Author Topic: Freedom is Earned in Blood  (Read 4144 times)

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Freedom is Earned in Blood
« on: November 07, 2009, 12:18:19 AM »

The year is 2015 and the world is populated by both humans and those of fur kind. A while back the need for stronger soldiers with unique abilities sparked a genetics program to combine traits of various fauna with the human genome. The idea was to create soldiers who's fur could withstand the harsh cold, soldiers who's scales could withstand hard blows, soldiers who could fly, breathe underwater and a whole host of other advantageous abilities. The program was a resounding success and soon after one nation ruled the world, its resources and all the lives within it. After the fact the forgotten, as they have now come to be known, were seen as obsolete and a threat to human purity everywhere. A war ensued that lasted only three years, with humanity seemingly on the brink. It wasn't till the scientist behind the Fur project came forth with a discovery that a concoction made of some of the projects very genetic materials could destroy the stability of every fur's internal functions if altered. It didn't take long after that for humanity to bring the forgotten to their knees, the very name forgotten paying sick homage to their services to humanity. The survivors were scattered around the globe, a lot of them were captured and killed. Others still were tested upon, twisted and mutilated beyond recognition. The captives are held in zoo like areas for humans to mock and view like animals till their number is up. This is a fight for your very survival.

Survivor - Fur on the run, trying to survive by any means.
Rebel - Fur part of a resistance against man, trying to make the world safer for furs everywhere
Captive - Fur Captured by humans, being prepped for extermination or testing.
The Twisted - Furs who were twisted by experimentation and escaped. Usually with biotic implants that have bonuses but leave you very weakened after a burst of their use.

Sub Roles
Elder Era - Furs trained by the government and are among the original furs
New Era- Furs born after the war by natural means with no military training.

*  Wait for others to roleplay before you do. This gives everybody a chance to take part and nobody is left behind
*  No God modding, if you must fight try to be reasonable and give others a chance.
*  No outlandish powers, some of us are military trained but we are still fighting for survival. Not much of a fight if we can destroy worlds with our minds.
*  All replies must be more then one sentence
* All posts should be typed in past tense like a story book format. I can be forgiving if you're bad with tenses, but none of the asterisk stuff.
*ranting about how you shouldn't post like this*
* No outlandish equipment. If you're captured and in a cell, I doubt you'll have two pistols and some grenades..
* Only one character can be used.
* We can change the rules to suit the story at ANYTIME.

Failure to follow the rules will result in a warning / removal of posts. Two strikes Skips your turn and three strikes you WILL be removed from the roleplay.


 The green figure lay there in the dark, cold metal confines of the containment cell. Not a window decorated its walls and the only light bearing witness to its gloomy confines was a faint green glow from the labs down the hall. Labored hissing could be heard in the cell, breaking its thick silence. Every once in a while a loud metallic clang will rattle down the line of metal cells in the corridor shaking the inhabitants from their uneasy slumber. The green figure shifts about uneasily as if trying to go somewhere that can't be reached, nervously fumbling about restlessly. It growls fiercely as it awakens from its drug induced hold, the depth of his voice vibrating the very walls of the cell. Not long after a chorus of howls, chirps and barking livens up the hall into a roar of angry inhabitants. All of them brothers and sisters of the same ill fate but non of them knowing any of the others. "Where am I?" The large green creature snarls angrily. He has been here a few days but he could scarcely remember a moment earlier. It was the kind of numbing unknown that would drive one crazy, exemplified by the clinging darkness around.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 12:45:01 AM by RigorMortis »

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2009, 09:37:40 AM »
The dog lay curled up in the floor. There were scratches on the walls accounting the days.. No. Maybe the hours she'd been in her confinement. A loud clatter, and she found herself sitting upright, wiping a bit of dry blood from her nose. She couldn't much remember what was going on.. She supposed it was because of the injection she was given earlier. Her knees pulled up and she dropped her hands on the floor between them, her orange pupiless eyes staring into nothing. Her gaze slowly shifted to the scratches she'd made. They seemed to be lost in the walls themselves, no real purpose to them now that her system of tracking time was gone. Her head slowly rose upward taking in her surroundings.. A concrete cell akin to a prison with a one-way mirrored wall. It was brightly lit. So bright, she would almost blend in with the walls had it not been for her nose or the yellow spot on her eye. She shakily stood and walked to the mirrored wall, taking notice on the tag on her collar. Orange with a yellow shark. Right, her name was Sharky. She almost felt as if she had forgotten even that. Her mind wandered, trying to recover something from memory when a man entered into the mirrored image behind her. A personnel worker..? Maybe. She took a step back from her reflection, surprised, and glanced over her shoulder to see him closer and much more real than the reflection had suggested. Stumbling backward, her brain froze, ceasing communication to get her scrambling in mid-thought. The personnel worker, seemingly out of touch with emotion cooed softly, "Here doggy," and without hesitation he scooped her up under her arms as if it were something systematic. Her sudden fatigue kept her from fighting.. Her head was swimming with drugs, making her reluctant and confused. He continued to move her until he got to the doorway and another personnel aided him by taking one of her arms and hoisting her upwards. The two chattered as they carried her, her legs dragging the floor limply behind her.

"A Bull Terrier, eh?" the on on the right said.
"Yeah. I'm not sure why, but we've got to move it to a different block now." The left replied.
"Don't see too many of the domestic breeds," he chuckled.

For a moment, his grip seemed to loosen on her, and as if on cue, her instinct suddenly kicked in. She had no clue where to go, but she broke away seeing the opportunity arise, elbowing one of the personnel in the face before dropping to the floor. In a mad scramble, she managed to get to her feet, the world around her swirling and colors mixing with each other. As the second man lunged in an attempt to contain her, she darted, running with all her might. "I thought you said it was drugged!" a voice behind her yelled angrily, onlookers completely stunned.. Too stunned to take action. Her legs were shaky as she fled down the halls; her vision impaired from the tranquilizers. The canine ran, scared, until she hit something hard.. A wall..? Again, she couldn't tell.. It was as if her mind was completely null and running purely on blind fear and instinct. She fumbled stupidly on the ground, feeling the hard surface, trying to find a way until she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. Reaching behind her, she recovered a dart.. Which made her mind reel even faster. The voices were growing angrier and closer.. The world seemed to be breaking in two as the hall roared with both excitement and fear for her. She had accidentally ran into another hall of cells. She whipped around from the wall she was cornered in, catching a glimpse of green and blurred colors from the humans. In a feeble attempt, she growled bearing her teeth at the opposers, where ever they were, and backed up until the wall was firmly planted behind her. She was hardly standing her ground.. Her body seeming to give way to the effects of the more recent injection.. Something cold.. A wire.. Had to be.. Like they used on dogs in the pound.. slipped over her head and tightened, then forced her to the ground. Another voice, "Ah, it's not too big of a deal other than a scare.. The stupid thing ran to the block we had to put her on anyway." Laughter ensued, then it became muffled.. Then black.

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2009, 10:13:20 PM »
Kitt Szabo, Diary entry XVII
2015 winter - date unknown

Another day, winter has taken hold at last, the snow falls steadily and constantly. The streets look like some post-apocalypse fall-out area.
We can’t stop, they hunt us out.... every time we find a safe house, a place to hide.... the humans know where we are... the rest of the boys are getting restless, they think there’s a rat amongst us... maybe their right...
Yesterday with had our first contact with another resistance group for weeks... Team Long-fang, group of wolves they are... who knows where they are now... as far as we know... as far as anyone knows... they could be dead, slaughtered.
We met on fifty-first street, having caught radio contact with ‘em... its these small meets, with others like us, fighting... it’s the only thing that keeps us going... knowing we’re not the only ones... we ate, we laughed, we prayed for those still captured... then we split up again... and again no contact, night after night, we scramble through the channels on the radio searching for contact... chances are we won’t see another group for weeks.. Maybe months....

“Alright then Lad’s up off yer tails! The Hunter Killers are circling again more than ah like... looks like we may a’ been found out again!”

Several cries of despair, anger and groans broke out among the ragtag group of furs. Leaning against the cracked concrete wall.... All had second, third and even fourth hand weapons and clothing, weary faces turned to the leader of the team, a large built canine, cigarette stuck between his teeth, never lit it was more a symbol of wealth, tobacco was highly prized amongst the resistance...

“Aww, Boss... thats the fourth time today, why can’we just stay put? Them hunter killers circle all the time... they don’t knows we’re ‘ere does they?”
The large Canine leant looked down at the sorry bunch and sighed inwardly... they could only be pushed so far....

“Last time today... last time...”

The furs scrambled to their feet, gravel crunching underfoot, light streaming in from the hole-filled roof, cutting stark beams through the rising dust... Striding past them to the last figure in line against the wall. A foot shorter than the others the young feline hastily shoved a notepad into his scavenged bomber jacket... Snatching it out of his paw the Boss read down the page before handing it back, eyes met and he attempted a half smile...

“Don’t worry Kitt, last time today... I promise...”

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2009, 05:55:27 AM »
A pack of six soldiers, all of varying nationality, are going through a rainforest with the latest of hunting equipment. They were assigned with capturing and bringing back a run-away captive that hadn't finished their mental conditioning. About two miles of straight scouting in all directions come back with nothing that shows no unusual markings were near, that was when 'He' made himself known.

Hello, my children...have you come to prove yourself in this god's land?

They couldn't locate the voice, it seemed to come from all directions, and also echoed through their minds within the silence of the rainforest. they all gathered into a circle and aimed outwards while one aimed at the air. Then after a few tense moments, they lowered their weapons, only to be rewarded with a robotic claw ripping out of the ground and dragging a soldier into the same hole. They heard the soldier scream before it was slowly fading away, leaving the now five soldiers to the unnerving silence.

Another five miles of searching reduced the remaining count from five to three soldiers, as the other two met unknown but seemingly gruesome deaths. When they reached a river, one soldier thought they saw the target drinking the water with his bloodied hands cupped together. He immedeatly turned, but only saw a black panther lapping at the water. The instant he looked back to his group, one of his friends lay with his neck torn open and mid-section torn asunder. The target had the soldiers' captain by the head and while smiling a set of serrated teeth, crushed the captain's skull in his grip. The soldier dropped his gun and bolted as soon as his former captain's neck and body hit the ground, trying to head back to the LZ. In his panic, he failed to notice a rope along the ground and tripped over it, triggering a grouping of sharpened tree limbs come crashing down on his body.

Bleeding and barely alive, the soldier looked back as the target walked up to him.
The target then smashed the soldier's head open with his gauntlet covered fist, and then got up to look at the mess on his fist.

"Blood, no matter how many times i've seen it and spilled it... its always so bright red and appetizing"

He then smirked before licking the blood off his gauntlet and heading deeper into the rainforest.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 01:27:45 AM by Chrono Blackwyng »
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2009, 11:55:12 PM »
 He stood there quietly in the darkness for what seemed like days but only passed in minutes. Voices rang through the walls of the cell, outside a half dozen guards and a few scientists stood ready to open the cell. The cell itself was reminiscent of a large metallic cube, reinforced to hold dangerous creatures. There was no windows in the cell and the only light that could pass through had to do so through air vents. A large well built guard stepped forward nervously grabbing at the collar of his protective vest like it was hard to breathe. He had heard the horror stories about the inhabitant of this cell but the company was to tight lipped to give and comfort as to wether or not they were true. His finger twitched as he cautiously punched in numbers on the panel, his heart raced in his chest. The code rung true and a deep hiss screeched from around the cell, causing the whole team to step back in earnest. The entire side of the cell lifted up like the top of a toy box. A deep breath could be audibly heard even over the door fro a few of the team members. "Keep it together guys." a shaky voice rang from a slender female scientist who despite her trying words of confidence, hid behind one of the larger guards. All of them aimed their weapons in unison at the opening.

  As the door swung open a lingering darkness filled the cell, casted by the door itself until finally the lights faintly illuminated the cell. A seven foot raptor stood there, teeth baring angrily at those invading his forced home. "We don't want any trouble from you raptor. We have some clients that are very eager to see you. We will use force if necessary." The lead guard called out, trying to sound authoritive and brave. No sooner did he finish then two guard nervously walked up to put on restraints on the raptor, who stood as still as stone. "I'll come quietly." The raptor finally spoke in a heavy hiss accented deep tone. The smaller of the two guard attaching the restraints stood still as if he had seen a ghost at the sound of the raptor's cold voice, watching the ends of his scaley lips pull up into a smile. "U..uh boss...ggllrgg!" The guard barely had enough time to say before he could feel a warmth at his neck. He reached to feel and noticed he was missing a large chunk as he choked trying to breathe. His hand was covered in blood and the raptor slammed him back against the wall, the claw still full of the guard's throat tissue. The second guard fell back in shock and shimmied away frantically at the sight of his comrade.

  The small female scientist screamed out in terror, "I thought you were going to come quietly?!" Her voice was hoarse with panic and the remaining guards froze still with panic. The raptor stepped forward casually and moved his one claw across his lips as if zipping a zipper, to which he smiled and began walking down the hall towards the VIP room with guards nervously in tow giving the raptor a wide berth.  Once at the room he stood still long enough for them to remove his restraints and he stepped inside followed by a very loud slam of the door. he had been here before in the past. This room was a private viewing room for the big money of society to get their thrills seeing the most rare, dangerous or entertaining specimens the lab had to offer. The sniffed the air as he looked around, taking note of the other creatures in display. The room was a long thick oval with the entry door at one end and the two way viewing mirror at the other, protected by bars. Inside the room was made out to be like a habitat with dirt, grass and even a fake tree to the side. He could only wonder what ignorant humans watched on the other side.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 12:42:36 AM by Tezztor Aslir Ne'taku »

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2009, 02:35:25 AM »
There were finally others in there. She looked down on the salty and false terrain. She didn't understand how she had gotten here, but one thing was certain: she was angry about it. There was a raptor type creature.. A canine.. A domestic breed with a long face. It was unconscious when it was brought in and remained so now. The facilities security was tight, but she'd managed to worm her way into making those humans think she had broken out. In all honesty, she was just hiding in the cell they had placed her. They hadn't studied her yet when they put her here, so they were unaware of her ability to cloak herself. She hated this room. The greedy ones would pay more to see her because she was a hybrid and exotically colored. She took in a deep breath and let out an exasperated sigh, wondering how long she was going to have to stay hidden. They had already looked everywhere on the floor, and they shook the tree a bit.. But not hard enough for her to lose her balance and fall or reveal herself in any way. The only thing that kept her from killing the guards and trying to run were the darts. She didn't even know her way around this place.. And no matter how many she killed to try and get out, the darts always stopped her. She'd really only had a glimpse at the labs. Rigor made herself comfortable and looked down examining the others in the cell. The dog was out, and the raptor looked irritated.


Everything was black. Black as night.. And noises played in Sharky's mind of the night she had been taken. It seemed so long ago in her mind, she wasn't even sure if it were real or a side effect of the drugs. She remembered smelling food. Glorious food. It had been so long since she had eaten. She rushed through the bushes, following the delectable scent. She wondered if it had held the promise of a "safe home" with nice humans like she had found the last time she had followed her nose. Rushing forward, her excitement and curiosity grew about the people with the food, but as she burst through the underbrush and into the clearing, there were men in armor eating. The dropped their food, and for a moment, she thought it was for her until she received a sharp kick in the jaw. Immediately she dropped down, holding her face, her tail going between her legs.. As she began to look up, she got another hit. This time, with the butt of a gun in her side. She laid down to show she wasn't mean, but it had no effect on the men.. After that, all she could remember is the brightly lit cell.

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2009, 10:22:58 AM »
On the outskirts of what once was a thriving city, now lay ruins covered in mud. Abandoned cars, buses and other various vehicles littered the roads. A few stray cats, dogs, and rodents seem to be the only life left in this desolate place.
A figure shuffles down the dark road, a hood covers it's face hiding the features. Vermin scurry away for fear of being lunch, the creature seems uninterested in them and moves onward. Wind picks up, whipping around paper, scraps of cloth and dust. It catches the hood and blows it backwards revealing a bizarre looking animal. The head is feline in nature, but with piercing green eyes that show no pupil. Elongated ears prick up and rotate, picking up sound from all directions. Atop the creatures head stand two purple stubs. Humans of old knew of her race, but as time went on they became only a legend, then myth, and now they only exist in fables and fairy tails.
The creature pulled the hood back over her head, hiding her features once more. She shuffled onward, towards the center of the city. Keeping mostly to the shadows, staying out of sight. Talk of an institution had floated on the wind of others like herself, survivors. She did what she had to do to stay alive. Never staying in one place to long, never making friends. Because in the end they would only slow you down, or worse.

A pain in her stomach told her it was time to eat. Searching around she spotted a scrawny mutt rummaging through some trash. She got down on her haunches, and creeping ever so quietly towards the mutt. She sniffed the air, have to make this quick, she thought. Something isn't right in this place. She crept closer and closer, till she was only a few feet away. Lunging at the dog she let her fangs sink deep in to it's throat, the warm blood filled her mouth. It tasted of iron and dirt. The dog struggled for a moment then went limp. She ate her fill then covered the body with mud, dirt and trash. Best to not attract attention from who knows what else. She whipped the blood from her muzzle, and washed in a muddy puddle near by. As she stood up she sniffed the air, something was off. Clutching the hood around her head she shuffled off through the town.

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2009, 04:15:14 PM »
“Heads up! Weapons out! Patrol found us!”
Several shouts of warning broke out and the resistance fighters broke for cover, guns and eyes the roads for the telltale silhouette of the enemy.
“There! Two o’ clock! Duck n’ cover!”

A patrol of three Humvees rumbled round the corner, through the rubble strewn street, dust and dirt thrown up by the wheels as they rolled past in a rough line formation... Turning the corner all that was left was the prominent stench of diesel fumes and tire tracks. A low wind picked up, snow scurrying in small eddies as the resistant fighters crawled out of hiding places, under burnt out vehicles, rubble and steel girders...

“Right; ears up... keep moving!”
Like insects from under stones the team re-emerged, and made fast progress down the street, ducking from cover to cover. The smaller figure of Kitt leapt and rolled out from his hiding place of an overturned school bus, running to catch up with the others.... Snow fell steadily, coating the street in a thick muffling white blanket as the dull orange sun fell below the horizon of a razed city...
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 08:41:34 PM by Kitt »
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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2009, 09:00:48 PM »
 The raptor continued to survey the room, in the far corner near the glass stood identical avian triplets of origin he did not know. Across the way a dog lay on the ground seemingly unconscious. The room had a few others that were of no interest to him however there was a scent thick in the air of unmistakable origin. He smiled and casually leaned up against the fake tree, "So Nyx, how long have you been here? I should've known hat not all die when they loose their head." He said calmly, a bit of poison rolling off his reptilian tongue as he looked up to where she was hidden on the branch. "Learned some new tricks I see, though I must say your particular stench still portrays you." The last time he had seen her was in the lab they were created before the their army took over the globe for power hungry humans. Though not all of them went to war, he had escaped only after seeing her meet a grisly fate. Or so he had thought anyways. It seemed weird to finally meet up with her here wondering how she had been caught with such adept cloaking skills. He wondered if she still held that particular distaste for him, they had a almost friendly rivalry back then.

 All of a sudden a mechanical buzz filled the room and from the ceiling lowered a cart heavy with foods and drink among other things. Right away the three avian chicks scuttled over and began to pick their choice of the offerings. However the raptor did not budge from his place, his unnerving calm put the others in a state of paranoia. One of the chicks looked his way and he ran his tongue across his lips subtly, hinting at the danger that didn't yet exist. "All of them are more appetizing then anything on that cart. Live prey to be hunted and savored in the meal, ones trophy for the taking." He thought, his own mouth watering at the thought. He loved the hunt and to kill, tearing apart ones bounty was his greatest reward. To some thing might some barbaric but to a raptor there was nothing greater then the hunt. Despite this behavior he was remarkably intelligent and cunning, very calculating and cold. His size betrayed knowledge of his speed and agility in others eyes. A very fatal assumption.

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2009, 09:23:49 PM »
Rigor looked down at the raptor as he spoke aloud. There was no mistake from his body language that he was referring to her, but she didn't get the name she was being addressed by. She crept down until her head was not too far from his. In all honesty, she was tired of playing the waiting game with the humans and she had become restless with staying hidden."Excuse me, sir.. But are you talking to me..?" her manners seemed almost sarcastic as she spoke. The only thing visible that could be seen was the glowing purple of the inner flesh of her jagged mouth. She laughed. He was obviously confusing her for someone else. That or he was disillusional which seemed like a very acceptable reason given the treatment of the residents here. "Because I do believe the last time I checked, I didn't call myself Nyx." She was hanging by her tail from the branch she'd been perched on right in front of his face. "And I do not know a... Nyx."
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 09:27:41 PM by RigorMortis »

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2009, 09:31:53 PM »
Kitt Szabo, Diary entry XVXII
2015 winter - date unknown
We finally made it to the safe-house...  Only two scares on the way, one patrol of some hummers, another was a foot patrol.....
Third street, in the old office block basement; one of the more comfortable safe-houses we got round here, running water and everything...
obviously therefore, when we was told by the boss that high command wanted us to push an offensive attack on a human outpost, they wasn’t in the happiest of moods...
Kitt looked up from where he sat writing, hunched against the basement floor, in his ragged sleeping-bag.... The boss seemed to be having a minor scuffle with one of the canine resistance fighters...

“Look, High command says push forward with an offensive strike on a re-fuelling depot five clicks northwest from here.... what high command says, goes...”
The other canine pushed his face close to the boss’s.... staring eye-to-eye....

“Who the **** are high command to tell us what to do eh? We are the ones here on the streets, every day... fighting... while they sit in their “high command” and discuss how we must be winning.... WHO THE **** ARE THEY, TO TELL US!”

~Smack~ the blow was precise and fast, to the side of the head, the kind of blow you gave to a young puppy, to bring it into the world and show it who was the boss....

“You, son... do what they say... because without them... you’d be like every other forsaken soul in those experiment compounds.... without them.... you WOULD BE NOTHING!”
The boss stood, quivering, watching the younger canine.... who turned to look to the others... each and every one of the twelve furs looked away, pulled caps down over eyes, or coughed and resumed the betting on games of cards....

“Kitt? You don’t wanna go fight again tomorrow do ya? Look at him... look at the poor sod... boss he’s barely sixteen... c’mon Kitt, whadya think?”
The young feline looked from the canine to the boss, mouth tight...
“Darn, can’t get a word out o’ ya can we Kitt? Stupid kid...”

Kitt looked back at him, expression passive and impartial....
“I think we should fight... without high-ups... I would be dead or trapped.... I fight... if you don’t fight... you are coward, coward who is worse than human....”
With that the feline pulled his scarf around his face and continued to write with the stub of a pencil in his notepad....
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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2009, 10:01:56 PM »
 The raptor mused at the mouth talking to him, seemingly disembodied and floating in mid air like some phantasm. To him it was like a parlor trick to scare the kiddies, he admired that ability. he closed his eyes and yawned heavily, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth then spoke, "You may not call yourself Nyx nor know who she is, but I know who you are. You are a zombie, no wait the living dead." He began to laugh in mockery of her predicament. As suddenly as he started he stopped and his scaly mug took a very serious tone. "You miss are the shell of one I formerly knew and if you are not Nyx then who now runs the show? What do you call yourself now?" He waited earnestly for an answer.

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2009, 10:16:02 PM »
Sharky opened her eyes.. Or felt like she did. Then opened them again, blinking away the fuzziness of the drugs. She sat up and wiped her eyes then looked around. There was a variety of different animals. Some birds and a reptile. She sat up, then brushed the dirt from her overcoat and striped shirt. There was dirt here. And a tree. A dull aroma danced around the cell and she followed it to a platform of food. She was hungry again. She also waited for something mean to happen.. But it didn't. She ate gratefully, and wagged her tail, momentarily forgetting her worries and her predicaments. The dog was a little woozy, but somewhat on guard, her ears swiveling in attempts to pick up on anything strange. She smelled something else in the room aside from the birds and the big reptile, but paid no attention to it. The food was too good, after all.


Rigor dropped from the limb and managed to land gracefully in front of him.. Her scales rippling to reveal herself from her claws to her spines. "Living dead.. now that's preposterous. I may be hard to kill, but I am very much alive. I am not a shell of anything, and I was not and never was a Nyx. I am a Rigor. A Rigor Mortis. And I will remain so until I no longer exist." Her yellow eyes seemed to gleam at that last statement and her maw pulled into a wicked grin. She had no concern for the raptor's feelings on the matter. She knew exactly who she was.. And it wouldn't change the fact if he was dillusional. "Which may not be long after they figure out I'm here."


Sharky looked up in the reflection of the one way mirror after devouring the food, only to see a figure that she knew wasn't there before. It had caught her off guard and even from a distance managed to make her jump. It only added when a shrill alarm yelled within the containment chamber.


"And there's my cue." the dragoness laughed..

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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2009, 12:33:58 AM »
The self-proclaimed "god" arrived at a river and was washing his gauntlets as he heard a twig snap behind him. He whipped around and saw three furs aiming their rifles at him.

 "We need your help... so please don't make us shoot"

The "god" was about to leap into the water, but saw a rather large boat being piloted by humans was already too close to evade in the water.

"Either give in to the furs or surrender to the humans, either way I get a bullet in my head..."

He got his point across to both groups, and they quickly opened fire on eachother, leaving the "god" to dash off into the forest. He kept running until he started hearing an alarm and out of curiosity, started heading towards the source of the klaxon. He kept running until he saw a human base that seemed to be on high alert, but not because of an outside threat.

"Hmm... this looks promising" he said to himself before leaning on a tree just outside the clearing of the base.
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
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Re: Freedom is Earned in Blood
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2009, 02:11:53 AM »
He looked at her in surprise, her scent and everything was the same but her markings and her eyes were different. It was beyond his comprehension but one thing he did know for sure that this was definitely, or at least used to be, Nyx. There wasn't much time to ponder as the room flashed red and an alarm screeched within the room. "Still as popular as ever I see." he mocked standing to attention and cracking his neck. "I was wondering how long it would be before the fun started. Lets see what you got old friend." He challenged as he watched the heavy metal door slide open and guards armed with stun sticks rush into the room. It was the equivilant to watching bees or ants rush from a hive or colony. They were clearly outnumbered but he considered the odds stacked in his favor. "Looks like enough for the both of us, do try and keep up."


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