Author Topic: Kushibataar of Sayasayfa  (Read 1097 times)

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Kushibataar of Sayasayfa
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:06:41 AM »
          "The sunrise," Kushi breathed, "I feel like it's beauty is the only thing that keeps my sane when I'm alone." 

          It was a beguiling thing, a calming thing, the sunrise on the Gobi.   It is said that it is one of the reasons the nomads of the steppes are known for having such inner peace.  It is why they love this land, despite it's harsh winters and sandy soil. 

          After a long, uneasy pause, Bayarmaa finally chimed in, "They are gathering their supplies, we should get ready as well, Kushi"
          Kushi continued glaring off, contemplating the things Bayarmaa had said the night before.  He kept hearing the one statement,  "Sometimes people forget who they are just feel a part of something.  It's in our nature really, to want to be a part of something."  For whatever reason that single sentence haunted him, always in his thoughts.  It echoed out in his dreams last night.

          "Are you alright?" Bayarmaa whispered.  She was worried, she knew he was upset.  "I....  I think I need to go on, by myself."  Kushi nervously stuttered out.  "It would be best for your tribe."  "Are you still worried that the Xian are looking for you."

          "I don't think I know what's wrong just yet.  There are many things I need think about, and you don't need me here slowing you down while I do."

          Kushi sat back down in the sand, turning his gaze back to the sunset.  Bayarmaa hung her head, saddened,  but she knew he was right.  She turned her back on him, and walked off, back to he camp.

That was a sample from a book I'm working on titled "Kushibataar of Sayasayfa" It is the story of my fursona, Kushi.  If you liked it I can post more complete sections, maybe even entire chapters at a time.  Constructive is criticism is welcome!


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