Author Topic: Icy Destination  (Read 5134 times)

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Re: Icy Destination
« Reply #60 on: January 08, 2015, 06:55:41 AM »
Scout followed the pack as they all turned off to their rooms, he took the next in line. He noticed he had a small port window next to his bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and seemed to stare at the floor, still in his basic wear, hood still up and all. He sat there looking at the floor for what seemed like many minutes. He snapped back and blinked a couple of times. "'s in the wasn't even my fault..." He said to himself. He put his paw in his pocket and pulled out an eye patch. He slipped it on under the hood, covering his bright eye. He pulled his hood down then lifted the cloak off of him and hung it on a post of the bed. He pulled off his shirt and wrist blade, laid it next to his bed, and hung his shirt on the same post, then laid down on the bed. He rested his paws on his stomach, fingers intergrasped with each other, then looked out the small window into the cold night sky. He turned on his side and closed his eyes, slowly, and eventually drifting off to sleep.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 08:14:01 AM by Scout Brighton »
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Offline Aldrea945

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Re: Icy Destination
« Reply #61 on: January 31, 2015, 02:24:51 AM »
(Sorry I'm so inactive guys.  School's mixing up my day, you know?  Also, if I start writing poetry, shoot me.  I've been in that little roundabout track for a while...)

 The snake leading Enigir watched him as they walked, touching the scarf again and again.  Kindness wasn't foreign to her, just confusing coming from one so young.  And amusing, honestly, in what they were taking him to.

The Taneris floated silently above the dock ahead, her crew already deep in their dreams.  Danny already knew she'd be getting as many crew as Creya liked, so the snake felt no oddness in simply pulling a key out to let the wolf inside through a small door.  It would be his home now anyway, for better or worse, and they couldn't wait till morning.  Night's cold had already set into his fur.  She stepped aside beside the door, motioning to the inside of the ship.  "You may find your room alone.  It isss sssecond down the hall opposssite the ssstorage," she said, offering his scarf back.  "Thank you for your gift.  You will need it on your journey.  Please, go sssleep.  Captain Rachel will meet you in the morning."  She hustled him in out of the cold as she spoke, watching for a moment before saying her good byes and good nights and shutting the door.

As it shut with a soft clang and she moved to join her small group again, she smiled and tasted the air.  Tonight she'd sleep sound.  Her part was all but done.

 The next morning, sun barely risen over the snow and ice glinting pale gold, Rachel stretched like a kit in its mothers nest.  Ships were well into their activities around them, and the sounds of skycrews meant to her that she'd get little more sleep.  Besides.  The alter crew would be here soon and she'd be needed.
She hurried up and into her clothes, and left to the cargo.
For many hours into that day, Rachel bustled along with Creya's workers while her new crew slept.  She had no ill will of them, but didn't want to wake them for something they likely could help much with.  Bars and shelves went into place where there'd been none, forcing Rachel to reorganize and move her small haul around.  Hammers and fire mages hurried about, making such a din she worried it'd wake her new crew.  And through it all, she worried.

This would be the first prison move she'd ever done.  Without Creya there, Rachel doubted she would be able to handle it all alone.  How much security would she need?  What did they need to give her?  How dangerous was it?  Every question flooded through her, and more.  She could only hope for the best now, though.

Three long hours into the remodel, Creya made her entrance.  Light green coat flaring in the breeze and brown boots clicking, she'd simply strode up and smiled.  "Work well underway, Rachel?" she said, playing with the pocket watch in her left pocket.

Rachel smiled back, relieved she'd made it.  "Better than thought.  At this rate, we may very well leave today, before the sun falls."  She led Creya inside and into the hold, where a door was already being framed in iron.  "Think you'll be ready by then?  I'm sure you have things you'd like to bring," she said.

Creya simply surveyed the progress and nodded slowly.  "I have everything I need on route now.  Our passenger will be here within the hour, and my case of items with her."  She smiled softly.  "I even packed something special for you, dear," she said.  Rachel blushed a bit beneath her fur.  She hadn't expected anything of the sort.  Creya laughed at her blush.  "Oh, nothing fancy.  Simply your favourite spiced meat and vegetables.  I thought you might need something in here for your new crew.  I doubt you have much to pay for food," She said, glancing at the scant packs of dried foods.  Rachel winced inside.  With the repairs from the last trip, she really didn't have much money for that.  She'd hoped to do some hunting and foraging once out.

She didn't elude to those thoughts, though.  "Don't worry.  I have enough for you and the crew to stay in at least mild comfort.  I wouldn't want you all hungry on such a trip.  Thank you, though.  It's much appreciated." She smiled.  'Very much so,' she thought.

Breaking them from their conversation was the creak and groan of the boiler demanding attention.  Rachel sighed.  She'd need more fuel for the trip too...
Creya tipped her head to the door as the workers hustled with their own door, fitting it to hinges.  "Perhaps we can check the rooms for one to talk.  No sense distracting these young women and men from their work," she said, already leading the young tiger out.  That and, although she didn't want to pull attention to it, she wanted to at least glance at the crew and rooms.  Make sure they were right for what she had planned.

Rachel nodded and stepped out with Creya, nudging the hold door closed.  "Right, good idea," she said, before a thought occurred to her.  "Oh, and I can show you the room you'll have.  It's not huge, but I figured you'll be most content in the captain's hold.  And before you fight over it, I won't take no for a answer," she said, smiling brightly.  "I want you to have the best for this trip, as you should in my ship."

Creya couldn't help but laugh.  "You are stubborn, aren't you dear?" she said quietly, passing the open and closed doors of the various crew.  She glanced in as they walked, but with all but the last - the young wolf her agents had found - closed, she found herself looking in only on empty rooms.

At the end of the hall, they turned into the galley.  Rachel grabbed a teapot and skillet out to start breakfast for the crew.  "Why don't you sit and I'll work as we talk?  Can’t have the crew wake to nothing,” she said, smiling.  She filled the pot as Creya sat on the worn booth.

Creya watched her for a moment, then sighed.  Quietly, she said, “Darling, I’d prefer you sit so that I may talk to you about a more pressing matter than food.  I feel I did little justice to the danger in what I’ve asked of you,” she said.  Guilt rose in her throat, but was squashed before it could take a stronger hold.  There was no time for those feelings, not so far into this.  As Rachel set the pot to boil and did as asked beside her, Creya continued.  “Lucinda is incredibly dangerous, de-powered or no.  She is smart, cunning.  She’ll twist every word she hears and many never said to turn you against one another.” Quieter, and below the noise of the stove’s pops and creaks, she said further, “If she is given even the slightest chance, she will break you, darling.  I couldn’t bear to see you hurt like that.”

Rachel was silent as Creya spoke, worry clear on her features.  “We need to feed her, Creya, care for her.  Can’t let her starve on the way over.  I can tell my crew to let me handle it, but someone has to go in,” she murmured.

Creya nodded slowly, hands clasped on the table to keep them still.  “I know.  That is why I will be doing such duties.  I know, you are already thinking of why nots.  And before you mention accompanying me as a guard, I assure you.  I have already thought of such things.  I have asked one of my agents to accompany me for exactly that reason.  She will be at my side whenever I must speak to Lucinda, and yours otherwise to keep you safe from any inside danger.  She will join us within the next two hours, with the transport bringing Lucinda over.”  Creya grasped Rachel’s hands.  “I know I should have said this before, to warn you.  It’s my fault this must come out now.  I’m sorry, darling.  Please, though.  Please be careful with Lucinda so close.  Promise me you will,” she said.

Rachel looked down at Creya’s hands and squeezed them tightly.  She had no problem with another guest, but Creya’s safety on the ship was another.  She was practically a mother to Rachel, family.  “Will you at least promise you will say if there is trouble in return?”  Creya nodded slowly.  “Then yes, I promise.  I promise.”

Creya let out a sigh of relief.  “Thank you.  Now then, we-“ The teapot, boiling finally, started to shriek and the lid to shudder, interrupting her words.  Creya chuckled.  “We should get some tea before the transport arrives.  It’s cold out there,” she said.

Rachel laughed and stood to gather the mugs.  “Of course.  I think it’d be appreciated.”  With that, she pulled the pot aside and poured two cups for them, and they sat to drink.

 For nearly another hour, the two sat in silence, Rachel eventually putting together a stack of pancakes for her new ‘mates.  It was only as she covered them and set them on the table that they heard the roar of the transport whistle to alert them, and the builders filing out.  They glanced at each other.  Lucinda was there.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 02:27:06 AM by Aldrea945 »
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I have an angry teddy bear with a flamethrower and a bad temper.

He's not as cute as Lucifer said he'd be, but at least the chainsaw is hidden.

Offline Whitepaw Niniichi/Enigir Shosa

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Icy Destination
« Reply #62 on: January 31, 2015, 02:46:34 AM »
Enigir Shosa, the young runaway 'prince', woke up slowly. Banging and crashing signalled the beginning of his adventure - or had it been the soft falling of snow the night before? Either way it didn't matter - he was escaping his homeland that little bit more.
     The snow wolf was really rather hot in this environment, and it took him a full minute to disentangle himself from his bedding. The same groggy thoughts kept going around in his friends...
     It was too much to bear in this sleepy state.
     Enigir had also been thinking about getting himself a new set of threads and maybe a new sword. Once his place had been established in the 'pack' - assuming there were even any other wolves aboard - he figured he'd ask the captain.
     The wolf finally got to his feet and yawned expansively, walking into the door and yelping loudly. He glanced around embarrassedly at the empty room before waddling out into the ship. The scent of food washed over him. His tail wagged.
     Lost, Enigir decided to follow the sounds of conversation. After all, he needed to know his rations before he dived in. If he made a mistake like that he'd surely be flayed and sent away. Either that or tossed in the cargo hold to starve.
     Enigir smiled. Such grim thoughts for a just-woken wolf.
     Having mentally prepared himself, Enigir finally started the long, perilous quest to the next room.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 02:48:45 AM by AJ Shosa »
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Re: Icy Destination
« Reply #63 on: February 01, 2015, 05:32:26 PM »
-Nettie started awake as she heard a loud whistle and practically catapulted out of her bed. Her heart was thudding in her ears as she sunk into a crouch ears flat against her head. it took her a moment to realise that she was no longer in the streets  and she shivered at a memory that flitted through her mind. Nettie stood and straightened up her clothes and wandered out not bothering to fix her hair or the sort. She looked about and made her way toward the main door. Her eyes narrowed as she saw the guards..-
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you can always return to the land of goodness. the road is paved with many challenges, but the most rewarding paths are not always the easiest.

Offline Aldrea945

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  • Currently: I shall live again! (Maybe.)
Re: Icy Destination
« Reply #64 on: March 21, 2015, 03:10:31 PM »
Rachel and Creya rose and dawned their coats, anxiety blooming in their stomachs.  She was there, and there was no turning back from this, no matter whether they wanted to or not.
Trotting down the hall to the hatch, Rachel noted the creaking springs and yawns as her new crew stretched and woke, the snores of those still enjoying a warm bed.  It was comforting to hear, to not be alone on her baby.  But she couldn’t focus on such things right then.  Rachel had to be ready to deal with anything that came her way from this prisoner. No distractions.
Outside the hatch and at the end of the lowered ramp, the two greeted Nettie with a nod and a smile, Rachel ruffling her ears to try and dispel any apprehension.  Creya watched the Persian carefully, assessing her for a moment before turning to the procession of transports and soldiers.  She’d do fine for the trip.
Toward the Taneris, gleaming in the morning light, four armored vehicles rumbled forward.  Soldiers in part metal, part Kevlar suits cleared paths among those already out and about and looking to watch the show.  Show it seemed, even to Creya’s eyes.  Every six wheeled mini tank shown bright copper with black accents, slim tops crested with the insignia of Ruinse’s army, the blue fox.  The insignia was reflected on the breastplates of those that walked, sapphire against reddish brown.  It even showed in the helmets, breathers and masks shaped to reflect the sharp nose and large eyes of the animal.  It was impressive to see – and unsettling for many.  Why so much protection for one prisoner?
Rachel tilted her head, heart sinking as the largest mini tank rolled forward.  The rear half of it was wide and high, large enough to accommodate soldiers with the prisoner.  Could anyone really be that dangerous?
All four rolled to a stop at once, the soldiers forming up around the group.  An older woman, bright blue feathers showing at the openings of her specially made coat and pants, stepped out to greet them.  General Zinick.  A woman Creya knew well from her travels and trips.  Not exactly a pleasure, but amiable.
Zinick nodded to the three, and the gesture was quickly returned.  “Morning, ladies,” she said, a professional half smile on her face.  “Lovely day for a trip to start.  Of course, before we start, I do need you to sign a few wavers.  Formality, of course.”  She pulled a clipboard of papers out of her leather messenger bag, pen already clipped to the side.  Rachel already knew what they were.  Liability wavers for the military.  She hated when those got dragged out.  Long, tedious, and unfortunately necessary anymore.
Creya was already working to sign them as Rachel glanced at them.  “Of course,” Creya said, eyes turned to the forms as she spoke.  “We all know how the military loves writing.”  As she finished and handed them back, she said, “Now then.  May I ask where our guest of honor is?  The longer we stay to chit-chat, to shorter our window of best weather will be for getting aloft.  We’d like to have her settled and sails out before another chance gale blows in.”
Zinick motioned to her squad.  “Getting her wits about her, I think,” she said.  Even as she spoke, Rachel listened more to the locks being undone on the double doors.  Two, three, four, five…  She counted until the bolts stopped at nine.  Each sounded heavy enough to seal an airtight door on a gale rider, out in the worst weather.  She barely knew so many locks could fit on a single door.
Her attention changed as the crowd went soft, speaking in tones hushed up as Lucinda disembarked.  Chains clanked and rattled, attached to her wrists, upper arms, ankles, shins, from her waist to her cuffs, and most strikingly, from her neck to her holders.  Two sharp staves pressed into her back, urging her soft steps forward.  And yet, nothing quieted the crowd so much as the broken look in those green eyes, the ragged edge to that once beautiful black and red fur.  Even her large, soft ears drooped low.  She shook with every step, shivering in her threadbare prison suit.  Her tiny feet slid along in old flats.  And yet, to the crowd’s disbelief, not a single soldier faltered in their treatment of the woman, forcing her forward even when she whimpered in pain.  Zinick certainly didn’t bat an eye.
Rachel watched Lucinda, gaze softening.  She knew that Creya had never lied to her, never told her lies about what sat in the hearts of those she didn’t know, but how could someone so fragile ever be so cruel?  She knew already she would never let that harshness pass in her ship.
Creya looked on in seeming disinterest.  “I’m sure we can load her up from here.  I doubt she could cause much trouble in her state.  Thank you for your help, though, Zinick.  I’ll be sure to give a hefty donation to cover the cost of the transport,” she said, mentally judging the best way to go about it without letting the others meet the woman.  Rachel was plenty.  Even Nettie seemed too many for her tastes, but it couldn’t be helped now.
Zinick smiled.  “You know we wouldn’t ask that.  It is much appreciated, however,” she said.  A soldier, gender and species indecipherable, approached and awaited permission to speak.  She nodded assent.
“Ma’am, transports are ready to head out.  May we ready to head back to base?” they said, hands behind their back and feet together.
Zinick nodded again.  “Of course.  Prepare to move out as soon as the prisoner is in her new living quarters.”  And off they were, readying the tank to close again.
Creya nodded.  “I have only to wait for one other crewmate to join us first,” she said, glancing at the gathered crowd.
No sooner had she spoken than a reptilian figured moved out of the people and through the wary guards.  She carried two bags, one for Creya and one for herself, and although Rachel did not recognize her, Nettie did.  The agent from before.  Shouldn’t they have mentioned her joining the crew?
The woman nodded to her leader.  “Sssorry for being late, Miss Creya.  I had some busssinesss to attend to before I joined you here,” she hissed quietly.
Creya simply nodded slowly.  “Of course.”  She turned to the waiting soldiers.  “Now then.  Rachel and I will lead you to the hold.  Nettie, you go get some breakfast, and we’ll join you shortly.”  She didn’t wait for a reply before she had started up the ramp.  Rachel gave Nettie an apologetic glance, silently promising to fill her and the rest of the crew in later, and trotted up after her adoptive mother.  Best to hurry and get everything ready.
The small cell had been fitted well, with enough room to move, but not enough to be considered spacious.  Thick steel bars, nearly four inches thick per, ran to the deck above and below, and cross pieces made it possible only to stick a hand out, though even then it was far from the door.  Plates were welded in place at top and bottom of the cage, and the door followed suit.  Pieces had even been welded around the frame of the door, on the edges, and in a thick strip around the middle.  Rachel glanced at the woman again.  A bit… overkill, in her mind, though Creya’s earlier words kept her from letting the thought have too much room. Too much was better than too little.  At least it had been fitted to the back corner, near the warmth of the boiler and away from the cargo racks.
Creya nodded at the workmanship, watching the soldiers lead Lucinda inside the enclosure.  She couldn’t complain about anything with that cage.  It’d work for the trip, and that was all that mattered for the time being.  They could supply any blankets or clothes as needed.  She glanced at the snake beside her.  “Shuni, make sure they she is comfortable.  Only release her of the most necessary chains for now,” she said.
Shuni nodded slowly, not saying a word as she slid into the cage for just a moment with key in hand from one of the soldiers.  Her long tail curled around where she stopped.
Rachel watched on, more an observer than anything for the time.  It was the first time she’d gone about something like this in a run.  Would have been nice to have that cage for bringing back animals, but animals were animals.  This was…  If Creya was right, this was as dangerous as trying to drag a hatchling dragon from its mother.  Not a comforting thought…
The soldiers waited as Shuni slid back out, four sets of manacles in hand, before locking the three bolts on the door.  Directly after, with a short nod from Creya, they disappeared back through the door and down the hall.  Rachel could hear their boots thudding on the ramp, and barely heard the transports start and leave.  ‘That was… fast.  Thought military were more time-wasting than that…’ she thought, but shrugged mentally.  Either way, worked for her.
Those jewel like eyes caught hers once more as she looked over at the cage.  Lucinda’s shoulders slumped like a great weight had settled there, and tears glittered in those pretty eyes.  A soft, desperate whimper snuck past her muzzle.  “P-please, I-I know I’m not your own, but…  C-can I just… just have a small touch of food?  P-please, they fed me nothing for three days, and…” Lucinda whimpered, near sobbing.  Her loose clothes hid her figure, but Rachel doubted that was much of a lie.
Rachel glanced at Creya.  Creya waved it off.  “I’ll get her something to keep her alive and find a few blankets.  Go tend to your new crew and get your own breakfast before it’s gone, darling.  I’ll meet you in the galley later,” she said to the tiger.  Rachel couldn’t be around Lucinda for long.  Wouldn’t be, if she was careful.
Rachel nodded and smiled. “I’ll keep some aside for you and Shuni too, and get a plate for Lucinda.  Don’t take too long though, alright?” Rachel said, already hearing the tap of claws in the hall.  Creya simply nodded and playfully shooed her out.
Creya looked over at her companions.  Now for the preparations to begin.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 10:16:09 PM by Aldrea945 »
  • Avatar by: Kayato! <3 <3
I have an angry teddy bear with a flamethrower and a bad temper.

He's not as cute as Lucifer said he'd be, but at least the chainsaw is hidden.


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