Author Topic: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)  (Read 4860 times)

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2009, 01:52:59 PM »
Cat vaulted past another pair of NEG, he looked back to see them scrambling over the wall, shaking his head he turned and in one movement dived through the short tunnel ahead, it was then that it happened again, just like when the dragon had gone to hit him, everything appeared to be tinted amber as the NEG training room slowed to a crawl, as he hit the floor on the other side it was over, sprinting the last section Cat turned to watch the other officers running the course, barely panting Cat walked over to the combat training...

He stood, just wearing his combat trousers in the middle of the ring as NEG shouted and spat at him, as always. Breathing deeply he just watched to see who would try, a young NEG, james was his name suspected Cat, also stripping his shirt off he pulled out a shock-baton and powered it down, leaving it as a no less deadly piece of metal...

The NEG leapt for him, cat side stepped lazily batting him across the back of the head, coming to a stop he sneared at the NEG, "dead" he whispered... The NEG jumped again this time rolling and conecting with Cat's leg, with one movement cat pulled, twisted and broke the baton out of his grip, swinging it round it made a small tink as it came lightly into contact with his face, "dead" he whispered again, the NEG seemed to be slow today, no matter what attack he made Cat always managed to at least make sure it did not make dangerous contact...

The NEG became impatient and pulling a training mock rifle from a nearby shelf he unloaded several shots at Cat, each of the training bullets sped across in a tight formation straight for Cat's chest, he saw the shots coming, they seemed slow, painfully slow, Cat ducked and swerved, 3 of the 5 shots missed entirely, the fourth skimmed his chest the fifth made contact with his shoulder, the impact sending him to the floor, everything returned like a light bering switched back on, NEG officers where staring down at him on the ground, a quiet murmering rang round the hall, *"how did it dodge em?"*

Two officers at the nod of a senior seargent pulled cat from the ground and slammed a shock baton into his chest, a shock like a small hammer split his head and chest as bright light flooded his mind, to be proceeded only by darkness...


((this is for chrono))
*in the alert office a siren blared, "team 23 and 48 to training room, experiment disturbance forseen, arrest experiment ~Chrono~... extreme caution advised".... the message repeated as a host of boots tramped out in orderly fashion towards the training room~ webbers, riot shields, and shock batons all being readied....
« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 02:12:06 PM by Kitteh (known as cat) »
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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #46 on: July 12, 2009, 02:59:45 AM »
Chrono easily dealt with the one who insulted him, but he might end up in more trouble, because the same person is also in critical condition. "Never talk about my mother, ever" he said as he left the training room and saw the guards. "Well, I figured this was going to happen, and oh even brought shock nice of you!" he had a wide grin as his electricity became more visible, and the lights started to dim...
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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2009, 07:52:32 AM »
*there was a shout from an officer behind the line of guards, they all powered down theyre shock batons...raising riot shields they released a volley of webbers, filling the small corridor with quickly solidifying, fully heat resistant, plastic in i large sticky mess....*

"TAKE OUT THUMPAS!" *the row of NEG pulled out ionised steel thumpas, and locking shields together the third row pulled out rifles, loading fragmentation bullets*
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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #48 on: July 12, 2009, 05:22:28 PM »
Foxx and his shadow attacked each other at the same time. A long sound was heard. It sounded like metal hitting metal, but it was much deeper. The fox growled and looked at the faceless shadow, then forced it back. He hopped away and rushed back at it, swinging his black sword at it's head in a pretty obvious way. The shadow moved its own sword up, to block the attack. Foxx grinned and made a quick movement, twisting his arm so the blade would descend suddenly, aiming now at the opponent's stomach. The shadow jumped away, but Foxx's sword touched it barely. The shadow looked down. A bit of what looked like smoke was raising from where the sword touched it, then slowly stopped. Foxx smiled at her, his tail lashing back and forth.
"Come on!"
I are a Mewgia 8D Deal with the cute >83

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #49 on: July 12, 2009, 05:33:31 PM »
Cat woke, consciousness flooding his mind, god how it hurt.... he opened one eye only, and raised his head... he was lying on a bare bed, in a small dank cell... an experiment cell.... he stood up, wincing with every movement, he was still wearing his uniform... looking up he saw one of the security cameras, the small red light blinked back at him, inanimate.... limping he wlked back over to the bed and sat down heavily....

"Cat Kistrev, officer of NEG 1447..."

the sharp metallic voice rang through the cell as the camera panned to get him in view.... Cat looked up at the camera and bared his teeth, his ears back....

"Please stand asside from the door"

the voice sounded again, Cat moved back slightly on the bed, watching the doorway..... two NEG wlked through as it opened, and fired....... Cat swore loudly and repeatedly in Russian, Slovak and English,, however to his surprise the bullets, that he now realised where merely rubber, had missed completely... more than that, it wasnt that the bullets had missed, he was a metre to the side of where he had been...

"1447 shows definate signs of unconscious skills, following tests and trainging shall ensue, bring him to the lab"

the two NEG walked over and hauled the still stunned Cat up and dragged him out into thw corridor, here they dragged him down the corridor.....
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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #50 on: July 12, 2009, 05:36:25 PM »
ghost hopped and landed at the end of the obstacle course. she was tired as she descended to the lower level, she dropped off her weighted harness and went over to a spout of the wall, at about chest height. she grabbed a plastic water bottle and filled it from the spout, there were multiple ones on her side of the fence. she took a few gulps of water. and listened to a disruption in one of the smaller sparring rooms. she heard guards going to chrono. ghost sighed. when will he learn self control, i mean, it's not the best idea to go against the rules. he's not invincible. i hope that attitude dosen't get him killed. ghost shook her head sadly. she walked over to the free weights and grabbed 15 pounds in each hand and started lifting. thinking as she did. she listened to fox fight his shadow clone.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 09:46:54 PM by PhantomStone »

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #51 on: July 12, 2009, 05:39:29 PM »
*Cat pulled his arms away from the two NEG* I'm still and officer you grunts, and i can walk....

they marched past the training rooms, the large floor to ceiling window giving an impressive view in, Cat could see the dragon beeing mobbed by NEG, shaking his head, he looked past others working on waits and sparring as he was lead to the lab....
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"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"


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