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Galaxy in Flames
« on: November 16, 2009, 02:18:37 AM »
Humanity has always looked skywards. With an ever expanding Human Empire, reaching across billions of solar systems, with Earth at the center as the capitol world, They find they arent the only species in existence. On the Eastern Fringe lie the Reavers, creatures who appear to be reptilian, founded on a warrior based society, the Reavers and the Humans maintain a cease fire, thats soon to end.
To the West are the Eph'Tan, furred aliens interested in technology, with their tech much higher then the humans, they wonder how Humanity managed to fight off their Assault recon squadrons with relative ease, but have created a cease fire with them as well.

One organization wants to create the first Galaxy war to profit from it. With the galaxy war dawning, will you support it, or fight it... no one knows it's coming, but it is....
Relationships between species will form, Lovers will meet unlikely matches... others will be drawn to satiate their lust for blood. Some will be driven by zealotry to kill any non Humans or Non Reaver or non Eph'Tan
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 02:29:18 AM by Gabag »

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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2009, 09:05:02 PM »
The loud grinding of asteroid matter being churned and filtered for minerals and ore filled the R-20, rocking its steel plated hull and shaking every rivet.... the large, dust covered, chipped, yellow bulk of the salvager was clamped onto the large grey mass of the asteroid, like a fruit fly on a cellestial apple... dust and debris flying off into space from the large robotic limbs, chewing and tearing away, scouring every usable mineral...

"status report"

Kitt strode through to the main bridge of the R-20, junior engineer in charge jumping from his chair, tail nervously swishing...

"main cargo bay is at 60% full cap'n..."

"good progress, i say another two hours out here Jake?"

"well we hit a good vein of rinotite sir... i'd put us at only being here another hour, if less.."

Kitt nodded, satisfied that the feline was awake now, before turning and walking back out of the bridge, paws clanking across the metal walkway out above the main cargo hold....

" 'nother hour? good, we aint got long b'fore they find us out here..."

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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 04:14:51 AM »
Razac walks down the long bare corridor to his captain’s office. The last mission he and his team had been on had been a success, but his overly violent method had been called into question. It was to have been a simple in-out operation, but he had lost his temper and gotten one of his team members hurt. He reached the captain’s room and knocked.
*"Enter" Called a voice from within.
Razac opened the door and sat down in the chair, glaring at his captain. "You wanted to see me sir?" he said that last word with a sneer. He never had liked superiors of any kind, and it had cost him many times in the past.
*"You mind telling me what it is you were thinking out there? Because of you, Davidson will be restricted to desk work for a month!" His captain, Aldler, shouts.
Razac just sneers, "Well if he had been quicker to get out of my way, then maybe he wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Listen, we got the job done, that’s all that matters. So what if there was an injury? He'll live and that should be good enough."
*Aldler glares at him with contempt, a vein sticking out in his forehead. "I swear, one more screw up like this, and I'll see that you are not only barred from the service, but locked up as well! Now get out of here, before I wipe that look off your face." He turns around in his chair and stares out the window behind him.
Razac resists the urge to lay Aldler out, and storms from the room. He makes his way to his cabin to await further orders
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 04:24:39 AM by Bahumut »
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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2009, 06:04:03 PM »
Chrono could have been in better situations, he could have been the leader of his entire race, or maybe a high-ranking general leading the battle to protect his home planet. No, he had to be in the top five of the worst situations of his possibly short-lived career.

"You want me to hunt down an Assassin, keep her alive, and bring her back to this location undetected?"

He was sitting in his 'comandeered' ride from his previous job while speaking with the client, who suprisingly decided to not show his face and disguise his voice.

"Yes, and I trust that this evidence of you destroying a human battleship will be good enough incentive to ensure you will accomplish this?"

Chrono sighed before nodding, and then requested for the information on the target. The monitor pulled up a rather messy picture of a female in a cloak in a crowded market.

"What kind of joke is this, a messy picture that doesn't even show her race, height, age or even skin color!"

"You have a picture of her, now go find her and bring her to the Solaris 5 sector by next universal month or your bounty-hunting days are through!"

The screen cut off and Chrono slumped back in his seat. I have the means to bring her back, but not to find her with this horrible image it sent, I guess its my job to also make sense of it
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2009, 06:41:10 PM »
"Hey Annie! Annie!?!"

The loud sparking and fizzing sound from the welders torch stopped with a splutter, the feline wielding it standing up from the steel plate he or she had been welding... pushing back her face mask to reply the sex became descernible as definately female and feline...
"we got 60% full cargo bay... thats means around one hour left out here.."
Annie nodded, motioning to the welding work on the hull of the R-20
"just patchin' her up sir... she took quite a scraping the last time they caught up with us..."

Kitt nodded, turning from her as she continued the welding work, plasma torch buzzing, bright blue plasma flame sealing up a gap in the joint.... Striding back towards the main cockpit across the steel walkway a claxon blared, red light flashing through the ship... as Kitt ran the last part to the bridge... getting through the doorway at a run to find Jake wide awake shouting into the coms..

"we got pinged! hostiles approaching, we got five minutes max to get the hell outa here!"

Running over to the scanner's screen Kitt watched as several objects flashed, nearing at alarming speed... checking the data outlay on the cargo bay it showed 72% full..

"thats enough... GET US OUTA HERE!"

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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2009, 07:03:50 PM »
At the table of the mess hall aboard the NTC Treykha, Reyana, aka Shock, shook her leg incessantly, while taking bites out of her sandwich.
"I can't keep all trapped like this, Tak," she said to Asia, the rabbit on the opposite side of the table. He lounged on one chair, with his feet on the other, his head tilted back, staring at the ceiling. "I joined this force to fly around and shoot down humans. It ain't natural for me to sit here doing nothing."
"Well you shoulda joined earlier, maybe you coulda caught the end when we were getting whipped," Asia replied.
"We woulda won if I was there," she said, forcing Asia to let out a laugh. "I'd a' killed all them baldie freaks, like pa-pa-pa-pow!" She mimed controlling her fighter, giving an extra jolt at the last shot, causing her imaginary opponent to burst into flames.

Beon walked over carrying a plate covered in carrot chunks with ketchup on the side. "Budge up." He kicked Asia's feet, knocking them off the chair for him to sit. Reyana looked upon his plate with disgust. "Oh yeah, Shock?" Beon looked over to the rat, pausing to take in her repulsed expression before continuing. "Strike's got a new set-up for his fighter. He wants to test it in the simulator with you."
"What?" Reyana shook her head to regain concentration. "Ah right, i was just distracted by that nasty combination you got there." She gestured to the carrots. "Seriously, that just ain't right." Grabbing her sandwich, she stood up and turned to leave the mess hall. "If that's good food then I'm a dude," she said.

"Well by that logic, that's high society cuisine," Asia added under his breath. The rabbit pair laughed.
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2009, 10:43:43 PM »
Secotr N-50598
Aka the Neutral sector. A large sector leading to the only safe known passage the three interstellar empires, each side has agreed that this zone shall remain demilitarized, The five habitable planets have been colonized by all three of the races, each owning and sharing apart of the sector, helping to reinforce the belief that no war will happen here. Cantidus, the largest of the five planets, is the largest metropolis out of the five planets. The first to be colonized, it combines Eph'Tan technology with human ingenuity, created a sprawling city that covered the desert badlands, filled with dangerous wildlife, to an enormous city that covered the entire world. The other habitable planets however have sparsely been populated, with the jungle world, Dedrun, being a haven for research due to the diverse flora and fauna on the world.

In this sector a lone freighter with a Reaper's emblem on the side warps in from a neighboring sector. This ship is known as the Dawn's End. At first the freighter seems completely harmless, but little do the empires know the ship contains a secret that could very well change the diplomatic views of the empire.

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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2009, 03:31:20 AM »
Zeit has been sleeping for about half an hour before his alarm went off, sending him from his bed to the floor in a second. He got up and shut off the alarm. "Well, time to work on the new tech we retrieved..." Zeit went to his usual chest of 'confiscated' weapons and took out the newest addition: an experimental Eph'Tan plamsa cannon. He went to the shooting range and activated the usual testing program. "Set ordinance resistance to maximum..." a beep confirmed that it had reached the setting specified, and he took aim. A loud 'Whachoooom' resonated through the ship as Zeit fired the gun, and it barely hit the target, possibly saving the ship from a containment breach and also getting some solid data on the weapon.

Zeit looked at the amount of smoke, and the high energy burst the data showed. "Oh yea, this ones a keeper..." he said with a sinister grin that usually comes with such a high-grade weapon.
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2009, 04:31:58 AM »
Shiro sat on his bench on the salvage ship R-40, known as "home" to many Eph'tan, including himself. He tinkered with the power coupling in his hands while thinking about his new "home". He was lead engineer to the "Tango" R-20 salvage ship whenever it docked. That is if it docked, he was never certain. For all the time he had worked there, that ship had never docked without needing some sort of repair.
He sighed and chewed on his cheepo brand cigar.
I hope they get back in one piece.
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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2009, 04:53:17 AM »
Mark sat on his bed. He hadn't gotten sleep in 3 days as he spent his time writing in his journal filled with notes he'd been taking on everything he'd find useful for later use. He was currently writing his opinion on his research that had been conducted a day earlier on a plama grenade of Reaver technology. He found them much easier to use than the grenades he was issued as the Reaver grenades were able to be thrown further because of their design and had a larger kill radius. His alarm beeped and he slammed his hand down on it with such force, it was crushed. He groaned. "Second time this week." He said shaking his head. He tossed the book aside, stood up, and streched before he walked out of his quarters and into the hallway.
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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2009, 06:20:15 AM »
The "Cask of Amontillado" cruised smoothly along the Human and Eph'tan border.  The drab command deck was bristling with tension.  Its captain shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  Entaru hated this route, being so close to 'flea-bag central' made him antsy.  However, one of his best customers was a border post meant for keeping the Human sector free of the greedy mongrels.  The trip wouldn't be so bad if the station wasn't smack dab in the middle of an asteroid field.  Entaru walked across the room towards the pilot center, each step clanging against the metal grating of the floor.   

"How's she doing Mr. Wall?"  A loud wheeze followed by a small sigh from the oxygen tanks in the suit made the cold interior of the ship seem that much more foreboding.

"She's runnin' fine Cap'n.  We're gonna need to buff out a couple a' dings when we get to port, but otherwise a smooth ride."  The pilot was used to the Captain's constant wheezing.   After all, he had gotten a plasma bolt to the chest and lived to tell the tale.  To say Mr. Wall was impressed was an understatement.

"Good" Entaru layed his hand on the pilots shoulder with a thud "Let's keep her that way."

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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2009, 04:53:31 PM »
The R-20 "tango" shook to its very core, rivets screamed in protest as the pilot put the ship to its limits...

"pirates on our six!"

The salvager rolled, evading the incoming fire... five sleek fighter persude, bright bursts of rail-fire lighting them up in stark contrast, contrails of smoke following the bullets which either flew off into space or found their mark across the beaten in salvagers hull...

"hull intergrity at 76% shield at 20% sir!"

"Make the jump! NOW!"

A low bass humming started, which suddenly broke into a crescendo as "tango" and the four other salvagers disapeared in a blue flash, the pirates disengaged flying off in strict formation to look for new prey....


A loud claxon sounded harshly through the R-40 "home"... red lights flashing along the corridors..

"~chhxz~ Salvage teams have jumped in twenty clicks from out position, they seem to have taken quite a beating... repair teams to the dock! ~chhzx~"

Eph'tan jumped from their seats, nocking over drinks or games of cards, boots crashing down the corridors as they headed for the main dock, a huge area that occupied the centre of the underside of the "home"... cranes, welders and constant bustle filled the area... through the field generators five small yellow ships could be seen flying in delta formation for the dock, two streaming smoke behind them, "tango" up front, other behind....
« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 04:59:03 PM by Kitt »
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"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"

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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2009, 06:49:37 PM »
Razac is in his quarters, throwing some knives at a dart board, when the phone on his desk starts to ring. His eyes light up, and he walks over to the desk and answers the phone.
"What is it?" He says into the phone.
Aldlers voice sounds from over the phone, sounding cross. "I have a job for you. You'll be on your own this time around, cant have another screw up. There have been reports of a Eph'tan on a nearby planet. I want you to go take them out."
Razac grins to himself. "Affirmative." He then hangs up the phone and walks over to the wall where we kept his favorite weapons. He donned these tools of death and then heads toward the launch bay to acquire a ship, looking forward to the blood letting that was to follow.
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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2009, 07:17:27 PM »
Tango set down with a loud thump that shook the welding equipment nearby... grinding limbs retracting with a hiss of decompressed gas as it settled down... the main door opened with the screech of protesting metal as several rivets fell out of place from the hull.... stepping down the steps, Kitt jumped down beside an engineer who stood, cigarette end now on the floor as he stared up in amasement at the salvager....

"how?... how the hell didya fly this thing back?"

Kitt and his team stopped, looking back to the R-20, which was now smoking profusely from one of the engine vents.... a section of armour plating fell off with a loud ~karang~ bolts rolling across the dock flooring...

"with love, hope... and the god-dam best pilot we got here."
Kitt replied, laughing at the expression on the young engineer who had lit up another cigarette, giving an appreciative whistle...

The other four R-20's all set down in thier respective positions in the dock, all in a similar state of disrepair....

"right then... lets unload this ore, then you mechanics can get to tending our gal!"
Kitt and his team laughed, walking past the mechanic who shook his head...

"you R-20 crews are the crazziest hot heads we got...."
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Re: Galaxy in Flames
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2009, 08:44:11 PM »
Shiro Chan, seeing his beloved "Tango" in such disrepair he leaped up from his seat, smoke steaming out of his well chewed cigar.
"What... did... you... to... the... SHIP!!!!!!" Shiro flew into a rage waving his large wrench in the air menacingly.
"DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT IS GOING TO TAKE TO FIX THIS!?!?! Its going to take DAYS... no WEEKS! This time i am going to build a side container on that ship to protect my INVESTMENT!"
He didn't wait for a reply, he just called all of his engineers and started crawling on the outside and inside of the junked junker.
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