to white wolfs statement, they wouldnt have to have paw hands...mabey like werewolf hands are..human like but just with claws and pads. those are tottaly functionable!
also, with all those extras, of course a muzzle and a tail would be awquard at first..but they would be trained and learn to work with them. mme i walk around my apartment with my tail on, and its become second nature to move my tail before i sit, or to tuck my tail to the side when i go to the restroom (so my tail doesnt dip in the toilet when i drop ma pants)
animals have alot of traits the military would benifit..natural night vision...the tracking abilities with smell..the hearing. the natural winter coat, the faster and stronger reflexes. if anyone here has seen the movie dog soldiers you get the idea of what im sayin. id also like to inform you that this transformation is ALREADY quite possible, though they would have to change your structure as your a these "soldiers" would have to be geneticaly designed before birth. and we all know the complications with ethics code this would play.
but there is no doubt in my mind that the military would fund such a campaign if they thought they could get "the bigger stick"