(Yes, I know there should be some accents on it, but I couldn't be bothered, so don't post just to correct me!)Back in November 2009, I made a post thanking everyone for various things, it feels like only yesterday I made that post and with nearly a year and a half has actually passed in that time, time which has just flown by.
Due to this and various other reasons I will detail below I've decided to make a similar post now.
Firstly, I wish to extend thanks to all those donating to the forums to help foot the bills that I single-handedly pay. Thanks extend to:
White Wolf Guardian, WingedZephyr, Gothy, Alexei Cheetah, ublerl33t, Xegras, KittensTemptations, Dessum Ryugen, TheLeadProgrammer, Macid0031, Tatter, AsiaBunny, albercroc, Haxor, Smitty the Pirate, marix27, Harley (Squeak), Puncia and blutailedferret
All of whom have donated at some period during the time donations have been requested, additional thanks extend to a few members who wish to remain Anonymous.
Every donation goes towards the monthly costs of the next month allowing my own pocket to recover. Some donations have gone towards improving the forums and a payment to the Japanese Tsunami Fund was recently made.
A noted increase of donations has been noticed and we extend thanks for this, the Donator perks appear to be well received so please, feel free to suggest other small perks we can offer, although we will not introduce anything large that the other members unable to donate would lose out upon.
A few months ago an advert was added to the top right of the forum, this has been making a low and unpredictable revenue but will remain as it causes no real dedregation to the forums and may continue to bring in a small amount of income.
A lot of changes have occurred around the forums over the past year from server upgrades to DoS attacks, from mass-spamming attempts to staff changes. Some good and some bad but ultimately affect the forum for the better (generally).
Over the coming months other changes will be made and I have some plans in my head, further information will be made available at a later time. Please suggest your own suggestions as always!
Some of the older members here may also be aware that this year (in July!) will be the 5 year birthday of the forums, we hope to be able to throw some kind of celebration and the staff will be in discussion regarding this. Any input on this from members is also, of course, appreciated.
To think that in only a few months the forums will be 5 is astounding, projects usually die within a year, two at the most but it goes to show what a large and powerful community we have here and I hope to see another 5 years yet!
So, once again, thank you to everyone who makes the forums what they are, everything is do is much appreciated.