Author Topic: A House Divided  (Read 17631 times)

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A House Divided
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:36:21 AM »
((Due to prolonged inactivity, and due to the fact I want to start some new RPs. I am leaving a house divided, and declaring my time running it is over. If anyone else wants to take over FEEL FREE TO PM ME. If I am not avalible within a few days, then go ahead and continue without me.))

((I no longer will be running the RP))

((I have no issue with people continuing to use the thread. if they wish))

My first RP!  :D

just like to thank Zarc and Crest for helping me with it.

This RP allows violence, for a peaceful house. visit the furhouse.

A house divided.

Far off from the town, the mansion sits ominously on a hilltop, looking out over the land, Within its basement, Duernab sits at a table, tapping his claws. You would think a vampire centuries old would have more to do with himself. but Duernab was trapped, caged in his own basement by a magical barrier. kept alive by a small trickle of blood that came out of one wall... he grabbed his glass of blood, and drank once again. something would happen eventually... but when?

Suddenly he heard a knocking at the door... with a thought, Duernab opened the front door from afar... letting his newest guest in...


This is not a PURE combat thread, there should be periods of peace as well as war. it is still primarily a house. the assumption is that most fights will be agreed upon IC ((AKA, a duel, or challenge, not just killing for the sake of it.))

This is a FUN RP, violence is likely, or even encouraged, but it should be fairly light hearted for the most part, death is a slap on the wrist.

No random violence. Targeted violence is fine.

No freeing the ultra-powerful vampire. (if that happened the RP would be over)

This is a thread for the house. stuff happening outside of the premises should be kept off screen. IF YOU MUST rp it, use PM's ((the gardens are fine))

No weapon capable of seriously damaging the house is allowed. (Bursting through a wall is fine, destroying an entire wing of the building is not.

Upon dying, you will instantly come back to life in one of the five coffins in the basement, you will effectively be fully healed, though at Duernabs mercy if he is irritated with you. (if more than five people die at once, then leaving the coffin will result in the next person re-spawning as soon as the lid is back on.)

DUERNAB IS MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU. His weakness is that he can't leave the basement, there is no "Killing" him. plotting against him is fine, but be aware that any kind of direct confrontation can only end one way.

Wings of the house:

west wing (

to the right of the entrance, wooden floors, creaky and unpleasant, but contains everything you need to live in the house
Spoiler for Hidden:
Ground floor: Kitchen, small dining room, barracks (lots of bunk beds), training room for the guards who used to work here (claimed by crest).

Upper floor: Bedrooms (inferior to the ones in the other wings), storage rooms, bathroom

Crest  (Crest)  -- Claimed the Training room.
Xander (Grovygrunge)
Enoji (ENOJI Kengura)

The east wing

to the left of the entrance, well made floor, carpets, generally a pleasant place, but clearly the business wing of the original house.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Ground floor: some kind of meeting room, chapel, a couple of offices? bathroom.

Upper floor: A couple of storage rooms converted into bedrooms, small room containing numerous items of value on display. a balcony looking out over the garden.

An old dusty library stretches across both floors.

Delathin (Kalan)
Vindictur (DeadlyRedWolf)
Jax Xa (Jax Xa)

The North wing

straight on from the entrance again, well made floor, carpets, a pleasant place, has a basic kitchen. bedrooms are large and expansive.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Ground floor: Living room, Dining room, small kitchen,

Upper floor: 4 bedrooms (all very large rooms), small room with books,  2 bathrooms

Rayleonarde (Rayleonarde)
Havok (Havok the hellhound)

Center section:

Where you first enter the house.

Spoiler for Hidden:
Ground floor: Generator room (infested/Locked), large open entry-hall with stairs heading up, living room.

Upperfloor: Nothing but doors to other wings

Basement: 5 free coffins, 1 wall that drips blood, 1 pissed off vampire, one coffin in use (By the vampire).

Duernab. (Angder)


Out the back of the house, the gardens are far bigger than they have any right to be, they also are far from safe...

Spoiler for Hidden:
Hunting lodge: 5 beds, enough hunting supplies to last a long time, and a fireplace that burns blue when you enter even without logs. It requires a map to go there and back reliably.

The rest of the garden is yet to be explored...

Xye(kro) -- hunting lodge

Every wing except the gardens, has stairs up to the upper floor.

((Basic summary of whats going on in the house))
...there is a slight rumbling from the entire house, like a beast beginning to stir... ~ Unknown observer
Spoiler for Hidden:
The house is now fairly livable, though some of its more distant corners are yet to be explored.

Ray found a strange egg, it is currently in the library.

Akumu is wearing a collar that nullifies his powers. (It was put on him by Xander)

The generator room is full of spiders D:

The generator is ON and also magic, it powers everything in the house even if its not plugged in. it also keeps things like batteries full while within the walls of the house.

There is a huge overgrown garden/forest out the back of the house, Xye has seen multiple wolf like monsters lurking in the trees, at least 2 of which attacked him, and also a catperson made of wood.

Duernab demands payment of 3 jars of blood each week
((last updated: Page 58, reply 860))

Character sheet...



Wing(where you are going to sleep.):


Extra info (optional):


My char:

Name: Duernab

Species: Tiger/Vampire

Wing: basement (he can't leave)

Personality: Asshole, easily annoyed, playful at times, bored.

Extra info (optional): Ultra-powerful, can influence the house (open and close doors, repair walls, even add new rooms.) though can not directly take hostile action against anyone through this method.

((In case there is any doubt, this is set in modern day, though the house is much older...))

((occupants last updated: 08/05/2015))
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 12:45:42 PM by Angder »
  • Avatar by: A friend of mine IRL.
Angders weapons: Blizz - Burning Frost
Retired weapons: Blizz Tempest

All weapons were drawn by Zarc.

Please note that I have very little free time on Fridays.

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2015, 11:41:35 AM »
I have two characters so without further ado.


Species: Dire Wolf

Wing(where you are going to sleep.): north wing

Personality: Sarcastic, arrogant but serious when any serious danger arises

Extra info (optional): Has twin pistols and uses earth !magic.

Name: Akamu

Species: Bull

Wing(where you are going to sleep.): North wing

Personality: simmalir to crest but more sadistic than arrogant.

Extra info (optional): Uses metal magic and is a demon so he has his outbursts

Crest *Crest and akamu walk to the house slowluu* Ahhhhhhhh this one better be open. *he says knocking on the door*
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Offline Angder

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2015, 11:45:56 AM »
*The door swings open, revealing a large entry room with 2 sets of stairs leading onto the upper floor against the walls to the right and left of you, under one of the stairs (the one on the right), a door seems to swing open revealing stairs going into the basement... all other doors appear to be shut, and the house is eerily quiet....*
  • Avatar by: A friend of mine IRL.
Angders weapons: Blizz - Burning Frost
Retired weapons: Blizz Tempest

All weapons were drawn by Zarc.

Please note that I have very little free time on Fridays.

Offline Crest Is Dead ((For Now))

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2015, 11:47:48 AM »
Crest- Wooo lets go *he smiles and walks inside and goes down to the basement*
Akamu- Your a idiot. *he says walking after crest but not really caring*
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Offline Angder

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2015, 11:51:17 AM »
*You walk down into a large, but surprisingly clean room, square, with a bookshelf along one wall, more alarming though, are the 5 coffins positioned against a wall...*

*Suddenly both doors you have walked through slam SHUT, Duernab seems to appear behind you*

Good evening... Care to explain what you are doing in my house?

*His red eyes glow, as he stares at both of you*
  • Avatar by: A friend of mine IRL.
Angders weapons: Blizz - Burning Frost
Retired weapons: Blizz Tempest

All weapons were drawn by Zarc.

Please note that I have very little free time on Fridays.

Offline Crest Is Dead ((For Now))

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2015, 11:52:36 AM »
Crest- *crest staggers back and puts his hands on his guns* we're looking for a place to stay.
Akamu- *akamu eyes glow red*
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Offline Angder

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2015, 11:56:40 AM »
*Durnab blinks, and grins. amused. he then shows his fangs*

A place to stay... traditionally I should drain you of blood and throw you- *Notices Akamu's eyes*

Oh... how interesting... your eyes... demon?

*Duernab shakes his head*

Still... I should be killing you right now... but you know what.

I am bored, so why don't we chat instead?

((Got to go for 20 mins... food -_-))
  • Avatar by: A friend of mine IRL.
Angders weapons: Blizz - Burning Frost
Retired weapons: Blizz Tempest

All weapons were drawn by Zarc.

Please note that I have very little free time on Fridays.

Offline Crest Is Dead ((For Now))

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2015, 12:00:36 PM »
((Ok hope you enjoy))
Crest- Hmmm so your a vampire? I know a nice fruit bat myself. *he says* so what do you want to talk about?
Akamu- *akamu smiles* yep fangs full and through.
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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2015, 12:15:48 PM »
Name: delathin

Species: komodo dragon, anthro

Wing: east wing

Personality: smart ass, closed off and quite, has little concern for anybody but himself

Extra info: on the run from the goverment, former super soldier. Inhuman strength and carries colt 45 and several knives

*delathin approaches the house and knocks on the door*

Hopefully I can find some damn refuge here
  • Avatar by: Thunder the potato
^Is my bust fren

Spoiler for Hidden:
That made me feel so good. Oh my gosh. Thank you man and same to you  [hugs tight]

I'm the same without Makias and Kalan!
both are loved and fun to be around

"Atleast your stomach will stop your tears from hitting the ground" ~Tim (138)

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2015, 12:22:12 PM »
Crest- *crest hears the door* Hmmm I would get that but I'm too lazy so vamp you wanna take care of that? *he looks durnab*
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Offline Angder

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2015, 12:23:44 PM »
*the front door creeks open for delathin*


Already got it...
*talking to crest/Akamu*
well then... You want somewhere to stay... where are you from?
  • Avatar by: A friend of mine IRL.
Angders weapons: Blizz - Burning Frost
Retired weapons: Blizz Tempest

All weapons were drawn by Zarc.

Please note that I have very little free time on Fridays.

Offline kalan

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2015, 12:26:30 PM »
*Delathin walks through the front door cautiously*


*he looks around at the old house expecting someone to be on the otherside of the door*

Well thats strange

*he thinks to himself*
  • Avatar by: Thunder the potato
^Is my bust fren

Spoiler for Hidden:
That made me feel so good. Oh my gosh. Thank you man and same to you  [hugs tight]

I'm the same without Makias and Kalan!
both are loved and fun to be around

"Atleast your stomach will stop your tears from hitting the ground" ~Tim (138)

Offline Crest Is Dead ((For Now))

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2015, 12:27:07 PM »
Crest- He is from hell and I'm from westros. *he says andoints to akamu*
Akamu- so where do you come from fangs?

Post Merge: April 26, 2015, 12:30:09 PM
((Got to eat I'll be gone for a while don't go to far without me))
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 12:30:09 PM by Crest, Reason: Merged DoublePost »
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Offline Angder

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2015, 12:30:58 PM »
*the basement door is ajar*


My name is Duernab, not fangs.

And yes I came from not far away as it turns out... I was born only 2 towns away. and got sired in this very house...

well not quite, it burnt down... twice, three times?

ah, its not important anymore.

still this is my house. and even though I have... difficulties right now...

*Duernab thinks for a second*

Actually hold that thought. I think someone else might join us...
  • Avatar by: A friend of mine IRL.
Angders weapons: Blizz - Burning Frost
Retired weapons: Blizz Tempest

All weapons were drawn by Zarc.

Please note that I have very little free time on Fridays.

Offline Crest Is Dead ((For Now))

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Re: A House Divided
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2015, 12:32:28 PM »
Akamu- *akamu shrugs* whatever you say fangs.
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