Hello, my name is Derrek and I play a stoat character who is exceptionally hyper, talks super fast and probably has a severe case of ADD (hence why I figured that it would be easiest to do this OOC).
Dyrik, the name of my character, looks exactly like a feral stoat except that he has opposable thumbs and can speak though he speaks pretty fast and his words tend to blur together. >.< He's gay and women's girlybits scare the crap out of him in an amusing sort of way but he doesn't yiff at all so that solves all those problems right there. The best thing you can keep in mind while conversing with Dyrik is to never take a single thing he says seriously. ^^
Anywho...I'm twenty-two, been part of the furry community since I was fourteen on various sites and with various characters but I've held onto this character the longest because he is so much like an exaggerated version of myself.
I travel around a bit, I live in Canada but I've moved to Thailand, other parts of Canada and I'm in the process of getting to New Zealand for the new year. I've been to nine highschools because my family loved to move when I lived with them and now I love to move.
I also tend to do things on a whim so sometimes I just kind of disappear for a few days to some random location.
Anyway, I'm tired and rambling so I hope I get to RP with a bunch of you soon.
Oh! The reason I started wandering around the internet is because I am looking for someone to get into a long term RP with (not necessarily with this character) in a fantasy-based spelling. All I ask is that you use proper spelled, punctuation and grammar. If you're interested in thinking out a storyline please send me a PM, you will make my day much happier.
Thanks for reading my rambles!