The Furry Forums
Furry Chat => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Treemeadow on October 04, 2008, 06:19:11 AM
hey all, I'm Treemeadow
(Or Tree or Meadow or Treemo, as some of my friends call me :P )
I've been in the fandom for pretty much exactly a year, I've been aware of it for longer, but was one of those mundanes who thought it know...*whispers* a fetish....*
Anywho, I've been fairly acitve in the Australian community, making my base at, home of Australian Furries.
But, sometimes, I feel a bit isolated, the aussie community is very small (but growing) and I'd love to get to experience more and more of the fandom.
I'm a dog, with marsupial somewhere in the line (Kangaroo, most likely, I feel an affinity to them). No particular breed, more of a mutt, but probably have a big slice of labrador in me, as well as Cocker Spaniel (accounts for the ears, which aren't lab like).
ya, das ist all. :)
happy to be here!
Welcome to the FF! We're always happy to have another furry here!
INdeed welcome o the Forums..have a fun and enjoyable stay :3 ~offers her a plate of fresh cookies~
welcome to the FF
Welcome to The Fluffy Side
welcome to the fourms good to have you abord the site, enjoy your stay here in our littlr furry slice of the internet
Wow! Thanks everyone!
welcome come on in to hawiian vacayation, were surfing and eating pizza it fun
Heya Treemeadow! It's good to have you here! Hope you find your stay most enjoyable, and we hope to see you around. =) (Try the IRC chat sometime, it's a load of fun haha) :)
Welcome to the furry Forums Treemo. (I was a second away from calling you Treeko or whatever the pokemon is called)
Anyways I hope you enjoy your time here with us
Hello and welcome to FF