about it with 'Hear me out...' -- But these days, people just love it! Whaaaat! I spent years defending that cruddy game!   XD XD XD

Question tax; What's a food that you love, that confuses the people around you?