My upcoming story, the Seven Keepers, features seven anthropomorphic protaganists that travel throughout the world as representatives of their emotions. Their names are Swahili for the word they represent.
Roho the Wolf - Life
Furaha the Fox (yes FURaha) - Happiness
Haba the Lizard - Friendship
Upendo the Deer - Love
Hadhi the Bear - Honor (and Respect)
Ujabari the Lion - Courage
Huruma the Ape - Generosity
Life is what we live, not really an emotion. So that's excluded. I'll also allow ideas for any new characters, and change the name of the story, obviously, to the number of protaganists I have. There is one catch. Each one of these seven has an opposite associated with it. So if you suggest one, it must have an opposite also not listed.
Ukomo the Wolf - Death
Kibuhuti the Fox - Sadness
Ukiwa the Lizard - Loneliness
Uhasama the Deer - Enmity (Hate)
Dharau the Bear - Contempt
Hofu the Panther - Fear
Tamanio the Vulture - Greed
Vote, post, and suggest... at leisure for pleasure, eh?