Hello, folks.
I'm Kron, a water dragon. Those who know me know that I am a roleplay teacher, since I also teach at Google Hangouts and now IRC how to roleplay in any of the modes listed.
Snapchat: As in the Google Hangouts, I teach by showing people pictures and drawings.
Fun/free mode: This mode is simply normal talk, without the /me command
Serious mode: When two or more good roleplayers do extensive posts, and of good quality, the room should be quiet, letting them roleplay.
1: Anyone is entitled to join the conversation, unless it is Serious Mode. This means that when folks are not roleplaying, any one can talk freely, unless they break rule 2.
2: Operators won't tolerate disrespect of any kind towards any one. This means, but it is not limited to, putting down someone by their roleplay, or racial insults, or bad language.
3: Adult roleplay and language is forbidden in public. This means that, if you want to discuss something adult related, take it to private.
Staff Needed:
We need at least two ops, with a bit of experience on managing IRC Chats. Tweak is the NetAdmin, so, in case the ops or myself are away, you can contact him at #furry_forum_chat
This will be edited as needed. Have fun, folks!