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Author Topic: Manhattan Red  (Read 1461 times)

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Manhattan Red
« on: June 29, 2014, 07:53:02 PM »
(New thread for my novel! Feel free to comment. First reactions, opinions, changes, etc.)

Chapter One: The Red Blues

Being 17 and homeless in New York City was no small feat. Especially when you have to take care of your 15 year old sister. In the year 2037, it ain't rare to see people in our situation. My sister and I have drifted from alley to alley, street to street, and abandoned house to abandoned house. It sucks more in the winter months, like it is now. December 10, 2037. Two years after the plague of Manhattan. A worldwide plague started in Manhattan, made everyone get blisters of blood, puke blood, and have blood come out of their pores. That's just the worst of it. With so much blood, they've called the disease "Manhattan Red." Our parents died from it. It was their dying wish; they said, " Cody, take care of Samantha." Well. I don't think what I'm doing is right, but we're alive. We just-
"What are you doing Cody?"
"Writing a journal sis. If we make it, I could publish it as a testament of survival." I close the book with my pen marking the page.
"I'm cold Cody." Even in the abandoned houses, it was cold. Sucks without heating.
"Here, have my jacket." I took off the heavy leather jacket and held it out to her.
"But... Won't you be cold?" She had the look of worry she shoots me when situations like this arise.
"I'm tough sis. Remember when big bro fought off those muggers?"
"Yeah, there were two of them. They had knives too."
"And what did I do? I broke off a pipe and beat them until they ran off." Sis looked at me, but this time with a look of acceptance.
"You're right." She takes my jacket. You can still see the scars from the knife slashes on my arm. I'm wearing a black, short sleeved shirt. Not ideal, but I've had worse in the cold.
"Why don't we check the radio sis?" I get the hand-crank radio from my backpack and start cranking. It was spotty, but we can hear it clear.
"Government led rescue efforts- Fort Benning Georgia- closed for containment- 30 days." I stop cranking after it repeats the emergency broadcast.
"Cody?"I look to Samantha eating from her can of beans she had opened. "Do you think they'll have a cure? If we go, will we be safe, no Manhattan Red?" I look down in judgment.
"Either way, we freeze here, or risk our lives getting 3 hots and a cot. I'd rather have the latter." I had no problem with the idea of getting there. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to hotwire a car... Or steal. It didn't matter either, it was a global case of vigilantism. The infrastructure was gone as we knew it. We stick to who we can. We are like Wolves. We band together, or fight like hell to make it out alive.
"Cody? I miss Mom and Dad..." I teared a bit. I was very close to my father and mother. I took a deep breath.
"Me too sis. Me too." I put old newspapers into the fireplace to keep our flame going. "Get some sleep. We leave tomorrow." I gave her a hug and let her sleep. I felt myself drift onward to sleep.

Chapter Two: Bad To Worse

When I awoke, I could remember the same horrid nightmare. It was Dad's last breaths in the hospital quarantine room. He bled out in minutes. I woke Sammy up.
"Hey Cody, sleep well?" I shook my head.
"No sis, never do." She stretched and got up.
"How are we getting out Cody?" She handed me my brown leather jacket with a quizzical look.
"Remember the old Dodge Charger, the '74? I'm gonna hotwire it and we head south.
"Sounds good Cody," she said putting on her heavy backpack. "Umm... Cody?" She pulled out a gun from her coat. "I found this when we first got here, and a box of bullets... Take them." She handed me the 1911 and box of .45 ACP.
"Wow, haven't shot one since we went with dad on that trip. That was, what? 5 years ago?" Sammy nodded.
"I want big bro to be safe. That means NO MORE knife fights with muggers." She smiled and I ruffed up her hair. "C'mon! I just did my hair a year ago," she said chuckling a bit.
"C'mon you. We got a Dodge to steal." I packed up and headed out. The gun was holstered in my belt under my jacket. We walked a mile to an abandoned car lot. "Okay, if we're lucky, we can roll out of here no problems."  I smash the window open and pry open the steering column. I start sparking the wires, and in a minute, the engine turns over.
"Good job Cody! You could be a professional criminal."
"Get in." I toss the bags in the back seat, then climb behind the wheel. "Classy, huh sis?"
"Yeah. You know, Cody. I don't say it enough, but I'm glad you're here. I love you bro."
"Thanks sis." We roll onto the interstate and drive south. Sammy fell asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Dad, Mom, and if I'm doing right. I've stolen, fought, and lied. But we're alive. The hulking muscle car sped past a sign stating, "now entering Pennsylavania." The tank and reserves an out in Philidelphia. I pulled into a gas station. Getting out, I could already feel the difference of temperature. Didn't sting as bad. Sammy woke up as I started the pump.
"Where are we?"
"Philidelphia. I'm guessing you're hungry?" She nods. I come back to the car with an energy bar I had in my pocket.
"Where's the 5-star meal?" I laughed.
"You definitely take after Dad. You little smartass." She opened the bar and started to eat. "One state down, four to go."I put the nozzle back to the pump and got behind the wheel again.
"How'd you pay for that? Wait, I got it, you went into the store and robbed the register." I smiled.
"Close, I said I payed for it, and flipped it on."
"Still, stealing."
"No it isn't!"
"Yeah, it is Cody, and don't say it was 'creative borrowing like last time."
"Alright, you win, I stole. Lock me up." I smiled big. Dad was right. No matter what, we'd always have each other. We drove on for a good two hours, then the worst happened.
"Aw, come on!" The Dodge sputtered and clanked. "Son of a bitch!" I hit the steering wheel with my hand. "Dammit!"
"Guess we're walking? You need to rest anyway. You've been driving quite some time." I look down in anger.
"Yeah. You're right. We have no choice."
"Look," she points, "there's a house over there. It seems pretty empty." I nod in agreement.
"Get your stuff." We get out and walk to the building. Everything was calm in the neighborhood, until a shot rings out. I saw my sister fall and scream.
"You assholes!" I felt a rage unparralleled to murderous. I hid behind the car and saw a man holding a bolt action rifle on the roof.
"Get away from my shit you filthy looters!" The man had lost it. I pulled out the 1911 and shot 2rounds at him. He hid as the slugs just missed. I positioned myself for his return shots. The man poked back up.
"Where you at you sumbitch?" I squeezed the trigger. The hammer went down and the brass went flying. He fell off the roof, blood spurting from his throat. I grabbed his gun and ran to Samantha.
"Sammy, stay with me. Stay calm." I saw the shot. She was hit in the stomach. I took off my jacket, and then my shirt. I ripped the shirt to make makeshift bandages. I tied them around her stomach and put my jacket on. A leather jacket and a sleeveless aren't ideal, but that's the least of my worries. I picked her up and started running further into the city.
"Stay with me, come on Sammy, please." The snow made it worse. Running in snow isn't easy, but I've got to. I have no choice. I flunky self in a suburb and not much to show for itself. "Help! Please! Someone! I need a damn doctor!"
I saw a figure come out of a door adjacent to me. He waves me over.
"Thank you, thank you so much." The man points to the table.
"Put her there." I did as he said. He grabs my shoulder.
"I need room to work."
"O-okay..." I leave the room and head into the living room. There was a small family, one kid and a middle aged woman. I sat in the nearest chair.
"Where ya from?" I look to the woman.
"Far from home huh? Is it just you two?"
"Yeah. Samantha is my younger sister."
"How old are you two?"
"I'm 17, she's 15."
"This is my son Jonah, and my oldest son Rick is the one who found you." I bounced my knee in anticipation.
"She's gonna be fine, Rick's been studying medicine since he was 13. He has a real passion or it. What is your passion?"
"Before everything, I wanted to join the U.S. Army. I wanted to serve my country."
"That's very noble of you." We sat in silence for an hour or so until Rick came in with bloody gloves and operating mask.
"She's stable for now, but I don't have the right supplies." I jumped up.
"I can get them!" He looked down.
"It's not as easy as it sounds. Everything's been looted." I clenched my fist.
"I'll FIND it. Bet me." He looks at me in disbelief.
"How doesn't matter, what do you need?!?" He writes some things down on a pad of paper.
"I need a coagulant, more bandages, and enough sutures to close the wound." I grab my jacket and open the door.
"I'll be back soon. Don't you worry."
I exit the house and close the door behind me. They were things common in a trauma kit, but where would I get one? There were houses everywhere, but it wouldn't be that easy. Everyone else had the same idea. I remembered seeing a humvee along the way, possibly abandoned early on from the plague. Either way, it was my best bet. I trekked a half mile down the road to the humvee. I picked the lock and searched. I look frantically, but no luck.
"Dammit!" I got out and searched some cars' trunks. After popping who knows how many, I found a first aid kit. Thank god there are people like Dad that carry these things around. I open the kit. "Sutures... Coagulant...aaaaaaand... Bandages! Damn I'm lucky!" I walk back to the house in the frigid cold and knock on the door. The door opens and I run in. "Doc! I got the supplies! I-"
"Cody," he stops me. "She's gone. I'm sorry." I drop the kit and stare blankly.
"She's dead. I did what I could." I felt the rage again. I kicked the wall and started breaking things. I don't know what, all I know is that I was blinded by rage.
"Mother f**ker! I just made it! Why did I make it?!? Why did she have to die?!?" I yell and drop to my knees, unable to stop the tears from flowing. "No... No..." I sob.
"Come, I want to pay my respects as well..." He leads me to the table I set her down on.
"Sis..." I hold her head. "I'm sorry it wasn't me... Say hi to Mom and Pop for me..." Rick puts his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you... For giving her a chance, Doc..."
"No problem Cody."
"I need to dig her grave."
"Mind if I help?" I nodded.
"Go ahead." He leads me to the garage and gives me a shovel, taking another for himself. After an hour of backbreaking work, it was ready. I took the hood of a car off and engraved her full name into it. I etched "Smantha Ann Murphy." As we readied to lower her into the grave, I noticed a folded paper hanging loosely from her pocket. I took it and examined it. It was a childhood photo. We were 5 and 3, hugging as they took the picture. I cried a bit.
"I'm so sorry Cody, I sincerely am."
"I know Doc. If you didn't, you wouldn't have tried to save her." We lower her in and we start closing the grave. Upon finishing, he stopped me.
"If you'd like, you can stay here for the night." I took my eyes off the grave.
"Sure. Got nothing else."
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 04:17:47 AM by HadenWolfFox »
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Re: Manhattan Red
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2014, 03:03:04 AM »
We went into the house and I plopped into the nearest corner and stared at the picture I had taken from Sammy. As daylight faded, Rick knelt down to me.
"You can sleep in a bed you know. Mine is open for one more." I looked away from the picture. He could see I had been crying. "Come on, we can talk."

"Fine," I said softly. I trailed him to his room. I changed into a pair of shorts, took off my jacket, and climbed into the bed. I lay silent.
"What was she like?" I was surprised. Usually people aren't as empathetic in these times.
"Funny. She was a smartass. She always cared about me, as I did her. We were all the other had left." I tensed up. "I always fought for her."
"I understand. My father died a year ago from the plague. Now it's only me, my mom, and my 11 year old brother." He leaned a bit towards me, propping his head up. "Do you believe that you can find love in this world?" I rolled over to face him. He was looking at me with great emotion.
"I guess. Why, looking for that special someone?"
"When he shows up, I'll know him." I roll back over. A feeling I thought long gone had crashed over me. It wasn't pain, it wasn't sadness, it was warm and longing. I lay in silence for minutes on end. Then I let myself go. I tapped him on his bare shoulder. Rick rolled groggily. Impulsively, I kissed him. I reared away and stared into his green eyes.
"You can stop looking." We cuddled the rest of the night.

Chapter Three: On The Road Again

I could hear faint whispers.
"Cody-ody-ody." They echoed in the deteriorated walls of the environment.
"Where am I?" I looked around and saw a sign. It read "Brooklyn Sanitarium."
"Cody-ody-ody..." The voice persisted, calling me to its location. I wandered out of the room into a dimly-lit hallway. It was dilapidated. Far beyond repair. I followed the voice down the hall. A small blot of light came from a cracked door. I approached the door slowly, opening it as if someone were waiting.
"Cody... Ha-ha-ha... Cody..." I saw Sammy standing in the light. She was covered in dirt and blood. "Wake up, and realize you failed Cody." I put my hands to my ears.
"No! Sammy, please! I tried! Rick tried!"
"Wake up Cody! Wake up Cody!" The voice went from Sammy's to another familiar tone. I opened my eyes and saw Rick shaking me.
"Cody! Wake up!" I put my hand to his cheek. "You were yelling in your sleep. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a nightmare..." I motion that I'm getting up, and get off the bed. I hurry and put on my clothes.
"Where are you going?" He looked with worry as I slung the rifle across my back.
"I need to get the supplies for Sammy." I started going downstairs and I open the front door. I am met by a torrent of snow. Before I take the first step out, Rick grabs me by the shoulder. "Get off me! I can save her!" I was soon struck by a heavy hand. It made me stumble. After my vision became clear from the blinding blow, I saw Rick with his fist clenched and a solemn look.
"She's gone Cody... We tried. As much as you don't want to accept it, you have to."
"You-you're right."
"Please Cody, come back in." I nodded, then proceeded to take a seat in the living room. Rick's mother poked her head out from the first story bedroom.
"Rick? Is everything alright?" He nodded and she went back in.
Rick knelt down in front of me as I was sitting on the couch.
"Cody, I want you to stay."
"I know, but I have to get to Georgia. For Sammy." Rick looked discouraged.
"I understand, but I've never really left the house since the plague." Rick put his head down in grief.
"Come with me. We can change that."
"B-but, my ma-" Rick's mother interjected.
"I'll be fine. Jonah's 11, he can help. It wouldn't be safe for him to travel alone." Rick nods in obedience.
"Get your supplies. We leave in ten." He scrambles to gather supplies. After ten minutes, Rick is ready. "Let's go." Rick starts to follow but stops to wave a weak goodbye. "Let's go Hon." I pull him along, and the door closes. For Rick, a door to a new world just opened.
"What's first?" I look over to him. I didn't plan on running to Georgia.
"We find some wheels."
"How? This isn't exactly the most generous neighborhood."
"Same thing I always do... I creatively borrow." We walked to an old pickup truck. "Ford F150. This will be fine. Here, cover me with this." I hand him the 1911. The weapon was large in his hands.
"I-I don't know how to use it."
"Look, line the sights, squeeze the trigger. Shoot only if you intend to kill." Rick nods. I took the same procedure as the Dodge to get in and get the truck running.
"How did you know how to do that?" I brushed myself off.
"It wouldn't be the first time. Get in. We can make it to Virginia on this tank and reserve in the bed."

« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 04:23:42 AM by HadenWolfFox »
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Re: Manhattan Red
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2014, 12:00:22 PM »
This is really good! Keep up the good work :)
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Re: Manhattan Red
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2014, 07:27:43 PM »
Thank you! I've hit some serious writer's block though... Oh well, I'll think of something. XD
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Re: Manhattan Red
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2014, 07:29:51 PM »
i hate writers block i think i need something to drink  :/  and dont u think beer i ment coffee wise
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Re: Manhattan Red
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2014, 07:31:23 PM »
I want some beer now  :S

But anyway dont rush it, just give it time  :)
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Re: Manhattan Red
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2014, 07:33:06 PM »
i am gonna have a break from my book for a little then go back after i have a sleep
  • Avatar by: xeshaire on fa
on land line is a inanimate object under water it has a life of its own

i have a very dry sense of humor be careful around me :D

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Re: Manhattan Red
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2014, 12:40:53 AM »
Hey everyone, it's been a bit. I've got MASSIVE writer's block. I'm going to post 2, yes 2, stories here! If I write more for the other, I'll get some inspiration for the other.
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In the depths lies the thing that should not be.

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Re: Manhattan Red
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2014, 03:22:26 AM »
Chapter 3 continued of Manhattan Red.

"Reserves?" Rick gave a look of confusion.
"Yeah, 10 gallon containers filled in case we run out. Everyone carries reserves nowadays." Rick nodded and got in the truck. I climbed in and felt the rumble of the engine behind the wheel. We drove on for a while. Days even. We made a few stops on our way to Richmond. And through that time, I spoke not a word more than small talk. We were just entering Richmond. My heart dropped every mile we got closer to Richmond, because I knew that Sammy was gone. Georgia was OUR destination. Now she's in the ground, and all I think about is how I could have kept my sister alive.
"Look, Cody. We haven't had a real conversation since we left. I know the wounds are still fresh and-" I slam on the brakes. I keep my face straight. No emotion other than hatred.
"Do you know how we made it this far? I did what I could. I stole from good people, I hurt people, and..." My tears blinded me as the truth of my nature grew ever relevant. "I killed people... I was the evil to preserve her good. Now, my sister is dead, and I'm just a monster." Rick was frozen in a state of shock. I felt a soft hand grab my leg.
"Cody, you aren't bad. The worst happens to the best of people in this world, and you owe it to her to keep going and make it to Georgia." I nod and wipe away the tears. We drive onward to at the city of Richmond. We didn't know what to expect. Many parts of the country were like a zombie apocalypse, where others grasped whatever they could of the old world. We rolled into the city, alight by the burning buildings and few street lights that worked from solar power. It was dark. Much of it looted and partially destroyed. The road was blocked by cars where the infected died in, or were abandoned.
"Looks like we're walking for now." Rick looked scared. He shook like he has never seen it before. I put the 1911 in the kydex holster I got from the last stop, and the .308 rifle from that man I killed in Philadelphia. "C'mon." Rick got out and stuck close to my side. We walked the barren city with few signs of life. As we walked passed the cars. We saw the rotting corpses of those left behind. Mere remnants of what once was. Rick pulled his shirt over his nose. I was unaffected by the smell, for I've seen my share of the dead.
"Oh god Cody... They suffered in there..." He held onto my left hand, open because my right held the slung rifle. I shook his hand off and got my flashlight and unholstered the 1911. Parts of the sidewalk was drenched in blood, and oddly enough, it was fresh.
"Look sharp Rick. We may have company." He pulled out his knife and shook. He was scared. He probably didn't even know if he'd be able to kill. I did it with ease now. I killed like I felt nothing. We walked as the road darkened. There were faint sounds, almost distinguishable as human. By this distance, the only light we had was from the moon and my flashlight. My light was fixed to the ground. Wouldn't want to trip and get injured. As we crept further in the dark we found a body, half mauled. Rick backed away with a gasp.
"Nice..." I motioned for Rick to follow me. We stepped over the body, making sure not to come in contact. The sounds grew louder. It sounded like moaning as if someone were in agony. The thing is, it sounded empty, lifeless even. There was an eerie presence that engulfed the city. It was enough to give me chills. My light met a pair of feet. A man in work boots. Blood dripped onto the boot. I picked up the light and revealed what comes in nightmares. The man's rib age was ripped open, flesh mangled, and white, lifeless eyes. He stumbled towards us like a man in a drunken stupor. As quick as I could I took aim. This wasn't human, it was a walking corpse. A real zombie. It's the stuff you say can never happen, but when you're staring at it face to face, there's no denying it. Rick was struck with fear. I pulled the trigger, and a .45 slug hit the monster in the head. The zombie dropped with a heavy thud. We heard a gut-wrenching horde of moans. I lifted the light to reveal a group of 30 plus zombies stumbling our way. I looked around us, and we were surrounded.the building next to us was boarded up. I shot a couple and landed two kills. I hear Rick calling me, and he motions for me to get on the van adjacent to us. I climb the utility ladder on the back and hand him the 1911.
"Remember how to use that?" The odds were horrible. We had about three shots of .308, and one and a half magazines of 8 round 1911 magazines. It was the end. We were now food for the walking dead. He shot a few, landing minimal kills. Of my three shots, only one killed. That's it. We're out of ammo, time, and now hope.
"Any ideas Cody?" I observe our location and surroundings, and notice that the van we stood on had a sunroof.
"Just one, but it prolongs the inevitable." I smash the stock of the rifle into the glass. It shatters and I lower myself in as Rick follows suit. We sat in the van, the dead rocking it trying to get us.
"Well, I guess this is it." I sigh and close my eyes anticipating the flesh being ripped from my bones. Just then, shots rang out like wildfire, and we heard the bullets whiz past us and punch into the van. We saw the dead drop, one by one, and a humvee with an M2 Browning ram passed an amount of the cars. The headlights were bright and blinding. Once the machine guns stopped, we heard boots walk our way.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 02:34:25 AM by HadenWolfFox »
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In the depths lies the thing that should not be.

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Re: Manhattan Red
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2014, 03:39:38 AM »
MR Chapter 4- Nowhere Left To Run

A man in U.S.M.C fatigues walks to the vehicle. I open the door to speak to him.
"Lance Corporal O'Reilly, United States Marine Corps." He reaches for a handshake.
"Cody Murphy. This is Rick." I shake his hand.
"Y'all aren't familiar with the dead are you?" I looked at his rifle, M4A1. It had an underslung M203 on it.
"No sir. I'm from Brooklyn, he's from Philadelphia. Were on our way to the safe zone in Georgia." He smiles and shakes his head, and the M2 gunner laughs a bit.
"Look kid. I don't know what safe zone you're talking about, but this shit came FROM Georgia. The virus mutated so quickly that what was safe yesterday is a nightmare tomorrow. Come with us, before more show up." The marine waved for us to get into the humvee with him. The large armored doors swung open and we climbed into the hulking death machine. The vehicle rolled backward to re-align itself to head back to their safe house, wherever that was.
"So that broadcast saying that Georgia was taking in people for thirty days until containment was wrong?" The marines laughed at my statement.
"No kid, they had thirty days until they NUKED it for containment. The way that shit was spreadin', the dead will engulf this country in a month or so." A wave of sadness hit me like my lungs were being ripped from my chest. "Hey, you okay kid?" I felt as if I lost it. There it was again. The rage. I felt my blood pressure rise to near arterial rupture.
"I got my sister killed chasing another death sentence." The marine looked like he knew the feeling all too well.
"I lost my brother. I was in Georgia on duty for containment, my home. I abandoned my post to get to my family amidst the chaos. When I arrived, the dead broke into the house. I ran into it with my M4 blazing. I killed all I could. I saw them eating my dad. It was bad. I went into Tommy's room. He was only 7. I heard him scream as they ripped his body to shreds. I of course killed them, and when I got to Tommy... He was barely alive, and short of breath."

Chapter 5- Rememberance

I can't believe I did this. I left my post. **censor** it, I need to save my family. I need to get them out. I pulled in on the front lawn, running out with my M4 at the ready. The door was broken down, and there were two in the living room. They were over my father, eating him. I took aim and squeezed off two rounds, killing both. I heard a sharp scream.
"TOMMY!!!" I ran up the stairs, shooting the dead that were in my way. Tommy tried to lock them out, but that didn't hold long. The corpse was ripping him to shreds. I shot the monster in the head, kicked it off of him, and switched to fully automatic, spraying the last of the magazine into it.
"Pa-Patrick..." I heard him wheeze out. I knelt down to him and held him for dear life.
"Oh god Tommy, oh god... Baby brother, I tried, but they were there first, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." I unholstered my M9 and put it to his head. "I don't want you to suffer..." I was hesitant to pull the trigger, but my finger did it out of instinct soon enough. I let him down, and draped his blanket over him. I could only do this. I couldn't even bury my brother. I heard more coming up the stairs. I reloaded my M4, and went to the stairwell. There were too many. I had no wiggle room. I had to think of something quick. I went back to Tommy's room and opened his window. It was a good drop, but I figured the bush may help. I was prepared to jump, but I had to look back. Just once. "Goodbye Tommy." I fell from the window and thankfully I was right. I didn't sustain injury, at least physically. I ran to the humvee, got in, and sped off. The road was barren getting back to the outpost. I looked down at my wrist. It had the bracelet Tommy made for me in his first grade class. I was overcome with sadness and anger. "Goodbye Tommy..."
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 06:28:26 PM by HadenWolfFox »
  • Avatar by: Not me, that's for sure.
In the depths lies the thing that should not be.


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