ok. lets see my first furry crush was that girl who stood in front of the temple in Ty The Tasmanian Tiger 2. its the temple where you go through spiders and lava. they're pretty much trials. but nevertheless it was her. she is so beautiful
then it was krystal from starfox adventures. and i believe the next one was felicia from darkstalkers. then renamon comes next. i always thought pikachu was a boy so.... (unless pikachu is a male)
i think thats all my furry crushes. .....NOPE, nope. i just remembered...
i have to describe her since i cant find a picture that i can post-
she looks like a bunny, she's leaning backwards, right elbow on the bar. in her left hand she holds up a drink and she's drinking it through a straw. she's wearing a red bikini. she has a pink-ish red bracelet on both of her wrists, and she's wearing a pink-ish red collar. she has beautiful blue eyes, and beautiful amber hair. and lastly she's wearing a red and blue sun visor. oh and she's Anthro