Welcome to...
This was a highly popular game on another forum I was on, so I've started to remake it here with some minor changes.
Each game starts at 50. Each poster can either increase, or decrease, it by one. Evil wins when the number reaches 0, Good wins when the number reaches 100. You can post either Good, Evil, or Neutral. Neutral posting keeps the number at whatever it was previously, and the next poster increases/decreases said number by the posting power of every user's number in a row after the first, plus the posting power of the neutral neutralizer (HAH) Here's an example:
Bear: 55
Tiger: 54
Deer: 54
Tiger: 52
Or, let's say there were many neutrals:
Bear 55
Tiger 54
Deer 54
Tiger 54
Deer 54
Bear 59
Originally, there was a Magic Word mechanic, but it was really stupid, so I replaced it with pure RNGeesus. Now, every 100 replies, a random number is chosen. For example, if I needed a number for 201-300, drawing "74" would mean the poster of reply 274 gets +1'd.
Score tally:
Good: 1
Evil: 0
Furs with increased posting power:
+1: Teanup
+2: Angder, sketchyVagrant, Zarconite
I will start at 50. Good luck!