Darkness. The void of emptiness that is unconciousness. Halfeb started to come to. Last thing he remembered was he was guarding one of the head bosses of the underworld, bright lights, then, nothing. He looked around, he was high up... and falling. He looked around and saw he had to be quite a few miles up. He gripped the parachute that was attached to him. The ground was coming up so very fast. Finally, he figued out to hit the button on the parachute. The parachute opened and floated him down. He had never seen a jungle like the one he was dropped in. He looked up and saw others being dropped. Something wasn't right. People being dropped from te sky into some jungle. He felt his hip, he still had his uzi's. To him, this could be a chance to get free. But, as was his weakness, he would never leave people behind to suffer.