Author Topic: Jungle danger  (Read 2460 times)

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Jungle danger
« on: September 23, 2014, 04:23:40 AM »
The Jukono jungle. A dark and mysterious place in the unknown end of Africa. Many have try to go in and explore the mysterious place to find plants rocks to make them famous. Some say that there were even living people or furries living a primitive and unknown life.
 Many have try to go in there but some have not left the jungle and the few one that did make it out was to scared to talk about what happen in there. Only a fool would not listen to the local warning of going in there.

 A jeep drive up to the start of the jungle. Blue a young female bunny took of her sunglasses and her hat and step out of the jeep showing her blue and white fur. She was wearing some tight shorts and a brown tank top and army boots. She saw the signs and begin to read* Warning do not enter the jungle* She look into the dark jungle white a more nervous look as she walk over and took her backpack and find a little notebook and a pen and begin to write.

 *Jungle journal day 1
 I Dr. Blue have enter the Jukono jungle. I have the purpose to find new plant medicine to heal dangerous illness. I have got several warnings form many of the locals. Fear of dangerous jungle fever, getting attack form the mysterious jungle living.* She put the pen down and took a look around. * I have jet not seen anything living or rare plants, only known trees flowers and other plant*
 She suddenly stop. She could smell a lovely scent. A sweetness like a fresh strawberries. She begin to follow the scent and was lead to a bush under a large tree that hat huge round berries on them. She took one off the bush and put her backpack down and find a little army knife to cut it open. Inside was a sparkling pink juice that the scent come form. She put her lips closer and was about to taste it but suddenly. Her foot got traped in a wine that suddenly wrapped tight around her foot and lift it high up in the air.

 Blue gave a huge scream as she was hanging only a few centimeters over the ground like a dear in a trap. That must be what this was a trap. She look over at her back pack but it was to far away for her to reach it. She put her paw down in the pocket finding her little caller sending a signal to the center calling for help. No one of form the center know she was going into the jungle. They hat all told her to stay at the lab and do her job.

 She look around scared and could soon hear a few steps come closer to her spot and she try to stay silent but a few wimps came out

Offline Cinder42

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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2014, 11:17:06 AM »
Cinder crouched in the branches of a tree, hidden carefully behind the thick foliage as she whatched the rabbit approach the trap. She flattened her ears, eyes narrowing in anticipation of what was about to come. Finally the loud snap she had been waiting for filled the trees followed by a cry of surprise. Her muzzle split into a wide grin and she rose from her little nook in the bark.She hopped from her perch, gliding down easily on brown and white wings. She landed just out of sight and proceeded to walk around the front of the rabbit,  folding her wings neatly behind her as she reached out and took one of her ears in her paw. She examined it closely, rubbing it between her paw pads thoughtfully. She gave a curt nod and stepped back, looking over the rest of the trapped rabbit and occassionally touching or investigating some odd part if her cloths or fur, never once really making eye contact. Finally though, the blue-grey she-wolf crouched down to where she was about eye-level with the upside down rabbit, and stared into her face inquizitively, her dark brown hair falling slightly in her eyes as her ears twitched about.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 10:53:42 PM by Cinder42 »
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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2014, 01:18:49 PM »
Blue looked whit fear in her eyes as the blue-grey shewolf came closer to her and begin to take a look at what just got into her trap. The young bunny looked into her dark brown eyes not know what was about to happen to her. Could she not just hat stay home at the center and do her job she did not have to think about the dangerous situation she was in. What did the wolf want whit her? Did she want money? food? Cloth?
*Plish do not eat me miss. I promise I can give you anything you want. Food money new cloth. I can even give you a job if you just let me go and don't hurt me* She said whit fear and small tears running form her eyes. Her only hope was that she could communicate whit the wolf. If not she was doomed   

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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2014, 10:59:41 PM »
Cinder just blinked, staying silent for a weighted moment before smiling again. She reached up with her claws and cut the makeshift rope, letting the rabbit fall unceremoniously to the ground. She crouched down again, looking the bunny in the eye. "You came her for a reason! Trapping would be boring!" She chirped perkily. "Why?"
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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2014, 03:44:41 AM »
Blue fall down and land on the ground and she stay down and look into the eyes of the wolf that study her. * I came in here to study plants to make medicine to see if I can make something that can help cancer or AIDS patient* She said looking into the eyes and give her a friendly but nervous smile. Her little bunny heart begin to pond faster and faster

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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2014, 12:43:28 PM »
Cinder's face dropped to one of puzzlement for a moment, as if she didnt understand, but it passed. 'Outsiders are wierd!' She thought. 'When she dies out here on her own, them I will eat her!' Her tao l sagged inocently as she straightened, swiftly pulling the blue rabbit to her paws. She put a paw to her chest and patted it there emphatically. "Cinder!"
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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2014, 02:04:31 PM »
Nice to meet you cinder. I am dr, Blue Burnt. but you can call me Blue* She look at her and smild happy and enjoy that she would not eat her.  She grape down and find the berry whit the sparkling juice. * can you tell me anything about this fruit? I have never seen one of this. Is it a strawberry or maybe a citrus fruit?* she ask and put a finger down and taste a bit of it

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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2014, 05:13:21 PM »
Cinder shook her head and took the berry out of Blue's paw, holding it up for her to see. She took one of her claws on her other paw and make a tiny scratch on her arm, she then moved the berry down and held it against the small cut. She looked back up at the rabbit and nodded, c ontinueing to gesture wildly.
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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2014, 05:46:10 PM »
wow this is amassing I really need to let me study you and how you live in this jungle. Will you let me Miss Cinder ?* Blue ask and look at her at the arm and hold it up to watch it and toke  her note book and begin to write her observation

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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2014, 03:06:19 AM »
Cinder blinked, the same inocent smile on her face as always. She recognized some words out of what the rabbit was saying but things like "study" and "strawberry" werent ringing any bells. Sje simply surmised to nod awkwardly at whatever she was talking about.
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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2014, 05:30:23 AM »
Blue smile happy and clap her small hands and walk over to her bag to try to find a something in her bag and came back whit a little siren and a needle* I first whould like to take a sample of you blood * She said taking the she wolf paw and was about to stick the sharp needle in her

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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2014, 10:45:09 AM »
Cinder whatched Blue work contently, swaying her tail back and fourth in some silent rythme behind her back. Whenshe returned woth the odd shiny object from her bag and took her paw she eyed it with confusion and ccuriosity. She reached out with her other paw, starting to fiddle with it with her claws.
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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2014, 03:34:33 PM »
Blue smile and look at her push the needle in her and begin to gentle suck some blood out and gentle pet her side and smile friendly* You are really pretty women  * She said blushing

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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2014, 05:11:14 PM »
Cinder yelped, tugging away slightly before being routed by her fascination with the needle in her arm. She had never seen anything like it before and whatched it intensely, her dark brown eyes steadily following the rising red liquid inside the chamber. She heard Blue speak and looked up to see her slightly discolored face through her fur and suddenly became aware of the touch on her side. She looked slightly puzzled for a moment before smiling again, recognizing the phonominon from some of the interactions she had witness in her old village when she was apup. She reached up and poked her playfully on one rosy cheek, careful to keep her claws safely away.
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Re: Jungle danger
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2014, 01:44:05 AM »
Blue smile at her as she know that she may never have seen her own blood running out of her. She gentel pull the needle out of her arm and rub some of the berry over it to see it heal the little hole. She did not see that The wolf hat saw her little attraction over her and did in some way read her buddy: She did blush more as she poke her soft cheeks and let a paw move over and touch her face and fill the soft skin against her pads. * she must have some natural way to make her fur this smoth


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