Madness... THIS IS ------- My RP!
Ok... The rules are very simple.
1. Anyone can join.
2. You can say anything as long as it holds true to the topic/theme.
3. At random times not only can I change the theme. ANYONE can change the theme. Be as unique, creative, silly, and random as you like. The object is to see how well you can transition between different RP's before total chaos breaks out (not a bad thing).
4. There is only one problem the participants will face: "When can I change the theme, or should I keep going in this RP before someone changes it?" There is only one way you can get it...
5. REMEMBER! Have fun!
Ok. I'll kick it off.
<remember!> Anyone can jump in! So... Have at it!
The scene is... The distant future. A time machine has been invented and you are all on the elite team that constructed it and now you all must decide where in time to go first...