It was a totally radical day as I was walking along the street and rocking my brand new high top sneakers. They practically shone as they slid across the hot pavement.
"Man I'm so bad," I thought to myself as I popped the collar on my plaid button up. No one could compete with my cool 'tude.
It was then that I noticed the pizza joint that just opened right down the street. The help wanted signs plastered on the glass and the totally sweet deals literally jumped out and said, "Hey you're a cool dude, come hang with us."
I knew then that this was the perfect joint to scope out some wicked hot babes.
"Babes can't resist a good pizza joint."
Shades keeping me cool and my hands in the pockets of my acid-washed jeans, I jammed on in through the door and brought everyone up to speed.
"Yo, dudes, Sig the sea otter's in the house!" I yelled as I whipped off my rad shades and walked towards the counter. I could feel everyone in the joint looking at my swag. I couldn't help, but crack a wicked grin as I felt the room wish they could be me.
"Hey pizza man," I shot as I cut through the line, "get me a large pepp' with the chovies and don't skip the sauce!"