Author Topic: Looking for a mate  (Read 1365 times)

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Offline Kelilina

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Looking for a mate
« on: December 08, 2010, 07:44:48 PM »
*kelilina's ears droop. She has been looking for a mate, but no one has been willing to be hers. That was all she ever wanted, another furry to be by her side. She sniffed the air solumly as one teardrop streamed silently down her face. She watched as her friends fooled around with their partners, which didnt help what she was feeling inside. She bit down hard on her lip, not caring that blood was begining to flow out of it. She curled up on the ground and held her only friend close to her heart - A doll that she had found near a path. She cried herself to sleep, the soft wind in her hair, and the dancing fireflies were her only lulluby... She was awakened by her instincts... something (or someone) had been watching her sleep. She sat up and tilted her head. Her heart was racing in her chest, and she didnt understand why. It felt good. She knew that this creature was friendly, and male. She blushed a little and pretended to go back to sleep. She covered her face with her tail and slowly opened one eye. There were two hind paws right in front of her. She giggled. 'this is my chance!!' she said to herself. whoohoo! i'm finnally gonna get a mate (if it works out, that is xD) she heard him say to her...*

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Re: Looking for a mate
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2010, 01:10:04 AM »
This is not a dating site, nor do we allow adult RP, if that's what you intended here.
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