Author Topic: Facade  (Read 8456 times)

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« on: July 28, 2011, 02:56:17 AM »
"Four of the shards... They are confirmed to be following individuals... They may have explained how to access their knowledge..."

"How do you know this?"

"I can see all.. Shut up and retrieve them."


Gen slowly walked down the midnight street, sighing softly and watching his breathe as he walked. He shivered a bit. "I-I need to start wearing suitable clothing..." He said to himself, continuing his walk. He was roughly a block from his not-so-nice, but money efficient, apartment. He sighed and closed his sapphire eyes for a second; enough time for a stranger to grab him by the collar and toss him into an alley. He let out a squeak, said stranger pressing him against a wall roughly.
"Gimme your money, kid."
He gulped loudly and looked up, both his own arms pressed against his chest. He wasn't able to see the strangers face, due to the darkness of the alley. "I-I-I... Don't have any...." He softly said. "Please... Let me go... I'm rather late, sir...." He felt hands trace over his empty pockets, and then the stranger took a glance at his wrists for watches, before running off. Gen had been lucky. Most would've requested the shirt off his back, or would've physically hurt him. He shakily collected himself, dusting off the dirt from his clothing.
"It's not quite over yet.." A voice told him, making him look around in an unsure and nervous panic.

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Re: Facade
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 03:33:03 AM »
Dominic had been sitting next to his home on a rock, gazzing at the night sky, and breathing softly into the ocean air.. Its been two years since he had found the relic deep in the tomb, and since he had been hearing voices, swords clashing, screaming, and mostly an angry yelling voice saying "Demon Assassin!!! Get him!!!".. it always startled Dominic to a stand still, and always he was ready to run, He had no clue what it meant.

Dominic got up and went inside his home, lit a fire in the fireplace, and went to sleep next to it on the floor.
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Re: Facade
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2011, 04:41:41 AM »
"...." Siyan's lip twitched a little in aggravation as he gazed at the parasite begging for a coin. A young drug craving human with dirt covering most of his hands tugged a little harder on Siyan's arm to make sure he was listing.
  "Do it" a voice hissed, breaking a smile on Siyan's face.
   "Ok" Siyan said as he reached around his back. The man smiled as his body began to shake a little in anxiety. While the human suspected that he was reaching for his wallet,  Siyan's thin fingers wrapped around the hilt of the dagger strapped to his back. "Remove your arm" Siyan hissed. Puzzled by the attitude the human paused for a second. Siyan growled as he pulled the blade out, ripping the shadow from under Siyan, Turing into a pitch black blade. The blade smoothly severed the fragile bones of the human, making him fall to the ground in pain. Siyan smiled, he wasn't done yet.
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Re: Facade
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2011, 06:01:01 AM »
As Dominic was asleep, he found himself in a familiar place, South America, over the underground temple, hiding, and watching a military camp at the enterence, for what appeard to have the Nazi flag. It was dark, and it was poring rain.. Dominic, tried to control himself to turn back, but he had no control of himself. The Nazi's apeared to have some kind of machien pointing at the enterence. Dominic found himself taking out a pistol in his right hand, and a blade on top of his left arm. Staring at one man, who looked to be english.

Dominic Jumped off the small cliff and revealed himself to the, He started shooting, and stabbing his way throught quickly to the english man. An angry voice yelled, " Demon Assassin!!!! Get Him!! Kill him!!" , Guns started fireing, Dominic dropped his gun, and started shooting fire out of his fists at the soldiers.

Dominic woke up with shock, and realized he had set the carpet on fire with a small flame. He managed to put it out. "holy _ _ _ _!!"
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 06:03:06 AM by Horse Furry1 »
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Re: Facade
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2011, 06:24:53 AM »
A Nazi soldier stood on his knees, begging for mercy and his life. He spoke of his three children and wife at home, saying he only joined the military because the Germans forced him to. "We have no reason to keep a Nazi soldier alive." Sarah grabbed the Luger that fell on the ground and shot the villain right between the eyes. She said nothing further except "They'll catch up if we don't get out of here. Let's go."

Gelidus woke up with little emotion. She was holding the bear she found in Korea. Finally she spoke to the spirit "I know we agreed that you would tell me the story one bit at a time, but does it have to be while I'm sleeping?" Sarah responded "If you want to truly know what happened, I need to send the experience with a dream. Your mind is calm and doesn't fight me that way." Gelidus was a little frustrated when she spoke again "Fine. Just don't wake me up when the dream is over. I need sleep you know." Gelidus then started to drift to sleep once again, still holding the bear.
Love is only a feeling.
A feeling of security, a feeling of happiness, a feeling of lust, a feeling of belonging.
A feeling we need.
We may think we can live life without it, but a life without it would be boring, meaningless, and depressing.
Love controls us. Without love, we are nothing. With it, nothing else in the world matters
Love is only a feeling.
A feeling that makes life worth living or dying

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Re: Facade
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2011, 09:28:05 AM »
"Listen, child. Listen or you shall have no opportunity to defend yourself in the near future." Gen listened to the words that seemed to be injected to his head. The voice was soft, and very woman like. He nodded a bit and looked around. "To the left of the dumpster near you is an abandoned make up kit. Take its mirror. You're going to need it later." Gen approached the box, squirming a bit at the sight of a spider that had sat on its top. He blew it off and opened the kit, looking at the mirror. It showed his face, and another pale face behind him. He squeaked loudly and jumped back, looking around.
"Wh-where... Wh-who are you?!" He squealed out in fear, backing up.
"We've no time for this, just take the mirror. I apologize for being so close. It appears you lack the ability to see me without the mirrors.. But just take it. It's not properly glued on, so it'll come right off."
He gulped and went forward again, gently pulling on it. Like he had been told, it came off easily. He looked at it, seeing the pale entity farther behind him. He took attention to the detail this time. It was a woman, with blond hair. She looked around the age of forty. The mirror itself was just a square, no lacing or anything. He put it in his pocket, and looked around for the woman. No sight of her. She wasn't lying when she said he could only see her in a mirror.
"Go home. You shall be taken tonight, as will others. When you meet them, don't say a word, and don't pull out the mirror until I come to you."
Being taken sounded awful, but he had to accept his fate. He'd have to return home, and when he did he'd be taken anyway. He walked to a near pay phone. From his pocket he pulled out a wallet, and some change. He'd lied to the man earlier, of course. Nobody is completely honest. He pulled out a dollar and change, and called the only person who would be up at midnight. He was going to tell her, but had a last minute change of heart. When the answering machine picked up he laughed a bit. "Aww... Heather, I thought you'd be up at this time... I wanted to hang... Boo! You suck~ Tell Johnny I said hi, I guess... See ya later." He hung up and proceeded to go home.


Gelidus's window was open, whether she had left it that way or not, it had been opened, just slightly. Through the window, a vine crept slowly to the sleeping wolf/falcon hybrid. It was quiet as well as invisible to any souls that would be located in the room. The vine crept to her hand, slitting it with a thorn and quickly pumping a non lethal dose of Curare into her bloodstream. Had Gelidus gained consciousness, she is still paralyzed by the drug's effect. A heavily clothed, muscular, and masked man walked into the window, ripping apart a paper charm. The ripping caused the vine to vanish. He crept forward, and took the immobile female in his arms. He continued to exit the apartment building, walking into a van. "Got the first." They blindfolded her, and laid her still. They had her connected to oxygen support, due to the fact that her respiratory muscles could have stopped working. They continued on to the next apartment, the apartment of Dominic. The man crept to the window while others kept their eyes over Gelidus. He began a similar action as to what he did with Gelidus, however, he had to increase the vine's level of Curare, due to the fire ability. This vine moved quite quickly, taking its conscious victim by his neck. It injected the Curare to his bloodstream there. This was done within a second; Dominic had little time to react due to his muscles becoming non responsive. He was quickly taken to the van, and had been chained still. They didn't wish to take any chances with him. They had various information on each person's ability, information that had been fed by their leader. The next held onto a dark attribute, so they'd have to keep him in light. As they drove up, he was injuring a man. The other man sighed to himself. He repeated the previous action, though using a surgical light on Siyan. "I'd better be getting paid well for this..." They proceeded to Gen's apartment. All three of them were out of the paralysis by now, but were still hooked up to oxygen support. Gelidus had her arms bound behind her back, and was blindfolded, while the two men had been blindfolded and completely restrained. Precautions had been taken to make sure that they wouldn't be able to use they're abilities, as analyzed by their leader.


Gen changed his clothing to a clean set and ate a full meal, as well as drank a healthy amount of water. He sighed a bit, sitting at the table and reading a book. His windows were shut tight, but unlocked. He knew it was going to happen regardless, so he wanted it by his own terms. He was a bit depressed at having to be so cooperative, but he doubted he'd be able to resist anyway. He squeaked at a bump near his window. His captor had made a mistake in his slyness. He looked back in almost absolute terror at the man. "Y-Y-You've come to take me.... H-haven't you...?" He shivered in fear and kept his arms near his chest. The man began to work out his charm as quick as possible. Gen took his book in his arm and looked up at him like a child would a stranger. "Don't waste your energy... I'll go... Just don't mess up my apartment... I just cleaned it." The man, taken aback a bit, slowly opened the window and jumped in onto his kitchen floor. His boots left dirt on the white tile, and Gen sighed a bit.
"If I were you, I would've chained him by now..." The voice in his head had stated to him. He replied calmly in his voice.
"You said I was going to be taken... I can't do that, I'm much to weak... I'm just going to go easily..."
The man approached and roughly grabbed Gen's wrists, cuffing them together. "Watch the hair..." Gen whined a bit. The man directed him to the van. To their leader's knowledge, he hadn't activated his abilities. He was placed like Gelidus, blindfolded and cuffed. The Curare had worn off, so the the others in the vehicle could breathe fine, and if it hadn't been for their restrictions, they'd be able to move freely. Dominic and Siyan were bound to where they could only arch their backs. The man removed their oxygen support.
"Don't try anything funny... It wouldn't be hard to make a dose lethal."

Gen sat in the van while he was driven, holding still and keeping alone to his thoughts.

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Re: Facade
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2011, 03:36:57 PM »
Gelidus knew the only reason she would be taken captive would be for her new-found ability. And after they put the oxygen mask on her she wasn't too worried about being killed, so she waited patiently to find out what her captors would do with her. She couldn't see, but she heard hustling and busting 3 more times after she had been secured. She could only assume they had more captors, and that they had abilities similar to hers. When she was no longer paralyzed she spoke out loud in a sarcastic voice to whomever might be in the van "So how is everyone tonight?"
Love is only a feeling.
A feeling of security, a feeling of happiness, a feeling of lust, a feeling of belonging.
A feeling we need.
We may think we can live life without it, but a life without it would be boring, meaningless, and depressing.
Love controls us. Without love, we are nothing. With it, nothing else in the world matters
Love is only a feeling.
A feeling that makes life worth living or dying

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Re: Facade
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2011, 04:19:43 PM »
Siyan threw his body around in anger.
  "Stop you fool!"
  ''There is no escaping so you might as well just remain calm" Siyan took a deep breath. Relaxing his body, he sniffed the air.
  "Sorry... I woke in shock" he said laughing casually. "Sir taker, would you ever be so kind and remove the bandages. Be but a gent and bless a savage beast with sight would you, I mean you no harm." Siyan talked slowly, some may say suave manner, his voice brought on a soothing and comforting feeling.
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Re: Facade
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2011, 07:26:51 PM »
Dominic had still slept from the dart thing, His Dreams became like reality, one Assassination after the other, but still couldn't find what happened in the temple, The final dream was blank, and a voice spoke to him, "You have learned what your ancestory is full of, and so you have learned almost everything I have, they have, and since 13 hundreds, You are trapped, you will wake up now."

Dominic woke up chained, and heard the sound of the van, and breathing of others. Dominics chains on his fists and feet turned red, and then cooled gently down as he exhaled a breath.
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Re: Facade
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2011, 11:52:57 PM »
The voice spoke again in Gen's head, and he kept his eyes shut behind the blindfold. "Repeat after me..."

"I doubt they would let us go without the proper bindings.. We have been taken for a reason, and they shall not let us go so easily. Whether it was to be executed, or to be imprisoned, I've no clue. I assume none of your accompanied souls had been able to sense the approaching danger, or had decided it was unnecessary to inform you." He repeated the voice in a cold and slightly feminine voice, "However, these men probably will not release our bindings through polite request.. Which is rather unfortunate, I've a phobia of the dark..." Gen repeated the words as well as possible, slightly shocked and confused by what he was saying as well.


"We are almost at the designated location. If one of you attempts to escape, you shall be paralyzed again and taken back. Please do not underestimate Kiharu." The man who had spoken before said, "You will be taken to a room that has been proofed to each one of your abilities, and you will not be able to escape. You may try, but you shall not be able to. There we will release you of your bindings." The back of the van had opened. The footsteps of at least twenty men were able to be heard. Gen made a grunt at the feel of someone trying to take him from his seat.

"I can get up on my own. Please take your hands off of me." He got up and was led out of the van, followed by Gelidus. Siyan and Dominic were last, having ten men around then to make sure they didn't try to pull an escape attempt. The reason why they had had so much security was because their abilities were labeled more dangerous than Gelidus and Gens' abilities, due to the fact they didn't need as much as the other two needed to use them. After the rough escort, each one of the four had their restrictions removed. The door was slammed shut. Gen removed his blindfold to look around a very dark and dank room. Its walls were made of steel and bolts, and there was nothing on the floor. The room smelled of rust and humidity. Gen sighed and crawled to the back of the room. He looked at the others a bit shyly, and half fearfully. "I don't like this..."

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Re: Facade
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2011, 12:37:30 AM »
Dominic stood leaning on the metal wall. Dominic looked around, and saw that the line of bolts placed to hold the metal together, "Obviously these people are poor" He flatened his hands around the first bolt, and began to warm the metal within under his palms, when he released the spot was red. Dominic then started punching the wall making shure not to hit the bolt. the wall dented till he could pull the bolt out. When he heard foot steps coming, he put the bolt in his mouth and sat down.
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 )))     | ||                .| |           ♥♥♥
((        ) \\                 ) \           \|/

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Re: Facade
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2011, 01:29:31 AM »
"Bloody hell what do these idiots think they are doing to me, I will rip there throats out and-" Siayn sat down screaming inside his own mind while maintaining a soft composure on the outside. He took a deep breath reaching around, grabbing the hilt of the dagger. Pulling it out, he gazed at it, it was a dull yet well kept blade.
  "So much light" the voice hissed.
  "Maybe I should ask them to put it on dim" he smiled at his own comment. He began to hum him self a lullaby from his youth.
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Re: Facade
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2011, 02:15:26 AM »
Gen watched Dominic a bit curiously. "I doubt you're going to escape like that... There can be more material behind it... They don't seem too poor.. This isn't supposed to comfortable, we're not in a hotel." He pulled out his small square mirror and tilted it around a bit. He saw each of the others' soul companions but took a bit to find his own. "I think you owe me an explanation, madame.. Or at least a hint..."[\color] Loud footsteps approached the big metal door. He sat still in the back of the dark room

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Re: Facade
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2011, 02:32:38 AM »
Dominic looked at Gen, "Im not trying to break through the wall!" He got up and flattend his hands on another bolt, and did it again.
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 )))     | ||                .| |           ♥♥♥
((        ) \\                 ) \           \|/

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Re: Facade
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2011, 06:23:08 AM »
Gelidus leaned against the wall and watched as Dominic made his silly attempt at escape "Well this is fun. Who here thought they were gonna get kidnapped tonight, raise your hand." She raised her hand at her own ridiculous sarcasm "Alright so what are you guys here for? I'm assuming you can do stuff like what the horse is doing and this" She pulled out a water bottle and froze its contents. Doing nothing else except hovering it in the air while still leaning on the wall "So my question is how did they know about our nifty little abilities and why are they caging us?"
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 06:53:07 AM by Gelidus »
Love is only a feeling.
A feeling of security, a feeling of happiness, a feeling of lust, a feeling of belonging.
A feeling we need.
We may think we can live life without it, but a life without it would be boring, meaningless, and depressing.
Love controls us. Without love, we are nothing. With it, nothing else in the world matters
Love is only a feeling.
A feeling that makes life worth living or dying


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