Main ideas
This RP takes place in the Great Yithian City of Pnakotus. Furs from across time and space have been transported to the great city, via the great Silver gate, which is in the center of the city. These furs are free to roam the city, whall they are under peacefull watch of the yithians, who simply want to record there every action in the name of science.
The City is extreamly moderen and furtursitc, With several buildings open to the furs who are under obvservation. Most notible are the Great Librairy, where every thing ever known is stored in large tomes and books. There is the training building, where via holographs, any enemy can be battled, any enemy, from earth, or space. The great lounges, where anything anybody could ever want can be synthised, instantaly, includeing food, and objects. There are the obverstation buildings, where studys are preformed on willing furs. There is also the main resedents buildings, which have a room for everyone who has been transported into the city. The rest of the city, which is open to everyone, consistes of yithian buildings, parks, and a spaceport, which at the current moment, is closed. Outside the city, is a desert, which goes on for thousands of miles. It is not wise to wander too far into the desert. There is idle few yithians in the city.
All furs and other species who enter the city, enter though the great silver gate. in the center of the city.
The city exists 90 million years in earths past, befor any life known to the monderen world exsisted.
I request full, decent posts, no one liners.
please post your....
assorted details:
year your from: (example, 2007 )
Name: 905
Species: Yithian
Age: N/A
Assorted details:The ruler of the great city, and one of a few yithians actully there.
Year your from: N/A
* 905 slowly moves towards controll pannel of the great gate. With one of his tenticals he pokes the holographs screen, There is a loud beep, as 2 other holograph screen pop up next to the main one, writen and displayed on these screens are many odd and weird figures and words, writen in yithian. With my left claw i push a lever, the right screen turns from a clear bluish color to red, i poke the screen a few times with a tentical again, and there is a flash. 20 meters infront of me, inside the 100 foot tall rounded arch the great silver gate opens, filling the arch with a weird silver light. The light from the gate throws shadows across the main gathering plaza. with a second poke to the screen, orbs of light turn on, lighting up the entire plaza with bright bright white light, i slowly move away from the contorll pannel, and wait infront of the great silver gate. Everything is ready for new arrivals to the great city of Pnakotus.*