The Furry Forums
Furry Chat => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Kipikipo on October 01, 2008, 09:23:48 PM
So uhmm... I've been hanging around the IRC room a lot having fun, making furry friends, a bunch of other stuff. =p
Anyhoo, it's not working right now, so I decided to actually make an account on the forum. Lesse... where to begin? I'm a bunny-fox; about the size of a rabit, bunny ears, fox tail, large hind feet, etc. I'm somewhat "new" to the furry scean, but really into it. =p I like playing games, watching tv, eating cheesecake; pretty much rotting away in a chair. XD
I'm probably rambling by now, aren't I? Well... that's me... kinda... I dunno. =/ But seriously, I'm a nice, timid character who doesn't like getting into fights or being hounded by perverts, which unfortunatly is hard to avoid... heheheh, blech... >_> I should stop typing now, but for some reason, I can't...
*sits and thinks for a few minutes*
Oh, I know what to say! Here's something weird about me: I don't like any music with lyrics. *hides in his burrow from flaming arrows* Don't get me wrong, I like listening to music, but it has to be the orchestral type...
What else should I say? I know I can use one of those character sheets to describe myself, but I don't like doing those. ^_^;
Gah! I know what to say now! I'll talk about my fursona and why I chose such a weak lil' character. =p I can't explain why, but I like having a weakness that my friends can use on me(although I don't like it so much when they actually do use it. XP). I like being pitied and having someone to protect me and/or be my guardian. Again, I can't explain why, I just do.
I also like cheesecake so feed me please!! X3
Welcome to the FF!
Btw, sounds like you're looking for a master.
Welcome To FF!!!!
welcome Welcome WELCOME! to the FF ^.^ enjoy your time here
Welcome to tFF.
How may I help you?
Would you like fries with that shake?
Would that be all for you?
kthx, that will be $9.85 at your next window.
welcome to the FF
oooh Bunnox !
*glomps then hands some cheese cake*
Welcome to the fluffy Side!
Thanks for the welcoming, but where's the red carpet? XP
Scyler Swiftclaw, I think I'm good with a master.
FurryLAE, how in the heck can you charge $9.85 for ONLY fries and a shake!? This isn't Disney Land!! *Pouts some more*
Saber Midnight, thanks for the cheesecake! X3 *Huggles you*
Oh, and I thought of something else that I should tell you about myself =p I likes to nom on tails. Don't worry, I don't eat it; I just chew on them like a doggy would to a chew toy. Just a fair warning: I tend to pounce on random tails without warning. >XD
*huggles back before slipping spiked tail cuff off*
Your Welcome ^^ and just to be on the safe side hehe
Small, pink, fluffy and overkly cute. Youm definately fit ion here.
*hands over his last piecce of cheese cake* it's rasberry topped.
oh im sorry, I meant to say $99.95 ... >.<
welcome to the furry side of the internet, welcome aboard, today is tuesday and i'm shmexy lol, stage crew rocks, welcome enjoy your stay
XP I'm not pink! Krimmy just drew it that way because she saw another pic I was using as my avi (Pink Bunny Link) and thought it was supposed to be me.
Welcome to the furry forum, hope you enjoy your stay
*noms on cheesecake* you know what your right, it is pretty good.
Welcome, you PINK fluff ball. :'3
yeah dude, that PINK suit is hawt!
mind if i touch?
*touches anyways*
XP Red! My fur is red!!
oh, i wasnt awear you were a zombie! thats AWESOME! ... not.
*cleans fur* now your white. that will be 50bucks please.
welcome to FF
have fun!