The Furry Forums
Furry Chat => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Jinxed Shinigami on September 30, 2008, 02:56:02 AM
Hello! Hey i'm new here. I,I
W00T!!!! it's a' DON!!!! sup man, velkomen' sweet avi and hallo'
(yes i know i'm sitting right next to you) But i can't use emotes in real life now can i? :peace:
Yes yes. Emote Are Nice. =3
Bad Manual! It is spelled Wilkommen. I caught ya again lol. > <
OH hi there Jinx. Welcome to our little section of the internet.
Thank you Smitty the Pirate.
Welcome to the furry forums, enjoy your time here.
Hay hi there welcome to FF
Hey, Jinxed! Welcome to our little slice of heaven! O:)
welcome to the FF
Welcomes To The Fluffy Side !!
Hope to see you round in like RPs and stuff O.O
I Ish Saber Midnight,
But You Can Call Me Ravi Or Fang ^^
'Ellos, Welcome to teh FF! :'3
I'm Kero, teh one and only Pirate Ferrachu Ninja. :P
Welcome to the FF.
Enjoy your stay.
hey man welcome to near freedom, ^_^V i'm phantom falcon but it saves time to call me ghost, :P welcome jinxed, ya got a nick name ya want us to know?
Jinx is the nickname i get calles usally. So e thier way its cool.
but i (and the others in our government institution) call him scotty :)
And so what if i sprellz it wong? =3
Posts must contain more than one word.
Welcome to tFF.
Put on your Sunday cloths there's lots of world out there! Thought down the street and have your picture took, just like a dream the spirits seem to fly about! This Sunday shine is a certain shine that you'll feel as fine as you look!
WaaaaaAAAAAALLLL • eeeee
*waves from the distance* Hey there dude!!!!!!
*gives offering of cheese and venison sausage*
I Paul Briard, welcome you with cheese and venison.
Don't be afraid to post now.
*Takes cheese and sausage* "Thank you."
*nods* yur welcome.