Author Topic: A totally convoluted story, which should make you smile.  (Read 1349 times)

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Offline Moltaegus

  • Vibrating Furby
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A totally convoluted story, which should make you smile.
« on: April 28, 2007, 08:16:30 AM »
Well, this almost makes my head hurt, but my sides hurt more from laughing. =3

I know a friend, by the name of WizardyPewPew, who invited me to IMVU in the first place. I know him in real life, also. And after he invited me, I got settled, and found out my mate has had an avatar on here for months, and never told me. Which I will get him back for later.  :snicker: So, as I get settled, I meet this person, named ChibiFwapFwap, who is really cool, and she becomes my friend. I never visited her homepage until recently, and found she was friends with WizardyPewPew!
I asked her and said, "You know, he lives like, 10 minutes from me."
And she says, "OMG! I was the one who invited him! And he and I were dating, but now he and I are exes, because he doesn't like that I'm a furry."
I turn around and go, "Oh really? Well, he likes to talk a lot."
She says, "Well, do you RP on AIM like he does?"
I say, "No, because me and him play D&D together."
She says, "OMG!! He told me he didn't play D&D, and said it was for retards!"
I am about to bust a gut on the floor, because he plays so often, that people request for him to judge at events. So I say, " Well, he plays some, but not a whole lot." Which is technically true.
She says, "Well, even once in a while, he still plays."
So I say, "Wow, he is soooo busted..."
And she laughs, and says, "Oh yeah. We were so meant to be friends! You know, he asked me to stop being a furry, and I considered it."
I was almost too stupefied to answer. "Oh, man... That's kinda harsh."
She says, "Yeah. He wasn't thrilled with the idea of dating a fur, so he started avoiding me. But after not talking to him for a month, I got a new mate already. He won't be hurt too bad. I overlooked his flaws, and now I find out how judgemental he was. The ass."
I'm still laughing, thinking how twisted this whole thing is. "Well, he still doesn't have a girlfriend."
And she says, "OMGROTFLMAO!"

The End. Hope it made you smile!



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