The Furry Forums

Furry Chat => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Andrew Ashmaric on October 04, 2008, 04:48:59 PM

Title: Hey guys!
Post by: Andrew Ashmaric on October 04, 2008, 04:48:59 PM
Hey everybody, this furry forum looks really interesting! I've been a fan of anthropomorphic creatures since I was 6 or 7....My fursona, as you can see in my profile, is James Albeda, an anthro weasel.  :)
The reason for joining this forum: I've been trying to set up a movie project that is based on anthromorphic creatures, together with a few others from another forum.  
At first, it was based on Pokemorphs (anthro PKMN) but I decided to change it to furries instead. So I'm actually looking for people that are willing to help us with this project, it's going to be really fun nonetheless!
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: [D.E.M] zetsumei on October 04, 2008, 08:59:26 PM
welcome to the FF

im assuming this movie project is a cartoon? or are you going to have a whole CGI production going? good luck either way!
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Andrew Ashmaric on October 04, 2008, 09:29:54 PM
welcome to the FF

im assuming this movie project is a cartoon? or are you going to have a whole CGI production going?
good luck either way!

We're currently planning to animate it with Flash, and that's why we're in need of a talented hobbyist. And thanks!
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: PhantomStone on October 04, 2008, 11:06:59 PM
dude welcome to da fourms *dramatic music* ha sounds like a cool project, feel free to stay a while in the fourms see ya around
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Andrew Ashmaric on October 04, 2008, 11:20:07 PM
dude welcome to da fourms *dramatic music* ha sounds like a cool project, feel free to stay a while in the fourms see ya around
Awesome! Same to you  :peace:
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Somebody on October 05, 2008, 05:30:57 AM
Welcome to the forums, its not everyday you get to call somebody a weasel and not be insulting them. So welcome all the more for giving me that ability
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Andrew Ashmaric on October 05, 2008, 07:11:02 PM
Welcome to the forums, its not everyday you get to call somebody a weasel and not be insulting them. So welcome all the more for giving me that ability
Hahaha, indeed, right about that xP
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: SeiRruf IS, FurryLAE. on October 06, 2008, 02:00:12 AM
Welcome to tFF~
Home of the Furries.
In bed.
With Friends.
and a Dog.
Who Has Friends.
Who love Treats.
Who know people,
Your Face,
and your Mom.

Have a nice day!


im FurryLAE.
FurryLAE = Randomnessss;
Randomnessss = function(){
     this*that = this*overThat;
     $post = $_GET['yourPost'];
     i = ranDUM + insult;
     $post = sumReply from DATABASE +i (mix);
     document.write(' .$post. ');
     POST-DOC = true;


Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Mr. Meerkat on October 06, 2008, 10:15:50 AM
welcome to FF
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: iKero-chu™ on October 07, 2008, 01:10:42 AM
'Ellos, welcome to the FF! :3

I'm Kero, the one and only Pirate Ferrachu Ninja :P

Yay for Pokemorphs!

and Weasels!
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Kida Howlette on October 07, 2008, 03:33:00 PM
*pounces* ELLO! WELCOME TO THE FF! im kida, nice to meet you *extends paw*
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Bueller on October 07, 2008, 06:50:17 PM
Hola James. Nice to see you on the FF. I am glad to have met you! :th_Pyong-1:
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Andrew Ashmaric on October 07, 2008, 11:42:35 PM
Thanks to y'all! I think I'll stick with this forum :) , and iKero-chu, awesome char!

Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: iKero-chu™ on October 08, 2008, 12:04:29 AM
Thanks to y'all! I think I'll stick with this forum :) , and iKero-chu, awesome char!

Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Smitty the Airship Pirate on October 08, 2008, 02:32:37 AM
Hello and welcome to our not so little community of furs, I am your resident wolf pirate, please be careful not to feed me or I will become dependent on you.
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Scyler on October 08, 2008, 02:56:42 AM
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!

Btw, I hope your project goes well. It sounds very interesting!
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Andrew Ashmaric on October 08, 2008, 11:58:57 PM
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!

Btw, I hope your project goes well. It sounds very interesting!
Thanks, dude! If you want to join it, you can always PM me!! We really need some volunteers :p, or maybe we could set this up with the entire community :)
Title: Re: Hey guys!
Post by: Bueller on October 09, 2008, 06:53:49 PM
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!

Btw, I hope your project goes well. It sounds very interesting!
Thanks, dude! If you want to join it, you can always PM me!! We really need some volunteers :p, or maybe we could set this up with the entire community :)

That sounds rreally interesting James. i wouldn't mind helping out at all. :peek: :peek: