Author Topic: The Horn, The Horn  (Read 1168 times)

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Offline deadlybacon7

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The Horn, The Horn
« on: December 09, 2013, 10:41:34 PM »
Any other french horn players on this forum? I always like to talk about common horn things such as

-It's not a snail
-It's technically called the Horn in F
-It sounds lower than it is written, so be careful when writing for it (I'M LOOKING AT YOU HECTOR BERLIOZ)
-Mouthpiece Types (Cup Size? Diameter? I prefer a wider cup diameter and depth. I use a gold plated Holton Farkas DC for most of my playing.)
-Horn Types (What horn do you use? Double? Single? Triple? Is it compensating or non-compensating? Do you have DESCANT!!??)
-Who makes the best horn? Most will say Engelbert Schmid or someone to that effect, but I do in fact like the Medlin Horns.

Please please add more things to talk about, I love talking about the horn. You could call me a horn enthusiast but truly that's an understatement.

Spiral Out!

I'm going to use this avatar image reference until I can make a pretty good drawing. I'm not the best artist but maybe I'll strike a gem soon.


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