Before I get to the poem, let it be known that I am not a poet, and what you are reading is not my typical style. I am a short-story writer, a research writer, and a journalist. But alas, I was inspired, so I vomited some words into my computer and called it art. (That's how poetry works, right?)
The tired musings of a grizzly bear...
A flash, I dash
To the river bank. I thank
The gods, the divine, a sign
Of salmon, the fish for which I wish
My hunger, thunder
I plunge headlong headstrong-ly into the current.
Currently courageous and swimming swiftly
Faceless fish I want, I will, I shall catch you
I swim past nearly a dozen others
They aren't worthy. They haven't asked.
You jumped before me, maybe, a deathwish
I don't care. I'm hungry.
As the water turns shallow I stand
I bound fish-bound
Muzzle straight down at the water
I look up, right into another.