The Furry Forums
Furry Chat => General => Topic started by: ¿ Jesse Pawman ? on October 23, 2008, 11:22:53 AM
Click here to sign the petition to let Doggie Ratchet go home with her new adopted American Soldier!
Goal: 10000
Reached: over 60000!
This seems familiar...
How? Is it already on the forums?
Goal: 10000
Reached: over 60000!
I am 100% sure I heard exactly that on another topic very recently, down to the exclmation mark after 60000.
Edit: The linked website is also the same.
because i copied and pasted the results from the website.
No I remember someone linked that site and said:
Goal: 10000
Reached: over 60000!
Maybe idk. If it is i'll lock this thread.
I did a search and nothing came up, maybe my I just have foresight. Doesn't matter though, you got my signature :)
Man, should of said "Voting level over 9000!" when it got there. xD