Author Topic: Re-introducing myself.  (Read 1166 times)

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Re-introducing myself.
« on: November 27, 2008, 05:01:05 AM »
Well, I've been hanging around in IRC a bit, so I figured an introduction on the forums would keep the questions lower than normal.

First of all, I'd like to say Hi to everybody, and pre-thank anybody that welcomes me. (I don't check forums much :D)

Where do we start? Well, I guess we can tackle the first big question here, and that would be that well...

I'm not really a furry, In the aspect that most people are, I have a very strong appriciation for the art, and have quite a few friends, in real life and on the internet that are part of the fandom. That being said, try not to treat me any different. I won't treat you in an abstract form, because its the friends we make that makes this all worth while, not whether  Your an ahtro bunny, and im a feral wolf :P

My interests are pretty broad, However I like to spend most of my free time working on computers. I have currently 16 of them. Old or new they all get used; It's a terribly expensive habbit to pick up, I recommend you don't consider it. XD

A little about me:

Currently an Engineering student at purdue, I generally spend most of my time playing video games and neglecting life. I like World of Warcraft as my primary time killer and met a few that play it on IRC. Mostly Shamen >:P I'm 20 years old, though I'm told I don't act my age to both extremes, depending on where I am... I'll let you decide.
(Most likely you'll think I'm an old man)
Other interesting (Gross) Qaulities about me would be my hair, I have dreadlocks, which everybody hates. Oh well, I love 'em, and that's all that really matters. I also enjoy working out, wether it be anerobic or arobic exersie, I like to keep myself in at least some-what decent shape.

Anyways, I'm really bad at this and too formal, So I'll leave ya guys with a picture of my gross locks.

In the beginning there was nothing...
Then it exploded.

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Re: Re-introducing myself.
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2008, 06:09:53 AM »
Nice to see you around. ^^

Dreadlocks aren't so bad. They aren't for everyone, but I think you pull them off well enough.
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Re: Re-introducing myself.
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2008, 08:17:59 AM »
Let me first say welcome to the forums, glad you decided to introduce yourself here. Hope you find it as enjoyable an experiance as the IRC. (though for some it can be hard to beat live chat)

Secondly, we don't judge anybody on their affiliation as a furry, be it non, half or full or even obsessive. (Like me) We are all just here to enjoy ourselves and share our passions. And don't worry about the locks you sport them well. Besides more can be said good about one who can wear what they like then one who conforms.

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Re: Re-introducing myself.
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2008, 09:43:26 AM »
welcome to the FF, 'nother non-fur here.

those dreadlocks look cool on ya

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Re: Re-introducing myself.
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2008, 05:13:30 PM »
...(Gets up from all fours) Hi! I welcome you to the FF!

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Re: Re-introducing myself.
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2008, 05:21:17 PM »
welcome to the ff man don't worry ure not that old we have a lot of oldies here. dreds arn't that bad, they look ok and u pull them off nice, WoW is a lot of fun, my friends is a beast at it, he's got like level 70's on like 3 servers. anyway welcome to the ff. hope to see ya around :peace:

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Re: Re-introducing myself.
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2008, 11:06:12 AM »
Hello and welcome to FF
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