The Furry Forums
Furry Chat => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Andrew Ashmaric on October 04, 2008, 04:48:59 PM
Hey everybody, this furry forum looks really interesting! I've been a fan of anthropomorphic creatures since I was 6 or 7....My fursona, as you can see in my profile, is James Albeda, an anthro weasel. :)
The reason for joining this forum: I've been trying to set up a movie project that is based on anthromorphic creatures, together with a few others from another forum.
At first, it was based on Pokemorphs (anthro PKMN) but I decided to change it to furries instead. So I'm actually looking for people that are willing to help us with this project, it's going to be really fun nonetheless!
welcome to the FF
im assuming this movie project is a cartoon? or are you going to have a whole CGI production going? good luck either way!
welcome to the FF
im assuming this movie project is a cartoon? or are you going to have a whole CGI production going?
good luck either way!
We're currently planning to animate it with Flash, and that's why we're in need of a talented hobbyist. And thanks!
dude welcome to da fourms *dramatic music* ha sounds like a cool project, feel free to stay a while in the fourms see ya around
dude welcome to da fourms *dramatic music* ha sounds like a cool project, feel free to stay a while in the fourms see ya around
Awesome! Same to you :peace:
Welcome to the forums, its not everyday you get to call somebody a weasel and not be insulting them. So welcome all the more for giving me that ability
Welcome to the forums, its not everyday you get to call somebody a weasel and not be insulting them. So welcome all the more for giving me that ability
Hahaha, indeed, right about that xP
Welcome to tFF~
Home of the Furries.
In bed.
With Friends.
and a Dog.
Who Has Friends.
Who love Treats.
Who know people,
Your Face,
and your Mom.
Have a nice day!
im FurryLAE.
FurryLAE = Randomnessss;
Randomnessss = function(){
   this*that = this*overThat;
   $post = $_GET['yourPost'];
   i = ranDUM + insult;
   $post = sumReply from DATABASE +i (mix);
   document.write(' .$post. ');
   POST-DOC = true;
welcome to FF
'Ellos, welcome to the FF! :3
I'm Kero, the one and only Pirate Ferrachu Ninja :P
Yay for Pokemorphs!
and Weasels!
*pounces* ELLO! WELCOME TO THE FF! im kida, nice to meet you *extends paw*
Hola James. Nice to see you on the FF. I am glad to have met you! :th_Pyong-1:
Thanks to y'all! I think I'll stick with this forum :) , and iKero-chu, awesome char!
Thanks to y'all! I think I'll stick with this forum :) , and iKero-chu, awesome char!
Hello and welcome to our not so little community of furs, I am your resident wolf pirate, please be careful not to feed me or I will become dependent on you.
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!
Btw, I hope your project goes well. It sounds very interesting!
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!
Btw, I hope your project goes well. It sounds very interesting!
Thanks, dude! If you want to join it, you can always PM me!! We really need some volunteers :p, or maybe we could set this up with the entire community :)
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!
Btw, I hope your project goes well. It sounds very interesting!
Thanks, dude! If you want to join it, you can always PM me!! We really need some volunteers :p, or maybe we could set this up with the entire community :)
That sounds rreally interesting James. i wouldn't mind helping out at all. :peek: :peek: