Author Topic: Old Republic rp  (Read 3653 times)

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Old Republic rp
« on: June 30, 2009, 10:42:12 PM »
The Smugglers Moon, known to everyone else as Nar Shaddaa, with crime on the rise as usual, and the authorities as always non existant, you could get away with anything here, that is if you dont anger the various crime lords. One of these crime lords is providing financial backing for the Sith Empire, and he's holding out on them. Apparently he has some powerful Sith artifact, and of course the new Sith Triumvirate desires this artifact. The Jedi and the Republic however, are doing all that is within their power to keep the Sith from obtaining this artifact. Bounty Hunters flock at the opportunity to get lots of credits at a job this big, whoever they work for, they dont care, as long as the creds are good, it's fine. Smugglers also desire the artifact to sell at an enormous profit, after all if everyone wants it, why not pawn it. The Crime Lord himself, one Gorba the Hutt, has locked himself and this device in his heavily fortified palace. It's more of a very very large fortress. Hidden treasures are rumored to be there as well, and all of it is guarded by his fanatical minions who gets paid handsomely compared to other thugs.
Will you aid the Sith in retaking their precious, or the Jedi who seek to deny the Sith of their prize. Will you aid this Gorba, or will you just raid his palace fr the large amount of money to be made.
Soon after news of the artifact reached the two sides, their fleets dropped out of Hyperspace, immediately engaging in an enormous battle, landing parties of both sides have descended into the Metropolis and sporadic fighting fills nearly every street. Criminals use this time of strife and chaos either to help a side, or just go crazy and rob everything. Hits are assigned and people die almost daily, and it's uncommon NOT to hear the sounds of violence.
(Begin POSTING!)

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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2009, 02:59:14 AM »
Darth Malevius was sitting at the captains chair in his 'flagship' Sinful Wings, nervously tapping on his knee as the battle when on in front of him. All of the sith soldiers were taking that as a sign that he was itching to fight, and didn't dare interrupt him, or fear almost instant death. "Why havn't any of you told me where this fortress is located yet?" He calmly asked, and some of the sith troopers suddenly hurried to finish finding the fort. The fleet admiral approached him, and immedeatly stood perfectly still, doing his best to stay on his 'good' side. "Sir, it'll take some time, we may have the best sensors in this side of the universe, but trying to find one specific design among thousands is hard to pull off when we're not on the planet". Malevius just sighed and looked around, then right at the admiral with red piercing eyes. "Very well, I'll be in prison cells if you need me, assuming you can handle my ship on your own, admiral" the admiral then quickly nodded and started barking at the other soldiers as Malevius left the chair and went to the prison cells.

As he arrived in the prison cells, two guards (who were already standing by the elevator) showed him the current stockcade of POW's and other victims of Sith activities. "I'm not interested in the newest batch, a regular is good for now" The soldiers nodded and quickly opened the cell door to a female of his own race, but judging from the scars and bruises, its hard to tell if she's still able to stand, let alone walk or run. "You know the drill prisoner" She immedeatly stumbled as she got up, but then proped her back against the wall, ready to bear whatever toture the Sith Lord can come up with, not like she can do much else in the cells. He started to smile, but that vanished when he saw defiance in her eyes.

It would be a long time before he would finally break that look. But, its all the more worth it when she joins the 'other's in the slave quaters.
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2009, 03:19:06 AM »
3 Days Earlier, just before the Battle
Taking a sip of his Tarisian Ale, Ajax stood up at the beeping coming from his Holo-Computer, checkng his mail, he received what appeared to be a new job.
"You are to aid the Jedi who arrive in 3 Days Time in their search for a hidden Sith Artifact on the planet, you also will be paid for taking out key targets preventing the Republic from gaining access to the artifact, 500,000 credits per target, 5,000,000,000 credits for completing the whole job......" the hunter said to himself silently. "With that much money, I can finally retire, or better yet, move somewhere with less noise..."
Taking his Battle Armor to polish it, the day fades into night, waiting for his employers
Present day
Ducking behind a low wall, with the fizzing of a freash blaster bolt, and rough plaster flying through the air, the young hunter looked up to see a small squad of Sith Troopers had broken down his door. Putting his rifle on his back and unsheathing his duel Echani Pistols. Peeping out of cover wasn't a very good idea. A sith heavy with a rotating six barrel Ferrarchi cannon, a small portable missile system, and BlasTech Battle Rifles, these guys were equipped to kill, probably just a usual sith hit squad. Jumping over his cover as soon as he heard the blaster cannon overheat, he fired both the pistols at the trooper, shattering the plasteel glass visor of his helmet and splattering blood onto the wall, as he fell Ajax turned and unleashed a flury of bolts at the missile trooper, singing his armor and eventually breaching it, falling down the window of the penthouse , the soldier would be falling for a long time. Putting the pistol in his left hand away and quickly pressing a button, the wrist mounted flamethrower sprung to life, cremating the rest of the troopers alive, sealing them inside their armor suits.

Quickly putting his right pistol away and turning his flamethrower off, Ajax looked out the window, spoardic explosions and gunfire could be heard and seen, and fighter bombers zipped across the cityscape, bombing and shooting each other down. Sith and Republic heavy cruisers slugging it out in orbit, and one Light cruiser fell down and ploughed a ravine in the city, revealing the barren landscape long hidden.
"So it has begun....."

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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 10:49:29 AM »
the whine of his shadow bike filled Vrawth's long feline ears, ducking and dodging he sped throught the city....... he turned the corner of a city block and was buffeted by a large imperial bombers backwash, the bike flew to the left smashing through a window into a room full of dead sith troopers, as the bike came to a screeching halt that threw up sparks the tinnel cat smuggler jumped up cursing........ he scrambled for the package that he was delivering to his contact admidst the rubble.....
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 06:14:19 PM by Kitteh (known as cat) »
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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2009, 11:32:19 AM »
Ashon wandered about in the nar shaddaa hoping to find a bounty of any sort to chase. Because he did not have a ship his working area was limited to just nar shaddaa but not like there wasn't enough people posting bounties on each others heads especially now that suddenly lots of mercenaries and such have suddenly decided gather around here in nar shaddaa. He was determined to find out why many people suddenly arrived in here so he asked around but only response he got was that if he wouldn't leave at the very second he would get a blaster bolt right to the head.

Now completely clueless he sits on a bench near the docks trying to think of anything to do. He did not find a bounty to hunt likely because so many bounty hunters have also arrived.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 11:54:02 AM by Grimsy »

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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2009, 06:20:46 PM »
with the bike back in the air Vrawth sped onwards to the docks, he ducked and doged amidst traffic and large cruisers in the docks, the sleek black jet bike hummed as it came to a slow halt beside the docks. Looking down at his display pad he studied the map as he searched for the place his contact would be, looking up he saw a human on a bench beside the dock. Could this be the contact, making sure his tinnel shredder was loose in its holster Vrawth walked quickly up to the figure on the bench.....
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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2009, 01:54:30 AM »
Malevius was in the middle of collaring the new addition when he recieved a call from the bridge. This better be worth it he thought as he accessed the nearby panel in the room, bringing up a hologram of the fleet admiral. "Lord Malevius, we've just recieved word that a Jedi master is in the vicinity of the battle, shall we focus batteries on them?". Malevius cursed under his breath, "I'll deal with the Jedi later, just get the coordinates for the fortress, thats the highest priority right now!" He ordered, cutting off the communication. He then turned to the female he just finished torturing, who's surpsingly hugging his waist, not daring to let go. "You have nothing to fear of, you've served your sentence, and will join the others in my elite unit, so stop crying and regain your compsure young one". The woman sniffled and nodded vigorously, getting up and getting a nearby sheet to wrap around herself.

Malevius opened the door, and after motioning the woman to stay inside, he called over a sith prison guard. "Get her cleaned and into some fresh robes, if I find out you did anything to....actually, you already know whats going to happen..." He then turned and nodded at the female, before heading back to his quarters to shower off the blood. The soldier was shaking in his boots, too scared to say a word as he motioned the female to follow him to the armory.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 02:43:28 PM by Chrono-Dragon »
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2009, 02:22:23 PM »
Ashon saw a figure approaching him that he later recognized as a tinnell he had no idea why it would come to him. Is he trying to rob me? he wondered "umm hello? can i help you?" he asked the stranger in curious tone

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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2009, 05:18:59 PM »
Vrawth looked down at the stranger on the bench, not at all what he would have suspected for his contact. "you wouldnt be here to pick up a package would you?" he asked. However before the stranger coulod even reply a sleek jetbike swung down low metres from the Tinnel, turning Vrawth immediatly recognised him, stepping quickly up to the bike a figure dismounted also stepping towards the Tinnel.

"Ah suppose, yo'ur th' one ahm here t' meet?" even as the words escaped the strangers mouth Vrawths eyes shone amber, everything slowed to a crawl to Vrawth, each of the contacts footsteps rang on the street surface. However, this strange slowness did not affect the Tinnel, he swung out with his deadly claws, getting the contact in the side of the head with a feroscious sweep, before blood even spilled from the wound Vrawth was drawing his Tinnel-shredder, the small compact blaster barelty made a sound as a dozen fragments of glass caught in streams of laser fire flew through the short gap between the Tinnel and the contact. Each small shredder meeting flesh with a soft "thunk".

To anyone watching, which included the person sitting on the nearby bench, it looked as though the contact had simply  slumped backwards in an instance.

Vrawth dropped the empty and useless package at the feet of the dead contact, turning with the Tinnel shredder still unholstered he saw the stranger on the bench. there must be no witnaces, the first rule of a succesfull assasination, he looked down at the person on the bench, he looked youthfull, sure it was hard to tell as he had grown up with a knowledge of  Tinnel anatomy but he had the same look in his eye as Vrawth himslef did. Vrawth looked up at the sky twitching his whiskers, he came to a desiscion and held out his paw to the stranger, "my name, is Vrawth, and it looks like you may be without a ship."
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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2009, 02:49:16 PM »
Ashon took the paw and rose up from the bench slightly scared about what just happened then replying "How did you know that i don't have a ship?" He however had an uneasy feeling and prepared to pull out his mandalorian heavy blasters if anything would come up."Ohh and by the way my name is Ashon and i hope your not going to blast me away like that guy"

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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2009, 02:55:58 PM »
Vrawth looked back at the slowly bleeding corpse,

"he was of no use to us any more, the guild do not like contacts still alive when they are past the time we need them, and i have seen you wandering the docks before asking about crew, it is simple logic that you would not obviously have your own ship, yesno? And you need not worry *here he holsters the tinnel-shredder* i unlike many at the guild, i would not kill an innocent bystander for seeing somthing he does not even comprehend. What are you doing round here then? Looking to join a smugglers crew yesno? And i like the name Ashon, is a good name for one wanting to make his way in the universe."

Vrawth let go of Ashon's hand and looked quizikly at him...
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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2009, 02:27:32 PM »
"i am not a smuggler and not going to be one, i am merely trying to find a ship and travel around the galaxy in search of training in different styles of survival techniques and such and propably do some bounty hunting for some credits" Ashon replied in a modest tone.

He felt slightly better now that he knew he wouldn't get blasted but then turned to Vrawth and said "you might want to throw that corpse over that railing" since it was the best way to get rid of a body due the docks being so high that it would take hours to fall down into the moon.

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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2009, 03:09:07 PM »
"ah!, so it seems you know what is ahead of you. i would try to help you find a ship if that is what you want? however that is entirely up to you. "

vrawth turned to the body, pulling out several wads of credits, and tossed the corpse, a small worhtless blaster and the now empty wallet over the railing. Pocketing the wad of credits He walked over to the jetbike motor still whiring and keys in.

"this bike is yours if you wish it, i have no need for it while i have my shadow bike"
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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2009, 05:04:04 PM »
"Cool! A jetbike! Thanks" Ashon thanked vrawth for his generous action then curiously asking him "why are you helping me anyway? it is very unlikely to meet too friendly people in nar shaddaa with all the mercs and smugglers around"

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Re: Old Republic rp
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2009, 05:28:42 PM »
"i'm part of the assassination guild situated here, we unlike merc's do have standards. we are ruthless, and as you have seen yourself efficient killers. I myself do have such standards, and would not want to see someone in a bad situation." he waved dismisively at Ashon as he thanked him, "i have already taken a large number of credits from the corpse and am being payed a handsome amount by the guild, it is yours, use it how you wish"...
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