Ok, I contacted some friends and they agreed for me to make this RP for AC. I don't have any time periods that I can put it in, besides Japan (you know what I mean if you're a fan) but let's give that to Ubisoft(wink). AC4: Black Flag the video game was based on the era of the Pirates of the Caribbean (and no, not the movie. Jack Sparrow has no role in this!
) and thatvis the time period I have chosen.
Here's a dumbdown of the game:
Edward Kenway, a fierce and handsome pirate is left by his wife Caroline Scott after deciding to become a privateer(like a pirate, I think but not doing illegal actions). On his journey he mets legendary pirates Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch, Charles Vane, James Kidd, Calico Rackham,etc. Impersonating an Assasin, he meets the Templars and gives them an artifact that helps the journey for "freeing the world." But will his thirst for money and plunder hurt the ones closest to him, and destroy everything the pirates and Assasins have built?
You, yes you, will make a character, that will explore the West-Indies Sea working with the Assasins (or Templars or pirates) and fufilling your goals. In the game, you could do assasin contracts(you have to kill the target given), explore shipwrecks and caves, or just be a full fledged pirate, sinking ships with Reales(the currency) or resorces.
Any questions? PM me, even if I'm not on.