Hello, I'm Sne. I'm a 23 year old introvert furry. The nickname is pronounced [shneh] - no one ever knows
I've been that my whole life as far as I remember and I'm feeling pretty bad when I don't look furryish and I'm too shy to do so in public, too. That's why I usually cover myself under clothing, which made me very pale. When I discovered furries a few years ago my name, school nickname ("White"), complexion and... other personality traits affected the fursona I think is a clear representation of my mind and for now I guess it's a white tiger and not just a tiger
Still confused about it though and although I have generalized vision, I can't put my finger on it. Options include foxes (arctic fox most likely) cats (white tiger, mountain lion).
I was pretty numb most my life and I started
actually socializing (at least a bit) just a few months ago. I'm working to change myself and this forum is another step on that path. It's my first purely social forum.
I like reading and writing, designing new worlds; some time ago writing alone didn't give me real pleasure, but it changes. To be honest, I'm usually too shy to show what I write to anyone, but I hope to change that, too - with your help if possible.
So, hi everyone!